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发表于 2004-7-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
美国,请举起你的右手 作者:John Karrys 检查官Tom Sneddon将出庭作证,忍受Thomas Mesareau的责难——看到这些事是多么令人激动啊。这的确与10年前Mark Furhman与F Lee Bailey之间的对质有关联。有人记得么,Mark Furhman在是否使用“n word”一事上撒了谎。人们都认为他具有在誓言下撒谎的免疫性,并经常伪造证据。但是,让我们永远都不要忘了这一点:Mark Furhman从没有为此坐过一天牢,付过一分赔偿金。为什么没有人提出抗议呢? 令人奇怪的是,主流媒体将事实置之不顾,而大力报道那起案件的闹剧。而在这起案件中,Thomas Mesareau将会把他们一个个都钉在墙上!他们?Tom Sneddon就是检方胡作非为的典型。他就是那些“制造罪行”的检查官的代表。受害者和犯罪者。你这是第一次正确地看到了这个词……“制造罪行”。 在我看来,Michael Jackson一案的症结,并不在于那位母亲和野心勃勃的诈骗动机,而是在于检查官,他可以通过调教一位病态的、被蛊惑的母亲,来给他的集团带来利益。集团的利益?没错。这个人并不是在孤军奋战。他属于一个错综复杂的网络,并有一整套计划来打倒Michael Jackson,剥夺他那丰厚的财产。 我认为,Tom Sneddon并不害怕撒谎,他也不知道其中的区别。看起来,Thomas Mesareau的存在、名望和正直都使得这家伙更为嚣张。如果你回顾一下这个人的记录,你就会发现他简直就是John Wayne对于腐败的执法人员的噩梦的现代版。 It is as if he is the perfect fusion for Michael;not just as a defence attorney but as a maverick who will expose the network of bastards, for all the world to see with no doubts remaining! America's colors will look a little brighter when it is these kinds of prosecutors who are handcuffed and escorted to prison. Now that is a pagent worth televising! It aint to hard for me to jam to that!这个```````你自己解决吧````````我看不太懂`````````[em04] 然而对我来说,这还没完。美国最终将不得不对Michael Jackson道歉,而我也会高兴地在美国的各大高校间讲演,介绍我们的制度是如何让我们保持愚昧并在智力上封闭的。学术界对Michael Jackson嫉妒性的攻击与他们对自由精神的基本原则和自力更生的个人的攻击是一致的。他们为什么会相关呢?因为他们是为将来的记者、智囊机构、博学者、教师和历史的修正主义者制定框架的人。 Michael Jackson设计了他自己的幸福,勇于追求并具化了善良的个人主义。他们永远也无法将这些从他身上带走,这就是为什么他依然抬着下巴傲然伫立的原因。这种精神是unbreakable的。(我真想亲自为这首歌拍摄音乐录影!) 作者简介:John Karrys:中学英语教师、作家、公众演说家。他的邮箱:johnkarrys@hotmail.com[em04]








发表于 2004-7-13 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
知道了 拿下[em01]








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发表于 2004-7-13 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
04-07-13辨方指责检察官的不端行为 《洛杉矶时报》撰稿人Steve Chawkins 在本周三所发布的申请动议中,Jackson的律师们指责圣芭芭拉地方检察官侮辱某些大陪审团的证人并且允许他人影射Jackson是“魔鬼”。 最高法院法官Rodney S. Melville发布一份共126页的申请书,其中有47是因检举方的不端行为而要求驳回对Jackson娈童指控。其他还包括媒体要求公开秘密文件的申请以及地方法律机构对此的反应。 尽管如此,这些公布出来的只是大量内容中的冰山一角。大陪审团的1800页记录及对Jackson 指控的细节依然保密。 在四月Jackson被控对娈童及同谋绑架儿童,非法关押及勒索,之后他提出无罪抗辩。 周五的听证会上将讨论由洛杉矶律师Thomas A. Mesereau所率领的辩护团队在申请书中对地方检查官Tom Sneddon本人的异议,辩方觉得Tom Sneddon傲慢且无视原则,企图不牺任何代价使Jackson定罪。在这份文件中,辩方质疑Sneddon武断地责问某些证人。 在文件的脚注部分,辩方称述道:“法庭将不会知道是什么导致了此行为,事实就是假公济私指控一位名人;就是数月前Sneddon先生在媒体面前洋洋自得大夸其口;就是Sneddon先生对媒体的指责感到尴尬….事实就是有些大陪审团的证人在电视上对调查大肆评论。” 圣芭芭拉前公众保护人称:“这些内容显然不是单独写给法官的,而是为了广大的民众。如果你的这些推论可以影响到法官,他就可以对律师实行保护性拘留以使其免遭攻击。现在面临的问题是要去揣摩律师的意图。” Santa Clara大学教授法律教授Gerald Uelmen表示,就像众所周知刑法之后的“995申请动议”,这是一个标准的对大陪审团指控的反应并且这很少能成功驳回上诉。 在Jackson995申请动议中,80页直接和娈童指控有关以及其调查仍然保密。在辩方所提供的目录表里,这些内容包括在标有“给大陪审团所谓的事实”章节里。 在文件公开的部分中,辩方律师尖锐地批评检察官Sneddon以及他的助手“滥用职权”,这在加州历史上是史无前例的。 辩方认为那些对Jackson的同谋指控完全是捏造事实,而相关证据皆含沙射影。辩方还认为检举人故意用大量无关和煽动性的证据来误导大陪审团从而破坏整个审讯过程。 辩方尤其指出两个在第一天大陪审团听证会上为93娈童事件作证的证人。并且辩方认为检举人不断提起那个长达11年的诉讼以达到玷污Jackson的目的,而这是不允许进入大陪审团的。 申请动议书中还指出检举人的冷酷无情甚至超越了法律的标准并且在法庭上一再提出那些本不应被允许出现的问题。 申请动议中还包括很多据说是引起争论的交涉,例如检举人一会说:“好,你既然不回答我的问题,那就让我再来问一次吧。我们在此暂停直到你回答了这个问题。”“好,这是个简单的问题,我现在就要个答案。” 虽然大陪审团被认为是一个公正的调查机构,一直以来法律专家却认为他们最后的审判结果往往会被偏激的地方律师所影响。 尽管如此,Uelmen认为一场控诉如此的被检查官的不端行为所影响是很稀罕的。 虽然此案的检察官威胁某些证人,但却使别人得以借此给他打上“偏激和充满成见”的记号。 申请动议中提到检察官曾经告诉一个女人“也许最大最邪恶的指控是你,因为你导致了这一切的发生。”当然这个女人的名字在申请中被隐去了。 针对这份申请动议中,这个女人表示:“她不会要那些邪恶的钱”以示反击 。 “检察官质问她是否知晓这一切。”而她指责Jackson先生才是恶魔。








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发表于 2004-7-13 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
还是自力更生吧-----------------------------美国,请举起你的右手 作者:John Karrys 检查官Tom Sneddon将出庭作证,忍受Thomas Mesareau的责难——看到这些事是多么令人激动啊。这的确与10年前Mark Furhman与F Lee Bailey之间的对质有关联。有人记得么,Mark Furhman在是否使用“n word”一事上撒了谎。人们都认为他具有在誓言下撒谎的免疫性,并经常伪造证据。但是,让我们永远都不要忘了这一点:Mark Furhman从没有为此坐过一天牢,付过一分赔偿金。为什么没有人提出抗议呢? 令人奇怪的是,主流媒体将事实置之不顾,而大力报道那起案件的闹剧。而在这起案件中,Thomas Mesareau将会把他们一个个都钉在墙上!他们?Tom Sneddon就是检方胡作非为的典型。他就是那些“制造罪行”的检查官的代表。受害者和犯罪者。你这是第一次正确地看到了这个词……“制造罪行”。 在我看来,Michael Jackson一案的症结,并不在于那位母亲和野心勃勃的诈骗动机,而是在于检查官,他可以通过调教一位病态的、被蛊惑的母亲,来给他的集团带来利益。集团的利益?没错。这个人并不是在孤军奋战。他属于一个错综复杂的网络,并有一整套计划来打倒Michael Jackson,剥夺他那丰厚的财产。 我认为,Tom Sneddon并不害怕撒谎,他也不知道其中的区别。看起来,Thomas Mesareau的存在、名望和正直都使得这家伙更为嚣张。如果你回顾一下这个人的记录,你就会发现他简直就是John Wayne对于腐败的执法人员的噩梦的现代版。 看起来,他一定会栽在Michael的手里,并不仅仅是作为一个检查官,而是作为一个将杂种的网络暴光于天下的家伙,全世界的人们都可以看到这些,再没有任何疑问!当这种检查官被拷上手铐投入大牢的时候,美国的天空必将变得更为明亮。这才是值得在电视上播出的画面!我一定会开心地唱起“Jam”! 然而对我来说,这还没完。美国最终将不得不对Michael Jackson道歉,而我也会高兴地在美国的各大高校间讲演,介绍我们的制度是如何让我们保持愚昧并在智力上封闭的。学术界对Michael Jackson嫉妒性的攻击与他们对自由精神的基本原则和自力更生的个人的攻击是一致的。他们为什么会相关呢?因为他们是为将来的记者、智囊机构、博学者、教师和历史的修正主义者制定框架的人。 Michael Jackson设计了他自己的幸福,勇于追求并具化了善良的个人主义。他们永远也无法将这些从他身上带走,这就是为什么他依然抬着下巴傲然伫立的原因。这种精神是unbreakable的。(我真想亲自为这首歌拍摄音乐录影!) 作者简介:John Karrys:中学英语教师、作家、公众演说家。他的邮箱:johnkarrys@hotmail.com
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-13 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Billie_Hou在2004-7-13 18:14:22的发言: 还是自力更生吧 ----------------------------- 美国,请举起你的右手 ^~~~~~~~~~ 单独发到论坛








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发表于 2004-7-13 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Jax accuser's ma weds same-monikered major By MICHELE CARUSO DAILY NEWS WEST COAST BUREAU CHIEF LOS ANGELES - Just when you thought the MJ child molestation case couldn't get any more wacko, it has. The 35-year-old mother of Michael Jackson's young accuser has married her boyfriend, Army Reserves Maj. Jay Jackson - no relation to the Gloved One - and now her name is, get this, Janet Jackson. And the accuser's mother is pregnant with her fourth child, sources told the Daily News, so by the time the sex abuse case goes to trial in September, there may be a brand-new baby in the Jackson family - the major's, that is, not the pop star's. Although the mom now bears the same name as MJ's breast-baring songbird sister, there's almost no chance she will name her newborn after any member of the famous musical clan. The accuser's mom called the tarnished pop superstar "the Devil" when she testified before the grand jury that indicted him. The major and the mom married in Vegas on May 29. The marriage was a first for the 42-year-old major and a second for the mom, who divorced the accuser's father in 2001. "She's a Jackson now. It's such an irony," said one source. As The News reported in April, Maj. Jackson, 42, met the accuser and his family about two years ago - back when they were still on good terms with Michael Jackson. The major, a personnel administrator with an L.A.-based Army unit, has become a father figure to the accuser, who is now 14, his 13-year-old brother and his 18-year-old sister, whose own father is barred from seeing them due to convictions for spousal and child abuse. Meanwhile, Michael Jackson's attorney Tom Mesereau is scheduled to grill the singer's nemesis, Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon, in court and under oath Aug. 16. The judge had ordered Sneddon to testify July 27, but Mesereau agreed to reschedule so the prosecutor could take his vacation. Jackson's defense team wants to know if Sneddon and his investigators knew that Beverly Hills private detective Brad Miller was part of Michael Jackson's legal team when cops raided his office in November. If they did, a judge could rule the search a violation of Jackson's attorney-client privilege and toss out evidence seized. Sneddon himself drove about 100 miles from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles to watch and photograph Miller's office before the raid, court papers says. Entertainment producer David Gest, who tapped MJ to be his best man at his nuptials to his now-estranged wife Liza Minnelli, accused Sneddon of being "out to get" Jackson. And, he told the "Extra" celebrity news show, he fears for his pal's life if he's found guilty. "If he is convicted, which I hope he's not, he'll kill himself," Gest said. "How could someone like Michael Jackson survive in jail?"
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
与MJ有关,但不是关于MJ 可简单译点,作为论坛一话题讨论: Michael isn't the only one claiming that the Santa Barbara District Attorney's office prosecutes cases due to a vendetta. Diane Hall is a Santa Maria Judge who is being railroaded as well. This is the judge who mysteriously showed up at Michael's first arraignment. We should have all eyes on her case. Also notice she's testifying in Dunlap's case of Malicious Prosecution against Sneddon. What I find interesting is the timing of Hall's legal trouble. I believe it all began in late 2002 or early 2003. Hall to request recusal By Quintin Cushner/Staff Writer Superior Court Judge Diana Ruth Hall, facing criminal charges for alleged campaign-finance violations, will ask that her case be prosecuted by the state attorney general rather than the Santa Barbara County District Attorney, her lawyer said at Monday's arraignment hearing. Hall, 54, declined to have the formal charges filed against her read aloud on Monday, and did not enter a plea. A not-guilty plea was automatically entered on her behalf. A Sept. 13 trial start date was set at the hearing. Hall faces eight misdemeanor charges stemming from allegations that she attempted to disguise a $20,000 loan received from her then-domestic partner, Deidra Dykeman, during Hall's successful 2002 re-election campaign. The judge allegedly deposited $20,000 from Dykeman into her personal account, then included the money as part of a $25,000 transfer into her campaign fund. Hall allegedly then claimed on campaign financial statements that she contributed the transferred money herself. The defense motion to recuse the district attorney's office from the case will be heard on Aug. 30. Hall's attorney, Michael Scott, said after the hearing that there were numerous issues he planned to raise in his recusal motion, including alleged conflicts of interests and past events that might motivate the district attorney's office to behave vindictively toward Hall. The motion will be filed with the court by week's end. Scott alleges a previous criminal case against Hall by the district attorney's office, which resulted in a mixed jury verdict, has negatively altered the prosecution's view of the jurist in this case. He added that the two cases share the same lead prosecutor, Deputy District Attorney Kimberly Smith. The defense attorney further claims that details about the alleged campaign finance violations surfaced during the judge's previous trial, but were not filed until after what he considers a less-than-successful prosecution in that case. Assistant District Attorney Christie Stanley denies that the outcome from Hall's past case played any role in the filing of the new charges, and said she doesn't see how having Smith prosecute both cases constitutes a conflict. Smith was chosen for the case, Stanley said, in part because she'd never worked with Hall or argued cases in front of the jurist. Scott said Hall's role as a witness in the pending federal court civil case filed by Lompoc attorney Gary Dunlap against the district attorney's office could also constitute a conflict.The attorney general's office already reviewed that issue, among others, before the latest charges were filed against Hall, and found no disabling conflict in the case, according to Stanley. Retired Orange County Superior Court Judge John J. Ryan, who has been assigned the Hall case, must decide if any conflict exists that could prevent Hall from receiving a fair trial. Hall faces a possible sentence of six months in jail and a fine of $60,000 for each of the eight misdemeanor charge against her. If convicted, she would not be permitted to run for public office for four years. She cannot be removed from her position on the bench unless she's convicted of a felony, or if the state's Commission on Judicial Performance opts to remove her. Thus far, no disciplinary action has been taken by the commission. Hall currently hears civil cases in Superior Court in Santa Maria. A similar recusal motion filed in the first criminal case against Hall was rejected by a different Superior Court judge. If Hall's case reaches trial, it will likely last four days, Ryan said. At Monday's arraignment, Scott speculated it may take several of those days to seat a jury because Hall's legal issues have been covered so extensively in the local and statewide press. "There has been a lot of publicity during the last year about Judge Hall and the district attorney's office," he said. The previous case against Hall was based on her alleged actions on the night of Dec. 21, 2002, when, after a fight with Dykeman, the judge was arrested while driving intoxicated near her Santa Ynez Valley home. Hall was convicted on Aug. 28, 2003, of two misdemeanor counts of drunken driving stemming from the incident. She was acquitted of misdemeanor charges of domestic battery and exhibiting a firearm and a felony charge of forcibly dissuading Dykeman from reporting the alleged crimes. A mistrial was declared on a felony charge that Hall further tried to prevent Dykeman from calling authorities by destroying a telephone, after jurors announced they were deadlocked 11-1 in favor of conviction. That charge was eventually dropped. For the drunken-driving conviction, Hall was sentenced to alcohol counseling and three years' probation. * Staff writer Quintin Cushner can be reached at 739-2217 or by e-mail at qcushner@pulitzer.net. July 13, 2004 http://www.santamariatimes.com/articles/20...ocal/news02.txt ----------------------------------------------------- Judge's lawyer accuses DA of unfair retaliation Wants charges of violating campaign contributions dropped; Hall pleads not guilty 7/13/04 By DAWN HOBBS NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITER The lawyer for Superior Court Judge Diana Hall alleged that the District Attorney's Office has unfairly retaliated against his client and said he wants the prosecutors off the case and all charges dropped. Lawyer Michael Scott claims that Santa Barbara County prosecutors are bitter because they didn't get everything they wanted in last year's criminal trial against the judge and are now going after her on trumped-up charges. The District Attorney's Office alleges that Judge Hall violated the California Political Reform Act by disguising the source of a campaign contribution. She pleaded not guilty to eight misdemeanor charges on Monday in Santa Maria. "They tried very hard to get a felony conviction against her and were unable to do so last year," Mr. Scott said. "Only after they failed to get a felony conviction did these charges get filed -- indicating bias and vindictiveness." The current charges stem from an undisclosed $20,000 contribution to her 2002 re-election bid by her former live-in lover, Deidre Dykeman. A spat between the women ended with a high-profile criminal trial and Judge Hall's conviction for misdemeanor drunken driving last year. Deputy District Attorney Kimberly Smith, prosecutor on both cases, said: "We will leave it to the judge to determine if there is a conflict or the appearance of a conflict exits. I can tell you this adamantly: It is the prosecution's position that whether it is a matter that is prosecuted by the District Attorney's Office or the Attorney General's Office, the end result should be that justice is sought." Mr. Scott disclosed his plan to file the motion to take the case away from the District Attorney's Office and motions to dismiss the charges after his client's arraignment Monday morning. Judge Hall could not be reached for comment. Orange County Superior Court Judge Jack Ryan was brought in to preside over the case because local judges have served with Judge Hall. Judge Ryan will hear several defense motions Aug. 30 and decide whether the case should continue to be handled by local prosecutors. "One motion to dismiss will be filed on the basis of retaliatory or selective prosecution," Mr. Scott said. "Judge Hall is the only one who has been criminally prosecuted in this county since the statute with the Fair Political Practices Commission was enacted in 1974. Typically, it's referred to the commission for civil action." Ms. Smith said there's a reason why no one else has been prosecuted here. "Very few judges, if any, have ever been engaged in this type of alleged conduct," she said. "There are other jurisdictions where the District Attorney's Office has sought an indictment with regard to government code violations." Mr. Scott said he is concerned with the timing of the charges. "The district attorney knew about this gift from her former roommate in December 2002," he said. "They did nothing with it until the DA failed to secure a felony conviction against Judge Hall last August. It was well known prior to the trial and should have been included in the original charges." The District Attorney's Office confirmed the judge was under investigation on the day she was sentenced on misdemeanor drunken driving. She was found not guilty of three other charges, including preventing a witness from calling police, brandishing a weapon and battery. Prosecutors dropped a felony charge of destroying a telephone, which allowed Judge Hall to return to the bench. She lost her license for 90 days and was ordered to attend alcohol counseling and pay a fine of $1,600. In response to the question about the timing of the new charges, Ms. Smith said: "This is evidence that was derived from her testimony at the trial. ...When a prosecutor becomes aware -- when evidence comes to light -- that a crime has been committed, the just and appropriate thing to do is to investigate and determine if there is enough evidence to proceed." This time, Judge Hall could face up six months in jail and a fine of up to $60,000 on each count, Assistant District Attorney Christie Stanley said. If convicted, Judge Hall would not be able to run for public office for four years. It would then be up to the state Judicial Council to determine if the misdemeanors amounted to moral turpitude. The council could take action to remove her from the bench. An audit by the state Franchise Tax Board in April concluded that Judge Hall broke the law by putting the loan money from Ms. Dykeman into her own bank account and failing to disclose the source. The next day, the audit said, Judge Hall wrote a personal check for $25,000 to the Committee to Re-Elect Judge Diana R. Hall -- and reported the $20,000 as part of her own campaign contribution. The tax board has no enforcement powers in the matter and forwarded its report to the state Fair Political Practices Commission, the attorney general and the secretary of state http://news.newspress.com/topsports/071304judge.htm
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-14 10:07:53编辑过]








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发表于 2004-7-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
我真自觉……[em10]--------------原告的母亲嫁给了Jackson 据洛杉矶方面的消息,当你以为Michael Jackson的娈童案不会再变得更疯狂的时候,它却再次让你吃惊了。 现年35岁的原告的母亲已与她的男友陆军预备役少校Jay Jackson喜结良缘。Jay Jackson并不是Michael Jackson的亲戚,但原告的母亲现在的名字却是……Janet Jackson。 另外,据线人透露,原告的母亲现在已怀上了第四个孩子。今年9月该案开始审判的时候,Jackson家族将迎来一位新成员——少校的孩子,而不是流行巨星的孩子。 虽然这位母亲现在有着与Michael Jackson的巨星妹妹同样的名字,但她似乎不可能借用这个音乐世家的任何一位成员的名字来给她的孩子命名。 当她在大陪审团面前做证的时候,她把这位流行天王叫作“恶魔”。 原告的母亲于5月29日在拉斯维加斯与这位陆军少校结婚。这是42岁的少校的第一次婚姻,而对那位母亲来说,这是第二次,她在2001年时与原告的父亲离了婚。 “她现在也叫Jackson了,这真是太讽刺了。”一位线人说。 据4月份时的新闻,Jay Jackson在2年前与原告的母亲结识,那时他们与Michael Jackson的关系还很好。 Jay Jackson在洛杉矶军区某部任人事行政官,14岁的原告和他13岁的弟弟、18岁的姐姐把他当作父亲看待,他们自己的父亲因为虐待儿童的罪名被禁止见到他们。 与此同时,Michael Jackson的律师Tom Mesereau正计划对Michael的“复仇女神”Tom Sneddon严加拷问,Sneddon将在8月16日出庭做证。 法官原定在7月27日让Sneddon做证,但Tom Mesereau同意重新安排以便检查官先生能去渡假。Jackson的律师团希望证明,Sneddon和他的同僚在去年11月搜查私家侦探Brad Miller的办公室时,已经知道了他是Jackson律师团的一分子。 如果事实果真如此,法官就可以将该搜查裁定为破坏了Jackson的“律师—委托人特权”,并可以归还查封的证物。 据法庭文件显示,在搜查之前,Tom Sneddon驾车100英里从圣芭芭拉赶往洛杉矶,亲自打探Miller的办公室并拍摄了照片。 音乐制作人David Gest指责Tom Sneddon“不惜一切地想逮住”Jackson,Gest曾在他的婚礼上请Michael Jackson作傧相,可惜他与妻子Liza Minnelli现在并不和睦。 此外,他还告诉"Extra"名人节目,他很担心Michael Jackson。 “万一他被定罪的话,当然我希望不要这样,他会自杀的,”Gest说,“像Michael Jackson这样的人,如何在监狱生存下来呢?” [em19]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.popdirt.com/article30920.html Chappelle's MJ Joke Guilt Dave Chappelle tells Blender magazine that he feels a little guilt joking about Michael Jackson's current child molestation case. "If Brad Pitt was in this kind of trouble, I don't think they'd have as much fun with it," he said, referring to the comics targetting the King of Pop relentlessly. "These Michael Jackson jokes that I do in my act now - first time in my career I've done Michael jokes. I always felt bad for the guy. Whenever a black person's in trouble, as a knee-jerk reaction, I always say, 'They're not guilty'."








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发表于 2004-7-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-7-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Michael并不是唯一声称圣芭芭拉检查官办公室公报私仇的人。Diane Hall是圣玛利亚的法官,她也遭到了起诉。这位法官在Michael第一次庭讯时曾神秘出现。我们应该密切关注她的案子。 她曾在Dunlap状告Sneddon恶意检举的案件中出庭做证。(Sneddon曾面临圣巴巴拉律师Gary Dunlap提出的1000万美元的指控,罪名是“恶意检举”。Dunlap称Sneddon犯有21项滥用职权的罪名,包括窃听电话、非法调查取证、通过编辑磁带来掩盖罪行等。Dunlap 曾被起诉,经过一番斗争最终宣判无罪。Dunlap接着声称报复性检举对圣巴巴拉来说是“例行公事”。) Diana Ruth Hall,现年54岁,最高法院法官,她正面临8项轻罪指控,她被控在2002年寻求连任期间接受了来自Deidra Dykeman的2万美元存款。 Hall已否认了对她的指控。 该案的初审日期也定在了9月13日。她的律师Scott称,他更希望该案由州首席检查官来检举,而不是由圣芭芭拉的检查官们。 Hall之前也受到过起诉,两起案件的主检人都是检查官代表Kimberly Smith。她的律师Scott称,Hall在Gary Dunlap一案中的证人角色导致了她与Kimberly Smith的矛盾。为了打倒Hall,圣芭芭拉的检查官们计划了第一起案件,但他们没能得到想要的一切,于是他们又计划了第二次起诉。








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发表于 2004-7-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Chappelle为嘲笑MJ而内疚 Dave Chappelle日前接受《Blender》采访时称,他为在Michael Jackson遭遇的娈童指控一事上开了玩笑而感到很内疚。“如果换成是Brad Pitt,我不认为人们会去取笑他。”他说,他指的是针对流行音乐之王残酷取笑的喜剧。“我表演的这些闹剧,是我在演艺生涯中第一次开Michael的玩笑。我一直都很可怜这家伙。每当有一个黑人遇到麻烦的时候,出于本能,我都会说,‘他们是无辜的。’”
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Judge in Jackson case seals defense motion to postpone trial LINDA DEUTSCH Associated Press LOS ANGELES - The judge in the Michael Jackson child molestation case, who has been keeping most evidence and documents secret, sealed a motion Wednesday in which Jackson's lawyers are asking to postpone the trial. Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville gave no reason for sealing the request other than to say it was done with "good cause having been shown." It was impossible to tell from the motion notice how long a delay is sought. In May, the judge set a trial date of Sept. 13 but acknowledged the parties might not be ready by then. He called the date "a bull's eye that we're shooting at" after noting complaints from Jackson's attorneys about the volume of evidence they still had to examine. The defense and prosecution are under orders to file every document in the case under seal and then let the judge decide if it should be made public. In some instances the judge has released heavily edited documents including a motion to dismiss the charges. But he has kept secret many details of the grand jury indictment of Jackson and the transcripts of grand jury hearings. But none of the sealed material has been as perfunctory as a request to continue a trial date. Lawyers in the case are under a court-imposed gag order preventing them from commenting on when the trial might start. An attorney for a coalition of news organizations including The Associated Press has filed an appeal of about a dozen decisions by Melville sealing information from public
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/GMA/Enterta...y_040714-1.html Alleged Payoffs Michael Jackson Paid More Than $1 Million to Associates — DA Calls It Payoffs July 14, 2004 — Prosecutors in the child molestation case against Michael Jackson have evidence he paid massive amounts of money to five associates, and they contend these were payoffs for aiding in a conspiracy to silence Jackson's alleged victim and his family, ABC News has learned. Jackson has pleaded not guilty to 10 charges that include felony conspiracy with 28 overt acts involving child abduction, false imprisonment, and extortion. The conspiracy charge against Jackson refers to his alleged attempts through associates to quiet the alleged victim and his family. The alleged victim in the case is believed to be a cancer survivor, now 14 years old, who spent time at Jackson's Neverland ranch and appeared in the British documentary Living With Michael Jackson, which was broadcast on ABC last year. Sources tell ABC News the five Jackson associates who received money have all been named as unindicted co-conspirators by Tom Sneddon, the district attorney for Santa Barbara County, Calif. The prosecutor alleges the five Jackson associates played various roles in surveilling the alleged victim's family, taking the boy and his siblings out of school and making them virtual prisoners of "The King of Pop" after the documentary aired. Sources tell ABC News the unindicted co-conspirators are Vinnie Amen and Frank Tyson, two longtime associates who both worked for Jackson at Neverland; Jackson financial advisers Dieter Wiesner and Ron Konitzer; and Mark Shaffel, a video producer who, sources have previously told ABCNEWS, dealt with the alleged victim's family after they appeared in Living With Michael Jackson. According to sources, prosecutors say they have evidence Tyson got $1 million in cash from Jackson and that the four other associates received hundreds of thousands of dollars. Disprovable and Laughable’ Joe Tacopina, Tyson's attorney, denied that his client played any role in an alleged conspiracy or received any payoff from Jackson. "It's disprovable, but it's also laughable," Tacopina said. Tacopina said Tyson did pick up $1 million in cash from the bank for Jackson on one occasion but only delivered it to the pop star. The money, Tacopina insisted, belonged to Jackson, and Tyson never spent it. According to Tacopina, Tyson had a letter from Jackson authorizing the pickup and delivery of the money. "That is how he [Jackson] got his cash," Tacopina said. "It wasn't something that was common for Michael to walk into a bank and take out large cash withdrawals. He had one of his confidants, employees, friends, i.e., Frank Tyson, go and do that for him. They're [prosecutors] looking at the transaction with blinders on. They're saying, "Aha! You know Michael Jackson permitted Frank Tyson to take $1 million, it was a thank you.' " Tacopina said it was not unusual for Jackson to have large sums cash available. "You know, maybe Michael needed a million dollars because he wanted to put two more Ferris wheels in his backyard and buy another car," Tacopina said. "Who knows? But it's not really something that the average person can relate to. That does not make it criminal." Legitimate Business Deals Alleged The four other unindicted alleged co-conspirators in the case also deny being paid to intimidate Jackson's alleged victim's family and call the allegations ridiculous, sources told ABC News. They say that any payments to them were made as part of legitimate business deals, many of which predated the molestation case against Jackson. Besides conspiracy, Jackson has pleaded not guilty to committing lewd acts upon a child; attempting to commit a lewd act; and administering an intoxicating agent to a child. Prosecutors and defense attorneys are scheduled to argue over the suppression of evidence at a hearing set to begin Aug. 16. Santa Barbara Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville ruled that Jackson would not have to appear at this hearing. An initial trial date for Jackson has been set for Sept. 13.
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