以下是两个网友的对话, T来自Canada. 请看:
T says:
Yes obviously Sony is doing this for the money, that is any record company's main motivation but I agree that Sony should have more respect for MJ as an artist and treat his work with a higher respect
But regardless of Sony's flaws, I'm still kind of excited for this new song and album, just to see how good it does on the charts
I really want it to go #1 so MJ has number one songs in the US from the 70's, 80's, 90's and 00's tht would be 4 decades. Plus if that album goes #1 it will surge MJ's sales even more. I just love seeing him do well
是的。 很明显索尼是为了钱, 这是唱片公司的目的。 但是, 我同意索尼对于MJ作为一个艺术家应该给与更多的尊重,对于他的作品也应该同样于与更高的尊重。索尼虽有缺陷,对于新歌和新专辑,我还是会因为可以看到它在排行榜会有多好的表现而有些兴奋。我就是喜欢看他的好表现。
.......... says:
I understand your sentiment. I'm also one of those fans who love to see him doing well! I think all true fans want to see that. you know I just love to see MJ breaking records and dominate the pop scene =) 。。。I want him to be loved and missed for generations and generations. hehe...and I got so angry when the media didn't want to acknowledge the fact that he had surpassed elvis presley and the beatles by a million miles
MJ broke every records there is to break and he wrote and composed his own songs but the white american media just didn't want to acknowledge it. they are so reserved in reporting his accomplishments.
sorry.. pls dont be offended i know MJ has fans of all races and i'm referring to the white media not the ppl. ;p
我懂你的意思。 我也是喜欢看他表现得很好的歌迷。我想所有真正的歌迷都希望看到。 我就是喜欢看MJ破纪录和 ‘统治‘流行乐坛。 我要他被世世代代的人爱着被他们铭记于心 呵呵。。,对于媒体不愿承认他已远远的超越elvis presley和the beatles十万八千里的事实我感到很生气。MJ破了所有该破的纪录。 他为自己的歌作词作曲,可是白人媒体就是不愿承认它!他们一直很保守的报导他的成就。
对不起, 冒犯了。我知道MJ什么种族的歌迷都有, 我只是指白人媒体, 不是在说一般的白人。
T says:
I agree with you 100% on that issue. I am white, but im not blind to see that the majority of the media is owned by old white people who are very conservative and set in their ways. They hate recognizing MJ's success because of his race and controversy. It's sad
Michael deserves way more recognition then he gets. That's why I support any musical release that paints him in a positive light. This movie looks to do just that.
对于这个争议, 我100%同意。我是白人, 但我没有瞎到看不出一大半的媒体是老年白人所拥有的。他们保守,思想不开放。 他们因为MJ的种族和是是非非而憎恨承认他的成功。这很可悲!
迈克应该得到比现在所得的更多的认可/荣誉。这也就是为什么我支持任何对他起正面作用的音乐作品。 这个电影(This is it)就有这样的作用!
我想说滚石,reuters等这些白人媒体永远不会客观并诚实的报道MJ的新闻和彻底的承认他的成就!reuters的报导一向让我看了很刺眼恨愤怒很不平衡。在MJ去世后,就立刻出现一个paul mccartney将在几年后重获他歌曲版权的报导。MJ官方死因是异丙酚过量, 乃他杀。但reuters里的报导却故意说是处方药过量。 用意? 让大家将他的死全怪罪到他自己头上。我想说不管Mj用药不用药。 他的死乃他杀,药是医生注射的。 可现在很多歌迷又已经开始进入媒体设下的圈套了。 为什么还是看不清啊?
之前白人媒体又很积极的在为the beatles大肆宣传, 报导里面大吹大捧, 还说有人排队买他们的game了,制造假新闻为他们宣传的手法真高超!又拿MJ跟他们做比较。我想是利用MJ为他们宣传吧!还是高超!而亚洲媒体就爱跟西方媒体报道。这里抄那里抄。自己都不知道自己抄什么。白人媒体眼红MJ的超凡成就,恋童案时故意不做公平报道,落井下石。尽可能让大众误解MJ。也难怪MJ说了这么一句话: 自从我打破了xxx的纪录, 他们说我是xxxxxx..他们作一切来诬蔑我。。。
越深入了解, 更相信Mj。 可是有些迷还是。。 Keen写过的'世界上被误解最深的人' , 大家没看过的应该去看。事实正是他里面说的那样。还有Keen写过的关于黑人历史以及MJ的经历的那篇, 也请去看。另外,MJ去世后已经赚近了超过两亿美金, 卖了超过一千万张专辑, 又破了很多纪录了, 可是主流白人媒体是不会大肆报道的,大方的赞美一下也是奢望了。
要写出来, 不然憋在心里真不舒服。
就酱了。若有什么冒犯的地方或语法错误之类的问题, 请见谅! |