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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-9 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
BH,编译: Jackson defense wants search of P.I. to be suppressed
A raid on Michael Jackson's private investigator's office was a "blatantly illegal" search and "outrageous government misconduct," according to the entertainer's lawyers. They want items seized in the raid barred from the child molestation trial against their client and returned to the defense team. When a convoy of Santa Barbara County law enforcement officers descended on Mr. Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch on Nov. 18, another group searched investigator Bradley Miller's Beverly Hills office. According to court documents, Mr. Miller worked for Mark Geragos, Mr. Jackson's defense counsel at the time.Defense lawyers contend in an edited court document released Thursday by Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville that law enforcement officers sledgehammered their way into Mr. Miller's office and scooped up numerous items, including audio- and videotapes, not listed on the search warrant and protected by attorney-client privilege.Prosecutors say they are allowed to take material not itemized on warrants if it is within plain view during the search and that they didn't know Mr. Miller was a private investigator for Mr. Geragos in the Jackson case. This morning in Santa Maria, Judge Melville will hear arguments on this issue from the defense and prosecution teams. He'll also consider motions dealing with evidence and public access to information about the case. Consideration of a defense motion to drop the indictment has been postponed until July 27.The defense team -- which includes lead lawyer Thomas Mesereau and co-counsels Robert Sanger, Steve Cochran and Susan Yu -- assert the "invasion of the defense camp . . . is the kind of outrageous conduct that the court has repeatedly warned prosecutors about."
Mr. Sanger stated in the motion: "At minimum, suppression and the return of the items to Mr. Jackson's present attorneys is a necessary step towards remedying this type of misconduct by overzealous government agents."
Mr. Jackson is accused of lewd conduct, administering alcohol to commit molestation, conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. He pleaded not guilty to all charges April 30. Trial has tentatively been scheduled to begin Sept. 13.In response to the defense motion to suppress evidence, prosecutors say they didn't realize Mr. Miller was employed by a lawyer retained by Mr. Jackson when they searched his office. Mr. Sneddon and Senior Deputy District Attorneys Ron Zonen, Gerald Franklin and Gordon Auchincloss say they were looking at Mr. Miller for other reasons.The affidavit in support of the warrant cited Mr. Miller's reported role in renting a storage unit where he allegedly stashed letters written by Mr. Jackson, according to the prosecution's response written by Mr. Franklin. Mr. Franklin said another reason for the search was because Mr. Miller was present during the filming of Mr. Jackson's rebuttal to a BBC video showing the entertainer holding hands with the boy who now accuses him and stating that he shares his bed with children.However, defense lawyers maintained prosecutors knew they were raiding the defense camp. A sheriff's report dated Sept. 10, 2003, indicated Mr. Geragos was an attorney who worked for Mr. Jackson and references correspondence between Mr. Geragos and Mr. Miller.Mr. Sanger asserts that a memo written by Mr. Sneddon shows that prosecutors knew Mr. Miller was a private investigator. The memo dated Nov. 10, 2003, details how "Tom Sneddon, himself, in an unorthodox move, drove from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles and surveilled Mr. Miller's office. Mr. Sneddon, himself, took pictures of the office. He looked up Mr. Miller's telephone number in the Beverly Hills Yellow Pages," the defense motion says.Throughout the case, Judge Melville has routinely sealed search warrants and motions, releasing only scant portions that provide little detail about the alleged crimes. Media attorney Theodore Boutrous, who has repeatedly fought for more access to these documents, filed an appeal Thursday with the State Court of Appeal's 2nd District in Ventura.
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-9 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Good Morning America just said that Tom Sneedon and cops have been subpeona to testify about the searchs.








发表于 2004-7-10 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
名人官司报道:MICHAEL JACKSON就法官Melville不予降低保释金的裁决向地方法院提起上诉。作为回应,地方法院要求法官Melville对以300万美金作为保释金的合理性 作出更好的解释。Celebrity Justice is reporting that Michael Jackson appealed the Judge Melville's ruling not to reduce his bail. In response, the Court of Appeals ordered Judge Melville to give a better reason why $3million is a reasonable amount for bail.








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发表于 2004-7-10 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
辩方律师希望密封对私家侦探的搜查结果 据辩方律师称,对于Michael Jackson的私家侦探的办公室的搜查是一次“明显的非法搜查”,是“蛮横的政府失职行为”。他们希望能封存此次搜查的结果,把证物还给辩方。 去年11月18日,一组执法人员搜查了Jackson的Neverland农场,与此同时,另一组人员搜查了Bradley Miller在贝弗利山的办公室。Bradley Mille是Jackson当时的律师Mark Geragos聘请的私家侦探。 周四公布的经过Rodney Melville法官编辑后的辩方申请书指出,执法人员在搜查过程中使用了暴力手段强行进入Miller的办公室,搜走了许多物品,其中包括音带、录象带等未列入搜查令并受“律师-委托人特权”保护的物品。 检方称,他们在搜查过程中是可以带走那些无法从表面上辨认的物品的,即使它们没有列在搜查令上,另外他们也不知道Miller是Geragos聘请的人。 9号早上在圣玛利亚,Melville法官将会在这件事上听取控辩双方的意见。他也会考虑向公众公开信息的申请书。而辩方要求撤消控罪书的申请将推迟到7月27日讨论。 包括首席律师Thomas Mesereau,以及Robert Sanger、Steve Cochran、Susan Yu等律师在内的辩方律师团声称,“对辩方阵营的入侵……是法庭再三向检方警告过的野蛮行径。” Sanger律师在申请书上指出:“检方至少应该密封或把这些物品归还给辩方的现任律师团,这是对政府错误行径的亡羊补牢。” 检方声称,他们并不知道Miller为Mark Geragos律师工作。Sneddon和地方检查官高级代表Ron Zonen、Gerald Franklin、Gordon Auchincloss等人称,他们为了其他一些原因而调查Miller。 跟据检方代表Franklin做出的书面回应,在支持搜查令书面陈述中,Miller被怀疑将Jackson的信件藏于一间储藏室。 Franklin说搜查的另一个原因是因为Miller在拍摄Jackson的反击片时在场。该反击片是为了回应英国记录片《与Michael Jackson同行》,后者拍摄了Jackson与原告男孩牵手的镜头,Jackson在该片中还称他与小孩子同床共眠。 然而,辩方律师坚持认为检方袭击辩方阵营是明知故犯。一份2003年9月10日提交的州治安官报告显示,Geragos是Jackson聘请的律师,并鉴定了Geragos和Miller之间的通信。 Sanger律师称,Sneddon的一份备忘录显示检方知道Miller是个私家侦探。这份备忘录记于2003年11月10日,上面写到“Tom Sneddon本人,违反常规地从圣芭芭拉驾车前往洛杉矶,监视Miller的办公室。Sneddon本人拍摄了许多该办公室的照片。他还在《贝弗利山黄页》上查到了Miller的电话号码。” 从案发之初,Melville法官就一直密封了有关搜查令和申请书,仅公开了一小部分,提供了很少的指控细节。代表媒体的律师Theodore Boutrous Jr.于周二向位于Ventura的加州第二联邦地方法院提交了一份上诉,希望公开更多的秘密文件。








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发表于 2004-7-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
小导演获得流行音乐之王的援手 据渥太华方面的消息,当地的电影导演Bryan Michael Stoller在他的新片《漂流女孩》(Miss Cast Away)的拍摄过程中,获得了好友Michael Jackson的帮助。 今早11点,《漂流女孩》在Bytowne影院举行了加拿大首映式,该片是对《FBI麻辣女王》(Miss Congeniality)和《荒岛余生》(Cast Away)的滑稽模仿,它描述了一飞机的选美小姐紧急迫降在一个荒岛上,在那里她们发现了诺亚方舟。诺亚是被猿人诱拐而来的,方式就和《决战猩球》(Planet of the Apes)中一样,他的方舟被一只叫做“侏罗纪肥猪”的史前猪看管着。 按照Stoller导演的说法,“这是一部傻傻的电影”。 Jackson在片中出演“特使MJ”——与他在《黑超特警组2》(Men In Black II)中的扮相差不多。参加演出的明星还有Charlie Schlatter、Eric Roberts、Stuart Pankin以及花花公子的花花玩伴Colleen Shannon。 “这是个很有趣的角色,因为他扮演‘特使MJ’,但每个人都叫他‘Michael Jackson’。他得一刻不停地纠正他们。有一场戏,一个剧中人物告诉他说,他买了他所有的专集。Michael立刻跳出角色,说‘上帝保佑你’。” Stoller是该片的编剧、独立制作人兼导演,该片的制作费用达200万美元,在洛杉矶、夏威夷和Jackson的Neverland牧场拍摄。Jackson还在Neverland召开了电影的封镜派对。 “Michael和我是多年的朋友了,” Stoller说。他第一次与Jackson联系是因为Jackson向他询问一个出现在Stoller制作的电影中的小演员。“他这么做都是因为我们的友谊。” “我们还有个合作项目叫《They Cage the Animals at Night》,Mel Gibson也参加。Michael想当导演,而我则写了剧本。我们原本计划去年11月在渥太华开拍。” 这个计划由于Jackson受到娈童指控而搁浅。 “Michael用他的心来爱别人,而不是用他的身体,”当被问起Jackson受到的指控时,Stoller这样回答,“我认识他已经有5年了,我从没看到过任何反常的事。他就像个大孩子般顽皮。这和性没有任何关系。” “他是个很有责任心的父亲,”他补充说,“所以我并不担心阳台事件。真是个另人遗憾的处境。歌迷们在尖叫着想要看看孩子,于是Michael就把孩子举起来越过栏杆。他知道这不太好,但这是一时冲动。” 除了新电影,Stoller还写了本名为《Filmmaking for Dummies》的书,这是本指导人们如何制作和营销自己的电影计划的手册,Jackson还为该书作了序。








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发表于 2004-7-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
加州法官斥责Michael Jackson据来自圣玛利亚的消息,某加州法官于周五斥责了Michael Jackson,因为他违反了禁声令,就过去的一起娈童案文件的泄露发表了声明。 Jackson并没有出席长达一小时的听证,但他的律师辩解说,该歌手只是宣称了他在93年娈童案中的清白,这没有丝毫错误。 “法庭的禁声令不能阻止他谈论11年前的案子,” Thomas Mesereau律师对加州最高法院法官Rodney Melville说,“有人为了让这个案件产生偏见而泄露了11年前的法律文件。” 上个月,有关93旧案2300万美元赔偿金的细节被媒体泄露之后,Jackson发表了声明。Melville法官在周五说,他还没有决定是否将93案件的证据用于计划在9月开始的审判。 “这里有些细微的差别,” Melville法官说,“我并不想阻止某些人公开发言以表明他们的清白,但检查官有权这么做。从现在开始,请遵守禁声令。” 法官计划推迟裁定辩方要求撤消大陪审团控罪书的申请,据辩方称,在4月的秘密听证中,检方曾威逼证人并滥用职权。 周四公开的法庭文件中,辩方律师还指控圣芭芭拉地方检查官Thomas Sneddon违反了“律师-委托人特权”,对私家侦探Bradley Miller在贝弗利山的办公室进行了搜查,而该侦探是Jackson的前律师Mark Geragos聘用的。 辩方要求Melville法官密封那次搜查来的证物。法官计划于7月27日召开听证讨论这份申请书。
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Billie_Hou在2004-7-11 19:07:18的发言: 加州法官斥责Michael Jackson 据来自圣玛利亚的消息,某加州法官于周五斥责了Michael Jackson,因为他违反了禁声令,就过去的一起娈童案文件的泄露发表了声明。 Jackson并没有出席长达一小时的听证,但他的律师辩解说,该歌手只是宣称了他在93年娈童案中的清白,这没有丝毫错误。 “法庭的禁声令不能阻止他谈论11年前的案子,” Thomas Mesereau律师对加州最高法院法官Rodney Melville说,“有人为了让这个案件产生偏见而泄露了11年前的法律文件。” 上个月,有关93旧案2300万美元赔偿金的细节被媒体泄露之后,Jackson发表了声明。Melville法官在周五说,他还没有决定是否将93案件的证据用于计划在9月开始的审判。 “这里有些细微的差别,” Melville法官说,“我并不想阻止某些人公开发言以表明他们的清白,但检查官有权这么做。从现在开始,请遵守禁声令。” 法官计划推迟裁定辩方要求撤消大陪审团控罪书的申请,据辩方称,在4月的秘密听证中,检方曾威逼证人并滥用职权。 周四公开的法庭文件中,辩方律师还指控圣芭芭拉地方检查官Thomas Sneddon违反了“律师-委托人特权”,对私家侦探Bradley Miller在贝弗利山的办公室进行了搜查,而该侦探是Jackson的前律师Mark Geragos聘用的。 辩方要求Melville法官密封那次搜查来的证物。法官计划于7月27日召开听证讨论这份申请书。








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发表于 2004-7-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用mkgenie在2004-7-11 19:41:50的发言: 。 记得法新社那篇好像细节要全一点`````
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-11 20:07:10编辑过]








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发表于 2004-7-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
并在一起了-------------------加州法官斥责Michael Jackson据来自圣玛利亚的消息,某加州法官于周五斥责了Michael Jackson,因为他违反了禁声令,就过去的一起娈童案文件的泄露发表了声明。 “他在某种程度上,违反了禁声令,” Melville法官告诉Jackson的律师Thomas Mesereau,要他保证以后要是还有公开声明应先向法庭备案。 斥责的起因是:高级检查官代表Gordon Auchincloss抱怨说,Jackson在6月17日发表了公开声明:“无论在过去,还是将来,我都不会伤害孩子。” Jackson是在有关93旧案的赔偿金的细节被媒体泄露之后发表声明的。Jackson答应向那个男孩支付1530万美元,从而导致了该案刑事调查的终结。 “Jackson先生处理该案的方式好比是商业决策。法庭的禁声令不能阻止他谈论11年前的案子,” Thomas Mesereau律师对加州最高法院法官Rodney Melville说,“有人为了让这个案件产生偏见而泄露了11年前的法律文件。” “93案件的处理方式被误导和曲解了,” Mesereau说,“Jackson什么也没做错。该案的处理方式是技术性的,也是合法的。” 但是Melville法官还是否定了辩方对Jackson声明的辩护,他在周五说,他还没有决定是否将93案件的证据用于计划在9月开始的审判。 “这里有些细微的差别,” Melville法官说,“我并不想阻止某些人公开发言以表明他们的清白,但检查官有权这么做。从现在开始,请遵守禁声令。” 周四公开的法庭文件中,辩方律师还指控圣芭芭拉地方检查官Thomas Sneddon违反了“律师-委托人特权”,对私家侦探Bradley Miller在贝弗利山的办公室进行了搜查,而该侦探是Jackson的前律师Mark Geragos聘用的。 辩方要求Melville法官密封那次搜查来的证物。法官计划于7月27日召开听证讨论这份申请书。 法官决定推迟裁定辩方要求撤消大陪审团控罪书的申请,据辩方称,在4月的秘密听证中,检方曾威逼证人并滥用职权。媒体要求公开更多文件的要求也被推迟裁定,这很大程度上都是因为Melville法官的恼怒。 法官说:“你们都不顾法院体系的需求。”他指责控辩双方的律师都太过拖拉。 他直接把一部分愤怒泼向检查官Tom Sneddon,他们不得不推迟讨论辩方撤消全部10项指控的申请的原因之一,就是由于检查官办公室没能及时提交某份摘要。
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Billie_Hou在2004-7-11 21:03:41的发言: 并在一起了
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
LENAFOX 接下吧 THE INDEPENDENT You've got a friend in meIt's billed as the most sensational trial since OJ Simpson's, but even if convicted of child abuse, one man will stand by Michael Jackson - Dr Firpo Carr. In LA, the Jackson family's 'spiritual advisor' explains how the star is the victim of a racist plot By Robert Chalmers 11 July 2004 Even before I turned on the television news that morning and heard a private detective alleging that Michael Jackson's genitals have "a kind of tie-dyed appearance", I tell Dr Firpo Carr, I had been starting to wonder just quite how good a job he, Jackson's "spiritual adviser", had been doing. It's a minor detail in the context of a cuttings file that has included, within the same paragraph, terms like "12-year-old boy", "masturbation" and "fellatio"; and yet, taken as a whole, this is surely the kind of vocabulary that Carr, a lexicographer and man of God, is most eager to discourage. "Well, the first thing I would say," the doctor replies, "is that, if you hear things through the media, be suspect about them." "Like that magazine story about ritual cleansing in sheep's blood, and the quotations from voodoo death rites Michael Jackson supposedly commissioned in Switzerland in 2000?" "Yes," says Carr. "How did it go? 'David Geffen - be gone!' 'Steven Spielberg - be gone!'" "Yes. Though that is not a pattern of behaviour I recognise," says Carr. "Michael has always had an eye for the unusual. Michael is a joker." This year promises to be one of the least amusing of the singer's turbulent life. In January he was arraigned on 10 counts, including child molestation, administering an intoxicating agent to a minor, conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. On 30 April he pleaded not guilty to all charges, each of which is punishable by three to eight years in prison. The case has uncomfortable echoes of the Jordie Chandler affair, settled out of court in January 1994. Jackson, who denied allegations that he had sexually molested Chandler when the boy was 13, paid $22m (£12m) to the child and his family. The singer is currently free, on $3m (£1.6m) bail. A trial date has been provisionally set for September. Santa Barbara prosecutors have imposed a so-called "gagging order" aimed at suppressing details of the latest charges, which concern a boy of Hispanic origin, 12 at the time of the offences which allegedly occurred early last year at Neverland, Jackson's 2,700-acre ranch at Los Olivos, north of Los Angeles. The ruling seems, if anything, to have heightened the interest of the US media, though the Jackson family - notoriously uncoordinated under most circumstances - has closed ranks around its most famous member, seeking to pursue a strategy of dignified silence. Dr Carr, meanwhile, has become a familiar figure on US news networks. Though he used to be introduced as Jackson's "spiritual adviser", he now prefers to be called a "family friend". A devout but controversial member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, the faith in which Jackson was raised, Carr has travelled to court with the singer's parents Joseph and Katherine, and is especially close to Michael's brother Randy (they shared a flat for a year in the mid-1990s) and eldest sister Rebbie, who first introduced him to the family, 10 years ago. Diversity has been the keynote of Firpo Carr's career. "I've been called everything from a visionary, to a prophet, to a holy man," says Carr, a former computer engineer with IBM and systems analyst at the LAPD, and the author of books such as Are Gays Really 'Gay'? - a bold thesis whose chapter-headings include: "Benjamite Buggery" and "What Constitutes a Cure?" Earlier this year Firpo turned up in Bahrain wearing a thobe tunic, giving joint lectures on comparative religion with Michael Jackson's brother Jermaine, an orthodox Muslim. I'd been dealing with Dr Carr via his office in LA - premises, he'd said, which were "not suitable" for a meeting. Instead he agreed to talk in my hotel room in West Hollywood. I'd expected a soberly dressed zealot carrying a pile of Watchtowers (the Jehovah Witness's proselytising magazine) but Carr arrives in jeans, a loose-fitting Tahitian shirt and a Walkman. Firpo - who is 50, but looks 10 years younger - is bright, engaging, and good-humoured. As you might expect from a collector of historic dictionaries, there's a slight preciousness about his language - he's fond of phrases like "if you will", and prefers "refrain", or "cease" in places where, for most people, a simple "stop" would do. How well does he know the notorious recluse? Carr describes his contacts with Jackson as limited but intense, and "sufficient to be able to speak authoritatively on his character". Their conversations began shortly after the star's arrest last year, he says. Then, at one private audience, in February: "Michael suddenly said: 'I love you.' And I said - because I felt I had to - 'I love you too.' And then, with what some people might think was arrogance, but which I interpret as innocence, Michael said: 'I love you more.' I was like - OK, Michael has spoken. When you are with Michael Jackson," Carr adds, "he is so spiritual. "Michael," he recalls, "pointed at me, almost in anger. Then he said: 'You are the prophet.'" As with the OJ Simpson trial, whose drama it threatens to eclipse, the Michael Jackson case seems likely to throw up a cast of captivating minor characters. Carr, who already gets hailed by strangers, is well-placed to become Jackson's Kato Kaelin. Carr admits that certain sections of the US media, notably talk radio, don't take him seriously. It could be to do with his first name (inspired by "The Wild Bull of the Pampas", Argentinian heavyweight Luis Firpo) which is more A Night at the Opera than Twelve Angry Men. There's also a tendency for Jackson's incrementally bizarre behaviour (whether he's dangling his baby over a balcony, leaping on the bonnet of an SUV outside the courthouse, or boasting about taking his new-born daughter home in a towel, with her placenta) to undermine not just his own credibility, but that of his apologists. This is especially true of Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor who - with each successive crisis, and cosmetic operation - become increasingly ardent in their mutual support, and less and less easy to tell apart. One US satirist has a routine in which Firpo Carr explains that Jackson once considered a face transplant, but pulled out after Liza Minnelli, his preferred donor, withheld consent: "Because Liza is still using her face - sort of." Carr's enemies focus on his doctorate, a qualification in Computing Information Systems from the Californian branch of the Pacific Western University, based in Hawaii, an on-line institution widely critiqued as a "diploma-mill". But when I called the relevant universities to check on his previous degrees (the first, also in computing, from the University of San Francisco, the second a Master's in management from the University of Redlands, California) both confirmed his CV as genuine. So did his former employers, including the LAPD. Carr currently works part-time for a satellite campus of the University of Phoenix, lecturing in Comparative Religion. What I can't understand, given his loyalty to Michael Jackson, is why Carr has apparently ignored an open letter the singer released in March, which is essentially a desperate plea to Firpo - he is mentioned by name - to shut up. "Michael sent me a letter to say, hey - for the record - don't represent me," Carr says. "But then he cleared me to speak. And his mom and dad, and the family, are like: 'Oh, please, get out there and speak for us. They are slaughtering him in the press.'" Firpo perseveres, "out of love. I am outraged at what is happening to Michael, because I believe there is a racist component in all of this." Carr cites the unease Jackson generated when he started having his security handled by the Nation of Islam. "Nobody complained when Howard Hughes was protected by Mormons," he argues. "Even though the Book of Mormon teaches that a dark-skinned man will have to turn white to enter heaven." "Michael Jackson should have no worries there, then." "Michael's a light-skinned black man," says Carr, good-naturedly. "He's a man who has changed colour," I argue. One of his own doctors has confirmed that he used the bleaching agent, Benoquin. "Michael has vitiligo. I've seen it. OK, he tried to bleach his skin, to even it out. It's outlandish to me that people suggest Michael Jackson is * trying to be white. In any case," Carr asks, in an amiably ironic tone, "who would want to be white?" How would it have been, asks Carr - referring to the November 2003 raid on Neverland - "if 70 black officers had invaded Graceland, and taken Elvis to have his genitals photographed? [As Jackson's were, during the Chandler investigation, which resulted in no criminal charges.] The black community is very upset. The feeling is: if you can get to Michael, you can get to any of us. We have to rally around." Jackson wasn't arrested because he's black, but because he's accused of assaulting young boys; Presley would have been treated no differently. "I beg to differ, because Elvis slept with an underaged girl," says Carr, arguing that Presley's relationship with his wife Priscilla, which began when she was 14, suggests that he was dating her "in the Biblical sense". "But had Presley done what Jackson is accused of doing, you wouldn't blame the police for arresting him." "I just want people to be treated equally - black or white. Michael was manhandled when he was arrested, we are told." "He claimed that he was handcuffed too tightly, and shut in a room 'decorated with doo-doo'." "Right," Carr says. "Human faeces. [Country singer] Glen Campbell knees his booking sergeant - knees him - and that's OK. Because Glen Campbell's a good old boy. But what happens if you are Magic Johnson, or Michael Jordan, or Michael Jackson? You're all still niggers." "Does Jackson himself feel that?" "I know he does." "That he is being treated like a *#*#*#?" "Yes." "He said that to you?" "I won't repeat exactly what he said. But he is convinced that, with the people who are out to get him - the authorities - there is a racial element to it. OK, if Michael was guilty, fine. But let's treat suspects equally." When the Mexican waiter comes in with coffee, Carr chats in Spanish. Back in his mother tongue, his conversation is punctuated with thoughts about the derivation of modern vocabulary, with reference to Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic. He served an unusual apprenticeship for academic life, growing up in Nickerson Gardens, the largest and most formidable housing project in Watts, South Central LA, on a street now in the heartland of the notorious gang, the Bloods. Firpo is the second youngest in a family of five boys and four girls. .......................... 全文这里: http://enjoyment.independent.co.uk/music/features/story.jsp?story=538689 辛苦了``````````
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-11 22:00:34编辑过]








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-7-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用mkgenie在2004-7-11 21:32:38的发言: 挺聪明的嘛
难得受到一次表扬``````````` [em26][em25]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Raise Your Right Hand America By John Karrys How exciting it will be to see Prosecutor Tom Sneddon take the stand and have to endure cross from Thomas Mesareau. This does relate to another ominous confrontation 10 years ago between Mark Furhman and F Lee Bailey. If one dares to recall, Mark Furhman lied under oath about using the n word. Another man who believed that he had immunity from lying under oath and frequently falsifying evidence. Let us never forget that Mark Furhman did not spend a day in jail or pay a cent in penalties for lying under oath. Where was the outcry for that? It is fascinating how the mainstream media downplays that fact and focuses on the soap opera melodramas of that case. In this case, however, Mesearau is going to pin them against the wall! Them? Tom Sneddon is the poster child of prosecutorial misconduct. An emblem for all those other prosecutors who manufacture crimes. victims and criminals. You read it right the first time...manufacture crimes. The crux of the Michael Jackson case, in my view, is not the mother and her ambitious swindling maneuvers, but on a prosecutor who was permitted to coach and nurture a sick and deluded woman for his group's interest. Group's interest? Yes. This is man is not working alone. He has an intricate network and a go ahead to break down Michael Jackson and expropriate him from his lucrative assets. It is my view that Tom Sneddon will not be afraid to lie and he may not know the difference. It seems Thomas Mesearau's presence, reputation and integrity has made this judge sharpen up. If you look at this man's track record, he's like a modern day John Wayne nightmare for corrupt law enforcement officials. It is as if he is the perfect fusion for Michael;not just as a defence attorney but as a maverick who will expose the network of bastards, for all the world to see with no doubts remaining! America's colors will look a little brighter when it is these kinds of prosecutors who are handcuffed and escorted to prison. Now that is a pagent worth televising! It aint to hard for me to jam to that! However, for me, this will not suffice. Eventually, America will have to concede an apology to Michael Jackson and I will thoroughly enjoy lecturing across US campuses on how our institutions attempt to keep us stupid and intellectually disclocated. Academia's envious attack on Michael Jackson is consistent with their attack on the fundamental tenets of a free spirit and a self-made man. How is this relevant? These are the people who set the frameworks for the future journalists, thinktanks, pundits, teachers and revisionists of history. Michael Jackson designed his own happiness, pursued it and he embodies good hearted individualism. They will never take that away from him and this is why he stands tall with his chin up. That kind of spirit is unbreakable.(I'd like to make my own video to this song!) John Karrys is a high-school English teacher, writer and public speaker. He can be contacted at johnkarrys@hotmail.com
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0709042jacko1.htmlJack The Purloined Letters Accuser's mom says private eye stole Jackson's letters to son JULY 9--The mother of the California boy who has accused Michael Jackson of sexual molestation told investigators that letters written to her son by the singer were stolen by a private investigator working for the Jackson camp. The allegation is contained in a June 30 court filing by Santa Barbara District Attorney Thomas Sneddon (a heavily-redacted version of the prosecution filing was docketed yesterday by Superior Court officials). According to the prosecution document, excerpts of which you'll find below, the woman's account of the purloined letters was included in a November 2003 court application to search the Beverly Hills office of investigator Bradley Miller. The woman has told investigators that, in the wake of last February's broadcast of the controversial Martin Bashir documentary, she and her family left their ratty L.A. apartment and went on the lam--with the aid of Camp Jacko--to avoid press scrutiny (her son, then 13, was filmed nuzzling with Jackson). The family's belongings were placed in storage by private eye Miller, who was acting on behalf of Jackson, prosecutors allege. But the letters from Jackson "were missing when her property was returned to her" months later, according to the prosecution filing, which fingers Miller for the "unlawful taking" of this material. The content of these Jackson letters is not described in the government document. While the prosecution filing and related motions by Jackson's lawyers have been redacted to remove the names of the underage victim and his relatives, court officials slipped up at one point, leaving the family's surname on one page of a defense motion. We've covered it with a red box, however.








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-7-12 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
原告母亲称Miller侦探偷窃了信件 7月9日,原告男孩的母亲告诉调查人员,Michael Jackson写给她儿子的信件是由一名Jackson阵营的私家侦探偷来的。 这些言论来自于6月30日由Thomas Sneddon提交的法庭文件。(这份文件在经过了严重修改后于昨天由法庭官员记入被审目录。) 根据检方文件(以下你将看到一些摘录的片段),该母亲对被窃信件的说明包含在2003年11月的一份搜查令批准书中,该搜查令准许搜查私家侦探Bradley Miller位于贝弗利山的办公室。 该母亲告诉调查人员,去年2月在Martin Bashir的记录片《与Michael Jackson同行》播出之后,她带着全家离开了洛杉矶的破烂公寓,以逃避媒体的跟踪。(她13岁的儿子被拍到与Jackson紧紧挨着。) 她家的财物由私家侦探Miller安置在一间储藏室内。但是,根据检方提交的文件,“几个月后当她的财物归还给她时,来自Jackson的信件却消失了”,这份文件指责Miller“非法占有”了那些材料。 有关Jackson信件的内容没有在官方文件中公开。 在检方的文件和Jackson律师的相关申请书中,这位未成年的受害人和他的亲属的姓名都被删除了,然而有一处却被法庭官员疏忽了,在辩方申请书的某一页上,赫然写着原告家庭的姓氏。可是,它们已经被归入文件箱了。
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