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英文论坛 - MJJCN English Forum 今日: 0|主题: 416|排名: 31 

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预览 At 50, what’s left for Michael Jackson? MkGenie 2008-8-29 74347 paris.mary 2010-3-19 07:30
预览 Madonna and Michael Jackson at 50: but who’s on top? MkGenie 2008-8-17 115887 tmactive 2010-3-12 00:26
预览 来自MJSN.ORG的邮件“关于对Michael Jackson的回忆”出书了! hollyhxjlovesmj 2010-3-1 106077 L-O-V-E 2010-3-6 22:32
预览 My Family, The Jacksons ( By Katherine Jackson )  ...2 JennylovesMJ 2007-2-23 199135 donazhang 2010-3-4 19:28
预览 原创歌词(英)献给亲爱的Michael  ...2 jEmily 2010-1-27 188998 jEmily 2010-2-23 18:30
预览 写迈王子共舞(本人力作,有中英文双版,大家可要捧场呀)  ...23 为迈而生 2008-4-3 4213581 Aki 2010-2-21 19:06
预览 I mentioned Michael in my PS AJJ 2008-9-2 84451 hollyhxjlovesmj 2010-2-18 15:38
预览 求THIS IS IT的正确歌词中文翻译 MJ天堂CC 2010-2-4 75245 sharejoy0807 2010-2-8 10:48
预览 ET: Jermaine Jackson: Family Seeks 'Swift Justice for Our Brother' aliceleng 2010-2-5 24620 karin 2010-2-6 14:56
预览 MJJ: Will he ever call Janet Jackson again? The answer is Yes!【翻译见6楼】 枉凝眉 2010-2-4 85238 枉凝眉 2010-2-5 15:09
预览 全球各地歌迷给迈写的诗:Poetry In Motion paris.mary 2010-2-5 24116 .莪傫潦___ 2010-2-5 11:09
预览 Why He's a Thriller paris.mary 2010-1-30 64273 MJ_love 2010-2-4 00:43
预览 Dangerous paris.mary 2010-1-31 14277 mjwanjun 2010-1-31 10:49
预览 Beyoncé, Top Stars Tip Their Hats to Michael Jackson paris.mary 2010-1-30 23544 paris.mary 2010-1-30 15:04
预览 Michael Jackson: The 'King of Pop' in his own words michael'sfan 2010-1-27 43683 只是回忆 2010-1-30 13:15
预览 Celebrities who are still fabulous at fifty MkGenie 2008-7-28 43831 MimiFang 2010-1-30 03:28
预览 A family secret  ...2 sean.lele.chang 2010-1-15 158214 相似相溶 2010-1-29 23:47
预览 Stage: The Dancing Feet Of Michael Jackson attachment paris.mary 2010-1-29 85916 Thriller颤栗 2010-1-29 17:04
预览 Debbie: My life as the mother of Michael Jackson's children  ...2 MkGenie 2008-2-9 188834 〓Niki〓 2010-1-29 10:09
预览 how much I miss you MJ Surecc 2007-12-8 125640 〓Niki〓 2010-1-29 10:05
预览 Michael Jackson exhibition extended aliceleng 2010-1-26 14084 christian_030 2010-1-26 01:44
预览 What are your top 5 favourite Michael Jackson songs?  ...234 NONO 2005-5-31 5716997 luyuangyuang 2010-1-23 10:46
预览 A Tribute to My Friend, Michael Jackson by Deepak Chopra attachment syimichael 2010-1-21 104792 ubiquity0126 2010-1-21 16:53
预览 How can I help you, Michael weiweitiger 2007-10-30 124566 CATHYXIN 2010-1-19 22:04
预览 Love you more than I can say hellomj 2008-8-21 124335 CATHYXIN 2010-1-19 22:03
预览 MJ's word for all MJ's fans  ...2 weiweitiger 2007-10-22 166828 CATHYXIN 2010-1-19 21:52
预览 MJ: Remember The Time MkGenie 2007-12-1 73816 sean.lele.chang 2010-1-15 05:53
预览 25 years ago, Michael Jackson couldn't be beat MkGenie 2008-1-5 85000 summer-xia 2010-1-14 19:35
预览 i have a question:we can just talk about MJ here?  ...2 阿重 2010-1-11 188323 babiwawarainbow 2010-1-14 19:00
预览 Talk about How We Met the King of Pop. featscar 2010-1-12 02559 featscar 2010-1-12 22:09
预览 How should I introduce Mackson to my classmate hanfei1889 2008-4-14 63392 featscar 2010-1-12 21:02
预览 Just For You  ...2 紫菀 2008-2-13 166868 MJ★永远爱你 2010-1-12 10:15
预览 Fans Call New Michael Jackson Song 'Summer Anthem Of 2008' 七七 2008-7-2 104078 〓Niki〓 2010-1-11 19:50
预览 ‘Thriller’ chills and disco thrills 张小龙 2008-9-13 42937 celincal 2008-10-4 21:29
预览 The pop superstar who lost his shine Tara 2008-9-1 113689 jackson_1985 2008-9-11 20:16
预览 Billboard Hot 100 Anniversary MkGenie 2008-8-19 23023 Muggle 2008-8-19 21:41
预览 UK Students Break 'Thriller' Dance World Record MkGenie 2008-7-22 53313 ordine 2008-8-1 03:25
预览 EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Former Spokesperson 七七 2008-7-30 113411 Muggle 2008-7-31 11:19
预览 The Jacksons' Destiny (1978) and Triumph (1980) Now Expanded Editions! 巴哥派 2008-7-10 22969 wanshangdi 2008-7-11 00:51
预览 Old News Article: The Jackson 8 - A Thriller at the Grammys MkGenie 2008-7-8 63479 ordine 2008-7-10 18:18
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