发表于 2010-4-28 21:37:47
本帖最后由 HERtory 于 2010-4-28 21:46 编辑
Focus Magazine, February 1984
RO/CLASS: How do you feel about the gossip about your sex life?
Jackson: I don’t listen to it. Or read it. 我不看也不听(牛掰吧)
RO/CLASS: Do you think most of the public imagine you’re gay?
Jackson: I think most people are smart enough to know you can’t judge a book by its cover.我觉得大多数人还没有笨到凭个封面决定书
RO/CLASS: But why the flamboyant touches like glittery socks or the silver glove?
Jackson: Because I like them.就因为我喜欢。(白眼)
RO/CLASS: Are you very sheltered from outsiders, as has been claiemd?
Jackson: I have to make the most of my time and I do choose the people I’m with.我大多数时间得自己过,我自己选伴!
RO/CLASS: How is your personal life? Is there someone special?
Jackson: It’s wonderful and I am in love…
“Sometimes it’s hard for me to look my dates in the eye even if I know them well. My dating and relationships with girls have not had the happy ending I’ve been looking for. Something always seems to get in the way. The things I share with millions of people aren’t the sort of things you share with one. Many girls want to know what makes me tick – why I live the way I live or do the things I do – trying to get inside my head. They want to rescue me from loneliness, but they do it in such a way that they give me the impression they want to share my loneliness, which I wouldn’t wish on anybody, because I believe I’m one of the loneliest people in the world.”
M: Yeah, that doesn’t question me.. I mean..(i) I dont… and, and.. like La Toya said in her book.. she said, either I am going to have to find somebody who doesn’t know who the heck I am or, or, deal with somebody whose career is equally as important, or equally like mine.
So,这里提到的 La Toya 的书即是93年奥普拉对他访问时,他矢口否认的那本书?Er....Michael......White lie?
还有这篇文章,我不知道是不是totally bull**** 说的我心情很down,另一个极端。
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1196009/Im-better-dead-Im-How-Michael-Jackson-predicted-death-months-ago.html |