本帖最后由 ilmj1314 于 2009-8-26 00:10 编辑
In the affidavit given by Office E.G. Chance of the Houston Police Department, Michael Jackson is quoted as calling propofol, the dangerous drug that likely killed him, his “milk.” Apparently it has a milky appearance.
While propofol was being administered to Jackson at 10:40 a.m. on June 25, his doctor — Conrad Murray — left his side for 47 minutes to make phone calls. When Dr. Murray returned to Jackson’s bedside, the singer was not breathing.
Dr. Murray did not tell this to police when he was interviewed on June 27. But according to Officer Chance’s affidavit, discovered by the Los Angeles Times, Murray lied to police and said he was away from Jackson’s side for not more than two minutes. It was only by going through Murray’s phone records that the police discovered he was lying.
Murray, according to his cell records, was on the phone from 11:18 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. He told police later that he’d realized Michael had stopped breathing at 11 a.m. But the implication in the police report is that he didn’t notice for a full hour. By that time, it was probably too late. And even, according to the report, Los Angeles Fire Dept. Rescue responded to a call at 12:22 p.m., meaning Dr. Murray did not instantly call 911 when he realized what had happened while he was on the phone.
根据莫里的通话记录,他从上午11点18分到12点零5分在使用电话。后来他告诉警察他在上午11点发现MJ停止了呼吸。但是警察的一份报告中表明一个小时内莫里并没有对注射后的MJ进行观察。根据这份报告,洛杉矶急救中心在中午12点22才接到了急救电话,这表明当莫里意识到了发生了什么的时候他正在打电话,但他并没有立即拨打911。 |