发表于 2011-10-5 00:48:07
本帖最后由 candiceTW 于 2011-10-5 00:54 编辑
現在這個Nicole Alvarez 是關鍵人物吧...她的態度她的樣子好討人厭哦...~"~果然是物以類聚耶...看的我不自覺越來越火大了
Dr. Murray lived with Nicole Alvarez in her Santa Monica apartment the entire time he treated MJ -- in fact, the Propofol that Murray used on Jackson was delivered to Nicole's apartment
莫里和這個妮可住一起, 期間莫里也都是把異丙酚寄到和妮可住一起的這個位於聖坦莫尼卡的家
As TMZ has reported, LAPD cops believe Nicole Alvarez knows a lot more than she said about what happened between Murray and Jackson -- but is withholding information to protect her baby daddy
檢方相信妮可對於莫里和麥可在一起這段期間的事一定知道的她說出來的多更多,但她也許會為了保護她孩子的爸-莫里, 而有所保留
可惡的女人 |