楼主 |
发表于 2009-8-6 10:07:26
Yes, that's right. And what you said just reminds me a lot about myself too. No matter what we say, no matter what we do, if we behave without love, then we are pleading nothing but ourselves. And that is what Michael tried so hard to get from those people who used to misunderstand him, "Before you judge me, try hard to love me..." I always try to perform as the lyrics described, try to love someone before I judge them, well...sometimes I find it is so hard, it is not hard when you try to know somebody who is lovely and adorable, but not all the people around are nice and loving, that's life, you meet all kinds of people, when you meet those who doesn't respect you or just selfish people who just concern about themselves, it is so hard for me to give LOVE, inebitably I try to avoid them, I find, still I focus on myself too much and protect myself involutarily. But I know that is a big lesson from God which we need to learn through our lifetime.
Your words made me ponder repeatedly, and I think I have learned a lot from them. All your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Adora 发表于 2009-8-5 17:25
感谢主,在歌林多前书第十三章关于爱的宣言中,上帝特别强调了,没有爱,我们不过是鸣的锣响的跋。可惜我们大多数时候,常常以为这都是在说“别的”基督徒,而不是指自己。基督徒传福音,很多时候就是在表面谦卑实质优越的感觉行,至少我自己过去,曾经和许多人讨论信仰时是这样。但是,MJ的谦卑,真的打动了我。只有和上帝很近,了解上帝全能和良善的人,才能懂得自己的渺小,明白自己不能不谦卑,明白自己不能不顺服上帝彼此相爱的道理。拆除一切不必要的心的樊篱,让我们学习上帝喜悦的爱,使我们对他人有益吧。 |