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楼主: mkgenie










Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-5-14 19:29:40 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by Supernannan at 2005-5-14 07:19 AM: 你是学刑法吗?~~ 可不可以问问你们的老师和同学现在对这个案件的结果是怎么看的? 在几个月以前对这个案件的结果又是如何看的呢? 我就是想知道比较专业的人的看法。
其实我们是中立的。我们在一年前就做研究。研究麦可的律师和这起案。但都用两个结果来推测。一是麦可是有罪的,但他律师却有返魂术将他反驳成无罪。第二是麦可根本无罪,律师只帮他辩护。 老实说,我们都期待第一个结果。因为要看律师如何显出乾坤大挪移来转案。这真是律师界的精彩。 但到了今天,我们的大讲师开出一赔一万的盘来和我们打赌认为麦可根本是被陷害的。说麦可有罪的,可买一块,赔一万。哈哈!白痴才和他玩! 我们的看法: 1) TOM SNEDDON更本是公报私仇。因他即将下台,本想搞一单风风光光的记录以在老年时可在榕树下细说当年。但太岁(麦可两大前后律师夹攻)头上动土的后果 。。。 2)SONY是个魔鬼公司。利益,权力,贪X 3)麦可的几个助手是鬼。麦可小时就辍学。当时有人劝告他要继续读书,不然长大不能做大事。但他回应,到时我会聘请多个管理专员和经理人来为我服务。麦可太信任人了。 4)那英国记者有问题。他是被某某指使。捉他来问就真相大白。 5)种族歧视比较少可能。 麦可迷,不用在担心吧。。。时间的问题 我们马来西亚大学律师系全体学生已做好结论。此案已了。如结果相反,除非法官和陪审团也被收买?啊。。。估计SNEDDON收买八十个检方证人时已山穷水尽。 麦可会破产。。。要是说麦可真的没钱,原告一家人才懒得来敲诈。








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-5-14 19:39:29 | 显示全部楼层
楼上的马来西亚哥们 说的太好了!
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-14 19:47:31 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by peacy at 2005-5-14 07:29 PM: 其实我们是中立的。我们在一年前就做研究。研究麦可的律师和这起案。但都用两个结果来推测。一是麦可是有罪的,但他律师切有返魂术将他反驳成无罪。第二是麦可更本无罪,律师只帮他辩护。 老实说,我们 ...
欢迎又一个马来西亚的朋友到这里。 和本站的预测差不多 peacy不如你给我们写一篇比较详细和正规的稿件 我们在站上给你发表 如果你有时间的话。 呵呵









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2005-5-14 19:49:59 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by peacy at 2005-5-14 07:29 PM: 其实我们是中立的。我们在一年前就做研究。研究麦可的律师和这起案。但都用两个结果来推测。一是麦可是有罪的,但他律师切有返魂术将他反驳成无罪。第二是麦可更本无罪,律师只帮他辩护。 老实说,我们 ...
:foru1:foru1:foru1 哇,哇,厉害!!!
My world is the better place because of you Michael

Never say goodbye, you always in our hearts, we love you forever!









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2005-5-14 19:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
:foru1:foru1:foru1 感谢报道!!!原告一家真是可耻。:mad::mad:
My world is the better place because of you Michael

Never say goodbye, you always in our hearts, we love you forever!









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2005-5-14 19:53:30 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 迈豆 at 2005-5-14 06:30 PM: 不过睡了一天好觉:)
:foru1:foru1:foru1 谁来解决迈豆姐每次都要登录好几遍论坛才能发帖的问题啊?? 太奇怪了,咋会这样啊。:o:o
My world is the better place because of you Michael

Never say goodbye, you always in our hearts, we love you forever!
2Shy 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-14 19:59:43 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-14 21:50:54 | 显示全部楼层
指控男童姐姐在Neverland的浪漫故事? 2005年5月14日星期六 作者: Roger Friedman 看来Jackson一案的进展对检方来说还不算太糟。 最近24小时内提出的动议中有一份竟是有关指控男童姐姐当年(当时16岁)与Neverland一位20岁工作人员之间的一段情。 更糟的是,这位名叫Angel Vivanco的工作人员将被传为辩方证人出庭作证。很明显,他将证实女孩曾告诉他,她的母亲和母亲当时的男友(现任丈夫),即Janet Arvizo和Jay Jackson,正在“计划做一件惊人的大事”。 该女孩还常把自己母亲称作“神经妈妈”。 这一点会让地区检察官处于极其不利的境地。当Janet Arvizo出庭作证时,她称自己并不认识Vivanco。然而,当10天前查看电话记录时却发现,这家人在“逃离”Neverland后仍有许多从他们家座机打给Vivanco的电话。 Arvizo说在离开之后她便没有跟Neverland相关人员有过任何联系。 更让人不解的是,男童姐姐作证时说的话――她说当他的弟弟们与Michael Jackson一起时,她便一直待在客房里,哪里都没去。Vivanco的证词如果属实的话,我们则会发现其实大多数时候她都是跟他在一起的。这可能也能解释为何Janet Arvizo感觉当他们在农场时她的“家人都不受控制了”。 但如果证明Vivanco与Arvizo的关系涉及到性的话,Jackson一方就麻烦了。因为当时这个女孩仍未成年但Vivanc却已成年,如果二人发生性关系Vivanco就会面临被判罪的危险。辩方可不愿让自己的证人惹上麻烦。 地方检察官Tom Sneddon目前正极力阻止Vivanco出庭。至于另一个辩方提议的证人Vincent Amen,Sneddon也得全力反对,因为前者会指出Arvizo一家对Michael Jackson提出的指控全属捏造,他们不过是想借此勒索Jackson。 周五,Jackson的前任辩护律师Mark Geragos作为辩方证人出庭作证。之前整个作证过程对辩方极为有利,不过后来证明Tom Mesereau让整个过程出了些岔子。 Mesereau对法官说自己得到了“完全放弃”律师-委托人特权的允许,这样便可以请Geragos出庭作证。这算是个很好的计划,而且也起了好一阵子的作用。 接受盘问时,虽然受到了副检察官Ron Zonen不停的反对与打断,Geragos坦白自己得对Jackson与Arvizo一家之间发生的许多事情负责。他承认是他安排私人侦探监视Brad Miller这家人,他把Jackson描述为一位富有同情心而且对孩子十分和蔼的人。 最重要的是,他是数周以来第一位对Zonen有关Jackson“同孩子一起睡觉”这一描述提出置疑的证人。“你让这听起来有‘性’的意味,”Geragos说道,“但事实上并没有。”听到此,陪审团显得很放心。 但问题随之便出现了:被问及Jackson投案后发生的一些事时,Geragos说他拒绝回答。Mesereau解释说自动弃权的范围在Jackson于2003年11月20日自首前发生的所有事件。由于Mesereau之前申请的是“完全弃权”而非限制性弃权,Melville当时便宣布休庭。他当下指责Mesereau“误传”,Mesereau也不得不就此向法官致歉。在此之前,Mesereau看起来对Geragos的提供的那些正面而可信的证词十分满意,但在那一刻他可不好过。 Geragos一事将于下周五(5月20日)再议,到时双方和Geragos得提出解决这个问题的看法。Melville说他之前还从未遇到过这种事情,并对Geragos说“想必你也从来没遇到过吧”。 到目前为止法官Melville仍然是媒体所喜爱的人,因为他正极力维护这本可能是极为混乱的法庭秩序。当检方由于头脑过度发热对Geragos的盘问失控之时,是Melville熟练地控制住了Zonen。“冷静些,”Melville说,“我也常骑马。知道如果它们太热了的话,我们就得让它们歇歇,放松一会儿。” Jackson调查过Mottola 从今天的辩方直接质询中显示,Jackson曾经调查过前索尼音乐公司总裁Tommy Mottola及自己的前任律师John Branca,因为他怀疑这两个人曾对自己有过诈骗行为。 拉斯维加斯一名律师,David LeGrand证实,当他为Jackson工作时曾雇一名私家侦探调查索尼音乐公司当时是否通过Tommy Mottola定期给Branca的国外户头存钱。接受盘问时,LeGrand承认当时的调查并没有找到任何二人违法的证据。(MY的翻译)
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-15 09:32:46 | 显示全部楼层
Friday, May 13, 2005 - Testimony from former Michael Jackson attorney David LeGrande continued Friday in the singer’s child molestation trial. LeGrande was questioned by assistant District Attorney Gordon Auchincloss about his investigations into certain members of Jackson’s “inner circle” at the time. These included Jackson’s former defense attorney Mark Geragos, his personal assistant and a number of the unindicted co-conspirators. LeGrande’s role in the singer’s “Take 2” rebuttal video also came under scrutiny. The payments for the video, which appeared on the Fox Network, were received into a limited liability corporation – LLC Fire Mountain. (Excerpt from Court Transcript) MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Was that corporation formed to conceal assets from Mr. Jackson's creditors? MR. LEGRANDE: There were multiple concerns with regard to the "Take 2" video at the inception of the process. There was a letter from Granada basically demanding that no footage of Martin Bashir be utilized without Granada's permission, so we had significant concerns about potential liabilities associated with Fire Mountain. There were also concerns, not so much about trade creditors in general, but, rather, that the mounting financial demands of the lawyers, the accountants, the production people be met, and we had not yet -- there was -- we had not yet accomplished a complete transition of money management affairs and open -- MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I'm going to object at this time as nonresponsive. MR. LEGRANDE: Okay. THE COURT: The objection is overruled. I'll allow him to complete his answer. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: All right. MR. LEGRANDE: I opened a dialogue with Bank of America and discussed with the bank representatives the relationship of Fire Mountain with Fox, and to my knowledge, there was never a demand of default made by Bank of America with respect to any of their credit protection provisions. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: My question was, was that Fire Mountain, Limited Liability Corporation, formed in any way to conceal assets from Mr. Jackson's creditors? And my question goes beyond the Bank of America. MR. LEGRANDE: Yeah. It was not my intent to conceal. It was my intent to protect the cash flows being received in order to address the financial needs of my client, Mr. Jackson. Auchincloss questioned LeGrande about lawsuits at the time pertaining to alleged outstanding bills owed to Jackson’s creditors. LeGrande said that as far as he was aware there had been two pending lawsuits – those of Marcel Avram and Myung Ho Lee. MR. LEGRANDE: I don't know that those gentlemen were creditors at that time, because I don't remember seeing them listed in the payables listings. There was a subsequent lawsuit -- I mean, there was a lawsuit filed somewhere, hmm, I'm not sure if it was late February or early March, filed by an auction house in New York with respect to a painting. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Would that be Sotheby's? MR. LEGRANDE: Yes. Yes, that was Sotheby's. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: And that dealt with a painting Mr. Jackson purchased but never paid for; is that correct? MR. LEGRANDE: Yes. MR. MESEREAU: Objection; relevance. THE COURT: Sustained. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: All right. But in effect, the Fire Mountain Corporation would prevent any of these creditors from getting their hands on the money, the proceedings from the FOX production, true? I'd like a "yes" or "no" question – answer to that question. MR. LEGRANDE: I don't know how it would prevent creditors from getting to it. I mean, if a creditor took a judgment debtor exam of someone and found that this subsidiary of MJJ had these funds, the question is creditor of whom, I guess? I mean, the goal of Fire Mountain was to serve as a subsidiary to MJJ Productions. When questioned about who he had spoken to the previous night, LeGrande said he spoke to his wife and to Al Malnik, whom he described as a friend of Michael Jackson. He said Malnik would review all documents that required the singer’s signature – this was at the request of Jackson himself. He said a similar instruction had been given to both Ronald Konitzer and Dieter Wiezner. He described a meeting between himself and Konitzer, possibly attended by Jackson. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: And the purpose of that meeting was what? MR. LEGRANDE: To discuss the overall positions, to discuss the -- to discuss how or whether we would continue the various relationships, because Ronald was upset with me for having pointed the finger at him with respect to the $965,000. We were attempting in that meeting to construct a framework under which we would – you know, Ronald and Dieter would remain involved in -- as, you know, consultants, advisors to Mr. Jackson. But Mr. Malnik essentially emerged, in my opinion, as the primary person with Michael Jackson's trust and confidence for business decisions. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Mr. Malnik was one of the people you had investigated? MR. LEGRANDE: Yes, he is. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: And you voiced those suspicions to Mr. Jackson, didn't you? MR. LEGRANDE: Yes. LeGrande testified that he also had suspicions regarding Konitzer, Weizner, Jackson’s personal assistant Evelyn Tavasci and former defense attorney Mark Geragos. He said he was also suspicious of attorney Zia Modabber, Edgar Gross, Dr. Armen Kazanchian and business manager Trudi Green. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: In effect, you had investigated everybody who was within Michael Jackson's inner circle; isn't that true? MR. LEGRANDE: I don't know, because I don't know your definition of "inner circle." I investigated people that I viewed as being close to Michael or having the potential to do harm to Michael as I saw it at the time. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: And you were suspicious of them all, correct? MR. LEGRANDE: Um, I was -- I was cautious. I was becoming more cautious as time went on. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Well, didn't you testify that you had everybody investigated that you found suspicious? MR. LEGRANDE: I'm not sure those were my exact words, sir. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Well, was that true or not? MR. LEGRANDE: No. I did not have everybody investigated whom I found suspicious. There were certainly people who I had concerns about, but who did not have a position such that I was overly -- sufficiently concerned to spend money. Auchincloss continued questioning about the alleged embezzlement of $900,000 by Konitzer and Weizner. LeGrande conceded that he had no hard evidence to prove there was an attempt to conceal the disbursements from Jackson’s accounts. However he testified that “Mr. Konitzer was unhappy that Mr. Finkelstein gave me that accounting.” Questions about Wiezner’s plans to revitalise Jackson’s career and finances followed. Auchincloss said “MJ Universe” was purportedly a plan put together to “remake [Jackson’s] image and career.” LeGrande said the plan involved using elements of Jackson’s trademarks, image and likeness to gain revenue. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Is it true that the plan was designed to make everyone, including Michael Jackson and yourself, a lot of money? MR. LEGRANDE: The intent of the plan was to make money, yes. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Everybody around Michael Jackson was interested in profiting; is that accurate? That was your opinion? MR. LEGRANDE: Many people, yes. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Did you see something wrong with that, with people profiting who worked for Michael Jackson? MR. LEGRANDE: I see nothing wrong with people earning appropriate income from providing services. I got concerned about where it appeared people wanted to have excessive amounts of money in relation to their contribution. LeGrande said that Konitzer knew he could make money from Jackson, but that he still appeared sincere. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: If this plan took off, Mr. Konitzer had a very legitimate hope of earning millions and millions of dollars, true? MR. LEGRANDE: Yes. But I'll also tell you that both Mr. Malnik and I were very sceptical about Mr. Konitzer's plan. Auchincloss questioned LeGrande about his own motives in conducting investigations into those around Jackson. He asked whether LeGrande was merely hoping to become one of Jackson’s most trusted advisors. “I don't believe that was my intent. It was my intent to gain knowledge about the people who were involved,” he testified. “I felt it appropriate, granted the history, to have greater knowledge about these people.” “I was consistently, daily communicating with a number of lawyers who, as a group, were providing services to Mr. Jackson. And the decision to have those investigations done was not my unilateral decision.” While discussing the production of Michael Jackson’s “Private Home Movies,” LeGrande said he had hoped to minimise the role of producer Marc Schaffel, partly because of his involvement in the pornography industry. He was again questioned about his motivations for working for the singer. He denied he was hoping to profit from Jackson but said the job was “exciting” and that he enjoyed working in a different environment. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: And as early as February 11th, you had expressed that concern to Mr. Konitzer that you wanted to be paid? MR. LEGRANDE: Yes. And when we say "I," my firm. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Your firm. MR. LEGRANDE: Yes. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: That's fair. And Mr. Konitzer asked you to calm down about that, didn't he? MR. LEGRANDE: Yes, he did. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: And he said, "Don't worry, you'll be first in line," true? 10 A. Yes, he did. Questioning turned to the employment of Jackson’s former defense attorney, Mark Geragos. LeGrande told jurors that “the press outcry was such that -- and the calls for investigation, calls for removal of his children were such that I and the other lawyers agreed it was appropriate to have a criminal attorney in California to address any possibilities of that kind.” MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Do you know what Mr. Geragos was tasked with at the time he was retained, what he was asked to do? MR. LEGRANDE: I know that we asked him to attempt to ascertain if any criminal investigation had been commenced, and if there was any child custody removal efforts being commenced. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: That would be a family law matter, wouldn't it? MR. LEGRANDE: I guess it's more family than criminal, yes. LeGrande was questioned about Bradley Miller, a private detective hired by Geragos. He said he may have previously met Miller in Geragos’ office. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Do you know what Brad Miller was retained by Mr. Geragos to do? MR. LEGRANDE: Not really. I know that it had to do with the Arvizos, but I really don't know in detail what Brad Miller was asked to do. Auchincloss returned to the matter of the “Take 2” rebuttal video and the preparation of “release” documents for the participants in the production. He said a release had initially been prepared for Jackson’s ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, and that they subsequently realised they should prepare releases for others appearing in the video. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: But you knew that the plan was to have the Arvizo family filmed for the "Take 2" video, correct? MR. LEGRANDE: I knew there was a desire to have some footage of the Arvizo family for possible inclusion in the "Take 2" video, yes. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: And that was the reason why these consent forms were prepared? MR. LEGRANDE: Yes. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: And you sent those consent forms to Ann Gabriel, true? MR. LEGRANDE: I don't know. I might have. A faxed document containing the releases for the family was introduced as evidence. LeGrande said the documents were prepared by an associate, Ann-Marie Levy, who was no longer employed by his firm. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Mr. LeGrande, at the top of those consent and release forms is the logo for MJJ Productions, correct? MR. LEGRANDE: On some of them, yes. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Did you place that logo there? Did you direct, I should say, the placement of that logo at the top of those appearance consent and release forms? MR. LEGRANDE: I don't believe I did. I have no recollection of so instructing. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: And then at the back, a couple of pages, that logo appears to have been removed. Did you direct that appearance consent and release forms for the Arvizos be provided without the MJJ Productions logo? MR. LEGRANDE: I don't recall instructing that they be presented in one form or the other. -------- MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Did you also send the same consent forms to Hamid Moslehi? MR. LEGRANDE: I don't know. I'm pretty sure that my firm sent appearance and consent forms to Hamid Moslehi, but I don't know exactly when or if they were absolutely identical. But -- because I'm not sure we knew where the Arvizos were in order to get the documents executed, and since Hamid was supposed to do the videography, it would not surprise me that we sent them to Hamid. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Well, that's a good point. They were different, weren't they? They weren't the same as the ones you sent to Neverland, correct? MR. LEGRANDE: I don't know. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: But you agree that your associate sent those to Hamid at your direction? MR. LEGRANDE: I don't recall making that instruction today. MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Would you agree that your associate would not send those to Hamid on her own without some direction from you? MR. LEGRANDE: I -- it's certainly possible that she would have. I mean, she can have been instructed by Mr. Konitzer directly to do so. It's possible she would have sent them or that she would have interpreted my instruction to prepare and get the consents out as, you know, a broad mandate.








Майкл Джексон

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2005-5-15 09:51:19 | 显示全部楼层
两个大牌律师!!!,强啊!~ MJ——信心十足!!~








Майкл Джексон

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2005-5-15 09:57:38 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by peacy at 2005-5-14 07:29 PM: 其实我们是中立的。我们在一年前就做研究。研究麦可的律师和这起案。但都用两个结果来推测。一是麦可是有罪的,但他律师却有返魂术将他反驳成无罪。第二是麦可根本无罪,律师只帮他辩护。 老实说,我们 ...
马来西亚的兄弟!!!!!!1,欢迎啊!,你有没有去过吉融坡现场啊!~,资本主义国家的迈迷就是方便!!~ 不过改革开放的中国也很不错哦171132!~
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