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一个很好的Kenny Ortega的采访,提到Michael的新舞步,对 This Is Not It的看法。









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发表于 2009-11-2 09:50:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 alextoalex 于 2009-11-2 22:41 编辑

一个很好的对Kenny Ortega 的采访。我对他的印象不错,很诚恳地一个人。我知道因为Karen的关系,很多人不待见他。发上来只是想让大家看看不同的观点。原文:
原文很长,只是先翻他对This Is Not It的看法那一段。其他的我会陆续发上来。
刚发现关于有新舞步内容的是另一段对KO的采访,也非常好,中间谈到与MJ一起工作的经历,一些争执,很有意思,觉得他们俩是很好的工作伙伴。这两天太忙了,我尽量找时间翻。或有时间有兴趣的 TX,可以帮帮忙。
http://www.cinemablend.com/new/I ... -With-MJ-15418.html

Kenny Ortega Interview, Michael Jacksons This Is It

Posted by: Sheila Roberts

MoviesOnline sat down to talk to with producer/director Kenny Ortega about his new film, the highly anticipated Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT. The film offers Jackson fans and music lovers worldwide a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place beginning this past summer in London’s O2 Arena.

Audiences will be given a privileged and private look at Jackson as he has never been seen before. In raw and candid detail, Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT is the last documentation of Michael Jackson in action, capturing the singer, dancer, filmmaker, architect, creative genius, and great artist at work as he and his collaborators move toward their goals of London, the O2 and history.

Dubbed the Billion Dollar Maestro by Daily Variety, Kenny Ortega has conquered feature films, television, stage, concerts and massive live events such as the Olympics with equal excellent. As Michael Jackson’s director and creative partner on “This Is It” as well as the previous Jackson concert tours Dangerous and History, Ortega has been a friend, trusted colleague and collaborator of Michael Jackson’s for over 20 years.

The multiple Emmy Award winner famously directed and visualized Disney’s billion-dollar High School Musical franchise of films both for television and as a feature film. Ortega directed the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus “Best of Both Worlds Tour” featuring The Jonas Bros. He also directed to tremendous praise the Opening and Closing Ceremonies for the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Kenny Ortega is a fabulous person and we really appreciated his time. Here’s what he had to tell us about his new film and his historic collaboration with Michael Jackson:

Q: Have you had any sleep?
KO: You know, I haven’t had any sleep for the last few months. I haven’t. During the rehearsals, I worked pretty late hours and then we did the memorial and then we started up on the film and the film was 14 hours a day, seven days a week, every week since we started and then we handed the movie over and it was like mixing. We just came back from 10 days out on the road starting in Chicago with Oprah and back here for the premiere. It’s just been an absolute whirlwind. Like the wind last night, I was like ‘nothing new to me.’

Q: Was syncing in post a nightmare?
KO: Not a nightmare. Fortunately, we had everything being recorded. We had our monitor guys. You know when Michael’s talking, when he’s going, ‘I’m not trying to be difficult. I realize you guys are trying to do your job but I’m having a problem. It’s like somebody sticking their fist in my head.’ He’s talking to the monitor guys who are over there recording everything. Not everything was recorded where we had separate stems. Some things were just in two track so we didn’t have the ability to bring Michael’s voice out as much as we would have liked to. We did our best and other times we had it as good as in a recording studio where you could pull it out and mix it so we were able to get a greater sort of mix. But everything you heard was happening right there in the room. That’s Michael’s band playing all that music. Those aren’t records. He wanted it like the records as he made very clear, but those were his singers singing live. That was his band playing live. That was Michael up there obviously. If anybody needed to put that concept to rest, I mean you saw him. He would just start to improvise and start to sing out of nothingness and suddenly the band kicked in and we were into a rehearsal. That’s how organic that process was for us.

Q: Had he ever done Jackson 5 songs as an adult before?
KO: Oh yeah. Since I’d started working with him which was back during Dangerous and HIStory and many one offs that we did, in Korea and Germany, many places, JFK Stadium in D.C., Michael loved to pay tribute to those years, to the songs and to his brothers more importantly.

Q: The rawness accentuates the fact that it was never meant to be seen.
KO: It wasn’t, it wasn’t. But also, we had three big chunks of footage that we worked with. You saw the big films that we incorporated into the storytelling. Those were 10 short films that Michael and I developed and produced together that were incorporated into the concert. So those were always intended to be a part of the concert. Those were made for the live show and ultimately down the line when we filmed the live show in London which was a plan, those would have been a part of that. Then we had the behind the scenes, interviews, the making of, because Michael had intended to film the concerts in London so he wanted to have a nice behind the scenes to be able to attach to that. So that’s where you got the dancers and band members talking and seeing the scenic shots. Then you had what I call the miracle footage which was the footage that we use. It was a tool for us to videotape the rehearsal so that we could at any time we wanted to go back and look at something and say, ‘Why don’t we open this up musically or you know what we should do here with the lights? Or why not bring the dancers out at this moment?’ That it offered us an opportunity to kind of after the fact step back, look at something and be able to make creative adjustments. We’d done that ever since we started working together. We didn’t always turn those cameras on and there were only two of them and sometimes one. You can imagine the complication of trying to tell a story and cut this movie together. There were times where I was on the floor banging and kicking and screaming because we didn’t design this to be shot as a film. We never planned it. There was no script. I didn’t say, ‘And now go in for the close-up and can we do one more take of that?’ That was never part of it.

Q: Were any musical numbers left out because the footage wasn’t there?
KO: Yeah, mm hmm, yeah. The day that Michael died, we were waiting for him to come in to block him into Dirty Diana, which was at the end of Dirty Diana, he stepped into an illusion and before your eyes went up in smoke and then suddenly appeared completely on the other side of the stage rising up on the cherry picker and out over to the audience for Beat It. He was really looking forward to it. The night before, he had said to me he was very happy. He saw the dream coming to life on the stage. The only thing he wanted me to say to anybody creatively, dancers, creative team was, ‘I love them. Everybody’s doing a great job. I love you, Kenny. I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you.’ He left and we were invigorated. We came back that next day and we were all up on the stage really excited working with our illusion makers, working with our technicians. We had our aerialist, Danielle, on the stage and Tony Testa, one of our associate choreographers was standing in for Michael. It was just like we were getting everything ready for him to walk in and step into what was going to be one of his favorite days because he loved illusion. When we discovered that, in fact everything stopped.

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-2 09:51:01 | 显示全部楼层
Q: Did your Hocus Pocus background help reinvent Thriller?
KO: It didn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt but it also came from my background of loving Michael Jackson’s Thriller and being a huge fan of all of his short film work. But it was one of the first ideas that Michael and I talked about was let’s create a 3-D experience in an arena for the fans. Of course, people were like, ‘What?’ The technology, they were really racing to get it finished. We had the first HD 3-D screen up and we were creating these films. There were people that were not even sure it was going to work. When we first tested the 3-D on the screen in the arena, it was mind blowing. Then what we were planning on doing was Michael had all these other ideas. We had Michael Curry who designed The Lion King was one of our scenic designers and puppeteer designers. We had giant illuminated characters dropping out of the ceiling over the heads of the audience and these beautiful puppets that were coming down the aisles and moving out of the vomitoriums. Michael was so excited about it. He liked to call it a 4-D experience. So, you were going to have a 3-D movie, the cast on stage and then the smoke billowing off the edge of the stage into the audience and all of these elements dropping in over your head and your 3-D glasses on.

Q: Did you ever want to add something reflecting on the emotional background?
KO: You know, the only reason why I didn’t do it was because I didn’t want anyone to ever say that we fabricated anything. We didn’t. There is absolutely nothing in this film that wasn’t created from the time Michael Jackson announced that he was doing the concerts until the day that Michael died. We didn’t want to touch it. It was like I called it sacred final documentation and if we went back in to shoot the band or anything, then we left ourselves open to people going, ‘That really wasn’t how it happened. They tried to color it differently.’ However, in the DVD series, there is a tremendous, I would say, three to four hours of information that’s not in the film that comes again from that source, but also now post source. So that we did go back and now talked in hindsight about the experience of working with Michael and we completed some ideas that Michael had blessed and signed off on that we didn’t have quite finished by the time Michael had died. So you’re going to see an even sort of completer picture and come to understand more detail about all the elements of what we had planned for the show.

Q: How would you like Michael to be remembered as an artist and as a person?
KO: I think people were saying it last night. They were echoing everything that I felt in my heart. People coming up to me and saying, ‘We didn’t get it. We didn’t get the closure from CNN. We didn’t get to say goodbye properly from CNN.’ Not meaning that they were being irresponsible. It was just that the information wasn’t there and that people were saying that not only did we get to have these final moments with Michael as the artist, but we got to come to know him better than ever before as a man. You really came to appreciate his kindness and his sweetness and his generosity and the wonderful collaborative spirit that he was about and the way that he worked with people, never wanting to offend anyone. My God, if he thought that he embarrassed somebody, it would just knock him to his knees. That’s why you always saw him, even in the deepest frustrating moments for him, he would say, ‘With the love. That’s what the rehearsal’s for’ because he really appreciated us so much. He said to me, ‘Kenny, go out and find the best artists in the world. Invite them to come and join our journey and then let’s inspire them to go to places that they’ve never been before.’ So Michael knew who was in front of him and he had the greatest admiration and respect for everybody. Even if he had a little debate or a disagreement with someone, he never wanted it to get to the place where that person might have thought that he didn’t care for them or that he didn’t respect them.

Q: Shouldn’t he have done movie musicals?
KO: Yeah, we were going to do a couple of films. Before we even knew that we were going to do This Is It, Michael and I were already in the early development stages in talking about doing a Legs Diamond musical and a full length 3-D Thriller motion picture. Michael was not intending to resign from the business. He wasn’t retiring. However, this was what he was calling his final curtain call for live touring. What he thought was he’ll do the 50 shows in London and then he really said, ‘If it works and I still feel good and I still have the energy, I would love to go to Africa. I would love to go to India. I would love to go to Japan.’ Travis (Payne) and I saw it. Michael was intending to go out there with his children and see the whole rest of the world, share that experience with them, meet the fans, take one more grand bow and then he wanted to pull the plug on his live performing because he said, ‘I don’t want to be out there doing it when I can’t do it with the integrity that I’m known for. However, let’s make movies and great albums and develop projects together.’ So he was excited about so much. He had so much more in him still.

Q: What did you discover about Michael and yourself and your friendship doing this?
KO: Well, you know, Michael just gave me such trust. From the very moment that we began, it’s like he threw the clay in the middle of the table and he said, ‘Put your hands in it with me right now.’ He loved creative jousting with me. He loved it. He loved wrestling down ideas. Whatever stuck to the wall the next day, we didn’t even remember who came up with it. We so didn’t care. It was such a partnership. It was so easy, out of our ego, and it was so about what belonged in the storytelling. Michael had for a couple of years been entertained by so many people with ideas and he would call me every once in a while, we would have dinner, we’d talk on the telephone. He’d come to visit me on set and he’d say, ‘There’s nothing out there that has enough purpose behind it for me to want to do it,’ meaning in the live arena. He’d say, ‘Keep thinking.’ I was doing my films and suddenly I got this phone call, after two years of us talking about the possibility of maybe doing something live, and he said, ‘Kenny, this is it.’ I swear, that’s what he said. ‘This is it.’ Then during the conversation while we were talking, he said it like five times and I laughed and I said, ‘You should call the tour This is It because you keep saying it.’ What happened when we got together right after that was, before any conceptual ideas, he started talking to me about the reasons why, the reasons behind wanting to go out and do it. Here’s why we need to do this and now let’s create the show that gives worth to these reasons. That is what I’ll take with me. His sense of responsibility, that it wasn’t enough to just go out there because he could. It had to be important. It had to have worth. It had to have reason, raison d’etre as Gene Kelly used to say to me all the time. What’s the reason for being there that’s going to inspire me to get up every day and want to put on my costume and get on that stage and be Michael Jackson.

Q: How do you respond to theThis Is Not It website? Would you take legal action?
KO: I don’t. I mean, everybody, the way I look at it is they’re all fans. Everything is coming from a sense of loss. There are some fans out there that are just looking to sort of point at something, to point to the reason why we don’t have Michael anymore, put blame. All I would say is Michael didn’t live that way. That’s not the spirit of Michael Jackson. Michael didn’t assume. There were an awful lot of people though that did assume about Michael Jackson. They created scenarios and they speculated and even persecuted him and demoralized him. I would just say to anyone, if you don’t know what you’re talking about, if you weren’t there, if you don’t have the information, don’t put that information - - don’t. Don’t do it. See the movie. Look at the movie. The movie speaks for itself. It’s Michael. It’s Michael talking, Michael doing, Michael sharing. It’s pretty clear. It’s pretty honest. It’s pretty raw. It’s pretty unguarded. That Michael wanted to be there. He was doing this. This nourished him. It invigorated him. It excited him. He wanted to do this more than anything other than spend time with his children. This is what he wanted to do.

Q: What do you look for in artists to participate?
KO: Collaborators and people that are not afraid to go on a journey and get outside of their head and that are less concerned about an idea being theirs and more concerned about being a part of a team that arrives at something that’s special.

Q: What’s going on in High School Musical land?
KO: I’m not going to do High School Musical 4 but I hear that they might be doing an all new cast, all new.

Q: What happened to all the sets?
KO: All of it’s in storage. All of it’s in storage. Some of it is spectacular. Somehow maybe in the future we might be able to pull it all into some kind of idea. I don't know. I hope it’s not just going to sit behind closed doors.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-2 09:51:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 alextoalex 于 2009-11-3 20:09 编辑

MoviesOnline  与制作人、导演Kenny Ortega谈论他的新电影,Michael  Jackson的This Is It.这部电影为世界范围内的音乐爱好者和Jackson的歌迷们提供了一个少见的幕后视角来观察他在准备,创作和排演他本应在今年夏天在伦敦O2体育馆的演唱会。
观众们会从一个特许的隐秘的角度看到一个从未见过的Jackson. 以未经加工和坦率的细节,Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT是最后一部有关Michael  Jackosn活动的记录片,它录制了这个歌手,舞者,制片人,设计师,创作天才和伟大的艺术家和他的合作者们为他们的在伦敦O2和历史的目标工作的情景。  
被Daily Variety称为十亿美元大师,Kenny Orrega在 电影,电视,舞台,音乐会和入Olympic此类的大制作上都取得了不俗的成绩。作为Michael Jackson “This Is It”以及以前Dangerous和History巡演的导演和合作者,Ortega作为Michael Jackson的朋友,可信赖的同事和合作者已经 20 多年了。
这位多项艾米奖的获得者构想并指导了Disney的上十亿美元的高中音乐系列-包括电视节目即电影。 Ortega导演了Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus的 以Jonas Bros 为明星的“Best of Both Worlds Tour”电影。他还指导了广受赞誉的2002年盐湖城冬奥会的开幕即闭幕式。
Kenny Ortega是一位杰出的人,我们很感谢他花时间给我们采访。以下是他关于这部电影以及和Michael Jackson合作经历的采访。

KO: 你知道,过去几个月我没有多少睡眠时间。我没有。在彩排时,我工作的很晚。随后我们作了追思会,随后是这部电影。从一开始我们每天14小时,每周七天花在这部电影上。此后我们上交了这部电影,然后是各种(宣称)事件。 我们刚结束以芝加哥Oprah节目为开始的10天的旅程,回来参加首演。这一切就象一场旋风。就象昨晚的风,对我来说“没什么新鲜的了。”

KO:不难。幸运的是我们记录下了所有事。我们有我们的记录员。你知道当Michael说话时,当他这样说: “我不是试图为难你们。我知道你们试图作你们的工作,但是我有一个问题。我觉得有人试图把拳头塞进我的头里。” 他对管监视器的人说,他们在那记录下所有事。不过当我们同时有不同的事发生时。我们没法记录下每件事。有时我们只有两个声道,没法将Michael的声音如我们想要的那样表达出来。 我们尽量作了我们能作的。有些时候,我们有如同录音室般的音效可以加以混合以得到好的混音效果。不过你们听到的所有都是现场的声音。那是Michael的乐队在演奏所有的音乐。那些不是唱片。他很清楚的表示他希望演出效果如唱片一般,但那是他的歌手现场的演唱,那是他的乐队现场演奏,那明显是Michael在那儿。他会就那样即兴发挥开始演唱,突然间乐队加入,彩排开始。整个过程对我们来说就是这样自然统一。
KO: 当然。自从我和他在Dangerous和History巡演以及在德国,韩国,DC的JFK体育馆以及其他许多地方的演出,Michael喜欢向他过去的那些年,那些歌和他的兄弟们致敬。

KO: 是的。我们有 三大堆素材可用,我们把它们混合入你所见的电影。Michael和我一起开发并制作了10部短影片,用来合并入音乐会。这些电影会用于现场演出,并最终计划当我们为伦敦的演唱会制作电影时,它们会是电影的一部分。我们还有那些幕后场景,采访,制作花絮,因为Michael希望为伦敦演唱会制作一部电影,并有很好的幕后场景附于这部电影。所以你会看到舞者们和乐队成员谈论并观看摄制过程。最后还有那些我称之为奇迹素材。我们录下这些彩排,作为一种工具使我们能在任何时候回来观看一些场景并说“为什么我们没有用音乐为这个开场?你看我们应该这样处理灯光?或不在为什么这时带舞者上来?”这让我们可以回顾,发现一些问题,能够作创造性调整。自从我们开始合作后,就一直这样做。我们没有将摄像机一直开着,我们只有两部摄像机,有时只有一台开着。你可以想象剪接这部电影并试图将这个故事的复杂性。有时我会锤地板尖叫,因为我们原本没有计划把它拍成一部电影。我们从没计划这样。没有剧本。我没有说:“我们现在拍特写镜头,我们能再作一遍吗?”这从来不是计划的一部分。

KO: 是的。Michael去世的那天,我们在等他来将他并入Dirty Diana。也就是在Dirty Diana的结尾处,错觉会让他在你眼前在烟雾中升起,然后突然在舞台的另一端的升降台上出现,越过观众的头顶开始表演Beat It.前一天晚上,他说他很快乐。他看到他的梦想在舞台上实现。他想我对舞者及创作团队说的是:“我爱他们。每个人都作了很棒的工作。我爱你, Kenny,明天见,谢谢你。”他离开后每个人都受到鼓舞。我们第二天回到舞台,都很兴奋的与我们错觉专家,技术师一起工作。  高空杂技师Danielle在台上,另一位编舞Tony Testa 代替Michael走位。那时每件事都安排就位就等他走进来,而这将会是他最喜欢的一天之一,因为他喜欢错觉。然后,我们发现(Michael 去世),一切停止了。

问:你对This Is Not It网站有什么反应? 你会采取法律行为吗?
KO:我不会。我的意思是他们都是歌迷。每件事的发生都来自于这种失去(MJ)的感觉。有一些fan们只是注意某些事的某些方面,来解释为什么我们不再有Michael,来指责他人。我想说的是Michael并不以那样方式生活。那不是Michael Jackson的精神。Michael不假设他人,不过有很多人喜欢假设Michael Jackson。他们创造各种情节,推测他,迫害他或说他道德颓废。我想对每个人说,如果你不知道你在说什么,如果你不在现场,如果你没有确实的信息,不要传播那种信息-不要。不要这么做。去看电影。电影告诉你一切。那是 Michael,是Michael在走路,在做事,在分享。它显示的很清楚。它很诚实。它是未经处理的。它是坦率的。Michael想在那儿,他在作这些事,这些工作滋养他,使他生气勃勃,使他兴奋。除了和他的孩子在一起,这是他最想做的。这的确是他想做的事。
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-2 09:52:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-2 09:57:48 | 显示全部楼层
Michael不假设他人,不过有很多人喜欢假设Michael Jackson。他们创造各种情节,推测他,迫害他或说他道德颓废。

不过这句话挺有意思的,确实,通过每双主观的眼睛,人人都在假设他,每个人看到的都只是自己想看到的Michael Jackson。
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发表于 2009-11-2 10:01:21 | 显示全部楼层
So sweeeeeeeeeeet your smile is..
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发表于 2009-11-2 10:12:04 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-2 10:12:05 | 显示全部楼层

不过有很多人喜欢假设Michael Jackson。他们创造各种情节,推测他,迫害他或说他道德颓废。我想对每个人说,如果你不知道你在说什么,如果你不在现场,如果你没有确实的信息,不要传播那种信息-不要。不要这么做。
Every Day Create Your History.
Make The Change. Stop Existing & Start Living.
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发表于 2009-11-2 10:14:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-2 10:16:54 | 显示全部楼层
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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-11-2 11:14:32 | 显示全部楼层
只是, Ortega先生,我相信电影所看到的,MJ他已经准备好了。为什么他还要走。 Kenny Ortega,你 能给歌迷一个答复么。
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发表于 2009-11-2 11:21:03 | 显示全部楼层
同问。   也许他是最知道真相的, 但是他能说出来吗?

只是, Ortega先生,我相信电影所看到的,MJ他已经准备好了。为什么他还要走。 Kenny Ortega,你 能给歌迷一个答复么。
smilingjune 发表于 2009-11-2 11:14
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发表于 2009-11-2 11:29:15 | 显示全部楼层
If it works and I still feel good and I still have the energy, I would love to go to Africa. I would love to go to India. I would love to go to Japan.

另外,这个记者也业余了点,居然问他会不会跳JACKSON 5的歌,不温习点功课就来.............
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发表于 2009-11-2 12:19:28 | 显示全部楼层
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2009-11-2 13:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
MJ is King of the World.
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