发表于 2010-2-16 16:18:15
http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Ja ... ref=cm_cr_pr_sims_i
The box contains a set of 2 slim cases, inside of which are 2 dvds each. Each dvd case has 2 small pics of MJ on the front while they both display the full clown face of MJ on the back.
The Interviews Vol.1 (not necessarily in this order)
on this disc you'll find:
-news anchor Robert Abernethy interviews Michael who was then 12, and Jackie who was 20 at the time
-Michael being interviewed by Oprah at Neverland, also Michael calling her show when she had Quincey Jones on as a
-interviews by Barbara Walters, Sylvia Chase, Diane Sawyer, an Australian reporter
*interview with Diane Sawyer is the one he did with Lisa Marie Presley*
-an interview with Access Hollywood when MJ was working on music in Ireland
-footage from interview with parents at their Encino home
-interview with Japanese reporter where MJ had a case of the giggles (very cute)
-and yes, footage of Michael in his red sweater at home with his llama :)
The Interviews Vol.2
-part of Martin Bashir interview (don't worry, it only shows positive outtakes)
*while I could've missed seeing Bashir because I quickly skimmed through each dvd, I don't believe he was shown,
only heard. I will go through each one more thoroughly, so if revisions are necessary later I will do so*
-1993 deposition in which Michael is extensively questioned on whether or not he was the one who
actually wrote some of the songs on his and The Jacksons albums. The deposition lasted hours and
you'll notice how extremely drained and completely exasperated MJ became after being inundated with question
after question (sometimes the same ones repeatedly). Michael had oral surgery, plus he had not been feeling well
so he was constantly sipping tea, water, fidgeting, playing with his sunglasses, doing anything
he could to stay focused, to stay awake.
I found myself sad at times and angry at others watching MJ try to keep his composure under such stress. They
scrutinized his EVERY word.
Press Conferences & Store Signings
-Michael at Virgin Records during his promoting of Invincible (the one we've all watched over and over again on
YouTube where he's wearing blue) This particular segment was over an hour
-MJ during a Sony simulchat where he's at a computer answering questions presented by fans (the video where he's
wearing a red shirt and dark sunglasses, looking very cute)
-"Heal the Kids" speech with Johnny Cochran and Mother Love
-Christmas address
-MJ's address to the public regarding the 1993 child molestation charges
Fans Camera Footage
-footage of MJ on shopping trips
-Heal the World speech at Oxford University
-Michael speaking at The National Action Network Headquarters (with Rev. Al Sharpton), giving a speech addressing
racism, problems with Sony and other issues |