Congratulations on getting your dot in Michael’s Portrait and becoming part of the largest Michael Jackson Tribute in the world. The portrait of Michael can only be completed when fans participate, so your continuing involvement is very important.
Please go to http://www.michaeljacksontributeportrait.com/home.php to get your DOT NUMBER and fill in your profile.
Artist David Ilan will be placing your dot by hand on the canvas very soon. The "Artist's Log" on the Portrait Update page (http://www.michaeljacksontributeportrait.com/portraitupdate.php) will reveal which dots have been placed and their location. Check back often to discover what area of the portrait your dot is placed and to watch the portrait grow as more and more fans sign up for their dots. A dot in not placed on canvas until someone signs up for it.
You can now go to http://www.michaeljacksontributeportrait.com/user_blog_entry.php to write your message that will be connected to your dot. Your message can be any length. While most fans have expressed they want to write a message to Michael or his children, your message can be to anyone or about anything.
If you are interested in owning a copy of the Michael’s Portrait, with your dot in it, when it is completed, please consider pre-ordering it now. 1000f your purchase will be used to fund the Tribute. The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait is funded by the fans. This tribute is in contact with charities that were close to Michael's heart to arrange for donations to be made to them after the portrait is completed. Please go to http://www.michaeljacksontributeportrait.com/store.php to find out more. Tribute T-shirts are also available, as well as a donation button (those who make a donation will have their name acknowledged on the site as a “Fan Sponsor”).
The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait could not happen without the support of Michael Jackson fans around the world. Also, a special thank you goes to the Michael Jackson Fan Club, http://www.mjfanclub.net, for their partnership and amazing support.
As you know, Michael has been a huge influence on the world of dance. A special thank you to gendance for bringing the dance community to this Tribute. For the inside track on all things dance, please visit http://www.gendance.com, the first e-mail magazine for dance.
Also, our appreciation to EB & Associates, http://www.EBandAssociates.com, the premiere strategic marketing and PR firm for dance.
I hope to see you on the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait website,
Jerry Biederman
Organizer / Producer
The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait
这是我收到的信,麻烦高人翻译下,大家肯定很多人急着求翻译哈,多谢了 |