William Wagener :
There are two on that jury, who lied to get on for sure. I know of them. When the Hustler magazines, "Barely Legal" and then the "boys" book etc. was shown to them by Ron Zonen, I read their faces, I was in court sitting right behind the Jacksons.
Those jurors feel M.J. should go to jail just for possession, even though those are legal magazines and books. Sanger was clever when he asked one cop on the stand, a female cop, "Did you know that the Nazi's banded this book?" Objection - r elavance - Sustained, but too late. The jury heard the question, and they do not want to be seen as Nazi's even though many of them have NAZI like attitudes. Best of all they are hard workers that don't like welfare cheats, and one thing the defense did is prove that Janet & kids ARE WELFARE CHEATS.
I am betting NOT GUILTY inspite of all that the "good Ol boys are doing today behind the scenes".
M.J. has very competent attorney in Mesereau. He is a courtroom scrapper, and knows just how far to push the envelope [well most days, anyway]. M.J. is in good hands, and let me tell you this.
One day about 2 weeks ago, I just finished interviewing some FAN club Leaders from Europe, and I prayed quitely inside myself. God then gave me a "peace" about it. I announced that "peace" to my church, the Vineyard Fellowship in Santa Maria, which meets just 2 blocks from the Courthouse on Church st. Most thought I was "nuts", because they were only hearing the Nat. Media SCum crap. I told them watch and see what the jury now does.
To Me the real issue is NOT M.J., it is this:
1. Will S.B. voters now create a committed to elect in 2006 a NEW S.B. Dist. Attorney, who has never worked for THIS D.A. 's office and is clean and WILL commit before election to INDICTING TOM SNEDDON for evidence manufacturing.
2. Will M.J. contribute some $$ [when he has some again]
3. Will M.J. register to vote and encourage his fans to help
the Libertarian Party, the only party which champions the right of the individual to be ...."different", so long as one does not: initiate, FORCE, FRAUD, or Violence on another person.
4. Most importantly, will M.J., Tito, and Jermain reach out to NCP to help change the law so that FATHERS are not cut off from their own children AUTO-MATICALLY, or by false allegations of "abuse", so that we get to 50% placement of kids with EACH FIT Parent. That almost never happens now.
The Jury I.D. has been kept secret and there are 20 in the pool, so even Tuesday and Wednesday Sneddon could knock off two or three of the 12 and replace them with alternates. Is this rigged, Hell YES. We had a major minority lawsuit about it just a few years back, but the system continues unaffected.
I can not publically "publish\" what a I know at this point.
And I trust in God, and I have "peace".
Those of us who LIVE here have a duty to try to INDICT Tom Sneddon and Zonen etc.
I can not image GOD letting M.J. be locked up on false charges, but we are in dark times. S.M. is not much different from most of the nation.
If this was Mendocino County, CA. where Norm Vroman is D.A., this case would never have started. Norm is a re-elected Libertarian Party member and registered Libertarian. As soon as the chief Sheriff investigator reported to Norm [as Terrence FRaa did to Sneddon], that there is "No criminality" in M.J. and the accusers are "nut' cases, Norm would have moved on to REAL criminals
Our problem here is the voters have been lulled asleep because there is very little REAL NEWS getting reported, in the LIGHT that it should. I am practically alone. And "they" punish me for it regularly. I still do my weekly show.
"They" cut me down f rom 8 times a week to twice a week to reduce my EFFECT.
If I have a bone with M.J. It is only this. I wrote him years ago, and asked him to help us fund opposition to electing Sneddon, and he did not even answer me. Probably did not even read my letter. I sent several.
M.J. is listening to all the wrong people and he has got himself where he is because he does NOT want to stand up. Now he has been forced to FIGHT for his very freedom, which I believe would NOT have happened if he had helped me UN-elect SNEDDON years ago. M.J. is not listening.
For me it is like yelling at a little boy playing in the middle of the free way ON Ramp, since 4 a.m. The traffic has been nearly non-existant from 4-5:30 am. and the little boy luckily missed being hit. the little boys THINKS I don't care what you say, I have been playing here for hours, and your just wrong. At 5;30- 6:45 a.m. the ON RAMP traffic picks up dramatically, and the boy gets run over. It is frustrating, and predictable. You don't want, I don't want to see him killed, run over, but he just is not listening. |