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楼主: mkgenie


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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
CHRIS来:Letters of the Wrong Kind by ObiechenaDays following the surrender of Michael Jackson to Santa Barbara authorities on charges of child molestation, the tantalizing tale of the infamous "love letters" he allegedly wrote to his now fourteen-year-old accuser began its circulation in the international press. Without as much as a blink of the eye, the American news media picked up the outlandish story and ran full speed ahead. There was no shortage of talking heads ready and willing to analyze this new "discovery" and crucify Jackson over a rumor that was still unsubstantiated...that was until a certain self-proclaimed reporter opened her big, fat, erroneous mouth to confirm the yarn.On November 24, 2003, flibbertigibbet Diane Dimond was on "Larry King Live" (LKL) proclaiming her knowledge of these supposed love letters. When host King asked if anyone knew for a fact the existence of these letters, Dimond exclaimed, "I absolutely know of their existence!" According to what she had surreptitiously heard through the slandervine, Jackson realized at some point that allegations were going to be made and remembered letters he had written to his accuser. _______________________________________________________________ "I hear that he realized allegations were on the way. He remembered love letters -- that磗 how they磖e described, love letters -- that he had written to this 12-year-old boy that were in the boy磗 home. At the time, the boy, the mother, the family was up at Neverland. Someone somehow was dispatched, I磎 told, by the Michael Jackson camp down to their Los Angeles-area apartment, and suddenly, those letters disappeared. That磗 what Mr. Sneddon and the sheriff were looking for when they went into Neverland, that stack of love letters." -- LKL, 24 Nov 2003. ________________________________________________________________ She hears a lot of things, doesn磘 she? Quite a fascinating story. It always helps when you have a squawking demagogue like Nancy Grace present to assist with the facilitation of the notion that Jackson wrote said letters without any evidence to back up your claim.The source of the media磗 information, The Daily Telegraph of Australia, stated that these letters were seized by authorities during the raid of Jackson磗 Ranch. A source cited by the Telegraph said that "the boy told investigators about letters and poems and their precise location inside Michael磗 home," and that these letters and videotapes that were seized are "very explicit and intimate and show a degree of familiarity. Basically, they appear to be love letters from Michael to the boy."Would it be safe to say that what one man sees as money, another sees as green paper?It is quite amazing how no one stopped to think of the implausibility of what Dimond and her counterparts overseas were presenting. Maybe it would help reiterating. Anticipating allegations of sexual misconduct, Jackson dispatched someone to reclaim the purported love letters from the accuser. This someone does just that, but does not destroy them. He instead decides to take the incriminating evidence back to Neverland.Yeah, real smart.Since these letters were considered potentially damaging, why would Jackson keep them? The man was smart enough to have the letters removed, but not smart enough to have them destroyed?The reiteration doesn磘 make the tabloid version of the matter any less confusing.Arguing over the existence of these letters would be moot, for the hysteria surrounding them imploded at a rate much faster than its explosion. Following a conversation with Santa Barbara District Attorney Thomas Sneddon, Kansas City prosecutor Nola Foulston appeared on "On the Record with Greta Van Sustren" with a bombshell of her own. ________________________________________________________________ "Well, I can tell you tonight that in my discussion with Mr. Sneddon within the last hour, there are no love letters that have been found ... the information that is being disseminated is not from law enforcement .... So I磎 telling you this evening, there are no such animals. The New York Post has the wrong story and Diane Dimond has the wrong story because it is not correct." -- On The Record - 24 Nov 2003. ________________________________________________________________ It is necessary to point out that this statement was made an hour after Dimond had proclaimed on LKL that she knew so absolutely of these so-called love letters.So much for spreading the eagle.The issue of the letters has again resurfaced, this time in relation to the raid of the office of private investigator Bradley Miller. Miller had been hired by former Jackson counsel Mark Geragos, and it was he who reportedly took statements in February 2003 of the family denying that anything ontoward had happened between any of them and Jackson.According to the prosecution磗 opposition to the Jackson defense "Motion to Suppress" evidence seized during the office raid, the accuser磗 mother alleged that "Jackson people" had stolen certain letters written by the entertainer to her son. She claims that the letters had gone missing when her stored property was returned to her. Prosecutors apparently believe that Miller acted on behalf of Jackson when he allegedly placed the accusing family磗 belongings into a storage unit and illegally snagged the letters. This allegation is one which would place Miller squarely in the position of being a co-conspirator to covering up a purported crime. Before continuing down the line of conspiracy, there is still a problem with this current story. The first version has Jackson dispatching someone (supposedly Miller) to the home of the accuser to retrieve the letters. The Telegraph reported that the accuser told authorities "their precise location inside Michael磗 home." It has now been learned via the prosecution motion that the accuser磗 mother is alleging that Miller stole these letters when he had their possessions placed into storage. Which one is it? Jackson had the letters removed from their home or he had them removed from their things in storage? Or are both one and the same? Even if you believe either scenario, the Telegraph and their unnamed source would like to have one believe that Jackson then turned around and told his accuser exactly where he kept these alleged letters in Neverland??Please don磘 insult my intelligence.The prosecution磗 belief that Miller was involved in the "unlawful taking" of these supposed letters is the kind of speculative reasoning that garnered the warrant used to break into Miller磗 office with a sledge hammer. Allegedly. If it is the theory of the prosecution that Miller did as he has been accused, why hasn磘 he been named as one of the infamous Jackson Five: the alleged co-conspirators? What about Mark Geragos? Surely the still unindicted quintet cannot be named while Geragos and Miller are not, particularly when they all reportedly acted under the direction of Geragos.So, what gives? Do these "love letters" exist at all? Are the earlier reported letters and those mentioned in the search warrant affidavit one and the same?Considering the 54 known executed warrants to date, one would expect that these letters (or evidence thereof) would have long since surfaced and been passed on to Diane Dimond by now. The denial of the documents six days following the megalithic raids allows for the speculative to wonder whether the accuser磗 mother mistook letters from a mental institution for letters of endearment from Jackson. It is also a possibility that said letters had all been a figment of a highly overactive imagination.This is mere speculation, of course.As the Jackson saga continues to unfold, more will undoubtedly be revealed about this case and its players. In the meantime, here are a few letters for you: E, S, X. A special prosecutor and his rabblerousing pet would agree that those are the real love letters.Reportedly.?2004 ANP








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发表于 2004-7-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
法官密封辩方要求推迟审判的申请 据洛杉矶方面的消息,Michael Jackson娈童案的法官周三再次密封了一份辩方要求推迟审判的申请书。 Rodney Melville法官没有给出密封文件的原因,他只说,“明摆着有很好的理由”。 从密封申请书的通知中还无法看出辩方希望审判推迟多久。 今年五月,法官曾将审判日期定于9月13日,但他也承认控辩双方可能到时还未准备好。在听取了Jackson的律师关于他们还有大量证据未来得急检验的抱怨之后,法官说,原定的审判日期就好比是“我们试图瞄准的公牛的眼睛”。 控辩双方都被要求密封每一份法律文件,让法官来决定是否将它们公开。法官已经公布了一些经过严重修改的文件,其中包括要求撤消指控的申请。但他依然密封着大陪审团指控的许多细节以及大陪审团证词笔录。 但是没有一份被密封的文件像这份要求推迟审判的文件这样草率。 律师们由于禁声令的约束而无法对何时开始审判发表意见。 代表媒体的律师已提起上诉,抗议Melville法官密封文件的一系列决定。








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发表于 2004-7-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
所谓的“酬劳” Michael Jackson给了手下超过100万美元——检查官认为这是“酬劳” 检方现在认为,Michael Jackson向5位手下人支付了大量金钱,他们认为这笔钱是为了酬谢这5人实施让原告家庭闭嘴的阴谋。 线人透露给ABC新闻,这5位得到金钱的手下都被Tom Sneddon列为未被起诉的同谋犯。 检方称,这5人在监视原告家庭一事中扮演了不同的角色,在记录片《与Michael Jackson同行》播出后,他们把原告和他的姐姐、弟弟带出学校,使他们成了“流行音乐之王”的“俘虏”。 根据线人的消息,这5位未被起诉的同谋犯分别是:在Neverland长期为Jackson工作的Vinnie Amen和Frank Tyson;Jackson的财务顾问Dieter Wiesner和Ron Konitzer;以及Mark Shaffel,电影制作人,据悉此人曾在《与Michael Jackson同行》播出后与原告家庭有过交往。 据线人说,检方称他们已掌握了证据证明Tyson从Jackson那里得到了100万美元,其他4人也各自得到了几十万美元。 可笑的无稽之谈 Tyson的律师Joe Tacopina否认了他的委托人曾参与阴谋并从Jackson手中得到报酬。 “这根本就是不成立的,不过这实在是太可笑了。” Tacopina律师说。 Tacopina称,Tyson的确曾经为Jackson从银行里取出100万美元现金,但他只是把钱交给了Jackson。Tacopina强调说,这笔钱属于Jackson,Tyson从没动用过。 据Tacopina说,Tyson有一封Jackson的信,授权他去把钱取回来。 “Jackson就是这样得到钱的,” Tacopina说,“Michael可不能随随便便走进银行,再带着大笔现金回来。于是,他叫了他的心腹、手下,或者说,朋友之一的Frank Tyson去替他办。那些检查官是戴着眼罩在看待这件事。他们叫嚷着,‘啊哈!看哪,Michael Jackson批准Frank Tyson去取100万美元,那是笔酬金。’” Tacopina说,Jackson大量提现是非常平常的事。 “或许Michael需要100万美元用来给他的后院安两个新的摩天轮,或者他想买辆新车,” Tacopina说,“谁知道呢?这不是普通人干的事儿,但这也不犯法呀。” 合法的商业交易 据线人称,该案中另外4名未被起诉的同谋犯也否认了被雇去胁迫原告家庭,他们称这些指控很可笑。他们说,支付给他们的款项是合法的商业交易,其中许多笔是发生在Jackson的娈童案之前。








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发表于 2004-7-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-16 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Media appeal in Jackson case was delayed by court clerk LINDA DEUTSCH Associated Press LOS ANGELES - An appeal by news media seeking access to information in the Michael Jackson court case went unfiled for a week because a clerk in the trial court refused to place it on the court docket, according to papers filed Thursday. Attorney Dominic Lanza, who filed the first notice of appeal on July 8, said he checked five days later to make sure the matter had been docketed and was told by the appellate clerk in the office of Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville that it was not filed because, "The court is not recognizing you as a party." Lanza, who is part of the legal team headed by Theodore Boutrous Jr., said it took until Thursday to get a clarification from the presiding justice of the California Second District Court of Appeal who instructed the clerk that the notice of appeal should be filed. Melville has imposed extraordinary rules of secrecy in the singer's child molestation case and 11 news media organizations including The Associated Press, are suing for access to court files on behalf of the public. "It's clear that we have standing to appeal," Boutrous said Thursday. "So we were surprised to find out that our notice of appeal was not on the docket." He noted that during court hearings, "Judge Melville has allowed us to participate fully in arguing to unseal documents. We have briefed and argued more motions than anybody." In a 27-page brief filed Thursday, Boutrous asked the appeals court for an expedited schedule saying, "The public's First Amendment right of access to judicial proceedings and documents is one that is exceedingly time-sensitive." He asked that the secrecy issues be resolved before a major series of hearings beginning Aug. 16 on defense motions to dismiss the indictment of Jackson. The appeal notes that the judge has ordered all documents in the case to be filed under seal for his consideration of release later. To date, he has released only heavily edited portions of motions and search warrants and has kept secret key details of the indictment, the grand jury transcripts and even a motion to change the trial date. Boutrous acknowledged that the judge justifies the unusual secrecy "based on Mr. Jackson's fame and celebrity status and the intense public and media interest in the case," fearful that publicity might taint the jury pool and prejudice Jackson's right to a fair trial. But he quoted from a recent appellate decision in New York's Martha Stewart case which said that media coverage was not a sufficient reason to close proceedings. "In general, openness acts to protect rather than to threaten the right to a fair trial," said the decision he quoted from the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal.
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-16 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
http://news.newspress.com/ PR agency touts Sneddon success DA needed help, Tellem says at seminar 7/16/04 By DAWN HOBBS NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITER The Tellem Worldwide public relations firm told listeners during a phone seminar on Thursday that Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon did such a bad job at his first press conference in the Michael Jackson case that the firm felt compelled to help him out. "No one was guiding this press conference," company President Susan Tellem said. "It was a debacle. . . . We felt it was imperative for us to help get to the district attorney and perhaps take another crack at doing a press conference that was better organized and conveyed information in a more practical way to the media." Company officials offered their services for free, which they estimated would have cost "in the millions" by now, if they were charging. The hourlong seminar, hosted by the Public Relations Society of America, gave Tellem Worldwide a chance to toot its own horn to an audience of about 200 who paid between $50 and $150 to hear about the company's Jackson experience. Mr. Sneddon was not available for comment. He and Santa Barbara County Sheriff Jim Anderson presided over the press conference at Earl Warren Showgrounds on Nov. 19, the day after law enforcement raided Mr. Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch and announced a warrant had been issued for the entertainer's arrest. Some commentators offered harsh criticism of Mr. Sneddon's performance, saying he acted as if he took the case too lightly. Mr. Sneddon held a second press conference -- on the advice of Ms. Tellem, she said -- when he filed molestation charges against Mr. Jackson in December. Ms. Tellem liked that one better. "Mr. Sneddon did a fabulous job and even changed public opinion. . . . If it were any other client, we would love to help create a personality piece about the district attorney. He's a really nice guy, he has nine kids and he's a churchgoer. There's a lot of positive things people don't know about Mr. Sneddon." Not everyone agrees that the second press conference was an unalloyed triumph. Mr. Sneddon took a swipe at Los Angeles authorities who had decided that the allegations against Mr. Jackson were unfounded. The district attorney expressed regret the next day for assailing the Los Angeles officials before a worldwide audience. ------------------------------------------------------------http://news.newspress.com/ DA will take stand at Jackson hearing, not tape testimony 7/16/04 By DAWN HOBBS NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITER Michael Jackson's defense lawyers want Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon to take the stand in August to question him in open court, rather than videotape his testimony earlier. Last week in court, Mr. Jackson's lawyers -- led by Thomas Mesereau -- announced they had subpoenaed Mr. Sneddon to testify in his own child molestation case against their client, along with a district attorney's investigator and several sheriff's detectives. However, Mr. Sneddon will be on vacation during the next scheduled hearing on July 27. So rather than videotape his testimony earlier, the defense will question the prosecutor during the Aug. 16 hearing, court documents released Thursday indicate. At issue is whether Mr. Sneddon knew that private investigator Bradley Miller was working for Mr. Jackson's lawyer at the time, Mark Geragos, when he obtained an affidavit to raid Mr. Miller's Beverly Hills office in November. In the meantime, media attorney Theodore Boutrous has requested that justices from the state Court of Appeal expedite review of his challenge to Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville's practice of routinely sealing documents in the Jackson case, keeping even basic facts about the alleged crimes secret. "The trial court has principally justified these extraordinary procedures, and the resulting secrecy, based on Mr. Jackson's fame and celebrity status and the intense public and media interest in this case," Mr. Boutrous stated in his motion filed with the justices Thursday. "But these general concerns do not come close to defeating the public's presumptive rights of access to judicial records and hearings." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------PR agency touts Sneddon success Santa Barbara News-Press - 7 minutes ago The Tellem Worldwide public relations firm told listeners during a phone seminar on Thursday that Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon did such a bad job at his first press conference in the Michael Jackson case that the firm felt compelled to help him out. -----------------------------------------------------http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/showbiz/articles/11996464 MJ 'to become dad again' By Metro 16 July 2004 Michael Jackson is reportedly set to become a father for the fourth time, the Enquirer said. A mystery actress was said to have been artificially inseminated with his sperm and is now pregnant with more than one child. Jackson, who is awaiting trial on child abuse charges, allegedly chose the woman after she penned him a fan letter expressing belief in his innocence. Jackson, 45, is said to have replied asking if she was willing to carry his child. An insider said: 'Eagerly, she agreed. By early May she became pregnant. She had been on all sorts of medications to prepare her for the pregnancy.' The source told the Enquirer the woman was expecting a multiple birth. 'There were five embryos implanted in her and four took,' the source revealed. Jackson, who denies ten child molestation charges, has faced calls for his children - Prince Michael, Paris and Prince Michael II - to be taken off him.








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发表于 2004-7-16 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-17 12:49:35编辑过]








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发表于 2004-7-17 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
自从Michael Jackson就娈童指控向法庭“自首”之后,关于那个声名狼籍的MJ写给那个现在已经14岁男孩“情书”的挑逗故事就反复出现在全球媒体。美国媒体全力去追查这个怪异的故事,较之以前非但没有减少任何谈论,反而认为这是个新“发现”,似乎打算将Jackson钉死于谣言的十字架上。之前此事无任何确实的根据,直到一个自称是记者的人打开她巨大,肥胖且错误的嘴证实了这个奇谈。 2003年11月24日,一个名为Diane Dimond的轻浮女人出现在"Larry King现场"节目中声称她对所谓的“情书”的了解。Dimond称:我清楚地知道它们的存在!Jackson此刻意识到谣言即将产生并想起了那些他写给原告的信件。 “我听说他了解到原告的陈述很接近。他记得那些信件,那些他写给那个12岁男孩的所谓的“情书”,现在都在那个男孩的家里。而此时,那个男孩,以及他的母亲和家人正在Neverland,而我正被Michael Jackson阵营的人叫去洛杉矶的公寓。而正在此刻,那些信件消失了,那些就是Sneddon在Neverland中极力寻找的信件。” 消息来源,澳大利亚每日电报称这些信件是在Jackson被捕期间被查封的。那个男孩告诉调查者这些信件和诗歌以及他们在MJ家里的准确位置。据称那些被查封的信件和录影带都非常直接和私密,显示了两人之间一定程度的亲密关系。基本上,这属于MJ给他的“情书”。 在这件性骚扰案件中,Jackson指使他人去原告那里拿回那传说中的“情书”。虽然他拿回了那些东西但却没有毁了他们,只是坚持将罪证拿回Neverland。 既然这些信件具有潜在的危险,为什么Jackson还留着?是因为Jackson还没聪明到拿回家然后毁了他们的程度? 这些反复的举动并没有让小报谣言的混乱程度得到任何减轻。 鉴于愈加疯狂的事态,讨论这些信件是否存在完全是无必要的。Kansas城的检查官Nola Foulston在与Thomas Sneddon会面后出现在"On the Record with Greta Van Sustren"节目中。“我可以告诉你们今晚我和Sneddon一个小时侯前的谈话,事实上没有找到任何的“情书”。我今天想告诉你们的是《纽约时报》的报道是错误的,Diane Dimond同样也搞错了。” 在这里有必要指出这个称述是在Dimond说她对那些所谓的“情书”完全了解之后一小时所发生的。 So much for spreading the eagle. The issue of the letters has again resurfaced, this time in relation to the raid of the office of private investigator Bradley Miller. Miller had been hired by former Jackson counsel Mark Geragos, and it was he who reportedly took statements in February 2003 of the family denying that anything ontoward had happened between any of them and Jackson. According to the prosecution磗 opposition to the Jackson defense "Motion to Suppress" evidence seized during the office raid, the accuser磗 mother alleged that "Jackson people" had stolen certain letters written by the entertainer to her son. She claims that the letters had gone missing when her stored property was returned to her. Prosecutors apparently believe that Miller acted on behalf of Jackson when he allegedly placed the accusing family磗 belongings into a storage unit and illegally snagged the letters. This allegation is one which would place Miller squarely in the position of being a co-conspirator to covering up a purported crime. Before continuing down the line of conspiracy, there is still a problem with this current story. The first version has Jackson dispatching someone (supposedly Miller) to the home of the accuser to retrieve the letters. The Telegraph reported that the accuser told authorities "their precise location inside Michael磗 home." It has now been learned via the prosecution motion that the accuser磗 mother is alleging that Miller stole these letters when he had their possessions placed into storage. Which one is it? Jackson had the letters removed from their home or he had them removed from their things in storage? Or are both one and the same? Even if you believe either scenario, the Telegraph and their unnamed source would like to have one believe that Jackson then turned around and told his accuser exactly where he kept these alleged letters in Neverland?? Please don磘 insult my intelligence. The prosecution磗 belief that Miller was involved in the "unlawful taking" of these supposed letters is the kind of speculative reasoning that garnered the warrant used to break into Miller磗 office with a sledge hammer. Allegedly. If it is the theory of the prosecution that Miller did as he has been accused, why hasn磘 he been named as one of the infamous Jackson Five: the alleged co-conspirators? What about Mark Geragos? Surely the still unindicted quintet cannot be named while Geragos and Miller are not, particularly when they all reportedly acted under the direction of Geragos. So, what gives? Do these "love letters" exist at all? Are the earlier reported letters and those mentioned in the search warrant affidavit one and the same? Considering the 54 known executed warrants to date, one would expect that these letters (or evidence thereof) would have long since surfaced and been passed on to Diane Dimond by now. The denial of the documents six days following the megalithic raids allows for the speculative to wonder whether the accuser磗 mother mistook letters from a mental institution for letters of endearment from Jackson. It is also a possibility that said letters had all been a figment of a highly overactive imagination. This is mere speculation, of course. As the Jackson saga continues to unfold, more will undoubtedly be revealed about this case and its players. In the meantime, here are a few letters for you: E, S, X. A special prosecutor and his rabblerousing pet would agree that those are the real love letters. Reportedly. ?2004 ANP
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-17 16:12:07编辑过]








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发表于 2004-7-17 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-17 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Chris在2004-7-17 16:11:18的发言: 不好意思,拖了2天我今天下午翻了这些,还有一半要麻烦KEEN另找他人了








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发表于 2004-7-17 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用mkgenie在2004-7-17 16:25:24的发言: > 汗``````````
或者你也可以等我后天下午有空把这个翻完 呵呵呵(厚着脸皮爬走……)








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发表于 2004-7-18 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-19 13:04:47编辑过]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-19 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Chris在2004-7-17 22:42:00的发言: ` 或者你也可以等我后天下午有空把这个翻完 呵呵呵(厚着脸皮爬走……)
Oh Chris, my Chris````` ``My Christ````````您还没“爬”回来么?我等着呢
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-19 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Billie_Hou在2004-7-18 19:06:44的发言: ````````
威望是对你的奖励 有什么用问问CANDY








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发表于 2004-7-19 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
呦!每日播报``````不如设个电视台吧!每天放放Michael的MV啊,演唱会什么的 到了正点就播播新闻,还可以放放歌迷风采什么的我可以自告奋勇做驻Neverland特派记者````[em01][em01][em01]
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