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This Is It音乐总监专访(有许多可爱的小细节)(翻译完成,1,2,4楼)









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发表于 2009-11-8 15:28:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 shell88 于 2009-11-8 22:02 编辑


Michael Beardon 专访, This Is it

MoviesOnline 最近访问了MJ的音乐总监Michael Bearden,谈论他的新电影,This Is It,就是这样。这部电影给MJ的粉丝和 全世界的音乐爱好者一个少见的机会,可以一窥他发展、创作、排练他的伦敦演唱会的幕后过程,这一门票已销售一空的演唱会原本会在上个夏天在伦敦的O2剧场举行。


Michael Bearden是个很好的人,我们真的感谢他花时间接受访问。以下是他告诉我们的与MJ的友谊和在This Is It中合作的故事。

MB: 哦,我和他? 告诉他“More booty”? MJ的追思会后,我们休息了一些日子,然后接到了AEG的电话,Kenny Ortega, 我们的导演our, Travis Payne, 编舞及电影的副导演和副制作人, 我也是电影的副制作人. 他们叫我们过来看我们现有的80, 90, 100小时的录像,可能每盘有4小时长, 那是我第一次看到那个场景,我笑了-那时,MJ整个星期原定要来和我及乐队一起工作,但他可能有别的事情要做而没有来,所以我有些失望,他的要求照我来说“如果你来了,我已经实现你的要求了。”(笑...)

问: 他没有来?

MB: 也不是没有来。他在工作,我们在工作. 这场演出是一个浩大的工程。许多次Travis需要他,我需要他,Kenny Ortega需要他,有时我们一起需要他,他得忙各种各样的事情,于是在早期我的时间就损失了。最终并不是你在电影中看到的样子,一切都好极了。我从不是一个会让步的人,MJ也不是。但那并不是对抗,只是MJ要他想要的,我要我想要的。最终,我们一起,他和我称之为创意竞赛。有时他会这样做而我会说“哦,我喜欢这样不过试试这个。”我们并不是那么紧张,我也并不总是你看到的那么傻。最后我让他崩溃了,他说“我知道你的意思了。”我们总是拥抱,总说“我爱你。”他会说:“上帝保佑你, Bearden,我爱你.” 他会叫我的姓,因为在这个演出中我们有10或12个 Michael(笑)



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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-8 15:29:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 shell88 于 2009-11-8 18:16 编辑

问: 他打算演唱BAD吗?

MB: 看,事情是这样的. 设定节目单,如果MJ演唱他所有的东西,他要在台上呆24小时或至少一个星期。在早期和他的一个会议,MJ其实通过网络,我指的是他的儿子Prince可能通过网络问粉丝们想听到什么. 他用电脑打印出一个单子,上面列着从1到50或100个他真的想给予粉丝们的曲目,给予他们所想要的。他真的很爱自己的粉丝,胜于所有我所合作过的艺术家,我以前从未见到过这样的。 一天我们一起开会-他和我,也许还有他的一个儿子-他拿出了这个打印的单子,然后拿出了他自己手写的单子。他拿出了他的阅读眼镜,让我看单子并说:“Bearden,你觉得怎样?” 我说:“你知道吗?MJ,这太棒了,但这里没有J5歌曲,也没有Off The Wall的歌曲。”他说:“没有吗?"他看了一下说“啊”。这对我们来说真是件痛苦的事,他有这么多东西、这么多伟大的东西我们真的想献给粉丝们,但他也想传递Heal The World和We Are The World的信息。对他来说这是件大事:拯救地球和帮助治愈在这个星球上我们对待彼此的方式。 所以那些歌我们不能拿出去。象Remember the Time,如同Bad,我们想演出这么多曲目,他也是,但是.....我说:“你知道吗?MJ,如果我们演出那些曲目,我们得在舞台上呆3,4,5个小时,我们不能每晚都那样,我们得演出50天呢。”他说,“那好吧,我不想那样。”

问: DVD会包括一些电影里没有的东西吗?

MB: 有可能,有一些东西。显然我们不可能把所有东西都放在电影里,‘因为那样你就得在电影院里呆上24小时。’可能会有一些额外的东西,他们叫做”附加值“。那仅是我的想像,不过我们有可能作一些以前没作过的东西。

问: 你知道是哪些吗?

MB: 我不知道。我不知道。

问: 他对终曲和返场有什么计划? 你们走到这一步了吗?

MB: 我们到了这一步但没有真正决定,我们正在计划当中。至今我们没有最终的曲单。我们处在一个”互相推诿”的过程中( We were in the process of just chiseling)。这是我的工作和他的工作,但最后他把决定权交给我,他想让我来决定。“好吧,你把不要的(曲目)剔出去,‘因为我不想欺骗粉丝们’“。这对他来说太痛苦了,他会说“哦”。我拟出一个单子,有海报那么大,贴在他的更衣室里,我说:“好吧,你把不要的曲目标出来,你来作。”我再次回去时发现它一点没动。。我说:“MJ,你在干嘛?”他说,“我不能,我下不了手。你来做,必须你来做” 于是我们在上面删除曲目,他会看着我。我在上面作标记,说,“好吧,去掉这个。”他会说:”不要,不要......"。那太痛苦了。 所以我们触到了那一步,我们可能会演唱Man in the Mirror,也有可能不是。我们不知道。

问: 作为终曲?

MB: 我们不知道,不知道。

问: 我一直很喜欢Free Willy那首歌(指的是Will You Be There)。我想知道它在他的单子中排第几位?

MB: 我不记得它的排位。那上面有很多类似这样的他喜欢的歌曲。

问: 电影中他和你的那一幕,你反驳他时,他的表现并不象一个“大牌”(Diva)。在你真正了解他之后,你怎么看他?你在他身上发现了什么?

MB: 我发现他不是一个“大牌”。他不是一个独断专行的完美主义者,他不会说“你必须按我说的做。”他非常好合作,很多人,包括我,并不知道这一点。我与许多许多明星合作过,Michael有一种神秘魅力,使你觉得不好接近。实际上正相反,他可能是我一生中合作过的艺术家中,最和蔼、最宽容,最亲切,最易于接近的。 你肯定想不到他是这样的。我们每天总说“上帝保佑你。”还说“我爱你”。有多少个老板会对你说他爱你?好吧,这就是与他工作的情形。他知道自己想要什么也不怕告诉你。但如果你作得更好、使他的主意更好,他也不介意改变主意。他有开放的态度,他不介意在你面前显示脆弱。 如果你有更好的作法,他会说“哦,那更好了,更好了,我喜欢它。”


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发表于 2009-11-8 15:29:22 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-8 15:29:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 shell88 于 2009-11-9 10:42 编辑

问: 他打算现场演唱所有的歌曲吗?

MB: 是的,但我不希望他这样做。

问: 你不希望? 因为现在许多艺术家这样......

MB:  绝对的,每个人都这样做。我告诉你为什么,我可以现在就做一个实验。你坐在椅子上,象这样 (上下跳) ,一边尝试说话。现在想像一边跳舞一边这样。我跟他说时,他反对“不”。我说“好吧,MJ,每个人都知道你能唱,你5岁就开始唱了。这与Milli Vanilli 那事不一样(Milli Vanilli 的典故见:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1795808.html?wtp=tt),这是你,这是你。”但他不愿意这样做。 我说:“好吧,那至少让我把调子降一下。”他说“好吧,但只降半音。”“好吧,MJ.” 有些歌曲,象一些J5歌曲,我说“降半音如何?”他说“不,得更多些,我年纪大了(不能象以前一样的方式唱这些歌了)。”你是对的,我不希望他这么做,但他坚持。为了他的信誉和他的天赋,这就是Michael。

问: 对Jackson 5歌曲,你为他降低了一点音域吗?

MB: 你能象他一样(唱)吗?不,不能。

问: 电影中他常用一个词“let it simmer”(让它沸腾)。还有其它MJ式的词吗?

MB: 有很多MJ式的词,象 “simmer,” “bathe in the moonlight,”(沐浴在月光下) “I’m sizzling.”(我在作嘶嘶声)。我最喜欢“I’m sizzling.” 我想不起来了,有很多。我们的交谈中有很多,在I Wanna Be Starting Something中,你能见到他对我说话:“我没有听到(口技)”。他会这样对我说话。有一天,我们在房间中时,他说“你知道那个部分吗?它需要更大声一些。”他说:“你知道吗?就象是他的表兄。(那段曲调)在吉他上演奏,他的表兄在那里。他的表兄跑上来在他旁边,于是你要加重他,这样你就有一个表兄了”( And he said, “You know, that’s like his cousin. It goes through the guitar and his cousin is there. His cousin is running up right next to him. So you got to heavy him and then you have a cousin.”) 他就象那样说话。这就是Michael Jacksonism。他用一般的词,不是很大的,就是一些简单的大家都能理解的。

问: 你是最后一个我能问的人了,Shamon是什么意思?

MB: Shamon就是 “come on”连起来说,他在摩城那段时间形成的。如果你注意到, MJ从来不走寻常路,尤其在舞台上。因此,每一刻,没有浪费时间的动作。每一次,如果你再看一次这个电影, 你会看到,他在和Judith二重唱的时候,他站在那里而Judith在唱,他总有动作, 他很亲切,总在作动作。每一刻都有含义。有一天我问他“MJ, 你为什么在手指上贴胶布?” 我一直想知道,如果我能和他独处,这是我最想问的。我充分利用了机会,他非常和蔼地说:“你真的想知道吗?”他会诚实地告诉我,从来没有拒绝我。 关于手指上的胶布他说“因为这感觉很好”就象击球区的击球员,你的手得有一定的感觉。而且当他把手伸出去时,你的眼睛就跟随着那点白色。因此没有一刻是浪费的。这是跟演出有关的,你会注意到“砰”一声。你看着他的动作,那点白色总是夺取你的注目。于是你在舞台上做这些。这是他在小孩子时就会的演出小把戏之一。

问: 我们看到他面试舞者,他介入乐队的事务了吗?澳大利亚的吉他手, Orianthi (Panagaris), 很棒。

MB: 我会把故事讲给你。我第一次和MJ的会议就是有关乐队的。我们选择了他的鼓手,我们叫他Foot。他的名字是Jonathan Moffett,他与MJ合作有30年了。我说:“好吧,你可以......"我的任务是清理屋子,让一切有新的开始。我们将会在一起度过2年,要感觉象一个家庭。我不想要日程,不想要不和谐的人、不和谐的事。如果你想在路上2年,可能延伸到象MJ希望的3-5年,你最好喜欢你周围的人,这就是我们选人的方式。我问他:”你怎么选择了Foot?”他说:“当Jonathan演奏时,他使我想跳舞。”如果一个舞者这么对你说,这就是对你最高的认可。这样我们选择了Foot。 我的贝斯手, Alex Al, 也入选了。他在麦迪逊花园的30周年晚会上与Michael合作过,就在9-11之前,他的确喜欢Alex。他很信任我,让我来组建乐队,但他希望有一个女吉他手,他希望是金发的。我向外征询,返回来的信息中她的名字出现了5次,于是我在Myspace上给她发了短信:“我是Michael Jacskson的音乐总监”-那是真的,当然,她不相信。她的经纪人,不对是她的前经纪人(笑)给我打电话,他有一些无礼。我说:“你知道吗?你在使你的客户损失一个机会,给我她的电话号码,我会打给她。我给她本人打电话,说“来吧,我让你见Michael。”她见到了Michael。当然,她知道这是真的了。她不能相信她是在MySpace上被找到的。其他人......我们的另一个吉他手,Tommy Organ, 他是唯一通过面试加入的。他使Michael感到很惊讶。Michael的常年吉他手, David Williams, 伟大的Davey Williams, 在我们开始前一月去世了,我们需要其他人,于是Tommy来了。MJ仔细挑选了每个人,并祝福了我选入的人。他事必躬亲,没有哪件事他没有参与-服装、灯光。他甚至设计了演唱会的门票,当时我们在场。他太惊人了,我不知道他如何做的,有那么多事情在进行。

问: 他特别指出乐队中要有一个女性吗?

MB: 他的乐队中总是有一个女性,他喜欢那种吉他中的能量。这不是一个传统。他的前提条件是“她一定要能速弹,她一定得精于弹奏。”他并不仅仅要一个女性而已,他需要一个擅长演奏的人。Ori真的很会弹奏。她现在是Geffen(唱片)的艺术家,她的生涯正要起飞。我看过她的视频和她的唱片,她令人惊讶。你将听到她。MJ喜欢那种能量,就是这样

问: 你为他的唱片专辑工作吗?有人提到他在准备演唱会的同时也在作专辑。它是单独进行的吗?

MB: 我们是在作一张专辑,它肯定是独立的。他在作一张专辑,新的东西,所有都是。

问: 有一天它会发布吗?

MB: 我不知道。我希望作些什么。有许多新的制作人。MJ从未唱过,这些都在他的脑子里。所以我不知道,我们还没到那一步。

问: 你在计划一个致敬巡回演唱会吗? 本来有一个但数月前被取消了。

MB: 那一个可能是Jermaine (Jackson) 要做的,并没有通过我们,所以那和我们没有关系。可能,在明年他的生日时我们将做点什么,但还不确定。

问: 从你的角度,什么是michael的传承?

MB: 从我的角度,Michael的传承就是爱。他希望这个世界有爱。这就是我们这个带着敬意的项目所能作的,他的孩子们将会在永恒中看到它。他们会喜欢它。他们将会欣赏父亲所做和为什么他想要去做这些。他说过希望在还年轻时做这些、而孩子们也长大到可以欣赏了。他的传承无需担心。他爱他的粉丝,他爱这个世界,他希望带来更多的爱。


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-8 15:42:27 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-8 15:54:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 shell88 于 2009-11-8 16:02 编辑

Bearden is an accomplished musical director/keyboardist/arranger/composer for a diverse range of musical superstars. He has performed and/or recorded with some of popular music’s giants including: Sting, Carlos Santana, Whitney Houston, Lionel Richie, Chaka Kahn, Patti Austin, James Ingrahm, Patti Labelle, Yoko Ono, George Benson, Natalie Cole, Yossou NDour, Boz Scaggs, Lenny Kravitz, Luther Vandross, Issac Hayes, Aaron Neville, Edie Brickell, Jon Bonjovi and legends Nancy Wilson, Queen, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Liza Minelli, Elton John, Aretha Franklin, and Ray Charles and served as musical director for Madonna and Rod Stewart to name just a few.

His diverse musical skills have also been sought by younger artists including: Christina Aguilera, Ricky Martin, Destinys Child, Brandy,India Arie, Fantasia, Neyo, Chris Brown, Rhianna, Ashanti, John Mayer, Faith Evans, Brian McKnight, Mary J. Blige, Da Brat, Mya,Marc Doresy, Joss Stone, Usher, Keisha Cole, Angie Stone and musical director for Jennifer Lopez , Anastacia, DAngelo,and The Veronicas, among others.

He has also written, produced, and performed for such notable jazz artists as: Rachelle Ferrell, Herbie Mann, Everette Harp, Will Downing, Nelson Rangell, Marion Meadows, Regina Carter, Noel Pointer, Special EFX, Pieces Of A Dream, Jonathan Butler, Victor Bailey, Stanley Turrentine and collaborated on Herbie Hancock's Grammy nominated album Possibilities.

An accomplished composer, Bearden’s feature film scores include Drop Squad produced by Spike Lee (starring Eriq Lasalle and Ving Rhames) and the indie film The Visit directed by Jordan Walker Pearlman (starring Rae Dawn Chong and Billy Dee Williams). Michael scored two debut indie features, The Arrangement for filmmaker H.H.Cooper and One Week for director Carl Seaton. In addition, Michael penned the score to Dense, the directorial debut feature film for Soul Foods Vanessa Williams. He scored the feature Constellation (starring Gabrielle Union, Leslie Ann Warren and Billy Dee Williams) as well as the feature film/doc America The Beautiful for director Darryl Roberts, and director Ian Inabas’ Sundance film/doc American Blackout, as well as the dark comedy "Redrum" starring Jill Marie Jones. Bearden recently performed with all acts at the historic Lincoln Memorial "We Are One" concert for the Obama inauguration.

Michael Bearden is a terrific guy and we really appreciated his time. Here’s what he had to tell us about his friendship and recent collaboration with Michael Jackson on his new film, Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT:

At what point did you know that one scene between you and Michael was going to be in the movie? And when you saw it for the first time, what was your reaction?

MB: Oh me and him? Telling him “More booty”? What happened was after MJ’s memorial, we had a few days off and then we get a call from AEG -- Kenny Ortega, our wonderful director, Travis Payne, our choreographer and Associate Director and Associate Producer of the film, and me, also Associate Producer of the film. They asked us to come down and see out of the 80, 90, 100 hours we had, maybe a 4-hour long string, so we saw that and that was the first time I saw that scene and I just laughed because that moment in the film is – MJ, that whole week, was supposed to come in with me and my band and he would either have something else to do or he didn’t so there was me being frustrated because he wasn’t there. He was asking for things and I was like “Well, if you had been here, I would have had them for you.” (laughs)

Q: He wasn’t coming?

MB: No, no. It wasn’t that he wasn’t coming. He was working. We were working. This tour was a massive undertaking. A lot of times Travis would have him or I would have him or Kenny Ortega would have him or we collectively would have him so he was just busy doing a lot of things so my time was getting cheated in the initial stage. It didn’t in the end as you saw in the film. It was glorious and all of that. I’m never one to back down and then MJ wasn’t either. But, it wasn’t a confrontational thing. It was just he wanted what he wanted and I wanted what I wanted. Together, he and I would call it…all of us would call it creative jousting. He would do something and I would go “Yeah, I like that but try this.” So what you see there is not tension so much and I’m always silly and as you can see, I made him crack up at the end. He says, “I knew exactly what you meant.” And we always embraced and we always said “I love you.” He’d say, “God bless you, Bearden. I love you.” He would call me by my last name because we had about 10 or 12 Michaels on the tour. (laughs)
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-8 15:55:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 shell88 于 2009-11-8 16:55 编辑

Q: Was he not planning to do Bad?

MB: See, here’s the thing. The set list, if MJ did every hit that he ever had, he would be on stage for 24 hours or at least a week. One of my earliest meetings with MJ, he actually went on line and, by going on line, I mean his older son, Prince Michael, probably got on line and he asked the fans what they wanted to hear. So he had a computer printout of a list from 1 to maybe 50 or 100 and he really wanted to give the fans and serve them what they wanted. He really loved the fans so much – more than any other artist I’ve ever worked with. I’ve never seen this before ever. One day we were having a meeting – he and I and maybe one of his young sons – and he showed me the printout, then he showed me his personal handwritten list. He’d take out his reading glasses which I thought was great and he showed it to me and said “What do you think, Bearden?” And I said, “You know, MJ, this is cool, but you have no J5 and you have no Off The Wall.” He says, “I don’t?” And he looked at it and went “Ahhh.” It was an angst ridden thing for us because he had so much material and so much great stuff and we really wanted to serve the fans but he also wanted to do his message pieces of Heal the World and We Are the World. That’s a big thing for him and to rescue this planet and help heal how we treat each other on the planet. So we couldn’t take those songs out. Remember the Time, there as Bad. There was so many things I wanted to do and he wanted to do them as well but we just… I said, “You know, if we do this MJ, we’ll be on stage for 3, 4, 5 hours. We can’t do that every night. You’ve got 50 days. He says, “Oh yeah, I don’t want to do that.”

Q: Are there some that will be on the DVD that aren’t in the film?

MB: Hopefully, there are some things. Obviously we couldn’t put everything in a film ‘cause you would be in the theater for 24 hours. There’s gonna be some extras, hopefully. They call it ‘added value’ now. It’s too fancy for me, but hopefully we’ll get to do some numbers on there that we didn’t do before.

Q: Do you know which ones?

MB: I don’t know. I don’t know.

Q: What was he planning for his finale and encore? Did you get that far?

MB: We sorta kinda got that far but not really. We were just on the way there. To this day we don’t have the set list. We were in the process of just chiseling. It was my job and his job, but towards the end he gave it to me. He wanted to put it on me. “Well you take out the verses ‘cause I don’t want to cheat the fans.” It was almost too painful for him. He would just go, “Oh.” I blew up a set list one day, poster size, put it in his dressing room, went in there with him. I said, “Okay, I’m going out here. You mark it up for me. You do it.” And I came back and it was still not touched. I said, “MJ, what are you doing?” He said, “I can’t do it. I can’t do it. You have to do it. You have to do it.” So we would take some things out of it and literally he would look at me. I would put the marker by it and I would go, “Okay. Cut that out.” And he’d go, “No, no…” It was painful. So we kind of got there. We probably were gonna do Man in the Mirror, but maybe not. We didn’t know.

Q: As the finale?

MB: We didn’t know. We didn’t know.

Q: I always liked the song from Free Willy. I wonder where that ranks on his list?

MB: I don’t remember where that ranks. There’s a lot like that that he loved.

Q: In that scene in the movie between you and him where you’re talking back, Michael doesn’t come across as a diva. How did you see Michael and what did you discover about him after you really got to know him?

MB: I discovered that he was not a diva and he was not a perfectionist in the dictatorial sense where “You must do what I say” kind of thing. He was very collaborative and a lot of people, including me, didn’t really know. I worked with a lotta, lotta stars, big artists, and Michael just had a mystique about him that you didn’t think you could touch him. He was quite the opposite. He was quite probably the kindest, the most generous, the most gracious, the most approachable artist that I every worked with in my life, and you wouldn’t think he would be. We would say “God bless you” and then “I love you” every day. Now how many bosses tell you they love you? Okay? So that’s what it was to work with him. He knew what he wanted and he wasn’t afraid to tell you. But he was also not afraid of change if you could make something better, make his idea better. He was open to that and he didn’t mind being vulnerable in front of you and if you made something better, he would go “Oh no, that’s better. That’s better. I like that better.”
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-8 16:55:38 | 显示全部楼层
Q: Was he planning to do live vocals for every song?

MB: Yes, and I didn’t want him to.

Q: You didn’t? Because a lot of artists now when they…

MB: Absolutely and everybody does it. I’ll tell you what, I can do an experiment right now. Just sit in your chair and do this (bouncing up and down) and try to have a conversation. Now imagine dancing and doing that. And I would tell him and he would just resist it. “No.” I’d say “Well MJ, everybody knows you can sing. You’ve been doing it since you were 5. It’s not like a Milli Vanilli thing. It’s you. It’s you.” But he would not do it. I would say, “Okay. Well, at least let me lower the key some and then he would go, “Okay. But make it only a half step.” “Alright MJ.” Then, some pieces he would, just like on the J5, and then I’d say “What about a half step on this?” And he said, “No, you gotta do long. I’m too old to sing these songs.” So yeah, you’re right, I didn’t want him to, but he insisted. And to his credit and to his genius, that was Michael.

Q: For the Jackson 5 stuff, did you lower the register a little bit for him?

MB: Can you do things like he would do them? No, no.

Q: In the film he uses the expression “let it simmer” a lot. Were there any other Michael Jacksonisms?

MB: There were a lot of MJisms that we just – “simmer,” “bathe in the moonlight,” “I’m sizzling.” That is my favorite, “I’m sizzling.” I can’t think of it. There’s so many. There’s so many and we would just talk. There’s one moment in I Wanna Be Starting Something. You can see him talking to me. “I don’t hear that [beat boxing].” And he would talk to me like that. So one day he and I were in his room and he said, “Yeah, so you know that part? It needs to be louder.” And he said, “You know, that’s like his cousin. It goes through the guitar and his cousin is there. His cousin is running up right next to him. So you got to heavy him and then you have a cousin.” He would talk to me like that. That’s a Michael Jacksonism. Just regular, you know, nothing big, just something simple that everybody’s able to understand.

Q: Well you’re probably the last person I can ever ask this, what did Shamon mean?

MB: Shamon is, it’s just a combination of “come on” and some things that he got from his Motown days and it’s just…if you notice, MJ would never do anything regular, especially when he was on stage. So, every moment, there was no wasted movement. So every time, if you watch the film again, you’ll see if he’s standing there and the singer is singing, if he’s doing a duet with Judith, he’s always animated and he’s always doing something. He’s always gracious and he’s always doing this. Every moment means something. I asked him one day “MJ, why you have tape on your hands?” I always wanted to know that and it was a great gig for me because I would have him personally and it was one of those gigs where he would say, “If you had this person alone, what would you ask him?” and I took full advantage of it. And to his graciousness, he would say to me, “You really want to know?” and he would just honestly tell me and he never turned me down. The tape on his fingers he says “Well, ‘cause it feels good.” It was like a batter in a batters box. The hands have to feel a certain way. But then it was also that if he throws his hand that way, the white, your eye goes to it. So there’s no wasted moment. It’s a show biz thing. You just go “Bam!” You’re looking at his movement but that eye, that white will always catch you. You just … So you’re on stage doing that. It’s just one of his show biz tricks that he learned when he was a kid.

Q: We saw him in the auditions with the dancers, how involved was he with the band? The Australian guitarist, Orianthi (Panagaris), was amazing.

MB: I’ll tell you that story. One of my first meetings with MJ was about the band. We chose his drummer. We call him Foot. His name is Jonathan Moffett. He’s been working with MJ for 30 years. I said, “Okay, you can have…” My thing was I wanted to come in and clean house, just do everything like a new start. We’re going to be together for two years. It had to feel like a family. So I didn’t want any agenda, any fire starters, anything like that. If you want to be on the road for two years, with an extension of may 3-5 which is what MJ wanted, you’d better like the people that you’re going to be around and so that’s how we chose them. I asked him “How did you choose Foot” and he said “Well, when Jonathan plays, he makes me want to dance.” Anytime a dancer says that to you, that’s the highest endorsement ever. So he was put there. My bassist, Alex Al, was also put there. We had worked with Michael on the 30th anniversary at the Garden right before 9/11 so he really liked Alex. He pretty much trusted me and let me put the band together but he wanted a guitarist. He wanted a female. He wanted her to be blonde. I put the feelers out and her name came back five times so I actually went on MySpace, sent her a note – “I am Michael Jackson’s musical director” – this is true. And, of course, she did not believe it. Her manager called me and he was not – her former manager (laughs) – he was sort of rude. So I said, “You know what? You’re going to blow an opportunity for your client. Just give me her personal number. I will call her.” I called her personally and then I said, “Come down. I’ll let you meet Michael.” She met Michael. Of course, she knew it was real then. She just couldn’t believe she was found on MySpace. And then the rest…our other guitarist, Tommy Organ, he was the only one that auditioned. He came in and he just blew Michael away. Michael’s regular guitarist, David Williams, the great Davey Williams, had passed away maybe about a month before we were going to start. So we needed somebody to get that kind of flavor and Tommy came in and just did his thing. MJ handpicked everybody and blessed what I brought in and that was that. He was hands on in everything he did. There was not one thing that he didn’t touch – wardrobe, lighting. He even designed the ticket for the show. We were there when he did it. He was amazing. I don’t see how he did it. There was just so much going on.

Q: Was he specific about why he wanted a woman in the band?

MB: He always had one and he just liked that energy on guitar. It’s not that traditional. His prerequisite was “She’s got to really be able to shred. She’s got to really be able to play.” He didn’t just want a woman there. He wanted somebody that could really play. And Ori can really play. She’s an artist on Geffen (Records) now and her career’s about to launch. I’ve seen videos of her and her record and she’s amazing. You will be hearing about her. He just liked that energy. That’s all.

Q: Are you on his album? Someone mentioned that he was working on an album at the same time as the concert. Was it going to be separate?

MB: We were working on an album and it was definitely going to be separate. He was working on an album, new material, all of that.

Q: And that’s going to be released at some point?

MB: I don’t know. Will.i.am was going to do some things. There were a lot of new producers too. MJ never sang anything. He just had it in his head so I don’t know. We never got that far.

Q: Are you planning a tribute concert tour? There was an idea for one but it was cancelled a couple months ago.

MB: Well that particular one was something that Jermaine (Jackson) was trying to do on his own and that wasn’t really sanctioned by all of us so we had nothing to do with that. Hopefully, sometime next year around his birthday we’ll do something but it’s not definitive.

Q: From your perspective, what is Michael’s legacy?

MB: Michael’s legacy from my perspective is love. That’s what he wanted the world to have. He said we need more of it in the film. That’s what we were able to do with this honor project that his children will be able to see in perpetuity. They will love it. They will appreciate what daddy did which is why he wanted to do it. He said he wanted to do it while he was still young enough to do it and his children were old enough to appreciate it. And his legacy is secure. He loved his fans and he loved the world and he wanted to put more love in it.
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发表于 2009-11-8 16:58:24 | 显示全部楼层
Stop existing and start living~~~
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