迈克尔杰克逊中文网  - 歌迷论坛




楼主: stroller










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发表于 2011-1-12 16:21:13 | 显示全部楼层
2010年1月4日 - MJ《就是这样》的制作人兼导演肯尼•奥特加是第一个出庭证人。他说这MJ去世前一段时间,莫里医生对他于6月19日将MJ从排练现场送回家很生气。据奥特加说,莫里认为只有他自己才能做这类决定。



莫里医生(Dr. Murray)并非在与迈克尔•杰克逊的工作合同下工作,但在他成为迈克尔•杰克逊的医生之前,曾经治疗过杰克逊的孩子们。


额,什么矛盾?求详解。  发表于 2011-1-12 16:27
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发表于 2011-1-12 16:50:54 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-14 20:59:39 | 显示全部楼层

January 11, 2011 Preliminary Hearing Day 6

Dr. Christopher Rogers Testimony

- Rogers is LA coroner. Employed since 1988 as a forensic pathologist and he performed the autopsy on MJ.

- Rogers about MJ's health "The autopsy did show some incidental findings. However, his general health was excellent."

- findings: MJ had prostate issue; vitillago, polop of the colon, inflammation and scaring of his lungs, and also had some arthritis of the spine.

- MJ was 5’ 9” and 136 pounds. His BMI (body mass index) 20.1. It falls to the thin side of normal weight.

- MJ did not have any abnormalities of the heart and he did not have any atherosclerosis. He did not have any cardiac disease.

- There was no trauma or any natural disease that caused his death.

- Rogers' conclusion of homicide was based primarily on the info he had about the medical care MJ received, specifically that the care was substandard. “The information we received indicates that the doctor left Mr. Jackson while he was anesthetized and this is something you would not do,” Roger said.

- Rogers says MJ died of propofol intoxication, with an underlying condition of a benzodiazepine effect.

- Cross-examination : Rogers say that situation doesn’t support self administration of self treatment of propofol and there were no factors inconsistent with his conclusions.

- Cross-examination : Rogers is asked hypothetically if MJ ingested propofol and lydocaine himself would it still be considered homicide. “Based on the quality of the medical care, I would still call this a homicide even if the doctor did not administer the propofol to Mr. Jackson,” said Rogers, chief of forensic medication at the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office. He said Murray had endangered Jackson by using the drug in a home setting without proper monitoring, regardless of who gave the final dose. The testimony was a blow to the defense.

- Dr. Christopher Rogers testified he believes Dr. Murray had no business administering Propofol outside a hospital setting, particularly without the appropriate medical equipment. Rogers said given MiIchael's dependence on Propofol and the fact that Murray left him alone in the room with access to the drug constitutes a homicide.

- Question about self administration : The IV catheter was in the left leg a little bit above the knee. Rogers mentions it's hard to reach and in order of MJ to inject himself it would require the doctor to stop medication, leave the room, MJ wake up and gain the necessary awareness to press /push propofol.

- Cross - examination : Oral digestion. Rogers say it's possible to orally digest propofol but doesn't think that's the case here as the amount in the stomach is so small.

Dr. Richard Ruffalo Testimony

- Ruffalo is an anesthesiologist and clinical pharmacologist. He went over everything about MJ's death and wrote a 47 page independent report.

- He says propofol levels in MJ at the time of his death would be even higher as the blood is drawn from him after he received a lot of IV fluids and propofol degrades over time.

- Dr, Ruffolo also thinks the numbers of the benzodiazapams from the heart blood, he thinks reflect an injection of a higher dose than what Dr. Murray states he gave.

- Dr. Ruffolo mentions monitoring requirements and the equipments and training needed for any emergency situation response.

Prosecution Rests in Murray Case

- The defense filed a motion to dismiss, which is routine.

Closing statements

Murray's lawyers arguments

- We have never heard the time of death, if we knew the time of death we can find out who is involved.

- Murray saw MJ everyday for 3 months, he would know how MJ interacted with these drugs better than the other doctors.

- We heard from an anethesiologist what he would use as a standard of care. We didn’t hear from a cardiologist in a similar situation and training.

- Murray injected around 10:40 so if Dr. Murray was away from MJ, how could he have given another dose of propofol? so what was going on between 11 am and 12 am? That goes to show you right there that Dr. Murry could not have given that dose, he was on the phone.

Prosecutor Walgren's Arguments

- Walgren is very angry and passionately in a loud voice, arguing his case.

- It was not MJ time to go. MJ's children are without a father.The reason MJ is not here today, is because of the careless, negligence careless incompetence of Murray. MJ is dead at the hands of Murray.

- Walgren goes over what is heard in the testimonies.

- Walgren mentions Murray's timeline "According to Murray’s own timeline, that he let MJ lie there for over an hour not breathing. Or he could be lying about his timeline, and Murray is not being truthful about his timeline. Third option, is that Dr. Murray is so utterly so incompetent and reckless, that he has no idea what he gave him or when."

Judge Pastor's rulings

- Judge Pastor denies the defense's motion to dismiss the case.

- Walgren asks for an increase in the bail amount. (wants it to be $300,000). Judge denies this as he doesn't think Murray is a flight risk.

- Ms. Saunders of Medical board goes over the testimony and asks the judge to suspend Murray's medical licence. Judge grants that request.

- Arraignment is set for January 25th, at 8:30 am.
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发表于 2011-1-15 10:26:29 | 显示全部楼层
申请认领“检察官David Wolgren结束陈述” 一文  
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发表于 2011-1-16 03:07:35 | 显示全部楼层
证人21 洛杉矶县验尸官办公室法医 克里斯多佛•罗杰斯 证词记录



然后问到医院血液(hospital blood)







所以说,如果口服了150毫升的异丙酚,产生了烧灼感,就会需要一些利多卡因,(for the eshop )作用于胃部,那么,你们就会在胃里发现需要比例的利多卡因,对吗?








编译:Sissi  来源:MJJCN.com / 原始新闻出处

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发表于 2011-1-17 03:21:01 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Christina4896 于 2011-1-17 03:24 编辑



- 被告方是否请求驳回起诉?

- 是的。

帕斯特法官(Judge Pastor)向律师说明了程序。



法官阁下,我们看下(辩护)是从哪开始的,应该是从一个细节假设开始的,关于检方控告莫里医生(Dr. Murray)的这件恶心的事。




你得确定,检察官沃尔格伦先生(Mr. Walgren))给出的证据是否能证明每个细节。

是莫里医生杀了迈克尔•杰克逊(Michael Jackson)么?


库珀医生(Dr. Cooper)被问到她宣布的死亡时间,但没有心脏停搏时间。






如马丁内斯侦探(Detective Martinez)所说,当时只有康纳德•莫里医生一个人。














最后,一些专家在被问到是否用了足够长的时间注射异丙酚。我会提交给您看,要让一个人睡上几分钟,无论是3-5min 或15min都不会有何大不同。(这部分有较长讨论。)















(编译:Christina4896 来源:MJJCN.com)
Wherever you maybe, I'll look up and see someone in the dark for me!

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发表于 2011-1-20 10:06:17 | 显示全部楼层
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#18 应用药房老板及药剂师Tim Lopez证词

T&T 上边现在有一个更完整版:

Witness #18 Tim Lopez

DDA Q: (Ms. Brazil direct.) Through questioning, establishes Lopez’ background. Employed as a pharmacist for 15 years. Business owner of Applied Pharmacy Services, located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Describes his duties as owner; clientelle is patients that have been directed by a doctor/facility.

How is [does] your pharmacy compare to, say a corner pharmacy?
Lopez: We known as a (compounding?) medicine only.

DDA Q: They specialize.
Lopez: Yes.

DDA Q: Let’s say your pet needs a specific medication and it’s not available in a particular dose/size.

Do you deal with physicians directly to provide a particular medication their patient might need?
Lopez: Yes.

Through questioing, DDA establishes that in June (Sprocket note: year illegible, may be 2008) received a phone call from Conrad Murray. He identified himself as African American and that most of his patients were African Amercan and that some of these patients suffer from vitaliago. He was asking about bedoquin product, regarding the strength it comes in. Murray was interested in the 20% strength.

Lopez took contact number and do a search for the ability to get it.

DDA Q: That’s because you don’t stock that percentage?
Lopez: Yes.
He conducted a search from his suppliers for that product. He couldn’t find it.

Dr. Murray didn’t call me back so I didn’t follow up. Didn’t tell him that he was unable to obtain the Benoquin.

Received a call in March, 2009 from Dr. Murray. Asked if I was the same person spoken to previously. I said I was, and Murray inquired as to why he (Lopez) didn’t call back. I explained that in 2008 my pharmacy was in a move transition and that I lost phone records.

He was calling again about Benoquin 20% and it’s availablity.

Took his contact information again and checked a little more throughly. Lopez did call him back about the drug, April 21st. Told Murray he had been successful in locating a 20% solution.

I told him that I found a supplier and that if he needed more beyond that he couldn’t get it.

He told me that he would like it in packages of 30 gram tubes.

DDA Q: Will you be able to estimate for me the size of a tube you were able to obtain.

Lopez: About the length of a pen,

DDA Q: Similar to about a tube of toothpaste?
Lopez: Yes.

DDA Q: Did Dr. Murray place an order?
Lopez: Yes. He ordered 40 of the 30 gram, 20%.

DDA Q: In your practice in general, in specifically. Describe the process that you go through to ensure that the person is a physcian and allowed to order the medication.

Lopez: I go through and check if the doctor is an MD, DO, or DVM.
Get phone, DEA number, Doctor number. (Lopez explains DEA number.)

DDA Q: Did Dr. Murray provide you with all the required information?
Lopez: Yes.

DDA Q: Where did his license originate from?
Lopez: Nevada.

DDA Q: When he placed this order from you, did he specificy who is patient was?

Lopez: He said his patient was African American and that he would instruct in the dispersal of it’s use.

DDA Q: Is that common?
Lopez: When it’s used on a trial basis, that’s normal.

Dr. Murray came in and picked up his initial order.

Came up to the window, met him, shook his hand and explained that if there was anything we needed to do to change the formulation etc. He said he would pay for the order and let me know. He paid for the order via company check.

DDA Q: Is there any time that he discussed subjequent delivery?

Lopez: Yes, he asked if he could have (orders) delivered to his office.

DDA asks another question. Lopez identifies Murray.

DDA Q: Next contact he had with Dr. Murray.
Lopez: Several days after April 3rd, he came in to tell me he was happy with the cream.

DDA Q: Did he ask if you were able to provide medications for his other clinics?
Lopez: Yes. He asked about propofol and saline bags.

DDA Q: Did he asked about what strength propofol?

Lopez: He asked about the specific price of propofol that you would be able to provide and saline bags.

DDA Q: Were able to provide him with the informtaiton?

Lopez: Subsequent phone calls, I was able to give him the relevant informaiton.
After that, he placed an order for propofol and saline bags. Telephone order.

DDA Q: What was the quantity of Propofol. One carton of 100ml bottles. Ten inside the carton. And 2 specific formultions of propofol?
Lopez: Yes. One bottle of 100mil, and it was packaged in a package of 10 from supplier in a sealed carton. We deliver to his office in Las Vegas.

There are 10 individual vials, and they are sealed. That one order, contains 10 vials = 100 ml volume. Twenty milleter vial, and has 25 indiviuals vials in that pack.

DDA Q: Which is a larger size?
Lopez: The 100 mil is larger.

DDA Q: What else did he order?
Lopez: Nine saline bags. And renewed the Benoquin.
He asked us to deliver to his office in Las Vegas.

DDA Q: Did you comply with his request?
Lopez: Yes. I used a courier service.

DDA Q: Did the courier of the office call you when the delivery?
Lopez: Yes. Dr. Murray asked if part of the order could be delivered in Santa Monica.

I said it was no problem. He gave an address to the courier. Said he had a clinic in the Los Angeles facility.

DDA Q: Said he saw patients at the LA location that he wanted to have the medications sent there.
Lopez: Yes. Yes, he said they (meds) would be under his control. (Lopez verifies the address of Nicole’s apartment in Santa Monica (SM). Testimony paraphrased.)

The courier returned to the pharmacy with that location. The remainder came back to the pharmacy.

Shipped to Santa Monica per Dr. Murray’s request.

On next date, ordered 2 separate orders of propofol. Ordered 4 boxes. Each box has 10 10m.

Packaging the same manner as before. Second order on April 28th 2009; 25 individual vials.

DDA Q: Was that order to be delivered to SM address?

Lopez: Yes.

DDA Q: Another order. Prior to order, did Dr. Murray ask about lorazapam and (Sprocket note: didn’t hear clearly). Wanted inject diazapam?

Are any of those available in any other form?

Lopez: Also available in oral lorazapam.

DDA Q: Did he also placed an order for a tray, of lorazapam vials and two trays of diazapam.

Lopez: Total of 20 diazapam yes. Total of 10 of lorazapam yes.

Still verified his DEA numbers.

Murray instructed Lopez to mail these to SM and he complied with that request.

DDA Q: Did you have a conversation with Dr. Murray?
Lopez: Discussed the Benoquin cream. Wanted to know if there was a formula that was less greasy, and wanted to know if they could put it in a larger package and if it could “look better.”

DDA Q: Did Dr. M inquire about about hydroquinine? (Sprocket note: not sure what was asked)

Lopez (paraphrased): Asked about what strengths needed. Described same patient population and wanted to try that.

He inquired about energy formulations, some formulations that would give increased wakefulness. I suggested many drugs that had a side effect of alertness. He didn’t want it to be non-narcotic and as natural as possible.

He didn’t want something prescription, he wanted something over the counter. Told him it had to have something with caffeine in it, he couldn’t get away from that.

(Sprocket note: Discussed something else. I missed it.)

DDA Q: Did he say that it was he himself that was in need of some energy formulation? You gave him some ideas and that you would get back to him.

Lopez: Yes.

He said his patient was complaining of injection pain, and wanted to know if I could make a topical analgesic. He indicated he wanted a lidocaine only.

DDA Q: Does it come in a cream?
Lopez: It comes in a gel.

DDA Q: It also comes in an injectable form?
Lopez: Yes it does.

DDA Q: So some products to reduce injection site pain?
Lopez: Yes.

Telephonic order May 12th. New.

Ordered 4 boxes of propolfol 100 mil in each box.
1 box of 20ml vial 25mi
tow trays of diazlpam
lidocane 2% cream I made for him, 60 grams.

1 tray of floazinal? Used to reverse benzodaiazipines.

DDA Q: Did he want these items shipped to SM address?
Lopez: Yes.

(Paraphrasing testimony) May 14th 2009. Another phone conversation, discussing placement of an order.

Briefly dicussed Benoquin, wanted to change vehicle of what it sits in to make it less greasy and sticky on the skin. Worked on different formuatons to make that work.

(Murray said) the lidocane 2% was not strong enough.
DDA Q: What did you do.

Lopez: I made it 4%.

DDA Q: Did you prepare samples to address his concern?

Lopez: Sent him three 10 gram samples to see which one best suited his needs.
Products sent include:

4% lidocane cream 60 gram
1 Benoquine in specific base
1 Benoquin in specifc base
1 Benoquin in specific base

At the time, I was planning a trip, so I was going to the airport, I could save him on the shipping.
DDA Q: What was Dr. Murray’s response.

Lopez: He said that wasn’t necessary, just ship it FedEx to SM address.

DDA Q: Turning now to June 1st 2009 conversation. Picking up on energy request he had made some weeks prior.

Essentially 3 products available over the counter and could put them in 1 capsule. Was that agreeable to Dr. Murray?
Lopez: Yes it was.

DDA Q: Did you (combine) caffeine, aspirin and ephedrine?

Lopez: Yes. Made 30 capsules. Made that formulation.

DDA Q: Were those items included placed (in an order) later on in June.
Lopez: Yes it was.
DDA Q: Did you include these energy on a different invoice?
Lopez: I included them with the shipment.

June 10, 2009 another 1 tray of lidocaine injectable
25 ????
4 boxes of propofol 10mil (40 individual vials)
2 propofol 20 mi, total of 50 bottles
20 2 60 gram Benoquin
30? capsules of energy formulation.

DDA Q: Where shipped to?
Lopez: Santa Monica.
(paraphrasing testimony) June 15th 2009, Murray placed another order.

DDA Q: Did he comment about the energy formula?

Lopez: He was happy with the results and required about pricing.

(Through testimony, other items ordered)
1 tray lorazapam 10 lite (?)vial injectable
2 trays injectable diazapam injectable 20 vials

DDA Q: Saline bags?
Lopez: Ordered 12 normal saline bags.

DDA Q: Where were these items shipped to ?

Lopez: Santa Monica.

DDA Q: During any of these orders, did Dr. Murray ever disclose the name of any patient that the order would be used by?
Lopez: No.

DDA Q: June 25th, 2009, did you hear on the news that Michael Jackson had died?
Do you remember the last time you had a conversation with Dr. Murray?

Lopez: 23 or 24th.

It sounded like Dr. Murray was driving the car with the window down...it was very noisy it was brief conversation. Never talked to him again after that.

DDA produces an invoice. People’s 52.
Sales receipt for an order from Dr. Murray.

DDA Q: What does it reflect?

Lopez explains (paraphrasing) 66# generated by the software.
First receipt tracks his first order of the Benoquin cream.

DDA Q: Another order, another receipt. date April 6th, 2009

Lopez: Yes
DDA Q: Reflects the customer Conrad Murray?
Lopez: Yes.
(paraphrasing) Reflects first purchases for propofol.

10 vials of propofol
25 individual vials

DDA Q: (Another exhibit)
Lopez: FedEx bill shows that I sent a package to the SM address.

DDA Q: Is that the Applied Pharmacy account number with FedEx?

DDA Q: Does it reflect the shipping of propfol, in exhibit 53?

Lopez: Yes.
Verifies the misspelling on the FedEx invoice of Nicole’s last name.
Verifies the address, etc.

DDA presents next exhibit 55.
Another Applied Pharmacy receipt.
Date April 26th, 2009, Dr Murray’s next order

4 trays of propofol 100 mil
1 tray of 20 mil
shipped to CM at his request.

DDA Q: Do you recognize another receipt FedEx receipt that corresponds to the above shipment?
Lopez: Signed for looks like a P. Maria.
Verifies all the information on the FedEx receipt.

DDA produces Exhibit 57 Another Applied Pharmacy receipt?
Lopez: Yes.
DDA Q: … Or rather Invoices?
Lopez: Yes.
Dated April 30th 2009

Next exhibit FedEx tracing receipt corresponds with the above invoice, verifying the name, address, etc.

DDA produces Exhibit 59
Another Applied Pharm receipt
5/12 2009 purchase by Murray, M.D.

Receipt reflects
2 orders 100 mil and 20 mil and lorazapam, diazapam

4 individual trays of the propofol and 1 tray of the 25 (ans)

Exhibit 60 reflects FedEx shipping invoice.
Lopez verifies that it goes with the above order. Looks like it’s signed by someone named P. Mason.

Exhibit 61 APS sales receipt 5.14 2009
Subject of delivery
Lidocaine 4% cream.
DDA Q: Was also shipped to SM address?
Lopez: Yes.

Exhibit 62 reflects FedEx invoice.

Exhibit 63
DDA Q: Recognize peoples 63 as one of your sales June 10, 2009?

lists items on invoice (Sprocket note: can’t catch any of this)

Lopez: Yes.

DDA and Lopez go through several exhibits.
Fed 64 reflecting FedEx receipt corresponding with above exhibit.
Signature appears to be Nicole’s.

Exhibit 65 AP sales receipt.
Reads off contents of invoice quickly.

Exhibit 66 FedEx receipt.

Final delivered June 16th, 2009

DDA Q: How many vials of lidocaine injectiable did Dr. Murray (unintelligible)

Lopez: 25 of the 30

DDA Q: How many vials of the lorazapam

Lopez: Ten (trays?)

60 of the 2 liter of diazapam.

Propofol: smaller vials total #? 125 vials of this?

Larger? 130 vials.

Cross by defense attorney Low.

Q: Is it fair to say as a pharmisst, part of your job is to provide prescirption medicaiton to doctors?
Lopez: Yes.

Q: There are a lot of laws and rules and regs your supposed to (comply with)?

Lopez (paraphrsasing): Before you [can] be a good pharmacist, is follow the rules, is before filling a new prescription, you need to verify the validity … of the license.

Q: No one can just call up and get some medicine sent.
Lopez: That’s correct.

Q: Like a good pharmacist you did that in the case of Dr. Murray?
Lopez: Yes.
Q: And everything checked out.
Lopez: Yes.

Q: Is it true, there are not restrictions on where these meds can be sent?
Lopez: Can you repeat that?

Q: Do you not have the same laws and protocols as to where you send it?

Lopez: I just send it to where he directs.

(That question is broad.)

Q: Other than that, you have no other due dilligence?

(Sprocket note: apparently, there are no other verifications that he needs to do, prior to shipping those medicaitons. [ed. note: meaning it was okay to send medications to a private residence])

Q: Now, you can’t ship them to someone who should not have them...correct. So when you ship them you don’t have any restrictions as to only shipping that drug to a hospital do you?
Lopez: No. I just know that he’s a licensed physician. (and that he’s allowed to deliver).

Q: Asks about the first order, shipped to his clinic via Lopez’ own courier.

And the courier, Juda, said he thought Dr. Murray was one of the nicest people he had ever met?
Lopez: That’s correct.

Q: Very common, is it not, that when doctors order they don’t put the patient’s name, and that’s for privacy. Sometimes until the procedure is done, only the doctor knows who the patient might be.

At this time, Dr. Murray did not tell you who his patients were in (Santa Monica)?
Lopez: No.

Defense attorney asks questions about a patient’s privacy, and about a high-profile patient, and that there would people out there who could get this information and write their story.

Q: So, if someone was going to make sure to ensure that patient’s privacy, you wouldn’t send that to a high profile person’s house now would you?

(Objection, sustained.)

More question about high profile clients, and selling information. (Objection, sustained.)

(Sprocket note: 11:59 a.m. still going strong.)

Q: Also another doctor that you were selling propofol to?

Lopez: No.

Q: How about David ????

Lopez: No.

Q: The larger ones that held 100ml. How could you open those vials? How could you get the solution out of the vial?

Lopez: A needle.

I suppose there is another device (I miss the rest of the answer.)

That’s it no redirect.

Back at 1:15 p.m.
I just got an e-mail from Marc Germain confirming the 8:15 p.m. show time for tonight.

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发表于 2011-1-21 10:24:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 badthriller 于 2011-1-21 10:25 编辑

检察官大卫•沃尔格伦(David Wolgren)的结束陈辞

尊敬的法官大人,与洛(Low)先生的看法相反,我认为迈克尔•杰克逊(Michael Jackson)绝没到离开的时候,要不是莫里(Murray)医生的轻率,他还没到离开的时候。迈克尔•杰克逊的孩子们失去了父亲。而在他(洛先生)看来,(杰克逊的)离去因其大限已至,这是很无礼的!迈克尔•杰克逊之所以今天不在这儿,是因为莫里医生的粗心、疏失和无能。迈克尔•杰克逊的死就是他一手造成的。


然后他查看了多个证人的证词。12点12分,迈克尔•阿米尔•威廉姆斯(Michael Amir Williams)接到第一个电话。







杰米•林特穆特(Jaime Lintemoot)的毒物发现







我们聆讯了电话记录的细节,打给他女朋友的电话以及病人们打给他的电话。据萨德•安定(Sade Anding)陈述,在11点51分,也就是莫里医生停止回复的5分钟后,她听到了一阵混乱声。








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发表于 2011-1-21 10:30:57 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-1-23 18:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 cat2009 于 2011-1-23 18:53 编辑

#3 Faheem Mohamed (Head of security)证词

#3 Faheem Mohamed

Another black man.

Direct examination.

Employed with Michael Jackson Head of his security (for) 10 months.

Maintain overall security. Just make sure the house , the children were secured.

Oversaw his security detail and interacted with Michael Amir Williams as a liaison with Michael Jackson.

Do you know Dr. Murray? Witness identifies the defendant.

When did you first meet him (defendant)?
Met him in March, 2009.

You recall where you first met?
(At residence)

Testifies he would generally see Dr. Murray t night.

Attorney Carl Douglas represents Mr. Mohamed.

Would he stay over at night at the residence?
Initially it wasn’t as regular as the last month or so.

How frequently?
Last couple weeks it was pretty much every night.

Knew Dr. Murray’s vehicle and would see it at the residence.

He was involved in the security arrangements to get Michael Jackson to the Staples Center.

(When did you leave the evening of June 24th?)
Evening, around 7 pm.

Who drove?
I did.

(Who sat where?)
Amir was in the front seat with him and Michael Jackson was in the back.

What happened?
There was an advance team that arrived ahead (of their vehicle).

Did our regular routine. There was a golf cart inside the Staples Center and they used the golf cart (to get to the stage for rehearsals).

He observed the rehearsals.

The general mood was positive. He was as energetic as I’ve ever seen him. (Jackson)

At conclusion, was it the same driving arrangement back?
Yes. (snip) Amir was with them and Michael Jackson was in the back seat.

When you arrived at the residence 1 am, was Dr. Murray's vehicle parked there at the residence? Yes.

I notice that there are three clocks in Ito’s courtroom. One behind the judge, one behind the gallery and one over the jury box. Unusual.

After they came back to the house (what did you do)?
Went to the security trailer to debrief.

(The next day, when did you arrive at the Carolwood residence?)
Arrived at Carolwood close to noon.

At some time around noon, left residence to go to the bank. While he was out, he got a phone call from Michael Amir Williams that something was wrong with Michael, that Michael Amir had received a phone call from Dr Murray.

When he got to the residence, were you allowed back onto the property?

He got on the property and called Michael Amir...and made sure that he was correct about going upstairs.

What was the policy?
No one was allowed upstairs. Made sure it was okay to proceed upstairs.

Where did you go?
At top of stairs turned left.

New photos are put up on the ELMO People’s next in evidence #9 I think. Photos of up at the top of the stairs I believe. Next exhibit #10 top of stairs. Show’s the room that Faheem entered. More photos are entered into evidence. I’m having trouble staying awake. It happens every time I’m in a courtroom. I think it's the mass of fluorescent lights that does it to me.

When you first walked in, (who did you see)?
I saw Roberto Alvarez.

Where was he?
He was on the side of the bed, pacing back and fourth. He was in stress. You could see that something bad was going on.

Witness indicates with the laser pointer where he first saw Roberto Alvarez.

He’s near the entrance off to the foyer and he’s pacing?

I also observed... (snip) I first spoke to Alberto and he says it’s not looking good. I asked him if 911 had been called. He said, "Yes."

I proceeded to go check for myself. (Not sure what question was.)

I first remember seeing Michael Jackson's feet, were in a particular location.

That’s when I seen Dr. Murray on his knees attempting compressions with (one hand?). (snip) Mr. Jackson with his eyes and his mouth open and he’s laying there.

Questions about whether Jackson was dead or not. Objection. Sustained.

As a layperson did he appear to be alive?
No sir.

What was Dr, Murray doing?
I remember him being in a panic state. I remember him asking if anyone knew CPR.

Was Dr. Murray on his knees?
He was on his knees.

I didn’t see Dr. Murray first because he was lower and the bed was higher.

Dr. Murry was closer to the...? h
He was on the far side of the bad between that area (of?) the nightstand and the bed.

New photo, where he saw Dr. Murray.

Was anyone else in the room other than yourself?

At some point did you see Michael's children?
They were.... Prince was right near the doorway, he was about 2 steps inside. He didn’t have a visible on his father. She (Paris) was father out, in the landing area on her knees crying.

When you saw Dr. Murray on his knees did you notice if he was perspiring?
No sir.

Do you recall telling the police that he was sweating?
I can't get a picture in my mind right now but I do recall...

That’s when Dr. Murray asked if anyone knew CPR?
I looked at Roberto, kind of shocked.

What did Alberto do after the shocked look?
Alberto attempted to assist Dr. Murry to give CPR.

Had already asked if 911 had been called and they had been called. He then left at some point to get the nanny to get the children away from all of what was going on. Left the room, went downstairs with the children and came back up. He did that about 4 or five times.

At some time the paramedics arrived at the scene. Briefed them as to what was going on.

Prior to that time had you ever seen Mr J hooked up to any equipment?
He did see and IV stand.

Doesn't ‘recall where the IV stand was when he first went into the room.

Question about (Dr. Murray?)
Stayed in the room.

Sitting there, just watching what was going on.

(after paramedics arrived)

At some point paramedics transported him out of the room?

Witness left the room, to deal with paparazzi because to block them from shooting images of Michael Jackson. Saw the paramedics exiting the home. The children were in a corridor of the house. Followed the paramedics to UCLA. Blocked Michael Jackson's body from paparazzi and then covered the children wit their jackets.

Then made preparations for Michael Jackson's family to arrive.

At some point became did you become aware that Michael Jackson was pronounced dead?

Do you remember Michael Amir approaching with a request from Dr. Murray?
Objection! Sustained.

In response to what Michael Amir said, in regards, what did you say about the car keys?
The police took the car keys so no one could go back to the house.

Sometime after that, didn’t Dr. Murry approach you directly.

What did he say?
Dr. Murry said that he was hungry and that he wanted to go get something to eat.

Do you recall how much time had elapsed after Michael Jackson was pronounced dead, when did Dr. Murray ask?
It was about 30 or 45 minutes. I told him there was a cafe in the hospital.

At some point did he tell you that he had to leave?
He said that he was tired, and that he needed to leave.

When was that?
About 30 minutes after that.

He saw Dr. Murry leave through some doors at UCLA.

Now about his interview with police?
Interview was at Mr. Jackson’s house.

Told police everything he knew?
No. It was quick interview. It was 10 minutes, maybe less.

On Aug 31st, you sat down with Detective Smith and Meyers? Gave a truthful and accurate statement?

Now asking about his phone number he was using at that time.

CROSS by Chernoff.

How is it that it came to be that you made a statement to the police? How did that happen.
The police contacted him.

The detectives contacted Amir Williams. (Q? A?)

Do you know if they contacted you before your lawyer taked to them?

Asks how it is that he had a lawyer.
Objection. Sustained.

His lawyer was present on subsequent inerviews with police.

You said that 20-30 minutes at the hospital first talked to you.? Withdrawal question.

Did he ever speak to you at the hosptial before that?
Dr. Murray was in the room (with Jackson. (?)

Do you know what time, Drm Murray told you that he wanted to get something to eat?

Could it have been 4:30? Could it have been earlier, later?

When was he pronounced dead?
I dont know the exact time.

Defense is now crossing him on if he walked out of the hospital.

Did you see him talkng to Jermaine Jackson to help prepare a statemnt to the press?

Not sure as to what time Dr. Murray left the hospital.

Have you looked at any documents today to refresh your recolection?

Witness looked at statements he made to police.

What time did Michael Amir call you 12:05 pm?

Defense now crossing him on the phone call.....and his events after he go the call from Michael Amir.

Mini disaster. My trackball mouse fell off my lap and the trackball went flying (Totally embarrassing moment! Another reporter retreives it and I get it back.). My mouse died when it hit the floor. I couldn't get it to work. I miss a bunch of cross of this witness. Sorry!

Back inside the overflow room, cross continues.

Linda Deutsch from the Associated Press came into the overflow room to let her colleague into the courtroom.

Do you know how long he was preforming CPR?

When Alberto went to help Dr. Murray, did Alberto Alvarez take over doing the CPR for Dr. Murray?

Was there more than one paramedic performing CPR?
What I saw, they were giving him shots. They were giving him the machine, the electric shock.

You’re sure they were giving him electric shock?

You don’t remember the paramedics using mouth to mouth?

Did you see anybody do that?

Did you see anyone compress down on Michael Jackson’s chest?
No sir, not that I recall.

But you remember that device being brought up?
I assumed it was that machine.

I saw a machine being brought up.

You only knew Michael Jackson for 5 months?

Did you ever call Dr. Murray for Michael Jackson's benefit?

Did you ever call any doctor for Michael Jackson's benefit?
Objection! Relevance! Sustained.

Do you remember at any time, being upstairs on the 21st?
Objection. Sustained.

He’s talking about the 21st.

Lets clear up the times that you went up and down the stairs.

1st time to take the children to the nanny. How long did that take?
Took a couple minutes.

Then went down to get the cars lined up to take Michael Jackson to the hospital.
Told another security detail to do it.

All of this would have happened before the paramedics arrived?

Then went up and down 2 0r 3 times?
One time was to tell security to put the children in the car.

Did you ever see Alberto Alvarez bring the children down stairs?
I dont’ recall.

Did anybody other than you do that with the children?
Possibly because I didn’t do that myself.

Where were you when you realize you were going back to Carolwood?
Doesn’t remember when or who told him to go back to the house.

Once left Carolwood, Larry and Lewis were instructed to keep the property secured.

Questions about his qualifications to be head of security. Witness testifies when he was first hired, He originally was hired as a driver.

Now asking about what he does now.
Objection! Overrulled.

And Alberto Alverez, how often do you see him?
I see him (frequently?)

Do you remember when the paramedics arrived?

Question after question about what he remembers about the sequence of events. Now asks him about his phone number and the area code. It’s registered out of Phoenix.

Did you ever tell police that your name was Larry?

Do you know a Larry Mohamed?
I know two Larry’s. The guard with the last name, at the gate. The only other Larry Mohamed is a relative.

If you remember, did you touch anything, in Michael Jackson's room when you went upstairs?

Not a thing?
Not that I recall.

And you recall no IV bags or syringes? Did you see any of that?
No sir.

Did you see any bags that were on the chair or the floor?

Have you ever, did the police ever requested your fingerprints?
Objection! Sustained.

JP: Mr. Walgren, redirect?

No redirect.

Judge asks counsel to approach.

JP: This court is currently involved in a jury trial and he needs to address something. They are going to recess this matter at this time.

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发表于 2011-1-23 20:21:05 | 显示全部楼层
#4 Alberto Alvarez (Security)证词

#4 Alberto Alvarez

Direct examination by DDA David Walgren

This is the second person that was in Jackson's bedroom; part of Jackson's security detail. News media has described him as a bodyguard.

The witness's attorney Mr. Carl Douglas present. (Carl Douglas of OJ fame.)

The prosecution asks that the court direct a man sitting (I'm guessing in the first row gallery?) in the courtroom with other defense staff to identify himself. He does. "Michael ?? with the defense." Darn. I miss his last name.

Alberto Alvarez. Judge Pastor gives his standard instruction. The camera is situated where we can't see the witness. I have no idea what he looks like.

His job was to perform "advances." Security (for the traveling route ahead). He would (be part of a detail) to go to make sure everything was ready before his (Jackson's) arrival (anywhere? at the rehearsal venue?). Sometimes he would check traffic reports so that they avoided those types of security shut downs. Employed by Jackson on and off since 2004-2005 . (His title was) Director of Logistics. (Oh lord. A title for a person who checks a route.)

(It) was at Carolwood in that (he worked) employment?
That's correct.

During the time while working at Carolwood address, did you at any time meet Dr Murray? Witness identifies the defendant.

When did you first met Dr. Murray?
Sometime after Jan 2009. Don't recall exactly. Met him at the property 100 N. Carolwood.

In the months April, May, June, did you see him there with (any) regularity?
Yes sir. Maybe five to six times a week.

When would he Dr. Murray typically arrive at the residence?
Typically, in the afternoons.

To you knowledge would he stay overnight?
Yes sir.

Going to the events of 24th & 25th of June, 2009. Did M have rehearsal at Staples Center?

Did you work as part of the advance team?
That's correct.

What time (did you) leave Carolwood?
Approximately about 6 pm.

Who if anybody accompanied (you)?
Issiac (Mon???)

And what did you do?
What we usually did was walk through the entire venue, quick scan, make sure there wasn’t any one there was wasn’t supposed (to be). Get Staples security and that everything was secure and that his dressing room was secure.

(You) did the same advance work on the 24th?
Yes sir. (snip) Was there to greet him and take him through. I took him from the Escalade caravan through the complex.

Question missed.
What I remember is (that) he was happy in a very cheerful mood. That day I was assigned to the back stage. There was a ramp at the back stage (where the dancers came through). (He was not out in the arena where Jackson was rehearsing.)

This ramp is that where you were located?

(So) he didn’t have much interaction with Michael throughout the rehearsals. His only interaction was through the “ball park.” (On the return trip home.) He then took Michael with the golf cart to the Escalades.

Still appeared to be in good spirits?
Yes sir. Once we got him back into his vehicle. Then his job was to select the route to drive back to Carolwood.

Arrived before Mr. Jackson?
Yes sir.

Did you see a vehicle that you recognized as Dr. Murry's?

What time did you arrive?
It was after midnight sir.

Exhibit People's #4, Dr. Murray’s vehicle. He did not see Dr. Murray. Just his vehicle. (He) then parked the vehicle in the driveway and make sure the (front) door was open.

(Was he) part of the crew to bring things into the house?
Yes sir.

He then checked into the security office beside the trailer.

About 12:17 p.m. did you receive a phone call?
Yes, from Michael Amir.

On that day, do you recall what the phone number was?
(Witness reads number.)

12:17 received from Michael Amir Williams?
That’s correct.

(Walgren asks if he answered the call.)
No. I was sitting at my desk, and my phone was in my pocket. I reached into the pocked but by the time I pulled it out it had gone to voice mail. So I dialed back twice and he was able to answer. He proceeded to ask me (if I was) at the property. I said, "Yes." He said, "Get up (to the house) don't be so, (rough?) Go to the front." He said, "Walk don’t run."

Exhibit of the front of the house. DDA Walgren has him identify the security trailer and photo of the front door. Has him show on the exhibits the path he took from the trailer to the front door.

While you were walking path were you on the phone with Michael Williams?
Yes I am.

Are you continuing to converse with him?

Another question.
Then he said, "Okay never mind jog to the front of the house."

Did you go to the front door and attempt to open the door?
Yes sir.

Were you able to gain access?
Not immediately. The door was locked.

Photo of the front door.

Were you looking through the front door as you approached?

When you first looked through (who did you see)?
I saw the nanny.

Rosalie (Sp?) Mohamed? (Sp?)
(Yes?) And Paris next to her. (snip) I saw Kai Chase. And I looked toward the top and I noticed Dr. Conrad (there?).

Another photo exhibit. Front doors are glass doors. Witness describes the entrance way and entry areas in the house.

Paris was standing right next to Rose. Rosalyn and Paris were standing (here) in People's Exhibit six. Points to general area. They were to the left of the photo near the stair.

And that’s where Sister Rose, Kai Chase, the chef (were)?

She's located further back from Paris and Rosalie as we look at the photo?

Also saw Dr M?
Yes sir.

He was in this area? Walgren points at top of (photo) showing the wood railing of the landing area.

What was he doing at that time?
When I saw him he was leaning over, looking downward. (The witness demonstrates palms on a rail looking downstairs). I made eye contact with Rosalyn. She proceeded to the door and unlocked the door.

Still on the phone?
(Yes.) I told Michael Amir that I was in the house.

Okay now, runs up the stairs. (? Q or A)

What did you do?
I got to the stairs, skipped steps to get to the top as fast as possible.

Arrived at top of stairway?
Yes sir.

At that point (?)?
When I got to top of the stairs, Dr. Murry was coming from hallway and he was walking in towards (???)

Witness goes over a diagram as to where people were. Goes over where Dr. Murray was.

What direction was he walking?
Walking in towards the room this way.

Did you walk into the room at that time?
I walked in as soon as (?).

Who enters foyer area first?
Dr. Murray.

As you were walking to that area, did you see at any times Michael's son Prince?
As I was coming up the stairs I saw Michael's son Prince coming from the opposite direction. (He had reached the top of the stairs at this point.)

Prince was walking in the opposite direction of you?

This sucks that we can't see the exhibits on the screen in 107! Sprocket

When you first saw Dr. Murray did he say anything to you?
He said "Alberto, come quick."

He was still on the phone with Michael Amir and then at that point hung up with Michael Amir.

Does the Exhibit in front of you, does that show the entry way in the foyer?
Witness shows on the exhibit where he was. As I entered the foyer, looked over to my right side, and walked toward the right side, 2nd floor bedroom (#2 on exhibit).

Now when you first walked in what did you see Dr. Murray do?
He was on the right side of the bed and he was giving chest impressions to Michael. He was already giving him chest compressions.

As he looked in he (Dr. Murray) was on the right side of the bed. (Q? A?)

As you’re standing on the foyer looking into this bedroom, Dr. Murray was on the far side of the bed? Michael was on this (side) laying with his feet facing this (way)?

Laying on the bed with his feed toward the direction in the area located (a) balcony? (His) head was customarily at the head of the bed?
Yes sir.

What observations did you make about Mr. Jackson?
He was flat on his back with his hands to the side of him in this manner (witness demonstrates) and his face was slightly to the left and his eyes were open and his mouth was open.

His head to the left, his head was slightly turned toward they foyer area?
That's correct.

What did you see Dr. Murray (do)?
He was standing over him. He was giving him chest compressions with one hand.

Witness is demonstrating with one hand up and down.

While this was going on M was on the bed?
Yes sir.

And while this was going on Paris and Prince entered the room?
As I observed Alberto (said?), "We need to get him to an hospital and get him to and ambulance!" Paris screamed, "Daddy!" And she started crying. Dr. Murray then said, "Get them out!! Don't let them see their father like this!" (It's interesting, the tone of voice the witness uses for each person when he's describing what they said.) I turned to children (and said something like) "Don’t worry children we'll take care of it." And then got (them to go) outside (the bedroom). I secured them outside and then I shut the door. (snip)

(I) then returned to the room where Michael Jackson was on the bed I asked what happened. Dr. Murray said, "He had a reaction! He had a reaction!" (The witness quotes Dr. Murray in an excited manner.) And that’s all he said at the time.

At some point, on your return to the room after escorting children out, did you notice tubing or some type of tubing in Michael Jackson's groin areas? His penis was out of his underwear and he had an apparatus on his penis and there was tubing attached to his (cover?).

Do you know what a condom catheter is?

Was that something that attracted your attention?
I saw that.

Did you see any type of emergency medical equipment such as a heart monitor or medical equipment at that nature?
The only thing that stands out sir, is an IV stand.

Did you see, where was the IV stand when you saw it?
It was in this direction here (using the laser pointer to indicate on an Exhibit) on this side of the bed.

(Witness indicating) the general location of where Dr. Murray was the far side of the bed, the night stand and the chairs.

Could you tell if there IV stand had anything attacked to it?
I notice it was there, I just focused... I didn't focus on it.

By this time, you knew that he was Michael Jackson's person a doctor?
Yes sir.

Did he instruct you on what do to do?
After he said, a bad reaction, I was froze. I was looking at the situation. I looked around at the whole scene and then he (Murray) grabbed (a?) handful of bottles, vials and he instructed me to put then into a bag. I looked toward my right and there was a chair and a plastic bag so I went for that bag and grabbed that and I had him put the medicine bottles in the bag.

From where did Conrad Murray grab these medicine bottles? There was a night stand, or little table in this area, here, (indicating on the exhibit) the side of the bed that Dr. Murray was on.

Adjacent to the bed at the head of the bed?
Yes sir.

Photo Exhibit. People's thirteen, night stand.

What exactly then did you see Dr. Murray do?
I saw him grab the bottles (witness demonstrating with one hand). (He) grabbed those, stretched them out to me.

Was he (still at the bed?) Was he actually kneeling at this time?

(DDA Question about the bag.)
It was see-through type of grocery bag. I was standing at the foot of the bed sir. He was closer to the (left?).

You held open the plastic bag?
Yes sir. He (Murray) then placed the bottles in the bag.

How were (you) able to tell they were bottles?
I saw them. He held them out and put them in the bag. (Witness demonstrates how he held the bag open and how Dr. Murray dropped the bottles in the bag.)

Now bottles are now in the bag. What did Dr Murry tell you to do that bag?
Put it (clear plastic bag) inside the brown bag and I looked towards that direction (Dr. Murray indicated) and saw a brown bag, that was left of a chair facing the bag. There was a brown bag and I dropped the bag.

You dropped the plastic bag into a brown bag?
Yes sir.

Question about the bag or to describe it.
It looked like a reusable lunch (bag) things, it was brown bag with a (light weight?) beside it. There was a blue bag right next to it.

When then, did (you do after) that?
He then instructed me to remove the IV bag.

At this point 911 had not been called yet?
That's true sir.

At this point he had not instructed you to call 911?
That's a true statement. (Q? A?)

(DDA Question?) From his position, he pointed in one hand at the IV stand, (said) remove that bag and put it in the blue bag?

Did you remove it per his instructions and did you put int in a blue bag?
That's correct.

And did you notice anything about that blue bag?
Yes sir.

The IV bag was handing at eye level. (Q? A?)
I noticed that inside there was an bottle inside the bag. I noticed that, at the bottom of the bag there was a milk like substance. (Separated?)

It was a milk like color?
It was whitish, yes sir.

And when you removed that IV bag that appeared to have a bottle inside, was there another bag hanging from IV?

Did Dr. Murray instruct you to remove that bag?
No sir.

At that point did he tell you to call 911?
Yes sir.

And did you do so?
Yes sir.

DDA: At this point I would like to play the 911 call. People’s transcript submitted into evidence. The evidence is the CD and the transcript.... (not evidence). The defense objects. I think defense object that it might not be the correct transcript? ??? Copy of transcript presented to witness and it’s also up on the ELMO (which we can’t see). The defense complains to the Judge.

"Why put it on the ELMO, there doesn't seem to be any evidentiary purpose since it’s not evidence." Judge allows it. We hear the 911 call.

You relayed to operator that Michael Jackson was still on the bed while Dr. Murry was attempting some kind of compressions?
Yes sir.

In regard to the bags that Dr. Murray had you place the bags and the IV in, do you know what happened to those bags?
No sir.

Where the compressions still being done with the one hand?
I don't recall sir.

Have you told the police back in August that it was one handed, where you trying to be as accurate as possible?
Yes sir.

Once the 911 concluded, (did you) give (information? instruction? to Dr. Murray (?)?
I went and I believe (I? he? -911 op? said? send?) move (Michael) to the floor. I grabbed his legs and there was an IV in his legs, so he, (Dr. Murray) took the IV out.

The witness testifies about a device possibly attached to Michael Jackson's finger. Do you know what a pulse oximeter is?
No sir.

Dr Murray assisted in bringing the body to the floor. There was a pulse oximeter on his finger, Dr Murray took it off his finger. (I think I have that correct.)

Witness describes what he saw of the pulse oximeter. The DDA, through questioning reminds the witness of earlier testimony with detectives where he said he had seen Dr. Murray with the pulse oximeter, a period of time before Michael Jackson's death.

Witness describes how Dr. Murray came to the trailer room and asking of batteries a few days before and the witness gave batteries to Dr. Murray. He was holding this same device that he placed on his (Jackson's) finger.

Some kind of commotion happened that I miss and the Reporter next to me is kicked out.

DDA Question.
While Faheem Mohamed was in the room, I approached him and said, "It’s not looking good."

DDA Question.
While we were looking at (each) other, I heard Dr Murray say, "Does anyone know CPR?" We (witness and Faheem Mohamed) looked at each other for a split frozen second, like at each other. Like, okay, you do it. So I walked over to Mr Jackson. He (Dr. Murray) instructed me to give chest compressions. He was pushing with two hands one over the other. He started giving him mouth to mouth.

Did Dr. Murry make any comment about giving mouth to mouth?
He came and said, :This is the first time that I've give mouth to mouth, but I have to do it because he’s my friend."

Now at about this time, did you become aware that paramedics had arrived at the scene? Paramedics came into the entry way.

At that point did they take over trying to save Michael?
I moved out of the way.

Did you see Michael? Were you present when he was moved from the side to the foot of the bed? Yes sir. Witness shows (the move of the body) on the diagram.

Using laser pointer could you show where Michael was moved to?
Moved him from this direction. Notes on diagram.

Did you remain in the room while the paramedics tried to revive Michael?
Yes, I was in and out. I went downstairs to let Michael Amir in. At one time I went down again to check on the children.

At any point during your own personal observations was there any indication that he was (alive)? Objection! Sustained.

Did it appear to you that Michael was breathing?
No sir.

You said his eyes were open and his mouth was open?
Yes sir.

When you picked him up was hie limp?

So did he seem to be alive or dead? (Objection was overruled.)
Dead sir.

Were you present when paramedics took Michael out of the room?
I was walking up when they were walking down the stairs with the stretcher.

Was it the same stairs that we've been referencing throughout?
Yes sir.

What did you do as Michael was brought out of the home and brought into the ambulance?
I was watching the children and making sure they didn’t see him being brought out.

At some point, did you follow the ambulance to UCLA Medical?
I was in one of the Escalades.

Did you remain at the hospital and subsequent ER treatment of Michael?

At some point at hospital, did you become aware that Mr. Jackson had been pronounced dead? Yes.

After learning that, while still at UCLA did Dr. Murray say anything to you?
He approached me a couple of times. First time, he said, "Thank you for all that we did." We tried (our?) best, I said. He asked me if we could go home or (him be) taken (back to the) home.

DDA Question.
I didn’t have the keys or the authority .

He (Murray) proceeded to ask Michael Amir.

After that, did you ever see Dr. Murray again?
No sir.

At some point were you involved in the logistics to leave UCLA?
After they had secured the body we discussed how we were going to take him out. We then (learned) that it was all taken care of and we proceeded to, me, Amir , Faheem and Derek (sp?) and myself, we drove around towards Carolwood. (At the house) we saw that there was already a lot of police officers that had blocked off the area. We identified ourselves and they (police) let us in.

Did you remain at that location?
I was there or a few minutes. Then I was instructed to take the children's dog to the Havenhurst property. A Labrador that they owned so I proceed to... It didn't have a leash, so I used my belt and took it to Havenhurst.

Another residence associated with the Jackson family?

I believe the morning break is called. There's more testimony for this day and I will put it up either in this entry or a new entry when I have time to work on it. Sprocket.

15 minute break

CROSS (I'm sorry I can't remember who performed the cross. Possibly Chernoff.)

Questions about his work hours.

You were there by schedule, not by coincidence?
Yes sir.

And you worked the night before?
Yes sir.

When did you finish your scheduled (shift) on the 24th? (Did your?) work went through the 25th (and) finished about 12:30 a.m., one in the morning?
Yes sir.

I want to clear up some things that were said. When did you exactly place Michael Jackson on the floor? When (I?) was on the call you had mentioned that Michael Jackson was limp when you picked him up. That was your testimony earlier?

Defense Question.
I grabbed him by his ankles; by his calf area and Dr Murray lifted him from his head or shoulders?
Yes. From this part.

JP: What part?
From the shoulder sir.

And I’m sure you were careful with him?
Yes sir.

And you still had your phone with you?
Yes sir.

Before you placed him on the floor, exhibit brought out.... can you please show us where this IV stand was?
In around that direction.

Was was it still connected to Michael Jackson?
Prior to us moving (Jackson), Dr M removed the IV.

Just before (he was) moved to the floor?
Yes sir.

(Did he have to also move the IV stand?
I don't recall sir because it was a pretty long tube connect to the IV.

Brought him down right beside the bed? Show us where the IV stand was.

Right they by the night stand. (Q? A?)

And where did you place Mr. Jackson?
We placed him right there.

(I think Walgren objects.) Witnessed has twice identified the areas.

You did this while you were on the 911 call.
Yes sir.

You say that you were continuously on the phone with Michael Amir until you saw Dr Murray?

As son as you saw Dr. Murray and you hung up the phone?
Yes sir.

From that period that you hung up the phone until you called 911, that’s the time that you place the items in the bag and the IV bags? You were sure that it was before the 911 call just as sure as when you placed mg on the floor?
That’s correct sir.

Where were you when Dr Murray first say you?
On the landing. Points on the diagram where everyone was. He was here and he said, "Alberto, come, come (quick) please."

Judge Pastor asks the witness to clarify the on the diagram more specifically. He noticed me coming up the stairs and that’s when he said those words to me.

You said, that Dr. Murry was leaning over the landing when you were outside the door?
I didn’t make eye contact with Dr Murry at that point.

He first saw you when you had already made you way up on the landing?
Yes sir.

Then Dr. Murray goes into the foyer and you follow him there?
That's correct.

Asks what the weather was on that typical sunny day. Michael Jackson's bedroom was dimly lit.? Quite a contrast from what you experienced outside?
Not too much sir.

What would you mean by dimly lit? Would, is the courtroom dimly lit? Was it less bright than in the courtroom?

So you walked in. You testified you saw Dr. Murray perform CPR, and he was on the other side of the bed when you walked in the room?

You don’t know where his other had was, when he was giving compression?

He was going like this with his left hand and he was saying we have to get an ambulance. (Q? A?)

At that point I was reaching for my phone.

You don’t know if he placed his hand on his back, or other hand on his knees?

At the time you got the phone call from M Amir there was nothing going on at the residence? Correct.

Would you say your concern was ratcheted up quite a bit?
Yes sir.

And you're security, and part of your responsibility is to make sure Michael Jackson is okay?

So he’s telling you to walk to the door then telling you to job to the door, would you say your concern was getting higher and higher?
Yes sir.

And as you got upstairs in the room and you saw him lying there with his eyes and mouth open. you were even more clearly alarmed?

From (1 to 10?) 19 would you say a ten?
I would say so yes.

Would it be fair to say you were in shock?

The first thing he said, we need an ambulance and he said that word, then you reached to your phone; you were going to call 911 because you knew what he meant? Objection! Sustained!

Because you knew he meant because when you walked into the room, you didn’t know he needed an ambulance. As soon a you reached for the phone I hear Paris there. Well I heard Paris scream daddy daddy!! ??? (Q)

Then Dr Murray (and you?) both agree (?)?
He instructed me to escort them out.

But you would have done that on your own? Those kids mattered to you.
Of course.

You walked them out of the door; did you tell them anything (about) what happened? (You) said, don’t worry kids we’ll take care of this and I (?) kids rushed them out tot the foyer into the landing area?
Yes sir.

Did you see their nanny at that (time)? Did you see their nanny?
No sir.

Did you call for the nanny?
No sir.

So you went back in the room, so you went through the foyer and back into the bedroom.
And then you asked him a question?

Yes sir.

You said, "What happened?" Is) Dr. Murray still performing chest compressions?
Yes sir.

Did you see the other hand? Was he still standing?
No he was kneeling.

It could have been under his back you still don know?
No I don’t.

And Dr Murray told you he had a bad reaction and that’s when you say that Dr. Murry told you to put some things in the bags.

And that Dr, Murry told you take something of an IV bag and put it in bag. You put the IV bag off the stand and put it in a blue bag?

And you looked for a plastic bag, and put it in front of Dr. Murray? All of this happened, and you still have not called 911?

Then you you called 911 after setting everything down?

Do you know what time you called 911 ?
Approximately 12 21 p.m.

How did you know that?
I looked at my phone log.

Did you happen to hear or see your voice on the 911 call on TV? Did you ever (hear) that on TV that it was on 12:12 p.m.?
Yes sir.

You actually spoke to another operator before that call?

Do you (?)
I don't recall that sir.

Do you recall getting a hold of Beverly Hills dispatch?

You don’t remember the transferring of you to this other dispatch?
I don’t recall that.

Did you have at time to review your cell phone records?
I did that today.

With the prosecution? Did they show you the 911 call on your records? Did you see the call made at 12:20 p.m.?
I did see that, that’s correct.

All these things happened before you made this 911 call?

How long do you say that you were talking to Michael Amir? Michael Amir phone call came from 12 :17 p.m. How long did that conversation last?
I d say over 1 minute.

And you saw in your in your record that call lasted 88 seconds?
Yes sir.

I didn’t recall what you said when you met him first. Some time after (1/1 January 1st? )?
After I started working at Carolwood.

Were you friends with Dr. Murray?
We actually had a couple of conversations, yes.

In depth?
Other than that it was just a hi Dr. Murray. Only a couple of times that we actually held a conversation.

It was somebody you knew?

No relationship that you had with Dr Murray that would have you to conspire in some way was there?
No sir.

You called him,the second time? (Going over the phone call from Michael Amir.)
Now questions about when Faheem showed up at the house.

How much time before the phone call from Michael Amir from when Faheem left the residence? Objection! Sustained!

Judge Pastor: Did you see Faheem leave the residence (when he went to the bank)?

You're aware that there is surveillance cameras at Carolwood and there is time? You didn know? no sir.

Have you ever had an occasion to observe that video surveillance yourself?
Did you know where the surveillance cameras were pointing?
Not all sir. I did deal with the security on the property. I know of one at the gate then one right by the garage, and know some of them were pointing towards the back exterior.

Do you know anything about cameras pointing at the front door of the residence?
I don't recall sir.

Now that front door is always open, it’s always open?
No, it would be locked up. but the kitchen door, next to the security trial, that door is always locked. For the most part it would be.

Do you remember Michael Amir tell you to go the the front door?

Did you know why?
No sir.

The only time we were permitted to go into the property was through the kitchen door and that was to use the bathroom.

But you remember Michael Amir telling you specifically to go to the font door?
Yes sir.

When you first entered the room... Back up. after you placed Michael Jackson on the ground, you said that Dr. Murray was performing CPR and (you) were having a conversation with Faheem Mohamed. At the time were you pacing or were you over (?)
By Dr. Murray sir.

And what were you doing, what was Dr. Murray doing when Faheem entered?
We had (?) him on the floor. As soon as we had placed him on the floor, that's when Fhaeem came in. I didn’t kneel.

I think we had already placed him.

So he walked in when?
I was at the feet of Mr. Jackson at the time.

And what were you doing?

And Dr. Murray, was doing compressions?
Yes, he did.

When Dr. Murray asked if either one of you knew how to perform CPR, did you find that suspicious?
No I didn’t think anything of it.

To be continued....

So, you placed vials in the bag. (Another question?)
When I had it open, it was a clear plastic bag.

Do you remember discussing this entire incident to police, and that was recorded on audio tape, taking police on August 31st?
Yes sir.

During that interview you never told that the vials were taken off the side table. And during today's (testimony) you said that Dr Murray held out his hands, and that’s what you showed us today. And you said in his hand were some vials. And the hand that he was holding out (?)?
I did see. I saw him reach over.

Well this is important so lets think about it. What hand did he use to grab those bottles of the side table?
His right and sir.

And the hand he reached out with the vials, that was his right hand too?
Yes sir.

Can you tell us what these vials were?
I just can remember they were the type of bottles that you get syringes in them and you get medicine out of them. (Another question here?) The whole things were clear.

And was there a color to the top of the vial?
I remember they were surrounded by a silver... don't remember.

Any other color than silver? How many were there?
I don't know sir. I remember there were a few.

So you ‘re saying it could be three or four?

Could it be two?
I know there were more than two.

So your standing while that happens?
I din’t look into the bag, but I saw him drop them in the bag.

Was there anything else in that bag?
No sir.

Same testimony, about grabbing the bag when Dr. Murray told him to put the vials in the bag. Pastor asks witness to clarify where he was pointing. More detailed questions about the plastic bag and the bottles. I think either testimony is read back or the defense attorney is reading his statement here. Then pointed, looking towards the brown bag, and he said “place them in that brown bag.”

There was a chair on this side, here in this areas here, and the bags were on the far side of the chair on the floor. And you mentioned a blue bag was that also on the chair?
On the side of the chair, yes.

Did you ever touch these vials?
No. never.

When all then was going on, did you ever have an opportunity to see this or other bottles anywhere, any syringes there?

Did, you didn’t touch a syringe?
No sir.

This bag that you touched, took (the IV?) off this stand,
That’s correct. I had to curl it around.

There was a period of time you were holding that that IV bag?
That’s correct sir.

(You stated?) that there was something in the bottom, that white milky fluid, and your’e sure that was absolutely in that was milky white?
Yes sir.

And thee was a bottle “inside the bag” and that’s something that you told the police as well?

In fact that you drew a drawing for the police.
It was towards the bottom of the bag.

And yous sure that it was IN that IV bag? There’s no doubt about it?

I don’t know how that could be. Very confusing. (Q? A? My comment?)

It, the IV bag that was left on the stand, was the one that was connected to Michael Jackson? Do you remember that?
Yes sir.

The one that you took off the IV bag wasn’t connected to anything?
Yes sir.

When he asked you to take that off, that was a very quick operation, it all happened all at the same time? One instruction after another?

Was anything, was that IV bag (stand?) moved?
I mean I don’t know sir, I don’t know if it rolled away.

Did yo move it yourself?
I could have. I don’t recall.

One of the things you testified, that there was a dark brown machine on the bed?
Yes sir.

But that was also placed on Michael Jackson's finger when it was placed on. That was actually during the time of the call. Do you remember talking to police about this particular machine on August 31 2009?

And you do you remember describing what this machine looked like ?
Yes sir. It had one wire with a rectangle that had Mr. Jackson's finger in it.

Do you recall telling officers on the 31st that the machine had wires, plural, hanging on from it?
I don’t remember if I said wire. I remember there was one wire.

Do you remember the picture?

And you drew this for police?

And you remember that it was fastened onto his finger? You said, "I could have said placed?" Could you have said “placed into?”
I don’t know sir I could have.

Defense asks if he’s ever seen a pulse oximeter?
No sir.

When you told police on the 3st you told them you had never seen that machine before, but today, you said that you had seen it before. So that’s the truth that you had seen it before?
That’s correct sir.

The first time, briefly, he what it was, because he was placing the batteries inside the machine. (Q? A?)

But you do recall Dr. Murray telling you that it was for monitoring? Objection! Sustained.

You testified that Dr. Murry told you what it was for. What did he tell you?
I couldn't give you the exact words but I know it was something about monitoring.

On August 31st, at that time, it didn’t come to me sir.

Now back to the, were there any other items left in the room after you placed (the IV bags in the bags?) in the room or anything else that you saw?

JP: Limited to if he saw. Objection! Def: Withdrawn.

You said there were a number of vials placed in the bag. Would it be fair to say you never saw any other bottles.
No sir I didn’t see any. I remember seeing one of those thins that you put over your mouth and pump with air.

When did you see that?
I dont’ recall sir.

Did you eve go in that room after June 25th?

After that time , you never when upstairs again?
No sir.

You remember that breathing apparatus the room? Was it on the floor?
Yes sir.

Do you remember because pictures were shown to you?
No. I remember sir.

Remember policy officers spoke to you at the hospital?
Don’t know by name sir, but they were both present.

Was it Orlando Martinez and Scott Smith?

Afterward you went to the Caorlwood house with Amir and ?? Do you know why you went back to the house?
No sir.

You don't remember a conversation that Michael Amir had (with you?) that "The police wanted to talk t us?"
No sir.

Do you remember what time (he went back to the house?)?
I remember it was about 5 o'clock.

Now asking about taking the dog to Hayvenhurst property.

In fact, you didn’t find all of that suspicious at all? (I believe this is about the medicines Dr. Murray had him put in plastic bags.)
No I didnt sir.

You just thought it was all being packed up to take to the hospital?
Yes sir.

When you left the hospital, how soon after you left the hospital did you discuss the incident with Faheem and Michael Amir?

When was... Objection! (Don't know ruling but possibly overruled.)

When was the fist time that you discussed it with Faheem Mohamed?
I think it was a day or two afterwards when I started seeing the report on CNN.

Was it on at that point in time that you decide to hire a lawyer? Objection. Sustained.

There is no ... You’re just trying to tell us what happen?
Yes sir.

You were being honest with the police on August 31st?
Yes sir.

Do you remember when our investigator came out to talk to you?
It was late.

Can you remember that?

And you wouldn't take to us?
You said, you said, "Go call my lawyer?"

You’re just trying to tell us what happened?

Why wouldn’t you talk to us? You just trying to state the facts?

Why wouldn't you talk to our investigator?
I was instructed by my attorney.

Sometime after this year, in June of 2010, after Dr. Murray had been charged with manslaughter, were you asked to give your fingerprints? Objection! Sustained.

Were you ever given your fingerprints? Objection! Sustained.

After August 31st, did you have an conversation with your lawyer? Objection Sustained.

How long did you stay at Jackson's residence after you drop the dog off? You testified you brought the dog to the Hayvenhurst residence. And that’s the Jackson (Michael's mother) residence?

In Encino?

How long did you stay there?
Not too long sir. a

After some time, after the death of Michael Jackson, were you employed?
I was security for the children sir.

Who hired you?
I spoke to Janice and Mrs. Jackson, sir.

And this is a job you sought out? Did you seek this job out.
Occasionally I reached out to check on the children sir. And at one time it was discussed how I might be able to obtain the job.

In August 2009, you were not employed by the Jackson family?

When did you go to work for them?
It was around February, March 2010.

So you were hired 2010? yes. You were not yet hired in August 2009 by the Jackson family? You were hired in 2010 by the Jackson family?
Yes sir.

When did you stop employment?
April, May. I was only there for 2 months.

Did you quit? Objection! Sustained. 252

Mr. Alvarez were you, you one of the staff that was to go to England for this 2009 tour?
Did you have the opportunity to go to England? Did you pay for that trip? Objection! Relevance. Sustained.

Who payed for that trip? Objection! Sustained!

Where are you currently employed? Objection! Relevance! Sustained.

How do you get paid? Do you have a job? Objection! Relevance! Sustained!


Since the death of Michael Jackson, have you been contacted by media outlets on repeated basis?
Yes sir.

On repeated occasions?
Yes sir.

Has it been suggested by your atty, Mr. Douglas, have you not spoken (to anyone)?
Yes sir.

There was no way that you would know how to distinguish between an investigator or a reporter?
Yes sir.


Your trip to England had nothing to do to that? Objection. Relevance. Sustained.

Actually, you volunteered to police on this topic, that you wanted to help them first?

(Did you tell them?) Maybe at a later time, I might sell my story, but not just yet? Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence! Overruled.

Is that was you told them?
Yes sir.

Why did your lawyer tell you not tell you to talk to the defense? Objection! Sustained.

That's the end of the recross of this witness.

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发表于 2011-1-27 22:45:07 | 显示全部楼层

我不敢认领因为怕水平不够翻译错误,不直接看中文的是因为我们居然还有阅读作业。。。要写6篇文章的SUMMARY和2本小说的读后感 = =

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发表于 2011-2-2 18:23:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 爱迈永生 于 2011-2-3 14:44 编辑

#3法希姆穆罕默德(Faheem Mohamed)


监督MJ的安全细节并与Michael Amir Williams 保持交流,以此作为与MJ联系的渠道。

















【我注意到伊藤的法庭(Ito’s courtroom)有三个钟。一个在法官后面,一个在走廊后面,一个在陪审席(jury box)上方。这并不寻常。】


【中午的时候,他离开房子去银行。当他接到Michael Amir Williams的电话说MJ有情况时,他还在外面。Amir在电话里说,他接到了莫里医生的电话。】


他到达了房子然后给Michael Amir打了电话……确定他应当上楼。



【新照片公布在了ELMO People的下一期上.#9 我觉得,我相信那些在楼梯顶部的照片。下一个展示。#10楼梯顶部。展示了Faheem进入的那间屋子。】


我看见了阿尔贝托阿尔瓦雷斯(Alberto Alvarez)。












































侦探联系了阿米尔威廉姆斯。(Michael Amir Williams)
















[来自美国联合通讯社的琳达德语(Linda Deutsch)来到了分会场,以便她的同事进入法庭。]



















也许因为我自己也没带孩子下楼。(Possibly because I didn’t do that myself.)


















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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-25 20:59:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 stroller 于 2011-2-25 21:00 编辑

1月25日 - 提审莫里


Parties Present: Defendant- Conrad Murray and two of his defense attorneys: Chernoff and Flannagan; Deputy District Attorneys: Walgren and Brazil

FAMILY: Katherine Jackson, Randy Jackson, Jackie Jackson, Rebbie Jackson, Other family friends

· Proceedings commenced at approximately 08:50a.m.

· The People have filed the Felony Information.

· The Defendant states that his true and correct name is Conrad Robert Murray.

· The Judge arraigns the Defendant and reads the Felony Information to the Defendant in open Court, reciting the felony charge of Involuntary Manslaugher. (The charge includes the language “without malice” !!!!!!!!!!)

· Certain rights are recited to the Defendant. The Defendant waives further reading of the Information and further statement of constitutional/statutory rights.

· The Defendant orally acknowledges his understanding of the charge, as read from the Felony Information.

· The Court asks the Defendant how he pleads and Conrad Murray states: “Your Honor I am an innocent man…” The Defendant is prompted to enter a plea. The Defendant enters a plea of Not Guilty to the charge of Involuntary Manslaughter.

· The Court inquires of the attorneys regarding time-estimate for the jury trial. Defense counsel states about 8 weeks and the Prosecutor (Walgren) states 4 to 6 weeks.

· The Court states that it has sent a Memo to all counsel regarding Discovery.

· The Defense requests the statutory speedy trial, within 60 days of today. The Jury Trial date is set on the 60th day March 28, 2011, at 09:00a.m. The Prosecutor states that they will be ready for trial.

· The Prosecutor states that they have NOT received any Discovery from the Defense.

· The Court inquires as to whether jury questionnaires should be used as part of the jury selection process: the Prosecution agrees but the Defense said that they don’t know yet. The Court indicates a firm belief that jury questionnaires should be used for this case and advises all counsel to start considering/preparing possible questions for such a questionnaire.

· A Status Conference hearing is set on February 07, 2011 at 01:30p.m. **The Defendant requests to waive his personal presence for this hearing, as he will be in Houston, TX. The Court advises the Defendant of his rights to be present at all proceedings. The Court allows the Defendant to waive his personal presence by having the Defendant and both defense attorneys execute a written waiver (per Penal Code Section 977) in open court. The Defendant asks if he could still be present in the event that he becomes available on that date and the Court says yes. (The Judge actually made some comment about him being happier if the defendant appeared…, something like nothing would make me happier… this IS NOT verbatim, but it was something like that….)

· The Status Conference will address the following issues: Discovery Compliance, a more realistic time-estimate for the jury trial, readiness for the jury trial, possible questions for the jury questionnaire to be used during jury selection, the possibility of other proceedings being necessary prior to the trial date, the Court considering the allowance of live television coverage of the jury trial, and any other issues as they arise.

Document filed by CM to show he complied with the order to notify NEVADA AND TEXAS Medical board
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-25 21:01:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 stroller 于 2011-2-25 21:04 编辑

2月7日 - 第一次审前听证会


· The Status Conference Hearing commenced at approximately 01:30p.m.,

· Parties Present: The Defendant (Conrad Murray) is not present, as he had previously waived his personal appearance pursuant to Penal Code Section 977 (back at the Arraignment Hearing on 01/25/11). All three Defense attorneys are present: Chernoff, Flannagan, and Lowe. Both Prosecutors are present: Deputy District Attorney Walgren and Brazil.

· No Jackson Family Members are present. Randy was there in the 8 am, but had an appointment in the afternoon had to leave

· The Court (Judge) states that it made an error in setting the Jury Trial to start on the last day (60th day)- on 03/28/11- (NOTE- explanation of 60th day: for speedy trial rights, defendant is entitled to have the trial commence within 60 days of the Felony Arraignment Hearing date (01/25/11) and technically the 60th day is Saturday 03/26/11, but by operation of law, the NEXT business day is counted, not weekends, so that made Monday 03/28/11 day 60 of 60…) The Court says that it simply cannot allow the Jury Trial to start on the last (60th) day… The Court suggests the week before for commencing the Jury Trial, starting with jury selection

· The Court (Judge) inquires of all Counsel regarding their position on the above-mentioned suggestion and regarding the Memo he previously sent to them (Memo pertains to Jury Trial issues)

· The Court indicates that he will NOT use “pre-screened” jurors for the selection process but that the initial inquiries of the prospective jurors will pertain to “hardship” questions such as can they be on this jury (if selected) for such an extended period of time- this is called time qualifying; and are there financial burdens that could occur if serving as a juror and the juror’s job does not pay during jury service… The Judge’s idea is to start with screening in this manner with about 50 prospective jurors in the morning and 50 in the p.m. (on the day jury selection starts…); also giving out the jury questionnaire would be part of this process. The Court provides his general summary of how he would like to see the jury selection process take place…

· The Court feels that, at the end of said hardship/time-qualifying process, about 60 prospective jurors should be selected and sufficient to move to the NEXT phase of final jury selection. The D.A. feels about 60 to 75. (initially one of the defense attorneys asked a question about selecting over one hundred, maybe between 150 to 200 prospective jurors versus the 60 the Court suggested, but the Court said that was just too many, not necessary for this case…)

· Court suggests starting this process on March 24th, with doing such screening of about 100 jurors on Thursday the 24th and another 100 on Friday the 25th, with this screening and FINAL selection process continuing THROUGH the following week of the 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 1st.

· **The Court VACATES the current Jury Trial date of 03/28/11 and sets it on Thursday 03/24/11, at 09:30a.m. as day 58 of 60.

· Once again, the Court strongly suggests the use of jury questionnaires for the selection process and asks all Counsel when they can have their proposed jury questionnaire questions ready for the Court’s review. Counsel for both sides state that they are currently working on them. Court states that the next hearing date would be to review the proposed jury questionnaire questions in greater detail with all Counsel.

· Court states that various Media outlets have been making many inquiries (including written) regarding status of Discovery, Motions in Limine, Evidentiary Motions/matters, which format of jury instructions (CalCrim or CalJic), etc.,

· The D.A. (Walgren) advises the Court that the DEFENSE HAS STILL NOT PROVIDED THEM WITH ANY DISCOVERY up to this point and that, per the Court’s questioning of D.A.Walgren, YES, the D.A. themselves HAVE CONTINUED to comply with Discovery requirements- they are continuously providing Discovery to the Defense, including what will be provided after today’s hearing.

· Defense Counsel Chernoff speaks up to address the D.A . comments above- states that they are WORKING ON compiling and providing Discovery and that they will comply with any time statutes/requirements set by the Court, reminding the Court that it said they needed to provide Discovery 30 days before the Jury Trial date. **Court states that Discovery CAN BE provided earlier than this time-frame and he STRONGLY encourages it as soon as possible, not limiting any side to this “30 days before Jury Trial date” time-frame…

· Defense Counsel mentions compiling of their witness list, lists of experts, expert reports- as being in progress for Discovery….

· D.A. requests the date of 02/15/11 for the return date for Discovery Compliance Review hearing and Defense Counsel requests the D.A.’s witness list for BEFORE that date- D.A. said that Defense ALREADY has information regarding their witnesses but that he is willing to type it up on one piece of paper for Defense (D.A. seemed annoyed by this because Defense knows about tentative D.A. witnesses already….)

· Court orders D.A. to provide a witness list (plus any other available Discovery) to the Defense by this Friday, 02/11/11 by 04:00p.m., (but Court later mentions by 04:30p.m., so I am not sure which time… but this is NOT A HEARING DATE) ** and the Defense must have and provide their Discovery to the D.A. on the NEXT HEARING DATE OF 02/15/11 at 01:30p.m.

· The Court asks Counsel for both sides to provide a tighter time-estimate for the Jury Trial, how long do they estimate it will last…

· D.A. says that it’s side (how long it will take them to put on THEIR case) should take about 3 to 4 weeks and then Defense says to ADD an additional 10 days to that time-frame. SO BOTH SIDES agree on a time-estimate of 6 weeks for the whole jury trial.

· Court asks if/when the attorneys (Counsel) will be making any evidentiary motions (NOTE: these include motions to limit, preclude, or eliminate certain evidence that the sides don’t want to come in before the jury-this is a basic explanation- evidentiary motions include other issues…)

· **In response to the above-mentioned question about evidentiary motions, the Defense says that, since they don’t know what the D.A. is putting on (as evidence…., their case) then THEY don’t really know the content of their own evidentiary motions yet AND TO THIS COMMENT BY DEFENSE THE COURT SAYS “Oh sure you do….” [know what the D.A. is going to put on]. And to this comment made by the Court, Defense Counsel Chernoff tries to further explain their position, including saying that the D.A.’s [more definite] witness list will help them

· To THAT comment above by Defense, the D.A. (Walgren) states to the Court that THEY HAVE ALREADY PROVIDED approximately 8000 (eight thousand) pages of Discovery to the Defense and that they will also be providing about 72 C.D.s (additional Discovery) TODAY….

· Court reiterates the return date and Defense Discovery Compliance date of 02/15/11, BUT ENCOURAGES provision of Discovery earlier

· Court inquires regarding usage of CalCrim or CalJic jury instructions and both sides say they are not sure yet…they all want to think about it…

· Court returns to the issue of all the Media inquiries/requests/motions- Some Media reps were allowed to speak in open court today: Jeff Glaser for “In Session” and Mr. Oaks (for another media outlet that I didn’t hear…) All Counsel indicate that they have been served regarding these requests/motions and that neither side has any objections

· Court will allow certain television media coverage of certain aspects of the jury trial, but Court indicates that it will prohibit television coverage of portions as he deems necessary (including certain witnesses if he deems it appropriate for NO television coverage…)

· Court says that television camera placement must not be obtrusive (in the way...)

· Per Court’s inquiry regarding when media-coverage proposals can be submitted for his review, Mr. Glaser and Mr. Oaks indicate that they can have them ready by the next hearing date of 02/15/11-

· Per the D.A.’s question, the Court states that the SOONEST possible date for witness testimony to commence is 04/05/11

· The defendant’s Bail Bond is to stand (defendant remains out of custody on the posted bail bond)

· Court states that another status hearing date will be set at the 02/15/11 hearing…

· Court makes a statement to Counsel about this case NOT BEING TRIED by interviews outside this court and not by blogs…. He admonishes Counsel regarding their responsibilities on this case, including their freedom of speech (I guess in reference to them giving interviews to media outside the court…), and Court references a Business And Professions Code in terms of their responsibilities..

· The Court was about to recess the hearing but Defense Counsel Lowe asks for a side-bar at approximately 02:15p.m., on the record per Court, and it ends at 02:20p.m., Court recesses at 02:20p.m.

*****NEXT COURT DATE: TUESDAY 02/15/11 at 01:30p.m.*****
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