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发表于 2011-1-6 17:15:43
MJ助理Michael Amir Williams证词全文及诘问记录:
2nd Prosecution Witness: Michael Amir Williams
Witness is instructed on testifying by Judge Pastor.
Carl Douglas is his put on the record as his attorney. June 2009 directing to that time. (He) worked for Mr. MJ.
DW: How long, had you been employed?
MAW: A little over two years as of June 2009. I played the role of an assistant, personal assistant, arranging day to day operations, hiring media, staff. (snip) Spoke to him (Michael) several times almost every day.
DW: Was there a security detail?
MAW: There were two men 24/7 hours a day, to open the gate and screen everyone who came in.
(His responsibilities) traveling, as needed. He would work with security to do as needed. He would be liaison between security. At that time Michael Jackson was living at 100 North Carolwood, in Holmby Hills.
Presenting a photograph up on the ELMO. (In my experience, the overhead projection screen device has sometimes been called an ELMO in California courtrooms as long as I’ve been attending a trial.) In the overflow room, we can’t see any of these exhibits, even though they are up on a screen in the courtroom. They are not visually transferring via the live camera feed. The screen just looks white. Must be the lights on the feed camera. The screen looks white on the ELMO in the courtroom. Too bad we can’t see any exhibits.
Photos close up of the front door and photos of the white security trailer.
(MAW was) involved in rehearsals at Staples Center arranging security and things of that nature. He would call Kenny Ortega or his assistant to find out what time Michael was supposed to be there. The witness identifies Dr. Murray for the record. MAW first met Dr. Murray, back in 2008
MAW: I met him, knew of him (before) then probably met him in 2008 early 2008. Met him in Las Vegas in 2008, as Michael’s personal assistant.
Before June 25th, he frequently saw Dr. Murray at the residence.
DW: (What was) his pattern, as you observed?
MAW: It was regular. He would come if we hand rehearsal, he would come. Stay the night.
DW: You became familiar with his vehicle?
MAW: Yes I was.
He was involved in ensuring that Dr. Murray was there are the residence when Michael Jackson got home from rehearsal.
Photo of Dr. Murray’s car parked in the drive of 100 North Carolwood on the ELMO. MAW describes the regular procedure to get Michael to Staples center and back home. An advance car would go ahead to make sure everything would be set up. Usually there would be fans there at Staples Center. Michael would always make sure that they would slow down so Michael could say hello to his fans. He accompanied MJ at all times back to his (dressing?) room, back to the stage. He insured the vehicles would be warmed up. When going back to the house, Michael would stop by the fans sometimes to shake hands. There would be an advance car again on the return home.
MAW describes the routine for dropping off the gifts Michael sometimes received from the fans. They (him/security) would leave any gifts that were given to Michael by fans on the (inner stairs?) steps of the home. It was normal for Dr. Murry’s vehicle to be at the house (when the got home from rehearsal. The following morning, sometimes Dr. Murry’s vehicle would (still) be at the house. The next day.
Photo on ELMO of inside the house. Directly when you would walk in the door. Gifts were placed there and someone (housekeeper, staff) would take them up. Areas in the photograph are described.
June 24, 2009. MAW was involved in the general procedure in transporting MJ to the staples center.
DW: Do you recall what time they left?
MAW: It was in evening around 6:00 pm no later than 7:00 pm.
Drove with Michael to rehearsal. He as in the front seat. Faheem Mohammad was the driver. No one else in the car. Drove straight to Staples Center.
DW: What was his general spirit or demeanor?
MAW: He had a great spirit that evening. He was punctual. Wanted to make sure he got there on time. Sometimes Michael asked for a heater, saying he was cold.
DW: (So?) he was in great spirits that night. Did you observe the rehearsal?
MAW: It was him, yes, dancing and singing. I thought it was extraordinary, personally. I thought personally, it was great.
DW: How long did rehearsal last?
MAW: It was close to midnight, past midnight when we finished.
DW: Did you follow the same procedure to go home as before? Same vehicle same driver?
Michael was in the back seat. (They) drove straight back to Carolwood residence. They had security outside the gate, since there were fans there. Maybe a few gifts, then drove onto the property.
DW: When you arrive, was Dr. Murray’s car there?
MAW: Yes it was.
After they arrived, he did not see Dr. Murray. Same procedure, took everything (items from car; fan gifts) to the stairs. It was late, so everyone just went their own way and went home. They (Faheem, MAW) debriefed at security station. Went over the ride, what was wrong. Just security stuff, then he left. Returned to his residence. He was back on duty next day.
June 25th. At some time prior to returning to work he received a phone call from Dr. Murray. He got a call at 12 :13 pm. There was voice mail message. He listened to the message. It was Dr. Murray’s voice. It was a frantic voice. “It was, call me right away, hurry call me right away!” His phone was an iPhone. He made a video of retrieving the voice mail. Took a video retrieving it.
Photo of an iPhone, several photos up on the ELMO. MAW identifies photo of his phone, retrieving his message. After he retrieved voice mail he described as frantic, then he immediately called (Dr Murray) back. He called Dr. Murray directly. He spoke to him at that time. Dr. Murray asked “Where are you?” I’m home, he replied. “You need to get here right away.
“Michael had a bad reaction. Had a bad reaction. Get here right away.”
DW: Did he ask you to call 911?
MAW: No.
After he got off the phone with Dr. Murray he called Faheem. Faheem said he left the property he was at the bank. Then called someone else on the security detail. He called Roberto. First asked how are you. (?? Walter??) at front door. He walked inside the property, sound of somethings going on, then the phone (conversation with ?) suddenly cuts off.
Now at this point, while conversing with Alberto, but this while?? time, I was trying to call back and forth, trying to find out what was going on from downtown Los Angeles. (Where he lived.) He drove strait to Carolwood. There were people outside; the ambulance was there. He proceeded straight in to the property.
DW: Did you eve go upstairs?
MAW: No sir.
DW: Were people allowed to go upstairs?
MAW: No. (snip) No staff was allowed in his room. Maybe housekeepers to clean, but as far as security, people, no they weren’t allowed upstairs.
He immediately went to Michael’s children. The paramedics were upstairs. Got the children Prince, Paris and Blanket and put them in a vehicle; in the Escalade.
MAW: I remember them (paramedics) bring the back board, while he was tending to the three children with their nanny Rosalie. (sp?)
He remembers seeing Dr. Murray, paramedics. Just a horrible, crazy experience, a lot going on.
DW: When did you see with your own own eyes, when they came out with the back board? (snip) So Michael's on the gurney by paramedics....Dr. Murray was with them or near by?
MAW: He was there. There was a lot of emotion going on.
He got in the (car with) the children and followed the ambulance.
DW: Did you observe Dr. Murry? Did you notice anything?
MAW: He was sweating. I got in the car with the children...and followed the ambulance.
Demeanor of children. They didn’t know what was going on. So it wasn’t too bad.
DW: What was the scene at UCLA.
MAW: Chaos. People with cameras, we were trying to do what we could to cover things up. Trying to do what we could with the children, to cover their faces up.
At UCLA: There, children where inside. Rosalie, and security detail in front of the room. They went back to where Michael body was and they were working on him. Went to the bathroom, wash his face because he was crying. They were working on him behind a curtain, it wasn’t even a room.
MAW: I remember after awhile, Dr. Murray walking out, doctors walking out, just said he was dead.
DW: Afterwords, you were told Michael Jackson was pronounced dead? Were you there when the children were told?
MAW: They wanted in there (where the children were) with Dr. Murray and Frank Leto. Frank blurted out (that Michael was dead). Prince was saying make sure you tell them Daddy’s allergic to this, to that. (Frank said?) Your daddy had a heard attack and died. Dr. Murry said, “Oh, no don’t tell them that; We don’t know.”
DW: Did Dr. Murry approach you that you found odd; make a request?
MAW: It was in the hallway. We were both crying. (him & Faheem?) The whole atmosphere was horrible.
DW: Dr. Murray approached you? What did he say?
MAW: He was all over Michael, small talk. He says, he asked question. “Mr. Jackson had some cream that he didn’t want the world to know about. Would you or one of the guys (take me to) go back to the house, to go back to the house to get it.” At first he just asked. And that was the last thing. It was just and odd question that he wanted to go back to the house. And that was one thing that I just couldn’t do. So I said, let me check with one of the guys.
He went and spoke to Faheem about Dr. Murray’s request. And Faheem said we can’t go back . Just said that, to avoid confrontation. It wasn’t true. So they were going to tell Dr. Murry, the police have our car keys. Told Faheem what he was going to say to Dr. Murray and Faheem said "Whatever."
Then Dr. Murray reapproached later, about getting food. Told him that we couldn’t take him anywhere. He said he hadn’t eaten and he wanted to go get some food. At the time Dr. Murray asked to get some food. I don’t recall the time, but I do recall that family was there, family had arrived.
The witness is asked about the time again I believe and he can’t remember exactly.
MAW: Just told him that we can’t do anything about that.
DW: Did you then contact security at the residence?
(Told them to) make sure you lock the house down. Don’t let anyone in don’t let anyone out.
DW: Following these requests by Dr. Murray. Did you see him again that day?
MAW: No.
DW: Did he ever contact you and say goodbye?
MAW: (No.) Detectives came and asked his where abouts. I just gave them Dr. Murray's pone numbers.
CROSS by Ed Churnoff.
Michael Amir Williams is his full name. Birth name.
EC: You said that, one of the jobs was to coordinate security?
MAW: Yes sir.
EC: You were instrumental in the hiring of security?
MAW: Yes sir.
The security that was in place was by a company called SECURITY MEASURES. Based in LA.
EC: Who were the people working for SECURITY MEASURES (SM) in June?
Alberto Alvarez. Faheem Mohamed. . They wern’t hired by Security Measures. Patrick Mohamed SM. Issiam (sp?) Mohamed SM.
Larry Tolbert. ?
MAW: I dont’ know if Larry Tolbert is Larry Mohamed.
The actual owner (of Security Measures) is from the Nation of Islam.
MAW: I knew him (owner) and I tried to hand pick some of the guys.
EC: He’s connected with the Nation of Islam? Patrick Mohamed? Nation of Islam?
MAW: Yes sir.
EC: Alberto Alvzrez? Nation of Islam? Patrick Issaic? Nation of Islam?
MAW: The nanny, I knew her personally. My mom is a good friend of hers.
EC: Is she Nation of Islam? Is there anyone there who were (?)
MAW: The (?) housekeeper's, or about three or four security were not Nation of Islam.
A question is asked about the chef.
EC: Who was working the morning of June 25th?
MAW: There were three shifts. There were two men on the property 24/7. Larry and Phillip. Lewis Williams. He is related to Lewis. His brother.
He knew Lewis was working that day.
EC: You said that the first person you called was Faheem Mohamed? You said the reason you said that because he was always hanging around, he was always over there.
MAW: He worked the day shift. So I know that he was there.
EC: You mentioned that he worked the night before. So when their shift ended. tha ws 1:00 am in the morning So then you expected them to be back on shift at 9, 10, 11? Would it be fair to say that Faheem Mohamed is at the residence more than any other security guards?
MAW: Well, between him and (?) they worked the day shift.
EC: When you got the phone call from Dr. Murray, the first thing you did was call Faheem Then the next thing you did was call Larry? ???
MAW: (Yes.)
EC: Did you review you cell phone records before you testified today? Did you look at your cell phone records?
MAW: No sir.
EC: Do you remember making another phone call before Faheem?
MAW: No I don’t. (snip) My attorney told me about (my) phone records ...
EC: He told you that prior to making your 3rd statement to police? You made a statement to police officers at the hospitals?
He spoke to officers back at the residence.
MAW: If it was, it was only for a few minutes.
EC: You then made a third statement to police on August 31st 2009? Him and his lawyer dind’t go through his phone record prior to today?
MAW: We never went through the record who I called that day. I’m being honest with you.
JP: I hope you re being honest all the time.
Courtroom laughter. He’s only recalling for memory.
EC: Do you remember making a phone call prior or after to Roberto Alvarez? When you spoke to police on August 31st, you had a specific time. Do you remember that today? Would you say that your phone records would reflect better than your memory?
MAW: Yes sir.
EC: When you called Roberto Alvarez, are you sure that you called him and that he didn’t call you?
MAW: I think I remember calling him. and I remember asking where he was.
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