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发表于 2009-10-26 04:04:17
本帖最后由 blackandy 于 2009-10-26 16:56 编辑
★【全球同颤栗】Thrill The World★美联社,法新社,路透社图片新闻
AP) - Chinese fans of Michael Jackson take part in a 'Thrill the world' event in Chengdu in southwest China's Sichuan province on Sunday, Oct. 25, 2009. The event attempts to set a world record for the numbers of people around the world dancing at the same time to Jackson's hit single 'Thriller.' (AP Photo)注:美联社就是之前独家取得MJ的验尸报告并公布出来的。
2009年十月二十五日在中国西南的四川省成都市,中国的MJ fans参与了全球同颤栗的活动。这个活动是为试图设立全球最多人同时跳MJ的Thiller的世界记录而举办的。
davina 发表于 2009-10-26 05:15 感谢davina的热心翻译
(AP) - A costumed ghoul is among several hundred dancers hoping to set a worldwide record for the most people dancing simultaneously to the Michael Jackson hit, 'Thriller,' at L.A. Live, across from Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009. Thousands of dancers in some 400 cities worldwide were attempting to break the existing record of 16,000, event sponsors said. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
(AP) - A costumed participant, among several hundred others, takes a photo while waiting to set a worldwide record for the most people dancing to the Michael Jackson hit, 'Thriller,' at L.A. Live, across from Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009. Thousands of dancers in some 400 cities worldwide were attempting to break the existing record of 16,000, event sponsors said. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
(AP) - Michael Jackson impersonator Michael Kiss, 22, of Northridge, Calif., strikes a Jacksonesque pose before leading several hundred costumed dancers hoping to set a worldwide record for the most people dancing simultanely to the Jackson hit, 'Thriller,' at L.A. Live, across from Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009. Thousands of dancers in some 400 cities worldwide were attempting to break the existing record of 16,000, event sponsors said. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
(Reuters) - Michael Jackson impersonator Michael Kiss poses for photographs as thousands turn out dressed as zombies to break a world record dancing to Michael Jackson's hit "Thriller" in Los Angeles October 24, 2009. REUTERS/Phil McCarten (UNITED STATES SOCIETY ENTERTAINMENT IMAGES OF THE DAY)
(Reuters) - Michael Jackson impersonator Michael Kiss cheers on the crowd as thousands of people turn out dressed as zombies to break a world record dancing to Michael Jackson's hit "Thriller" in Los Angeles October 24, 2009. REUTERS/Phil McCarten (UNITED STATES ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY)
(Reuters) - Michael Jackson impersonator Michael Kiss (C) joins thousands of people who turn out dressed as zombies to break a world record dancing to Michael Jackson's hit "Thriller" in Los Angeles October 24, 2009. REUTERS/Phil McCarten (UNITED STATES ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY)
(AP) - Michael Jackson impersonator Michael Kiss, 22, of Northridge, Calif., center, leads several hundred costumed dancers, hoping to set a worldwide record for the most people dancing to the Michael Jackson hit, 'Thriller,' at L.A. Live, across from Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009. Thousands of dancers in some 400 cities worldwide were attempting to break the existing record of 16,000, event sponsors said. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
(AP) - Nayla Wren, co-organizer of the 'Thrill the World' event, leads several hundred costumed dancers in rehearsal, all hoping to later set a worldwide record for the most people dancing simultaneously to the Michael Jackson hit, 'Thriller,' at L.A. Live, across from Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009. Thousands of dancers in some 400 cities worldwide were attempting to break the existing record of 16,000, event sponsors said. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
(AP) - Several hundred costumed dancers, hoping to set a worldwide record for the most people dancing simultaneously to the Michael Jackson hit, 'Thriller,' dance at L.A. Live, across from Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009. Thousands of dancers in some 400 cities worldwide were attempting to break the existing record of 16,000, event sponsors said. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
(路透社)2009年10月24日,MJ的模仿者Michael Kiss他摆出MJ的姿势供人拍照,他身后数千人都化上僵尸装,并将与全球齐跳MJ的Thriller.
(AP) - Hiundreds of costumed dancers, hoping to set a worldwide record for the most people dancing simultaneously to the Michael Jackson hit, 'Thriller,' at L.A. Live, across from Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009. Thousands of dancers in some 400 cities worldwide were attempting to break the existing record of 16,000, event sponsors said. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
(美联社)Nayla Wren, Thrill the World的组织者,带领数百名舞者彩排。他们将与全球其他歌迷齐跳Michael Jackson的Thriller,并以此创造全球共舞的人数之最。据相关活动者介绍,全世界400多个城市的数万名Fans将参加此活动,打破曾经最多16000人共舞的世界记录。
(AP) - Emeral Smith, 20, of Palmdale, Calif., turned out as a ghoulish Michael Jackson, strikes a pose in front of a poster advertising the opening of the Jackson documentary, 'This Is It,' after several hundred costumed dancers, hoping to set a worldwide record for the most people dancing simultaneously to the Jackson hit, 'Thriller,' performed at L.A. Live, across from Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009. Thousands of dancers in some 400 cities worldwide were attempting to break the existing record of 16,000, event sponsors said. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
(美联社) 图为10月24日Thrill the world 活动结束后,来自美国加州Palmdale 的20岁歌迷Emeral Smith 化妆成鬼怪模样的MJ,在MJ的纪录片This is it海报前留影。
(AFP) - A man dressed as a 'zombie' joins others as they dance to Michael Jackson's Thriller during "Thrill The World: A Global Tribute to Michael Jackson," in Astoria Park in the Queens section of New York. Dancers launched a worldwide attempt to be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the greatest number of people simultaneously dancing to the Jackson's hit song.(AFP/Stan Honda)
(法新社)图为美国纽约皇后区阿斯托尼亚公园一名男子化妆成僵尸参加Thrill The World 2009。此次活动是2009年全球范围内对MJ的一次致敬。歌迷们希望以此创造新的吉尼斯世界记录,即全球同时跳MJ的舞的人数能达到史上之最。
(AFP) - Youngsters dance to "Thriller" during "Thrill The World 2009," a global celebration of late singer Michael Jackson, in Buenos Aires. Dancers launched a worldwide attempt to be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the greatest number of people simultaneously dancing to the Jackson's hit song.(AFP/Daniel Garcia)
.(AFP/Daniel Garcia)
(法新社)图为阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的年轻人参加Thrill The World 2009,齐跳Thriller,这是全球范围内对MJ的一次庆典。歌迷们希望能创造新的吉尼斯世界记录,即全球同时跳MJ的舞的人数能达到史上之最。
(AFP) - Villagers dressed as zombies attend a practice session in the small village of Gourin, western France, on October 25, before the start of the "Thrill The World 2009" event. Zombies invaded Gourin in the rural heart of France's Brittany region early on Sunday as part of a global tribute to singer Michael Jackson.(AFP/Fred Tanneau)
(法新社)10月25日,法国西部的一个小村庄的村名化妆成僵尸,参加了Thrill The World 2009活动。周日早上法国布列塔尼地区的这场活动也是全球向MJ致敬的活动的一部分。
Thrill The World
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