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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-15 21:42:38 | 显示全部楼层

莫里的律师Ed Chernoff情况

本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-15 22:25 编辑


Edward M. Chernoff
Houston, Texas
phone     (713) 222-9141
fax     (713) 236-1886
email     Email Me

Ed Chernoff is the patriarch of the firm, born in 1962. He is happily married, with a son from a previous marriage. He lives in Southampton in a brick English tutor style home. When he is without his son, he works out, works, sleeps, contemplates the fate of society, works and then works out some more. He finds his life meaningless without some goal upon which to aspire. He runs the Houston Marathon each year, despite the fact that running bores him to tears.

His son, Fate, is the center of Ed’s life. (In fact, his name is tattooed on Ed’s arm.) He is named after Ed’s Grandfather, who taught him the value of hard work and attention to perfection. Ed believes in perfection. He prepares his cases to an absolute obsessive extent.

Ed handles most of the complicated cases in the firm, including the Federal indictments and intricate State cases. He has the uncanny ability to dissect the most complex financial accusations and break them into their most basic building blocks. He is able to do this despite evidence literally involving thousands of documents, and he is able to do this after only a cursory inspection. He was recommended and received the Board Certification in Criminal Law in 1995. He was re-certified in 2000 and 2005.

Ed put himself through college with the aid of student loans, financial aid and a four-year stint at an ice cream shop. He achieved an accounting degree. Ed was able to afford law school thanks to a scholarship from the University of Houston Law Center and a job in the accounting department of a pest control company. Despite constant work, he made exceptional grades. In spite of the offers given him, Ed took a job with the Harris County District Attorney’s office. His tenure there is the stuff of legends.

Ed lost one felony jury trial out of forty. Every year he worked as an Assistant DA he led all trial prosecutors in cases tried and won. His first trial after leaving the DA’s office involved an Aggravated Robbery where the Defendant was recorded on videotape committing the crime. He won, nonetheless. He continued to win. In one year as a defense attorney he won all five cases he tried, and the total time it took for the jury to come to their conclusions of acquittal totaled 1 hour and 15 minutes.

In one highly publicized federal trial, the jury took less than 15 minutes to acquit a man accused of hacking into the Harris County District Clerk’s computer and causing damage. In another publicized case, the jury acquitted a woman accused of theft and then directed a letter to the elected District Attorney complaining of his decision to take the case to trial in the first place!

Ed takes great pride in the relationships he has fostered with his clients through the years. He views his responsibility to his clients and their families as the cornerstone of his practice. Many of his clients visit with him regularly and consider him to be one of their closest  friends.

Areas of Practice:
      100% Criminal Offense - State and Federal

Litigation Percentage:
      100% of Practice Devoted to Litigation

      Criminal Law, Texas Board Legal Specialization, 1995

Bar Admissions:
      Texas, 1987
      U.S. District Court Southern District of Texas, 1992

      University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas, 1987

      University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1984

Past Employment Positions:
      Harris County District Attorney, Assistant D.A., 1987 - 1991



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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-15 21:51:27 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-15 22:15 编辑

Anschutz Entertainment Group


AEG是Anschutz Corporation的子公司,是世界上最大的体育球队与体育活动的所有者,拥有世界上最有商业价值的体育与娱乐场馆,是除Live Nation公司之外世界第二大现场音乐与演出组织商。在美国、英国、土耳其拥有多家体育演出场馆,如美国的Staples Center ,Home Depot Center,XL Center,the Rose Garden, Rentschler Field;英国的Manchester Evening News Arena(曼彻斯特晚报竞技场), O2 arena,还买下了London river service company Thames Clipper(伦敦泰晤士河快船河流服务公司);土耳其的Turk Telekom Arena 。
the Los Angeles Galaxy, Houston Dynamo (50%), Los Angeles Kings, Ontario Reign, Manchester Monarchs, Eisbären Berlin, Hamburg Freezers, 49% of Hammarby IF Fotboll,并在Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Sparks, Hartford Colonials and Reading Royals拥有股份。还购买过the Champions on Ice figure skating tour in 2006, 拥有 12 % 的Djurgårdens IF Hockey.
其创始人为Philip Anschutz。

与MJ的TII演出相关的负责人为Randy Phillips。

The Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) is a sporting and music entertainment presenter and a subsidiary of The Anschutz Corporation. It is the world's largest owner of sports teams and sports events, the owner of the world’s most profitable sports and entertainment venues, and under AEG Live the world's second largest presenter of live music and entertainment events after Live Nation. It owns and operates the Staples Center and the Home Depot Center, and manages the XL Center, the Rose Garden, and Rentschler Field. In England, it owns the Manchester Evening News Arena, and currently operates the The O2 which includes a 20,000 capacity arena. In Turkey, AEG will operate Turk Telekom Arena which includes a 52,695 capacity arena.As part of the development of the O2, Anschutz also purchased the London river service company Thames Clipper, and supported the development of the nearby David Beckham Academy (which also a branch at the Home Depot Center). The company has its headquarters in Downtown Los Angeles.

The company owns the Los Angeles Galaxy, Houston Dynamo (50%), Los Angeles Kings, Ontario Reign, Manchester Monarchs, Eisbären Berlin, Hamburg Freezers, 49% of Hammarby IF Fotboll, as well as interests in the Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Sparks, Hartford Colonials and Reading Royals. The company also purchased the Champions on Ice figure skating tour in 2006, and own 12 % of Djurgårdens IF Hockey. The company makes a significant amount of its money by leveraging its sports interests, already significant earners, by using the stadia in which these teams play to host various other entertainment events, most notably concerts. Indeed, Philip Anschutz created the company by buying up several small local promoters in Los Angeles including ConcertsWest and Goldenvoice, promoter of the annual Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in order to fill up the schedule for his new sports venue, Staples Center. It is now the second-largest event promoter in the United States.

AEG Live came to international public attention in 2009 when it acted as the promoter for Michael Jackson's This Is It tour. Jackson died just three weeks before the series of 50 concerts were due to begin. Jackson's family have said they would like to see an investigation into the role of AEG Live in the final weeks of his life, and in particular into the role of the personal advisers and representatives they believe the promoter put in place for him.

AEG is planning to develop similar entertainment complexes to London's O2 Arena, including the O2 World in Berlin and an entertainment complex around the existing Staples Center.

In Berlin, local groups started a boycott against the projected development "Media Spree", of which O2 World is a part, arguing that huge sections of public spaces were being lost to the private sector. Furthermore, the Anschutz company was criticized for bully-like behavior in regards to the changing of the outer parameters of the sports arena. A section of the near-by East Side Gallery, a left-over piece of the Berlin Wall now serving as an international memorial for peace and freedom, had to be removed to enable the view of Anschutz's new arena, located on the (former) eastern side of the city Spree.

AEG benefited from global interest in the death of Michael Jackson by hosting a public memorial service at Staples Center, a prominent music venue in Los Angeles and home of the Grammy Museum. The event included security and logistical support by the City of Los Angeles totaling $4 million. City Council members and local media have called for the cost of the memorial incurred by the City to be paid for by the Jackson family and/or AEG, instead of the city taxpayer.

AEG has also been accused of attempting to profit from the death of Michael Jackson, who was due to perform at London's 02 Arena in 2009/2010. While refunds of the approximately 750,000 tickets (at £55–£75 each plus £9 booking fee per ticket) are available to customers that request it, the promoter has offered to send out "souvenir" tickets providing fans of the singer waive their right to the refund.

Many fans believe this is an unfair proposal as customers were already due to receive the tickets, and had paid to attend the concerts. They therefore feel that a souvenir tickets is an unsuitable and expensive substitute for the live performance, and that a partial refund should also be offered, or that the monies raised donated to a charity.

The company estimates that between 40–50% of its customers will request the original tickets in lieu of the refund, which will save the company $40 million in refunds. This is in addition to future profits from any material that forms a part of the "This Is It" concerts - the intellectual property of AEG.

This has led to a sense of betrayal and exploitation by the company whose president, Randy Phillips, was quoted as saying: "Since he [Jackson] loved his fans in life, it is incumbent upon us to treat them with the same reverence and respect after his death."
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-15 22:17:19 | 显示全部楼层

AEG CEO Randy Phillips情况:

本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-19 12:42 编辑

Randy Phillips


AEG的发言人迈克尔·罗斯(Michael Roth):

AEG的总裁兼CEO提姆·雷维克(Tim Leiweke):



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发表于 2010-6-15 22:29:57 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-15 22:30:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-15 22:32 编辑

一封Randy Phillips写给AEG其他人的邮件,里面有关于MJ的内容。

July 27, 2009


Seems like the pressure of trying to recoup the $30 million his company laid out for the ill-fated Michael Jackson "This Is It" concerts is finally getting to AEG Live's Randy Phillips.

The beleaguered exec fired off an e-mail to Bruce Glatman, his friend of 20 years, and producer of those London shows, blasting him for forwarding our Airhead cartoon to a few of his pals, the same one that has attracted more than 3,000 views on Nikki Finke's popular Deadline Hollywood Daily website.

Here's the complete text of the e-mail:


Glatman, it did not surprise me, or any of my friends, that you would send a mass e-mail out with that tasteless cartoon. As much as I love satire and, as most of those copied above know, have an excellent sense of humor, using a person's tragic and untimely death to attack another person is just a tad beyond the pale of normal business competition.

The truth is that you are some type of middleman buffoon, the type of bottom-feeder that inserts himself in other peoples' lives since you have never run a business, created a job or executed on an idea of your own. Even Andy Hewitt, who is not a friend, is someone I can recognize for his intellect and prowess as a concert promoter and respect him for his accomplishments. The insecurities of many of those in this industry allows for useless schmucks like you to exist.

Since Tim Leiweke told you exactly how he feels about your reprehensible actions in another e-mail, I can only reiterate that the doors at AEG and AEG Live are permanently shut to you since we choose to only do business with honorable partners. As he pointed out, we try to build on positives and avoid the negative agendas of human flotsam like yourself.

In closing, I have attached a very well-written and researched article in the new Rolling Stone Magazine. For those interested in the truth about the last year of Michael's life, here it is. It might also pain Glatman to know that we just closed a $60m deal against a gigantic back-end for the rights to the film that will be created from all the footage we so wisely shot from the beginning of this project to the last rehearsal. It is riveting and an honest tribute to the person Berry Gordy, at the worldwide broadcast of the memorial service we produced, referred to as "the greatest entertainer that ever lived."

AEG, as a company, will come out of this tragedy extremely well and I will always have my memories of what could have been and that of a unique human being who truly touched my life.

To those on this e-mail, sorry that you were dragged into this exchange by this jerk. Glatman, please do not respond since I want to live my life and enjoy my career without any other contact with you.

Randy Phillips
"Still President & CEO of
AEG Live!"
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-15 22:41:11 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-16 08:59 编辑

Colony Capital

公司目前由Tom Barrack经营。

殖民地公司2005年7月18日购买了Raffles International公司,囊括了位于Raffles Hotel 与Swissotel品牌名下的41家酒店与渡假村。该公司有计划扩展在亚洲的相关业务。

2006年1月30日,殖民地公司以$32.4亿美金获得了加拿大安大略省多伦多的Fairmont酒店与渡假村,并入股Kingdom Hotels International 。

2006年4月10日,殖民地公司购买了法国职业足球队Paris Saint-Germain。

2007年2月25日,以$55亿美金(或$90美金/股)与the founding Fertitta family 家族成员一起购买了Station Casinos赌场。

2008年11月11日,迈克尔-杰克逊将其2700英亩的梦幻庄园转让给Sycamore Valley Ranch Company LLC(枫叶牧场公司),该公司为MJ与殖民地名下一个子公司的联合公司,MJ方的代表为L. Londell McMillan律师。不清楚MJ estate是否仍拥有产权。圣芭芭拉评税办公室表示杰克逊卖以3500万美元出让该产业。

2010年3月,殖民地公司做了Annie Leibovitz融资和市场营销方案。Annie Leibovitz为纽约著名摄影师,出现财政困难,欠债权人ArtCapital $2400万美金,处于失去她照片和底片版权,以及失去她的三所格林威治房屋的危险。


Atlantic City Hilton 大西洋城 希尔顿
Las Vegas Hilton
Bally's Casino Tunica
Raffles Hotels & Resorts 连锁酒店
Fairmont Hotels and Resorts 连锁酒店

Paris St. Germain

Colony Capital is a private, international investment firm based in Los Angeles, California. The company, founded in 1991, has offices around the world. The company focuses on real estate opportunities around the world either on its own, through funds run by the company, or in joint ventures. The company is run by businessman Tom Barrack. In 2010, Colony was reported to manage about $30 Bn in investments.

Colony purchased Raffles International on July 18, 2005. This included the 41 hotels and resorts operated under the Raffles Hotel and Swissotel brand names. There are plans to expand the chains, particularly in Asia.

On January 30, 2006, it acquired Fairmont Hotels and Resorts of Toronto, Ontario with Kingdom Hotels International as a joint partner for US$3.24 billion.

On April 10, 2006, it acquired French professional football (soccer) team Paris Saint-Germain.

On February 25, 2007, it signed a definitive agreement to acquire Station Casinos alongside members of the founding Fertitta family for US$5.5 billion, or US$90/share.

On November 11, 2008, Michael Jackson transferred the title of his 2,700-acre estate Neverland Ranch to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company LLC, a joint venture between Jackson (represented by attorney, L. Londell McMillan) and an affiliate of Colony Capital.It is unclear if the Jackson estate still owns the property.The Santa Barbara County Assessor's Office stated Jackson sold the property for US$35 million.

In March, 2010, Colony arranged a financing and marketing package for Annie Leibovitz. The New York celebrity photographer had been in financial difficulty and in danger of losing the rights to her photographs and negatives and her three Greenwich Village townhouses to her previous lender, ArtCapital. ArtCapital's credit was for $24 million.

Types of investments
Investment funds
The traditional investment portfolio at Colony are their investment funds, in which retail investors pool their funds, such as with mutual funds, and includes:

Colony II
Colony III
Colony IV
Colony V
Colony VI
Colony VII
Colony VIII
Colony Asia Investors I, L.P.
Colyzeo Investors, L.P.
Colony Realty Partners L.P.
[edit] Casinos and hotels
A large part of Colony LLC investment portfolio involves gaming resorts mainly in the United States. Some are joint projects with Accor Casinos.

Resorts International Holdings was created in July 2005 and is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada:
Atlantic City Hilton
Las Vegas Hilton
Bally's Casino Tunica
Colony is also involved in investing in luxury hotels and resorts in Asia and North America:

Raffles International
Raffles Hotels & Resorts
Fairmont Hotels and Resorts - pending approval (Kingdom Hotels International as a joint partner)
[edit] Other investments
Co-owns Paris St. Germain
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发表于 2010-6-15 23:08:29 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-15 23:22:01 | 显示全部楼层

Tohmer Tohmer情况介绍:

本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-15 23:29 编辑

Tohmer Tohmer




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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-15 23:33:09 | 显示全部楼层

殖民地公司老板Tom Barrack情况:

本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-15 23:39 编辑

Tom Barrack

根据福布斯杂志统计,Tom Barrack排名美国最富有的人第228名。


Thomas J. "Tom" Barrack, Jr. is an American real estate investor.

Barrack attended Loyola High School (Los Angeles) and went on to receive his undergraduate degree from the University of Southern California in 1969. He received his law degree from the University of San Diego School of Law in 1972, where he was an editor of the Law Review.

His first job was at the firm of Herb Kalmbach, President Nixon's personal attorney. One of the firm's biggest clients, construction giant Fluor Corp., needed a volunteer to live in Saudi Arabia for a few months to negotiate a contract. When his Fluor assignment ended, Barrack stayed on and went to work reviewing deals for two young Saudi princes. For over 4½ years he did tens of millions in deals for the princes.

In 1976 Barrack returned to California, where he was hired to run a company that built industrial and office parks. He ran the company until 1982, learning all about real estate. He followed this experience with a short stint at Watt in Washington D.C. and a brief run as an investment banker, before billionaire Bob Bass recruited him to do real estate deals - including a deal on the infamous Black Monday, October 19th, 1987, to buy Westin from Allegis for $1.3 billion.

In 1990 Barrack formed Colony Capital. Originally established to cash in on the savings and loans crisis, Colony has also invested in an array of hospitality assets, from a Holiday Inn in Manhattan and Novotel in Paris, to Accor’s CGHS portfolio, Hilton, Hyatt and Starwood brands, independent luxury resorts and until it was recently sold to Fairmont now the Savoy Group. The portfolio also includes the Cala di Volpe in Sardinia.

Colony Capital owns a majority stake in Neverland Ranch, the former residence of Michael Jackson.

According to Forbes magazine, he is the 228th richest American.


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-15 23:51:46 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-15 23:57 编辑

Sony/ATV Music Publishing

Sony/ATV Music Publishing is a music publishing company co-owned by The Michael Jackson Family Trust and Sony. The organisation was originally founded as Associated TeleVision (ATV) in 1955 by Lew Grade. In 1957, ATV acquired Pye Records as a wholly-owned subsidiary. At the time, Pye Records was one of the three major record companies in the UK and, along with EMI and Decca Records, accounted for the vast majority of music records sold in the country. ATV Music Publishing was then created to exploit the catalogue of songs written by artists on the Pye Record label, and for the themes to Independent Television Corporation and ATV programmes. Grade established ATV's headquarters alongside those of Pye Records; off of Edgware Road, beside the Marble Arch in central London.

ATV Music Publishing and Pye Records were at the forefront of the British music explosion in the 1960s. The businesses held contracts with several US companies, allowing them to manufacture and distribute records in the UK. ATV Music Publishing and Grade acquired the rights to the Lennon/McCartney song catalogue, Northern Songs, in 1968. The catalogue featured nearly every song written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney until The Beatles' split in 1970.

Grade's fortune began to dwindle as the 1980s approached and by the mid-1980s, ATV Music Publishing and Pye Records were both up for sale. The companies were bought by Australian businessman Robert Holmes à Court, who disposed of them quickly and to his great profit. They were sold to Jackson for $47.5 million in 1985. This upset McCartney—who had told Jackson about the importance of owning publishing, and his own plans to purchase The Beatles catalog—who felt Jackson on purpose outbid McCartney.

In 1995, ATV Music Publishing was merged with Sony and renamed Sony/ATV Music Publishing. The company became the third largest music publisher in the world, owning the rights to songs by Elvis Presley, Eminem, Akon, Bob Dylan, and Willie Nelson. The value of Sony/ATV Music Publishing has varied in reports. Industry experts have estimated the company to be worth as much as $1.5 billion.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC Type Limited liability company
Industry Music
Founder(s) Lew Grade
Headquarters London, United Kingdom
Key people Michael Jackson
Services Music publishing
Owner(s) The Michael Jackson Family Trust (50%)
Sony (50%)
Website www.sonyatv.com
Sony/ATV Music Publishing is a music publishing company co-owned by The Michael Jackson Family Trust and Sony. The organisation was originally founded as Associated TeleVision (ATV) in 1955 by Lew Grade. In 1957, ATV acquired Pye Records as a wholly-owned subsidiary. At the time, Pye Records was one of the three major record companies in the UK and, along with EMI and Decca Records, accounted for the vast majority of music records sold in the country. ATV Music Publishing was then created to exploit the catalogue of songs written by artists on the Pye Record label, and for the themes to Independent Television Corporation and ATV programmes. Grade established ATV's headquarters alongside those of Pye Records; off of Edgware Road, beside the Marble Arch in central London.

ATV Music Publishing and Pye Records were at the forefront of the British music explosion in the 1960s. The businesses held contracts with several US companies, allowing them to manufacture and distribute records in the UK. ATV Music Publishing and Grade acquired the rights to the Lennon/McCartney song catalogue, Northern Songs, in 1968. The catalogue featured nearly every song written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney until The Beatles' split in 1970.

Grade's fortune began to dwindle as the 1980s approached and by the mid-1980s, ATV Music Publishing and Pye Records were both up for sale. The companies were bought by Australian businessman Robert Holmes à Court, who disposed of them quickly and to his great profit. They were sold to Jackson for $47.5 million in 1985. This upset McCartney—who had told Jackson about the importance of owning publishing, and his own plans to purchase The Beatles catalog—who felt Jackson on purpose outbid McCartney.

In 1995, ATV Music Publishing was merged with Sony and renamed Sony/ATV Music Publishing. The company became the third largest music publisher in the world, owning the rights to songs by Elvis Presley, Eminem, Akon, Bob Dylan, and Willie Nelson. The value of Sony/ATV Music Publishing has varied in reports. Industry experts have estimated the company to be worth as much as $1.5 billion.

Sony/ATV was originally founded as Associated Television (ATV) in the UK in 1955. It was formed by the impresario Lew Grade, of the entrepreneurial Grade family. At this time, Grade had also founded the Independent Television Corporation (ITC), which featured stars such as Patrick McGoohan, Roger Moore, and Tony Curtis. ITC provided programmes to British and international broadcasters. ATV itself was originally one of these broadcasters; the company had been awarded a franchise in the mid-1950s to operate a new commercial television company in the UK. ATV was broadcast to the English Midlands as part of the Independent Television (ITV) network. Business tycoon Louis Benjamin was also involved with Grade, as part of one of the three major record companies in the UK at the time. The company was Pye Records which, along with EMI and Decca Records, accounted for the vast majority of music records sold in the UK. In 1957, ATV acquired Pye Records as a wholly-owned subsidiary. Grade and Benjamin held most of the shares.ATV Music Publishing was then created to exploit the catalogue of songs written by artists on the Pye Record label, and for the themes to ITC and ATV television programmes. The UK rights to some of the rock 'n' roll music from the US were also bought by ATV.Grade established ATV's headquarters alongside those of Pye Records; off Edgware Road, beside the Marble Arch in central London.

Early history
The 1950s and 1960s were a good period for the Grade family and their companies. Their television operation, which held a vast monopoly of advertising revenues, was part of a system described as having a "license to print money" by Roy Thomson, 1st Baron Thomson of Fleet. Pye Records was at the forefront of the British music explosion in the 1960s. The Searchers, The Kinks, Donovan, The Moody Blues, Mungo Jerry and Petula Clark were some of the artists that Pye Records released music by. The record label also had contracts with a several US companies, allowing them to manufacture and distribute records in the UK. Chess Records was among those, and counted Chuck Berry as one of their top artists.ATV Music and Lew Grade, who had been knighted by this time, acquired the rights to the Lennon/McCartney song catalogue, Northern Songs, in 1968.The catalogue featured every song written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney until The Beatles' legal split in 1971. Northern Songs had been co-owned and administered by Brian Epstein and Dick James. Upon Epstein's death in 1967, James, who was approaching retirement, put the company up for sale. Lennon and McCartney, upset that the songs they had written were not theirs legally, attempted to gain ownership of the publishing rights.[Their bid to gain control, part of a long and acrimonious fight, failed. The financial clout of Grade, their adversary in the bidding war, ensured that the music written by the two Beatles passed into the control of ATV.

ATV Music Publishing remained a successful organisation in the music industry throughout the 1970s. Len Beadle, the company's chief executive, signed up many songwriters and bought numerous song catalogues. He acquired the songs written by Lieber and Stoller, which included the Elvis Presley hits "Hound Dog" and "Jailhouse Rock". The Lieber and Stoller catalogue also contained Little Richard's greatest hits.The catalogue acquisitions, along with the continuing royalties from Lennon and McCartney, ensured that large amounts of money were frequently coming in for ATV Music Publishing. Despite the success of the music publishing organisation, other ventures formed by Grade were not performing as well. Pye Records, which continued to distribute music from artists such as Carl Douglas and Barry White, was failing to bring in large amounts of money.The television arm of ATV lost its government-granted license and their English Midlands franchise was awarded to Central Television, in which Grade had a minority stake. ITC also lost money on the flop movie Raise the Titanic. Grade's fortune diminished as the 1980s approached.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-15 23:56:46 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-16 00:01 编辑

By the mid-1980s, ATV Music Publishing and Pye Records were both up for sale. The companies were bought relatively cheaply by Australian businessman Robert Holmes à Court, who asset-stripped them and sacked many long serving employees, before selling them on again.During this time, American singer Michael Jackson was recording "Say Say Say" for Paul McCartney's Pipes of Peace album. Jackson stayed at the home of McCartney and his wife Linda during the recording sessions, becoming friendly with both. One evening whilst at the dining table, McCartney brought out a booklet displaying all the songs to which he owned the publishing rights. He explained that music publishing was a way to make big money. Jackson replied by telling McCartney that he would buy The Beatles' songs one day. "Great. Good joke", McCartney laughed.

Shortly afterward, John Branca, Jackson's attorney, advised the singer that the Northern Songs catalogue was up for sale. Warned of the competition he would face in buying such popular songs, Jackson remained resolute in his decision to purchase them.Branca approached McCartney's attorney to query whether the Beatle was planning to bid. The attorney stated he wasn't; it was "too pricey". McCartney had previously attempted to purchase Northern Songs alongside John Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono in 1981 for $20 million; the pair would each pay $10 million. Ono refused as she thought it was too high a price. Not wanting to spend the $20 million himself, McCartney let the sale fall through.After months of negotiating, Branca closed the deal and purchased Northern Songs on Jackson's behalf for $47.5 million.

In an analysis of the acquisition, Los Angeles Times noted that if "Yesterday" were to earn $100,000 a year in royalties, the Lennon estate and McCartney would divide 50% of the income; $25,000 each. The publisher, Jackson, would receive the other 50%; $50,000. It was added that "Yesterday" in particular would earn considerably more than $100,000 a year. The publisher would also control the use of the song in films, commercials and stage productions.Jackson went on to use the Beatles' songs in numerous commercials, feeling that it would enable a new generation of fans to enjoy the music. McCartney, who himself had used the Buddy Holly song catalogue in commercials, felt saddened. Privately, Jackson was reported to have expressed exasperation at McCartney's attitude; he felt that the musician should have paid for the songs he had written.At the time, McCartney was one of the richest entertainers in the world, with a net worth of $560 million and a royalty income of $41 million.Jackson stated, "If he didn't want to invest $47.5 million in his own songs, then he shouldn't come crying to me now".

Ono was pleased that Jackson had acquired Northern Songs and called it a "blessing".Speaking in November, 1990, Ono stated, "Businessmen who aren't artists themselves wouldn't have the consideration Michael has. He loves the songs. He's very caring."She added that if she and McCartney were to own the songs, there would certainly be arguments. Ono explained that neither she or McCartney needed that. "If Paul got the songs, people would have said, 'Paul finally got John'. And if I got them, they'd say, 'Oh, the dragon lady strikes again'".

After Jackson's acquisition of ATV Music Publishing, his record label, CBS, were negotiating the sale of their record division in an unrelated deal. Following hurriedly arranged meetings and disagreements over the selling price, a deal was sealed by Jackson during a concert in Tokyo.Upon seeing the success of this sale, Japanese corporation Sony sought to break away from its core business of hardware manufacturing and diversify into music, films and games. Looking for further opportunities, the company aimed to expand its music publishing interests. The Japanese corporation offered Jackson $90 million for 50% of ATV Music Publishing in 1995.Jackson gladly accepted; he had essentially acquired half ownership of the Beatles' songs for a large profit. Jackson's own songs were not included in the deal. Having been merged, the company was renamed Sony/ATV Music Publishing and became the third largest music publisher in the world. Michael P. Schulhof, President and CEO of Sony, welcomed the merger and praised Jackson for his efforts in the venture. "Michael Jackson is not only the most successful entertainer in history; he is also an astute businessman. Michael understands the importance of copyrights and the role they play in the introduction to new technologies." He added that Jackson recognises Sony's "leadership in developing and realizing new technologies that serve to expand the creative horizon of artists such as himself".Administrative expertise was provided by Sony, who installed Paul Russell as chairman. Jackson was a company director and attended board meetings regularly. As each party in the arrangement held the power of veto, both sides would have to agree on a decision before it could be made. If neither party agreed on a decisions, they would not be implemented.

Recent history
In May 2001, Jackson denied rumours that he was planning to sell the Beatles' song catalogue. Rumours had circulated that the singer was to sell them in order to finance the upkeep of Neverland Ranch and to cover legal bill expenses.The singer announced in a statement, "I want to clarify a silly rumour - the Beatles catalogue is not for sale, has not been for sale and will never be for sale." Sony/ATV Music Publishing continued to acquire song catalogues in the 21st century. In November 2001, the company signed country singer Tony Martin to an exclusive songwriting and co-publishing deal. Through the deal, they acquired Martin's Baby Mae Music catalog of 600 songs, which includes Joe Diffie's "Third Rock from the Sun" and Jeff Carson's "Not on Your Love". In July 2002, Sony/ATV Music Publishing bought veteran country music publisher Acuff-Rose for $157 million. The venture included music publishing rights to 55,000 country music songs, including the music of Hank Williams, The Everly Brothers and Roy Orbisonas well as the master recordings of the defunct label Hickory Records. Sony/ATV revived Hickory Records as the in house record label imprint in 2007, with distribution handled by Sony Music's RED Distribution. Sony/ATV also owns the masters of Dial Records, Four Star Records and Challenge Records.

Digital sheet music provider Musicnotes.com announced in June 2006 that they had signed a long-term distribution agreement with Sony/ATV Music Publishing. Musicnotes.com would produce and sell digital sheet music and guitar tablature for songs from Sony/ATV's extensive catalog. "As a music publisher, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to promote our songs and songwriters", Sony/ATV chairman and chief executive David Hockman announced in a statement.Another company acquisition was made in 2007, when Famous Music, a music publishing business with song catalogue of more than 125,000 songs including "Moon River" and "Footloose", was sold to Sony/ATV Music Publishing. The deal, sought by Viacom, included the assumption of around $30 million of debt. The company purchased the business for $370 million. The song catalogue also includes the hits of Eminem, Akon, Linda Perry, Bjork, Shakira and Beck.

Following Jackson's death in June 2009, it was revealed that Sony/ATV Music Publishing would keep control of the Beatles' songs.Upon his death, Jackson's entertainment attorney, Joel Katz, commented on the singer's work as a businessman. "Michael Jackson was a perfectionist and his business affairs are worldwide. Many of them are quite ongoing and will be dealt with appropriately."Ivan Thornton, a private-wealth adviser who worked with Jackson and his family, also commended the business side of the musician. "His business mind was fascinating. We’d go to meetings with bankers and Wall Street people and once I explained the language to him, he totally got it. There was no formal education there, but his natural knack was off the charts."

The value of Sony/ATV Music Publishing has varied in reports. In 2002, Forbes magazine estimated Jackson's 50% stake in the company, along with other music publishing ventures, to be worth $450 million.The organisation was valued at $700 million in 2003.Industry experts valued the catalogue at between $600 million and $1 billion in 2004, based on the sales of rival catalogues. Charles Koppelman, a veteran music industry executive, stated that $1 billion was more reflective of Sony/ATV Music Publishing's worth."Buyers would be lining up around the block if it were ever put up for sale", he said. "And I'd be in the front of the line." The value of the company was further estimated by Ryan Schinman, chief of Platinum Rye, to be $1.5 billion

In 2005, Jackson's defense attorney, Thomas Mesereau, revealed that the song catalogue had been valued at between $4 billion and $5 billion.The company's song catalogue is believed to generate up to $80 million a year; The Beatles' hits alone bring in $30 million to $45 million a year. Jackson's other publishing firm, Mijac, which publishes songs written by Jackson himself and which is administered by competitor Warner/Chappell Music, is valued to be worth at least $75 million.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-16 00:19:45 | 显示全部楼层

莫里的律师Michael Flanagan 情况

J. Michael Flanagan
Private Practice Lawyer
Email: click here to contact

Practice Areas
Criminal Law

Admitted  1970, California; 1973, U.S. Supreme Court  
Law School  University of Southern California, J.D.  
Member  Glendale (President, 1984-1985) and Los Angeles County Bar Associations; The State Bar of California; California Trial Lawyers Association; The Association of Trial Lawyers of America; Criminal Courts Bar Association (Member, Board of Trustees, 1980-1983).  
Biography  Phi Delta Phi. Instructor, Trial of Drunk Driving Cases, University of Southern California, 1983-1997.  
Born  Fullerton, California, December 30, 1941  
ISLN  907386627


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-16 01:56:46 | 显示全部楼层

Neverland 产权疑云

本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-24 23:37 编辑

Londell McMillan:作为MJ代表处理Neverland庄园2008转让事宜的律师

2008年11月11日,迈克尔-杰克逊将其2700英亩的梦幻庄园转让给Sycamore Valley Ranch Company LLC(枫叶牧场公司),该公司为MJ与殖民地名下一个子公司的联合公司,MJ方的代表为L. Londell McMillan律师。不清楚MJ estate是否仍拥有产权。圣芭芭拉评税办公室表示杰克逊卖以3500万美元出让该产业。
Michael Jackson Neverland Creditor's Claim

Originally posted Jun 23rd 2010 10:30 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/23/mi ... rtgage-refinancing/
TMZ has obtained a new creditor's claim filed in the Michael Jackson estate case, in which a lending company is asking for $4,580,000 for services connected with the refinancing of Neverland.
Jon Divens, the lawyer for the creditor, tells TMZ ... Michael refinanced Neverland in 2007 and got $45,000,000.  The lending company -- Genesis Group International -- claimed Jackson agreed to pay the Group 10% of the loan amount plus fees, totaling $4,580,000.

Genesis claims it made a demand for payment this year but never got paid.

There's an interesting history with the guy who owns Genesis -- Kevin Kinsey.  In 2008, there were reports that Kinsey had falsely represented himself as a representative of MJJ Productions in an effort to secure funding to get the re-fi.

A source connected with the estate tells TMZ ... without commenting on the merits of the claim, Genesis missed the deadline for filing a creditor's claim.


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-16 02:02:23 | 显示全部楼层

AEG公司老板Philip Anschutz情况(part1):

本帖最后由 飞扬清婉 于 2010-6-16 02:35 编辑

Philip Anschutz

2010年3月,福布斯排行榜全世界最富有的人排名Philip Anschutz为123位,拥有$60亿美金资产。

Philip Frederick Anschutz (pronounced ANN-shoots, born 28 December 1939 in Russell, Kansas) is an American entrepreneur. Anschutz bought out his father's drilling company in 1961, and earned large returns in Wyoming. He then diversified his portfolio by investing in stocks, real estate, and railroads. He then began investing in entertainment companies, co-founding Major League Soccer as well as multiple teams, including the LA Galaxy, Chicago Fire, Houston Dynamo, San Jose Earthquakes, New York / New Jersey Metro Stars, and the Kansas City Wizards. In addition, Anschutz owns stakes in the LA Lakers, LA Kings, and Hammarby IF and venues including the Staples Center, The O2 Arena (London), and the Home Depot Center. Anschutz also invests in family films such as The Chronicles of Narnia. Forbes ranks him the 123rd richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of $6 billion as of March 2010.

Anschutz's father was a land investor who invested in ranches in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, and eventually went into the oil-drilling business. Anschutz's grandfather, Karl Anschütz (born November 10, 1859, in the largely German region of Samara), emigrated from Russia and started the Farmers State Bank in Russell, Kansas. Anschutz grew up in Hays, Kansas, with part of the family located in Wisconsin (the location of his father's oil-exploration business, Circle A Drilling, where he lived near Bob Dole). In later years, Anschutz contributed to Dole's political campaigns. He graduated from Wichita High School East in 1957, and graduated with a bachelor's degree in business from the University of Kansas in 1961, where he was also a brother of the Sigma Chi Fraternity.

A member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, he is a conservative Christian. He and his wife, whom he met when he was 16, have three children. It has been reported that he owns an extensive collection of western art. It includes George Catlin's 1832 Bull Dance, George Inness's 1856 Afterglow on the Prairie, and important works by Georgia O'Keeffe, Frederic Remington, Fritz Scholder, and Charles Marion Russell.
Mr. Anschutz was inducted into the Junior Achievement U.S. Business Hall of Fame in 2002.

In 1970 he bought the 250,000-acre (1,000 km²) Baughman Farms, one of the country's largest farming corporations, in Liberal, Kansas for $10 million. The following year, he acquired 9 million acres (36,000 km²) along the Utah-Wyoming border. This produced his first fortune in the oil business.[citation needed] In the early 1980s, the Anschutz Ranch, with its 1 billion barrel (160,000,000 m³) oil pocket, became the largest oil field discovery in the United States since Prudhoe Bay in Alaska in 1968. He sold a half-interest in it to Mobil Oil for $500 million in 1982.
For several years Anschutz was Colorado's sole billionaire. With his acquisition of land in other Western states, he is thought to own more farm and cattle land than any other single private citizen in the United States.
He then moved into railroads and telecommunications before venturing into the entertainment industry. In 1999, Fortune magazine compared him to the nineteenth-century tycoon J.P. Morgan, as both men "struck it rich in a fundamentally different way: they operated across an astounding array of industries, mastering and reshaping entire economic landscapes."

In 1984 he entered the railroad business by purchasing the Rio Grande Railroad's holding company, Rio Grande Industries. Four years later, in 1988, the Rio Grande railroad purchased the Southern Pacific Railroad under his direction. With the merger of the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Corporation in September 1996, Anschutz became Vice-Chairman of Union Pacific. Prior to the merger, he was a Director of Southern Pacific from June 1988 to September 1996, and Non-Executive Chairman of Southern Pacific from 1993 to September 1996. He was also a Director of Forest Oil Corporation, beginning in 1995. In November 1993 he became Director and Chairman of the Board of Qwest, stepping down as a nonexecutive co-chairman in 2002, but remaining on the board. He has also been a Director for Pacific Energy Partners and served on the boards of the American Petroleum Institute, in Washington, D.C. and the National Petroleum Council in Washington, D.C.

In May 2001, the Bush administration upheld Anschutz's right to drill an exploratory oil well at Weatherman Draw, in south-central Montana where Native American tribes wanted to preserve sacred rock drawings. Environmental groups, preservationists, and 10 Indian tribes had appealed the decision without success. In April 2002, the Anschutz Exploration Corporation gave up its plans to drill for oil in the area. They donated its leases for oil and gas rights to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, which has pledged to let the leases expire, and the Bureau of Land Management said it had no plans to permit further leases there, and would consider formal withdrawal of the 4,268 acre (17 km²) site from mineral leasing in its 2004 management plan.
In May 2003 New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer reached a settlement with Phil Anschutz after he was found guilty of accepting IPO shares from Salomon Smith Barney in exchange for his firm, Qwest's, investment banking business. He was given $4.4 million penalty. According to the New York Daily News, Anschutz made payments of $100,000 to the New York branches of 32 nonprofits and $200,000 each to six law schools as a penalty.The payment was roughly equal to his profit from the practice of IPO "spinning".
In February 2006, the Denver Rocky Mountain News reported that Anschutz would not stand for re-election to the boards of Qwest and Union Pacific, and would resign from the board of Regal Entertainment Group, so that he could focus on his other investments.
On June 24, 2008, it was announced that Anschutz would buy Xanterra Parks and Resorts, which had purchased the Grand Canyon Railway in 2007. Negotiations for the sale began on June 5 and the sale is expected to be completed in Fall 2008.


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发表于 2010-6-16 02:09:52 | 显示全部楼层
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.
Michael, I love you & miss you forever!
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