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发表于 2010-6-15 21:26:32
本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-15 21:28 编辑
Dr Conrad Murray’s Lawyers
By PollyPublished: January 23, 2010
Dr Conrad Murray’s legal representative is a Houston-based firm called Stradley, Chernoff & Alford LLP. Lawyer Ed Chernoff is acting as Murray’s legal counsel with the help of his 2 partners, Matthew Alford and William Stradley.
The firm’s website has a section dedicated to Dr Murray, including FAQ’s, press releases, quotes by Chernoff concerning the case, photos of Dr Murray, and statements by his patients attesting to his character.
The lawyers have even engaged the assistance of a public relations firm to manage Murray’s public image and to assist in fielding media enquiries.
The photos show Murray in a variety of settings, including Murray dressed in Freemason regalia [as pictured], and states that Murray has been a Freemason for 3 years.
The site also includes some quotes from Ed Chernoff, Murray’s lawyer:
Ed Chernoff on Dr. Murray finding Michael Jackson:
“He just happened to find him in his bed, and he wasn’t breathing. Mr. Jackson was still warm and had a pulse.”
“The doctor compressed his chest with one hand, braced his back with the other hand. He checked to make sure there was blood flow. There was. He was getting blood.”
Ed Chernoff on calling 911:
“No one was coming. He tried to call 911, he picked up his cell phone but he did not know the physical address of where he was, finally at some point he ran downstairs to seek help and he ran into the chef in the kitchen and yelled for security.”
“Dr. Murray rode with Michael Jackson to the hospital. . . Dr. Murray considered himself to be a friend of Michael Jackson and he is very distraught over his death. He will continue to cooperate in every respect.”
Ed Chernoff on Dr. Murray arriving at the hospital:
“Conrad Murray was the one who suggested the autopsy to the family while they were still in the hospital. He didn’t understand why Michael Jackson had died.”
“Dr. Murray spoke to La Toya, Jermaine and Katherine. He spoke to the children after their father had died. He said the children needed to be told about their father’s death. He was available to the family to answer their questions.”
Ed Chernoff on Dr. Murray giving Demrol or Oxycontin:
“I can state unequivocally there was no Demerol or Oxycontin administered or prescribed by Dr. Murray.”
“There’s nothing in his history, nothing that Dr. Murray knew, that would lead him to believe he would go into sudden cardiac arrest or respiratory failure. There was no red flag available to Dr. Murray, which led him to believe he would have died the way he did. It’s still a mystery how he died.”
Ed Chernoff on Dr. Murray being treated as a witness:
“Investigators have made it clear…that Dr. Murray is considered to be a witness to the events surrounding Michael Jackson’s death, and he is not a suspect. Dr. Murray hired legal counsel to help guide him through the police investigation process. The law firm was hired to make sure the police investigation is conducted properly.”
Ed Chernoff on the investigation of Michael Jackson’s death:
“Dr. Murray didn’t prescribe or administer anything that should have killed Michael Jackson.”
Ed Chernoff on how Dr. Murray is coping:
“Based on Dr. Murray’s minute-by-minute and item-by-item description of Michael Jackson’s last days, he should not be a target of criminal charges. Dr. Murray was the last doctor standing when Michael Jackson died and it seems all the fury is directed toward him. Dr. Murray is frustrated by negative and often erroneous media reports, he has to walk around 24-7 with a bodyguard. He can’t operate his practice. He can’t go to work because he is harassed no matter where he goes.”
Ed Chernoff on the July 22 DEA Investigation at the Houston Armstrong Clinic:
“We can confirm that a search warrant was executed today on Dr. Murray’s offices in Houston Texas. We reviewed the warrant and remained on the premises while the search was being executed. The search was conducted by members of the DEA, two Robbery – Homicide detectives from the Los Angeles Police Department and Houston Police officers. The search warrant authorized law enforcement to search for and seize items, including documents, they believed constituted evidence of the offense of manslaughter. Law enforcement concluded their search around 12:30pm, and left with a forensic image of a business computer hard drive and 21 documents. None of the documents taken had previously been requested by law enforcement or the L.A. Coroner’s office.”
And, in the “Latest News” section of the site, there’s a response to recent press reports that Dr Murray will be imminently charged with involuntary manslaughter:
January 8, 2010
“We have refused to comment on stories involving unnamed sources and will continue to do so. However, we can confirm that we have not received notice of an impaneled grand jury and Dr. Murray has not been invited to testify. J. Michael Flanagan was added to Dr. Conrad Murray’s defense team this past week. His offices are in Glendale, California.”
-Ed Chernoff |