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向Debbie Rowe致意!!!

mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-4-29 12:16:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
向Debbie Rowe致意!!! 一些歌迷对她的成见,应该化解。无论她是不是长得如你想要的那般美丽,须知我们应该从来不要以貌取人。 而至于听到她被检方传召为证人就急着跳出来指责她的歌迷们,现在你们该明白媒体是多么的哗众取宠。判断一个人,要听她究竟说了什么。而不是猜测她会说什么。 其实,MICHAEL自己的遭遇也教会了我们这一点。 永远不要急着对他人下评判,除非你听到了所有的事实。 感谢Debbie。感谢你多年的忠诚。感谢你的爱。感谢你的支持。 WE LOVE U。 171132171132171132171132 :heart:heart:heart:heart:heart
眼含泪水,Michael Jackson的前妻Debbie Rowe在周三的法庭上把Jackson称作“我的朋友”,她告诉陪审团说,她从来没有为帮助Jackson拍摄反击片而进行排练。 “我不想任何人能回过头来说我的采访是经过排练的,”Rowe说道,“就如Jackson先生知道的那样,没有人可以告诉我该说什么。” Debbie Rowe,Michael Jackson的前妻也是他前两个孩子的母亲,周三下午作为检方证人出庭作证。 问及到她的名字,她把自己称作Deborah Rowe Jackson,虽然她说她更喜欢被称作Rowe女士。 检察官Ron Zonen问她是如何认识Jackson的,她有些紧张地说,“我们是朋友,我们就结婚了。” 她说他们结婚以前已经认识彼此20年了,但是当被问到是否曾经一起生活时,她回答说,“我们从来没有共同的家……也没有共同的房子。” Rowe作证的时候眼睛扫着Jackson。穿着栗色的外套的流行乐之王看起来对她的证词并没有明显的反应。 据传说,检察官试图让她作证说Jackson迫使她参与制作赞扬Jackson的录影带。 2003年2月,她在一个录像访问中说Prince,8岁,和Paris,7岁,属于他们的父亲。检方声称Rowe是在Jackson的胁迫下做这个访问的,据称Jackson答应说如果她参加录制就让她探望孩子们。 Rowe作证说2003年2月Jackson的一个前雇员(一个医生)给她打电话,这让她和Jackson再度重逢。她说他告诉她Jackson的一个助手想和她谈谈,并为她安排了和Marc Schaffel的电话会谈。后者是Jackson的前合作伙伴,也是未被正式起诉的同谋嫌疑犯。据Debbie说,Jackson当时也在电话上简短地参与了这次会谈,Jackson让她参与电视节目的制作,用来反击另一个电视纪录片。她说Jackson告诉她那个电视纪录片全是谎言。 “他告诉我有一部满是谎言的节目播出了,问我是否能帮忙。我说,像以前那样,当然可以。我问他是不是还好。我当时很不安。”她作证说。 Zonen问道:“他要求你做什么?” “他问我可不可以和Ronald和Dieter一起工作。我问他是不是感觉还好,孩子们是不是还好,如果一切稳定下来我可不可以见孩子,”她说。“他说可以。” Ronald Konitzer和Dieter Wiesner,Jackson的合伙人,被检方称作未被起诉的同谋嫌疑犯。 然后Zonen问道,“你想见孩子吗?” 眼泪从她的眼中涌出,她说,“是的,非常想。” Rowe说她和Jackson的谈话持续了大约2分半钟,他只是让她和他的合伙人工作并没有告诉她具体干什么。 她说她能记起得只有他说,“有一部不好的节目播出了。” “他告诉你让你要你具体干什么了吗?”Zonen问道。 “没有,”她说。 她的证词是第一次证明了Jackson是直接参与反击片计划的。但是她的证词所提供的证据并不像检察官期望的那样充足,并不足以把Jackson和阴谋罪联系到一起。她说没有人强迫她说什么,也没有“交换物”。 她说Jackson没有承诺因为拍摄而付给她金钱。 “我很兴奋,当这一切都结束后我就可以见到Michael和孩子们了。我保证我会永远支持他和我的孩子,”她说。 她没有给出任何关于她与Jackson私生活的细节,明确表明她不想谈论这个。 当检方问她录影带中她所说的是不是完全真实时,她说,“我的私生活就是我的私生活,和任何人无关。” 她说这次采访是在Jackson助手Marc Schaffel的家中进行的,其他在场的还有Jackson的摄像师Hamid Moslehi和Jackson的前发言人。 Rowe多次说到采访时她被给予了一张写着问题的列表,但是她说在她开口之前,她拒绝看那些问题。 “这是个冷静的访问,我想那样进行,”她说。 Rowe说在访问开始前,她和Schaffel简短的谈论了她的家人,他告诉她孩子们的情况。 她说Schaffel告诉她“他们很好,Michael也很好,还告诉我孩子们长多大了,有多漂亮,还说Paris的头很大,像我。” 她说拍摄访问持续了9个小时,她最近看了检方编辑过的2小时版的访问。 她说她发现访问“非常无聊”,她看的时候也心不在焉。 Rowe说她在录制访问之前没有看过《Michael Jackson大追踪》。 “我知道所有播出的关于Michael的节目都是伤害Michael和孩子的,”她说。 Rowe说她告诉Jackson的助手,在她参加录像以前她需要一张秘密协议的解除令。 “秘密协议说我不能对媒体、公众、任何人谈论Michael或者孩子们或者我们一起的生活,”她说。 副地方检察官Ron Zonen问她,在访问后她希望得到什么。 她哭泣的说道,“能和孩子团圆并和他们的父亲重归于好。” 当被问到为什么她还想见到Jackson时,她说,“他是我的朋友。” Rowe,一度放弃了对他们的儿子和女儿的监护权但于最近恢复,在一家洛杉矶家庭法院,卷入了与从Jackson那里争取探访权的斗争。 他们1996年11月结婚时,Dewe是Jackson的一个整形外科医生的护士。他们的儿子,Prince Michael,出生于1997年,随后又在1998年4月有了女儿,Paris。他们于1999年10月离婚。Jackson有了第三个孩子,Prince Michael二世,但是他的母亲一直是个谜。 作证时,Rowe说他们离婚时她放弃了孩子的监护权,但是每45天可以探望孩子们8个小时。但是她说这是一个很难遵照的时间表,她错过了很多见孩子的机会,因为他们经常随着Jackson旅行。最后她不得不放弃了所有的作为父母的权利。 “探望很不舒服,”她说,解释道他们可能会在旅馆里见面“环境很差。” 她说她已经有2年半到3年没有见孩子了。 当被问到她最后一次和她的前夫说话是什么时候时,她说,“我们离婚那天。” Rowe预计将于周四回到证人席接受辩方更多的盘问。尽管是为检方作证,但法庭观察家认为,Debbie Rowe却成为了辩方的证人。检察官这回依然什么都没得到,空手而归。
周四的法庭上,Michael Jackson的前妻Debbie Rowe结束了她第二天,也是最后一天的证词。她把流行音乐之王称作“一个伟大的人和伟大的父亲”,说这名歌手身边的一些助手是“贪婪的投机主义分子”。 Rowe作证的时候不时地哭泣,偶尔会辛辣地、讽刺地挖苦别人。有一次她很显然误解了一个问题,对检察官说道“去你的!”她还承认她以前说过她相信Jackson很容易被人操纵。 检察官Ron Zonen周四就Jackson的反击片中Rowe的陈述和Martin Bashir纪录片《Michael Jackson大追踪》来问了她一系列的问题。Rowe是被传来支持原告家庭的阴谋指控的,原告母亲已经作证说她在反击片的表演都是剧本操纵的。而检方则称Debbie Rowe在反击片中的说辞和原告家庭一样,都是Jackson阵营写好剧本逼他们背诵的。 检方甚至在开庭陈述时向陪审团夸下海口,说Debbie Rowe会出庭证明这点,而现在看来,他们的策略遭遇了重大挫折,他们没能兑现对陪审团的承诺,相反,为检方作证的证人Debbie Rowe在法庭上的证词却让她成为了辩方绝佳的品格证人,而且Rowe还把Jackson描述为一个遭到贪婪者榨取利益的受害人。 Rowe全然否认了检方称她的言辞是按剧本排演的说法,相反,Rowe还告诉陪审团说,是她指示摄影师怎样做采访的最终剪辑。 她承认她把自己描绘成了Jackson家庭中的一员,虽然在那时她已经不是了。但是她说她确实认为她自己属于那个家庭。 当被问到她为什么愿意帮助Jackson时,她说,“我渴望这样做,因为我可以见到我的孩子们,也许还能和Jackson先生重新开始我们的关系。” Zonen还设计好了一个问题,想要说明她在接受访问的时候并不知道Jackson是否是个合格的父亲。 “访问时你有多久没见到你的孩子了?”Zonen问道。 “大约两年半,”她说。 但她接受辩护律师Thomas Mesereau Jr.盘诘时表示,她不怪Michael,她也不相信Michael会不让她见孩子,她说她认为是Jackson身边的人搞的鬼,很多事情Michael都被手下的人蒙在鼓里。 Rowe在描述Jackson的合伙人Marc Schaffel时,也使用了咒骂的词语。Marc是这个案子中未被起诉的共谋犯。当被问到Schaffel和另外两个所谓的共谋犯和Jackson的关系时,她说,“我认为他们贪婪的投机主义分子。” Rowe说那些Jackson助手把她圈进来制作反击片称赞Jackson,却自己从中赚取了数百万美元。她说Marc Schaffel还向她吹嘘他从Jackson身上赚了多少钱。Rowe说她一直认为Schaffel和另外两个德国经纪人在对Jackson不利,从Jackson身上捞钱,甚至她的前老板,也是Jackson的私人医生Klein都曾经警告过她,“要小心Marc(Schaffel)。” Schaffel现在正在起诉Jackson没有付给他300万美金的欠款。一个圣莫尼卡法官本周四在民事法庭上驳回了Schaffel想要拿Neverland作抵押的申请。 “他想要伤害Michael,进而也伤害到了我的孩子。”Rowe说。 而当辩护律师Thomas Mesereau Jr.问她是否还把Jackson当作朋友时, Rowe,Jackson两个孩子的母亲,看起来对他们的关系很感到伤感。 “是的,”她说,补充道。“如果他还愿意和我说话。” 当她描述她对Jackson的感情时,她开始哭泣。 “有两个Michael。一个就像是我的Michael,另一个就是其他人所看到的,”她说。 当辩护律师要求她自己对Jackson作出描述时,她深深吸了口气,说道,“他慷慨到几乎成了一种错误。一个好父亲,对孩子很好。始终为别人着想。一个天才的商人。” 当她之后含泪叙述她对Jackson的感情时,坐在她对面的Jackson也在用纸巾轻擦滑落脸庞的泪水。 和Rowe一起到达法庭的还有她的律师,Iris Joan Finsilber,她说Rowe录制采访时她也在场,Jackson的合伙人不断地说着,例如,“噢,Michael对此一定会很高兴。”她还说别人告诉她们很快就能去他的Neverland农场了。 周四早些时候,Jackson性侵犯案的法官拒绝了辩方想要把Rowe的证词从法庭实录中删除的提议。当时还不清楚辩方为什么想要删除看上去对Jackson有利的证词。但是随着整个上午出现的更多的对Jackson有利的证词,Mesereau突然收回了请求。而检方向法庭宣布说,下周二他们将可能结束呈案程序。 据法律专家认为,检方传召Debbie Rowe来作证是失策。 “Debbie Rowe对检方来说是一个毁灭性证人。”旧金山前检察官Michael Cardoza说。他指出现在因为是检方即将结束呈递案情的关口,Debbie Rowe作出这样的证词,对他们的打击无疑更加严重。“就像你终于看到了长长隧道尽头的出口,一辆火车则迎面向你撞来。” “如果这是检方的爆炸性证人,那么她看来已经爆炸了。”另外一个著名律师Jim Moret说道。 Michael Cardoza称Rowe的证词再度减弱了对Jackson的阴谋指控,而且把Jackson和手下划清了界限。 “她对Jackson来说是一个完美的妻子,”Jackson家族律师Debra Opri告诉说,“Michael Jackson的世界里有很多人都为他着迷。她就是其中一个。她会为他做任何事情。” 当Jackson今天离开法庭时,被记者问到是不是很高兴再看到Rowe。 “是的。”他回答道。

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发表于 2005-4-29 12:25:44 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-29 12:30:26 | 显示全部楼层
关于DEBBIE为什么拍卖戒指 以及她在EBAY上和竞拍者的交谈: http://contact.ebay.com/ws/eBayI ... skSellerQuestion_VI http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI ... d=1&ssPageName=WDVW Here are Debbie's repliies to EBay members: Questions from other members : Michael Jackson's Diamond Wedding Ring to Debbie Rowe Most recent replies first: Q: Congratulations it took a very brave person to continue with all the nastiness you had to put up over the last 10 days. Unfortunately I didn't have the money to bid on your lovely ring, but wish you all the best with selling it. Take care and remember the idiots are a small number of ebayers, not the majority. Mar-08-05 A: I realized that and will continue to watch you all in the art of e-bay Q: Hi Deb, Sorry to see it didn't go out here. We were all watching it and I really thought someone would jump at the chance to have it. At least you posted it so it could be seen and appreciated by a such huge audience. Maybe you'll now get some SERIOUS interest, off the site. Sorry you had to 'shovel through the crap', but at the end of the day, stupidity makes for good humor!! Everyone sends their love, You know who Mar-08-05 A: there will hopefully be much joy and laughter for everyone, thanks Q: Hi Debbie! Sorry to see that you are closing the auction early....I just wanted to say that I think you are the luckyest person in the world because you knew Michael so personally. As a big fan I empathize with Michael alol. But I respect your privacy and I wish you the best of luck. Regards, Alexandra Mar-08-05 A: thanks you are a rare and treasured fan I'm sure Q: Cheers all around, well.... maybe not for you but I broke open some bubbly today. Anyway, since your having such a nice day and I'm still in a sharing mood, Michael gave me a VERY NICE ring when we got married. The Real Mrs. Michael J. Jackson, (SABAH) Mar-08-05 A: time to increase your lithium now---does Michael know that his wife is dating? He does now Q: Debbie, I just wanted to say that I am appalled at the actions of some of the people that have nothing better to do with their time than to send you those nasty comments, they really do lead a lonely life, Or should I say no life. Continue to stay strong and postive. I wished that I could have placed a bid on the ring, it looks very beautiful. If I read correctly, Congratulations are in order that someone did purchase the ring? That would be the cherry on top of all this, that they tried but failed in their quest to ruin it for you. If you plan to place anything else up for bid, let me know. T Mar-08-05 A: they tried, they failed I won............good for me Q: Dearest Debbie, I am stunned to see the ring is no longer listed. I am truly sorry for all these people who have the audacity to make this uneventful for you and shame on them! I think you have a beautiful heart and are a very kind unselfish lady to only want nothing but joy for someone else to wear it as you have. My prayers are with you, D. Mar-08-05 A: thank you, but judging by the bidders that appeared, I doubt that will happen. Q: Dear Debbie, Just want to say I have been watching and God Bless you and your Children! Take Care! Here's to happier times, Sharon Mar-08-05 A: thank you Q: oh my god i cant believe u have sod the ring and i didnt get a chance to bid!!!!!!!!!!! u said i could go on the list , and just because people dont spend great amounts on e bay it doesnt mean they have no money , distraught joanne jones nice buns big baps in bolton uk Mar-08-05 A: I'm sorry joanne, we had to shut the auction down, but if it is any consolation, your name was added to the preapproved list. I think there is a way to check, I don't know how, but there have been so many helpful members that can help. I think that the members are one of the largest assets that e-bay has and I know they are appreciated by e-bay, I have been told so. Q: Hi Debbie . I didn't have the money for the ring and if i had it i think i didn't buy it but i want to say you your a good personn. You have give to Michael the little personn who have give him the most important love on earth . Like My mother is gone too soon 4years ago i know what is it to need a mum and i hope for you ,Michael and your kids all the best . I hope Michael will learn his own lesson and make a family . Love is the most important thing in life . I wish you love,happyness,joy with your kids and friends . Don't forget Debbie you still on Michael's fans Heart too . Lot of good things . Teddy from France. Mar-08-05 A: Thank you Teddy, I'm sure this was hard to write and very personal. Thank you for sharing it with me. I thinik the fans are too quick in making their judgements. Everyone deserves their day in court when on trialin a courrt of law or not Q: hi debbie. beautiful ring, shame im unable to afford it! jus wanted to say i bet u've had a lot of personal attacks from michaels fans (yes i am one lol). people can be so stupid. jus ignore wat they think. good luck to u, and good luck sellin this amazing ring! **oh my god i cant believe am messagin mikes ex wife!** lol michelle, 18. beds, england. Mar-08-05 A: I hope you weren't one of the nasty ones, and if you are, can you cut me some slack until everything is over? THanks Q: Hey Debbie, This is Ali Dowran again. I don't know why you won't write to me. Maybe you are busy. But you answer everyone elses messages. Oh well, what can I do. I can only ask, Please write back to me at least telling me you got my message. I just wanted to talk to you. Im a highschool student in Canada for gods sake....I told my Mother that I had sent you a message and she told me "Debbie might think thatyour some nuts person stalking her" << Mar-08-05 A: I didn't mean to ignore you, I was inundated with mail and missed quite a few. I am sorry. I have school and horses and dogs to care for and it makes a really full day. I can't wait for the time change so there is more daylight to get things done. I,m sorry I over looked you, it was not intentional. And I LOVE Canada Q: Sorry to see the action end. I my self did not have the money to bid, on this but was watching to see the outcome. Wish I did have the money! Its a shame it ended the way it did. Also sorry to see all the negative remarks on here. Until someone has walked in someone elses shoes they need to keep the negative remarks to themselves. Best of luch to you! Angel Mar-08-05 A: thanks Angel Q: Ms Rowe, Im not sure if you will got this or not but, it is truly a sad day when you can't even sell something without being harassed, I have been watching your auction out of morbid curiosity. The ring is beautiful!!! I just wanted to let you know I am not a Jackson fan or foe, but I am a mother and I know it takes TWO parents to raise happy children! It seems as though some of the people responding to you auction are not parents. I say good luck to you getting you children! After all we as spectators can only go but the tabloids and gossip shows, you and Mr. Jackson are really the ones who know the true deal. Good Luck to you!!!! I am sorry to seel that you had to end the auction I enjoyed watching it, and reading the questions!!! You are an extremely strong woman to deal with all that you have! Again good luck and god bless. Mar-08-05 A: thank you for your thoughts Q: I just want to say all the best to you and your family Debbie. So sorry this did not work out. Best of luck in the future. Sincerely, Tracy Mar-08-05 A: thank you Tracy Q: Dear Debbie, Sorry to see that you've had to terminate your auction early. I hope this has been the result of a successful transaction, & not the result of your disgust with this venture. I myself have enjoyed many positive experiences with eBay. This enterprise was founded on good faith & relies on human decency to survive. It could not have succeeded unless the majority of its members shared this philosophy & played fair. It is unfortunate that the opportunists in our community have soured your experience, but most of us would never have considered behaving so shamefully. People really are good-for the most part. I hope you can still believe that & keep the faith. Good luck to you. Sincerely, Susan Todd Mar-08-05 A: Thanks for your message. E-bay is a class act and it is unfortunate for them that they hav also been exposed to what has happened. I have kept all the e-mails and have plans for them. Be well. Q: Wow Debbie! Sorry to see that the auction didn't go well for you. I feel bad that there is so much scum in the world, and no matter how much you scrape it off the top, it always comes back. Much luck to you in selling the ring. Mar-08-05 A: already did thanks Q: Debbie, just as an observation. In the Q&A that has been posted, you refer to the center diamond as being VS1, however your listing has the center listed as SI1. You may want to post a clarification in the actual auction text (as you did with the bidder change). I din't think the rated value of the stone will ultimately determine this auction - why short change yourself with an SI1 listing - Good Luck! Mar-08-05 A: you are talking about 2 different stones the center stone and the accent stones.... Q: E-bay needs to be stong on removing from E-bay those fake bidders. Mar-08-05 A: they have been Q: hey there just a quick note to all the losers who are trying there very best to disrupt debbies life, deal with it, get a life of your own good luck debbie all my best to michael backing you guys 100% Mar-08-05 A: loser is the operative word here Q: tell everyone they can go to bid history to see who the junk bidders are and good luck with your sale what is the size of the band Mar-08-05 A: Thanks for the info Q: Hi Debbie! I really feel bad for you having to go through all this and end up at 0 bids! I would love to know which ones harrased you so that I may block them from ever bidding on anything I have for sale and I will be blocking the idiots that bid for the fun of it. What is the matter with these kind of people that enjoy this kind of behaviour. Don't they know that it only shows how misserable, immature and insecure they really are. Duh!!! hello???? Wishing you nothing but the best! Mar-08-05 A: I will ask e-bay if I can post them on this is site....if not, I will post them on a webiste in the future Q: What is the reserve price? And do you have a list of all the previous bidders who obviously weren't serious? I just want to be sure and avoid them!!! Mar-08-05 A: you can ask e-bay Q: No question here, but I bet that ring is bigger than MJ's shlong. Mar-08-05 A: you might know given the name you've given yourself Q: Hi Debbie, Just to wish you good luck in selling the ring. I've always liked you and how you've shown support to Michael Jackson. I would have considered bidding if the proce was around £50k, but it seems to be going higher and higher. Is it true you are testifying AGAINST michael jackson in this case? I hope it isn't so, but good luck in selling your ring anyway. Pete Mar-07-05 A: glad someone remembers the past. The bids that have been placed have been fake, and therefore, things will be chaning. Should you wish to be on the list, please let me know and I will add you. Thanks Q: Anything to make a quick buck I guess huh?? First you are a surrogate womb who sold her children off, now when the money has stopped coming in (apparently), you are usashamedly pawning off something you claim has great 'sentimental' value... I've always thought Michael was nothing but a freak... I can see you are not much better. Good luck in your quest to sell this ring that symbolized nothing but a farce.... This is worse then a circus show!! Mar-07-05 A: yet you feel compelled to watch for the outcome....stay tuned Q: Hey Debbie, make sure to tell Sam he needs to get his own life. A phony bidder is a phony bidder. It dosn't matter Michael Jackson or John Doe. Mar-07-05 A: OK Sam phoney is phoney better you than me Q: Hi Debbie. My name iz Za Lupa. What real cost of this ring? I wish to buy this ring as soon as possible. What your "buy it now" price? Can you call me? This is my number 214-594-2200 Mar-07-05 A: there is no "buy now" price, the sale is an auction. I will be happy to add your name to the bidders list Q: Before I certify myself as a bidder, I am concerned about privacy after the sale, do you plan on being discret as I would like to stay out of the limelight. Also, I would like to say I am sad that you find yourself in a position of having to part with such a special item. I two would be very upset to me if I had to part with mine. Adding others to my inventory however, is fun...As silly as this sounds, I would like to say good luck to you and no one out in the world should judge your choices, as we are Americans and freedom of choice is what my husband, sons and friends have fought for. God gave us all free will. And you should be free to use yours as you see fit with no explanations to anyone. Could you just imagine how wonderful it would be if we all lived our lives without interference from judgemental know it alls? Again, good luck on this auction and I do hope it goes according to the rules and you have an outcome you can live with when it's done. debby Mar-07-05 A: privacy is up to you. If you want the publicity it will be available to you if not, then the utmost descretion will be provided Q: ALL YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO ARE FALSE BIDDERS SHOULD GET A LIFE YOU WOULD NOT DO THIS TO ANY OTHER E BAYER. IF YOUR NOT SERIOUS ( SIMPLE ) DONT BID IF YOU DO I THINK E BAY SHOULD STRIKE YOU ALL OFF. SORRY DEBBIE I KNOW THIS IS NOT A FORUM BUT ITS DISGUSTING WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING. BEST WISHES SAM Mar-07-05 A: thanks sam Q: hello Debbie ! Can you send your nice Ring in Russia ? Would you like some Russian have it? I can pay via paypal . thank you very much ! Vera Osokina , from Russia - with love! Mar-07-05 A: I can send to Russia, but I am not using paypal Q: Hello Debbie, I would like to be placed on the approved bidder list. I am seriously considering bidding on this item. Of course I do not know what the reserve price is, but hopefully it's not over what I am willing to spend. Please call 410-292-0226 if you have any questions. Mike Wireless Zone Mar-07-05 A: I need proof from the bank that you can pay what you are going to bid. Thanks Q: hello! Can you send this Ring to Germany? Or USA only? Thank´s! Bye Steffi Mar-07-05 A: I can ship it anywhere Q: Hi Debbie, I wish you luck on this sale..I hope you can get your kids back. If I were you, I'd tell my attorney, not to accept any escrow accts., the payment can be cancelled online, I would only accept cashier's check...just trying to help. Coastlady54 Mar-07-05 A: the account is through my attny. Cashier checks is all that is being accepted. Thanks Q: Hello. Thank you for your message asking me about my bid on this item. I thought that your message was a hoax at first, because I haven't entered a bid on this item. I don't know how this happened. I just returned fromm vacation, and found these messages. Please be assured that I did not bid on this item, and I am not interested in bidding on it, because I can't afford an item this expensive. I will report this to Ebay and ask them to attempt to determine how this happened. Again, thank you very much for bringing this to my attention. Mar-07-05 A: thank you Q: Hi Debbie, also please be careful about Escrow accounts. Make sure you do much research with escrow companies. Sometimes scammers set up fake escrow companies on the net and then they recommend to use their fake escrow company. Here is a link with some useful information: http://www.plasmatvbuyingguide.com/plasmat...ctionscams.html <http://www.plasmatvbuyingguide.c ... neauctionscams.html> Good luck!!! P.S. Please don't put this on your 'Ask Seller a Question' page. Thank you, J. Mar-06-05 A: This account is through my lawyer, but thank you for your warnings and advice Q: Just wanted to wish you luck and I have notice that the ring was up to 150.000.00 and now it's back to 103.000.00. What happen? Good luck in selling this beatiful ring. Have a great day,Cindy Mar-06-05 A: Thanks Cindy, give ya one guess. You got it. Those spoofers are out having a hay day and now I think that they have heard from E-bay that it isn't the way e-bay does business and I think a number of members are going to be suspended. Ebay is watchin this account and all the letters so they will have a record of all the spoofers. so time for them to beware...cuz I dont' care. Q: Hey just wondering how many hits (unique visitors) you are getting. It seems that the counter at the bottom is either turned off or only you can view it. Perhaps you would ask eBay to turn it on for you. I think you might could see a record number of hits before its over, not that it matters. Its just fun to know. Mar-06-05 A: too many are so insignificant Q: Why do you not have a picture of a gemological laboratory certificate posted for this ring? You are asking a lot of money for a "The center round brilliant cut diamond measures approx. 8.32-8.40x5.00mm, weight is 2.13 carats, clarity average is SI1, color is F" per your description. One of the large on line diamond suppliers offers a 2.15 ct (a tad bigger than your center stone) F color, SI1 clarity with very good cut, polish and symmetry for $21,797. The remainder of the ring still does not make it come close to your opening bid amount much less whatever your reserve is. Using Michael's name to gain a large profit is shameful! Guess you won't be adding this e-mail to your item descripton. jd Mar-06-05 A: you're just repeating it and since it is such a great stone......worth repeating Thanks Q: Hi Debbie.. I was wondering if NO ONE on Ebay meets your price will you put it back up for auction>> Or is this a one shot only thing?? Just curious.. By the way it IS a beautiful ring. Thanks for your time.. Mar-06-05 A: not sure yet, thanks Q: Indeed that is what I was asking Debbie, at what price would you be prepared to close this listing. I am happy to provide references and perhaps fly to the US and meet either you or your representative - happy to conclude at your bankers. regards Mar-06-05 A: meet the reserve Q: Dear Debbie, the one thing that is really annoying me about you is that you act like the victim. Saying you dont want to sell the ring because it has alot of 'sentimental value' to you. But you would not have to sell the ring if you did not try to get Michael Jacksons children off him which caused him to stop your money. Do all of us a favour and get a real job! Michael is a fantastic father and deserves his children unlike you who's willing to give them up for money! Michael Jackson is innocent and it will be proved! Mar-06-05 A: If you people would quit attacking me for NO reason and knowing absolutely NOTHING about any situation, I am a victim of your ignorance shame you choose to show it publically. Keep reading those academic papers that are refered to as tabloids. Q: Debbie, could I ask the question everyone wants to ask? Why sell on ebay and not christies or sotherbys or something? It's nice to see someone as well known as yourself being honest and using their own name etc but judging by the amount of nonsensical emails you are getting I can understand why so many celebrities who use ebay have pseudo names to protect their identity. I guess in your case, dealing with this personally as it seems you are, futher authenticates the ring in my opinion. All the best, I hope you reach your target. Mar-06-05 A: why have someone else do it? I thought about it, why hide the name? looks like I might be hiding something. But thanks for your advice. Q: tell michael i love him and he has my support 110% Mar-06-05 A: will do Q: hi debbie,ive never actually spoken to a *celeb* before, im just saying hi, to see if you reply. all the best in the future, vinny. Mar-06-05 A: Thanks Vinny, but I NOT the celeb........never have been never wanted to be. I've tried to reply to the normal e-mails. Q: Dear Debbie, It appears that the diamond has a slight pink color to it. Is that the true color or is it just my faulty eyes. It is a beautiful diamond, just curious about that Mar-06-05 A: No pink, the center stone is rated F in color Q: Debbie maybe you should ask ebay to put a notice on this ad for you reminding watchers this is not a forum and that only seriously interested parties should be contacting you. It might help ease the junk questions you are consistently getting. Good luck with the sale. Mar-06-05 A: you don't understand their mentality or lack there of. Reminders would be a waste of the systems time. Q: Anyone that has anything to say, except questions about the ring itself, should get off of eBay. Ms. Rowe's personal life is her business and nobody elses. Mar-06-05 A: thanks...i'LL put this up, but doubt it will be heeded. Q: Does this ring have any inscriptions on the inner band. Thankyou for your reply. Mar-06-05 A: no it does not, except for PT900 (platinum stamp) Q: Hi Debbie! People need to foward any email that they think is not legit from ebay or paypal to spoof@ebay.com or spoof@paypal.com. to investigate and not to click any links on the email and delete it. I get at least 2-4 spoof emails a day that I forward that claim to be from both ebay and paypal all from clicking one link 6 months ago thinking it was legit, luckily I did not give out any information because the font on the sign in was different than ebay's and got it was a spoof. You'd think by now they would get that I can't be fooled and give up already. Most of them gets delivered into my junk mail folder but I still forward it and delete it. Ebay and PayPal will reply to let you know if the email forwarded was a spoof or not, I've been right on every one of them so far. Some of them are pretty tricky and really look legit. Have a great day! Mar-06-05 A: I found out about this yesterday.........the spoofing started day one......thanks for your help Q: DEAR MS ROWE,I AM A TITANIUM LEVEL POWERSELLER ON EBAY AND I HAVE A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR YOU.I WAS WATCHING A SHOW THAT VALUED THE RING AT $30,000 AND NOTICED THE PRICE SO I THOUGHT I WOULD TAKE A LOOK. FIRST THING I NOTICED IS YOU ARE A NEW USER TO EBAY SO IT MAKES IT HARD FOR A BUYER TO JUST TRUST WHO IS ACTUALLY SELLING THE RING . SOLUTION GO ON TO EBAY CLICK ON HELP AND TYPE IN GET ID VERIFIED . THIS WILL PUT A LOGO NEXT TO YOUR USER NAME TELLING PEOPLE EBAY HAS VERIFIED YOU. SECOND I WANT TO WARN YOU ABOUT SCAM ARTIST THAT WILL TRY TO GET YOU TO SHIP TO AFRICA ; INDONESIA ; ETC. USUALLY THEY WILL SAY IT IS A GIFT AND NEED IT URGENTLY PLEASE DONT FALL FOR ANY SCAMS OR I WILL SEND YOU A CHECK FOR $250000 AND YOU SEND THE RING ALONG W/ THE REFUND BALANCE. I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THESE PEOPLE TRY TO DO THIS . I CAN BELEIVE ANYBIDY WOULD BE STUPID ENOUGH TO FALL FOR IT . BEST OF LUCK TO YOU ON THE AUCTION LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE GETTING SOME REALLY HIGH BIDS.THANKS ,ELECTRONICEXPERTS Mar-05-05 A: thank you.....I think at this point the world knows that I am new at this and many of you have been so generous in your advice. E-bay has also helped above and beyond. They verified my item, etc and are in the process of setting these things up. Most people are using this as a "forum" for opinions that I have no interest in.........do all of you go through that? My delete button is worn out. Thanks again Q: SHE CLAIMS TO HAVE THE REAL RING>>>>>>>>.....Hello Sir\Madam Sorry for contacting yuo in this way but i have something for sale and i think that you'll be intrested. I have a Michael Jackson's Diamond Wedding Ring to Debbie Rowe at only 90000$ and i think that nobody can compete with my price. Everything is ok with the product is in perfect condition and i have all the documents on it as a prove that is not stolen If you are interested about this and for more details,picures and about the way that we can close this deal please contact me at:monica_wilson20002003@yahoo.co.uk Thank you for your time Best Regards, Monica Wilson, Send instant messages to your online friends <http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com....>. I received this email and don't know how to forward it to ebay. BEWARE ALL. Mar-05-05 A: thank you, this will be forwarded to the police and interpol for investigation..........I have lawyers in the uk also--fraud is fraud Q: I also got an email from a private seller offering me the ring for $90k. Do you want a copy of it? Mar-05-05 A: please, thank you Q: I'm bidding from london and wondered how long it might take to arrive?? Also I understand what you must be going through right now as was in a similar situation several years ago. Hold your head up high through the storm. xxx Mar-05-05 A: a few days at most, thank you Q: I would just like to say that the people who send such nasty comments like the ones that are displayed here should really put more effort into their own lives and quit harassing you. What business is it of anyone's why you are auctioning off this ring? It is up to you what you do with your posessions! Good luck to you Ms.Rowe and please just delete anything negative! It is not worth your time, effort or energy dealing with these types of people! This is NOT a 'fan(atic)' web site, and therefore your auction is not an appropriate place for harrassing comments. I hope that you do well with your auction! Good wishes for you from Canada!! Mar-05-05 A: Thank you! Q: hi debbie, good luck from the uk. Mar-05-05 A: thank you Q: i hope you don't get custody of Michael's children. he raised them, and raised them right. it is your own fault for giving them away in the first place. go back to topless modelling in the dentist chair!!! glad i never met you... Mar-05-05 A: so you don't want the ring...........don't bid Q: michael jackson is innocent Mar-05-05 A: and this is regards to the ring how? Q: Am sorry you have to sell the ring it is a beautiful peace....it will bring happiness into someones life as it did to yours.... wishing you all the happiness for the future xxx Mar-05-05 A: That is what I am hoping also Q: What is the total weight of the center stone and the total carat weight of the ring? Mar-05-05 A: 2.13 carats is the center stone total weight is 2.66 Q: Hi Debbie, Have you thought about making this a private ID auction so that nobody else knows who the bidders are? That takes a lot of the people away who want to bid just to say, "hey look I bid on Michael Jacksons wedding ring to Debbie Rowe". It also prevents other people from knowing who is bidding, so there are no harrassing or phony emails. Plus someone might want to bid, but won't because they don't want the world to know that they did. Just a thought... Best of Luck and Happiness to you! Shelley Mar-05-05 A: Thanks Shelley, but the people that are bidding like that are also incuding interesting comments they think are witty or hurtful...yet I find entertaining...and e-bay is taking care of the situation. And there are so many extremly helpful e-bat members that are giving me a heads up on who most of the less than reliable bidders are. I appreciate your help and as things die down, I may be able to do that. Q: i would like to be put on the approved bidding list many thanks Mar-05-05 A: will need proof that you will qualify.....note from bank, etc Q: hi hope you get your money, lovely ring cannot believe you want to sell it. Where did you purchase the ring from and did they have any less expensive ones? Mar-05-05 A: Didn't say I wanted to sell it.......... Q: Are you arware your top bidder has 2 negs for non payment? They can't even pay $10 for a computer desk.... Mar-05-05 A: yeah, he's about to be booted off........along with others and possibly prosecuted Q: What I meant about pre qualified bidders was they have to give YOU their financial information upfront to get put on the list. If they are legitimate bidders with access to 200,000 they should be more then willing to give you their bank name etc. If you do that you will be surprised by how many bidders will fall by the wayside. I still do not think the people who have only spent $1.50 buying a rubber bracelet and $5 on a Teletubbie DVD are legitimate bidders for any item of this quality. I am a seller and you need to only accept bids from people with legitimate verifiable financial information for an item of this type. None of the bidders so far seem to be legitimate. On an item of this interest and this high a price you need to make sure they are pre QUALIFIFED not just pre approved. Ebay Live Help can explain this to you in more detail. Good Luck! Mar-05-05 A: excellent suggestion.........I will do this Q: I was one of your bidders for 103,500. I received an e-mail today for a 2nd chance offer stating if I wanted to buy it from you right away because you dont want to wait for the auction to close and you want the $ ASAP to buy another ring. I wanted to know if this e-mail was ligit. If not please make a note, so no one will get scammed and give their money away for nothing. thanks Mar-05-05 A: there are too many "Fans" (comes from the word fan-atic) I made a pre-approved list, do you want your name placed on it? Whoever sent you the e-mail should be reported or send it to me as E-bay is watching this account. Q: Your high bidder has never bought anything except $5 CD's and SpongeBob Suncathcers and has feedback as a non payer. Do you actually think that is a legitimate bid?!! You should have pre qualified your bidders on an auction like this! Mar-05-05 A: just did it, thank you.....love your note and opinion Q: Debbie, just a word of advice, make sure that the money order is valid before you ship. Looking at the feeback ratings of some of your bidders, make sure that the cash is in hand before you give up something that has as much monetary and sentimental value as this. You have been through enough and I don't want to see you get taken. There are some fake money orders floating around out there. Good luck. Mar-05-05 A: thanks, I think that there will be an escrow account. that protects everyone. Q: Good luck Debbie. I hope you get a million for it. Bren Mar-05-05 A: would not be enough for the sentimental value......but thanks Q: hi im chris im from England uk and i was just wondering wot size is the ring in english sizing uv put 7.5 but in england its in letters ie. n,m etc if u could get bak to me with the size i would be happy to bid if its the right size cos to be fare i wunt take this to get altered if u know wot i mean thanks u and a pleasure to speak to you best wishes chris Mar-05-05 A: I will have it altered for you if you win the auction Q: Hi Debbie. Please can you tell me what the approximate reserve price is please! And do you have any insurance certificate that shows the replacement value ? Look foward to your reply Kind Regards-Martin Cox-Bognor Regis England Mar-05-05 A: the ring will come with a replacement appraisal and I am trying to obtain a copy or letter from the original sale. Q: Debbie I just saw the news and thought I would take a look at the ring. It is beautiful. I can't believe that you are just selling a ring and people have the nerve to be so judgmental. They know what they hear & not the truth! Only those involved know the truth! I am behind you and hope your ring sells big!! I see it is already up there in price. Do you have plans to donate the money you make? Just wondering. GOOD LUCK & your in our thoughts! Mar-04-05 A: of course, and thank you Q: Yes I agree with that post! People do NOT even THINK to judge Ms Rowe. She is a human being just like you and I are. You are in no position to judge any one. None of us are! Please keep the tabloids out of this and in the bathroom where they belong~! She, just like the rest of us makes her own life and must answer to no one! She is here placing an honest auction and any questions directed to her should be in regards to the auction and the auction only! Debbie good luck with you and the children and God Bless! PS Best of luck with the auction ! ! ! ! Jackleena Mar-04-05 A: I'm gonna post this....thank you for your professionalism Q: Would you please place me on the pre-approved bidder/buyer list. I have 100% feedback. How will I know if I am approved by you or not? Thank you, phriss Mar-04-05 A: as soon as I can figure out what I am doing yes....do you pre-qualify? Q: If this is the real Debbie Rowe, can you please post a picture of you showing this weeks newspaper with the date please. As you can imagin there are quite a few scammers out there and considering you have a zero feedback. Mar-04-05 A: the account and item have been authenticated to e-bay. I have zero feedback as this is the first time that I have done this. Q: Was reading your description of the ring. Your saying in the listing that it is VS1 clarity and yet when you describe it below that you state a SI1 clarity. Was it VS1 when bought and now has changed to a lower clarity since worn? Not sure, what you are selling in the Diamonds.......... David Mar-04-05 A: the center diamond is VS1, the accent diamonds are SI2 Q: I'm sure that you are being inudated with questions but I just wanted to offer support. Please know that my thoughts & prayers are with you and your children. Mar-04-05 A: thank you Q: Debbie, is the ring too heavy that it makes it uncomfortable to wear, or does it feel normal? Thanks for your time, I know you are busy. Mar-04-05 A: very comfortable Q: Dear Debbie, is the ring made by a particular jewel designer? like Cartier, Tiffany or Harry Winston? and best of luck with the auction and with your life. Mar-04-05 A: the ring was purchased in Sydney from Ivan Vortuni at House of Giulians. I have tried to find him, but to no avail, if you find him, let me know!!!!!!!!!! Q: Debbie, anything inappropriate you can forward to Safe Harbor or customer service or spoof@ebaycom and it will be investigated. People can be morons and will take advantage of this. There is no excuse for disprespectful behavior on Ebay and abusers can be removed from buying and selling on Ebay. I am sure you are inundated with emails. Save the good ones for a book! Good luck and God bless. Katz Mar-04-05 A: you are a Godsend, thanks Q: Debbie, The public is toally behind you. We want the best for your and your children in this whole situation. I hope you get the most money possible for this ring! Mar-04-05 A: thaqnks for your support Q: How many diamonds are in the ring? Mar-04-05 A: yoiu would have to place the bid Q: Debbie, please don't hurt Michael, we are all begging you. I dont know if these stories are true in the papers but if they are I would have thought better of you. I thought you were kind hearted. Mar-04-05 A: what have I done? Please post your opinions on your fan sites...you have no idea what is going on. I wish him only the best Q: Would you be willing to end this auction early for me if I make you a reasonable offer? I would like to get it ASAP. Thank you Mar-03-05 A: E-bay has rules and I believe that once the auction has started, it cannot be taken off. Thenk you for asking, this will be sold to the highest bidder. Thank you for your offer Q: Very nice ring. Can you please tell me what is the final price you are willing to sell it for. Also please tell me if you can have it shipped to Europe, country Moldova via USPS Express Mail (EMS) and if you can give me an estimate on the shipping costs. I hope to hear from you soon and to be able to work out this deal. Mar-03-05 A: the final price is the highest bid the shipping costs will be determined at the end of the auction, depending on the location of the buyer Q: Dear Debbie: Actually, I have a few suggestions that, after eight years on eBay, I think might help someone just getting started with this big auction: First, you should list it for 10 days, not 7. Second, you should host more images of the ring. Third, you should pay the extra $99 to make it a Featured auction on eBay's home page. Since you already have a bid, you can add to the description with more images. I also suggest you offer the high bidder a certified Letter of Authenticity signed by yourself. Additionally, you can still add optional features to increase the ring's visibility. I wish you luck with this auction and with your life. You made some unusual choices but I hope that at the end of your life, you're good with what you did with it. Regards, Jay (rexport) P.S. You'll find eBay is a great place to buy great things cheaply with your new user ID. Mar-03-05 A: thank you for your suggestions, the letter of authenticity is signed by me and I hope that if the ring is sold locally, I will be able to deliver the ring myself and take a photo for future authenticity Q: What is the clarity of the large stone? VS1-VS2 or SI1-SI2? Thanks you. Mar-03-05 A: it is a VS 1 color F Q: ARE THERE ANY SCRATCHES ETC. IN THE PLATINUM? I WAS UNABLE TO TELL IN THE PICTURE. THANK YOU, JOHN Mar-03-05 A: no scratches, in excellent condition Q: Could you please send some color pictures with different views. Thank You, Ccskhill Mar-03-05 A: I will try to asap Q: What size is the ring? Mar-03-05 A: 7 1/2 Q: Dear Ms. Rowe, We're all behind you out here. You are in our thoughts and prayers, and we wish for you the very best!!! Mar-03-05 A: thank you
QQ520WEIWEI 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-4-29 12:31:03 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-4-29 12:33:42 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-29 12:33:52 | 显示全部楼层
Michael 和 Debbie (1997年6月- Champs De Bataille, Normandy) (点击小图看大图)
QQ520WEIWEI 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-4-29 12:41:21 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11



发表于 2005-4-29 13:15:49 | 显示全部楼层


杰克逊前妻:自己从未与杰克逊一起住过(图) YULE.SOHU.COM 2005-04-29 09:22  来源: 新华网   4月27日,迈克尔-杰克逊的前妻黛比-罗离开美国加利福尼亚州圣玛丽亚的法院。当天,黛比·罗作为杰克逊娈童案的控方证人出庭作证。罗告诉法庭,虽然她与杰克逊曾是夫妻,但从未和他一起住过。罗曾是杰克逊私人美容医生的护士,两人1996年结婚,3年后离婚,罗为杰克逊生下一子一女。但罗在作证时拒绝回答涉及杰克逊孩子出生之谜的问题。 新华社/法新









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2005-4-29 17:45:26 | 显示全部楼层
女性不被MICHAEL迷倒 才是怪事了呢 不过DEBBIE的勇敢和善良 我们还是应该致敬的:)









发表于 2005-4-29 18:09:42 | 显示全部楼层
真诚的心灵~! 我永远爱你debbie! 我永远支持你对孩子探望的请求!! 伟大的母亲----debbie
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-29 18:15:26 | 显示全部楼层
我不会因为她想念孩子就说她是伟大的母亲, 因为事实来说,她并没有真正当过母亲,没有照料过孩子 全是MJ自己和保姆在做。 但我认为DEBBIE无愧为一个有着美丽心灵的伟大女性








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2005-4-29 18:23:08 | 显示全部楼层








Майкл Джексон

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2005-4-29 18:35:40 | 显示全部楼层
看来我们对她的误解太多了,,悔过~ 看来真相已经逐渐浮出水面








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2005-4-29 18:55:08 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-4-29 21:04:57 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by MkGenie at 2005-4-29 06:15 PM: 我不会因为她想念孩子就说她是伟大的母亲, 因为事实来说,她并没有真正当过母亲,没有照料过孩子 全是MJ自己和保姆在做。 但我认为DEBBIE无愧为一个有着美丽心灵的伟大女性
那是因为她没有办法照料孩子 当初就是为了给迈迈生孩子,是因为迈迈喜欢嘛,谁知道生下来,孩子这么可爱 但又签了协议,没办法,离开是她唯一的选择
[b]一个人的成功并不是在于他拥有多少的财富 而是在于他拥有大量财富的同时 还保持着一颗纯真的童心…… 而 MJ 正是如此[/b]
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