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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-23 14:05:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



这套双碟装的专辑被看作 Jackson的“过去,现在和将来”,其中一张收录了过去的经典之作,比如Billie Jean;而另一张则是10多首新歌,这些歌都跟他面对的种种麻烦有关。

“我一直认为,如果你想了解Michael Jackson,就得听听《历史》,”J.Randy Taraborrelli说,他是CBS电视新闻分析家也是《Michael Jackson:魔力与疯狂》这本传记的作者。


Jackson的发言人Raymone K. Bain说《历史》专辑中的许多歌曲也正好反映了这位歌星目前正遭遇的一切。




最明显提到Jackson官司的一首歌叫“D.S”,在这首歌中他骂了一个名叫“Dom Sheldon”的人――但他在发音时听上去却像在说Tom Sneddon,该案的主要检控官。

Sneddon早在1993年就企图把Michael Jackson定罪,但是最终由于控方男童家庭与Michael达成了庭外和解而作罢。

在名为“Tabloid Junkie”的歌曲中,该歌星对不公平媒体报道提出了抗议,在与胞妹Janet Jackson合唱的“Scream”中,他抱怨道自己已经“厌烦了不公,厌烦了阴谋。”

Taraborrelli认为“Stranger in Moscow”能最好体现Jackson的内心世界,这首歌轻柔却又激动人心地描述了一个“突然从优雅中坠落的男子走在克里姆林宫阴影中”的画面。




检察官Ron Zonen问了几位预选陪审员他们能否举出Jackson近五年来的歌曲,但没有一人能说出一首。

对于《历史》的评论有好有坏。《滚石》杂志觉得这些新歌是“让人振奋、却构思不当、经常让人心碎的合集”。但曾在70年代采访过Jackson几次的音乐专栏记者Steven Ivory却评论道,这张专辑自其发行十年来,成功一直在继续。



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2Shy 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-23 14:19:58 | 显示全部楼层
检察官Ron Zonen问了几位预选陪审员他们能否举出Jackson近五年来的歌曲,但没有一人能说出一首。








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2005-5-23 14:27:24 | 显示全部楼层
历史一直是我最喜欢的一张专辑!内心的表露 我不是很喜欢thriller,感觉就那三首歌撑着!
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-23 14:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 2shy at 2005-5-23 02:19 PM: 看来invincible在美国还是很失败
宣传不行呗 都市里可能好点,农村的消息就比较闭塞 那些陪审员都来自圣玛利亚小镇的农村里
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-23 14:50:27 | 显示全部楼层
外国网友因此文的一段不错的感言: wannabestartinsomthin21: "Little Susie" is an incredible song, just amazing. That was a wonderful view of the song victoria83. "Little Susie" isn't about anything physical, I don't think, although the imagery in the song is very strong; but rather, I think the song deals with, mainly, emotional abuse, or neglect if you will. This is something that Michael Jackson can empathize with wholly, as you said victoria83. Michael was neglected as a child, suffered emotional abuse, as well as physical, and I think, when Michael sings "A fall down the stairs, her dress torn, oh the blood in her hair", he is singing about how the neglect of this child, Little Susie, caused her to die. First emotionally, and then physically, no one was there to watch her, to take care of her, so she died. You could look at it as her dying inside first, from emotional grief and then physically, accidentally falling down the stairs. Michael can most definitely relate to the emotional grief, more than anyone I think, Michael has experienced an emotional agony and pain growing up that very few others, if any, have suffered. All of the songs that Michael wrote on the album just scream, absolutely scream, brilliance, genius. I don't particularly appreciate the world just now taking notice of this album. As one person said earlier, they are most likely just doing so to try and save face. But I say with all of Michael's albums, it is his songs, the songs he writes on his own, that always truly stand out and that, eventually, make the album. That's been true with all of Michael's albums. But HIStory, to me, outdoes any other album, by either Michael or any other artist. People always go on about how brilliant Off The Wall and Thriller were, and they were, they are amazing albums, but HIStory has a musical and emotional depth to it that those two albums never achieved. "They Don't Care About Us,” "Stranger In Moscow", "Earth Song", "Childhood" and "Little Susie" are the songs that really jump out at me. ALL of those songs are so amazing, and they each have their own life and they’re own, unique, sound. No two songs on HIStory sound alike, not the ones that Michael wrote. I mean, "They Don't Care About Us" captures Michael's anger I think better than any track on the album. It's real, it's raw; he is spitting his words, he sounds wounded but at the same time, sick and tired of the injustice being done against him. The song can also be applied to many people's situations, many people I think, who have been treated unjustly by "law enforcement" can identify with this song. But the song, while able to apply to many people, centers, in the end, on Michael. He creates real anger in his voice, that isn't fake, that's real, and you can literally feel his disgust and anger with the world and the way it is run. "Stranger In Moscow,” I mean, what can I say. The song simply is a lyrical and musical masterpiece. I think there are two real emotions that at times consume Michael, the first is the emotion of love. The second is the emotion of sadness. And this song so perfectly captures that emotion in him. This song IS him, all the way. His voice on it is strong, but at the same time, is laced with so much sadness and hurt that it can literally bring tears to the listener’s eyes. It shows that Michael understands perfectly the situation the world has placed him in, and that he understands perfectly the attitude the world has towards him. This song indeed shows that Michael is not out of touch. You get the sense when listening to this song, that Michael feels the world has pushed him up against a cold wall, trapped him. You understand through this song, I think, that Michael feels as though the world has denied him love, which it has. And how incredibly unjust that is. Because out of all people, Michael Jackson deserves more love than anyone. I think "Stranger In Moscow" captures, wholly, Michael's sadness better than any track on the album. "Childhood" is pure genius, musically and lyrically. And obviously, as Michael stated this himself, it is the song that is closest to Michael's heart, that best captures who he is and the situation the world has put him in. I think, while "Stranger In Moscow" captures perfectly, the adult Michael Jackson, I think "Childhood" captures perfectly the child Michael Jackson. Michael is a misunderstood person, completely, and this song captures the heartbreak of being misunderstood. There, in my opinion, is nothing worse. He says, "People say I'm strange that way, cause I love such elementary things.” People do not understand him, they cannot relate to him, and he is alone because of that. I've always felt that Michael is so lonely because he cannot find anyone to relate to really, no one to understand him, and so he's, in essence, alone in the world. That simply is compounded by the fact of his unparalleled fame. So Michael latches onto people and things he can relate to. He has the perception of a child, the heart and soul of a child, and so he latches onto children; they are some of the few people he can relate to on some level, the same reason for why he latches onto former child stars, he can relate to them on some level as well. "Childhood,” as with "Stranger In Moscow" captures Michael's sadness, it captures his hurt. His hurt at being different and not understood, his hurt at being an outcast from the rest of the world. Because that hurt's, more than anything. His voice sounds pleading on "Childhood,” as though he's begging for people to at least TRY to understand him, for people to just please accept him for who he is, instead of wrongly judging him and purposefully causing him pain. And I find it so sad, because people never really listened to this song, not like they should. If they had, they would perhaps realize that they've been so terribly cruel to Michael all these years and that they should stop. The song is simply beautiful. Where "Stranger In Moscow" captures Michael's adult side, and his view of how the world treats him, "Childhood" captures Michael's heart and his soul; it captures the essence of who he is. And another thing that makes HIStory such a brilliant album is Michael's vocal performance on all of the tracks. He poured his heart and soul into the music and sang with such utter conviction and passion; and I think he elicits every kind of emotion from the listener through his own emotion in singing the lyrics. He ranges from singing with greater anger and harshness than any singer I've ever heard before, to singing with greater sweetness and sadness than any singer I've ever heard before. HIStory really shows Michael's exceptional versatility as a singer; he can sing anything, in anyway, that's something I think no other singer can do. His emotion on HIStory is evident, it's so real, that you feel, you actually feel HIS emotion, his emotion becomes alive in you while listening to HIStory. Well, to wrap this up, HIStory is Michael's most true album to himself, HIStory IS Michael Jackson, it encompass who he is, all of his pain and happiness, his anguish and his joy, his ideals and his anger at the way the world is, how nature has been treated, how people hurt each other, how people hurt animals, how people hurt him. It spans his emotions, and it reveals his heart to us. It's just another instance of Michael Jackson allowing the world to hold his heart in their hands. He trusted us, again, to hold his heart with care and gratitude, to show him our love, after he has so selflessly given US, HIS unconditional love. And again, we broke his heart, making ourselves blind to his tears.








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-5-23 15:23:41 | 显示全部楼层
这美联社的文章是什么时候的?敢情他们也慢慢感出真相了? 开始为以后作铺垫了?
[b]一个人的成功并不是在于他拥有多少的财富 而是在于他拥有大量财富的同时 还保持着一颗纯真的童心…… 而 MJ 正是如此[/b]








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-5-23 15:55:15 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by mjjproductions at 2005-5-23 02:27 PM: 历史一直是我最喜欢的一张专辑!内心的表露 我不是很喜欢thriller,感觉就那三首歌撑着!
历史 我也非常喜欢(虽说我拿不准它是否是我最喜欢的) 不过同意你关于战栗的看法. :)









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2005-5-23 16:30:19 | 显示全部楼层
就歌曲意思來說,歷史是我的最愛 they don't care adout us和history棒極了!
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-23 17:05:43 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by barbie at 2005-5-23 03:23 PM: 这美联社的文章是什么时候的?敢情他们也慢慢感出真相了? 开始为以后作铺垫了?
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-23 19:24:16 | 显示全部楼层
媒体花了十年的时间去重新发现《历史》 歌迷在十年前就从《历史》中领悟了MJ
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