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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 12:06:44 | 显示全部楼层
证人10  UCLA医生Dr. Cooper证词

Dr. Cooper #10

UCLA Emergency medicine physician.

Been an attending since 2008. She details how long she was a resident. June 25th 2009 working at UCLA as an ER physician.

Remeber being consulted by a bay station call in?

There is a care nurse, assigned to answer radio calls.

That nurse is charged ot radioing back to the care for hte patient to be given? (Yes).

We can barely hear this doctor.

Dr. Richelle Cooper.

Details what she kearned when she was first made aware of the radio call. She goes over the base hospital form. My understanding that the arrest was around 12:18... she needs to review her records.

The time is the “estimated” time of cardiac arrest. This infor came from the radio nurse relayed to her. While this bay station call was continuing, she was only being consulted as needed.

I was told that resustation (at the scene) did not pronounce ay response. I gave permission to pronounce at 12:57 pm.

She told that for transport, the personal physician would have to take (control?) and would have to arrive with the patient. She was there when the ambulance arrived.

I had already prepared a team. As the patient rolled passed, I was introduced to Dr. Murray. Identifes him for the record. Asked him what happened. Dr. reported that the patient a ? state of health not ill, had been having trouble sleeping. That he was dehydrated and hand not been sleeping. He reporte that he had given the patient 2 mg of borazapam (sp?) and then later another dose. Did not mention that he had given the patient any other drugs. Murray stated he witnessed the arrest.

I asked about reported past drug use that he may have been taking other than the valium and flomax. there was no seizure activity or if the patient had any chest pain before the arrest.. Murray her no seizure activity preceeding the arrest.

Murray told her he tok Valium and flomax. It’s for urinary flow problems. Describes what Valium is. Dr. Murray stated there was no report of chest pains or anything of that nature? Correct.

The patient had no sign of life. The pupils were fixed and dialated. The patient was dead on arrival to UCLA. Despite that conditon, they attempted to revive the patient. No pulse; no other signs of trauma. Proceeded to adminster other drugs. Patient is still being ventelated and CPR is continuing and cardiac monitors on the patient.

Did you ever note or feel or observe a pulse on the patient. I did not. There was report of a pulse being felt on the nurse call sheet. She lists the “starter drugs” that were additionally given to Michael Jackson. They were not effective. Time spent on the patient, 1 hour, 26 minutes. She made the decision at 2:26 pm to call the patient deceased (stop treatment?)?

Blood was drawn from the patient for later medical testing. When Jackson arrived at UCLA, he was given a medical record number/name to track everything until the patient is formally registered. Gershwin was the name given to all Michael Jackson so that things can be recorded and labeled immediately so they can perform care.

What is a urinary catheter?

Urinary catheter, It’s put on the penis. For those that are incontent or when they are sedated. She observed that when he came in, he had on a condom catheter. At any time did Dr. Murray indicate that he had administerd propofol or any othe benzodiazapine? No.

Have you ever been involved i nor witnessed or present a situation where a medical doctor was administered in a home setting? No.

Are you familiar with propofol? yes, I’ve used it before. Used it for a procedural sedation. To like, set a broken bone. Also use it sometimes when patients are intubated, and we don’t want them to wake up. So, in a surgery situation where you want to put the patient under. Yes. I’ve seen it used in outpatient, setting but not in a home setting.



Doy ou yourslef use prophfol. Personally, I’ve adminsiter it patients. As an ER physician, she doesn’t need to be licensed to use it. Any doctor can use any medication.

She pronounced the patient originally at 12:57 pm.

There was a report by Dr. Murray that he had detected a pulse which was in conflict so she made the decision to attempt.

There was one other person who said that they detected a pulse? “I can not confirm.”

Was it Dr. Wang? Do you have your medical records with you? Did you write in the name of the person who felt the pulse? No I did not.

Do you have BATE stamp 2132. I left mine in the car. Mr. Walgren is complying.

“This is a nurse scribe note.” (about the feeling of a pulse)

I don’t know who reported the pulse. Dr. Murray was in the room and did have gloves on. Was Dr. Murray hands on in the room? “When he arrived yes.”

I was never able to confirm a pulse. Sometimes, people feel a pulse that isn’t there.

I began questioning him as soon as he came in the door. He reported to me that he was there when the patient stopped breathing.

What is it that you see, when you witnessing an arrest? (snip) I heard him to mean that he saw the patient stop breithing, and administered CPR.

Explains what she would consider “witnessing an arrest” It’s a common phrase that we would use regarding .... if I was in the room.

My recolection, from my notes, that’s what I was told, that Dr. Murray witnessed the arrest.

Does it have the same meaning for all medical people? I can’t speak for all people. But I would say for all physicians, they would say, “witnessed arrest.” She did not ask Dr. Murr to elaborate what he meant.

She asked Dr. Murray if Jackson used recreational drugs. I had a 50 year old male that was dead. I didn’t know why. (This is a common question.)

Did not ask Dr. Muray what time he gave the mirazapam. The exact time, no. She didn’t ask and wasn’t given any time frame.

Questions about drugs given to Michael Jackson.

Isn’t the timng of the dose important? She pauses before she answers. I suppose you could say the timing would be important, if I was admnistering more sedative medication.

Asks which situations propofol is used. Amout used for procedural sedation, witness asks back? Every patient is a little bit different. Mentions MJ’s weight 136 pounds, and asks how much for that weight. (Generally) 60 mg is what she usually starts with. Asked if that is a little conservative.

In MJ, it could produce sedation. Sometimes we have patients (where that happens?). Asks about 25 mg. Generally 60 mg would last 10 to 20 minutes. You wouldn’t expect a sedation more than 5-10 minutes on only 25 mg. “I don’t know how long that dose would last. A dose usually takes 20-30 minutes to wear off.” Everyone’s different.

I wouldn’t know why someone would use that amout. I would not expect that 40 minutes later that medication would have an effect.

Talking about 25 mg infusion over a 3 to 4 minutes of time. I would not expect... ???

What if scenario.... that if gave that medication at 10 am, and at noon, the patient stopped breathing you would not expect that it was the medication that caused it would you?

She explains that if she was administering a sedative... she would be concerned...(miss the rest of the answer).

If you’re not giving continual medicaiton, then the meds clear within 10 to 20 minutes. What is it that lets you wake the patient up so quickly.?

Asks if she had known propofol was administered would she have treated any differently? She states she was treating a cardiac arrest.

I thnk I have this next part correct. IF there was no other medication given (between the sedative and the arrest) she would not think the events that were related.

“If there is more than one sedative, there is an additive effect.”

If a one time dose of propofol, I would not expect (an hour later) the propofol would have any effect.


Mr. Flannagan, wanted you to assume that Dr. Murray gave propofol around 10 40 to 10 50, only 25 mg....however if that was not a truthful statement, your answer would (differe significantly).

Walgren asks if the drugs on top of drugs were given to Jackson, that would (be an accumulative) effect?

Protocol requires certain monitoring to administer propofol. There needs to be equipment available to monitor the airway. There must be heart monitoring. There has to be a staff person available as their only job to monitor the euqipment/patient. So that the patient doesn’t die? Yes.


When take history, itis for urpose of treatiment? Yes. She calrifies, that when she asks for history of drug use, it’s relevant to (? the treatment at hand)/ She tries to get a medical history of the treatment at hand. (I don’t think I’m explaining this correctly.)

If you had known that Dr. Murray had been giving Michael Jackson propofol all this time, that would not have made and difference as to the medical treatment you had given him? No.


She would want to know about any medication that was given to the patient. It would have been helpful. It would have given me a (fair) interpretation as to what had occurred.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 12:09:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 stroller 于 2011-1-10 01:58 编辑

证人12: 洛杉矶警察局探员Dan Myers证词

#12 Dan Myers Detective

DAN MYERS Heard previous admonitions yes your honor.

Employed at LAPD. Currently work in Robbery Homicide. Lead investagators.

Examination of Dr. Murray’s cell phone calls. Dr. Murray had 2 cell phones in his name. is that correct? Yes.

He examined the cell phone records provided by the vendors. Focused the phone activity of June 25th 2009, from midnight 6/24h through the conclusion of 6/25. Yes I did.

What was the purpose of contacting the phone numbers. To identify the person or persons who were dialed.

Exhibit 20 on ELMO


7:01 am call from 3747(Dr. Murray) to 0266? did you call that number 11/17th.

Belongs to Andrew Butler.

Important question. How long empolyed? a little over 23 years.

Did he verify was in fact his residence phone number? Did you ask him if he knew Conrad Murray. He identified him as his friend and doctor.

Asked him if he recieved a phone call... He said he did not recall receiving a call from Dr. Murray. He said Dr. Murray was he physician.

8:49 am 702 683 5217 from to 3747 . Did you dial that number? Angelette Guild.
spoke with Ms. Guild. Asked if she knew Dr. Murray. She said he was a friend and her doctor. She said that she had received a letter in the mail that he would not be in the office and she called the doctor to inquire.

9:23 am 2909 from to murray 0973 Who used the number 2090. Spoke to a M

Bioni. Marissia, A friend of a daughter of her friend. Asked if her knowledge of Dr. Murray. She said that’s my friend’s father. She said, yes, that’s girlfriend chanelle, in California.

4955 to 9073 to Dr. Murray’s phone Called that number to identify the owner of the phone. Belonged to Acres Home and Cardiology Clinic in TX.

10:22 am 0124 phone call from to Dr. Murray Taked to a Dr. Prechad? (sp?) She indicated that she in post op room in hospital and ready to perfrom a procedure and she needed to know what kind of medication that patient was receiving. She needed to know if she should continue medication. She did talk to Dr. Murray and they dicussed the care for this patient. Was Dr. Murray able to assist her with the information. He recalled the patient by memory. The patient was a few months post of from a stint. Dr. Murray recalled the patient and the amounts of the medication. She indicated that in her short telephone call of less than 111 seconds. dr. Murray was able to recolect the patient, provide her with necessary information as medications as well as info on the proceedure conducted 2 months earlier.

10:34 am. From Murray 3747 619 994 3223 Called around the same time/date called the

Stacey Howel Ruggles. She said she knew Conrad Murray, and that she was his personal assistant. Did you ask Ms. Howel Ruggles if she had a conversation she said that she did remember the convesation, because it was an anniversary. Ms. Ruggles, told you that Dr. Murray directing her, requesting of her, drafting a letter concerning the upcoming tour in London.

Did you ask her if he seem distracted during the phone call. She did not indicate that he appeared to be distracted or tired. Did you ask her directly did conrad murray appear distracted? And what was her response? That he did not appear to be distracted.

11:07 am. Same ruggles phone number

11:18 placed cal to 6802 contacted that number 32 minute phone call. Who that was. What is that locatio. It’s Dr. Murray’s practice in Las Vegas. Detective physically went to that location.

That call duration to Global cardiovascular.
another call. to Conrad Murray. A Miss Morgan. she confirmed that was her number.

another call
from Dr. Murray to a Robert Russell. It was his number. Dr. Murray was his cardiologist.

11:51 am from Murray 093 to 3832. Contacted that number.. Who did you speakd Ms. Saday Adinie. She know Conrad Murray.

Objection to the conversation, but what the conversation was about is not relevant.

She did in fact receive a phone call, and she spoke to Dr. Murray on the telephone.

12:12 pm from Murray to Michael Admir Williams, and that we had testimony from him.

1:08 pm to 8070 from murray to Ms. Nicole Alvarez. Contacted Ms. Alvarez. Did you determine how she knew him. She is the father of her child. How old is the child in common. Sustained objection.

End of direct.

Judge Pastor asks if defense had a few questions, no more than five minutes or if this would be a good time to take a break.They take a break. Pastor asks to see counsel at the bench.

9:30 am resume tomorrow.


9:25 a.m. (starting early)

Witness #11: Detective Myers continues.

Cross by defense attorney Ed Chernoff

Q: Talk about when this whole case erupted.
Myers: This detective was out of town. (Objection beyond scope. Sustained.)
Q: What day did you come back from out of town? (Objection overruled.)
Myers: June 29th, actually returned (?). My partner, Det. Smith... He came back after first two trips back to Carolwood... (Objection sustained.)
Q: What documents Det. Myers, have you reviewed? Did you review documents? Did you review notes, what documents did you review? (Objection beyond scope.) Did you have a chance to review documents before you testified?
Myers: Yes. I continue to update myself with all aspects of the case. I refresh my memory.
Q: You also review you notes?
Myers: Yes.
Q: And witness statements you typed up yourself?
Myers: Yes
Q: Were you present when the Carolwood house was searched? (Objection beyond scope sustained.)
Chernoff is showing documents, showing defense C, D, E, and F.

Brazil has an objection to documents. These documents do not related to the scope to his testimony yesterday. Explains to Judge. Prosecution is still objecting about the documents.

(PIO Pat Kelly arrives.)

Attorneys still arguing whether or not these documents can be shown to the detective. They are market to be identified C, D, E, and F...but that’s it for now.

Attorneys continue to argue. Prosecution mentions there is over 7,000 pages of discovery.

(Sustain objection on relevance 352.)

Q: On part of your investigation have your prepared any documents of a chronology of events.
Myers: Yes.
Q: Was it a chronology or a time line.
Myers: I’ve prepared various documents.

Q: Have you prepared what would be termed a timeline of events including phone calls?
Myers: You’ll have to be more specific counselor as to your events.

Q: Chernoff asks did you prepare this document.
A: (regarding defense exhibit D) Yes, I had input on that timeline.

Defense exhibit E... Brazil objects to the three-page document.

Judge Pastor: We can move on.

Q: Chernoff asks can I show the detective this document? Did you have any input in the author of that timeline?
Myers: Yes.

Q: Referring to Def E, do you know when you had input into that timeline?
Myers: This would be every early on in the investigation. I can’t say precisely but the first week or two

Q: How about Def D?
Myers: I believe this was sometime later. I don’t have an actual recollection. One month, 2 months later. I don’t know.

Q: Was the processing from Def D of E, was that in related to your investigation.
Myers: As far as Def E, I think I may have authored it, and only on Def D I had input (??)

Q: Det. Smith and Martinez has already interviewed witnesses at the house? (Objection scope.)What was your reason in this investigation? Were there assignments? (Same objection your Honor. Obj. beyond scope.)
Judge Pastor: Det. Meyer is being called for only a small scope and not a general purpose.

Q: Were you in charge of the investigation?
Myers: No.

Q: Was there a detective who was in charge of making assigning responsibilities?
(Sprocket note: I miss the name of the commander. Mentions the detectives...)
Myers: "It was a collective effort."

Q: Did Det. Smith make any of these phone calls?

Myers: Well, there was more than just phone calls. (Q? A?)

Q: Did Det. Smith or Martinez interview any of those individuals that we heard about yesterday? (Objection relevance; sustained) We looked at a series of phone calls, and you explained some of the numbers and people that were attached, and these were all the phone calls that we made on the morning of the 25th?
Myers: Yes.

Q: Did anyone else investigate that activity, other than you? (Objection relevance, sustained) Is the info you provide is complete and total? (Objection vague. Sustained. Refine question.)

Was there a phone call made on June 25th that you did not investigate?
Myers: "A range?"
Q: You investigation did go no further than the mid afternoon for June 25?
Myers: No.

Q: Was five more phone calls, was it two hours more? Was it up to midnight? How far did you investigate phone calls? How long a period of time? (Objection, sustained).

Judge Pastor: Refine please.
Q: Chernoff lists calls Myers testified about. And you investigated phone calls AFTER that time frame?

Myers: It was? (Confusion. Objection vague. Overruled.) There’s been investigation into those other phone calls.
Q: Asks about the notes for those phone calls. (Objection out of scope, sustained.)

Chernoff is trying to get more information. Apologizes to judge and says he will move on.

Judge Pastor: Mr. Low has to leave for another responsibility.

Q: Chernoff asks if he (Myers) interviewed any people involved in those phone calls. Meyers did take to people but is not sure if it was on the first or second trip to Texas.

Myers did speak to Sade Anding (interview) (Objection sustained.)
Judge Pastor: We have a problem. I think we need to move on.

Myers: Sade Anding was one of the people that he talked to and that she was the phone call of 11:51. Yes. Misstates. The call was to Miss Anding, not from.
Q: And this is the person you interviewed her in Texas?
Myers: Yes.
Q: And have you interviewed her again?
Myers: Yes.
Q: When?
Myers: Last night.

DDA Brazil: no redirect.
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发表于 2011-1-7 12:18:08 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 15:17:32 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 stroller 于 2011-1-7 15:34 编辑

厨师Kai Chase出庭记录

The chef, Kia Chase testified. The only noteworthy thing she testified to was that Dr. Murray did not ask her to call 911 when around 12:05 pm, he came down the stairwell, called for her to "Get security, get Prince." She testified that normally, Dr. Murray would come downstairs to the kitchen to get the juice she would prepare for Michael around 10 am. Dr. Murray did not come down at all to get the juice that morning. She also noted that the dinner she prepared the night before and left in the refrigerator for when they returned from rehearsals at the Staple Center, was untouched when she arrived around 8:30 am that day.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 15:41:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 stroller 于 2011-1-7 15:44 编辑

急救员Richard Senneff证词(不完整,目前只有诘问部分)


Left off where the hospital gave you the choice to call it (the death). That’s not correct. When we give our thrid round of medis we update vital sings of any changes. Read all the information. There was no change in te patient.

They said, We’d like ot call it. It’s there call. They want to speak to the physician. Be advised this is a very high prifoice VIP. The said No, call it. Put Dr. Murry on the line with UCLA and then handed the phone back to him.

Dr. Murray was assuming the call and they were going to the hospital. He didn’t want to make the call either.

Dr Murray assumed control.

Low: He said he wanted to insert a central line. That’s correct. Another idea he had, was to adminster magnesium. Yes.

They don’t give you all the equipment (medications) as a hospital, That’s correct.

We’re not trained in central lines. I’ve never been trained on it or read up on it, and it’s out of our rance/scope of training.

They did not have magnesium on hand. Not part of their standard medication stocking. So all that had to be otained from the hospital.

At some point he is informed of the name of the patient. I’m not sure who said it, but somebody said it in the room. No one was “insisting” that we do anything because of who this was.

Did Dr. Murray assist you bringing the patient downstairs? No, not at that point.

He went back up to get his gear, and left the room before Dr. Murray left the room?

Was there at some point did Dr. Murray say that he had found a pulse? Yes he did. (femoral) (This artery is in the leg close to the groin.)

As soon as he said it, the first thing I did was look at the monitor.

When you do good CPR, it’s common to get a pulse. I bleieve what I said was, sotp compressions, continue ventatations. If you stop compressions, then you feel a pulse, then obviously it’s not the compressions. Stop for a few seconds, check the monitor. It also gives you a clear opportunity of the EKG machine.

Now, dowstairs at the ambulance. There were a lot of people out there with cameras. Would you describe an accruate term, papparazzi? Big cameras, little cameras, video. There were a lot.

Lists the people in the ambulance. Dr. Murray asked us to give another round of epinepherine. They did that through saline line.

Now at UCLA. The crowd was all over the place. Dr. Murray made a request to put a towel over to cover his face. He thought it was a reasonable request.

When they left the house, a man with a camera started running down the street and put the camera right up against the window and was running with the ambulance, filming. Because of that event, it seemed a reasonable request by Dr. Murray to cover Michael Jackson’s face.

UCLA tried to revive Michael Jackson. While at the hospital he learned that the death was called by UCLA. He doesn’t remember exactly how long the time lapse was that passed, but guesses 45 minutes to an hour after arrival at the hospital.


Asking about femeral pulse during treatment. When Dr. Murray said he flet a pulse, not one of the other paramedics had felt a pulse. There can be a “false” pulse during CPR compressions. They stopped compressions for a few seconds, then resumed. He did not feel a pulse.

Did Dr. Murray offer to insert a central line from his equipment. NO Did Dr. Murray offer magnesim from his equipment? No.

When you first came in the room, and saw that Dr. Murray identified himself. Was that unusual? Yes. The fact that there was an IV there. Was that unusual?

This patient seems thin to him and pale. Your opinion of this patient was based on the surroundings, the IV, the look of the patient, the Dr. being there quite thin and pale. In fact, it was your opinion that the patient was dead.

No other indication of other type of illness or drug use, other than your observations and the defendat telling you he gave him mirazapam. o. It was just unusal to see a doctor in a patiens home, the IV and oxygen bottle.

You thought it was innaccurate that the Dr. said the patient had just gone down with the call. Yes sir. Reverifies with the witness: That you are comfortable with a time that the patient went down prior to your arrival? “20 minutes to an hour.”

At any time, did any of your team feel a pulse on this patient? No.

Sure. 12:05 could have been the time of arrest.

What time was the 911 call? 12:21 pm

That wasn’t actually the time of tthe ca that’s when you received it, correct.

Witness needs to check the run sheet.
Call came in at 12:21 they received it at 12:22.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 17:09:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 stroller 于 2011-1-8 22:49 编辑


Conrad Murray Preliminary Hearing January 6 2011 / Day 3 Summary

- EMT Richard Senneff, EMT Martin Blount, Harry Daliwal (AT&T), Jeff Strohn (Sprint Nextel), Dr. Richelle Cooper (UCLA), Dr. Thao Nguyen (UCLA) and Detective Dan Myers testifies.

EMT Richard Senneff Testimony

- Senneff testifies that Murray wanted to insert a central line and give magnesium to MJ. Senneff says the EMT's are not trained in central lines and do not have magnesium at hand.

- When Murray says he heard a pulse on MJ's femoral artery (on the leg close to groin), Senneff checks the monitor. DA in cross examination ask if this can be a "false" pulse (pulse happens during CPR compressions).

- Senneff said the singer did not respond to two rounds of drugs to revive him and hospital officials told him over the radio to “call” Jackson’s death, but that neither he nor Murray wanted to do so. “I said, 'Be advised, this is a very high-profile VIP,' ” Senneff said.

-Senneff said rescue workers had gone “above and beyond” the call of duty in the field not because Jackson was a celebrity, but “because it was someone’s son.”

- When they left the house a paparazzi puts a camera to the window of the ambulance and runs with the ambulance. “It just seemed wrong,” Senneff said. Murray requests that they cover MJ's face with a towel. Paramedics find this as a reasonable request.

- Senneff said that the ambulance driver had trouble navigating away from the residence because of a throng that included passengers of a tour bus and photographers with “big cameras, little cameras, video cameras, still cameras.”

- Senneff says again they never heard a pulse and in his opinion MJ went down between 20 minutes and a hour prior their arrival.

EMT Martin Blount Testimony

- Blount has 20 years experience, was the driver of the ambulance. He's the last of the paramedics in the room. He brings the gurney and other gear. He was by MJ's head.

- He inserts ET tube and gives air to MJ by pumping a hand pump. He sees an Oxygen tank and nasal canula (tubing that goes around the nose and connected to an Oxygen tank).

- Paramedics notice IV on MJ isn't working properly so they are looking for a new place to insert additional IV. They touch MJ's arms looking for a place and think that his body was "cool".

- Paramedics decide to stick the additional IV by the jugular, at that time they realize MJ's eyes were "blown" (fixed and dilated). Blount's opinion is that MJ was already dead. Blount said Murray told paramedics that MJ had passed out about a minute before 911 was called.

- Blount says at one time Murray showed them an hypodermic needle 24 gage which he calls strange as Murray told them he didn't give MJ anything. He also said that paramedics refused to use the needle. Also he sees bottles of lidocaine on the floor. He also calls "condom catheter" presence as odd.

- Blount says he saw Murray scoop up three bottles of lidocaine from the floor and place the vials in a bag during they are trying to revive MJ.

- Blount describes Murray as frantic and sweating profusely.

- Murray makes a phone call in the ambulance.

- In cross examination Murray's lawyers say that Blount actually told detectives that MJ's skin "not warm, not cool".

- Blount says one of the paramedics asked Murray if MJ was taking recreational drugs. Murray says no.

- Murray's defense mentions a paramedic tried 3 times to find a vein on MJ's arms and couldn't and asks if finding veins on drug addicts are hard? Blount gives an example of a known drug addict and being able to find a vein. Defense again asks if it could be difficult. Blount agrees.

Harry Daliwal (AT&T) Testimony

- AT&T employee for 15 years.(AT&T is the carrier for iPhone). 72 pages of cell records, phone, text, email and Internet records.

- Daliwal testifies there were 8 phone calls - 4 incoming, 4 outgoing - between the hours of 9:23 a.m. and 12:15 on June 25th on Murray cell.

- Daliwal says there are also several text and data messages connected to Murray's phone from the morning of June 25th

- relevant data activity
12:03 pm text
12:04 text message to or from TX
12. 13 pm data
12:18 pm data
12:53 pm text mesage California
1:23 pm text message Nevada

- list of phone calls
10:29 am call from ? to Murray’s phone 22 minutes
11:07 am from 3233 to Murray’s phone 1 minute
11 18 am call from 0973 placed 6802 and that call logged at 32 minutes.
missed listing one call
11:49 am call placed from Murray to 4989 3 minutes.
11:51 am a call placed from Murry to 3832 11 minutes.
12:12 pm from Murray phone to 2570 lasted 1 minute
12:15 pm from 2570 to conrad Murray 1 minute

- Chernoff asks if it's possible to retrieve text messages and voice messages. Expert says yes but he's not an expert and not familiar with the process.

Jeff Strohn (Sprint Nextel) Testimony

-Strohn's documents show there were 6 phone calls - 3 outgoing & 3 incoming - associated with Murray's phone number.

- Phone calls
8:49 am from 5217 to Murray 53 seconds
10:22 am from 0124 to Murray 111 seconds
10:34 am from Murray to 3233 8 and a half minutes
11:26 am from 9566 to Murray seven seconds
1:08 pm from Murray to 070 2 minutes

Overall cell phone activity summary:

- In the approximately five hours before Murray discovered MJ, he had 11 phone conversations on two different phones. Three back-to-back calls lasted 45 minutes just before Murray discovered MJ.

- According to testimony from a phone company representative, Murray sent or received five text messages on his iPhone in this period. His phone conversations on that phone and a Sprint cellphone included calls with his practice in Las Vegas, a clinic he runs in Houston, an employee and another doctor. All told, he spent close to an hour and a half on the phone in the five-hour period.

- The records also show the call from Murray to Michael Amir (MJ's personal assistant) and a two-minute call with his girlfriend, Nicole Alvarez, apparently made while Murray was riding in the back of an ambulance.

- Murray also sent two text messages just within a minute or two of the time when prosecutors believe he saw Jackson was stricken.

Dr. Richelle Cooper (UCLA) Testimony

- UCLA receives call from paramedics. They estimate time of cardiac arrest as 12:18 (this is an "estimated time" based on 911 call and information they receive). As the revival efforts produce no results Dr. Cooper gave the paramedics permission to pronounce MJ dead at 12:57. She was told that MJ personal doc wanted to continue with life saving efforts. Dr. Cooper told for the transport Murray had to take over the control and be with the patient.

- Dr. Cooper testifies MJ, Murray and emergency personnel got to the ER around 1:13 p.m.. When they come to the hospital Murray tells MJ wasn't ill only had trouble sleeping and dehydrated, gave him lorezapeam, witnessed the cardiac arrest. She's later asked what is "witnessing the arrest" means she says "seeing patient stop breathing".

- Dr. Cooper asks if there were any chest pain before cardiac arrest, Murray says no.

- Murray mentions Flomax and Valium.

- Dr. Cooper says MJ was DOA (no sign of life, pupils fixed and dilated, no pulse, no sign of trauma) still tried to revive him, they worked on MJ for 1 hour 26 minutes. She says she never felt or observed pulse on MJ.

- Dr. Cooper also asked Murray about recreational drug use. She says this is a common question as MJ came in with an unexplained cardiac arrest (they didn't know propofol).

- Dr. Cooper gets asked a lot of questions about propofol and it's usage (if she knows the drug, if she used it and such). Cooper says "Protocol requires certain monitoring to administer propofol. There needs to be equipment available to monitor the airway. There must be heart monitoring. There has to be a staff person available as their only job to monitor the euqipment/patient. So that the patient doesn’t die"

- Dr. Cooper is asked how much propofol she would give to someone MJ's weight (136 lb), she says she would start with 60mg. She says a dose of 25mg wouldn't last longer than 5-10 minutes and a dose wears of in 20-30 minutes.

- Cross examination Dr. Cooper is asked if she knew Murray given MJ propofol it would have made any difference in her treatment. She says no, she was treating cardiac arrest. She also adds getting drug history helps them give the relevant treatment and understand what happened.

- Walgren asks if the drugs on top of drugs were given to MJ, that would be an accumulative effect? Dr. Cooper answers yes.

- Murray was in the ER room and hands on.

Dr. Thao Nguyen (UCLA) Testimony

- She is a cardiologist and is called to the ER by Dr. Cooper.

- She says Murray never mentioned Propofol or benzodiazapine medications.

- Murray also tells her that MJ was getting ready for a tour, had trouble sleeping and he gave him 4 miligrams of adavan (mirazapam) via IV. She asks Murray if he tried to reverse the effect of the adavan? Murray says no. She asks if he gave any other medicines , Murray says no.

- Murray tells he doesn't have a watch and he doesn't know how long MJ was down. Murray couldn't give an estimate about when the drug was injected and how long MJ was down. Nguyen says Murray’s exact words were he ‘did not have any concept of time’ which is why he was unable to say when MJ stopped breathing.

- She does the balloon pump although she thinks it wouldn't work based on everything done already. An agreement was made with Dr. Murray that if the balloon pump failed, then they would call the time of death.

- She is asked how much mirazapan she would give to 136 lb patient. She says that she would start with a small dose of 1 mg and need to know the prior use of the drug with the patient.

- She says Murray's voice sounded calm and normal but he looked devastated.

- She says Murray didn't want them to stop the efforts.

Detective Dan Myers testimony

- He talks about the phone calls.

- 7:01am call to Andrew Butler. Murray's patient.

- 8:49 am Angelette Guild. Murray's patient. Called Murray to ask about the note she got saying that Murray wouldn't be in his office.

- 9:23 am call Marissia Bioni. Murray is the father of her friend.

- 10:22 am call Dr. Prechad. She indicated that she in post op room in hospital and ready to perfrom a procedure and she needed to know what kind of medication that patient was receiving. She needed to know if she should continue medication. She did talk to Dr. Murray and they dicussed the care for this patient.

- 10:34 am. Stacey Howel Ruggles. Murray's personal assistant.Murray requested her drafting a letter concerning the upcoming tour in London.

- 11:07 am. again calling Stacey Howel Ruggles - Murray's personal assitant.

- 11:18 call Dr. Murray’s practice in Las Vegas.

- 11:26 call. Ms. Morgan.

- call Robert Russel, Dr, Murray's patient.

- 11:51 am Ms. Saday Adinie. Objection to the conversation what the conversation was about is not relevant

- 12:12 pm Michael Amir Williams - Michael's assistant.

- 1:08 pm Ms. Nicole Alvarez.


9:25 a.m. (starting early)

Witness #11: Detective Myers continues.

Cross by defense attorney Ed Chernoff

Q: Talk about when this whole case erupted.
Myers: This detective was out of town. (Objection beyond scope. Sustained.)
Q: What day did you come back from out of town? (Objection overruled.)
Myers: June 29th, actually returned (?). My partner, Det. Smith... He came back after first two trips back to Carolwood... (Objection sustained.)
Q: What documents Det. Myers, have you reviewed? Did you review documents? Did you review notes, what documents did you review? (Objection beyond scope.) Did you have a chance to review documents before you testified?
Myers: Yes. I continue to update myself with all aspects of the case. I refresh my memory.
Q: You also review you notes?
Myers: Yes.
Q: And witness statements you typed up yourself?
Myers: Yes
Q: Were you present when the Carolwood house was searched? (Objection beyond scope sustained.)
Chernoff is showing documents, showing defense C, D, E, and F.

Brazil has an objection to documents. These documents do not related to the scope to his testimony yesterday. Explains to Judge. Prosecution is still objecting about the documents.

(PIO Pat Kelly arrives.)

Attorneys still arguing whether or not these documents can be shown to the detective. They are market to be identified C, D, E, and F...but that’s it for now.

Attorneys continue to argue. Prosecution mentions there is over 7,000 pages of discovery.

(Sustain objection on relevance 352.)

Q: On part of your investigation have your prepared any documents of a chronology of events.
Myers: Yes.
Q: Was it a chronology or a time line.
Myers: I’ve prepared various documents.

Q: Have you prepared what would be termed a timeline of events including phone calls?
Myers: You’ll have to be more specific counselor as to your events.

Q: Chernoff asks did you prepare this document.
A: (regarding defense exhibit D) Yes, I had input on that timeline.

Defense exhibit E... Brazil objects to the three-page document.

Judge Pastor: We can move on.

Q: Chernoff asks can I show the detective this document? Did you have any input in the author of that timeline?
Myers: Yes.

Q: Referring to Def E, do you know when you had input into that timeline?
Myers: This would be every early on in the investigation. I can’t say precisely but the first week or two

Q: How about Def D?
Myers: I believe this was sometime later. I don’t have an actual recollection. One month, 2 months later. I don’t know.

Q: Was the processing from Def D of E, was that in related to your investigation.
Myers: As far as Def E, I think I may have authored it, and only on Def D I had input (??)

Q: Det. Smith and Martinez has already interviewed witnesses at the house? (Objection scope.)What was your reason in this investigation? Were there assignments? (Same objection your Honor. Obj. beyond scope.)
Judge Pastor: Det. Meyer is being called for only a small scope and not a general purpose.

Q: Were you in charge of the investigation?
Myers: No.

Q: Was there a detective who was in charge of making assigning responsibilities?
(Sprocket note: I miss the name of the commander. Mentions the detectives...)
Myers: "It was a collective effort."

Q: Did Det. Smith make any of these phone calls?

Myers: Well, there was more than just phone calls. (Q? A?)

Q: Did Det. Smith or Martinez interview any of those individuals that we heard about yesterday? (Objection relevance; sustained) We looked at a series of phone calls, and you explained some of the numbers and people that were attached, and these were all the phone calls that we made on the morning of the 25th?
Myers: Yes.

Q: Did anyone else investigate that activity, other than you? (Objection relevance, sustained) Is the info you provide is complete and total? (Objection vague. Sustained. Refine question.)

Was there a phone call made on June 25th that you did not investigate?
Myers: "A range?"
Q: You investigation did go no further than the mid afternoon for June 25?
Myers: No.

Q: Was five more phone calls, was it two hours more? Was it up to midnight? How far did you investigate phone calls? How long a period of time? (Objection, sustained).

Judge Pastor: Refine please.
Q: Chernoff lists calls Myers testified about. And you investigated phone calls AFTER that time frame?

Myers: It was? (Confusion. Objection vague. Overruled.) There’s been investigation into those other phone calls.
Q: Asks about the notes for those phone calls. (Objection out of scope, sustained.)

Chernoff is trying to get more information. Apologizes to judge and says he will move on.

Judge Pastor: Mr. Low has to leave for another responsibility.

Q: Chernoff asks if he (Myers) interviewed any people involved in those phone calls. Meyers did take to people but is not sure if it was on the first or second trip to Texas.

Myers did speak to Sade Anding (interview) (Objection sustained.)
Judge Pastor: We have a problem. I think we need to move on.

Myers: Sade Anding was one of the people that he talked to and that she was the phone call of 11:51. Yes. Misstates. The call was to Miss Anding, not from.
Q: And this is the person you interviewed her in Texas?
Myers: Yes.
Q: And have you interviewed her again?
Myers: Yes.
Q: When?
Myers: Last night.

DDA Brazil: no redirect.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-7 17:12:08 | 显示全部楼层

Posted on Twitter by Ivy:

Summary of Preliminary Hearing Day 2 Jan 5th 2011

- Janet, Latoya, Randy, Rebbie, Katherine and Joe Jackson attend the hearing.

- Alberto Alvarez, Kai Chase and first responder EMT testifies.

Alberto Alvarez Testimony

- Alvarez says that he was the first one to walk into MJ's bedroom. He says when he walked in MJ was sprawled out on the bed with his eyes and mouth open, and Murray was administering chest compressions with one hand.

- The below is a part of his testimony
"Did it appear he was breathing," Walgren asked.
"No sir," Alvarez said.
"His eyes and mouth were open?" the prosecutor asked.
"Yes," the witness said.
"Did he seem to be alive or dead?" Walgren asked.
"Dead, sir," Alvarez said.

- Alvarez said that he was frozen by the sight.

- Alvarez asks "‘Dr. Murray, what happened?" and Murray tells him "He had a reaction. He had a bad reaction"

- Alvarez recalls MJ's kids Prince and Paris following him upstairs and Paris screaming "Daddy" and starting to cry.

- Murray says "Get them out. Don't let them see their father like this" to Alvarez.

- Alvarez says "I said, 'children, don't worry, we'll take care of him, please go outside.' And I escorted them out and left the door ajar,".

- After he escorted the children out of the room, Alvarez noticed the MJ’s penis was out of his underwear and tubing (condom catheter) was attached to it.

- "He just grabbed a handful of bottles, or vials, and he instructed me to put them in a bag," Alvarez testified, adding Murray also told him to place an intravenous bag into another sack. Alvarez said he grabbed a plastic bag from a chair and held it out as the doctor dropped the bottles inside, then put them in a brown canvas bag on the floor as Murray asked him to do. He also confirmed that 911 had not been called yet.

- Alvarez says that the I.V. bag had 'very little fluid' in it and that there was a 'white, milky substance' at the bottom of the I.V. bag.“I noticed that inside (the IV bag), there was like a bottle ... and then I noticed that at the bottom of the bag there was a milk-like substance,” Alvarez testified.

- Only after collecting the bottles, Murray tells Alvarez to call 911. He calls 911 in that call he tells the 911 operator that Jackson's private doctor was there, and she responded that he would be "the higher authority."

- Alvarez said he did not see any heart or blood pressure monitors in the room, but Murray clipped a monitoring device to Jackson’s finger after paramedics were called.

- When the operator said to transfer Jackson to the floor, Alvarez grabbed Jackson's legs and Murray grabbed his upper body. He said at that point he noticed the IV in Jackson's leg that had to be removed.

- On the floor Alvarez said, he did chest compressions while Murray gave the singer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.“After the second time, he gave a breath, he came up and said, 'You know, this is the first time I give mouth to mouth, but I have to do it, he’s my friend,'" Alvarez said.

- Under cross examination Alvarez acknowledged he had not told police in two initial interviews that Murray had ordered him to remove potential evidence. Below is a part of testimony :

“You didn’t think it was suspicious?” asked defense lawyer Ed Chernoff.
“Apparently not, sir,” Alvarez said.
“You thought he was packing up to go to the hospital, right?” the lawyer asked.
“Yes, sir,” Alvarez replied.

- In cross examination Alvarez was also asked about his relationship with Jackson family and his discussions with other staff members of MJ. Alvarez acknowledged that he had refused to speak to a defense investigator who had sought to interview him, but that in a police interview he had said he might sell his story to the media at a later date.

- Defense also tested Alvarez by asking him to confirm whether it was dark in MJ's room - suggesting his observations may be inaccurate.

- Press accounts describe Alvarez as being tearful during testimony.

Kai Chase Testimony

- Chase testifies that around 12:05 Murray comes down the stairwell and tells her "Get security, get Prince". She says she told Prince "something might be wrong with your dad".

- Chase testifies from Murray's behavior it was evident there was an emergency. She also testified that Murray didn't ask her to call 911.

- She also testified that Murray generally comes down around 10 AM to get the juice she prepared for MJ, she says in that morning Murray didn't come down.

- She mentions that MJ was on an extremely healthy diet, dining on seared ahi tuna salad for lunch the day before he died and that she found it odd that the Tuscan white bean soup she prepared for MJ and Murray the night before and left in the refrigerator for when they returned from rehearsals was untouched when she came to work next day (8:30am).

EMT Richard Senneff Testimony

- EMT Senneff testified that what Murray has told them didn't add up and he had a "gut feeling" Murray wasn't telling the truth.

- For example Senneff said when they came in Murray told them MJ's condition had "just happened" but based on the MJ's dilated pupils, dry eyes and his skin, which was cold to the touch, Senneff believed Jackson may have been dead for more than 20 minutes. “All I can tell you is my gut feeling at the time was this did not just happen, it’s been a period of time,” Senneff testified.

- Senneff also testified that Murray told them Jackson had no underlying condition and was just being treated for dehydration, and that the only medication he had been given was the sedative lorazepam. He said even they repeatedly asked for what medications MJ was given, Murray never mentioned them propofol.

- Senneff testified when they initially came in they thought MJ to be a hospice patient and frail as he looked pale, thin and had a IV stand and a personal doctor by his bedside.

- Senneff testified that paramedics hooked MJ up to an EKG and he was flatline-his hands and feet ‘tinged blue’ and his pupils were fully dilated.

- Senneff testified that despite resuscitation efforts and three rounds of giving MJ epinephrine & atropine, paramedics did not feel a pulse on MJ and their attempts to revive MJ was unsuccessful. Senneff testified Conrad Murray was the only person who claimed to feel a pulse on MJ.

- Senneff testified that Murray refused to pronounce MJ dead on the scene.

- Senneff testified that at UCLA Murray was "spinning ... moving around, nervous, sweating, multitasking."

- In cross examination Murray's lawyers asks if the way MJ looked (thin, frail, black/bluish feet) could be signs of drug addict. Judge stops the question.
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发表于 2011-1-8 11:37:38 | 显示全部楼层
She also noted that the dinner she prepared the night before and left in the refrigerator for when they returned from rehearsals at the Staple Center, was untouched when she arrived around 8:30 am that day.

when around 12:05 pm, he came down the stairwell, called for her to "Get security, get Prince."
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-8 22:53:37 | 显示全部楼层
证人12:Sade Anding证词

Witness # 12 Sade Anding

Background established by DDA: In Feb 2009 where employed?
Anding: Sullivan Steak house.
DDA Q: Where?
Anding: (Tx?) She was a cocktail waitress. “I was there for six months at that time; six-eight months.

DDA Q: Describe the steak house. Which part did you work as? (Objection relevance, sustained.)Restaurant or lounge? (Objection sustained.)

While working as a cocktail waitress, did you meet someone who identified himself as Conrad Murray.
Anding: Yes.
DDA Q: Do you see him? (Anding identifies Dr. Murray.) Do you recall when it was you first met Conrad Murray, what month?
Anding: It was after Valentine’s Day. I just know I had started there two/three months [prior].

DDA Q: So the latter portion of February or the beginning of March?
Anding: Yes.

DDA Q: How did you meet? (Objection, overruled.)
Anding: Met him at the restaurant? (Objection, sustained.)

DDA Q: When you met Conrad Murray at Sullivan Steak House was he working there, or ????

Anding: Answers she met him at the restaurant.

DDA Q: Did your first meeting with [Murray] at the restaurant stand out in your mind? (Objection, sustained.) Was there something unusual about your meeting? (Objection, vague.)
Judge Pastor: Do you have an offer of proof?
DDA (EC): I do your honor. Approach the bench.

(Still at bench.)

(Sprocket comment: Just like the prosecution was trying to prevent the defense from asking questions of Detective Myers, the defense is trying to prevent the prosecution from asking questions of Ms. Anding.)

(It’s 10 am and we wait. This is a long sidebar. Overruled!)
DDA Q: From that first meeting with Dr. Murray, did you see him with some frequency? (Objection sustained.) When you first meet him did you see him on other occasions?
Did Dr. Murray refer to you as his girlfriend? Were you Conrad Murray’s girlfriend?


Anding: Yes.
DDA Q: Ms. Anding, in June 2009, was your telephone number (837) 366-3832?
Anding: Yes.
DDA Q: On June 25th 2009 did you receive a phone call from Conrad Murray?
Anding: Yes.
DDA Q: What time was it your time in Houston [when Dr. Murray called]?
Anding: I know it was 12:30 about. It was in the afternoon yes.
DDA Q: You were on your way out? (Objection sustained.) Did Dr. Murray telephone you on your cell phone, residence or landline?
Anding: Cell phone.
DDA Q: What did he say when he first spoke?
Anding: He told me he it was Conrad; he said “Hi,” and “How are you?”
DDA Q: Did you recognize his voice?
Anding: Yes.
DDA Q: He identified himself and asked you how you were. Did he tell you how he was doing?
Anding: He told me I was doing well, then I cut him off and I started talking. I said, “Well, let me tell you about my day.”
(Sprocket note: She basically interrupted him.)

Just talked about how down and that I had a job. (Sprocket note: can’t hear her at all!) Before that time I’d seen him was in May.
DDA Q: What day?
Anding: May 23rd. In Houston.

DDA Q: [Referring back to June 25 phone call] So you interrupt Dr. Murray and start chatting about your day and going on in your life?
Anding: Yes.
Anding said that she heard another phone go off. Then mumbling voices and then the phone cut off (?)

(Sprocket note: not sure if I have this correct.)

DDA Q: For a while into the conversation, you realized that he wasn’t there because he wasn’t saying anything to you? [for five minutes?] (Objection sustained.)
Do you have any way of knowing when he stopped listening to you?
Anding: No.
DDA Q: Did you ever say anything specific when you realized that he wasn’t saying anything?

Anding: “Just hello, hello, hello. Are you there are you there? (But she didn’t get any response back from Dr. Murray.)

DDA Q: When you heard the mumbling on the other end, did you recognize the voice [as being Dr. Murray]?
Anding: No.

DDA Q: You said you tried to call Dr. Murray’s phone back and you got [a] response and [but] you got no response back? Was that unusual?
Anding: Yes. Last time I talked to Dr. Murray was when LAPD came to my house. It was sometime in 2009.

DDA Q: She was attending an event when the police came in Houston?
Anding: Yes.

DDA Q: Did you go to a sporting event?
Anding: Yes. A baseball game.

DDA Q: At some time did you learn that police that wanted to speak to you?
Anding: I called Conrad Murray and told him that the police came to my house. He said that he was sorry to have put me in that position. He made a request for her to call an attorney afterward.

DDA Q: Asked if she spoke to Dr. Murray’s attorney the next day. (Objection sustained.)

Defense cross-examination Chernoff.

Q: Ms. Anding, how are you when did you get to LA [to testify in court]? Did you fly yourself in?

Anding: No. She flew into LA on County’s dime, spent the night last night and will fly out today (Friday).

Q: Was there anything else that you told Ms. Brazil today that you did not say previously?

Anding: No.

Chernoff: That’s it.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-8 22:56:14 | 显示全部楼层
证人13:Bridget Morgan证词

Court calls witness #13: Bridget Morgan.
Chernoff: This is Mr. Low’s witness and he walked away with all our stuff.

Judge Pastor: We were notified about Mr. Low’s other commitment. (Attorneys arguing about notification; I think Walgren keeps saying “I called you.”)

Judge Pastor: TIME OUT! Do we know if Mr. Low can be called back? Let’s take 15 minutes.

12:06 pm
I'm in the cafeteria, wolfing down my lunch before I do some editing then posting the testimony of the last three witnesses, the last being Nicole Alvarez. I don't think I've heard as many "I don't recall" answers in my life!
Morgan questioning begins. DDA Brazil direct.

DDA Q: Do you recognize Conrad Murray?
Morgan: Yes. (Identifies the defendant.)

DDA Q: Ms. Morgan, when did you first meet Dr. Murray?
Morgan: In 2003.

DDA Q: Where?
Morgan: At a club. (snip) Developed a social relationship with him.

DDA Q: Ms. Morgan, I ask you what your telephone number was in June 2009? [Exhibit 20 on ELMO.] (310) xxx-5868 (not sure if this is right)

(Brazil points out phone number and agrees that’s it.)

DDA Q: Did you call Conrad Murray on June 25th?
Morgan: Yes.

DDA Q: Did you actually speak to Dr. Murray when you made that call to him?
Morgan: No.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-8 22:58:44 | 显示全部楼层
证人14:莫里女友Nicole Alvarez证词

Witness #14—Nicole Alvarez

(Sidebar at bench. Someone, an attorney for Alvarez introduced. A reporter whispers to me she looks like she might be from the Dominican Republic.)

Alvarez identifies Dr. Murray for the record.

DDA Q: When did you first meet?
Alvarez: I don’t recall exactly, around 2005. (snip) Met him in Las Vegas.
DDA asks where.
Alvarez: Specifically? I met him in a club.
DDA Q: Were you employed at the club?
Alvarez: Yes I was.
DDA Q: What position? (Objection, sustained.)
When you met Conrad Murray in the club, was he a guest, or was he an employee?
Alvarez: I believe from my understanding he was a guest.

DDA Q: When you met Dr. Murray, did he introduce himself or did you introduce yourself? Or was there some other way?
Alvarez: I don’t recall exactly how that came about.

DDA Q: After you met him the first time, did you maintain contact with him via phone or in person?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Did you give him your phone number when you met him at the club?
Alvarez: I don’t recall exactly.

DDA Q: When you met him where were you living at the time in Los Angeles?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: Did you commute from LA to Las Vegas to your job?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: Developed an intimate (personal?) relationship? When?
Alvarez: I don’t recall exactly.

DDA Q: How long after you met did you start a personal relationship with him?
Alvarez: Quite some time had past. I can’t recall how long. It’s something that developed over time.

DDA Q: Over that time, would you see him in person?
Alvarez: At times. Not all times.
DDA Q: Did that relationship develop in Las Vegas?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Did it also develop in Los Angeles?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: Your present address since 2005 have you always lived in Los Angeles?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Would it be correct to say you were involved in a personal relationship on 2009?
Alvarez: I assume so yes.
DDA Q: In 2007?
Alvarez: I can’t recall.
DDA Q: When you developed this relationship, did he inform you that he was still married?
(Sprocket note: I think there are several objections here along this line of questioning.)
At some point during the relationship did you find out that he was married? (Objection, sustained.)
During months of April, May, June of 2009, was Dr. Murray living at your residence?
Alvarez: Can you clarify the question please?

(Sprocket note: From this point on, it was PAINFUL! She kept asking for the question to be repeated, or didn't understand the question, or said she wanted to be as accurate as possible.)

DDA Q: Let’s start with April 2009? Was Dr. Murray living at your residence?
Alvarez: I’m trying to answer accurately. I wouldn’t describe it as permanent residence.

DDA Q: How would you describe it? (Did you know where he lived?)
Alvarez: I would assume in Las Vegas.

(Sprocket note: Several more questions along this vein.)

DDA Q: Do you have a son with Dr. Murray?
Alvarez: Yes. Born in March, 2009.
DDA Q: In April 2009, how much time was Dr. Murray was spending in LA?
Alvarez: I don’t recall how much time.
DDA Q: One night a month?
Alvarez: No. It was quite frequent.

DDA Q: One week?
Alvarez: At times.
DDA Q: Two weeks?
Alvarez: At times.
DDA Q: Three weeks?
Alvarez: I’m not comfortable with three weeks. (DDA asks another question to describe how often he was staying at her residence.) I think you’re asking me to give you an example, correct?

DDA Q: I’m asking you how frequently Dr. Murray was staying at your residence?
Alvarez: I think it’s fair to say that he was staying 2 weeks out of the month.

DDA Q: When he was not there, where did he stay?
Alvarez: I do not know.
DDA Q: When he left your house you didn’t know where he stayed?
Alvarez: No.

(Sprocket note: DDA questions about her just giving birth in April, and she is fighting/deflecting answering every question. I can’t keep up.)

Alvarez: When I mentioned two weeks, it wasn’t two consecutive weeks. So I can not say that I saw him consecutively for two weeks every single day.

DDA Q: So he would come [during April], Dr Murray would stay overnight two, three, four days at a time, go someplace else you’re not sure where, and then he would return and stay again?
Alvarez: That sounds about right. Two, three days, but not three, four days.

(Question again about not knowing where he stayed when he wasn't with her.) Well, I don’t have expectations of Dr. Murray, so that’s fair to say. That’s just a rule that i live by.

DDA Q: When Dr. M would spend two, three days with you, would he let you know that he would be away from you and your son for a period of time? (Objection 252 sustained.)

During the month of April, 2009, you would not know if Dr Murray would be at your house?
Alvarez: Could you repeat the question?

DDA Q: You were not sure from one day to the next, you were not sure if Dr Murray would be there from one day to the next.?
Alvarez: Can you repeat the question?

Judge Pastor: You’ve got to pay attention.

DDA Q: Miss Alvarez according to your memory, Dr. Murray would spend a few days at your residence and come back?
Alvarez: Correct.

DDA Q: Did you have any idea if you knew when he would be there or away from your residence?
Alvarez: I would not have an idea.

DDA Q: In May of 2009, did Dr. Murray maintain the same type of schedule, as in April?
Alvarez: That’s fair to say.

DDA Q: Did Dr. Murray spend the same amount of time in May as in April as to the same stretch of time?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: In June of 2009, did he (maintain the same amount of time)?
Alvarez: That’s fair to say.

DDA Q: In May, did he tell you when he would be returning?
Alvarez: No.
DDA Q: In June (same question).
Alvarez: No.

DDA Q: During that time, would you be in telephone contact with him?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Would he let you know where he was?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: But you spoke with him every day?
Alvarez: I never said I spoke to him every day.

(Sprocket note: More questions I miss.)

DDA Q: What month in 200, would you say that Dr. Murray spent the most amount of time in LA with you?
Alvarez: I’d say, June of 2009.

DDA Q: Did Dr Murray spend more time at your residence in June than in May?
(Sprocket note: Missed answer)
Did Dr. Murray spend more time at your residence in June than in May? (Brazil mentions her child.)
Alvarez: Not June, but in March, he started to spend more time in LA than before.

DDA Q: Was he paying your rent in March 2009? (Sprocket note: I don’t get answer)
Alvarez: It was around 2,500 per month. (Sprocket note: Not positive about that amount.)

He wasn’t responsible for my rent. Everything was in my name. I was responsible for my rent. If he wanted to help me that was up to him.

He helped her at times but she was working as an actress, shooting various projects.

At that time, I was working more than ever.

DDA Q: During March of 2009, was Dr. Murray working with Mr. Jackson as his personal physician?
Alvarez: March, 2009, I can’t recall exactly.

DDA Q: When did you become aware that he was working for Mr. Jackson?
Alvarez: I can’t recall exactly.

DDA Q: Were your pregnant with your son?
Alvarez: Noooooo, I was not pregnant.

[She] learned prior to the time she got pregnant. "Actually, I learned way before I got pregnant. I can’t remember an exact date."

DDA Q: Can you give me a year?
Alvarez: If I back track by month, it was very early on when she was pregnant. One month.

DDA Q: Ms. Alvarez, you take the time that you need. When did you first learn that you were pregnant?
(Sprocket note: She can’t answer. I can see her hands in her lap and she's counting on her fingers! Oh. My. G!)
Alvarez: “June of....”
DDA Q: 2008? When did you first learn that Dr. Murray was working for Mr. Jackson?
Alvarez: I don’t recall.

DDA Q: In June of 2008 were you spending time with Dr Murray?
Alvarez: At times.

DDA Q: At that time did he tell you he was working for Mr. Jackson?
Alvarez: I don’t recall.

DDA Q: When you were working in Las Vegas, did at some time he tell you he was working for Michael Jackson?
Alvarez: That’s fair to say at some point that I became aware that he was working for Michael Jackson.

DDA Q: When was that?
Alvarez: From my recollection, it was here in Los Angeles.

DDA Q: When he was staying with you, did you become aware that he was providing care for Michael Jackson at Carolwood Drive?
Alvarez: No. You’re asking me—
DDA Q: Did Dr. Murray ever tell you that he was providing care for Mr. Jackson in his home?

(Sprocket note: I roll my eyes. I can't believe this.)

DDA Q: Let me make it simple for you. (Asks question in a simpler way.)
Alvarez: Yes. That was my assumption.

(Sprocket note: Lord.)

DDA Q: Did he ever tell you (that he was providing care for Michael Jackson)?
Alvarez: I knew he was his personal physician.
DDA Q: What did he tell you?
Alvarez: Absolutely nothing. (snip) He’s a professional man, and I know my place and it’s not my position to know his patients, his business or his whearabouts or anything of that sort. (snip) I was aware that, when Dr. Murray was in LA, he was at times to my belief, with Michael. As to what capacity, I [didn’t know anything about that].

DDA Q: (Do you) know if he was treating anyone else while in LA?
Alvarez: Not to my knowledge.

DDA Q: Describe to me, Dr. Murray's schedule, during the time that he was staying with you in April. Did he go (to Michael's house) during the day, did he go in the evening?
Alvarez: During the best of my recollection, it would be in the nighttime.

DDA Q: So Dr. Murray would be there with you in the day? You had a baby...?
Alvarez: Fair to say.

DDA Q: What time did he leave your residence?
Alvarez: I would say, approximately on average, I used to put my son to sleep at 9 o'clock. It was never at the same time, on an average it would be 9 o'clock sometimes ten.

DDA Q: And when would he return? The next day?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: What time did he return?
Alvarez: It was always different times, it was never the same. I would say usually it was in the morning. 7, 8 , 9, 10... there wasn’t a regular pattern. There wasn’t a time that he would DEFINITELY return every morning.

DDA Q: When he returned, what would he do, normally?
Alvarez: He would relax, go to the gym, and sleep....sleep for a large majority of the day.

DDA Q: Did you have dinner together?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: So that was typical routine for him that he would leave 9 10 o'clock, and that he would return some time the next morning.
Alvarez: That would be fair to say.

(DDA questions now about the London tour and upcoming trip.)

Alvarez knew that Dr. Murray would be going to England. She was invited to go along with him. Doesn’t recall when she was invited.

DDA Q: Were you excited about the trip?
Alvarez: Definitely! Definitely.

DDA Q: Did you know how long you would be gone?
Alvarez: He never told me exactly how long (we would be gone), I knew it would be .......that we would be home for the holidays.

She had not made any plans (regarding a question to give up her apartment or not) for the trip. The baby is mentioned. “I was concerned. I wanted to go. I had a baby. “

DDA Q: The baby might have prevented you from going on the trip? Childcare, traveling.

She just wasn’t sure that it was in the best interests of the child, correct?
Alvarez: Yes.

(Sprocket note: So he had made arrangements for her to go...)

DDA Q: In May to June, he said that there would be packages coming to the house?
Alvarez: Yes. He didn’t really say anything, other than if the packages came, to bring them inside. But if they came to my unit, I would bring them inside the unit. So, (he said) just to be ware that they were coming, to bring them inside and to put hem aside for him.

DDA Q: Did he tell you what they were?
Alvarez: No.
DDA Q: Did he tell you that they were important?
Alvarez: No. He would just let me know, out of respect to me, that there was a delivery coming...

DDA Q: Describe your apartment and deliveries. Did you receive packages at your residence that were addressed to Dr. Conrad Murray?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Was it on a regular basis?
Alvarez: I don’t recall it being on a regular basis, I just know it had been a few times.

DDA Q: What type of things were they?
Alvarez: I don’t know what they were.
DDA Q: Did you ever open any packages that came to Dr. Conrad Murray?
Alvarez: Absolutely not.

DDA Q: Some of the packages were left in the lobby?
Alvarez: I can recall one or two times where I was going for a walk with my child... and I would always check and sometimes there would be something there.

She testifies there would be mail addressed to him, addressed to him in her mail box, but there would be packages left in a common area.

DDA Q: And sometimes packages left at her doorstep?
Alvarez: Yes. (snip) He would always inform me if there was something coming as I recall.

DDA Q: Did he ever tell you what these packages were or what they were for?
Alvarez: No.
DDA Q: Did you ever ask?
Alvarez: No.

(DDA prepares to show witness exhibits.)

(Sprocket note: I can’t believe she is struggling to answer these questions. They’re not difficult.)

DDA Q: Like to show you a series of documents and see if you recognize them. Exhibit people’s 22.

This is a FedEX receipt dated .... do you see 1540 Sixth Street?
Alvarez: Yes, her address in 2009.

DDA Q: Do you recognize that signature?
Alvarez: It very well could be, it looks like my signature. (Sprocket note: Holy cow.)

DDA Q: Do you see where it says recipient, care of Nicole Alvary?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: Do you see where it says Applied Pharmacy Services?
Alvarez: Yes. But she didn't necessarily pay any attention to that.

(Sprocket note: Another prosecution question I miss.)
Alvarez: You have to think of the big picture here. I have a lot of things going on. I sign for it. I may have glanced at it, and maybe read a paper in detail, for something that as for me. (But if it was for Dr. Murray she didn't pay much attention.)

DDA Q: But you would have just confirmed that it belongs to you or Conrad Murray?
Alvarez: That’s correct.

(DDA shows Exhibit 23, a FedEx receipt dated April 29, 2009, addressed to her apartment on 6th street. Signed for by a P. Maria.)

DDA Q: Do you know a P. Maria that resided at that residence?
Alvarez: No. I’m the only one who resided at that residence.

DDA goes over the part of the receipt that says C/O Nicole Alvery. The witness verifies that her name is spelled wrong with a Y instead of a Z.

DDA shows a May 1st, 2009 Fed Ex receipt to Alvarez’ apartment, c/o her from the same pharmacy to Dr. Conrad Murray.
Alvarez: That’s correct.

DDA shows witness a FedEx receipt dated May 13th 2009. Alvarez doesn’t recognize the signature on that receipt. DDA notes same shipper applied Pharmacy Services. Alvarez says there’s not a doorman...

DDA Q: Was there anyone beside her who was living or staying with her? Did your mom or someone helping you with the baby.
Alvarez: Absolutely. There was always someone coming (helping out).

DDA Q: So, possibly one of those people could have signed for a package that could have signed for it? (Objection, sustained.)

Did anyone tell you that was a guest at your apartment sign for a package?
Alvarez: Not that I recall.

DDA shows another FedEx package to Dr. Murray c/o her dated May 15.

DDA question as to if there were packages left that she did not sign for. Alvarez says, perhaps, yes, that she would come home and there would be a package left.

DDA shows another package, same shipper. I miss the date. This oneAlvarez answers, “Perhaps she did that."

Another package; same shipper—Applied Pharmacy Services. Same thing. Alvarez says “I think that’s correct.”

DDA Q: Is Conrad Murray currently staying at your apartment?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: Do you recognize Mr. Chernoff sitting here to my left?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Did you contact Ed Chernoff, for legal advice after Michael Jackson died?
Alvarez: No. There would be no reason to contact Mr. Ed Chernoff for personal reasons.

DDA Q: Why did you contact Mr. Chernoff?
Alvarez: I contacted Ed Chernoff after I had received a subpoena.
DDA Q: Why did you do that?
Alvarez: I thought it would be a reasonable thing to do. I think any thinking person would do that.

I don’t recall exactly how the exchange (as to how she reached out to Ed Chernoff via Conrad) for legal advice. I just wanted to know what it (the subpoena) was.

DDA Q: Did he explain that to you?
Alvarez: I don’t know. I don’t think he did? He made a referral. He just put me in touch with Joseph Low.
DDA Q: Mr. Chernoff gave you Mr. Low’s phone number? Did you come to court as requested back in 2009?
Alvarez: Absolutely.
DDA Q: And Mr. Low came with you?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: You also reached out to in 2010 to an attorney.
Alvarez: I believe so, yes.
DDA Q: And who was that attorney? (Sprocket note: Alvarez is vague; I can’t hear the answer.)

Was that Mr. Penna? (sp?)
Alvarez: I think so...

(Another question I totally miss.)

(DDA Brazil takes a moment to confer with DDA Walgren.)

DDA Q: When you began an intimate and personal relationship with Conrad Murray, were you aware that he had six other children? (Objection! Sidebar at the bench.)

(Sprocket note: It’s 11:45 am. This direct exam felt like pulling teeth.)

DDA Q: Dr. Conrad Murray is the father of your son?
Alvarez: Absolutely.

DDA: No more questions.
No cross.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-8 23:02:32 | 显示全部楼层
证人15:洛杉矶县尸检调查员Elissa Fleak证词

Witness #15—Elissa Fleak, LA County Coroner's Investigator

DDA established where witness is employed and what job entails—she is an LA County Coroner Investigator. Performs investigations at scenes, notify family, write reports for pathologists, and assist investigation. Eight years (in job). Was working in that capacity in June 2009.

DDA Q: Learned of the death of entertainer Michael Jackson?

Fleak: Yes I did.

DDA Q: In response to learning that information did you respond to UCLA medical center?
What time did you respond?

Fleak: Can I check my notes?

DDA Q: Yes.

Fleak: I arrived at hospital at 17:20 hours.


Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: 5: 20 pm?

Fleak: Correct.

DDA Q: At your arrival to UCLA did you make physical observations of the decedent?

Fleak describes what she did and what her duties were: To perform an external body examination. “Anything I could infer, to the cause of death for my report.

DDA Q: Looking for wounds, knife wounds?

Fleak: Yes. Did not find anything at that time.

Investigator Fleak obtained 4 vials of blood from UCLA staff labeled Gershwin. [ed. note: recall explanation pseudonym from yesterday’s testimony]

DDA gives label number. Fleak replies, “Yes. Correct.”

DDA Q: Were those vials of blood logged into the coroner’s office?

Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: Was to preserve them?

Fleak: Yes for toxicology purposes.

DDA: On that date did you respond to that location of 100 N Carolwood, LA?

Fleak: Yes. After ER room, I went to the house to observe the scene investigation.
She specifically did an investigation of that bedroom area.

(DDA puts up exhibit on the ELMO. Fleak identified where she was told the decedent was before taken to the hospital. Photo of the two tables, night stands; she identifies them.)

DDA Q: People’s 9. Recognize?

Fleak: Yes. The diagram of the second floor of the house.

DDA Q: Depicts the bedroom you just described?

Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: At this point did you begin taking photographs and documenting some of the items you found relevant to pertaining to cause of death.

Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: Begin with any prescription?

Fleak: Yes, I began with several pill bottles on the nightstand right next to the bed.

DDA Q: Did you document inventory?

Fleak: Yes I did.

DDA Q: Documented on a Coroner’s 3A form?

Fleak: Yes I did.

DDA Q: Do you remember what prescriptions you recovered?

Fleak: Yes I do.

DDA Q: What did you recover?

Fleak: Flomax, clonazapam, diazapam, lorazapam, tomazapam, trazadone, and tiziandine. [ed. note: will research and clarify for accuracy]

Also collected several pill bottles, tubes of lotion. Hydrocodone [ed. note: Vicodin]. Tube of Lidocane lotion that was it on the nightstand [ed. note: Lidocaine lotion may have been used to reduce pain when starting IV].

DDA Q: How about Benoquin?

Fleak: Yes. There was Benoquin.

DDA Q: Lotion in a tube?

Fleak: Yes it was.

DDA Q: Did you document who prescribed?

Fleak: reports diazepam (Valium), Flomax, Lidocaine lotion, lorazepam (Ativan), temazepam (Restoril, a sleep aid) prescribed by Dr. Murray. [ed. note: A cardiologist prescribing a med for prostatic hypertrophy?] Clonazepam (antianxiety), trazodone (antidepressant) by a Dr. Metzger, name missed prescribed by Dr. Klein [ed. note: presume Benoquin as it’s a medication used for vitiligo]

DDA shows Investigator Fleak photos of a night stand, close up of table next to night stand,

DDA Q: Do you see the two separate tables? (Shows photo. Line of questioning and answers describes another photo of area where prescription bottles were, in a basket in the lower shelf of one of the tables, as well as other areas of the table.

(There is a tube of Lidocaine lotion on table. There was a syringe on the table and one on the ground, next to the bed.)

The plunger and the top part of the syringe (to which you would attach a needle)?

Fleak: Yes.

DDA shows new photos of syringes, of oxygen tank, other items, taking Investigator Fleak through identifying photos with more items, including an IV bag with connected tubing.

Fleak described some of the equipment. Blue “Ambu” bag goes to a nasal cannula. [ed. note: Actually it would be connected directly to oxygen tubing and not a nasal cannula.]

Fleak notes “I did describe it as a broken’ syringe because the two pieces are separated from each other. I should have ...they’re not broken.”

Syringe on the table, needle on the floor. DDA asks Fleak if they may have been together they may not have been. Fleak answers correct.

DDA Q: Was there also an IV stand—(interrupted)

Sprocket note: I think someone was knocking at door—bailiff got up.)

DDA Q: [Regarding location of IV stand] If you were facing at the bed, at the foot of the bed, the head of the bed it would be to your right?

Fleak: Yes. [ed. note: This makes sense, as the IV was positioned in Jackson’s left leg.]

(Sprocket note: I’m starting to yawn. I got less than four hours of sleep last night. It’s going to be a long two hours now.

DDA is showing Investigator Fleak photos of nightstand and IV stand and IV kit attached and asks her to identify.

Fleak. Yes. She describes where everything is. “It’s a saline bag” [ed. note: IV solution]

DDA Q: In addition to observations of what you described, did you locate a jug that appears to be a jug of urine?

Fleak: There was a chair behind and to the left of you that had a bottle of urine and several urine pads.

DDA identifies Peoples 35.Fleak identifies the items in the photo.

DDA Q: Medical-type container for holding urine?

Fleak: Correct.

DDA Q: Recovered an open box of disposable hypodermic needles?

Fleak: Yes. It was on the two tables as well.

DDA Q: Recovered IV catheters?

Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: Is it all documented in your form?

Fleak: Yes it is.

DDA Q: Recovered an empty vial of Propofol and (garbled; could be midazolam

or lorazepam, both of which were given and are given IV)?

Fleak replies vials were found between the two nightstands. DDA presents more photographs for Investigator Fleak

DDA Q: Was this an empty full, partially full bottle of Propofol?

Fleak: It was empty. (She verifies where the Propofol vial was on the floor.)

DDA Q: 200 mg bottle of Propofol?

Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: Now did you return to the location of 100 N Carollwood on June 29th 2009?

Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: Continued your investigation?

Fleak: Yes.

DDA shows Fleak some photos for clarification.

DDA Q: Describe if you will, if you would walk from this area, bedroom 2 closed.

Fleak: It’s an attached room lined with wooden closets lined with wood.

DDA Q: About the size of a regular room?

Fleak: Yes.

(She went into this closet area to investigate.)

DDA Q: Recovered items that were logged into evidence? Fleak says yes.

Was that logged (the syringes) as medical evidence #1?

Fleak: Yes.

Describes how items were logged into evidence and the numbers given.

People’s 39, 40, 41, 42 43 44 45 photos presented and Fleak describes.

Ppl 39. This is the closet area. Wooden cabinet area. Shows evidence that she collected on 29th. Showing ppls 40 close up of same items. Some bags as well as some plastic bags containing items.

DDA Q: Did you remove those items from that cabinet and inventory them on that day?

Fleak: Yes I did.

DDA Q: Is this a photo of some of those items after being laid out on a table?

Fleak: Yes it is.
DDA Q: Describe items.

Fleak: Black square bag with a zipper, recovered from cabinet area. One dark blue bag with a zipper with “Costco” on the outside. Light blue and brown colored bag with a zipper with “baby essentials” bag; misc. medical supplies.

DDA Q: As well as creams?

Fleak: Yes bag full of Benoquin lotions. Yes, those are bottles, tubes of lotions.

DDA Q: Did you empty and inventory the contents of these items?

Fleak: Yes I did.

DDA Q: This box, a black pressure cuff? Bottles?

Fleak: Three bottles of Lidocaine. Vials of Lidocaine. [ed. note: Differs from Lidocaine cream/lotion in that this solution is added to Propofol to reduce pain upon injection.]

Fleak checks notes to remember if the bottles were full or not. “Two were empty and one of them had some liquid in it. All three of them had been opened.” They were 30 milliliter bottles. Large dark blue Costco bag.

DDA Q: Did you find saline bag that had been apparently cut open?

Fleak: Yes I did.

DDA Q: Find anything in that saline bag?

Fleak: A bottle of Propofol inside that cut-open bag.

DDA shows Fleak a photo.

Flea: Yes (that’s what she found).

DDA Q: Can you describe what I’m showing; can you describe?

Fleak: It’s a slit in the bag.

DDA Q: Did you take this photograph? That was the Propofol bottle that was inside the IV bag?

Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: In addition the IV bag with the slit in and the 100 mg. Propofol you mentioned, what else did you find?

Fleak: 20 ml bottle of Propofol bottle. Back to 100 ml bottle; it was open and had liquid in it. Twenty ml. open with liquid in it. Ten ml. lorazepam (Ativan) bottle open with liquid in it. Two bottles of midazalom (Versed) 10 ml both open, both had liquid in them.

DDA Q: Was there any other items in there?

Fleak: A bloody piece of gauze, a bag of miscellaneous packaging, medical packaging and a finger pulse monitor.

Fleak also did same inventory of the light blue and brown “baby essentials” bag.

2 100ml bottles of Propofol
2 20 ml bottles of Propofol unopened
(3?) bottles of 20
3 20 ml bottles of Lidocaine opened
1 30 mil bottle of Lidocaine unopened
20 ml bottle of diazepam opened
(Sprocket note: I can’t keep up.)

more unopened. 5 mi diazepam opened.
1 4ml (Sprocket note: I missed) opened
1 4ml of diazepam unopened.

DDA Q: Where there other items?

Fleak replies: Red pill bottle with no label that contained 14 capsules turned out to be ephedrine. Over-the-counter night drops. Five bus cards of Dr. Murray. An IV clamp. A blue strip of rubber.

Fleak recognized the rubber as used for a tourniquet.

DDA Q: In total, looking at contents of both bags, is accurate to say, there were 11 bottles of Propofol?

Fleak: correct

DDA Q: In addition to the one empty bottle on the floor of Propofol there were a total of 12 bottles of Propofol. Is it true there were six bottles of Lidocaine?

Fleak: I’d have to count.

DDA Q: Could you please?

Fleak: Six, correct.

DDA Q: In addition to the Lidocaine lotion. Correct.

Another photo exhibit. Photo of some of the contents of the “baby essentials” bag.
Describes the items that were all in the photo...medicines.

DDA: Nothing further.


Q: You made a search of the bedroom on 25th in the evening?

Fleak: Yes.

Q: And that’s where you obtained all of the photos and the bed and the surrounding the bed?

Fleak: Some were taken on the 29th. I was told by detectives additional information medical evidence at the house.

Q: They told you Dr. Murray told them a location and what they had? Did they tell you the interview that they had was from Dr. Murray?

Fleak: Yes. (Objection, sustained, reply stricken from record.)

Q: Did they tell you what information they had that you—(Objection, sustained).
Why did you go back on the 29th?

Fleak: I was told there was additional evidence at the house.

Q: Detective smith. Did he tell you what there was?

Fleak: No.

Q: Did he tell you where to look?

Fleak: Yes. In that closet room.

Q: Had you looked in that room on the 25th?

Fleak: I did not. I may have glanced in the room but I did not search it.

Q: So you went back looking for evidence that Detective Smith said would be there.

Fleak: Yes.

Q: Did you search any of the other items, any of the other drawers?

Fleak: Yes.

Q: Was all of the stuff that you found that you took into your custody, was all in that one little area? (lists the bag)

Fleak: Those three bags were found in that cabinet, yes.

Q: When you went through and searched all the drawers and cabinets in that room, did you ever find a trash bag?

Fleak: What type of trash bag? Like a grocery trash bag? No. In the plastic bag, there was something that was crumpled up...

(Discussion about bag and baggies.)

It was clear plastic bag about a gallon. There was no zipper, it was just open at the top.

There was clumpled-up plastics, like disposable syringes, the packaging surrounding syringes, tissues, crumpled up.

Q: Like anything that had biological material on it?

(Sprocket note: missed answer. I’m almost falling asleep.)
Fleak: It was in the Costco plastic bag, but I don’t remember specifically if it was crumpled up.

Defense now questions about the IV bag with the Propofol bottle in it, questioning Fleak about how much was left in the bottle. She didn’t inventory for amount any bottles that were opened.

Notes printed, residual. She means the bag was fingerprinted. She doesn’t remember how many bottles were full or less full, she didn’t document that at the time.

Q: You fingerprinted?

Fleak: I didn’t fingerprint. Notes mean the bottle was open, it had liquid in it and it was fingerprinted.

At this time, I believe it was possible to be fingerprinted. We are not fingerprinted at that time when I wrote my notes.

Q: You didn’t use the term positive for liquid you just have residual?

Fleak: “In my mind it means the same thing. It was just how I was taking notes.”

Q: The black square bags. On things you have listed, it’s crossed out.

Fleak: It ‘s just a number 2.

Q: The first item was the first bag. (Sprocket note: I’m not getting this.)

Fleak: I don’t know why I crossed that number out. Two vials... Empty means there was on liquid in it that I could see.

Clarifies her notes how she listed the items.

Q: The Costco bag was a mixture of partially used and full bottles? Did they all have liquid in them?

Fleak: Yes.

Q: Some were partially used?

Fleak: Correct.

Q: The IV from the IV bag. Last page of your worksheet. “IV bag from the IV stand.”
Did it have liquid in it?

Fleak: Yes.

Q: Did you have it fingerprinted?

Fleak: I don’t remember.

Q: This IV bag had some tubing coming down from it.

Fleak: Yes. And in the tubing hand an IV in it?
Halfway from the tubing there was a clamp and that clamp had a syringe in it.
The plunger was depressed. I don’t remember if there was a small amount of liquid in the syringe.

Q: Was the plunger completely depressed?

Fleak: I don’t remember exactly where it was.

Q: Was there residue?

Fleak: I don’t remember?

Q: Was there more tubing below that IV port?

Fleak: Yes.

Q: Did that tubing have liquid in it?

Fleak: I don’t remember.

Q: Did the tubing above it have liquid in it?

Fleak: Yes.

Q: Was that clear?

Fleak: Yes

Q: Was the IV bag clear?

Fleak: Yes.

Q: Did it have a milky appearance to it?

Fleak: It was clear. [ed. Note: this is setting up the “Jackson self-injected” theory. Defense attorney was asking for location of ports, or openings, in the IV tubing, and the location of those ports, theorizing a port was close enough for Jackson to use and then clear the tubing above with saline.]

Q: When you went back on the 29th, was this the only thing you collected from the bedroom?

Fleak: Yes.

(Sprocket note: missing some of this exchange)

Q: One of the items, I think this bag, fingerprint dusted, the only [thing] you remember is from the IV bag itself?

Fleak: Yes. Remembers that the IV bag had about 1/2 to 3/4 full when it was hanging.

Q: You were there on the 25th, and you found quite a few things. Can I have the photographs?

The break was called at 2:46pm

3:03 pm
Resumption of cross of Coroner Investigator.

Fleak: "There was a vial, with some medications.”
Q: They all appeared to be used?

(Sprocket note: did not hear answer)
Q: What was crumpled up?

Fleak: The packaging.

Q: You described that as a bag of medical garbage?

Fleak: Yes.

Q: All of these things, all of the vials, hand been used? Is that correct?

Fleak: Yes.

Q: They were open and they had liquid in them?

Fleak: All those things as trash? (Objection, sustained.)

Q: In the main room, where was the IV bag on the stand that had the syringe in it? In that room? In this corner. (She's pointing to an exhibit on the screen with a laser pointer.)

Why wasn’t that taken on the 25th?

Fleak: I wasn’t taking anything that was injectable. I’m usually looking for pill bottles. At the time I didn’t know what Propofol was when I was there. I didn’t know it was injected intravenously. I didn’t know it would be used to administer the drugs that were there.

Q: So you saw the IV drugs there?

Fleak: I saw bottles of medications.

Q: Asks about the “broken” syringe.

Fleak: I should have described it as “separate.” It was not cracked it was not broken it was not defective in any way. They were just separate—the needle and the plunger.

Q: As you sit here now you would have described it as a broken syringe?

Fleak: No I wouldn’t it.

Q: Why did you collect that?

Fleak: It was on the ground near the bottle on the ground.

Q: Did you ask for these things to be fingerprinted?

Fleak: I don’t remember?

Q: Is it part of your role to ask for things to be fingerprinted?

Fleak: No.

Q: So (what is your role?) you collect and put away? Maintain custody?

Fleak: In a complete death investigation we have more responsibilities than just collecting and logging evidence. (A coroner's investigator) performs a body investigation, notifies families, performs a death scene investigation... (She mentioned a few more tasks).

Q: On that day, did you notice the IV with the pole with the IV syringe?

Fleak: Yes I did.

Q: Why did you not take that into custody? (Objection, asked and answered. )

Did you notice on the table some juice bottles? They were labeled the Naked Juice company.

Were they empty?

Fleak: Yes.

(Missed question)

Fleak: I did not collect those juice bottles and I did not document what was in them.

Q: You left them there at the scene?

Fleak: Yes. They were on the table next to the bed.

Q: And the syringe, was it in reachable distance of the bed? (Objection! Sustained!)
[ed. note; here we go!] How far was the syringe from the bed?

Fleak: About 2 feet.

Q: And the syringe? (Miss answer)

Q: Bottle of Propofol, how far was that?

Fleak: I don’t know if it was one foot, or..??? (Sprocket note: I missed last part of answer.)

Q: Defense attorney asks, something about what about a 136 pound, 5'9" man, could they have reached it? (Objection! Calls for speculation! Sustained!)

Did you take the Ambu bag into custody?

Fleak: No I did not.

Q: The open box of disposable needles how close was that to the table?

Fleak: Couple feet.

Q: So if that was on the table so you could reach that? (Objection! Sustained.)

We lost our feed.

It came back.

Fleak: Both vials on the floor were empty. No liquid that I could see. I could not see and I did not check the inside of those vials.

Q: When you seized these items, where did you take them?

Fleak: To the coroner’s office.

Q: What did you do with them? B

Fleak: booked them into evidence.

Q: Did you inspect them?

Fleak: As far as the labels... (Sprocket note: I think that's her answer.)

Q: Did you inspect them, as far as the portions?

Fleak: No.

That’s it for cross. No redirect.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-8 23:06:54 | 显示全部楼层

Summary of Conrad Murray Preliminary Hearing Day 4 / Jan 7 2011

- Katherine, Joe, and Latoya Jackson are all present.

Detective Dan Myers testimony

- Myers is under cross examination. A lot of objections to the questions.

Sade Anding testimony

- Sade is employed Sullivan Steak house (in Houston) and met Murray there in February 2009. She was Murray's girlfriend/mistress in June 2009.

- Sade Anding -- who was in Houston the day MJ died -- testified she received a call from Murray at around 12:30 PM. It's unclear if she was referring to Pacific or Central time. But there is only one call in the phone records from Murray to Sade, and that's at 11:51 AM PT.

-She said he abruptly stopped responding to her comments. “I just remember saying, ‘Hello, hello, hello! Are you there? Are you there,’” Anding recalled. She said she heard “a commotion, as if the phone was in a pocket or something,” followed by coughing and a “mumbling of voices” that she did not recognize.

- She said she called Murray back and also texted him, but was unable to reach him.

Bridget Morgan Testimony

- Morgan met Murray in 2003 at a club and has a social relationship with him. She called Murray on June 25th but didn't talk with him.

Nicole Alvarez Testimony

- Alvarez met Murray in 2005 at a club she works. Alvarez says that she and Murray developed an ‘intimate relationship’ but she doesn’t recall if he told her that he was still married. Later in her testimony, however, she said that Murray’s permanent residence was “in Las Vegas with his wife.”

- She says Murray stays with her 2-3 nights and doesn't know where he is when he's not staying with her. "Well, I don’t have expectations of Dr. Murray, so that’s fair to say. That’s just a rule that i live by."

- She learns sometime that Murray is MJ's personal doctor (she's quite confused about when she learned it though).

- She says Murray would leave the house at 9-10PM and return between 7-10AM (although there wasn't a pattern).

- Alvarez said that she knew Murray left her apartment each night to treat Jackson, but that the physician told her “absolutely nothing” about those treatments. “Dr. Murray and I were on a need-to-know basis. He’s a professional man and I know my position and my place in his life and it is not my duty to know” the details of his medical practice, she said.

- Alvarez says Murray invited her on a trip to England – Murray already told her that he was accompanying MJ on the same trip.

- She says Murray told her that packages will come to her house and asked her to just bring them inside. She says he didn't tell her the contents or say that they were important. She says she never opened any of the packages. She says she never asked about the packages (what they contained).

- She says as the packages were for Murray she didn't pay attention to the sender. She said Murray told her he was having packages shipped to the apartment, but she never opened the boxes or looked closely at the return address.

Elissa Fleak LA Coroner Investigator

- Fleak arrives at UCLA at 5:20PM for physical examination of the body to see if she can infer anything about the cause of death. She did not see obvious signs of a cause of death.

- Fleak gets 4 bottles of blood from UCLA for toxicology tests.

- After ER she goes to MJ's house to make observation of the bedroom taking photographs, documenting the room, collecting ‘several pill bottles’ from beside his bed.

- Fleak starts with documenting prescription medications found on the stand. She observes flomax clonazapan, diazapam, lorazapam, tomazapam, trazadone tiziaandine, several pill bottles, tubes of lotion. Hydrocodone. tube of lidocane lotion. benequin. She documents who prescribed what.

- Tube of lidocaine lotion on table. There was a syringe on the table and one on the ground as well, next to the bed. IV bag with connected tubing. Blue “ambu” bag. goes to a nasal canua. Syringe on the table, needle on the floor, they may have been together they may not have been. (this is the one she described as broken syringe) ,an IV stand. saline bag. jug of urine. several urine pads. open box of disposable hypodermic needles. Iv catheters. empty vial of propofol and tomazinil.

- She returns June 29 for her investigation. She learned from detectives that there's additional evidence in the house. She goes to the attached room lined with wooden closets lined with wood. She recovers several items.

- List of the items: 1 black square bag with a zipper. 1 dark blue bag with a zipper with costco on the outside.light blue and brown colord bag. With a zipper with baby essentials bag .Misc. medical supplies. bag full of bedoquin lotions.

- Inside one bag : black pressure cuff, three 30 mil bottles of lidocaine. 2 empty and one of them had some liquid in it. All three of them had been opened.

- Large blue costco bag: saline bag that hat had been cut open with 100 mg propofol bottle inside it (open and had liquid in it). 20ml propofol open with liquid in it. 10 ml morazapam bottle open with liquid in it. 2 bottles of midazalom 10 ml both open both had liquid in them. bloody piece of gauze A bag of miscellaneous medical packaging and finger pulse monitor.

- Other bags: 2 100ml bottles of propofol , 2 20 ml bottles of propofol unopened, 3 20 ml bottles of lidocaine opened.1 30 mil bottle of lido unopened 20 ml bottle of diazolam opened 1 4ml of diazopam unopened etc (this is not a complete list)

- Additional items : Red pill bottle with no label that contained 14 caples turend out ot be emphederine. Over the counter night drops. Five business cards of Dr. Murray.IV clamp
blue strip of rubber.

- Overall :
6 bottles of lidocaine.
12 bottles of propofol. Elissa Fleak says two bottles were in the bedroom where MJ died, and the other 10 were in a nearby closet. One of the Propofol bottles found in the room by the nightstand was empty.

- Fleak says she also saw some juice bottles.

- On cross Fleak says a needle on the bedroom floor was about a foot away from Jackson’s bed - while the Propofol was ‘a couple of feet away’.

- Murray's lawyer, J. Michael Flanagan, asked Elissa Fleak two questions that alluded to their theory: 1) Was the IV bag fingerprinted? and 2) Was it possible for Jackson to reach the syringes from the bed? Judge didn't allow these questions as they were speculative and Fleak didn't answer these questions.
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发表于 2011-1-9 20:36:24 | 显示全部楼层


- 凯瑟琳、乔和拉托亚•杰克逊都出席了。
- 警员丹•迈尔斯的证词



-萨德•安丁- MJ去逝那天她正在休斯敦 – 作证说,大约下午12:30左右她接到默里的一个电话。目前尚不清楚她是指太平洋时间还是中部时间。但是,手机记录中只有一个默里打给萨德的电话,并且那是在上午11:51 拨出的。

她说,他突然中断了听她说话。 “我只记得说,‘喂,喂,你好!你在吗?你还在吗?’”安丁回忆说。她说,她听到“一阵骚动”,好像手机是在口袋里或是诸如此类的,接着就是咳嗽和一种她辨认不出来的“含含糊糊的声音”。

- 她说她给默里回了电话也发了短信,但未能联系到他。




- 阿尔瓦雷斯2005年在她工作的一个俱乐部遇见了默里。阿尔瓦雷斯说,她和默里发展出了‘亲密关系’,但她不记得,他是否告诉过她,他结婚了。然而,在稍后的证词里,她说,默里的固定住所是“在拉斯维加斯和他妻子在一起。”

- 她说默里和她同住2-3晚(每周?),但并不知道不和她在一起时他在哪里。“嗯,我没对默里医生抱有期望,所以公平而论,这只是我生存的一个法则。”

- 她在某一时候得知,默里是MJ的私人医生(虽然当她得知这一消息时十分困惑)。

- 她说,默里会在晚上9-10时离开家,然后上午7-10时返家(虽然没有一个模式)。

- 阿尔瓦雷斯说,她知道默里每晚离开她的公寓去为杰克逊治疗,但关于那些治疗这位内科医生告诉她 “绝对没有什么”。“默里医生和我遵循不该知道的不必知道原则。他是一个很专业的人,而我知道我在他生活中的位置和地位,我没有责任去了解”他的行医中的细节,她说。

- 阿尔瓦雷斯说,默里曾邀请她到英国旅行 - 穆雷已经告诉她,他将陪同MJ在同一个旅程中。

- 她说,默里告诉她,一些包裹会运来她家,请她只是把它们拿进屋里就行了。她说他没有告诉她内容,也没说它们很重要。她说她从未打开过任何包裹。她说她从未问起过这些包裹(里面装的是什么)。

- 她说,由于这些包裹都是给默里的,她没留意过发件人。她说默里告诉她,他将一些包裹运到了公寓,但她从来没有打开过那些盒子或注意看看寄件人地址。






-利多卡因剂管在桌子上。桌上有一个注射器地面上也有一个,床的旁边是连接着静脉输液管的输液袋。蓝色的“呼吸辅助袋(即苏醒器)”,(注:不知canua是何意,但根据上下文的意思,这个苏醒器应该是使用于鼻腔的。原谅,医学小白哈)。注射器在桌子上,针头在地板上,它们可能原来是在一起的,也可能不是 (这是她当作一个破损的注射器来描述的),一个输液支架,盐水袋,尿壶,几个尿垫,开了箱的一次性注射针头,导尿管,异丙酚和tomazinil(注:tomazinil不知是什么)的空瓶子。


- 列出的物品:一个黑色的拉链方包。一个外面有“好事多“字样的深蓝色拉链包。有着浅蓝色和棕色的包。一个带拉链的婴儿用品包。各式各样的医疗用品。装满苄氧酚乳液的袋子(注:bedoquin应为benoquin的笔误)。

- 一个包里:黑色袖带,三个30毫升的装利多卡因的瓶子。 两个是空的,其中一个里面还有些液体。三个瓶子均是打开的。

-蓝色的好事多大包:一个已被剪开的盐水袋里面有个100毫克的异丙酚瓶子(已开封,里面还有些液体)。开封的20毫升异丙酚(瓶子)里面有液体。开封的10毫升morazapam (注:morazapam 不知是什么,会不会是lorazepam的笔误?)的瓶子内有液体。 两个10毫升的midazalom(注:midazalom不知是什么)瓶子都开了封,而且两个瓶中均有液体。带血的纱布,一个装着各式各样医疗小包和手指脉冲监视器的袋子。

- 其他的袋子:两瓶100毫升的异丙酚,两瓶未开封的20毫升异丙酚,三瓶开封的20毫升的利多卡因,一瓶未开封的30毫升利多卡因(注:lido,疑为lidocaine的简写),一瓶开封的20毫升安定(注:diazolam,疑为diazepam的笔误),一瓶未开封的4毫升安定等(这是一张不完整的清单)。


- 总体上:


- 在盘诘中弗里克说,卧室地板上的一只针头距杰克逊的床约一英尺远 - 而异丙酚是两三英尺远。



太感谢了!我直接借用到资料版可以吗?  发表于 2011-1-9 20:38
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