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楼主: viola_jean

[5月24日]MICHAEL JACKSON案即将结束!!让我们等待最后的判决!!

mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-25 11:21:31 | 显示全部楼层
投票,投票结果会在美国CNN台播出: http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/showbiz.tonight/ MJ会被定罪吗? 是 34% 1903 votes 不 66% 3756 votes Total: 5659 votes http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/showbiz.tonight/ Yes 34% 1903 votes No 66% 3756 votes Total: 5659 votes http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/showbiz.tonight/ 左边。









Rank: 8Rank: 8

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-25 11:38:31 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-5-25 11:45:27 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-25 12:16:52 | 显示全部楼层









发表于 2005-5-25 12:35:45 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by MkGenie at 2005-5-25 12:16 PM: MJ日本公司最新发布的时装系列: [IMG]http://img.hmv.co.jp/image/ ...









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2005-5-25 14:20:48 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-25 14:21:22 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.onsecondthought.tv/JacksonTrial.html Monday, 23th of May, 2005 Well, today was another great day for the Michael Jackson Defense. As we entered the Courthouse about 7:45 am, me and the few remaining Press folks, Michael Jackson fans were chanting loudly, "Steve Corbett Sucks". Steve Corbett is a local columnist for the local good "ol boys" newspaper, the Santa Maria Times, which I never read, but sometimes use for cat litter, because in my opinion they are just the local mouthpiece for the what I consider the corrupt local politicians, even more than a certain National TV channel network is obviously the Neo-conservative mouth piece for the current [in my opinion] fascist regime of Bush & Co. Anyway, once inside the courtroom I asked Mr. Corbett what he had written to earn the distain of the MJ fans. He advised me to read periodicals which I disagree with. I responded that I don't read the "Slanted Mary Tymes", because even the lies therein are wrapped in distortion to serve the city which spends thousands of dollars a month on "legal notices". Oh, did I forget to tell you there were no empty seats in the 43 seat "public" section, but about 8 empty Press section seats. By noon it had increased to 15 empty Press seats in the courtroom, and only about 14 in the Press Overflow room. If you haven't figured it out, my opinion is from talking to the departing international press, IS that most of the over 1000 Press folks that applied for and got Credentials to report as "eye" witnesses the Trial and Conviction of Michael Jackson, have reasonably already concluded there is NOT a snowballs chance in Hell that Michael J. Jackson will be convicted of molestation of G.A. in 2003, and no chance at all that he will be convicted of False Imprisonment,... unless the jury just renewed or joined the local branch of the Great Ayran Nation [%%%], ssssoooo the majority of PRESS has gone in search of other DARK stories. This one is going to end happily in Santa Maria with NOT GUILTY. So there is only about 2 dozen of us "reporters", still around. And no I shall not condescend to reading the Slanted Mary Tymes. Frankly, in my opinion, NBC and Court Tv and others have invested a lot of big $$ to be in position to be FIRST to report a conviction of Michael that is NEVER going to happen. Sharon Sidney, of www.theJusticeSystem.net, and I have been wondering for months why Jim Hammer, Susan Filan and others who signed on as "legal analyst" for NBC can not SEE the obvious. That a welfare cheat and her dysfunctional kids have made ugly and slanderous charges against a man who champions love and wants to see more "Healing of the world". But I repeat myself. Well, really it was, and Jim Hammer of NBC seemed almost depressed about it, but still he made small talk with Frank Delio, who has been sitting with Kathyrn Jackson and her son Randy in the 2nd row. Frank told me before court that he had been Michael's personal manager for 5 years, through the "Bad Tour" etc. I know, I was right behind them Friday and today Monday in the 3rd row, which is as close as the Press can sit. I was close enough to notice that in the afternoon, Persecutor, ahem, I mean to write, Prosecutor Tom Sneddon began to mumble and stutter as he questioned the last few Defense witnesses. Perhaps because he already realized what I said 2 months ago on my TV show, "On Second Thought"; that there has NOT been one credible witness against Michael Jackson. And I said back on OST, #2 episode on the Michael Jackson Inquisition, that Michael was obviously under attack by liars and "thieves". Also, that the city of Santa Maria, which is making money off the trial ought to join Michael in a suit against Dist. Atty. Sneddon, if the city loses money. Oh, if I am lying, I guess the mother of the accuser can sue me in court for slander, but today, Defense put on the stand a L.A. Social Welfare worker, who granted fast track welfare to dysfunctional Janet and her two disease ridden sons and daughter Da. .Av., who just turned 18. Yup, yes SireeeeE , there she was on the witness stand, saying in a hypothetical situation, "if" on "1-15-01" a certain Janet A. had signed under penalty of perjury, the welfare form, which she said she needed cash and medi-cal, cause the had none, and she had just days before got $32,000+ dollars from J.C. Penny in a settlement for injuries she claimed their security guards gave her, but now claimed her husband David gave her, that might disqualify her from collecting $679.oo in welfare. . "IF" she did not tell welfare that she got free clothes, a body wax job, dental treatment for her sons retainers, etc. THAT would be a violation of her signed-under-penalty-of-perjury welfare form. I lost count at about 5 potential felonies. And this is the Prosecutors best witness. A welfare cheat, Tom Sneddon looked absolutely despondent. Michaels mom, who I call the Queen Mother of the King of Rock seemed to smile just a little bit in court as the welfare felonies were carefully laid out by Atty. Robert Sanger. I whispered to Sharon Sidney, next to me, I believe it would be Just and Correct, if Tom Sneddon was charged with, tried for and convicted of "evidence manufacturing" , because of the 2004 Grand Jury snafu, that Thomas "Hurricane" Mesereau identified months ago. If you missed that below or in the Smoking Gun transcripts, it is this. The accusing boys G.A. and S.A. said, "Michael Jackson" gave them or allowed them to look at a Hustler publication, I never heard of, called "Barely Legal", before they last left Neverland in March of 2003. In November 2003, the magazine was stolen, ahem I mean "seized" by S.B. Sheriff deputies. Later in 2004, our experienced of 25 years District Attorney of Santa Barbara, handed the "Barely Legal" magazine to the boy to I.D., and he said THAT specific magazine was the one Michael made available to him at Neverland prior to March 2003. Then Defense team asked a detective to look at the date in the upper right corner and it was well AFTER March of 2003, but before November 2003. So, earlier when the Prosecutors made a big deal of finding Michael Jackson's right thumb print on the same magazine as the disease ridden boys' fingerprints [of Janet the welfare cheat,] Tom Sneddon had or HAS a problem. Since the DATE of the magazine proves it had NOT existed in March of 2003, ... the only place the boys could have got their grimy fingerprints on it was at the 2004 Grand Jury investigation, where SNEDDON or his co-horts in this modern day lynching of a Creative Musical dynamo GAVE the magazine without the precaution of putting on plastic gloves. WHAT is THAT? That is false evidence manufacturing by our Government District Attorney, Tom Sneddon & company, in MY OPINION. Now, if the Federal Townsend Grand Jury sees it that way and has the guts to push the Federal Prosecutor to call it felonious "Evidence tampering", then rightfully Tom Sneddon should find himself in a prison, next to some of the innocent and not so innocent citizens he convicted in trials where the defendant could not afford or find a Thomas "hurricane" Mesereau, to do an adequate defense. The thought of it, a District Attorney put in prison, for the same thing Atty. Gary Dunlap, was found innocent of, when maliciously prosecuted by that very Dist. Atty, makes my heart warm. I just want to say "THANK YOU JESUS". After Judge Melville admonished the last witness, the Editor of a 3 employee paper servicing El Monte and surrounding towns to just answer questions, the stuttering Tom Sneddon was able to get a little out of her for the Prosecution. Simply, that she did not check every statement that the assigned "intern" had written. 2:30Pm rolled around, and Tom Sneddon said, well "I know enough to quit when I'm ahead" and pranced away from the podium. Judge Rodney S. Melville, stated that was a wrap for the day, and off we all went. But myself, and Roger Friedman and two young writers seemed to think, Tom Sneddon is seriously delusional if he thought having his CHIEF witness and ring-leader of the accusing current alleged "victims". More fans are showing up. About 60 last Friday, and 90+ today. This trial I expect will be over by June 3rd or 6th. I expect Judge Melville will try to skewer "Jury Instructions" to allow the Jury to convict Michael Jackson of "conspiracy" to commit false imprisonment, even if the Jury finds there was NO CRIME, but speculates there might have been an attempt to commit a crime by Michaels inner circle for which M.J. is ultimately responsible. But this judge has so disgraced himself and the Judicial system in this trial, by the things us guys who went to Law school noticed, that the public does not, and so many errors on the record, that even if Michael were found guilty of misdemeanor "child neglect" of Janet's kids, which SHE, not HE had a duty to Shepard, I am convinced it will be over RULED on appeal. My real disgust is for some of the NBC hired "analysts" who kept and still preach the negative accusations when the evidence is so favorable to Michael. I have come to believe the big media is in on the lynching party. By design, or by happenstance. God have the same mercy on them as they have had on Michael. Because they and Mr. Sneddon, have spend 1.5 years smearing his reputation and humiliating him. Whatever his financial problems, within 10 days, Michael should have his $3 million cash back to repay whomever. Amen. Pssst. Michael spoke only to say his "back hurts" still, B U T, he seemed to have a gentle, reserved slight smile as he left the courthouse. If your a Jackson FAN, plan to be here June 1st - 6th, 2005. I smell a joyous celebration coming. Well, that is my unbiased report, as unbiased as all those NBC so called experts that will no doubt shake their head and say the Jury was confused. No they aren't. Now, it is up to us Santa Barbarians to see that Sneddon is indicted by his successor, and or a Federal Grand Jury for his [as I see it] crimes in office. And if we put Sneddon deep enough in prison, after a fair trial, who knows, maybe Mr. Jackson, being the King of Love will win a $200 million judgment against S.B. County and settle for a formal apology and $1.oo like he is reported to have done in that other lawsuit he won.
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-25 14:25:08 | 显示全部楼层
网络赌博公司开始下注 普遍认为MJ将获得无罪宣判。








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2005-5-25 14:38:20 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-25 15:44:12 | 显示全部楼层
MJ首先能拿回300万美圆的保释金了。 该还的一些帐可以了结了。
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-25 17:34:14 | 显示全部楼层
媒体今天爆炒JAY LENO是辩方的DEBBIE ROWE 说他只证明了辩方说的那孩子“好象在电话里是被教使的” 但否认了这家人找他要钱——而辩方在开庭陈述里的说的是JAY LENO会证明他也被原告索要过金钱, 但JAY LENO昨天说,没有,他们没找我要过钱。如果他们找我要钱我会给他们点。 这引起了庭内一些笑声。说这是对辩方的嘲笑。
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-25 18:04:13 | 显示全部楼层
Leno回到电视上继续恶搞MJ 他在节目上描述他周二上庭作证道,“好的,你知道作证最糟的是,我得跟着猩猩走。那个证人椅子上是一团糟。” “哦不,事实上,还有个丢脸的时刻。我作证的时候他们要我辨识出谁是被告,结果我指着了Latoya。”他说的是MJ的姐姐。 Leno还在节目里戏仿了他上庭一幕,包括一个小男孩证人在从一杯马提尼酒杯里吸吮的镜头。 还有个镜头是戏仿显示陪审团在他出现时候陷入疯狂,法官不得不尖叫“肃静!” 他还拿MJ被证无罪后想要搬家去非洲来开玩笑。 “他想消失在非洲。非洲耶。他在瑞士可能还消失得更快一点。”Leno说。 “哦,在12周审判后,Michael Jackson的律师们终于承认了MJ和孩子们睡觉,是关于爱,而不是关于性。他们要证明这种说法对所有人都有效。” Jay Leno在他的节目中早就把MJ定罪,以下是他的部分经典桥段: “这周有两个男人作证说当他们还是男童的时候,他们呆在Neverland却从来没有被Michael Jackson猥亵。今天Michael向他们道歉,说当时‘照顾不周’。” “根据新闻,Michael Jackson破产了,甚至不能给Neverland的员工发薪水。所以下次你看到Michael的手伸在一个12岁男童口袋里的时候,他也许正在搜午饭钱。” “昨天他自首后,Michael Jackson被铐上了手铐。我认为他当时问的话没多大帮助,‘手铐有点大,有小号的没?’” “你们知道什么最有意思吗?你们知道Martha Stewart出狱后第一个打电话给她的是谁吗?Michael Jackson。他说他想知道一个白种女人在监狱的生活如何。” A**HOLE`````````









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2005-5-25 18:11:35 | 显示全部楼层
可恨!那個可惡的Jay Leno,我最討厭就是那些用說話來傷害人的人了








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-5-25 18:26:47 | 显示全部楼层
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Supernannan 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-25 19:26:58 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by liuyang5785 at 2005-5-25 06:26 PM: #1 BT下载 迈克尔杰克逊歌本哈根演唱会 迈克尔杰克逊歌本哈根演唱会(上) http://bbs.btbbt.com/attachment.php?aid=219735 迈克尔杰克逊歌本哈根演唱会(下) [url]http://bbs.btbbt.com/at ...
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