发表于 2009-9-3 23:59:51
本帖最后由 coolhouse 于 2009-9-4 06:09 编辑
JMBella 发表于 2009-9-3 23:35
在书原文的 第三章
--------“Ten days later, Jackson gave an exclusive, live television interview to Oprah Winfrey at the Neverland Ranch, his first since 1979. As he did in Moonwalk, he opened up to Winfrey about his unusual childhood, and the loneliness he felt growing up in the public spotlight. Jackson also again refuted a number of the stories that had been written in the press. Perhaps the most revealing piece of information from the interview was that he finally explained the reason for the lightening of his skin. In the mid-1980s, he had been diagnosed with vitiligo, a dermatological condition that causes depigmentation.
-------10天后,杰克逊在梦幻岛庄园接受了名嘴奥朴拉( Oprah Winfrey )的个人专访,也是他自1979年来首次接受媒体访问。就象上一次 Moonwalk专访一样,他向奥朴拉倾诉了自己的不寻常童年和生活在聚光灯下内心的寂寞,并澄清了几个媒体的传闻。最为轰动的是他终于解释了自己皮肤颜色转淡的原因。原来从80年代中期起,他就被确诊为白癜风,导致身体皮肤脱色变白。 ”
书中 关于文字澄清部分的照片: