Wednesday, 25th of May, 2005
Well, today was a good day for the Michael Jackson Defense team. I wasn't in Court today. Two people I trust were. Both felt that Chris Tucker, completed his testimony and in so doing destroyed the last vestiges of the "conspiracy" charges against Michael Jackson. Why was I not in court? Well, I didn't know until about an hour ago, but let me say, God did NOT want me there today, and as I and many Christians often say, "God's will be done". It was. But I did get the 9th TV show ABOUT the Michael Jackson Trial, produced in Santa Maria, On Second Thought, and it will air this Friday or Saturday at 7:30 pm on Santa Maria local Comcast Cable channel 25.
In short, Judge Melville revealed himself to be a bit more biased in favor of the Prosecutors. Poor Nancy [Without] Grace, she is desperately reaching back to Jason Francias. I RESIDE in Santa Maria, and dear young Mr. Jason happened to come to my home about a year ago, with my son. Statements he made in my living room, left me convinced he profited handsomely from false allegations against Michael Jackson, and that his Word, even though he is a "Youth Pastor" cannot be trusted. Was it not a "Youth Pastor" of the large, mostly white, Church-on-the-Way in Van Nuys, CA that ran off with an under age young woman, abandoning his own wife just a few years ago?
Why is Nancy focusing on Jason? The son of a woman impugned for stealing from Mr. Jackson while working for him, and then suing? Kind of like the current accusers mom, you know, the welfare FRAUD lady, who within the last few days was proven to have lied on welfare forms. Maybe, that is why miss-applied attitude-Nancy is reaching back to a son of a ... well... not so good a witness, but one which has not had his credibility totally destroyed. You know, throw enough mud... some may stick.
Frankly, Nancy has not spent a single day in trial testimony and knows less than nothing. What a waste of TV bandwidth to broadcast her rantings and ravings without a single day of real observation, much less months, such as Ms. Sharon Sidney and I have put in, day after day.
I know that at least some of the jury pool of 20 watch my local TV show. If not every weekend, at least some weekends. That is not a big deal. Half or more of the local Comcast audience has probably watched my local TV show. Why? Because it is virtually the only ANTI-big-Government-abuse TV show on the air here. The fact that they watch at all tells you something. I give them the unvarnished truth. Even government officials watch my show. That is why the Governments of Lompoc and Santa Maria gained control to cut my show from 8 times a week to just twice a week. Heavens sake, by revealing the truth, we had Santa Maria ready to RECALL the entire City Council just 2 years ago. Does that tell you WHY they used their Government Power to censor my show for what I said [no nudity, no foul language]. It was the Truth, they don't want folks to know. Period.
The Truth about this case, Michael Jackson, is that it is a modern day lynching of a successful black man who champions PEACE, HEALING the WORLD, and a International Holiday for all the worlds children. Yup you heard that right. I heard it from the NON-included so called "out takes" of the Martin Bashir documentary, which the American Public did NOT see.
One good thing I must give credit to Judge Melville on is that Judge made the 100 of us in Court watch 3+ hours of Bashir's "out takes" video of Michael. And Michael said on that video that he wants an International Children's Holiday, so one day a year, no school, no work, parents just take your kids to park and play and have fun. In those "out takes" Michael seems FAR more normal than the "Media Scum" portray him to be. If misrepresentation of a person were a capital offense, then Martin Bashir should be tried, convicted and executed for the misrepresentation of Michael Jackson. But instead, he is richly rewarded. Truly, we live in a "fallen" world because few "media Scum" want to present the Truth.
Defense has rested, but motions might give Defense one more rebuttal shot. We will know by Friday or sooner.
June 1-6th, you can expect closing arguments and a Jury Verdict of "NOT GUILTY". If your a fan, take it from a non-fan, who simply wants justice, and knows the Evil doers in the Santa Barbara District Attorneys office, for their failure to indict Government City managers for misuse of Government property, and failure to indict one of their own Asst. District Attorney's. The persecuting Prosecutors have lost and they know it. Tom Sneddon knows he has lost, that is why he started stuttering ever since Debbie Rowe testified on April 27th & 28th.
If you want to be here when Michael Jackson dances out of court, smiles from ear to ear, and maybe, who knows, opens Neverland to the fans and excludes "media Scum" like he did Jan 16th 2004. YOU WANT TO BE on MILLER & Cook St. in Santa Maria Courthouse the first week of June. Park on the top of the MALL parking lot, so your signs written on the TOP of your vehicles about Michael can be seen by the aerial choppers that will be flying overhead.
Oh, I almost forgot. For those of you IN Santa Maria, now, watch closely my show "On Second Thought" for a 3 minutes of ... well can I say Michael Jackson ON STAGE during my show doing a bit from his tour years back. No not old footage, but a short re-enactment of parts of his past tour. Let me know, what you think. Friday & Saturday at 7:30 - 8:44 pm. It is the show with Mr. Raffles Van Exel speaking out in defense of Michael Jackson.
"Ye Shall know the Truth, the Truth shall set you free".
Michael will be found NOT guilty, because the 95% of the evidence proves he is in fact NOT GUILTY of these specific charges. 5% is dubious either way. That is far too much to even attempt to get "beyond a R E A S O N A B L E doubt". Welfare cheater, Janet Arvizo Jackson, can expect to be indicted within 90 days in L.A. County. The Defense proved it to a L.A. Social welfare worker, who was on the witness stand. This way, the L.A. welfare folks cannot claim to "NOT KNOW". Gotcha. And thanks Mr. Robert Sanger. |