本帖最后由 mzdhb 于 2009-12-24 15:04 编辑
今天终于收到Ticketmaster发出的邮件“Ticketmaster Delivery Confirmation Request -Ticketmaster Order Follow-Up‏ ”,估计巨著现在正在走美国的陆路。希望这段旅程能顺利一点,毕竟漂洋过海的不确定因素多。
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From: OPUS (customercare@michaeljacksonopus.com)
Saturday, December 12, 2009 8:27:34 AM
Dear customer,
As publisher of The Official Michael Jackson Opus, the Opus Media Group would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution to the extraordinary and unprecedented demand for what we believe is a fitting tribute to a true legend.
We wanted to provide you with a delivery update for your Opus. Following the hugely successful launch of The Official Michael Jackson Opus in Los Angeles earlier this week, inclement weather conditions and customs intervention have caused us to adjust our shipping schedule slightly for the Opus. Below is the updated Opus shipping schedule:
For Opus orders placed before December 1:
Rest assured that your Opus will be delivered well before Christmas and, in the majority of cases, by December 18 2009. To help you better track your package, once your order is fulfilled, you will be sent a shipping email and tracking code from Fedex, either later today or early next week.
For Opus orders placed December 2 and after:
Opus Media Group will make every effort possible to ensure these are also delivered before Christmas, but we can only guarantee delivery before Christmas for orders placed before December 1. To help you better track your package, once your order is fulfilled, you will also be sent a shipping email and tracking code from Fedex.
We know your Official Michael Jackson Opus will provide you with beautiful and lasting memories of Michael Jackson. We sincerely thank you for your patronage and your patience.
Have a great holiday.
Opus Media Group
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From: OPUS (customercare@michaeljacksonopus.com)
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 1:28:19 AM
Dear customer,
We have received some calls from customers regarding the absence of the Opus Reality Card in the Opus and asking why there is only one glove included.
We took the decision to include just one white glove purely as a further tribute to Michael Jackson. The single white glove is an iconic and defining symbol of the man and his extraordinary career and we thought it only fitting to include just one glove with your Opus. We hope that this is an understandable decision.
Please be assured that the promised Opus Reality feature is very much part of the Opus offering, but we want to ensure that this is something only available to our customers. With that in mind, it has been decided that this should be offered through a secure and protected online forum. In the New Year, you will be provided with your own unique pass code to a secure area of the Opus web site. The Opus Reality trigger card will be available to download from the site and used to access footage that will be presented in a way that will hopefully provide you with a unique ‘Michael Jackson Experience’. The benefit of using this system is that it significantly reduces the possibility of non-Opus customers being able to access this experience.
We are committed to bringing you a selection of Opus Reality footage over the coming year with the first example ready for you before the end of January 2010.
We hope that this has helped to address these queries.
Have a great holiday.
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2009.10.24 10:30AM 官方巨著由联邦快递送达!
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