Originally posted by nova at 2005-6-4 01:50 AM:
Host: Talk about his demeanor and how he is approaching this presentation to the jury today.
Guthrie: Well, you know, jack, Tom Mesereau is really on this morning. I don't know if he slept 12 hours last night, but it sure seems like he is very energetic, very urgent in his tone. Going through the transcript, some of the testimony that has been given in this case, almost line by line, he would say lie by lie. She on the attack today. There's an urgency in his tone, he is almost breathless, fast paced, intense, he is focused, a lot more than yesterday which frankly a lot of people felt he was scattered, off his game because of some of the technical problems they had at the outset. Totally different Tom Mesereau this morning.
Host: We know that the defense has always been attacking the accuser's family here and much of what they had to say. What is Mesereau saying about them this morning?
Guthrie: Well, what he is doing is seizing on these inconsistent statements that he says the family has made. He is literally going witness by witness. He started witness accuser, then moved to the brother, moved to the sister. Now he is on the mother. Going through their testimony and pointing out what he calls are lies. For example, he said the accuser conveniently has changed the dates of the molestation because he knew he had to deal with this interview, this rebuttal video where he was extolling the virtues of… He said the dates have changed. He said the number of times he said he was molested changed. First he said five times, on the stand he said two times. He told the story about how the accuser said it was his grandmother who told him this story about if you don't masturbate you might rape a girl. On the witness stand for the first time through everyone's shock he attributed that statement to Michael Jackson, even the police officer, the lead investigator didn't see that coming. He said he's a liar, he's a perger and that's an excuse. He said he flip flops all over the place because he is a liar. He said how many lies does this guy have to tell for you to see what's going on.
Host: What is Tom Mesereau saying about this notion of trying to get money through a civil suit from Michael Jackson?
Guthrie: Needless to say Tom Mesereau doesn't buy that for a minute, neither does they he want the jury to. He has argued that the purpose of the criminal case is so that that family can come into civil court way criminal conviction and get pay. He just said to the jurors, if you convict Michael Jackson of anything, they are going to be multimillionaires. It is the biggest con of their careers. They will be celebrating. They are waiting. They just need you to help them. Yesterday, he made a similar argument, saying these people will never work another day in their lives and it's all up to you. You just need to convict. And they are getting paid.
Host: Savannah, you know a witness testifies, often the words come into evidence, but often we spend a lost time looking at jurors and certainly as reporters at their demeanor. Rarely though do attorneys bring that up in closing argument. Has that come up at all with regard to any of the main witnesses in this case during Mr. Mesereau's close?
Guthrie: Yes. In fact, Tom Mesereau has used that video that everybody has talked about of the accuser's first interview. He said I hope you do look at his demeanor. He said look at his demeanor as he lies. He also said look at him on the witness stand. Remember, he didn't get angry or upset when he relayed this alleged molestation. The only time he got angry was when he was talking about how Michael Jackson rejected his family, how he didn't want to be a part of this accuser's family anymore. That was the only time that the boy got mad. He once again said he's cunning and smart. Remember what chris tucker said. He also talked about the boy's disciplinary problems at school he said he is a precocious disciplinary problem, not little lamb they want you to think he is.
Host: Obviously taking on the accuser quite directly as he has to do since the accuser is the witness who makes the molestation charges, of course his brother also testified as to having seen some things. But without the accuser, the molestation case, the whole case falls apart. But the accuse area's mother, a significant part of the prosecution case. Perhaps the key to the defense case, Mr. Mesereau must be deal wig her today, Savannah?
Guthrie: Oh, yes. In fact, as I left he was getting into her testimony. No, the gloves won't on for her, I can assure you of that. He said, this is a veteran liar, somebody who has no qualms about lying. He said sure the prosecutors are telling you she never asked for money. He said that is not her mo. She looks you in the eye and tells you a tale of woe and everybody brings out their wallet and gives her money. He said a quote yesterday that got to the heart of their theory of this woman -- he said perjury has no meaning to her. Is lied in the JC Penney depositions. She lied on the application for welfare. Perjury is a habit and she committed perjury right in this courtroom.
Host: It is interesting when you look and listen to the forerossity of the attacks on accuser's mother, I guess have you to worry if you are the defense attorney here, are you putting all of your eggs in one basket, is there a danger here that you are taking on the mother, and the jury might say we don't care about her, you are right, but what about the accuser himself?
Guthrie: I think we are hearing about outstanding arguments in that courtroom. But I think they actually show if you look at both arguments how close a case this is. Mr. Zonen, first of all, delivering the closing instead of Mr. Sneddon. They are not going to take any chances. They are going to put their best foot forward. He gets up there and begins essentially by attacking Mr. Mesereau which is a rather dramatic choice to make. Then Mr. Mesereau points out, one that may be suggests how desperate or how close it is depending on how you want to look at it. Now you have Mesereau hammering away at the accuser's mother and accuser. Not in a soft and gentle way. Really firing power at that again, it suggests that this case is hardly a shoe-in for the... It is not a clear win for the prosecution. I think it is certainly excellent lawyering, but suggests something more here that it's anyone's call on how the jury will go on the facts in this case.
Host: Savannah, are we seeing personal attacks, if you will, being delivered by the lawyers against the otherawyers during the course of the summations?
Guthrie: Well, yes and no. I don't know that it is personal because it is about the case. But I mean, there is a tremendous amount of bad feeling and spite among the parties in this case. We talked last hour, there is no cleechality here, no pats on the back. These people don't like each other. It is very clear to me. Ron Zonen, went after Mesereau at the beginning of the opening statement. Let me tell you, Tom Mesereau is returning the favor. He's gone after the prosecutors. I have a long quote to read you. I think it really goes to the heart of the matter. What he said was this -- in his closing argument, the defense has gone back to the well, one of their favorite theories, that is that Tom Sneddon has a vendetta against Michael Jackson, something they weren't permitted to do through any trial testimony because the judge won't let them, but they sure are arguing it in closing arguments.
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