
楼主 |
发表于 2010-4-17 12:52:12
本帖最后由 luoyi0214 于 2010-4-18 02:08 编辑
Q: If you were the only people working for Michael at that time who did the cooking? I read somewhere I think it was Teddy Riley or Akon said that Michael would cook for his children when the recorded songs in London.
MJ's Bodyguard: MJ did prepare meals for his kids.
Q: so he cooked or opened a tv dinner?
MJ's Bodyguard: lol...Cooked
MJ's Bodyguard: We called MJ SIR and he would say "you guys dont have to call me SIR" we would then say ok SIR, he started laughing.
Q: Hello Bill, did MJ watch much tv? What were his favorite programs?
We know he loved to read also...when he find time in the day (or nite) to read?
MJ's Bodyguard: He didnt do Much TV, if at all.
Q: Hi guys, was wondering, did you ever see or hear Michael working on his music or dancing. Either at home or in the studio? Did he work on his music a lot?
MJ's Bodyguard: Yes, we built his studio and dance floor in his house. We heard him personice all the time. It was amazing to listen to him, many times at 3am.
MJ's Bodyguard: We made the dance studio Sound Proof.
Q: i saw a vid of MJ shopping in moistmen menswear shop on melrose..he comes out alone with no Bguards and cant find his car...one of you guys is waiting in the car i think were you around then? Mj was so gracious do you remember this? Did he often shop alone?
MJ's Bodyguard: He would shop alone but security was always around.
Q: Hi Bill! I Have a silly question. Since MJ wasn't surrounded by a large entourage and/or staff, who took care of the small stuff like buying groceries, or shopping for everyday stuff? Did you guys help w/ that? I can't picture MJ shopping for his toothpaste, deodorant, etc LOL Have a good one!
MJ's Bodyguard: We did that, we also took him shopping a few times.
Q: Were there any down sides to the job at all?
MJ's Bodyguard: Not being paid for 4 Months!
MJ's Bodyguard: Not once did we ever think about leaving MJ and his kids, we knew it wasnt his fault. I cant get into who's fault it was right now.
Hey Bill, I was wondering if you guys knew Dr Murray? There are several stories about how Michael got to know him, about when he got to know him and so on.
Would you mind share with us about what you recollect (if at all)?
Thank you so much!
MJ's Bodyguard Im sorry, I didnt mean to skip your question, Yes we know Dr.Murray however we can speak on that matter at this time but I will speak on it soon.
Q: I trust you Bill, but I don't understand why you don't want to answer some of the question here because you'll be talking about them in the book, however you don't mind answering other questions you also will be talking about in the book. To be clearer; why don't you want to answer here any question about his girlfriends?
MJ's Bodyguard: Questions such as what? I get questions every 2-3 minutes every day, I can't answer everyone or every question.
MJ's Bodyguard: Its not that we dont wanna answer questions about his female friends, its NOT about them, its about MJ. Who they are shouldnt matter.
did he ever pull pranks on anyone?
MJ's Bodyguard: Yes, he did pull pranks and we will mention in book.
Q: The story about the fan in the house and Michael's reaction made me laugh so much...thanks so much for sharing these little stories and bits of info. =)
MJ's Bodyguard: MJ told me this, it happened at Neverland while MJ was away, the fan was in the house while everyone was way.
MJ's Bodyguard: No, she couldnt get thru the house cause of the security system, she stayed in a closet in the kitchen area.
Q. -What was it like working with MJ? I bet it was wonderful. Not because of who he is, but for his personality. I love Michael with all of my heart. He is a true person. He cared about everyone. And I wish he was still here. Sometimes I think he is because I can feel him around me at t...
A. - MJ's Bodyguard I cant answer that in detail because of writing a book, but i will say there was NOTHING like it in the world.
Q. - After reading the little story about the fan I want to ask you if you are planning on doing a chapter with short little stories like that?
I think that would say so much about his character!
A. - MJ's Bodyguard Of course, that's what it's really about. The true personal side of him.
MJ's Bodyguard Thank you so much for that, I started working for him on December 22, 2006
Q. - yesterday was such a joke at court!
A. - MJ's Bodyguard What did you expect?..You must understand, its a High Profile case, they're going to drag it out....Either way its NOT going to bring MJ back, I also believe more ppl should be held accountable....To me MJs real justice will come from those that Defend his honor! No matter what happens in a courtroom only WE as fans and friends of MJ can bring him real justice by defending his name against those that continue to print stories about him that are 100% false.
MJ's Bodyguard Yes I do. I also have a degree in Criminal Justice, Business Management and my Masters in Security Management. I graduated from the U.S.Secret Service training academy. I've coordinated security for: Grammy awards, Oscar Awards, American Music awards, MTV/VH1 awards, Motown and Bad Boys records. No other security detail compares to working for Mr.Jackson. He taught me alot..... MJ and his kids were in the best of hands. No one has ever breached my security detail, and it would have been a very bad day if someone tried.
Q. - Hi Bill, did you know Elizabeth Taylor? You and your team will talk about her, mention her in the book?
A. - MJ's Bodyguard We don't expect to mention her in the book, however that may change. she was one of MJs close friends, we never met but we did speak via telephone.
Q. - Bill, Thank you so much for your answer.
Bill, you and your team will speak in the book about the hobbies of MJ, his personal tastes, for example what are his favorite books, what he liked to read, what his favorite classic movies, you know what the movie of Elizabeth Taylor that he most liked?
A. - MJ's Bodyguard Yes we will talk about that.
MJ's Bodyguard Hello to all the MJ loyal fan base. I just wanted to give everyone a update on the book, things are being put on hold for a minute so that we can see and hear what Idiot Halperin is going to say about MJ in his upcoming doc so we can clear the air and set the record straight about MJ.
MJ's Bodyguard We were looking to release book around the anniversary of MJ's moving to another life, but since some idiot is releasing a doc on the same day we are putting things on hold to see whats its about so we can cover the false info with the truth. Maybe around his birthday.
Q. - Will the Jackson Estate and the family be able to see the book first?
A. - MJ's Bodyguard We will seek Mrs.Jackson blessing when book is finished.
Q. - Bodyguards,, You guys know that Haperin's book is a bunch of crap. Please straighten out the garbage he tried to sell about MJ and night trips out. I think that says enough and you know what I am talking about...
A. - MJ's Bodyguard That BS about MJs night trips is something I'm taking very personal. Not on my watch did anything like that ever, ever happen. I'm looking forward to meeting Ms.Haperin one day.
MJ's Bodyguard I was with MJ everyday while he was in vegas, who ever is publishing that book needs to get a refund.
Q. - .any thoughts on the firing of Alberto Alvarez by the Jacksons? We appreciate your insight so much.
A. -MJ's Bodyguard Honestly I do have thoughts and insight on that situation but due to legal reasons I cannot share them at this time
Q. - So, i'm just curious about the book you are going to publish.. What will the income of the book go to?
A. - MJ's Bodyguard We have a list of 10 different charities that MJ supported. We also want to build a memorial display of him in Vegas because he loved Vegas....Yes the charities will be listed, as for being descete there is no other way to be in honor of my former boss, he deserves nothing less.
Q. - random question........dont have to answer if you dont want are you gonna talk about romantic interests? just curious who he was cheating on me with lol jk
A. - MJ's Bodyguard he was not cheating on anyone..lol... we never said dating two ladies, we said he had two friends that he knew. ppl took that as something else....
MJ's Bodyguard Ok, I see many of you have different feelings on what we should or shouldnt write about in the book. Please understand , his children want this, they want the world to know and see the side of their father the press and media never took the time to acknowledge. Its not about his Love life, its about his being happy and real. He would have loved towalked thru the mall with a "friend" and not be bothered by the media. He didnt put his personal life out there because he couldnt without being hounded by the press. This book is for his fans too, if you beleive and agree great, if you dont we are sorry but I assure you, if your a true MJ fan you will Love this book! |