发表于 2009-7-13 23:45:21
Michael Jackson was more like an evil 'genius'
Monday, July 6th 2009, 11:46 PM
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If not for his money and fame, Michael Jackson would probably have died in prison.要不是因为迈克尔•杰克逊有大把的金钱和高名气,我想他很有可能已经死在监狱里面了。
I was thinking this last week in a park in Queens with a bunch of parents watching our kids, Little League boys - you know, the same age as the kids Michael Jackson used to invite over for slumber parties.
I was reminded of a skin-crawling 2003 interview by British journalist Martin Bashir, in which Jackson admitted he often invited kids to his Neverland lair, feeding them cookies and milk before sleeping in the same bed with them. 一想到2003年英国记者马丁巴希尔采访MJ的节目我就浑身起鸡皮疙瘩,节目里巴希尔被特别允许进入了MJ的梦幻庄园,在那里MJ曾经常邀请孩子们进入并在和那些孩子们分享一个床之前给他们饼干和牛奶。
Oof. 钞票
The whole creepy Peter Pan theme of Neverland - petting zoo, amusement park, video game arcade, soda fountains - was like a pedophile's paradise. 整个让人毛骨悚然的皮德潘主题公园――宠物动物园,游乐园,游戏室,冷饮柜,就像是一个恋童癖者的伊甸园。
Meanwhile, in the real world in a public park in Queens, I was watching these kids who just came from a 10th birthday party, running the bases in a pickup baseball game. And I was watching for predators. Because, as a father, I'm always aware that these are the innocents that pedophiles like to use as their personal party favors. Kids that look up to those giants called adults like they are superheroes. Searching for praise, attention, protection. 现实中,我在皇后区的公共花园里看着这些刚刚过了10周岁的孩子们正学着打棒球。同时我也在密切观察奴役他人者(注意尤指在财务或性关系方面),因为作为一名父亲,我一直知道恋童癖者喜欢将这些涉世不深单纯的小孩子作为个人聚会的宠物。那些敬仰巨人的孩子们呼唤成年人就像他们是超级英雄一样,渴望从他们那里寻求到赞扬,关注和保护。
Sometimes, they look up to bad grownups. Dangerous grownups. Grownups that sexually exploit them. I believe that Michael Jackson was one of those bad grownups. 有时候,孩子们也敬仰那些坏人,危险的成人----性骚扰他们的成人,我认为MJ 就是那些邪恶的成人之一。 |