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发表于 2010-7-21 21:52:02
AP Interview:迈克尔杰克逊的私人顾问托梅托梅博士打破沉默跟我们谈论他的朋友
Published 7/4/09 by
AP Recording News
By Linda Deutsch, AP
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AP Interview: Jackson adviser Tohme breaks silence
AP Interview:迈克尔杰克逊的私人顾问托梅打破沉默
LOS ANGELES — Dr. Tohme Tohme vividly remembers the first time he met with Michael Jackson to discuss the pop star’s finances. It’s not the money talk that stays with him now, but his enchantment at entering Jackson’s world of love.
LOS ANGELES —梅博士生动地叙述了他第一次与流行天王见面与之商讨他当时面临的财务状况的情形,他强调不是为了钱才选择跟Michael Jackson 合作,MJ的爱心世界由衷打动了他由此产生一种要走进他的生活的渴望。
"I saw how kind he was and what a wonderful human being," Tohme said in an interview. "I saw him with his children and I had never seen a better father. ... I decided to do what I could to help him."
Tohme, a financier with a murky past, had been contacted by Jackson's brother, Jermaine, who asked if Tohme could help to save Jackson's beloved Neverland ranch from foreclosure. Tohme said he traveled with Jermaine to Las Vegas, where Jackson was living after years of wandering the world following his acquittal on child molestation charges.
They bonded instantly. "For the last year and a half I was the closest person to Michael Jackson," Tohme said. He contacted Tom Barrack, the chairman of Colony Capital and a close personal friend. "He was hesitant to get involved, but I said, 'Let's go see Michael,'" Tohme recalled.
MJ和托梅一见如故(这里也可以翻译成一拍即合)“在最后的一年半时间(即2008.1-2009.6_cat注)里,我是Michael最亲近的人。”托梅如此说道。他联系了他的好朋友-殖民地投资公司的总裁Tom Barrack先生想让他出手帮助解决MJ的庄园所面临的困境,但是开始他还是感到犹豫,有些不太愿意介入。我对他说:“走吧,咱们一块儿去见见Michael。” 托梅回忆着当时的情景。
After the meeting he said Barrack, who was impressed with Jackson's "intelligence and focus," bought the note for Neverland. But that was just the beginning of a business relationship that culminated in the London concerts that were to have begun next week.
那次见面以后,托梅说Tom Barrack被MJ的天才和他的专注所打动,当即买下了梦幻庄园的一半债券,但是那只是他们之间合作的一个开始,高潮是几周后的伦敦巡回演出谈判。
Wearing a suit with no tie, Tohme, Jackson's last business manager and spokesperson, granted his first interview Friday to The Associated Press in the office of a lawyer friend.
Tohmen, listed in public records as being in his late 50s, has been portrayed as something of a mystery man in the Jackson brain trust.
"I hate the words 'mystery man,'" he said. "I'm a private man. A lot of people like the media and I don't. I respect the privacy of other people but lately nobody respects mine."
“我不喜欢神秘人物这个提法,”托梅说道 :“我是一个非常注重隐私的低调的人,很多人喜欢媒体效应,但我不喜欢那个。我尊重别人的隐私,但是到头来别人却不尊重我的。”
As he spoke, his cell phone rang constantly. He took only a few calls, one of them from Jesse Jackson.
他的谈话不时地被手机的铃声打断,他接了几个电话,其中一个是Jesse Jackson.打来的。
He has been stung by allegations that he was involved with the Nation of Islam, which he said was untrue.
"I have nothing against anybody," he said, "But I don't know anyone from the Nation of Islam. When I took over Michael Jackson's affairs, I fired some people from the Nation of Islam."
It is known that he is of Lebanese descent. His double name — pronounced toh-MAY' — is not uncommon in the Middle East. But he declined to go into detail about his own life and career other than to say he is a U.S. citizen who was raised in Los Angeles and, "I'm a self-made man. I'm in the world of finance."
众所周知,托梅医生讲话带很明显的黎巴嫩口音,他的名字的发音为: toh-MAY’, 这在中东地区并不罕见。作为一个在洛杉矶长大的人,他更倾向于谈论他的工作和生活,而不太愿意卷入他是美国公民这个话题。 他对自己的评价是:“我的一切都是靠自己奋斗得来的,我活在我赖以谋生的金融世界里。”
"I don't want to talk about me," he said. "I'm a nobody. I'm not important. I want to talk about Michael Jackson."
“我不想过多地谈论我自己,我只是个小人物,我一点儿也不重要。我只想说说Michael Jackson。”
At times he appeared on the verge of tears as he discussed Jackson's death, saying, "It's unbelievable ... I'm devastated ... God bless his soul."
He said that by talking about Jackson, he was fulfilling one of the star's wishes.
"He always said to me, 'I want people to really know who I am after I'm gone.'"
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