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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-5 21:58:45 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 stroller 于 2011-1-5 22:00 编辑

这是一位参加了听证会的博主记下的完整听证过程,第一部分包括完整的检察官开篇陈述。记录非常详实,关注原始资料的同学可以留意一下这个博客http://passing.tk/index.php?q=YU ... =0.7250648366753012

Dr. Conrad Murray Prelim: Day 1, Part 1
Prosecution Witnesses
1 Kenneth Ortega (Co-director, Co-creator, THIS IS IT tour)
2 Michael Amir Williams (Personal Assistant to Michael Jackson)
3 Faheem Mohamed (Head of Jackson’s security)

8:30 am
I’m inside the courtroom. I’ve got an ideal seat in one of the cushy padded rolling chairs with arms right in front of the video screen. Steven Mikulan and Public Information Officer (PIO) Pat Kelly are talking about the fans. One fan has an armband that says “Sony Kills.” As much as I’d like to be in the actual courtroom, this isn’t bad. I will miss seeing which Jackson family members attend the prelim and will have to read the MSM to find out.

There is a full page sheet of instructions to the media about what is and isn’t allowed inside the courtroom or overflow room. You can leave, but you can’t reenter until there is a break in the proceedings. (Later, these rules in the overflow room are not strictly enforced. In the afternoon, some reporters enter the overflow room very quietly after the prelim had started up again.)

ASHLEY BANFIELD! That’s the name of the on-air correspondent I couldn’t remember! She just entered the overflow room.

Pat Kelly tells us the cameras are voice activated. So whomever speaks, the camera will go in that direction. She said they tried it out last night. At the moment, there are few reporters here...not even a dozen.

Several of the reporters are quite surprised at the rules for covering the prelim. From my point of view, it’s being treated just like an extension of Pastor’s courtroom. Pat Kelly states “there is no transmission from this room, ever.” One reporter asks, “How about downloading?” Pat replies, “If you want to transmit, you must go out to the hallway.” The rules apply to download also. I’ll post them later tonight.

It’s two minutes now until the Judge takes the bench. Some reporters jokingly ask if there will be a ball drop. I really like Pat Kelly. She is professional but at the same time she is not afraid to inject a bit of levity into the event.

Earlier in the lobby, Beth Karas introduced me to two people this morning and they just enter the overflow room...but I’ve forgotten their names already. My memory is failing me. Steven tells me he has the same problem and has just forgotten what I’ve told him.

I take a peek over at Steven’s notes. He’s writing about the fans who were on Temple Street. He was there and tells me it was a big scene. I missed it because I came in through the back of the building. You can read Steven’s report in THE WRAP.com.

Judge Pastor’s courtroom appears on screen! I see the back of my favorite court reporter, Mavis. I’m pretty sure it’s her. I met her during the Cameron Brown retrial. She’s a gem.

The view of the courtroom is from the jury box. It’s a still camera. It’s not being operated by someone to zoom in on someone who is speaking. You can see the Judge, the witness and the prosecutors. It’s more difficult to see the defense table and the defendant. Currently, we have zero audio. So we are missing the beginnings of the prelim.

Steven says he can’t see the defendant at the defense table. He is too far away. Then the sound finally comes on Judge Pastor is speaking. He is verifying that there are no defense witnesses present.

The overflow courtroom is Dept 110 this week and Dept 109 next week.

Pastor talks about the rules for the courtroom.

No gum chewing. No food or drink. No cell phones. Electronic devices in the courtroom for note taking only. No cell phone sending or receiving. Audience members must follow courtroom procedure at all time. Violations may include contempt of court proceedings against the violator.

Deputy Dist. Atty. David Walgren is the co-prosecutor along with Deborah Brazil. Ms. Brazil and Alan Jackson did the prelim hearing last January in the Lily Burk case.

David Walgren presents the opening statement. I’m surprised there is an opening statement. From my recollection, Jackson and Brazil did not present one in the Burk prelim.

DW: The people will be calling a number of witness, 20 to 30 witnesses who will testify to the relevant facts surround Michael Jackson’s death.

Walgren gives the background at to what was taking place weeks before Jackson’s death.

DW: The evidence will show Michael Jackson was preparing for the important tour of his life. THIS IS IT. It was to begin in London, in August, 2009. Jackson was preparing for it. It was to be a major world event. Rehearsals began in Burbank. Later, they were transferred over to The Forum. Next, the rehearsals were taking place at The Staples Center in downtown.

The people and Michael would rehearse in the afternoon and evenings. When rehearsals were over, Jackson would return to his (rented) home in Holmby Hills, 100 Carolwood Dr.

Dr. Murray was not working under a contract with Michael Jackson, but in the months before he was working as Michael Jackson's doctor. He had previously treated Jackson’s children.

DW: Dr. Murray was treating Michael Jackson at his home, 100 North Carolwood. He would go to Jackson’s house in the evening. He would stay overnight at the location and provide care to Michael Jackson. According to Conrad Murray himself, these visits were six nights a week. for two straight months. He was giving Michael Jackson Propofol to assist him in going asleep. This was going on every singe night for two months

DW: It’s a powerful anesthetic used for surgery. There is no indication for it to be used for insomnia. It’s specifically used for surgery.

On Tuesday, (June 23rd, 2009) Jackson followed his normal routine to the Staple Center for rehearsals. The rehearsals went fabulous and Michael Jackson was optimistic. Everyone was impressed with the energy and optimisn that Michael Jackson portrayed.

The following day, (June 24th, 2009) Jackson followed his same routine and arrived at The Staples Center and begins his rehearsal. By all accounts it was a fabulous, energetic, rehearsal and Michael Jackson left optimistic for the future.

DW: On June 24th, he returns home around 1 am, Actually, it’s June 25th. Dr. Murray’s car was parked in the driveway. Security dropped Michael off and the security detail departed for the evening.

A reporter is being kicked out of the overflow room.

DW: Documents will show the emails placed by Dr. Murray and the telephone calls that were given Dr. Murray began his treatment by giving Michael a Valium pill. that was followed by and IV at 2 am with midazolam ( a benzodiazepine). At 3 am, that was followed by another sedative given through the IV. At 5 am, another treatment of diazepam. According to Dr. Murray between 1 and 10 am in the morning he slowly infused Michale with Propofol.

DW: At some point Michael Jackson ceases to breathe and dies. The evidence will show through the paramedics, that by all accounts Jackson was dead in the bedroom at 100 N Carolwood prior to the paramedics arriving at the location.

Piecing together what happened, there were only two people in that room.

DW: The People will present various emails and telephone calls by Dr. Murray.

At 11:50 am, a phone call Dr. Murray made to an assistant lasted 11 minutes. At some point the phone conversation stopped. The assistant got of the phone and tried to call Dr. Murray back. There was a commotion in the bedroom that the person heard.

(The People) believe that Michael Jackson might have stopped breathing. and it was at that time that Dr. Murray became aware (of the serious condition of his patient).

DW: Dr. Murray did not call 911; he called one of Michael Jackson’s security personnel. He told security to call for help right away. He needs help. 12. 12 pm phone call (to Michael Amir Williams, Jackson’s personal assistant).

Michael Amir Williams was not at the location. Michael Amir calls Faheem Mohammed (head of Jackson’s security) who was not at the location either. They both drive back towards the house. Learning that Faheem was not at the house Michael Amir calls someone else. At 12 :17 pm Alberto Alvarez receives a phone from Michael Amir.

Security was stationed outside the house. They had their own trailer (on the property). The security detail was finally allowed upstairs where Dr. Murry was (treating Jackson). (Alberto Alvarez) sees Dr. Murray trying to do CPR on the bed, one handed. Dr. Murray repeats that Michael Jackson had a bad reaction.

DW: Dr. Murray begins to distract Alvarez to collect evidence. 911 has not yet been called or ordered to be called by Dr. Murray.

Dr. Murray is having Alveraz help him collect various bottles of medicine, medical paraphernalia medical bottles, wrappings, and dropping them in (his medical?) bag. Dr. Murray tells Alvarez to grab the bag on the IV that was hanging. Alberto Alvarez grabs that bag and places it in with the other items.. It’s only then he is told to call 911. The 911 was placed at 12 21 pm.

Alverez was called (by Michael Amir) at 12 12 pm The shortest time Dr. Murray waited to call was 9 minutes. That’s assuming that 12:12 is the first time that Dr. Murry knows of Michael Jackson’s demise. Circumstantially it was at 12 noon that Dr. Murry may have paid enough attention to Michael Jackson (to notice his distress). Paramedics were on site within 4 minutes.

(Paramedics found) Michael Jackson’s eyes were fixed and dilated. Wide open. He was cool to the touch. Systole. Completely flat lined. Cold to the touch.

(According to) paramedics Goodwin, Senneth (sp?) and Blunt, Michael Jackson was dead upon arrival of their treatment. They did not observe any standard medical treatment that one would expect to see with Poropfol. such as a heart monitor, (oxygen?) etc. Paramedic Senneth asked about his underlying medical condition. Dr. Murray , told him there was nothing. He (Michael Jackson) was dehydrated. The only thing Dr. Murray reveals to the paramedics is the (nordiazepam). He doesn’t mention the benzodiazepines or giving Michael Jackson Propofol.

If the paramedics had the full information they could have acted appropriately. (The doctors at UCLA; same thing.) He never told the paramedics or the UCLA doctors about the Propofol!)

Paramedics treating at 12:27 pm. The paramedics treatments all failed.

12 ;57 pm. (UCLA?) advises they are prepared to call it. They announce Michael Jackson deceased.

Dr. Murray states he will assume care.

1:07 pm The medical team takes Jackson to UCLA: (Arrive?) 1:13 pm, where the care is taken over by Dr. Cooper and Dr. Winn of UCLA. They also inquired of Dr. Murray what Michael Jackson was treated (with). All they were told was he had given him (mirazapam?), a Valium, and also on flomax. He did not mention anything about the {ropofol treatment. Not a word was said about Propofol to UCLA doctors.

DW: They tried all they could to bring Michael Jackson back to life. He remained asystole. Dr. Cooper, at 2:26 pm pronounced Jackson dead. At some point Dr. Murray walked out of the hospital and went on his way. LAPD tried to contact Dr. Murray; they were not able to reach him. Two days later he was interviewed by LAPD with his attorney. It was at that interview where it was learned what Dr. Murray had given Michael Jackson.

DW: The autopsy concluded that Michael Jackson died of acute Psssropofol poisoning along with benzodiazepine. the court will learn from these medical experts, there are a number of actions of Dr. Murray did that deviated from the expected standard of care.

The fact that Propofol was given in a home setting instead of a surgical room, without the assisting medical equipment. The fact that no attending staff or assistants was made available for Dr. Murray. The fact that it was given in conjunction with several benzodiazepine’s. The fact that he was trying to do CPR with one hand on a bed. (The fact that there was a failure to maintain any appropriate medical records, and the failure to advise the paramedics or treating medical doctors (to the medications/treatment given).

This is the end of the prosecution’s opening statement. From this alone, it sounds bad for Dr. Murray.

Defense Atty., Ed Chernoff will not prepare an opening statement.

I'm beat. I've been transcribing my notes for over 3 hours and I have to get up early tomorrow. I will most likely be way behind the MSM in my reporting but I will get all my notes up eventually.

End of Part I
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发表于 2011-1-5 22:23:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 alextoalex 于 2011-1-5 13:13 编辑

我对Kenny Ortega的证词感兴趣,

Kenny Ortega被唤到证人席。  
Kenneth Ortega说了他的名字。
1991-2009 的关系。
This is it 巡演...你和MJ谈论过吗?
MJ 的行为状态?
给我打电话,邀请..这一切很棒 ...很高兴和你合作...对此感到兴奋...创作的巨大潜力..MJ分享了他想做这个的原因。
MJ在那,Murray 在那里 (Ortega被要求指出坐在庭中的Murray)...Frank Deleo MJ的经纪人和Randy Phillips。
针对我的很简洁的会议,Murry对我没让MJ参加排演并送MJ回家感到不快,不让我表达我对MJ健康状况的关心..Murray说这不是我的责任..让他来为MJ的健康担心。 Murray严厉地斥责我...
6月23日星期二排演重新开始,这次如何 ?
这两天的排演棒极了...感觉很好很自信..我问MJ是否快乐? 他说他很快乐,感谢所有演职员的辛苦工作,并谈到次日的排演 ..试验错觉效果..
Chernoff 开始诘问Ortega:
为什么经纪人在那里 ?
谁是Randy Phillips...AEG的高层?


非常感谢!!!  发表于 2011-1-7 15:50
非常感谢ALEX和STROLLER,辛苦了!  发表于 2011-1-6 18:59
MUA一记!正要翻这篇呢。。。翻好我直接征用哈!!快!heehee~  发表于 2011-1-5 22:25
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发表于 2011-1-6 07:53:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-6 11:13:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-6 15:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 17:11:01 | 显示全部楼层
Kenny Otega的证词全文及诘问记录:

Mrs. Benson gives the oath to Kenny Ortega. Judge Pastor gives his regular message to the witness that I’ve seen him give during the Brown trial. Ortega is a director and choreographer of film and television since the 1970’s & 1980’s. At some time he met Michael Jackson.

The witness first met him 1991. In a professional capacity. Michael contacted him and asked if they could meet and set up a creative partnership. Interested in having him direct his next tour.

There’s someone’s cell phone that went off that’s interrupting the proceedings.

Michael Jackson wanted help in directing his “Dangerous” world tour. Started 1992. He was to work as a director and choreographer. They remained in a (working) relationship up until his death.

KO: Most of the time that we saw each other when we were starting up and rehearsing a production. The last year, we talked in advance of starting THIS IS IT. They had dinner a couple of times, and Jackson came to see a concert I directed; he came with his kids.

Was involved in the directing and co-creating of the THIS IS IT. Began in April 2009. Came on the team in 2009. His role co-directed and co-created with Michael Jackson, the stage production.

DW: How frequently did you see him?

KO: 2 or 4 days a week in the beginning, 4-5 days a week, once we got into production. That frequency continued all the way up until June 25th, 2009.

Described his demeanor.

KO: He was extremely excited about it. (tour) It was really right, exciting; had tremendous potential. Jackson really shared his reasons for doing it.

DW: There were reasons that he chose to do it now?

KO: That he felt that it was a good time to perform again. His children were of an age that his children could appreciate it. For his fans who were loyal over the years. Wanted to use it as a platform for the people to take care of the planet.

KO: Jackson discussed plans of beyond the tour. At one point Michael asked if I’d ever been to India. He said, We’ll go there, I want you to see it.”

He asked if he’d been Japan. Talked about taking the show to those places.

Def: Objection to narrative answer.

After Michael Jackson finished touring he wanted to work with him on directing motion pictures. Jackson wanted to develop motion picture ideas.

Now asking about the various rehearsal locations.

He was at the rehearsals at Center Stage in Burbank, CA. Michael was at the location and part of those rehearsals.

Objection to leading question. Sustained.

They eventually transferred to The Forum, in June, 2009.

DW: Were these more large scale rehearsals?

KO: Yes.

Then transferred to Staples. Those were even more large scale rehearsals. He was on site every day of rehearsals.

KO: I can’t remember exact time from Forum to Staples Center. Forum there three weeks, then Staples Center.

MJ was still displaying his excitement about the rehearsals. Rehearsal times were staggered for dancers, band, Michael. Michael’s schedule was for late afternoon. It went into the evening hours. Jackson’s participation was six hours maximum, approximately four days a week.

DW: Some days were Michael Jackson performing, dancing?

KO: On some days, yes. Michael was involved in every decision creatively on the show. He was the last word creatively on everything.

Friday June 19th 2009. Incident. Describe.

KO: At rehearsals, at Staples Center, Michael Jackson arrived we had a pretty good day. Michael did not appear well at all. I observed that Michael was chilled, and soft spoken, not well.

DW: Did he indicate that he didn’t feel well? (I think there was a “no” answer here.) It was more from his physical observations?

KO: Yes. (snip) Was concerned that he wasn’t in the kind of condition to be at rehearsal.

DW: Did MJ rehearse?

KO: No. He did not want to go home at first. (snip) Asked if he would have the choreographer go through the movements and he wanted to sit in the arena.

DW: That’s what happened?

KO: For a while, yes.

DW: Then what happened?

KO: I just felt that he was, he just appeared, really lost. He was staring. I didn’t know what was wrong, but I knew that something was going on. It appeared scary. (I asked him) Do you really fell that this is the best place to be, or would you rather go home with family? (Michael Jackson replied back) “Would you be okay with that?” I replied, “Absolutely.” So he left.

He had never seen Michael Jackson in that condition before. There was a meeting at Jackson’s home on June 20th, 2009. (It was the) production manager who called the meeting. Didn’t know what the meeting was about.

DW: (When you) arrived, who was there?

KO: Jackson was there, Dr. Murray was there.

Witness identifies Dr. Murray for the record.

KO: Frank Dileo, Michael's manager (and) Randy Phillips were there.

DW: Prior to this meeting, had you met the doctor before?

KO: Yes. Met him at the house before, was introduced to him. Met him soon after started working on the show. Sometime around April or May of 2009.

He was introduced (to Dr. Murray) at the house by Michael Jackson.

DW: What happened at this meeting?

KO: (It) quickly became clear that the meeting was about me. That the Dr. was upset that I had sent Michael home and didn’t allow him to rehearse the night before. And because I had voiced my concerns about Michael’s health that evening. Dr. Murry told me that this was not my responsibility and to not act like a doctor or a psychologist and to leave Michael’s health to him.

DW: What was his demeanor?

KO: Scolding.

DW: Towards you?

KO: Yes.

DW: Did you respond in any manner?

KO: Yeah. I tried to explain that it wasn’t about preventing Michael from going on stage, that it was a choice we made together. That I thought it was a concern about his health and that it was Michael’s choice to leave.

DW: Did Dr. Murray elaborate at all, what you role was and Dr. Murray’s role was as it pertained to Michael Jackson?

KO: That it was better for all, that I concern myself with the show, and that Michael was fine and was able to handle all this concerning the show. (??not sure I have that correct)

DW: Following this meeting, June 20th. Was there rehearsal that day?

KO: No. We had a long weekend. Rehearsals resumed Tuesday June 23rd, at Staples Center.

DW: How did that rehearsal go?

KO: Fantastic. Michael was in great form. It was like the Michael that we all knew and loved and was excited and took the reins. (He was) there to answer questions and make creative decisions and he was in a delightful mood and we had a fantastic day.

DW: Gong to June 24th, 2009. Did Michael Jackson rehearse?

KO: Yes. Similar.

DW: You said similar?

KO: He was bold, active, and participating in the entire production. Had a conversation with Michael. We had two wonderful days of rehearsals. (He was?) feeling good, confident. (One) could feel it everywhere in the entire room. (I) Asked Michael if he was happy. He said he was very happy. Said he felt very good there in the room and appreciated (everything and) to tell the crew and everyone that he really appreciated ( everything).

(For the following day, the 25th) He was very excited since he was going to rehearse an illusion.

Objection to narrative. Sustained.

He was excited about the illusion trick they were going to rehearse the next day. That concluded the rehearsal. Michael said goodnight and they finished shortly thereafter.

6/25/2009: At some point he learned that something happened. He received a telephone call while he was rehearsing. Earlier, he had spoken to Randy Phillips and was on his way to rehearsal. I asked him to, “Please let Michael know how excited I am and how much I look forward to rehearsals.”

(Randy Phillips said?) I thought you were calling for a different reason,

CROSS by Ed Chernoff

EC: Do you have a good rep(utation) as a choreographer?

KO: Yes.

EC: Reputation you have for, together 30 years? The survival or success of this show THIS IS IT, would affect or enhance your (presence? reputation?). Would that be fair to say, if it was good show?

KO: Sure.

EC: If it was a bad show, as a result if it was bad, that would also affect your reputation?

KO: I highly doubt it.

Chernoff asks about the dancers...

KO: I was was the directer and the co-creator...not the choreographer.

EC: Wouldn’t that affect your reputation?

KO: (Don’t think so.)

Asks about the meeting.

EC: Do you know who called the meeting?

KO: No, I don’t know who called the meeting.

EC: Paul Gonga(ware)?

KO: Not there.

EC: Paul Leto?

KO: His manager was there. Randy Phillips was the promoter for AEG.. was also at the meeting.

EC: You observed Michael to be sweating and cold?

KO: Not sweating. Chilled.

Crossing the witness on his testimony about that meeting and his observation of MJ on the 19th.

KO: For the most part, I think we were headed for greatness and that Michael’s vision would have been accomplished. (snip) There was a period of time when Michael Jackson didn’t show up. This created anxiety for me. (The show) couldn’t at times move forward without Michael’s involvement. Couldn’t move forward. (He) didn’t know at times, why Michael Jackson didn’t show up.

Questions about the 19th again, at rehearsal.

KO: He was cold, soft spoken.

EC: Was there anything else you observed?

KO: He seemed sort of, quite, in himself. He seemed to be in a state. Not present.

EC: Did it seem like he was in pain? Nauseous?

KO: I don’t know. I was confused by his state.

EC: You had a lot of people there, at this meeting to talk about including AEG to talk about Michael’s condition, is that right? (snip) The conversation on June 20th, was you were called had been about Michael had missed several (rehearsals)?

Questioning the witness about supposedly a meeting three weeks prior...witness doesn’t remember. Questions about how many rehearsals that Michael Jackson was missing.

KO: He missed a number of rehearsals, in a period. It was LATER in the rehearsals, that he missed.

EC: There was a lot of concern about this?

From his perspective, yes.

EC: Have you had any experience of someone on drug withdrawals?

KO: No.

EC: Do you remember yelling at Michael, telling him to get back in the show?

KO: No.

EC: Do you remember having a conversation with Karen Fay? (sp?)

The witness asked for water and we wait while the bailiff’s get him a glass.

He knew Karen Fay since she worked for the show. Was Michael Jackson's makeup and hair artist. (She) worked with him (Michael? Kenneth?) for some time.

EC: Do you remember having a conversation with Karen Fay after the meeting.

KO: I don’t I remember having a conversation with her before.

EC: Do you remember telling Karen Fay of reading Michael the riot act? Do you remember telling Karen Fay not to placate Michael?

The witness states he doesn’t know what the word means.

EC: Did you advise Karen Fay in any respect in regard to how to treat Michael after this meeting?

KO: No.

EC: Did you discuss with Karen Fay any thing regarding how she should treat Michael?

KO: I don't recall having any discussion with her.

EC: What time on the 19th did Michael leave the stage?

(That evening? 19th? Late evening?)

KO: It could have been 8 or 9 pm.

EC: Could it have been 12 midnight?

KO: No. He was there about 2 hours.

EC: The meeting that was called was for what time?

KO: Late morning or early afternoon. I don’t remember a time.

Questions about what time he first was notified about the meeting.

Asks him about the number of shows and that it had increased from 30 to 50 shows. Asked him if he talked to Michael about the increased number of the shows. He doesn’t remember exactly. Trying to clarify when he entered the show and if his involvement coincided with the increase for the number of shows.

EC: When did filming begin for the THIS IS IT documentary?

EC: We never filmed FOR that documentary.

KO: (Michael) He asked to film the rehearsals. The interviews were done for shows that were to be done in London. We never started filming the documentary. The documentary was never a plan. The filming of rehearsals were for our personal use. And to review rehearsals. Sometimes he had a private camera rolling. It was always through via Michael’ s request.

EC: Did you yourself do any film?

KO: No.

What about Travis Kane (sp)

Objection. Sustained.

Questions about how he heard about Michael’s death.

Paul G. called him. in the afternoon. He was on stage rehearsing. Paul G. called him to tell him that MJ had passed. It was sometime in the afternoon. Paul Gongaware.


Walgren asks about Michael Jackson missing rehearsals. (You said?) Well he missed some shows, but it was in a period of time. There was period of time.... “It was accumulated dates. It was a week.” Early June, for about a week, Michael Jackson missed a series of rehearsals. He had met Dr. Murray before that.

June 20th meeting.

DW: You specifically were asked if he had yelled at Michael. You said that you did not.
KO: Michael, said “I now that you are concerned about me and I know that.” Michael gave me a big hug, “Don’t worry. WE can do this.” If there was any voices, it wasn’t yelling, it was caring. JP: Mr. Chernoff? Recross? EC: One question. June 25th, very briefly. Was that a day he was scheduled to rehearse: What time was he was supposed to arrive? KO: Afternoon.

EC: What time was he supposed to arrive ?

KO: 4:00 or 4:30 pm.

Ortega is excused.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 17:15:43 | 显示全部楼层
MJ助理Michael Amir Williams证词全文及诘问记录:

2nd Prosecution Witness: Michael Amir Williams

Witness is instructed on testifying by Judge Pastor.

Carl Douglas is his put on the record as his attorney. June 2009 directing to that time. (He) worked for Mr. MJ.

DW: How long, had you been employed?

MAW: A little over two years as of June 2009. I played the role of an assistant, personal assistant, arranging day to day operations, hiring media, staff. (snip) Spoke to him (Michael) several times almost every day.

DW: Was there a security detail?

MAW: There were two men 24/7 hours a day, to open the gate and screen everyone who came in.

(His responsibilities) traveling, as needed. He would work with security to do as needed. He would be liaison between security. At that time Michael Jackson was living at 100 North Carolwood, in Holmby Hills.

Presenting a photograph up on the ELMO. (In my experience, the overhead projection screen device has sometimes been called an ELMO in California courtrooms as long as I’ve been attending a trial.) In the overflow room, we can’t see any of these exhibits, even though they are up on a screen in the courtroom. They are not visually transferring via the live camera feed. The screen just looks white. Must be the lights on the feed camera. The screen looks white on the ELMO in the courtroom. Too bad we can’t see any exhibits.

Photos close up of the front door and photos of the white security trailer.

(MAW was) involved in rehearsals at Staples Center arranging security and things of that nature. He would call Kenny Ortega or his assistant to find out what time Michael was supposed to be there. The witness identifies Dr. Murray for the record. MAW first met Dr. Murray, back in 2008

MAW: I met him, knew of him (before) then probably met him in 2008 early 2008. Met him in Las Vegas in 2008, as Michael’s personal assistant.

Before June 25th, he frequently saw Dr. Murray at the residence.

DW: (What was) his pattern, as you observed?

MAW: It was regular. He would come if we hand rehearsal, he would come. Stay the night.

DW: You became familiar with his vehicle?

MAW: Yes I was.

He was involved in ensuring that Dr. Murray was there are the residence when Michael Jackson got home from rehearsal.

Photo of Dr. Murray’s car parked in the drive of 100 North Carolwood on the ELMO. MAW describes the regular procedure to get Michael to Staples center and back home. An advance car would go ahead to make sure everything would be set up. Usually there would be fans there at Staples Center. Michael would always make sure that they would slow down so Michael could say hello to his fans. He accompanied MJ at all times back to his (dressing?) room, back to the stage. He insured the vehicles would be warmed up. When going back to the house, Michael would stop by the fans sometimes to shake hands. There would be an advance car again on the return home.

MAW describes the routine for dropping off the gifts Michael sometimes received from the fans. They (him/security) would leave any gifts that were given to Michael by fans on the (inner stairs?) steps of the home. It was normal for Dr. Murry’s vehicle to be at the house (when the got home from rehearsal. The following morning, sometimes Dr. Murry’s vehicle would (still) be at the house. The next day.

Photo on ELMO of inside the house. Directly when you would walk in the door. Gifts were placed there and someone (housekeeper, staff) would take them up. Areas in the photograph are described.

June 24, 2009. MAW was involved in the general procedure in transporting MJ to the staples center.

DW: Do you recall what time they left?

MAW: It was in evening around 6:00 pm no later than 7:00 pm.

Drove with Michael to rehearsal. He as in the front seat. Faheem Mohammad was the driver. No one else in the car. Drove straight to Staples Center.

DW: What was his general spirit or demeanor?

MAW: He had a great spirit that evening. He was punctual. Wanted to make sure he got there on time. Sometimes Michael asked for a heater, saying he was cold.

DW: (So?) he was in great spirits that night. Did you observe the rehearsal?

MAW: It was him, yes, dancing and singing. I thought it was extraordinary, personally. I thought personally, it was great.

DW: How long did rehearsal last?

MAW: It was close to midnight, past midnight when we finished.

DW: Did you follow the same procedure to go home as before? Same vehicle same driver?

Michael was in the back seat. (They) drove straight back to Carolwood residence. They had security outside the gate, since there were fans there. Maybe a few gifts, then drove onto the property.

DW: When you arrive, was Dr. Murray’s car there?

MAW: Yes it was.

After they arrived, he did not see Dr. Murray. Same procedure, took everything (items from car; fan gifts) to the stairs. It was late, so everyone just went their own way and went home. They (Faheem, MAW) debriefed at security station. Went over the ride, what was wrong. Just security stuff, then he left. Returned to his residence. He was back on duty next day.

June 25th. At some time prior to returning to work he received a phone call from Dr. Murray. He got a call at 12 :13 pm. There was voice mail message. He listened to the message. It was Dr. Murray’s voice. It was a frantic voice. “It was, call me right away, hurry call me right away!” His phone was an iPhone. He made a video of retrieving the voice mail. Took a video retrieving it.

Photo of an iPhone, several photos up on the ELMO. MAW identifies photo of his phone, retrieving his message. After he retrieved voice mail he described as frantic, then he immediately called (Dr Murray) back. He called Dr. Murray directly. He spoke to him at that time. Dr. Murray asked “Where are you?” I’m home, he replied. “You need to get here right away.
“Michael had a bad reaction. Had a bad reaction. Get here right away.”

DW: Did he ask you to call 911?

MAW: No.

After he got off the phone with Dr. Murray he called Faheem. Faheem said he left the property he was at the bank. Then called someone else on the security detail. He called Roberto. First asked how are you. (?? Walter??) at front door. He walked inside the property, sound of somethings going on, then the phone (conversation with ?) suddenly cuts off.

Now at this point, while conversing with Alberto, but this while?? time, I was trying to call back and forth, trying to find out what was going on from downtown Los Angeles. (Where he lived.) He drove strait to Carolwood. There were people outside; the ambulance was there. He proceeded straight in to the property.

DW: Did you eve go upstairs?

MAW: No sir.

DW: Were people allowed to go upstairs?

MAW: No. (snip) No staff was allowed in his room. Maybe housekeepers to clean, but as far as security, people, no they weren’t allowed upstairs.

He immediately went to Michael’s children. The paramedics were upstairs. Got the children Prince, Paris and Blanket and put them in a vehicle; in the Escalade.

MAW: I remember them (paramedics) bring the back board, while he was tending to the three children with their nanny Rosalie. (sp?)

He remembers seeing Dr. Murray, paramedics. Just a horrible, crazy experience, a lot going on.

DW: When did you see with your own own eyes, when they came out with the back board? (snip) So Michael's on the gurney by paramedics....Dr. Murray was with them or near by?

MAW: He was there. There was a lot of emotion going on.

He got in the (car with) the children and followed the ambulance.

DW: Did you observe Dr. Murry? Did you notice anything?

MAW: He was sweating. I got in the car with the children...and followed the ambulance.

Demeanor of children. They didn’t know what was going on. So it wasn’t too bad.

DW: What was the scene at UCLA.

MAW: Chaos. People with cameras, we were trying to do what we could to cover things up. Trying to do what we could with the children, to cover their faces up.

At UCLA: There, children where inside. Rosalie, and security detail in front of the room. They went back to where Michael body was and they were working on him. Went to the bathroom, wash his face because he was crying. They were working on him behind a curtain, it wasn’t even a room.

MAW: I remember after awhile, Dr. Murray walking out, doctors walking out, just said he was dead.

DW: Afterwords, you were told Michael Jackson was pronounced dead? Were you there when the children were told?

MAW: They wanted in there (where the children were) with Dr. Murray and Frank Leto. Frank blurted out (that Michael was dead). Prince was saying make sure you tell them Daddy’s allergic to this, to that. (Frank said?) Your daddy had a heard attack and died. Dr. Murry said, “Oh, no don’t tell them that; We don’t know.”

DW: Did Dr. Murry approach you that you found odd; make a request?

MAW: It was in the hallway. We were both crying. (him & Faheem?) The whole atmosphere was horrible.

DW: Dr. Murray approached you? What did he say?

MAW: He was all over Michael, small talk. He says, he asked question. “Mr. Jackson had some cream that he didn’t want the world to know about. Would you or one of the guys (take me to) go back to the house, to go back to the house to get it.” At first he just asked. And that was the last thing. It was just and odd question that he wanted to go back to the house. And that was one thing that I just couldn’t do. So I said, let me check with one of the guys.

He went and spoke to Faheem about Dr. Murray’s request. And Faheem said we can’t go back . Just said that, to avoid confrontation. It wasn’t true. So they were going to tell Dr. Murry, the police have our car keys. Told Faheem what he was going to say to Dr. Murray and Faheem said "Whatever."

Then Dr. Murray reapproached later, about getting food. Told him that we couldn’t take him anywhere. He said he hadn’t eaten and he wanted to go get some food. At the time Dr. Murray asked to get some food. I don’t recall the time, but I do recall that family was there, family had arrived.

The witness is asked about the time again I believe and he can’t remember exactly.

MAW: Just told him that we can’t do anything about that.

DW: Did you then contact security at the residence?

(Told them to) make sure you lock the house down. Don’t let anyone in don’t let anyone out.

DW: Following these requests by Dr. Murray. Did you see him again that day?

MAW: No.

DW: Did he ever contact you and say goodbye?

MAW: (No.) Detectives came and asked his where abouts. I just gave them Dr. Murray's pone numbers.

CROSS by Ed Churnoff.

Michael Amir Williams is his full name. Birth name.

EC: You said that, one of the jobs was to coordinate security?

MAW: Yes sir.

EC: You were instrumental in the hiring of security?

MAW: Yes sir.

The security that was in place was by a company called SECURITY MEASURES. Based in LA.

EC: Who were the people working for SECURITY MEASURES (SM) in June?

Alberto Alvarez. Faheem Mohamed. . They wern’t hired by Security Measures. Patrick Mohamed SM. Issiam (sp?) Mohamed SM.
Larry Tolbert. ?

MAW: I dont’ know if Larry Tolbert is Larry Mohamed.

The actual owner (of Security Measures) is from the Nation of Islam.

MAW: I knew him (owner) and I tried to hand pick some of the guys.

EC: He’s connected with the Nation of Islam? Patrick Mohamed? Nation of Islam?

MAW: Yes sir.

EC: Alberto Alvzrez? Nation of Islam? Patrick Issaic? Nation of Islam?

MAW: The nanny, I knew her personally. My mom is a good friend of hers.

EC: Is she Nation of Islam? Is there anyone there who were (?)

MAW: The (?) housekeeper's, or about three or four security were not Nation of Islam.

A question is asked about the chef.

EC: Who was working the morning of June 25th?

MAW: There were three shifts. There were two men on the property 24/7. Larry and Phillip. Lewis Williams. He is related to Lewis. His brother.

He knew Lewis was working that day.

EC: You said that the first person you called was Faheem Mohamed? You said the reason you said that because he was always hanging around, he was always over there.

MAW: He worked the day shift. So I know that he was there.

EC: You mentioned that he worked the night before. So when their shift ended. tha ws 1:00 am in the morning So then you expected them to be back on shift at 9, 10, 11? Would it be fair to say that Faheem Mohamed is at the residence more than any other security guards?

MAW: Well, between him and (?) they worked the day shift.

EC: When you got the phone call from Dr. Murray, the first thing you did was call Faheem Then the next thing you did was call Larry? ???

MAW: (Yes.)

EC: Did you review you cell phone records before you testified today? Did you look at your cell phone records?

MAW: No sir.

EC: Do you remember making another phone call before Faheem?

MAW: No I don’t. (snip) My attorney told me about (my) phone records ...

EC: He told you that prior to making your 3rd statement to police? You made a statement to police officers at the hospitals?

He spoke to officers back at the residence.

MAW: If it was, it was only for a few minutes.

EC: You then made a third statement to police on August 31st 2009? Him and his lawyer dind’t go through his phone record prior to today?

MAW: We never went through the record who I called that day. I’m being honest with you.

JP: I hope you re being honest all the time.

Courtroom laughter. He’s only recalling for memory.

EC: Do you remember making a phone call prior or after to Roberto Alvarez? When you spoke to police on August 31st, you had a specific time. Do you remember that today? Would you say that your phone records would reflect better than your memory?

MAW: Yes sir.

EC: When you called Roberto Alvarez, are you sure that you called him and that he didn’t call you?

MAW: I think I remember calling him. and I remember asking where he was.

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发表于 2011-1-6 21:22:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bestMJ 于 2011-1-6 21:25 编辑

KO: 我们见面的时间大多都是开始工作或排练的时候。去年我们一块儿吃过几次晚饭,谈论TII演唱会计划,杰克逊也带着他的孩子们来看了一场我执导的演唱会。
肯尼奥特加从2009年4月开始执导并合作创作了TII. 他从2009年加入团队,和MJ一块儿导演并创作,监督舞台制作。
DW: 你与MJ见面的频率怎样?
KO: 刚开始的时候一周2到4天,开始制作直到09年6月25日,一周会见面4到5天
KO: MJ对即将到来的演出真的非常兴奋,这场演出非常正确,震撼,有着巨大的潜力。杰克逊有着足够的原因来举办演唱会。DW:什么愿意让他选择在这个时候开演唱会呢?
KO: 杰克逊也谈论过演唱会结束以后的事。有一次,MJ问我是否到过印度,他说:“我们要去那儿,我想让你看看那个地方。”
他们最终在09年6月转移到了The Forum.
KO: 有的。
KO: 我记不得从The Forum转移到斯坦普斯体育中心的具体日期了,在Forum待了3周,然后就到了斯坦普斯体育中心。
KO: 在斯坦普斯体育中心的彩排现场,我们过了美好的一天,接着MJ来了。MJ看起来不是很好。我注意到他在打冷战,说话的声音非常轻柔,状态不是很好。
DW: 有些时候MJ会表演,跳舞?
KO: 有时候会。MJ参与了每一次创作的决定。任何决定都必须经过他的同意。
KO: 在斯坦普斯体育中心的彩排现场,我们过了美好的一天,接着MJ来了。MJ看起来不是很好。我注意到他在打冷战,说话的声音非常轻柔,状态不是很好。
DW: 他有说他觉得身体不适吗?(原文作者:我觉得这儿KO有回答没有)还是通过观察
KO: 有的。(停顿了一下)我认为他当时的状态不适合彩排。
DW: 那MJ彩排了吗?
KO: 没有,他刚开始不想回家。(又停顿了一下) MJ让编舞师代替他上台彩排,他自己则坐在观众席里观看。
DW: 你去的时候都有谁在那儿?
KO: MJ和莫里在那儿。
KO: 见过。在MJ家里见过几次,也被人介绍过。在为表演工作不久后就见过他,大概是在09年的4月或者5月
KO: 没有,我们休息了一个周末。直到6月23号才在斯坦普斯又一次进行了彩排。
2009.6.25  KO意识到发生了什么事。当他在彩排的时候接到了一个电话。早些时候他在去彩排的路上刚给兰迪菲利普斯打过电话,菲利普斯让他告诉MJ他有多么兴奋以及他对彩排有多么期待。
到Ed Chernoff发问。
KO: 当然。
EC:Paul Gongaware?
EC:Paul Leto?
KO: 他很冷,说话声音很轻柔。
KO:他错过了很多场,都是在后期的彩排中。(It was LATER in the rehearsals, that he missed)
EC: 这关系重大吗?
EC:你有见过有人撤回药物使用吗?(drug withdrawal)
EC:你有与Karen Faye谈过话吗?
EC:在会议之后你有和Karen Faye交谈过吗?
那Travis Kane呢?
Paul G.在下午的时候给他打了电话,他那时正在彩排。Paul Gongaware打电话告诉他MJ去世了,是下午的某个时间。
Paul G.在下午的时候给他打了电话,他那时正在彩排。Paul Gongaware打电话告诉他MJ去世了,是下午的某个时间。
Walgren 再次询问
﹎_ ^  You are my life ...                    
       ___Dear  Michael
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发表于 2011-1-6 22:10:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-7 01:57:21 | 显示全部楼层
都仔细的看完了~ 又是在半夜哭……
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 11:14:11 | 显示全部楼层
证人9:电话公司代表Jeff Strohm证词

Jeff Strohm next witness #9

Walgren, states that both the content of the cell phones and text messages have been provided in discovery. And if there is a question about that he would be happy to answer.


I work for Srpint Nextel communications where I am a custodian of records. As a custondian I’m responsible for tetifying. Responsible for various type of legal comands.

Exhibit 21

He’s familiar with the docuent. 702 xxx-3747 phone records for subscriber information and phone calls. Conrad Murray.

Are these records prepared near the time of the activity occurs. Are these documents regularly maintained in Sprint Nextel activities. Yes.

Entries for date June 25th, 2009

page 123 of 183
Briefly decribe the information contained in the header.

Calling number initiation
next call receiving
dial digets numbers actually entered
4 mobile roll number (inbound or outboud or routed)
start date date and time of call (it will be the time of the tower that gets the call) millitary time.

more call detail descriptions.

All phone calls on June 25 based in LA? “Correct”

reviewed calls from 7:01 am to 8 pm reviewed those calls.

He’s seen exhibit 20 before he came to court today.

Verifies the information on nextel phone of that document (outlined in blue) is accurate.

7?? am from xxx 792 709 made to ???? 25 seconds
8:49 am from 5217 to Conrad Murary nextel 3437 53 seconds
10:22 am from 0124 to 3747 111 seconds
10:34 am from Conrad 3747 to 3233 = 8 and a half minutes
11:26 am from 9566 to Conrad 3747 seven seconds
1:08 pm from his phone to 310 xxx-070 2 minutes

People’s 21 chart focus on two calls: 8:49 am 53 seconds and right below that a call for 48 seconds

plese describe what it reflects.

If you look at the call detail. One is a routed call, and the second is the inbound call. And that is actually one call because the times overlap, so the 53 seconds would be more accurate.


What is a routed call? There’s two examples of routed calls.

Temporary local dialing number that’s a bridge number when they are in an area that they can’t find service. That number is used so the person can complete a network connection. routed aspect and inbound aspect. And the overlaping times tell you that.

The person making or receiving would they know the call was being routed.

Witness excused.

Prosecution Asks to break early since they have no more witness scheduled for the morning. It’s 11:50 am. Judge Pastor agrees and asks everyone to be ready to go at 1:15 pm.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 11:15:56 | 显示全部楼层
证人8:电话公司代表HARRY DALIWAL证词


Debrah Brazil direct.

ATT employee for 15 years. Area retail sales manager of 8 stores. Acces over phone records, text messages.

Exhibit 19 72 pages. He recognizes the document; he’s reviewed the document before. Cell phone records. Chernoff states he’s not familiar with the document and is examining it Chernoff has received the phone records not the text records. He has no objection.

Directed to page 2. Does page 2 provide information to who those records belong: Conrad Murray. Reads the phone number into the record.

Contain cellular call information and data information for that phone. Data information is all text messages, email or if the owner checks the internet.

Witness is familiar with ATT’s iPhone. Trying to explain when data is “pushed” through a phone. It’s when data information automatically comes into the phone email, web, etc. Each one of those data pushes would be recorded on the phone.

Direct to Page 66 of Exhibit. Describe for the court, the information contained on the page, left to right in the columns.

Item number = serial number as activilyt happens it chronologcial and the time. Next column, there’s no information in the sent or received collumn... Sometimes he’s seen this. Next column is the amount of kilobytes. Higher number reflects more data, more character, a larger piece of information, larger email, text, etc. SMS indicates that this is a text message.

Can’t tell from this page if the message is incoming or outgoing. But can tell that on the clients bill. Next column, charge, is the charges for that particular entry. Servicing area. There is a state abreviation (TX for Texas).

Cell phone activity starting on June 25th, 2009. On page 66. Going over those entries.

Starting with serial number 870, is that the first entry on that date? Yes. What time

12:04 am received data entry.
3:04 and so on...
871 received data entry all the same all the way through with
876 data entry at 6:04

Is very possible that was the setting on the phone. It’s possible that the phone was set and the automatic activity would occur.

6:25 am text message.
next entry
7:03 am data
7:20 am data
8:14 am datanext text message from texas

8:54 am data
Page 67 of cell phone records.

9 am text message sent to or from someone in TX
9:11 am tex message to or from TX
8:35 am data
10:04 am data
10:15 am data
10:26 am text message TX
10:24 am ????
I missed two listings
12:03 pm text
12:04 text message to or from TX
12. 13 pm data
12:18 pm data
12:53 pm text mesage California
1:23 pm text message Nevada
2:19 pm next one ? data

Various messages that continue The times are read too fast to copy.
PAGES 1-24
What type of acttivity is reflected?

Cell phone usage, to or from..
Calls, on June 25th, 2009, page 21 page 22 page 23.
Page 21 first
top column across read the descriptions

Item =serial number
date =date of call
time = time
calls to =to incoming or out going call
minutes used= length
usage type =what type of phone call it was.
then roaming type= if on home system or other network.
Code,= “Network code not familiar with”
Next “Tells which carrier carries the call.”

June 25th, 2009 phone activity.
item 319

9:23 am number incoming 22 minutes
next several items, serial numbers 312-328 calls made on June 25th as well.

Copy of Exhibit 20. He examined this before coming to court today.

Compared information on peoples 20 to cell phone records.

Reads off a list of call times on Murray’s phone

10:29 am call from ? to Murray’s phone 22 minutes

11:07 am from 6xx 994 3233 to Murray’s phone 1 minute
11 18 am call from 7xx 862 0973 placed 2xx 866 6802 and that call logged at 32 minutes.

missed listing one call

11:49 am call placed from Murray to 702 xxx 4989 3 minutes.
11:51 am a call placed from Murry to 832-xxx-3832 11 minutes.
12:12 pm from Murray phone to 562 xxx-2570 lasted 1 minute
12:15 pm from 562 xxx 2570 to conrad Murray 1 minute


How did you get chosen for this? “I didn’t.”

.Is there a way for the prosecution or the defense to rectrieve the content of text messages? “It’s not a yes or no. There is a way. However, I’m not familiar with it. I’m not in that process, so I don’t know.”

What about the content of voice mail? Is there a way for ATT to retrieve that voice mail? “It’s a yes or no answer, It can be done but I’ not an expert.”

EC: That’s all I have.

No redirect.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 11:18:48 | 显示全部楼层
证人7:急救人员2MARTIN BLAUNT证词

There is a delay. The witness is coming down on a elevator.

Firefighter 20 years. Paramedic 11 years. Working as a paramedic on June 25th, 2009. He is a handsome, black firefighter. He was the driver on this call. Once on the property, he was directed in the house and up the stairs. He was towards the back in the line of people who entered the home. Shown exhibits/layout of the home where he treated the patient. He thinks he was the fifth one in line of the five firefighers.

When he first saw the patient, he was not on the floor; he was in the bed. Identifies the witness. He identified hiself as the personal physician. Dr. Murray was the one who opened the door and requested help. He noticed that Dr. Murray was sweating profusely . Clarifies that when he entered the room, the patient was on the floor. Testifies that he noticed an IV stand in the room. The patient was moved to a better area of the room.

Explains why he was last person in the room. As the driver, he got the gurney out of the back of the ambulance and other gear. His role, as driver, is to be availble to the patient, so he positions himself at the patient’s head. He did hear Dr. Murray being asked if the patient had been given any drugs and Dr. Murray said no. Dr. Murray explained that the reason there was an IV was because the patient had been dehydrated.

His police statement said that Dr. Murray said that the rehearsals the previous day had been 16 hours. Do. you remember Dr. Murray said something about a physical. Heard Dr. Murray say that the patient had been down five minutes, prior to calling 911.

I saw O2 cylinder. Oxygen tank. Anything else? Heart monitor? No sir. Did you see a nasal canula? Yes, that’s tubing that would go around the nose and connected to an oxygen tank. Did no observe any other type of medical equipment. Primary job is to get air going and let the patient know (endo trachial ET tube down the throat) how he’s doing. Patient’s head was at his knees. He was able to quickly place and insert an ET tube. Once the tube is in place, the patient is getting air. It’s a hand pump device. Other paramedics are giving chest compressions, etc.

Noticed the IV wasn’t operating properly, so they were looking for a site on the arms to insert ad IV. “To me, the temperature of Jackson’s skin was cool.”

While this was going on, he was also observing the heart monitor. And making observations on the capnography readings. Confirmed that the tub was properly placed an filling it’s function. While lookng for an IV site, another paramedic decided to stick via the jugular (the two heart stimulant drugs). He observed that the patient’s eyes were “blown.” It was his opinion, from observing the body that the patient was dead.

At that point, Dr. Murray held up a hypodermic needle with a blue color, and said, “We could use this here. The team said, “That’s okay.” Witness thought that was odd because it was odd because they had asked about drugs and Dr. Murray said he had given none. The size of the needle caught his attention. It was a 24 gage.

He noticed small bottles of lidocaine. It’s a form of anethestic. there were bottles on the floor. He thought that was odd because they had asked Dr. Murray if he had given any drugs and he said no.

Skipping now to when UCLA took the care of the patient over to Dr. Murray to assume care. Did you read through the monitors any viable heart rhythm? No. Do you remember Dr. Murray telling you he felt a femoral pulse? Yes. Was there something that you saw that you thought was odd? The patient had a condom catheter.

What is a condum cathether. Commonly used in surgucal proceedings when a patien is unconscious.

He observed Dr. Murray scoop the three lidocaine bottles off the floor and put them (in a bag?) He never saw those bottles again.

Observed Dr. Murray in the ambulance take out his cell phone and make a phone call. While working on the patient, he heard that it was Michael Jackson and he recognized him as Michael Jackson. At the hospital, he was at the location, restocking his equipment. He then asked a nurse to locate a piece of equipment. Briefly saw the doctor’s working on Michael Jackson. Dr. Murray was in there with the doctor’s while they continued to work on Michael Jackson.

CROSS by Low

Going over his testimony of questions that Dr. Murray was asked. Questioning him about how long he thought Michael Jackson had been down. Verifying that it was his impression that the patient looked deceased when he first came in the room. Verifies that he testified that he thought the patient’s skin was cool.

Do you recall what date it was that you told detectives the patient’s skink was cool? (Witness doesn’t) Apparently he said earlier, that the patient’s skin was “not warm; not cool.”

Going over when the witness remembers Dr. Murray say he wanted to take over, and continue to the hospital.

Low asks for a moment to check his notes.

I did not ask him if the patient took recreational drugs. One of my team did. The answer from Dr. Murray was no. Verifies that one of the paramedics tried at least three times to find a vein in the hands or arms.

Do you have any reason why they could not find a vein? Is it in your exprience, people who are as skinny as they are, that drug addicts that it’s difficult to find a vein? The witness gives an example of a known drug addict with tattoos and he is still able to find a vein.

Even so, Low asks the witness that at the same time, it can be difficult. The witness agrees.

They did their normal protocol.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 12:03:05 | 显示全部楼层
证人11:UCLA医生Thao Nguydn证词


Thao Nguydn (Pronounced “Wen”)

Goes over her credentials.
Working as a cardiolgist fellow on 6/25 for cardiac intensive care unit. How long? 3 (and a half?) years and a half. In June I had finished my fellowship.

I am the one resonsible for hte whoe unit the entire staff. Her role on June 25th.

She was called to the ER. By Richelle Cooper. When she came down Dr. Cooper was working on the patient. Dr. Cooper introduced her to the defendant. She met Dr. Murray in the ER. Asked Dr. Murray what happened.

He told me he was the physician for hte patient. The patient was preparing for a tour in England and had some difficulties sleeping and had been giving some medications for sleep. Asked him what did you give? He said, 4 miligrams of adavan (mirazapam) via IV.

At that time were you aware of the condition of the patient? Yes. What follow up questions did you ask. Asked him if he gave any other medications. What did he tell you? No. What did you ask him next? Did you try to reverse the effect of the adavan? He said no. Asked him what happened after he gave the medication. He told me that he later found the patient not breathing. Asked him when he found the patient not breathing. He said he did not know the time. Did you ask him when he had the ptien down when he made the 911 call. He said he did not have a watch and he did not have the time. (He didn’t know the time lapse.) Not able to give her any kind of time estimate as to when the drug was injected as to when the patient went down or when the patient was found not breathing.

Were there any other questions directed at Dr. Murray or does that sum it up? Dr. Murray did tell us, he asked me not to (?) and to try to save the patient. Did he ever mention giving the patient propofol? No. Did he ever mention giving the patient other benzodiazapine medications? Absolutely not.

She did the baloon pump, after the time was already called. She didn’t think it would work based on all that had been done already. So, an agreement was made with Dr. Murray that if the balloon pump failed, then they would call the time of death.

When the time of death was called, she looked at her pager, she noticed the time was 1:35 pm.

The afternoon break is called. More to come....

2:55 pm back in side the overflow room.

I see on the video, Dr. Murray coming out of the jury room. He must have used the restroom in there. This is not unusual. During the Brown case, when the jury was not in the courtroom, court personnel, attorneys, etc. often used the jury room bathroom.

CROSS by Flannagan (sp?)

In your practice do you use the drug mirazapan? Yes sir. 4 mg of the drug, in an 136 pound patient, how long would it keep him to sleep. It takes about 15 minutes or so, (to put him to sleep?) How long would that last?

Describes the type of drug it is. It is used for anxiety. Also used to induce sleep. If use it to induce sleep in 136 pound patient, how long should it induce sleep for?

It’s half life is about 14 hours. But you also have to take into consideration the (prior use of tthe drug in this patient.) She describes what half life is. The time it takes for the medication to have 1/2 of the effect.

He tries to give her a hypothetical. She comes back with questions of her own. Saying she needs the information. We all laugh.

She would start with a very small dose, 1 mg. She would not start with 4 milligrams.

I do not know anything about Dr. Cooper’s report.

So, you would start with 1 mg, possibly 2? She insists that she would need to know about prior use of the drug with the patient.

If you keep using the same medication, you would have to use a higher amount because you reach a higher concentration. If the medication is given IV ddepenting on the metabolisim through the liver,. I am not aware of the blood level of this patient. would you expect the blood level 169, to produce sleep? Obj. sustained.

We usually do not measure that. With her accent, it’s hard to understnad her. Even though she is speaking as clearly as she can.

When you are given morzipam, or and benzodiazapne. You are expected that you give a certain dose per weight. I thought I explained that it’s not known in relation to blood levels. Do you know anything about blood levels? Again, That’s not how we measure.

When you were taking to Dr. Murray, you said he had no concept of time. Obj. sust. It’s not my conclusion. i am not saying as to how he appeared. This was his answer to my question.

Did you have an impression of his emotional state? “do you want my opinon of his emotional state? He appeard devistated.

What do you mean? You want the definition of devastation? Laughter?

What was it that caused you to believe that he was devistated? His facial expression.

What about his voice? His voice was normal.

He appeared calm. The voice was calm.

That facial expression, that just caused you to determine he was devastated. Yes. snip The body language.

I did not ask him if he gave mirazapam. I asked him what drugs he gave.

I asked him what time and he could not give the time. He could not give an estimate.

This was the time I saw on my pager that I started talking to him 1:35 pm)

The other doctors, I recognized Dr. Cooper. (There may have been other residents.)

Was there a lot of confusion? There was not confusion.

Not at UCLA?

(Judge Pastor, I think states there was activity.)

This questioning of Dr. Murry took place at 1:35 in the room where there were five or six people working on Michael Jackson. Correct. And you’re asking him what time he gave what drugs. (Withdrawan).

It was at this time, did you think you had his full concentration? Yes. He was not watching the patient while he talked to me. He had established eye contact with me. Throughout the conversation. How long was the conversation? About 2 minutes. He was standing at the left leg of Michael Jackson. The size of the room was about a quarter of this room.

Dr. Cruz did not arrive until I asked him to come down. Dr. Cruz was the one who used the balloon pump. ? Dr. Cruz and I operated the balloon pump. And who’s idea was it? Dr. Cruz. You did the balloon pump? Yes.

We continued on the request of Dr. Murray. He did not want us to give up.

When you learned there was adavan in the patient, did you use any drugs to revers the razipan? Just talkng about this case. Did you use any drugs to revers the effects of the razipan. I asked why. Before I decided not to use, I asked Dr. Cooper, if riazipan had been used/reversed. She said no. (So the time of reversal was lost.)

At the first time of distress, that’s when the drug needs to be administered.

Dr. Murray didn’t give the order for the balloon pump did he? No.

It was not his advice, to put in the balloon pump. Yes. Without any indication?
The indication was cardiac failure.

Did the balloon pump, that was the purpose, to reverse the drug induced cardiac arrest? No sir. That’s not what I said. the indication of the balloon pump, is to assist the heart when it was failing. But it doesn’t reverse the drug. It only assists the heart.

“Only when the window of time will allow.. .”.(to use the reversal medication).
No further questions.



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