This could have/should have been so much more. It is a good "hits" package, though as other reviews noted the songs were not all #1's. But all are well known. Then you get This Is It in 2 versions, and disc 2 a skimpy 3 demo set with one poem (all good).
I knew these were not actual recordings from the rehearsals for the show. As it says on the cover - music that inspired the show. But I did expect more on disc 2 and this is the disappointment. There must be troves of alternate versions and demo's that could have been included to fill out the second disc. Sure wish they gave us more, but this is made by Sony - aka "we are only in it for the $$$" - not Rhino or Shout Factory and other labels who do things like this right.
So if you want 14 truly great songs that you probably already have, plus This Is It (I read that Paul Anka is suing?) and the short second disc - well... this is it. Otherwise, this ain't it by a long shot. I give it three stars since the tracks on disc 1 are great, and the demo's are cool.
DISC 1集中了一些比较卖的好的单曲,碟2只有稀有的几首demo,还有一首诗。
DISC2 歌少的可怜,几乎就是1/4张碟。
个人建议:这碟的纪念意义有限,新歌就this is it。完全是sony的赚钱之作。 如果你之前有他的其他专辑,这张你可以考虑下是否收。 因为今后这样的CD还有很多。 |