MJ母亲Katherine接受Rita Cosby采访:
Katherine Jackson: When I saw that line of cars(警车). I should say convoy, going into his ranch to do a search, I was shocked, I was devastated, I didn't know what was going on and it was really. I thought it was stupid. And from that moment on I haven't had a minute of peace, a minute of rest. I can't even sleep at night for thinking about it.
Rita Cosby: These charges are very serious, we're looking at child molestation, conspiracy, your son could face twenty years in prison.
Katherine: Yes he could.
Cosby: How tough is that for you as a mother to think about that?
Katherine: Well, it's hard for me to think about it because I know he hasn't done anything. He don't deserve to go to prison because....but, I don't put it past them to try to railroad him or plant something on him.
Cosby: How did he tell you the news?
Katherine: He didn't, I heard it on television, and then we all rushed down there and we just embraced him and he just talked about it.
Cosby: Does your son Michael open himself up to criticism at all because he admitted in that video, in the Bashir video, that he shares a bed with children, and a lot of people say that's not appropriate.
Katherine: He didn't say. what he meant is he shared his room with them. He sleeps on the floor. People get the wrong impression, and if you have a dirty mind that's how you're gonna think, and most of the world is like that.
Cosby: So you don't believe he was touching them inappropriately?
Katherine: No, not at all.
Cosby: Is he nervous? Because this has gotta be scary.
Katherine: I'm sure he must be worried because I'm worried. and it's him that it's happening to and I'm sure he is.
Cosby: How sure are you that your son is not a child molester?
Katherine: 100% sure.
Cosby: No doubt in your mind?
Katherine: No doubt in my mind.
Cosby: And why do you believe that?
Katherine: I believe that for one reason. I know his character. I raised my son, and I raised him well. Just because he loves children, that don't mean he. you, you don't molest anything that you love, or hurt anything that you love, and my son hasn't done anything like that.
Cosby: Did your son look you in the eye and say "I didn't do this"?
Katherine: Yes, yes, he sure has, and I know he didn't do it. And he tells me "mother, I would never do a thing like that".
Cosby: Have you seen a change in him, since he's been accused this time around? This has gotta change somebody.
Katherine: Yes I've seen a change in him, he's not around children as much.
Cosby: Do you plan to go to the court when you can?
Katherine: Yes, I'm planning to be there all the time, but it's not fair that the Judge won't let us go in now, I don't think it's fair.
Cosby: Do you think he can get a fair trial in Santa Maria?
Katherine: No, not at all. Not at all.
Cosby: Do you think the trial should be moved to somewhere else?
Katherine: Yes I do.
Cosby: Do you feel Santa Maria is too conservative of a community?
Katherine: Probably. Probably.
Cosby: For an African-American man in Santa Maria, it'll be tough?
Katherine: Probably, probably, and I here there's a lot of skin heads down in that area and there's a lot of. what do you say. area nation or something. and I here that Sneddon's son was one.
Cosby: Who is he most angry with? Of all this.
Katherine: I think it's. Tom Sneddon. Because he knows it's a personal vendetta that Tom Sneddon has against him.
Cosby: Are you worried that these charges are always going to stain your son, for the rest of his life?
Katherine: I know they will.
Katherine: I always feel that I didn't prepare my children for the real world, and I kept them in most of the time, and right after then they went into show business.
Cosby: Did Michael maybe miss out in his childhood a little bit? Because he became a star so quick?
Katherine: Yes he did, he missed out on it a lot because he was. him being the lead singer he was in the studio a lot.
Cosby: How tough is it to here some of the things that they call your son, like MJ? That's gotta cut like a knife.
Katherine: Gosh, yes it does. If my son was wacko, he wouldn't be where he is today.
Cosby: Some people say someone who does plastic surgery and loves kids is different, you gotta admit he's different than the average person?
Katherine: Yes he's different because I think he's a good person. He's had plastic surgery, so what? A lot of people have had plastic surgery. His face is white because he has had this disease, and instead of having it spotted like a cow or something like that he just decides to just do the whole thing, because he could afford to do it.
Cosby: Does he love children so much because, I've been told, he feels so, I guess burned by adults, with his managers, financial advisors. everyone trying to kind of use him.
Katherine: Oh yes, they do.
Cosby: Do you feel he loves children because there is an innocence about them?
Katherine: Yes.
Cosby: That adults don't have.
Katherine: Yes.
Cosby: And he feels used by managers and financial advisors, so he turns to children because he feels there the only ones he can trust. Is that true?
Katherine: That's true.
Rita: Do you have a close relationship with him?
Katherine: We talk on the phone for hours sometimes when he calls, you know, and we just talk about things, different things.
Cosby: Are you going to be by your son all the way?
Katherine: Oh yes of course. That's my son and I love him.