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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-5-9 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/05/09 10:20pm 第 1 次编辑]由于原贴已经过长,故取消固定如需查阅,请点击:http://www.mjicol.com/bbs/topic.cgi?forum=1&topic=8598&show=0新翻译的文章接在此贴后,谢谢!

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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-10 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/05/12 03:55am 第 2 次编辑][B]toreador拿下 [/B]What's Going On In Santa Barbara?by PhatphanThere is an old saying that what goes around comes around. May it still be so. More than a handful of people with common sense already recognized the nonsensicality of child molestation allegations against Michael Jackson. But last week, the case took yet another ridiculous turn when Jackson was indicted not only on charges of molestation but also on conspiracy to abduct a child as well as extortion. Just when you thought the injustice system in Santa Barbara could not get any more ridiculous, they continue to surprise and exceed me.Not. The charges against Mr. Jackson are the fruits of a scheme born in the womb of a racist, sexist, political machine devoid of conscience, morality, or integrity. In effect, this machine has the entire city----whether they choose to acknowledge it or not---firmly caught between its teeth, particularly those who intentionally strike out against the powers that be (from hereafter referred to as the PTB). Hence, it should be no surprise that Mr. Jackson has found himself on the wrong side of the fence since he is a black man who happens to be the richest person in the area, a black man who married TWO white women, and finally who has been known to participate in fundraisers for the Democratic party. In essence, Mr. Jackson sticks out like a sore thumb to the PTB.Not surprisingly, this entire case is the ultimate sham of shams, a tedious exercise in prosecutorial smoke and mirrors set up to fool people into believing that Mr. Jackson was guilty of any of the charges. Further, the "case" is nothing more than an elaborate house of trick cards constructed and situated to exact revenge on the Gloved One for daring to be his own man and not bowing to the self-proclaimed potentates of Satanic Barbara (not a misspelling). Yet, this drama has unfolded at almost breakneck speed compared to other cases of alleged misdeeds involving children like R&B superstar R. Kelly, who has yet to be tried on child pornography charges stemming from an arrest over two years ago.So who are the architects who are keeping this conspiracy going?TOM SNEDDON: The Grand Wizard of Deceit, he is not only driven but consumed by rage, determined to pummel Mr. Jackson into the ground. How else does one explain circulating photos of a naked Jackson to certain people, as FOX NEWS talking head Geraldo Rivera charged earlier this year, and making light of them? How else does one explain tearing up Neverland under the guise of looking for "evidence" to arrest when he had already obtained both a search warrant for Neverland as well as an arrest warrant for Mr. Jackson? How else does one explain the press conference in which a giddy Sneddon cracked jokes about a case supposedly involving the sexual abuse of a minor?Make no mistake, for years the powerful Santa Barbara DA has networked with a number of business and political elites, allegedly forging a labyrinth of connections used for no other purpose than to strong arm or blackmail anyone into doing his dirty work. The system has worked so far and Sneddon has been instrumental in implementing what one unnamed source called his Three 碦s?Agenda successfully: REDNECK, RACISM, and REVENGE. However, some are already predicting that Sneddon has gone too far in the case and may be driving off the edge of a cliff. If so, Sneddon will find himself bound and gagged by a tape that is not easily erased or explained away. What consumes him will in fact destroy him.JIM THOMAS: Every Grand Wizard needs a flunky and Sneddon certainly has a good one in the former Satanic Barbaric sheriff.. Thomas is essentially the good DA's prostitute, hopelessly tethered to the man who allegedly has enough dirt on Thomas to force him to be Sneddon's mouthpiece to a bankrupt and sound-bite hungry media. How else could one explain Thomas attempting to explain away the suspicious activities of a prosecutor who meets with the mother of his star witness accuser in an abandoned parking lot? Or what about Sneddon sliding his card underneath the mother's door BEFORE any allegations were even made by the family? Even more ridiculous, let's not forget Thomas' most famous mantra: "There are other victims." Gratefully, Thomas will follow the way of his prideful pimp, falling from grace into a morass of muck and mess crafted by their own hands. Follow at your own peril, Jim.BIG BUSINESS: There are way too many varied commercial interests to name specific groups, but know this: Santa Barbara is land poor. Jackson, on the other hand, owns over 2,700 acres of land in Santa Ynez. Toss in political and racial concerns as well as kickbacks from business owners clamoring for land, influence, and prestige and you have a hot mess for Jackson. But what is done in the dark will come to light. BELIEVE THAT!Voices of Protest?With Mr. Jackson being the perhaps the most recognized person on the face of the earth, and with such an obvious hatchet job of a case becoming more insidious by the day, one question has been burning in my mind: WHERE THE HELL IS THE NAACP?Historically known as a progressive, proactive civil rights group that coupled keen investigation with intentional strategy and activity, the NAACP has gone missing so far as the Jackson case is concerned. This same group, of course, had no problems accusing Mr. Jackson of not hiring enough African-Americans during the 1980s. Of course, Michaelmania was in full swing and any attention-----positive or negative----involving him was bound to garner attention for all involved. Perhaps instead of clamoring for photo ops with white Fortune 500 magnates, the NAACP should rediscover its rich history of protesting injustice and fighting for the rights of the oppressed regardless of the color of their skin. The NAACP is dropping the ball, missing an opportunity to rip the sheets off of a corrupt and racist local government that longs to destroy any whose decent intentions oppose their own agendas. Furthermore, the NAACP should be ashamed of its lack of voice on this matter. It is high time they stop using the legacy of its storied past as means for personal gain. One word to the NAACP: show up or shut up.Another voice of protest missing from this is that of veteran black writers and political/cultural commentators. I should say a RATIONAL voice here because a number of those who have commented have obviously spent more time questioning Mr. Jackson's blackness than questioning the merits of the case against him. Others mimic the voices of their racist white counterparts in attacking Jackson. Larry Elder, who strains to sound like a fair-minded Negro his white friends can tolerate, accused Mr. Jackson of playing the race card in alleging that Sneddon's arrest and ransacking of Neverland had an element of racism involved.Deliver uppity Black folk from blind ignorance. Had Felder taken his Black behind (yes, Larry, you're STILL Black) to Santa Barbara and actually begun to talk with people in the know there, he would have learned that Jackson's claims were not an aberration but rather a common occurrence for people of color there. Memo to Felder and like-minded Negroes like him: stop sitting on your behind and using the media's latest "exclusive" stories to judge the case. Instead of reflecting on how much you think Mr. Jackson's appearance has changed over the years, discuss how LITTLE has changed in this country regarding racism. For Elder to defend Sneddon is almost tantamount to selling another brother into slavery.How I long for the day when Black media outlets (BET) will wake the hell up and start discussing issues like Mr. Jackson's case. For too long, we have allowed ourselves to be co-opted into a minstrel play, shaking our behinds to anything that had a "tight beat." Well, I have no issue with tight beats but while some of you are "up in da club gettin tipsy" the King of Pop is being prepared for a public lynching. And don't think for a minute that this has nothing to do with you. If Michael Jackson, who has more money than you and more lawyers than you, can be railroaded by a racist, vindictive prosecutor, tell me what in the hell makes you believe that you are safe? Remember, Mr. Jackson was on top of the world exactly twenty years ago. Now load that on your MP3 and play it!It is time for people who care about civil rights to say something. This is no longer an isolated incident. It is time to rage against a machine that creates the harrowing and sickening scenarios like the one fermenting in Santa Barbara. Particularly, it is time for Santa Barbara residents who have languished silently for years under the hand of shady leaders to come forward and tell the truth. Remember Jasper, Texas? That was the city where a Black man was dragged to his death in the streets by white men trying to fulfill some sick fantasy of killing a Black man. That city could have exploded in racial unrest and yet, the citizens---Black, White, Latino---refused to allow a few numbskulls to control their city's destiny. They banded together and called for justice and GOT IT! Let that be a lesson and an encouragement to you, Santa Barbara. Indeed, there are brave souls, lovers of humanity, of God, and of peace who long for a city they can be proud of. In addition, these same persons are no doubt in absolute fear for their safety and even their lives should they come forward and expose the real Santa Barbara to the world. But know this: if Santa Barbara remains silent and partakes of this conspiracy of shame, both its reputation and its city will go down in flames. Let him who has an ear hear.?The Cutting Edge All Rights Reserved
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-10 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层








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发表于 2004-5-10 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
PL的回复:_____________________________________________________________________Polar Levine responds:The issue here is not my delicate sensibilities. Of course I can turn the tv off. But as a media critic I comment on media’s role in our culture. My take on this Jackson thing also entails our corporate and government bodies' increasing ability to tap into our personal private lives and retreive the nasty data as soon as one of us is accused of some dirty deed. Whether you're a popstar or a janitor you do not deserve to be dessicated for the amusement of a stimulation-challenged public. A musician should not be penalized for being popular. The idea that a *public figure* is toy for the public to twist, pound and mutate like a lump of Play-Doh is sick. And it's a cheap philosophical loophole that legitimizes our violence and envy as medication for our ennui.这儿的文章不出于我的细致敏感。当然我可以把电视关了。但是作为一名媒体批评家,我得谈论媒体在我们文化中扮演的角色。我接手Jackson的事情也同样让我们的公众和政府体制在调查个人私生活,和当有人被控告犯了肮脏交易的时候,提取肮脏信息能力增加一些。一个音乐家不能因为他成为公众人物就受到惩罚。对于那种“公众形象就是供大众去扭曲,打击,像一大块"普雷"去任意捏造”的想法真是恶心。因为我们无聊,就让暴力和嫉妒统治了我们的媒体,这也真是哲学上的大漏洞。It’s well understood that Jackson is mentally askew in certain vital areas. It’s also understood that he’s an extremely well-focused and proactive businessman who’s very much in charge of his multitude of income-generating activities and holdings. We can point to many eccentric -- ok, extremely neurotic -- people who are highly functional in other areas.大家都知道在某些方面,Jackson的精神有些偏。大家也都知道他是一个极度的焦点人物,手段专业的商人,也经常由于他的众多行为和物品招来起诉。我们还可以把矛头指向很多的怪人 - 好,那些精神极为不健康的人 - 只要是那些各个领域中的重要人物。We don’t know if he acted “inappropriately with children” and we won’t know until a verdict is handed down. Even then we won't know for sure. But that’s the way our legal system works. It's "too bad" if you have to wait until then to howl with the mob. the mob. 我们不知道他是否作过“对儿童不恰当的行为”,而且在法院判决下来之前也不会知道。即使下来了,我们也不能肯定他就是做了。但是这就是我们司法制度的进行方式。如果你想等到那个时候在和那些乌合之众一起嗷嗷叫,那才是“太糟了”。As you say, Jackson’s actions “would TEND to make people think that perhaps you were dealing with a potentially dangerous and unstable individual.” I agree. But that doesn’t mean that he actually *is* a dangerous individual. Sleeping in bed with a child means different things to different people. A child in pain or distress can be comforted by lying next to an adult he/she trusts. Because some people, or the majority if that's the case, think that it is the same as molestation -- doesn't mean it *is* molestation. In fact -- *you* could find yourself, like Richare Perle (the wrongly accused 1998 Atlanta Olympics bomber), having your life and reputation destroyed in public because you're wrongly accused of a horrendous crime with no convincing evidence. Remember, Perle was not a celebrity. The public, the police and the media needed a suspect and here was a guy who was near the scene of the crime. He'll do.正如你说的Jackson的行为“这绝对会让人觉得他是在和一个潜在危险人物,不稳定的个体打交道”。这个我同意。但是这部表示他一定就*是*一个危险人物。对不同的人来说,和孩子在一起睡觉有着不同的意思。一个生病或是难过的孩子躺在他所信任的大人身边可以得到安慰。只是因为许多人,如果说正确些应该是大多数人,都会认为这和性骚扰一个样 -- 那它也并不就是等于性骚扰。事实上,如果*你*被错误的指控,说你犯了可怕的罪而又拿不出令人信服的证据,而在公众面前把你的生活和威信全部毁坏的话,你会发现你就像Richare Perle(被错误指控1998年亚特兰大奥运会爆炸事件的人)一样。记住,Perle可不是一个名人。 而大众,警方和媒体需要一个嫌疑犯,而这里有刚好有一个家伙里犯罪现场很近。那他刚好可以满足我们的需要。I'm a big free speech guy but I'm no fan of using free speech as a blunt instrument for generating profits for media at the expense of private citizens. Jackson's serial facial alterations are not much more extreme than that of Joan Rivers or Cher. And as weird or repellant as his lifestyle may be -- it does not suggest that he has criminal tendencies. We're entertained by the rage and repulsion we feel but that doesn't make our invasion of his privacy and endless malicious commentary any less morally repugnant. If he's guilty of child molestation I'm for putting him away for a very long time. Until that verdict comes down, he deserves the same dignity as any upstanding citizen like yourself.我是个很言论自由的家伙,而且我也没有一点兴趣,去用自由的言论当作生硬的手段让市民花费来为媒体赚取利润。Jackson一系列面部的改变其实也没有Joan Rivers或是Cher来得更极端。而且就他怪异或说令人不悦的生活方式而言,也许,这并不能暗示说他就有犯罪倾向。我们被我们所感知的愤怒与厌恶所取悦,但是那不能让我们去侵犯他的私生活和任何无道德,无休止的恶意评论。如果他的确犯了儿童性骚扰罪,那我干脆就会把他放到一边很长时间。直到判决下来,他还是享有和任何上等公民一样的尊严的,也和*你*一样。____________________________________________________________________全翻译了,还算是比较连贯的,有兴趣的就看看吧,其实我觉得这篇文章(我只得是全文)还是挺不错的,让人思考的东西挺多的,也许是我翻译得不到位。。。。








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发表于 2004-5-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
圣芭芭拉发生什么了?Phatphan著有句老谚语叫:你的所做所为,也会得到报应。但愿现在还是这样。其实一大把有常识的人早就看出来对Michael Jackson的儿童性骚扰指控根本就是无理取闹。可就在上个星期,这官司竟然有了更可笑的转变,Jackson不止被控告性骚扰,而且还加了两项诱导及强迫儿童的阴谋罪。就在我们觉得圣芭芭拉的司法系统已经不能再可笑的时候,他们继续给我们带来了巨大的惊奇。不。对Jackson先生的指控根本就是那些缺乏良心,道德,整体感的种族歧视,性歧视和政治机器的阴谋果实。结果,这些机器把整个城市 ---- 不管他们是否愿意承认 --- 牢牢的控制在他们手中,尤其是那些那些在国际上对抗当权者(以下简写PTB)的人。因此,当Jackson先生刚好成为他那个领域里面最有前的黑人,一个娶了两个白人老婆的黑人,民主党基金会成员的时候,毫不惊奇的发现他站在辩论的错误一边。实际上,Jackson先生对那些PTB而言非常扎眼。果不其然,这一整套的案子就是假中最假的,用起诉的迷雾和镜子来愚弄大家,让他们都以为Jackson对于这些起诉来说是完全有罪的,真是一个令人生厌的运作过程。此外,这所谓的“案子”也不过是拿纸牌精心搭造起来的房子,急于向戴手套的人(Michael Jackson)报复已占为己有,而又向自称是“圣坦尼克”芭芭拉统治者的人不敬。尔后,和其他此类和小孩有牵连的案件相比,像R&B超级明星R.Kelly的案子,这出戏展开的速度简直就和砍头的速度一样快。R.Kelly自两年前被捕以来,现在还在受着儿童色情方面的指控。那么,谁是让这阴谋继续下去的建筑师呢?TOM SNEDDON:这场欺骗的主要领导者,他不只变得愤怒了,甚至是被愤怒所收买,想要一个上勾拳把Jackson先生打倒在地。就像今年早些时候FOX新闻视频会议的Geraldo Rivera指控一样,他除了像某些人解释,澄清那些备受批评的Jackson裸照之外,他又有别的什么可以做吗?当他拿到Neverland的搜查证和对Jackson先生的逮捕证的时候,他除了以找出“证据”为幌子将Neverland践踏与他的铁蹄之下以外,他还有什么可以做的?他除了解释在一次新闻发布会上他轻率的爆出了一个关于未成年人性虐待的笑话以外,他还有什么可以做的?千真万确,长年来有权有势的圣芭芭拉地方检察局与很多商界政界精英有关系网,把他们结合起来锻造成了一个四通八达的迷宫,不为别的,就是为了敲诈,或强行把某些人卷入他们的肮脏勾当。这个体制已经运做已久,Sneddon也很乐意去成功完成那个匿名消息称为的“三R政策”:粗人,种族歧视,复仇。然而,有些人早就预言,Sneddon在这案子上走得太过头了,早晚会落下悬崖边的。届时,他会发现自己被一盘不那么容易消除或是解释的带子绑着,嘴也被它堵上了。收买他的东西会真正的毁了他。JIM THOMAS:每个主要领导都需要一个趁炎附势的家伙,Sneddon在前圣芭芭拉尼克郡治安所里面也有一个。Thomas绝对是地方检察局的好妓女,没什么希望的被Sneddon牵着,还给他融合一大堆污秽之事,足以让他在黔驴技穷,捕风捉影的媒体面前当个的传话筒。除了解释Thomas要搪塞过去他和他明星原告的母亲再一个被遗弃的停车场见面的让人怀疑的行为以外,还有什么可以干的?或者怎么解释Sneddon在那个母亲家门下面塞卡片,而此前这家人家没有做过任何指控?还有更可笑的呢,我们别忘了Thomas最著名的咒语:“还有其他的遇难者”。令人感激的是,Thomas将跟着他最引以为傲的皮条客,在他们一手铺出来的路上,从体面的位置跌入泥沼。自己酿的苦酒你自己喝吧,Jim.大生意:不同的广告都喜欢用一些方法去命名那些特殊的组织,但是,要知道:圣芭芭拉是一块没有多少利润可图的地方。从另一方面,Jackson在Santa Ynez拥有超过2,700英亩的土体。无论是从政治,种族的角度考虑,还是从商人们在土地,权利和声誉上反蹬一把,Jackson手中的东西绝对炙手可热。但是暗地里做的事儿早晚会曝光的。相信吧!








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发表于 2004-5-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
后面的Voices of Protest明天再说。。








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2004-5-13 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
抗议之声哪去儿? 考虑到Jackson先生可能是世界上最出名的人了,也考虑到这件专业的案子到现在变得显然更阴险了,我的脑中总是冒出一个问题:NAACP现在到底在哪儿? 在历史上作为激进,专业处理人权以及对国际战略和行动有敏锐调查的一个组织,NAACP自Jackson的案子发生以来已经消失好久了。当然,这个组织早在80年代的时候还控告过Jackson先生说他未能雇用足够多的非洲裔美国人。当然在当时Michaelmania正处于巅峰时期,任何的警示 ---无论是正面的还是负面的 ---- 把他牵涉进来,就能近来牵涉进一切的关注。没准除了和白人财富前500位首富嚷着照封面照以外,NAACP还是应该重新考量一下自己的发家史,那主持公正,不顾当时对不同肤色人种的压迫为人权而战的过去。 NAACP完全失职了,他们失去了一次罗列当地政府中腐败人员和种族歧视者人员名单的机会,那些人能把所有对他们计划有反对意向的人都给毁了。此外,NAACP应该在自己没有为此事发言而感到羞愧。现在他们的确不应该再用当时的故事作为生财之道了。对NAACP就一句话:出来,要么关门。 另外一个消失了的抗议之声本应该出自于那些关于政治,文化的黑人老手评论们。我在这儿应该说句公道话,他们中有相当一部分人现在质问Jackson先生的肤色比去质问这件案子的好处所花的时间还要多。有些人甚至还和他们那些相对应的白人种族歧视者放出一样的发言来攻击Jackson先生。Larry Elder紧张的控制着自己的话在他那些白人朋友的容忍范围内,让他听上去像个公平的黑人。他还说Jacskon声称Sneddon逮捕他和搜查Neverland有种族歧视的因素在里面,这完全是在玩儿种族牌。 为了把高傲的黑人种族从盲目无知中解救出来。Felder带着他的黑人(对,Larry,你也是个黑人)到圣芭芭拉,和知道详情的人讨论。他早就应该知道,Jackson的那些话并不是失常的,而根本就是一个有色人种的正常评论。给Elder和那些和他有相似想法的黑人们提个醒:别再无动于衷了,别再用媒体最新的"独家"故事去判断这个案子了。别去考虑Jackson先生的外表这么多年改变多大了,讨论讨论我们国家种族歧视问题改变的多小吧。Elder帮着Sneddon辩护也就是等于把另一个兄弟卖给奴隶主。 我多么希望能有这么一天,黑人媒体市场(BET)能清醒过来,开始讨论Jackson先生的案子。很长时间以来,我们都纵容我们去选择那些白人扮黑人的演艺表演,只要有点快节奏就会摇屁股。好吧,我并不是和快节奏过不去,当你们都在俱乐部里面醉着的时候,King of pop却还在准备公开受刑。别以为这事情和你没关系。如果Michael Jackson,比你有钱,比你有更多律师,还和种族歧视者和报复者脱不了干系的话,告诉我你凭什么觉得你的处境是安全的?记住,Jackson现在早在20年前就是世界顶尖的了。现在把你的MP3装上,放他的歌曲! 是该到那些那些关注民权的人说些什么的时间了。这不再是一起孤立的事件了。也是时候该对那些让圣芭芭拉哗然,制造出那种令人烦恼,恶心场景的人大声驳斥了。尤其是那些住在圣芭芭拉的居民们,在经过卑鄙领导者的领导下数年的沉默之后,该是出面告诉大家真相时候了。还记得德克萨斯的Jasper吗?就是在那座城市里,有一个黑人被三个白人当街拖死,就是为了满足一下他们想杀死黑人的恶心幻想。这城市本来都会被种族动乱破坏掉,而那里的居民 --- 无论黑人,白人还是拉丁人 --- 都拒绝让那些的木头脑袋继续掌握他们城市的命运。他们团结在一起,呼吁得到正义,并且最终成功了。这对你们来说是一堂课,也是一种鼓励,圣芭芭拉。的确,这里有着勇敢的灵魂,有着对人道,神和和平的爱,他们都渴望着城市是他们能够引以为傲的。此外,当他们站出来,向世界揭露真实的圣芭芭拉是什么样的时候,他们也无疑会为自己的安全和生活而陷入恐惧中。但是请知道:如果圣芭芭拉仍然保持沉默,和这耻辱的阴谋继续沾边的话,无论是这城市的声望还是它本身,都会身败名裂。有心者就行动起来吧。 The Cutting Edge All Rights Reserved
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-13 18:14:06编辑过]








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-5-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
一部颇具争议的Michael Jackson传记电影已选择加拿大作为拍摄地点。这部未经授权的影片现正在加拿大西南部城市卡尔加里进行拍摄,AB(???),预计将于5月28日封镜。这部电视电影讲述了歌王麻烦不断的生活,是由VH1电视台投拍的。 影片暂时命名为《家庭价值》,将从他的颠峰之作《Thriller》专集一直讲述到他现今被人嘲讽、沦落为嫌疑犯的地步。众人垂涎的“流行音乐之王”的角色被电视演员Flex Alexander摘得。影片的导演是Allan Moyle,他曾指导过《锁不住的天空》以及风靡一时的《唱片帝国》等影片。像许多其他的美国影片一样,这部MJ的传记电影也选择在加拿大拍摄。看来我们为美国人提供了一个廉价的场地,希望能有利可图。 《家庭价值》将于六月底在“电影中心”频道首映。电影的主创人员称该片并没有对Jackson和他的生活进行任何的评论。他们说的是否属实,观众们可以做出自己的判断。








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-5-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-5-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Yeah! 我知道了! AB is short for Alberta!就是那个省的名字 居然还有Keen不知道的词 ……LOL…… 有意思的是我那本中国地图出版社1990年的世界地图上,Santa Barbara被翻译成“圣巴巴腊”~~~~~~
kiki 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-5-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用toreador在2004-5-13 16:57:17的发言: 抗议之声哪去儿? 考虑到Jackson先生可能是世界上最出名的人了,也考虑到这件专业的案子到现在变得显然更阴险了,我的脑中总是冒出一个问题:NAACP现在到底在哪儿?
以下是引用Billie_Hou在2004-5-14 20:26:17的发言: Yeah! 我知道了! AB is short for Alberta!就是那个省的名字 居然还有Keen不知道的词 ……LOL……
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-15 16:43:03编辑过]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Billie_Hou在2004-5-14 20:26:17的发言: Yeah! 我知道了! AB is short for Alberta!就是那个省的名字 居然还有Keen不知道的词 ……LOL……
[em07] 呵呵`````````








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-5-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
MJ案检方支持禁声令 Tim Molloy美联社 洛杉矶报道——为了让媒体不再去迎合那些热衷八卦新闻的观众,圣芭芭拉县检方强烈要求州最高法院支持Michael Jackson孪童案中的禁声令。 他们声称法院强制实行的禁声令对保持陪审团判决的公正性相当重要。他们还称Jackson一案引起了公众的强烈兴趣,成了小报和主流媒体共同关注的焦点。 “那些所谓‘事实’的报道成为了广泛关注的焦点,人们对此妄加猜测和讨论,特别是在小报上,还有小报迎合的读者。”地方检查官Thomas Sneddon和地方代理律师Gerald Franklin在周四向法院提交的一封信件中说道。 检方称提交这封信件是为了回应包括美联社在内的媒体提出的撤消禁声令的要求。此禁声令禁止任何与案子有关的人来谈论这个案子。 最高法院现正讨论是否对此案召开听证以及是否要求原被告双方在周五前提交论据。 Sneddon和Franklin在信中写到,他们最初颁布禁声令,是为了阻止Jackson的前辩护律师,在脱口秀主持人Larry King 和Geraldo Rivera的节目中,做出他们认为“不恰当的、会激发群众带有偏激性热情的”言论。 信中称前辩护律师Mark Geragos,曾在那些节目中与观众分享“他本人对他的委托人‘在事实上的清白’的信任以及受害者家庭‘贪婪’的欲望,企图敲诈Jackson先生”的观点。 尽管Geragos从上月起就不再参与此案,他现在依然遵守着禁声令。 Theodore Boutrous律师,代表各新闻机构,说他会在周五前做出书面回应。在一次采访中,他说检方对新闻媒体的干预不太常见。 “地方检查官已经表明了一种反常且极端的、直接违反《宪法第一修正案》的立场,”Boutrous说。“那种所谓的‘媒体应该在公众关注的案件上受到限制’的观点,是对《宪法第一修正案》的极大冒犯。” 检方试图对案件的进展保密。一份秘密的文件——Jackson的“长凳传票”(指被告必须出庭的传票)——于周四公布。 此传票之前一直处于密封状态,因为法庭的官员希望在4月30日Jackson聆讯之前,对于他的指控能够保密。在4月30日,歌王对有关他的孪童罪、阴谋罪、非法拘留、敲诈等罪名均声称自己无罪。他的出庭,使得此传票失去意义。 Sneddon和Franklin目前要求的禁声令已成功地将那些最终会呈现在陪审团面前的证据远离群众的视线。他们的信中这样说,“那意味着陪审团会根据呈现在他们面前的证据来决定Jackson是否有罪。” “这才是应该采用的方式。”他们说。








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-5-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
新闻部主席? 这禁声令到底怎么回事?怎么迈迈一会儿要,一会儿又不要了呢? 想不通啊******
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-16 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Billie_Hou在2004-5-15 17:34:33的发言: 新闻部主席? 这禁声令到底怎么回事?怎么迈迈一会儿要,一会儿又不要了呢? 想不通啊******
不同的律师团各自的战略不同 前律师团是不要的 现律师团是要的 可能当前T-Mez还是希望不要让案子在媒体中曝光太多 不然任何新消息新材料都会被传媒(报刊、评论、脱口秀)和公众反复讨论 包括那些有绝对种族偏见的电视主持人等 这样对MJ形象的损害有多大,结局会如何 很难估量 律师刚换,在充分了解估量完整个案子之前 还是不要冒这个险
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