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发表于 2004-6-10 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
张老师,不是spin,是spins(尖硬纤维) 如果是转圈,为什么要夹在手套和帽子中间呢? 难道手套和帽子不应该放在一起说吗? 所以,我猜,会不会是……恩……呵呵……








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发表于 2004-6-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
爆炸性消息:MJ最重要的助手被解雇 熟悉Motown历史的人都知道Bob Jones的名字。这位公关专家从1970起就为这家著名的唱片公司工作,在那段风平浪静的日子里,他代表Michael Jackson和Jackson 5。那时,Michael只有12岁,无论这么些年来发生了多少丑闻,Jones始终都在这位流行歌王的身边。 但从昨天起,这一切都结束了。Jones,MJJ制作公司(MJJ Productions)对外交流部副主席,在工作了20年之后,被解雇了。据说,这个决定是Randy Jackson于昨天在相当唐突和冷漠的情况下做出的,甚至没有对他的巨大贡献和无比忠诚表示感谢。 很好,哈?昨天,Jones并没有接受采访,不过那是在意料之中的。这么多年来,媒体报道了无数Jackson的奇怪举止,但Jones始终是最低调的那一个。 不过,一位Jackson的内部人士告诉我,Jones并没有与MJJ制作公司签署过保密协议。只要他愿意,他就可以自由地出版书籍或是像只金丝雀般到处宣扬他的经历。从象人骨到Lisa Marie再到1993年那起官司的私了,Bob Jones知道Jackson内部的每一个细节。想象一下可能会发生的事吧。 我没见过Michael Jackson。难道没有人告诉过他“紧密团结你的朋友,更紧密地团结你的敌人”这句话?在这个人生的紧要关头,那些他现在不再与之交谈的人,和那些他已经疏远了的人,其实正是他最需要的人。如果他什么事情都自己做,那不是很奇怪吗?(Won't it be strange if he winds up doing himself in when all is said and done?)








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发表于 2004-6-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
权威音乐站上的臆测:Sony/ATV将被卖? 时间:2004-6-12 据音乐业界权威网站上的消息,在欧洲执行委员会对Sony-BMG合并案的反对书中,这两家公司或它们中的一家将会被要求出售它们的公共资产,于是有人推测:新的大Sony公司,——据说对它自己当前的出版生意兴趣索然,——将很容易为它的Sony/ATV出版公司找到一个买家。Sony/ATV的一半产权归属于Michael Jackson。这是Sony音乐公司总裁Andrew Lack的“二号计划”吗?说到出版业,梦工厂出版公司发生了什么?一笔交易正在酝酿中吗?再说到Jackson,这位身处困境的巨星,正泰然自若地等着成为一名自由职业者,John McClain据说已经离开了Jackson阵营,只剩下John Branca和Charles Koppelman两位高级音乐顾问。 来源:Hits Dailydouble 发布:BillieHou 浏览:13
倒~~~~~~~ 拿一篇又长又臭的文章叫我翻,想掂掂我到底几斤几两吗? 何不写你自己的名字,新闻部主席?








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发表于 2004-6-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层








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发表于 2004-6-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[em05]hey,babeit's my fault`````````talk to ya later








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发表于 2004-6-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层








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发表于 2004-6-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
OK,鉴于“家爵”牌铁锤属紧俏商品,已在市场上脱销 现宣布,此次行动取消。








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-13 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Flex会成为Thriller吗? 2004年7月《Sister 2 Sister》杂志 Flex Alexander,派拉蒙公司热门剧集《一对一》中的主演,将在VH-1的新电影中出演Michael Jackson,该片暂名《家庭价值》。(不是已经改叫《镜中的男人:Michael Jackson的故事》了吗?) Flex以他的篮球技艺而闻名,而他模仿Michael Jackson也很出名。许多人都说他是扮演Michael的最佳人选。他对角色灵活又精巧的处理,就像Michael标志性的太空舞步一样流畅。 实际上,Flex与导演的手下第一次见面时并没有试镜。“我走进去,见了他们,聊了些废话。”Flex解释说,“然后我回来读了剧本,接着我再去见他们,就这么定了。他们不知道原来我会跳舞。我告诉他们,‘你们用不着去找替身,我能行。’就是这样!” 接下来,Flex成了“镜中的男人”,他观看了这位流行音乐之王的录影带,开始准备这个角色。Flex是歌手Shanica的丈夫,他一直是Michael的超级粉丝。据Flex说,该片既不是要利用Michael,也不是要歪曲他的形象。 “制片人和导演——是我所见过的人中,为数不多的几个不想诋毁他或是编造故事的人。They're doing things off different accounts,但他是个真正的英雄。这部影片不是要指责谁,不是要让你决定一件事,而是让你做出自己的判断。这是我最主要的任务,因为Neicey(Shanice,Flex的夫人)见过Michael和他的母亲Katherine,我不想去做任何无味或差劲的事情。” 这部影片是在加拿大的卡尔加里拍摄的,该片将按时间顺序,从Michael那张打破吉尼斯世界记录的专集《Thriller》,一直记录到他现在的生活。Flex还记得,曾在拍摄“Remember The Time”的音乐录象时见过Michael,这部音乐录象是由他的朋友Fatimah和Stretch编舞的。在那时,Flex和Stretch、Caleaf、 Henry,还有其他一些朋友,在纽约组建了一个叫“Mop Top”的舞蹈团。“我们会打打零工,要是有谁无法胜任,其他的家伙就会来接手。后来我退出了,因为我想做点其他的事。” Flex和Shanice有两个孩子——女儿Imani和儿子Elijah。Shanice正在录音棚里录制新唱片,而Flex正在考虑那部成功作品的续集,他对此已有了概念也有了买家。这部连续剧已拍到了第四季。让我们拭目以待!








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发表于 2004-6-18 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
纽约日报Jackson变穷了吗?才不是呢! Michael Jackson的确是有一些麻烦,但不是财务方面的问题。 尽管有报道说,这位手套客被巨额的债务所困扰,然而事实上,这位巨星依然是财源滚滚。 Jackson的财务现已由他那严肃的弟弟Randy接管,今年当他那笔1亿5千万美元的债务到期的时候,据说出现了些资金周转的问题。 但是最近他的贷款经过了重新谈判,并且他依然拥有价值5亿美元的资产,其中包括Sony/ATV音乐出版公司一半的歌曲版权目录,这些版权目录一年就可以给他创造4千万美元的收入。 “每一位成功的企业家都会经历财务上的起起落落。”Jackson的财务顾问,前任百代唱片公司长官Charles Koppelman告诉我们。 版权目录中有4000多首是the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Fleetwood Mac, Dr. Dre, Sheryl Crow, Marc Anthony, Neil Diamond和Destiny's Child的歌曲,另外还有Hank Williams和Roy Orbison的经典音乐。 所以,下次你下载"Your Cheatin' Heart" 或是 "Suspicious Minds"的时候,钱就会流进Jackson的口袋。 Janet在伦敦星期日快报上评论Michael “我当然很担心他,他是我的哥哥,我爱他,”她说。“我为他们所有的人担心。Michael和普通人一样。他是最热情的人,也是世界上最傻最傻的家伙。” “他的形象已被完全歪曲。” “媒体试图把我们说成是一个不和的家庭,然而事实上我们相当和睦。有些人家的兄弟姐妹间长期互不来往,互相怀恨在心。我们却不是那样。当然啦,我们也会像其他家庭一样起些小摩擦,但总会圆满地解决。” 陪审团的选择 Jackson先生的将于9月13日在加州的圣芭芭拉开始审判。预审前的最后一次听证会将于6月25日召开。 他已经否认了全部10项娈童指控,其中包括一项诱拐一名12岁男童的阴谋罪指控。 本周的早些时候,这个案件的法官表示,由于目前为止媒体对这一事件哗众取宠的报道,挑选陪审团会成为一件很困难的事情。
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-18 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
www.lompocrecord.com Jackson reps react differently to leaked lawsuit settlement By Quintin Cushner - Staff Writer 6/17/04 The apparent leak of a confidential settlement showing that pop singer Michael Jackson paid $15.3 million to a boy he was accused of molesting in 1993 met with conflicting responses among representatives of the singer and his family. The television network CourtTV announced Tuesday that they'd obtained documents from the 1994 settlement revealing Jackson agreed to fund a $15.3 million trust for the boy, and pay millions more to the boy's parents and his attorney. The singer is currently facing charges that he molested a different boy. Debra Opri, a lawyer for Jackson's parents, Joe and Katherine, said she had heard that another longtime attorney for the Jackson family, Brian Oxman, contacted numerous media outlets and expressed doubts about the authenticity of the documents. Opri said that Oxman doesn't speak for the Jackson family on these matters, and that they want to distance themselves from him. "(Jackson's parents) don't think it's appropriate that these comments were made," Opri said. For his part, Oxman said he simply made a phone call to CourtTV's legal counsel asking for a copy of the documents so that he might authenticate them. He refused further comment about whether he had contacted other media agencies and declined further comment on the case. Doug Jacobs, general counsel for CourtTV, said Oxman expressed his doubts to the network over whether the documents were authentic, and asked for a copy - a request the network denied. Meanwhile, Raymone Bain, spokeswoman for Michael Jackson said the singer's counsel still need to do their due diligence to authenticate the documents. Diane Dimond, anchor and head of investigative reporting at CourtTV, first broke the story about the documents. She said the documents, which are on the Web site www.smokinggun.com, are authentic. She believes Oxman's questioning of the documents was an attempt to "spin" the story. "He is a Mr. Fix-it for the defense," she added. Dimond has covered investigations into Jackson since the early 1990s, and was once listed in a $100 million libel lawsuit filed when she worked for the syndicated television show "Hard Copy," she said. That suit was tossed out of court. Opri said she's interested in knowing who leaked the documents and why. According to her, only three people possessed a copy of the confidential settlement agreement. "We knew the information in the document," Opri said. "The settlement was made as a business decision and it's my understanding that this was an insurance company settlement. They have extended (Jackson's parents) anguish for yet another piece of shock TV." In the pending case, Jackson, 45, has pleaded not guilty to engaging in lewd acts with an unnamed boy under the age of 14 on four occasions between Feb. 7 and March 20, 2003, and four counts of "administering an intoxicating agent" - reportedly wine.
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-18 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
圣玛利亚时报:A gag order in the case forbids participants from making comments to the media without Judge Rodney Melville's permission. It could not be confirmed whether Jackson received the judge's consent before releasing the statement. Earlier this week, a Jackson family lawyer questioned the authenticity of the documents, drawing the ire of another family representative. Jackson's statement appears to confirm the leaked documents are legitimate. Debra Opri, a lawyer for Jackson's parents, Joe and Katherine, said she had heard that another longtime attorney for the Jackson family, Brian Oxman, contacted numerous media outlets and expressed doubts about the authenticity of the documents. Opri said that Oxman doesn't speak for the Jackson family on these matters, and that they want to distance themselves from him. For his part, Oxman said he simply made a phone call to Court TV's legal counsel asking for a copy of the documents so that he might authenticate them. Opri said Jackson's parents were distressed by the leaked documents, adding that she believed only three people possessed a copy of the confidential settlement agreement. "We knew the information in the document," Opri said. "The settlement was made as a business decision and it's my understanding that this was an insurance company settlement. They have extended (Jackson's parents) anguish for yet another piece of shock TV."
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-18 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Brazil plane tickets central to the 'case' Celebrity Justice Jackson's former employees Vinnie Amen and Frank Tyson are claiming that MJ bought a weekend ticket for the family to go to Brazil and return, but Celebrity Justice is reporting that the DA is saying that the "weekend" trip was actually a kidnap plot.Steve Levein said that 8 plane tickets are key to this issue on Keith Olberman's countdown. He said Frank told him that they planning to take the family on a 3 week vacation to Brazil and come back to the states. The tickets were purchases for a period from March 1 to March 4th. The flight included Mike, Frank, Mark Schaeffel, Christoper Robinson and the mother and her three children. The prosecution believes and will try to prove that the plan was to buy a house for the family, give them some money and make them stay in Brazil. They threatened them by saying if you don't stay here, you won't get any money and you will be back out on the street. Mike's people had already put their stuff in storage. Olberman said this does not prove molesation. Levin then said that the prosecution will say that these actions consistent with guilt. Mike wanted the family out of sight so they could not talk to the prosecution. Mike and his people made the family dependent on Mike. The mother believe it was a vacation trip....that is why she was buying bathing suits and stuff. Mark Schaffel was down in Brazil scouting sites before the trip ever was planned. Trip never happened because mother got mad and they cancelled the trip. This is proof that Sneddon is building his case around the actual events and facts. He knows that he can not say that the mother went to Brazil against her will because she was buying bathing suits and preparing to go. So he is saying that she DID NOT KNOW that the trip was a scheme to trap and leave them in Brazil. Thing is, there are a few obstacles to the prosecution convincing the jury of that. Unfortunately, they are RETURN plane tickets, dated Mar 1 to Mar 4! The mother was reportedly so excited about the trip she brought a new bathing suit! You also have to wonder how this fits in with the new timeline. Sneddon and his changing timelines, but if memory serves, we are now looking at Feb 20 to Mar 31. So this means the trip to Brazil was nearer the beginning of the timeline than the end. If the departure date on the plane tickets was Mar 1, and in between their purchase and that date, it was decided NOT to take the trip, the tickets must have been bought AT LEAST a few days earlier. In other words within less than a week of the beginning of the timeline. So let's hazard a guess at the theory of the case. MJ had molested the kid and panicked so told his co-conspirators about it and together with them hatched a plan to commit abduction, false imprisonment and extortion to cover it up. One of 28 acts they took in furtherance of this was a vacation to Brazil, supposely to get them out of the way.....with the pesky problem for Sneddon that the tickets not only show that they would only be away for three days, but MJ went with them! So what are we to deduce? Having panicked so much about his molestation of this kid that he hatched a conspiracy to cover it up, MJ went on and molested the kid a few more times? (after all, the boy has clearly accused MJ of at least seven acts of molestation as that was the number in the original charging doc....or was he lying then...I'm confused) Oh, and here's what the defense will have to say about this. These tickets were purchased for a vacation which the GXXX family had agreed to and were excited about. They were glad of a break from the US media's hounding of them (the trip was about two weeks after the Bashir documentary aired in the US). The Gxxx was being recognised wherever he went and taunted for being MJ's boyfriend. The mother was being widely denounced as negligent for allowing her son near MJ. Cut to TV footage of the time. A good example would be Nancy Grace on LKL (within days of the documentary, but months before any allegations), foaming at the mouth as she waved the 1993 affidavit in the air, crying: "Look, Layry, what MJ did to this CANCER PATIENT"
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-19 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Jackson's lawyers want charges dismissed Attorneys plan motion to have some counts thrown out From Miguel Marquez CNN Friday, June 18, 2004 Posted: 11:00 PM EDT (0300 GMT) LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Lawyers for pop singer Michael Jackson plan to file a motion challenging the charges against their client in an attempt to have some of the counts dismissed. On April 30, Jackson pleaded not guilty to an indictment of 10 charges -- including four counts of child molestation, four counts of administering an intoxicating agent, one count of attempted child molestation and one count of conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. A tentative trial date has been set for September 13. Court minutes released Friday show that defense attorney Robert Sanger told Santa Barbara Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville in a closed hearing June 10 that the defense team would file a 995 motion on or before June 25. That date is when the next hearing in the case is scheduled. However, arguments on the matter will not be heard at that proceeding. "By filing a 995 motion, the defense will be asserting that the defendant was indicted, or information was filed, without reasonable or probable cause," Darrel Parker, Santa Barbara County assistant court administrator told CNN. "Any effort to set aside an indictment or information essentially means the defense wants to try and dismiss the charges," Parker said. The hearing's minutes further reveal that Sanger indicated a motion to suppress evidence would likely follow the filing of the 995 motion. Additionally, the minutes indicate that Melville ordered the 995 motion sealed until a hearing can be scheduled, saying that "it is the court's intention that arguments will be held publicly to the greatest extent possible and recess for portions of the hearing if necessary." CNN's Dree de Clamecy Source: http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/06/18/jackson.case/








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发表于 2004-6-19 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[em42] 58 60 61 三包~~~~~~~~~
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