"Then what's the next step?"
"By the way, he never did those either. The next step, we went back home to LA and he continued doing the things I hadn't stopped him from doing."
“Is this before the summer or during the summer?”
“I’m sure it was during the summer.”
"The next step?"
"In L.A., he continued those things.”
“Which things?”
“Rubbing up against me, having an erection and kissing for long periods of time."
"And having an erection?"
"Then what was the next step?"
"Then we went to Monaco.”
“When did you go to Monaco?”
“During the summer, I think. My mom - - ” [Early May, 1993.]
“And in Monaco?”
“In Monaco, he and I both had colds so we couldn't go out on the town or whatever and see the sights. We had to stay in and that's pretty much when the bad stuff happened."
"What happened?"
"I don't know. I think when he convinced me to take a bath with him or something. See, my
mom and Kelly were gone, they were having fun and we were stuck in with colds. And my mom, I remember, she offered to stay in and help us and take care of us, and Michael insisted that our colds shouldn't detract from them having fun. So we were alone and we took a bath together. That was the first time we ever saw each other naked. And during that time when we were alone in the room and they were gone, he talked about how all of his children friends masturbate in front of him."
"Did he say which children friends did it?"
"Which children friends did he say masturbated him?"
"Masturbated in front of him."
"Oh, masturbated in front of him. Okay, who did he say masturbated in front of him?"
"He said Peter Davis, Ian Roberts, Tommy Jones, Billy Williams - he was also on TV."
"He was also on TV and he said what?"
"'Michael and I do sleep in the same bed but Michael has never touched me.'"
"He's lying or Michael's lying?"
"Well, I don't - as far as I know he's not lying. Michael never did touch him, as far as I know. But Michael said that Billy masturbated in front of him."
"So Billy didn't say on TV anything about masturbation?"
"No No. And so, other kids - - Wait, I got to think of this kid’s name, Sam Thomas."
"Who's he?"
"A boy who went on the Bad tour with him. That’s the name of the tour before this one."
"You say, Bad tour, is that the name of the tour?"
"Bad, Yes."
“They called it the Bad tour.”
“Named after his album.”
"So what else happened, if anything?"
"So he was talking about how all these kids masturbated in front of him, and he said that - - Oh, by the way, I met Tommy and Billy during that time period, and Peter Davis as well. So he was saying that all these kids masturbate and it feels really good, and so one time he masturbated in front of me. That was the first time."
"He masturbated in front of you?"
"Um, like, he didn't make me watch and like he was on the bed masturbating, and, I don't know, I was changing."
"This is when you had colds in Monaco?"
"Yeah. I don't know if I was standing in the same room or not, but it wasn't like he shut the door and closed everything."
"Where was he and where were you?"
"He was on the bed, in the room. I was, I may have been getting ready in the bathroom, or in the - - We had a large closet and so I maybe was getting dressed in there."
"But you saw him?"
"Go ahead, next thing."
"And so he continued that for, like, a lot of the trip. And he kept on saying, 'Tell me when you're ready and I'll do it for you.' Because up till then I had never masturbated or anything. And I had never, ever, indicated to him that I was ready, like, to be masturbated. And I guess that wasn't according to his plans, and so, one time he just reached over and said, "Okay, just tell me how this feels.' And he put his hand on my - - "
"And this was in Monaco?"
"Right. And he put his hand on my shorts and he said, 'Now doesn't that feel good.' And he rubbed up and down. And I said 'Yeah.'"
"Did he masturbate you to orgasm, to climax?"
"Well, then he said, 'Well wait, it gets even better,' and he put his hand under my shorts and masturbated me to the end."
"Is that the very first climax you had in your life?"
"Yeah. Well wait, during that summer I had a, what's it called, a wet something?"
"You mean at night, while you're asleep?"
"You mean a wet dream."
"Okay, these were spontaneous. Did you have orgasms in your wet dreams?”
“I had one and that was it.”
“But it was the same feeling?”
“So that was your first, was in the wet dream?”
“And then so your first orgasm outside of a wet dream was when he masturbated you?"
"What was the next step?"
"And he, like, continued that. He stopped everything else that we were originally doing together; we just took baths. And we went to Euro-Disney after we went to Monaco."
"Anything else at Monaco other than what you told me?"
"About how many times would you say he masturbated you at Monaco?"
"I don't know."
"What were your feelings about it then?"
"Well, um, I said, this is really weird, like I never said I was ready then. But I said to myself, it feels good so, just, whatever, and he's my friend, so I can't be - - "
"And while he was masturbating you, what was he doing?"
"Just that, nothing."
"Okay. Is there anything more about Monaco?"
"Okay, what’s the next thing?"
"The next thing, we went to Euro-Disney."
"When was that?"
"After Monaco, because Monaco’s in France as well as Euro-Disney, so we went from Monaco to Euro-Disney."
"And how long were you at Euro-Disney?"
"I don't know, a week or two at most.”
“Was this during the summer?”
“I don’t know. No, wait, no actually now that I remember, up ‘til now, nothing was past the summer now that I remember, because - - ”
“So, Monaco was before the summer?”
“Euro-Disney was before the summer?”
“Yes, everything. Now I remember because I had a book to read for finals. It was called To Kill A Mockingbird. Supposedly that was one of his favorite books. And so he helped me study and he read the book to me and then he continued to masturbate me."
"By the way, if this was before the summer, this is the school time. When you're in all these other places, what's going on with school?"
"Well, I managed to still get all As; I brought my book with me."
"Did the school permit this?"
"What happened at Euro-Disney?"
"He continued to masturbate me."
"About how many times do you think?"
"About once a day. And that was it for Euro-Disney - and France, in general."
"Okay, that was it with Euro-Disney. Anything else?"
"You mean Euro-Disney?"
"I think we might have taken a bath together."
"On one occasion?"
"I don't know. It may have been one, it may have been not at all."
"Okay, next phase, next step."
"Next step, okay. We went home, back to L.A. again. Let's see, I remember, my dad, just as before, last year, was to help me study for finals, and so I was going to go to his house. And my dad and Michael, they had never met before, I don't think. And so, I was going to go to my dad's house and stay over there for, like, the weekend. And he was going to help me study. And that really saddened Michael that we would have to separate. So he stayed over there during that
"At your father's house?"
"That's right. That's the only time." [Actually, there were two weekends.]
"Okay, we're talking about June now? June of ’93?"
"Late May."
"And then?"
"And then he masturbated me there, and one time when he was masturbating me, um, instead, he masturbated me with his mouth."
"So he put his mouth on your penis?"
"Yes. Then, um, from that point, till the end of our relationship, he masturbated me with his mouth. And that was as far as it went."
"About how many occasions did he do that?"
"I don't know but I can tell you where."
"Where did it take place?"
"In my father's house, his Hideout, my mother's house, and Neverland."
"Okay, so these are four different places, so obviously it had to happen at least four times. Right?"
"Oh yeah, of course."
"But I want you to give me a guess - - "
"Okay. More than fifteen, that's safe. But he had me masturbate him."
"On how many occasions?"
"About ten. And he said that - - he had me - - he got me to twist one of his nipples while I sucked on the other and he masturbated himself."
"Was there ever any anal contact at any time?"
"Most men, when they masturbate - whether they be masturbated by someone else or doing it alone - most men have some thoughts in their mind. Sometimes they don't but most often they do. When he was masturbating you, what thoughts were in your mind?"
"Um, I thought, it's weird. It's like it didn't feel right but yet it felt good, and he was a friend so I didn't stop him."
“Most kids your age start, around your age, start to masturbate by themselves usually without
any kind of experience with another person and kids who (inaudible). Have you continued to masturbate since those experiences?”
“I did, I believe, six times right after the end of our relationship.”
“And not since?”
“And not since.”
“I’m not saying you should, but I’m asking you why you did. I’m asking you what were your reasons?”
“Because, I remember that it felt good when he did it and - - ”
“Okay, why did you stop? I’m not saying you should or you shouldn’t. I’m just saying why did you decide stop?”
“I didn’t (inaudible).”
“That’s it. Let’s separate the feeling from him.”
“Let’s do this. Let’s take a break for about ten-fifteen minutes and then we’ll continue. So you stretch your legs. Now I want to put it on the record that I’m not going to be talking to you between our meetings. All contact with you, all the things I’m going to say to you will be in this room on this tape. Do we agree that I haven’t spoken to you prior to this day, right?”
“So that’s very important. Okay, so let’s interrupt.”
“Do you miss him?"
"I'd like to talk to you about how this all came out. By the way, did he say to you that you should never talk to anybody?"
"Yes he did."
"What specific statements did he make to you in that regard?"
"He said that this - that we had a little box, and this was a secret, and it's a box that only him and I could share."
"He was not speaking literally?"
"It was a secret box, like, yeah, pretend we had a box and secrets go in there."
"A secret, like in a little box?"
"Yeah, you put the secret in the box and nobody can know about what's in the box but him and me. And he said, once again, he referred to, like, the unconditioned levitators. He said that we weren't conditioned, but if this box were revealed to other people, like regular people of today's society, they're conditioned and so they would believe it was wrong. And so that's why I
shouldn't reveal what's in the box."
"Do you believe it's wrong?"
"How did your parents learn about this?"
"I guess, after we had - Michael and I had stayed that night - - "
"At my father's, during the finals. He saw that, like, it wasn't a healthy relationship for me."
"What did he observe directly in terms of the sexual activities?"
"No sexual activities."
"He didn't observe sexual activities? But there were sexual activities?"
"There was, but he didn't observe them."
"What did he observe?"
"He observed Michael and I having almost the same personality, the same interests, the same way of speech."
"When you say similar personality - - "
"Like, I would act like him."
"Did you find yourself consciously doing that?"
"Did you make a decision or it just happened?"
"It just sort of happened. Like, the more we hung out together, his personality and his way of speech and everything else would rub off on me. And so he - - Dad saw me alone one time at Cody's, his pre-school graduation, and he told me 'You and Michael have lied to me,' and it seemed like he knew what was going on, without actually saying what was going on."
"So your father suspected. Is that what you're saying?"
"Yeah. And he said it in a stern, serious voice, not yelling."
"Was he speaking to you alone, or - - "
"When did this happen?"
"I, like, right before my school graduation."
"That's May or June?"
"June." [June 9, 1993]
"So what did you say then?
"I didn't. - - He didn't ask me what did you and Michael do together."
"By the way, going back, did he say, 'It's a secret.'"
"Yeah. In terms of did he make any threats?"
"I think he may have said, like, if you tell - - if people say 'Don't worry, just tell us, Michael will go to jail and nothing will happen to me you.' He said that wasn't true, and I could, like, go to juvenile hall or something."
"That he could go to jail but you'd go to juvenile hall?"
"Something like that."
"That he himself could go to jail?"
"I don't specifically remember. I'm almost positive though, that he said about juvenile hall. I'm almost positive he said that, but I do indeed remember that he said that he would go to jail, and that, like, I wouldn't get off Scott free."
"Did you believe that?"