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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-22 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Billie_Hou在2004-7-19 14:48:17的发言: 呦!每日播报`````` 不如设个电视台吧!每天放放Michael的MV啊,演唱会什么的 到了正点就播播新闻,还可以放放歌迷风采什么的 我可以自告奋勇做驻Neverland特派记者````[em01][em01][em01]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-22 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
AK,综合编译,能删多少重复的内容就删www.pbs.org Quincy接受Tavis Smiley采访谈on Michael "Tavis: Let me shift gears dramatically, and this is not fair to ask you this on television, but I know you’ll give me an answer you’re comfortable with. Everybody’s talking about Michael Jackson. You helped put Michael on the map. “Thriller”: you did it with him. How pained are you to see what he’s going through? Quincy: Very pained. Very pained. I feel the anxiety, and I saw--Janet and Jermaine were over the house two days ago, and I sent my love to him and everything. It’s like something you can’t reach, you can’t touch, you know, because it’s--I think personally that, uh, cable news is turning into something that is kind of dangerous, really, because they form--it’s not a question of reporting news. They’re starting to create it. And it feels dangerous to me, and I see that with political candidates, I see that with the people with Kobe or whoever, Michael. And it’s, uh, it’s dangerous to have that much ideology and editorializing before the count’s down. You know, number one, ‘cause people have a mindset already before he even gets tried. Or anybody, and it’s happening all time irregardless of what reality is." http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=3232516 5:34am (UK) Michael Jackson Challenges First Amendment Michael Jackson wants “a celebrity exception to the First Amendment” which will keep much of his child molestation case secret, a media lawyer has. Theodore Boutrous, answering a defence motion defending secrecy and deriding press coverage, accused Jackson’s lawyers of engaging in a “misguided tirade” against the press while displaying “insensitivity to basic First Amendment values.” In the motion filed yesterday, Boutrous challenged Jackson’s claim that he wants the same rights as other defendants. “What he is really seeking is a blanket celebrity exception to the First Amendment that would turn the notion of public access upside down,” said Boutrous, who represents a coalition of news organisations. Boutrous was responding to a motion filed by the defence which portrayed reporters as voyeurs with no legitimate interests in covering the court system. “The interest in this case is more voyeuristic and entertainment related than it is an interest of an audience concerned with matters of government or public affairs,” the motion said. The defence urged the California 2nd District Court of Appeal to refuse a media request for an expedited hearing and perhaps delay the entire issue of press access until the trial is over. Boutrous responded that the media “are not seeking to create a ’circus’ ... but rather are simply trying to report on official judicial records and proceedings.” “As the official record stands right now,” Boutrous said, “the public does not even know the actual allegations that form the basis of the felony indictment.” Jackson, 45, is charged with committing a lewd act on a child, administering an intoxicating agent and conspiring to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. The 28 acts alleged to have occurred are sealed, as are the names of alleged co-conspirators. Grand jury transcripts detailing the case against Jackson are sealed along with search warrants, a motion to suppress evidence and most of the motion to dismiss charges. In a surprising move, the trial judge, represented by the Santa Barbara County counsel, filed a motion of his own arguing that the public already knows everything it needs to know about the case and keeping the rest secret is the way to give Jackson a fair trial. “The public may know little more about the facts of this case than that Mr Jackson has been indicted on serious charges and that a jury will be asked to consider the evidence that may be presented to it and determine his guilt or innocence based upon that evidence,” the brief said. “But that’s how to ensure a fair trial,” it concluded. The argument repeated one made earlier by the prosecution in its own attack on allowing press coverage. The brief filed for Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville claimed that an expedited hearing would not allow enough time for issues to be “fully developed and briefed” before the September trial date. Boutrous said there would be no added burden in expediting the appeal because transcripts of all hearings have already been produced. Media oppose Judge's effort to stall secrecy appeal By LINDA DEUTSCH AP Special Correspondent LOS ANGELES -- In an unusual legal battle over getting an appeal heard in the Michael Jackson case, a media lawyer Wednesday opposed the trial judge's effort to stall appellate review of his secrecy rulings. With the issues of the appeal still to be argued, a flurry of motions were filed by the defense and the judge trying to stop a media effort to obtain a speedy hearing on the question of secrecy surrounding large portions of the child molestation case. "The importance of these issues does not, as the trial court suggests, justify delaying their resolution," said media attorney Theodore Boutrous Jr. "Rather it mitigates strongly in favor of expedited review." He noted that even the trial court recognized in its legal briefs that "important First Amendment issues" are involved. "This appeal presents the clean, clear issue of the proper standards to be applied before judicial records and hearings may be sealed in a high-profile criminal case," Boutrous said. A brief filed on behalf of Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville with the California 2nd District court of Appeal on Tuesday argued that taking up an appeal now was too time consuming for all parties and suggested that the court's pattern of secrecy - sealing most documents in the case - is the only way to give Jackson a fair trial. Jackson's lawyers went so far as to say that the entire issue of access to documents and evidence should be delayed until after the trial is over because by then it will be moot. They support the policy of secrecy. Boutrous responded that, "This notion that the only way to ensure a fair trial is to keep all substantive information about a criminal trial secret runs counter to deeply rooted First Amendment principles and violates the first principle that the people have the right to know what is done in their courts." Citing long lists of precedents supporting openness in the courts, Boutrous said, "Failure to correct these errors now will infect and taint the entire case." He added, "Contrary to the trial court's suggestion, the large number of sealing orders at issue does not warrant delay, but instead favors immediate review because they demonstrate the extreme level of secrecy that permeates the case." Melville has sealed key portions of the indictment, which specify what Jackson is alleged to have done and who allegedly conspired with him. He sealed 80 pages of a dismissal motion, the defense motion to suppress evidence, large numbers of search warrants and affidavits and the identities of potential witnesses. He also sealed a motion to continue the trial to a new date. The judge has ordered the defense and prosecution to file all documents in the case under seal, a practice which has been barred in other appellate decisions. Jackson, 45, is charged with committing a lewd act on a child, administering an intoxicating agent and conspiring to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. The 28 acts alleged to have occurred are sealed, as are the names of alleged co-conspirators.









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发表于 2004-7-22 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层

是不是梦   我不知道

是不是梦   我不想知道








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Jackson案件检控官回击媒体本文作者Robert Matas2004年7月21日星期三温哥华--圣芭芭拉县检控官Tom Sneddon因其对世界流行天王MJ案件的处理方式受到了媒体的讨论.虽然早就感到自己受到所受到的指责,他仍然一直保持沉默,只是偶尔会站出来为自己辩论.在离家2000公里异国他乡的一个早晨,Sneddon终于发表了讲话回敬媒体和那些对他进行过指责的律师们.在昨天下午于温哥华举行的全国地区律师协会夏季会议上,他说为了确保审判的公正性自己并未对错误信息以及由此引起的相关评论作出回应。这听起来到像是在养精蓄锐。在就处理受高度关注案件向其他检控人员提供建议时,他警告他们别相信媒体的公正性。"他们会为了竞争用尽一切手段,'他说,"这太狂热了,而这一切都是由竞争造成 的.这种情况下规章制度可起不到作用.'他还提出,如果检控者们(在美国称地区律师)涉及到高度关注性案件的话,最好是聘请公共关系公司协助。Sneddon先生还强烈建议他们得到法庭禁声令以禁止相公涉案人员对公众提及有关事项。"我们会写信给一些人,告之我们想让他们作证以免他们接受电视媒体采访。'他坦白说到.自1982年起,Sneddon先生就开始担任圣芭芭拉县的地区律师.10年前,因一名男童称Jackson先生在与其相处的5个月中曾对其有过数次猥亵行为,Sneddon就此展开了为期一年多的调查工作。但这个案子又于1994年突然终结,据说是因为Jackson先生以1530万美圆与男童父母达成了庭外和解.调查中断后,Jackson先生便写了一首明显针对Sneddon的歌. Jackson先生在他<<历史>>专辑的这首名为Tom Sheldon的歌中唱到"tom sheldon是个冷酷的人......'人们大都将Sheldon看作是Sneddon的别称.一些人还说在这首歌中Jackson唱的就是"Sneddon'.








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发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
AK,RF的: Jackson's Secret Meeting Thursday, July 22, 2004 By Roger Friedman MJ: Secret Family Meeting Did Michael Jackson call a secret meeting of his entire family last month to tell them about his newly expected children? According to my sources, Jackson convened all of his immediate family members ?parents, siblings, nieces and nephews ?at Neverland on June 5 for a special meeting. Jackson himself was physically absent but was on a speaker-phone set up so he could address the group. All the siblings were there with the exception of Janet, I am told. One theory is that Jackson told the group there would be at least one additional member soon, thanks to a woman who claimed to be pregnant by him through artificial insemination. But no one knows for sure, and now ?even with US Weekly and the National Enquirer fighting over who broke the story ?there is doubt that Jackson has a new child or children coming at all. Yesterday, inner circle members of the Jackson group absolutely and categorically denied the current story, saying that Michael had not fathered one or four new babies who would be due around February. "No, no, no" is what I got from people I consider as close to Jackson as they can be. On the other hand, at least two other Jackson intimates believe that some form of the new babies story has some veracity. They say that Jackson often kept company with a mysterious and wealthy young Palm Beach woman named Sylvia who would come to visit the pop star in a chauffeur-driven Bentley when he stayed in Miami. One source says: "My wife once tried to get friendly with Sylvia, get her last name, invite her to dinner, when Michael wasn't in the room. Michael was furious. He said we were nosy for trying to find out about his personal life." Could Jackson really have arranged with this woman or another to carry his child(ren) with none of his lawyers or associates aware of the plan? One former associate told me yesterday: "Yes. I know because I did things for him where I was the only one who knew what was going on. It can be done, and Michael likes to do things that way." If the new baby story is a lie, as Jackson's insiders claim, then the question is, where did it come from? In the meantime, another source ?one who has access to Jackson's accounts payable ?says so far no one has billed the pop star for unusual legal work, and no cash outlays have been attributed to potential surrogate mothers.
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
琐碎新闻: Remembering the time: How did the Dangerous Album perform back in the day: http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?d...hite+Epic+his... Jackson's |Dangerous' Is Quadruple Threat In Certs LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson's "Dangerous" is the second album in less than three months to be certified for out-of-the-box sales of 4 million copies. "Dangerous" follows Garth Brooks' "Ropin' The Wind," which in November became the first album ever to be simultaneously certified gold, platinum, double-platinum, triple-platinum, and quadruple-platinum. "Dangerous" is Jackson's fourth consecutive album to top the 4-million mark in U.S. sales, following "Off The Wall," "Thriller," and "Bad." Jackson is the first artist to reach this sales level with four consecutive albums since Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band achieved the feat in the mid '70s and early '80s. In addition, "Black Or White," the first single from Jackson's album, was certified platinum in January by the Recording Industry Assn. of America. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=music Editorial Reviews Amazon.com essential recording Michael Jackson was still going for pop hits with 1991's Dangerous, but he also front-loaded the album with six straight Teddy Riley-assisted cuts. This half-hour swoop of tense, aggressive, often angular funk was Jackson's most interesting music since Thriller, and still sounds, well, invincible on this remastered edition. After that, the record's uneven, but there's nothing embarrassing about it, either. "Gone Too Soon," a non-Jackson composition about teen AIDS casualty Ryan White, is a quiet statement (particularly played next to the choir-laden "Heal the World," "Keep the Faith," and "Will You Be There") showing that the star doesn't always have to get showy. The sprightly "Black or White" is explicitly pro-interracial romance, an angle its video didn't go near, and the urgent "Give In to Me" is almost scary. Scary good, that is. --Rickey Wright Dangerous Remastered, October 17, 2001 Reviewer: Thomas Magnum (NJ, USA) - See all my reviews Michael Jackson is a rare artist who can easily slip in and out of all kinds of musical styles and genres. From r&b to rock to dance to fast songs to ballads, the self proclaimed King of Pop is chameleon-like in his approach. Dangerous is another example of his variety. "Jam" is a furious, beat heavy song and "Why You Wanna Trip On Me" is an intense number. "In The Closet" has a slinky groove and "Remember The Time" has a silky smooth sound. "Heal The World" attempts to be another "We Are The World", but one can forgive him as you know his intentions are pure. "Black Or White" has a jangly guitar riff that is the backbone of the song. "Give In To Me" is a hard rocker and "Will You Be There" has a gospel like chorus. Dangerous is an eclectic mixed bag that Mr. Jackson shows he is willing to mix it up and try different things. The remastered version unfortunately doesn't offer any bonus material like the re-releases of Off The Wall, Thriller & Bad, but the sound is fresh and clean and the repackaging superb. http://thecelebritycafe.com/sightings/10622.html Written by: Debbie Davis Michael Jackson At Disneyland This is kind of an old story. I was at Disneyland when I was about 14 or 15 years old. I was in line for the Star Tours ride when all of a sudden everyone started shouting and taking pictures. They had stopped the ride across from us (that People Mover ride) to let Michael Jackson and his group on. He was wearing a red, kind of silky, long sleeved button up shirt, black pants, a black hat, dark glasses, and that white armband thing around his upper arm. Not until a few years later did I realize who the child was that was with him. It was that boy that first accused Michael of child molestation (the one that was settled out of court). http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll.../407190317/1010 July 19, 2004 Jackson Music Awards to honor Tito Jackson By Cori Bolger cbolger@clarionledger.com Tito Jackson leads a double life these days — one that clings to his legendary family, the other as a seasoned bluesman. But unlike his highly-publicized siblings, Jackson is content to move forward at a slower pace. The oldest member of The Jackson 5, Jackson, 51, is also the last of nine brothers and sisters to release a solo album. "I've seen it all," Jackson said during a recent phone interview. "I've seen all kinds of things and all kinds of people. It helps you become a wiser type of person, from traveling and being in this business. It opens your eyes up to many things." Jackson (whose given name is Toriano Adaryll Jackson) is currently working on a solo blues album and returns to Mississippi tonight for the 30th annual Jackson Music Awards. He will be honored for his lifelong contribution to rhythm and blues as part of The Jackson 5. This is Jackson's first Mississippi visit since The Jackson 5 performed at the Mississippi Coliseum in the early '70s. At that time, Jesse Thompson, president and founder of Jackson Music Awards, Inc., was a student at Jackson State University. "I remember (the show) like it was yesterday," he said. "It was a Sunday afternoon and they did all the hits ... Everyone in the '70s identified with one of the Jacksons." Even today, fans remember Tito Jackson as the quiet, guitar-playing brother whose curiosity sparked the group's start in Gary, Ind. "I was the first kid who had the guts to touch my father Joe's guitar," Jackson said. "He'd put it in the closet when he went to work and I'd sneak it out after he left." During one session, Tito broke a string. Joe Jackson punished his son, then the blues guitarist challenged Tito to show off his skills. "I played better than him," Jackson said. Joe Jackson bought Tito an electric guitar the following day. The brothers began rehearsing together, packed up and moved to Los Angeles to work with Motown Records. They eventually toured worldwide, selling thousands of albums and appearing on The Ed Sullivan Show. The newfound fame overshadowed Jackson's teenage years and made growing up far from normal. "We didn't get a chance to play a lot," he said. "My father kept us rehearsing and performing. That's all I remember. I don't remember a day in my life when I didn't have an instrument in my hand." Each Jackson sibling eventually took his or her own career path, with Tito Jackson reverting back to his original love — the blues. He recently began a new tour performing Chicago-style blues with The Brothers Band. Now, he's coming south toward the birthplace of the genre. "I've always wanted to make it down South, to make my blues and get accepted down there," Jackson said. Although it's been awhile since The Jackson Five performed as a group (the last was at 9/11 benefit concert in October of 2001), Tito Jackson insists there are reunions in their future. "We'd love to do one more for the road," he said. He added that he's "pretty sure" Michael Jackson will be involved, despite recent criminal charges that keep the most famous Jackson brother in court. "We support him very much and wish him well," Jackson said of Michael. "We're 100 percent behind him and we're doing the best we can with it. We pray, and he's going to be fine." The Jacksons, who live in and around Los Angeles, gather monthly to celebrate birthdays and graduations and catch up. The family has consistently remained under media scrutiny — from Janet's breast exposure at the 2004 Super Bowl to rumors of child abuse by Joe Jackson. Tito Jackson shrugs off the gossip mill. "Whatever people read in the media, they get wild ideas, but my family is pretty damn close," he said. Although Jackson has traveled internationally and lived with fame for decades, there's still one dream that remains unfulfilled — playing a gig with his idol, B.B. King. "I've been a B.B. King fan since I've been a little boy," he said. "I got an autograph he sent me hanging in my tour bus right now ... It would make it all worth it for me." 20/07/04 MichaelJackson.hu 3 New Jackson Releases As the spotlight is on Michael Jackson because of the outrageous allegations, different companies tries to make money out of him. Another three new Jackson releases: MICHAEL JACKSON, THE KING OF POP: THE BIG PICTURE: THE MUSIC! THE MAN! THE LEGEND! THE INTERVIEWS: AN ANTHOLOGY (HARDCOVER BOOK) July 30th, 2004 - Worldwide http://www.book-info.com/author/Colossus+Books.htm?ID=sPfGYDpXKU86kzbR AMERICA'S FIRST FAMILY OF MUSIC (DVD) August 10th, 2004 - Worldwide http://www.videopricefind.com/dvdinfo/47712 (Note that this is an MBC Network release) MICHAEL JACKSON: OR THE MELANCHOLY OF ANATOMY (HARCOVER BOOK) December 31st, 2004 - UK http://www.limebooks.co.uk/1904095755/michael-jackson/gilbert-adair Hanks' balcony scene Reports that Michael Jackson has fathered quadruplets must give actor Tom Hanks and director Steven Spielberg a nostalgic chuckle. When the two were promoting the European release of "Catch Me If You Can" last year, they spent time in the same Berlin hotel room where Jackson once dangled his 9-month-old baby off a balcony four floors above the ground. As a prank, Spielberg and Hanks made a home movie re-creating the incident. Having seen the tape, we can report that they took turns dangling a doll over the balcony. Hanks ended up laughing so hard he dropped the doll - happily, not over the edge. http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/214609p-184667c.html








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发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Michael Jackson在迪斯尼乐园 这是个老故事了。我在大约14、15岁的时候曾到迪斯尼乐园玩。我正排队等着乘“星际航游”,就在这时,大家都尖叫起来并拿起了照相机。他们在我们对面停下了小车,让Michael Jackson和他的随从坐进去。他穿着件红色的丝质衬衣、黑裤黑帽加墨镜,上臂戴着白色袖章。他的身边还有个男孩,过了好几年我才意识到那个男孩是谁。他就是那个第一次指控Michael犯下娈童罪的人(那个在庭外了结的人)。








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Tito Jackson荣获Jackson音乐奖 Tito Jackson这些年来过着双重生活——既依附于他的传奇家庭,又是个蓝调音乐老手,但他却是众兄弟姐妹中最晚发行个人专集的一个。他的全名是Toriano Adaryll Jackson,他正赶往密西西比州去领取第30届Jackson音乐奖,这一奖项是为了表彰他作为Jackson 5的一员对节奏蓝调做出的终生贡献。 虽然The Jackson 5作为一个整体已有一阵子没在一起演出了(最近的一次是在2001年10月的911赈灾音乐会),Tito Jackson强调他们将来一定会再合作。 他在接受采访时说,“我们很乐意再次合作。” 他补充说,他“很肯定”Michael Jackson一定会被包括在内,尽管他最近官司缠身。 “我们都非常支持他,为他祝福,”在谈起Michael时,Tito这样说到。“我们100%地支持他,我们正全力以赴。我们祈祷他能平安。” Jackson一家都住在洛杉矶周围,他们每月都会聚一聚,或庆祝生日或庆祝孩子毕业。 这家人一直以来都受着媒体的监视——从Janet的超级碗事件到父亲Joe的虐待传闻。但是Tito却对此一笑了之,无论人们从媒体上知道了什么,他们被灌输了疯狂的想法,但我们全家还是亲密无间。”








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发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Jackson又有新品上市 正当Michael Jackson因为娈童指控倍受关注的时候,各家公司都千方百计想从他身上赚钱。又有关于他的两本新书和一张DVD即将发行。 1. MICHAEL JACKSON, THE KING OF POP: THE BIG PICTURE: THE MUSIC! THE MAN! THE LEGEND! THE INTERVIEWS: AN ANTHOLOGY《Michael Jackson,流行音乐之王:精美图片:经典的音乐!伟大的男人!不朽的传奇!访谈文选》版式:精装本发行日期:2004年7月30日发行范围:全球 2.AMERICA'S FIRST FAMILY OF MUSIC《美国音乐的第一家庭》版式:DVD发行日期:2004年8月10日发行范围:全球预订地址:http://www.videopricefind.com/dvdinfo/47712 3. MICHAEL JACKSON: OR THE MELANCHOLY OF ANATOMY《Michael Jackson:被解剖的忧郁》版式:精装本发行日期:2004年12月31日发行范围:英国预订地址:http://www.limebooks.co.uk/1904095755/michael-jackson/gilbert-adair








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发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Hanks的阳台模仿秀 去年,影星汤姆-汉克斯与导演史蒂文-斯皮尔伯格在欧洲宣传新片《猫鼠游戏》(Catch Me If You Can)时,他们在柏林一家酒店的四楼阳台上逗留了片刻。这个阳台,正是Michael Jackson曾经摇晃过他那九个月大的儿子的地方。 斯皮尔伯格和汉克斯两人为了取乐,重演了当年的一幕并拍摄了下来。我们已经看过了他们拍的片子,他们轮流举着个洋娃娃在阳台外摇晃。汉克斯兴奋过度失手跌落了娃娃——幸好,她是落在阳台里面而不是外面。








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发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Billie 旋风——呼——呼——呼————〉——〉〉——〉〉〉——〉〉〉〉
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Billie_Hou在2004-7-23 14:08:26的发言: Billie 旋风——呼——呼——呼—— ——〉——〉〉——〉〉〉——〉〉〉〉








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-7-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用mkgenie在2004-7-23 14:13:47的发言: > …………冷死了,老板把空调关了好不好```````
38度黑色预警已经拉响!!!我给你送清凉 你别不识好歹!!!
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