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发表于 2004-7-2 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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发表于 2004-7-2 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
法官公开的是经过修改的搜查令 Rodney S. Melville法官昨天公开了一份严重修改过的搜查令,这份搜查令是他在4月2日签署的,允许警察搜查位于新泽西州普林斯顿的一家网络服务商。 Melville法官声称调查者们有理由相信,对RCN Internet的调查可以产生一些证据证明“存在犯罪行为或是某人犯了罪”。该搜查令并没有指明是谁卷入了犯罪行为。 今天公布了许多有关搜查令的讨论会,这显示了官方想要搜查银行、百货商店、手机服务商等,但并没有显示他们调查的是谁的帐户、他们要找的是什么、他们又找到了什么。搜查令上包括的银行和电话公司的总部分别位于纽约、新泽西州、印第安纳州、德克萨斯州以及南达科他州。 Melville法官说,原始的搜查令上包括该案的证据概述、有关人员的姓名和一些私人的电话号码。他说这些搜查令不可能为了向公众公开而做出内容上的修改。至于搜查令的“成果”,也就是找到的证据的详细说明,他说他只会公布“发给县治安官的关于材料页数的报告”。 代表媒体的律师Theodore Boutrous认为,法官的保密措施不符合法律常规。他说:“美国的最高法院已经很清楚地指出,媒体大密度的详细报道和公众的关注不能作为对司法程序保密的充足依据。” Melville法官指出,他想先确定所有的证据都可以在审判时使用,然后再公开它们。他说这样可以保证潜在的陪审员不会从媒体上获得本不该出现在法庭上的证据。








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发表于 2004-7-5 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层








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发表于 2004-7-6 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
The Telegraph (UK) 文化的地震:Michael Jackson的《Thriller》 (Filed: 05/07/2004) Hodgkinson在艺术上的成就能如此地震撼世界吗?本周,Michael Jackson令人眩目的舞步入选了流行音乐史上最伟大的视觉时刻。 他现在的处境可能不太妙,但在1983年的时候,Michael Jackson是无可争议的流行音乐之王,而《Thriller》则是他的颠峰之作。 《Thriller》专集的同名单曲的发行实在是太重要了,要是仅有一部简单促销录影就太对不起它了:它得有一部有起因、经过、结果,预算达120万美元的小电影来配合 。 John Landis导演的音乐录影后来成了流行文化史上标志性的时刻,遮盖了它所推广的歌曲本身的光芒。 Landis因其拍摄既流行又有争议的电影而名声大振,他的作品后来成了美国文化的精髓。在导演了1981年那部富有喜剧色彩的恐怖片《美国狼人在伦敦》之后,Landis决定接手Jackson的音乐录影,该片取材自1950年代出生的那些爱看B级电影的青少年。 该片的开头是Jackson很天真地问他的约会对象是否愿意做他的女友,然后一轮满月将他变作了狼人。接着我们看到,这仅仅是现实中的Jackson和他的女友正在观看的电影中的一幕。一切都很美好,可是后来他却在回家的路上变成了一具僵尸。然后,精心设计好的地狱之门打开了,死去的亡灵从墓地中爬出来,在Jackson的带领下跳起了舞,而他的女友则惊吓地跑回了家。 《Thriller》永远是最受欢迎的音乐录影,由于该片全部是在夜晚拍摄的,起初被认为对年轻的观众来说太过恐怖。Jackson作为一个耶和华见证人会的信徒,不得不作出如下声明:“出于本人强烈的信念,我希望强调这部电影决不是要推崇鬼神崇拜。”这些话与该片夸张的风格比起来真是有些可笑。在该片中,Vincent Price预示性地告诉观众,他们“必须站起来面对地狱的追击”,但是这听上去是同样地阴森恐怖。 在《Thriller》之后,音乐录影最终被商业引导的年轻人的创造力所驱使。有些音乐录影,比如Duran Duran的色情作品《Girls on Film》以及《Frankie Goes to Hollywood's violent Two Tribes》,都比它们要推广的歌曲本身更为声名狼藉,两者后来都被禁播。 最近,Spike Jonze为Fatboy Slim、the Beastie Boys以及Michel Gondry为Björk、the White Stripes拍摄的音乐录影都沿用了《Thriller》的传统,利用市场营销中的关键因素来创造极赋想象力的小电影并配合机智的旁白。但它们都无法动摇《Thriller》作为流行霸主的地位。
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-7 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层








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发表于 2004-7-7 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-8 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Written by: Laura-Marie Taylor Michael Jackson at the Software Store I was working at the software store in the mall in Santa Maria, California, when Michael Jackson entered with a group of children. He had a little, silk medical mask over his nose and mouth. At first I didn't believe it was him because his skin was whiter than mine. But crowds were following him. The children he brought with him swarmed the software store. A boy wanted a hint book for a video game, and I was working the cash register. Michael Jackson paid with a hundred-dollar bill. I was so nervous, I could barely make change. I turned to my coworker for help, but he wouldn't help me. By now quite a crowd had gathered outside the software store. I finally gave him his change. "You're a doll," he said to me, and he left with the kids. http://thecelebritycafe.com/sightings/10537.html
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-8 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
http://santamariatimes.com/ Juggling Jackson with other cases By Quintin Cushner/Staff Writer Friday's hearing in the Michael Jackson child-molestation case will share the stage at the Santa Maria Courts Complex with more low-profile proceedings. Prior matters in the singer's child-molestation case thus far have occurred during budget-mandated furlough days, when all other courtrooms at the complex were closed. However, no other furlough days are scheduled, according to Darrel Parker, assistant executive officer of the Santa Barbara County Superior Court. Seth Waite/Staff To prepare for the increased traffic, up to 10 bailiffs will work inside the Miller Division criminal building, an increase from the usual four, said Sgt. Chris Pappas of the county Sheriff's Department. Some of the extra bailiffs will be off-duty deputies getting paid overtime, while others will be displaced from their usual duties, Pappas said. The county is responsible for all security on courthouse grounds, he said. Paying for the additional security and other county workers on days when the Jackson case is in session has cost $377,010 thus far, according to Jason Stilwell, projects manager for the county General Services Department. The news media, which contribute $7,500 during each hearing, have helped offset these costs, Stilwell said, adding that the expenditures nevertheless are burdensome. Future Jackson hearings will take place in Dept. 8, a 122-seat courtroom on the first floor of the criminal building, according to Parker. Previous hearings were held in Dept. 9, which is normally an arraignment courtroom. Public access to the criminal building may be limited to an entrance near the rear parking lot of the complex, Parker said. There will be a partition placed between those entering Dept. 8 to see the Jackson proceeding and those with other business at the courts, he said. Those attending the Jackson matter will continue to pass through both a stationary metal detector and deputies wielding hand-held detection wands, Parker said. Those entering other courtrooms will likely only have to pass through a stationary metal detector, he said. Jackson, 45, has pleaded not guilty to engaging in lewd acts with an unnamed boy under the age of 14 on four occasions between Feb. 20 and March 12, 2003, and four counts of "administering an intoxicating agent" - reportedly wine - to help him with the alleged molestations. He also has pleaded not guilty to a conspiracy charge involving child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion and a count of attempted child molestation. The defense in the case has filed a motion to dismiss some or all of the charges against the singer, though that document has not been released to the public. Jackson will not attend Friday's hearing, in which the motion to dismiss likely will be heard. July 7, 2004








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发表于 2004-7-8 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
辩方谋求撤消大陪审团控罪书 美联社 据洛杉矶方面的消息,Michael Jackson的律师要求法官否决娈童指控中的大陪审团控罪书,他们指出检方在听证期间威逼强迫证人作证,“将整个局面控制得就好像是他们雇佣大陪审团一样”。 由Robert Sanger律师签名的47页的申请书中这样写到:“在加州的历史上,没有任何一起官司会宽恕大陪审团审理过程中的滥用职权现象。”该申请书是代表整个Jackson律师团提交的。 周二提交的这份申请书在经过修改后,于周三由法院方面公布。圣芭芭拉县最高法院法官Rodney Melville删除了指控细节的证人和相关人员的姓名。 这个问题会在将来的某次听证中讨论,一同讨论的还有媒体要求公开秘密文件的申请。检方对辩方申请书的简要回复在他们的要求下于周三密封。律师们将出席周五的听证会,但否决控罪书的申请将不被讨论。 辩方指责检方在召开秘密大陪审团听证会时“含沙射影、挖苦讽刺,嘲笑那些与Jackson一同被指控的人们,甚至嘲笑那些在法律上代表Jackson的人们,以此来攻击Jackson先生。” 有一位证人的证词被详细引述,他是Russell Halpern律师,曾在原告父母的监护权争夺中代表原告的父亲。原告的父母现已离婚。 在证词笔录中有这样一段,Halpern与检查官Tom Sneddon在律师们最初想从检方办公室获取证据的问题上激烈地争吵。 “我在给检查官办公室打电话时发现他们十分敌意,” Halpern说,“我感到这位检查官,也就是您,非常不合作。” 他说他第一次打电话是想确认一下,他的委托人的儿子是否就是娈童案指控的原告。 “您最初拒绝告诉我,”他作证说,“我问您,我的委托人的儿子是否濒临死亡,而您最初却拒绝回答我。直到我告诉您,我会把您的反应透露给媒体,您才给我打电话告诉了我。” Sneddon反驳说“我们的交谈不是这样的,这点您心里明白。” “您的心里也很明白。” Halpern说。 证人说他对这些事记得很清楚,因为他做了笔记。 “我也是。” Sneddon说。 这些证词是为了举例证明检方是在求证而不是在提问。 “Sneddon先生通过使用威逼战术、不被许可的证据以及他对自己的言论的担保,希望能驳倒这位证人;同时,向傀儡般的大陪审团证明:他,Tom Sneddon,才是胜利者。” Sanger律师这样写到,“这是一种令人无法忍受的权力的炫耀,任何公开法庭的法官都不会允许出现这种现象。” Halpern于周三声称,由于禁声令的约束,他无法做出评论。但是他提到了一位记者对同一事件在去年年底和今年年初时的言论。 Halpern还说,Sneddon不恰当地使用禁声令来让他闭嘴。 “Sneddon先生滥用检查官的职权,尽力使我说不了一句话。我并不是潜在的证人,而他却阴险地将我描述成潜在的证人。他妄想阻止我行使《宪法第一修正案》的权力,这真是在掩耳盗铃。” 辩方的申请书列举了有关阴谋罪的法律,他们认为检方没能列出这种罪行的基本要素。 申请书上说,“没有证据显示Jackson先生有明确的意愿要在某件事情上与同意某人或与某人密谋。” 辩方还称,检方没能阻止一些偏见性的言论,其中包括原告的母亲,她说Jackson是“恶魔”。 证词笔录显示,检举人告诉证人:“或许,最大最邪恶的指控就是你编造了这一切。” “她声明她不想要‘这个恶魔的钱’,”申请书上说,“检举人问她是否‘明白这一切’,于是她就说Jackson先生是恶魔。” 这份申请书认为,检查官“丝毫没有阻止或限制这种不被认可的证词会带来的不利影响。”
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-8 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
重复的就不管了`````````full article here: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/gossip/story/209994p-180971c.html Meanwhile, Diaz will be happy to know that her boyfriend, Justin Timberlake, was keeping himself occupied Tuesday night in Manhattan when he hit the party thrown by Joey Fatone and Joel Rousseau at Suede. Backed by DJ Clue, Timberlake sang Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" while moonwalking on a banquette. A spy says he also spent a lot of time dancing with one fetching blond - "and they left together."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jackson lawyers: DA abused his power Defense wants indictment tossed, says Sneddon "bullied" witnesses 7/8/04 By SCOTT HADLY NEWS-PRESS SENIOR WRITER In an effort to get the indictment against Michael Jackson thrown out, his defense attorneys went on the attack against Santa Barbara District Attorney Thomas Sneddon, accusing him of misusing his power. "There is no case in the history of the State of California that has condoned anything like the abuse of power demonstrated in this grand jury proceeding," states a defense motion released Wednesday. The heavily edited 127-page motion says prosecutors presented inadmissible evidence, hearsay testimony and "bullied and argued with witnesses" during the almost monthlong secret grand jury hearing that ended in a criminal indictment against Mr. Jackson. A gag order in the case prevents both sides from discussing the motion. The court papers offer the most detailed glimpse to date of the defense strategy in these early stages of the case. Along with attacking Mr. Sneddon, the motion reveals that prosecutors called two witnesses from the 1993 investigation of molestation allegations against Mr. Jackson, and they testified about the $15 million civil settlement in that case. The defense attorneys say those witnesses presented inadmissible evidence and their testimony -- on the first day of the grand jury proceeding -- "poisoned the well" for how the grand jurors looked at the evidence. Although a hearing in the case is scheduled for Friday, the substance of the defense's motion and the prosecutors' response will likely be hashed out in a multiday court hearing in early August. Mr. Jackson is accused of lewd conduct, administering alcohol to commit molestation and conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. He pleaded not guilty to all charges April 30. The grand jury proceeding generated about 1,900 pages of transcripts, and in its motion the defense team -- which includes lead lawyer Thomas Mesereau, with co-counsels Robert Sanger, Steve Cochran and Susan Yu -- excerpts a short portion that they say shows Mr. Sneddon's aggressive tactics. The heated exchange occurred between Mr. Sneddon and a witness, who is not identified but appears to be H. Russ Halpern, the attorney for the father of the alleged victim. It speaks to one of the core arguments the defense will make: that prosecutors disregarded their obligation to present the evidence fairly. Mr. Halpern has made public statements that attack the credibility of the victim's mother, and he could be used as a witness for the defense. In the back-and-forth, Mr. Sneddon asks the man believed to be Mr. Halpern why he never brought exculpatory evidence to the attention of the Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office. "Did you, at the time that you heard that these serious charges had been leveled against a worldwide known entertainer, ever come to the DA's office and say . . . 'You might want to know this.' Did you ever do that before you went on national TV?" Mr. Sneddon asks. "No," the man says. "I found the DA's office to be hostile when I called. I found the head DA, that being yourself, to be very uncooperative." The man presumed to be Mr. Halpern goes on to say that he attempted to determine if the victim in the case was indeed his client's son, and whether the boy was dying of cancer, as had been reported. (Because of a bitter custody fight between the parents, the boy's father had not had contact with his son.) In the transcripts, Mr. Sneddon directly challenges the credibility of the man's account. "That's a total -- that is not the way that conversation went and you know it," he says. The man responds, "You know it, too." Then Mr. Sneddon fires back, saying, "I explained to you why at the time we couldn't tell who the victim was. Because nobody knew the family at the time, did I not?" "No, you didn't," the man says. In another section of the motion, the defense argues that prosecutors allowed witnesses themselves to prejudice the grand jury. In one example, an unnamed witness called Mr. Jackson "the devil." After prosecutors detail accusations against the woman, which included that she was "making this all up" and was motivated by money, she responded by saying she didn't want to take "the devil's money." "The prosecutor made no effort to stop or limit the harmful impact of this inadmissible testimony," the defense argued. Asked to comment on the exchange, Gerald Uelmen, a Santa Clara University law professor, said that while it was somewhat unusual, it didn't necessarily cross any lines of behavior. "Ordinarily the motivations of the prosecutor are irrelevant," said Mr. Uelmen, who worked on the defense team for O.J. Simpson. What is relevant is whether prosecutors submitted enough evidence to the grand jury to substantiate charges. The judge will have to look at the evidence and testimony to see if they met that threshold. Mr. Jackson's defense team says the prosecutors did not substantiate the charge and that they introduced inadmissible evidence and testimony. In a footnote in their motion, the defense attorneys say Mr. Sneddon's behavior is inexplicable and imply that his decision might have to do with his failure to get an indictment in 1993 against Mr. Jackson. "Any experienced prosecutor, were he thinking clearly, would have known that his behavior was inappropriate," the footnote reads. "This court will never know what caused this behavior . . . the fact is that there is no case of which the undersigned is aware in which a prosecutor has been allowed to conduct himself in anything approaching this fashion before a grand jury." Before the gag order was imposed, Mr. Sneddon told the News-Press that he didn't dwell on the 1993 case and that it had no influence on his decision to pursue the current case. In the decade-old investigation, Mr. Sneddon spent more than a year building a case against Mr. Jackson, based on allegations of sexual misconduct made by three boys in 1993. But the case fell apart before any charges were filed after the 13-year-old alleged victim accepted the financial settlement and then declined to testify against the entertainer. Mr. Sneddon said he never looked back, but he also never hid the fact that he felt the allegations were credible. He objected to the characterization of Mr. Jackson as having been "cleared" of the charges, saying in 1995, "The state of the investigation is in suspension until somebody comes forward." EXCERPT A motion filed by Michael Jackson's attorneys attacks District Attorney Thomas Sneddon, above. A footnote to the motion reads: "Any experienced prosecutor, were he thinking clearly, would have known that his behavior was inappropriate.This court will never know what caused this behavior . . . the fact is that there is no case of which the undersigned is aware in which a prosecutor has been allowed to conduct himself in anything approaching this fashion before a grand jury." http://news.newspress.com/topsports/070804jackson.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jackson Defense Alleges Misconduct by Prosecutors By Steve Chawkins Times Staff Writer July 8, 2004 Santa Barbara County prosecutors bullied some grand jury witnesses and argued with others while allowing one to refer to Michael Jackson as "the devil," the pop star's attorneys contended in court papers released Wednesday. Only 47 pages of a 126-page motion to dismiss Jackson's indictment because of alleged prosecutorial misconduct were released by Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville. Over protests by media groups, most of the document has been sealed, along with the response to it by the district attorney's office. Even so, the portion made public offers a rare glimpse of the defense in a case in which dozens of search warrants, the grand jury's 1,800-page transcript and details of the accusations against Jackson have remained secret. "It sounds as if the case will be acrimonious and personal and not pretty," said Robert F. Landheer, a criminal defense attorney in Santa Barbara. Jackson was indicted in April for allegedly molesting a 12-year-old boy and allegedly taking part in a conspiracy involving child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. He has pleaded not guilty. Led by Los Angeles attorney Thomas A. Mesereau, the defense team took on Dist. Atty. Tom Sneddon personally in its motion, which is to be argued in a hearing Friday. The defense cast him as arrogant and unprincipled, eager to convict Jackson at any cost. In the document, the defense questioned why Sneddon allegedly picked on certain witnesses. "The court will never know what caused this behavior," the motion states in a footnote. "The fact that this is a career opportunity to indict a famous celebrity, the fact that Mr. Sneddon had been boastful in the media months earlier, the fact that Mr. Sneddon has been embarrassed by criticism in the media … the fact that some of the [grand jury] witnesses had also gone on television to criticize the investigation." Such attacks are rare in legal filings and can backfire, experts said. "This appears written not solely for the edification of the judge but for a broader audience," said Michael McMahon, a former longtime Santa Barbara public defender who now works in Ventura County. "If you beat a judge over the head with inferences, he can become protective of the attorney under attack. To speculate about an attorney's motivations is open to question." Although some of the rhetoric is unusual, the motion is not. Known as a "995 motion" after a section of the state's penal code, it is a standard response to grand jury indictments and seldom succeeds in getting them dismissed, said Gerald Uelmen, a Santa Clara University law professor. In the Jackson 995 motion, about 80 pages that deal directly with the molestation charges and their investigation remain sealed. In a table of contents provided by defense attorneys, such topics are included in a section labeled "The So-Called Facts Presented to the Grand Jury." In the portion of the document that was unsealed, defense attorneys lambasted Sneddon and his deputy prosecutors for an "abuse of power" that they said was unprecedented in state judicial history. They contended that the conspiracy charge against Jackson and others, who have not been publicly identified, was fabricated and that testimony about it before grand jurors was based on innuendo. They also alleged that prosecutors swamped grand jurors with irrelevant and inflammatory evidence "that poisoned the entire proceeding." In particular, they pointed to two witnesses who testified on the first day of the grand jury's meeting about a 1993 lawsuit against Jackson by a boy he allegedly molested. The defense attorneys maintained the 11-year-old lawsuit, which was subsequently settled, was off-limits for the grand jury and was raised by prosecutors to unfairly tarnish Jackson. The motion also took prosecutors to task for allegedly running roughshod over standard legal practice and asking questions that never would be allowed in court. The motion included dozens of purportedly argumentative exchanges, such as when a prosecutor at one point said, "OK. Now you didn't answer my question. So I'm going to ask it again. We'll just stay here till you answer it, OK. It's a simple question. I'm going to get an answer." Although grand juries are supposed to be impartial investigative bodies, legal experts have long observed that they are usually led to their conclusions by aggressive district attorneys. Even so, "It's quite rare that an indictment could be dismissed for the misconduct of prosecutors or the way questions are presented," said Uelmen, one of the "Dream Team" attorneys in the O.J. Simpson case. Although prosecutors in the Jackson case allegedly intimidated some witnesses, they allowed others to disparage him "with impassioned and prejudicial remarks," according to the defense motion. A woman whose name was blotted out of the motion was told by a prosecutor that "perhaps the biggest and most vicious accusation is that you made all this up." In response, according to the motion, "she stated that she didn't want to take 'the devil's money.' "The prosecutor asked if she was 'clear about that.' She stated that Mr. Jackson is 'the devil.' "








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发表于 2004-7-9 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Michael Jackson在软件商店作者:Laura-Marie Taylor我在加州圣玛利亚一家大型商场的软件小店工作。一天,Michael Jackson带着一群孩子走了进来。他戴着个小小的绸制医用口罩,遮着他的鼻子和嘴。起初我不敢相信这就是他,因为他的皮肤比我还白。但是他身后的人群让我确信了这一点。 他带来的孩子挤满了整个软件店。有个男孩想要一本电子游戏秘籍,而我正在收银台工作。Michael Jackson拿了张100美元的钞票付帐。我好紧张啊,都算不清楚该找多少零钱。我想让我的同事来帮我,但他帮不上忙。 现在,店门外已挤满了人。我终于把零钱给了他。 “你真像个小洋娃娃。”他对我说,接着带着孩子们离开了商店。








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-7-9 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
此时此刻,Diaz可能会很高兴地得知,她的男友Justin Timberlake周二晚上在曼哈顿忙得不可开交。他参加了由Joey Fatone和Joel Rousseau在Suede组织的派对。在DJ Clue的陪伴下,Timberlake唱起了Michael Jackson的名曲“Billie Jean”,并在长条软凳上划起了太空步。 据一个内线说,有很长一段时间他都在和一位迷人的金发女郎共舞,并且“他们是一起离开的”。
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-9 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-7-9 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-7-9 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
辩方申请书指出Sneddon存在私人监视行为 2003年11月18日,警方对Bradley Miller在贝弗利山的办公室进行了搜查。Bradley Mille是Mark Geragos律师聘请的私家侦探。这次搜查的由来十分地耐人寻味。 周四公布的辩方申请书指出,圣芭芭拉地方检查官曾对该私家侦探进行过私人监视。该申请书引用了一份由Sneddon起草的备忘录,Sneddon在其中写到:他曾去过Miller的办公室所在的大楼,拍摄了一些办公室的照片,他还登上了二楼寻找Miller的办公室,但无功而返。 随后,Sneddon拍了几张大楼的照片,他又去了个电话亭,找到了Miller的电话。接着,他出席了一个会议,展示了Miller和其他一些人的驾照照片。在周四公布的法庭记录上,看到这些照片的人员名单被删除了。 辩方称,执法人员在搜查过程中使用了暴力手段强行进入Miller的办公室和会议室。6月22日提交的这份申请书希望Rodney Melville法官否决一些证物,其中包括录象带和电脑硬盘。辩方称,从Miller办公室搜来的证物应该归还给Jackson的律师,因为在“律师-委托人特权”的制约下,警方无权查封证据。所谓“律师-委托人特权”,指的就是检方无权获悉Jackson和他的律师之间的对话。 检方声称,他们并不知道Miller为Mark Geragos律师工作。他们还说,只要他们有理由相信存在不受“律师-委托人特权”保护的证据,他们就可以搜查任意一间律师或私家侦探的办公室。 周四,检方提交了一份申请,询问Melville法官,Michael Jackson于上月发表的一份声明是否违反了禁声令。这份声明是为了回应法院电视台泄露的一份93案件的秘密文件。 代表媒体的律师Theodore Boutrous Jr.于周二向加州第二联邦地方法院提交了一份上诉,希望得到有关该案的一些秘密文件,其中包括由Melville法官密封的文件的清单,密封的文件包括:搜查令、大陪审团证词笔录以及控罪书的关键章节等。
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