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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-21 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由CeSsy在 2004/04/21 03:40pm 第 4 次编辑]新一季的著名卡通片《南方公园》影射MJ807集:杰弗逊一家大致故事情节:南方公园所有的孩子都被“杰弗逊先生”(MJ),他的儿子以及他们家满屋子的游戏机,玩具及动物给吸引了。Cartman(南方公园小主角)使尽浑身解数,想让“杰弗逊先生”喜欢他,然而当地的警察却因“杰弗逊先生”是个富有的黑人而憎恨并设计摧毁他。发布:CeSsy来源:http://www.southparkstudios.com
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-21 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/21 09:19pm 第 4 次编辑][B]04/04/21  镜中的男人 VS 彼得·潘[/B]从前,一个可爱的小男孩,有着天使般的嗓音,舞步可以媲美James Brown,他的名字叫做Michael Joseph Jackson,爸爸却称他为“大鼻子”。Joseph Jackson不是个残暴的坏爸爸,他只是收入微薄的起重机工人,还有一群孩子需要扶养。幸运的是,他的孩子是才华横溢的一群,Michael则是他们中最棒的歌手。每天放学回家,孩子们在Joseph的监督下到客厅里彩排到精疲力竭,Michael作为最小的一个,日子实在难过。周末,Joseph载着Jackson 5驱车前往芝加哥,在烟雾缭绕、满是醉汉及年长的脱衣舞者的酒吧里,孩子们热情的表演。Michael对生活和被称作“大鼻子”的感觉一样糟。小男孩立誓,有一天他要把世界变得更美好,当然也要彻底的改造他的鼻子。最终,Michael成为有史以来最有名的歌手,他卖掉上千万的唱片,挣了上亿美元,可他还是不开心。于是,Michael决定建造一个梦幻的主题公园,Neverland,在那里,他可以再次变成小男孩。孩子们从各地赶到Neverland,乘坐摩天轮,与长颈鹿做伴,还有些在那里过夜。Michael说孩子们陪伴身边他才感觉轻松自在。然而,很多其他人可因此不那么自在。2003年11月18日,70名圣巴巴拉警察突袭搜查Neverland。流行乐之王否认了所有对他的指控。近几个星期,加州大陪审团听取了证言,4月30日,预审即将开始。晚安,Michael,是时候长大了。“在心里,我就是彼得·潘(Peter Pan,著名童话人物,也称“小飞侠”)。”在英国记者Martin Bashir的纪录片里他这么说。Jackson同时承认自己和孩子睡在一起,其中包括现在的原告。大多数人都疏忽了彼得·潘和Jackson现实生活的紧密联系。今年,这部J.M.Barrie最著名的作品即将迎来它的100年庆。让我们从这位苏格兰作家说起吧。Barrie是个面相很老的人,只有5英尺5英寸高,有点像侏儒,还留着大胡子,因此有人说他好似胡须长长的小海象。作为爱德华七世时期最有名的作家之一,他非比寻常的害羞,喜欢收集赤裸男孩的照片,住在可以鸟瞰儿童公园的房子里。Andrew Birkin的传记《J. M. Barrie-迷失的孩子》一书中,Barrie被描述成一个有着苦难童年的悲伤男子。他的哥哥Dave在13岁时死于溜冰事故,6岁的Barrie经常依偎在妈妈怀里宽慰她,他甚至会模仿死去的哥哥来逗妈妈开心。1894年,Barrie和演员Mary Ansell结婚,婚姻一直不圆满,并以离异告终。Birkin在书中写道:关于Barrie性无能的传言伴随他一生,有小丑曾经拿他打趣说他是“大不了的男孩”。听起来很相似是吧。几个月前,Jackson前妻透露,他们之间没有性关系(?),在法庭的监护权文件中,Debbie Rowe声称,孩子来与匿名的精子捐赠者(?)。甚至曾经坚持与Jackson有正常夫妻关系的 Lisa Marie Presley,近来也开始变卦。1897年,伦敦肯辛顿公园的一次相遇,Barrie结识了Llewelyn Davies一家,他与这家的母亲以及5个孩子George、Jack、Peter、Michael和Nico结成了紧密的关系,与他们一起度假,赠与大量礼物。他和孩子们相处时间很长,付学费让他们就读一顿公学,最后在他们双亲过世后收养了他们。孩子们是彼得·潘的灵感来源,故事是由一部叫做《白鸟》的早期作品发展而成,在那部作品里,一个成年男子脱掉一个男孩的衣服,给他沐浴,并邀请孩子到自己的床上去。Birkin相信Barrie的这种偏好是无害的。“他是个热爱童年的人,”作者写道“但不像有些人说的,是那种恋童癖特有的关于性方面的爱好。”唯一健在的Nico对Birkin说:“我不相信Barrie和任何男人、女人、成人、孩子有过非正常关系,他是个天真的人。” 彼得·潘的在大多数美国人心里一直是迪斯尼于1953年所创造出的那个快乐无忧的形象。在他的诞生地英国,自1904年的约克公爵剧院首演以来,他已经成为弗洛伊德学说的一个辩论领域。最初设计的Never-Never Land是个邪恶混乱的地方,那里邪恶嘴巴的小仙女爱折磨女孩子,淫荡的美人鱼总试图引诱男孩子,愚蠢的父亲演变成为虚张声势的杀手。彼得·潘,这个不愿长大的孩子,是个不负责任的利己主义者,对死亡有着不同寻常的想象。“死亡,将会是个大大的冒险呢”,在戏剧第三幕结束的时候,面对着饥饿的鳄鱼和心跳定时炸弹的威胁,潘这样说道。Barrie心里,童年是惶恐之地和永恒青春的混合物。有些人将彼得·潘比作是Barrie死去哥哥的鬼魂或者是他从未拥有过的孩子。在Barrie这部剧的初稿里,彼得·潘是个奸角,是在深夜诱使男孩、女孩离家的“邪恶男孩”。被Pan的骄傲自大激怒的胡克船长(Hook,也译作“铁钩船长”),只是在后期为了转换舞台背景而设计的人物。基于Jackson和童话的的紧密联系,有些人可能会想他也许把自己的爸爸看作胡克船长。不过在最近这场Jackson大戏中,检察官Tom Sneddon更能胜任胡克这个角色。律师Mark Geragos就常常批评Tom Sneddon被报复冲昏了头。彼得·潘和Jackson一样是声音模拟高手,内部人士透露,Jackson只在公众面前才会使用高调假音,还有他们的体重,羽毛似轻飘的彼得·潘坚称他的体重和平常男孩无异,而Jackson据称患过厌食症。两个人物都很善于取信于他人,尽管Jackson像个变丑的好莱坞女人,整过形的皮肤就要断裂似的,可如果他说自己只做过两次手术,说实话,听起来还真是那么回事。像Jackson一样,彼得·潘也和一群迷失的孩子同床。在地下的家里,他们“沙丁鱼一样”地挤在床上。于Jackson不同,这种舒适的同床方式在爱德华时代并没有让人大跌眼镜。如果说故事里有性暗示,能说得也只有假装父母的温蒂(Wendy)和彼得,当然温蒂有着成熟女生的意图,而潘却是完全的懵懵恫恫。“你真难懂”,他对温蒂说,“老虎莉莉(Tiger Lily)也一样,她说想成为我的什么人……但又说不是指成为我的母亲。”彼得·潘孩童般的单纯可以映射Jackson的少年时期,一直以来的报道都提到,那时总有一些善意的年轻女人们试图得到这位歌手的童贞。一个小道消息称女演员Tatum O'Neal在一个派对与Jackson结识后,试图拉着他的手去房间,Jackson却因为害怕而逃掉了。Michael Jackson总是将他和伊丽莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)的关系比作彼得和温蒂。但鉴于这位前电影女神对Jackson的无止境支持,她更像是“小铃铛”(Tinker Bell),故事中喜怒无常的仙女。在故事最后只有“小铃铛”愿意和潘留在Never-Never Land,尽管最终连她也灰飞烟灭了。打败胡克后,温蒂带着弟弟和迷失的孩子一起回到家,她的母亲希望收养潘,但潘拒绝了。“女士,没人能捉到我,没人能让我变成男人,”彼得·潘嘲弄地说,“我永远是个快乐的小男孩。”潘从来没被捉到,也永远不长大。Jackson也许觉得这是个极佳的先例。但是大陪审团已经就座,媒体也开始狩猎,这位被玷污的明星应该留意一下Barrie的忠告。他写道:彼得·潘所谓的自由,“不过是他最好的借口罢了。”[来源:www.globeandmail.com       翻译:Lenafox]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-21 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
www.santamariatimes.com/a...c/9280.txtHearing today on unsealing of Jackson court documents By Quintin Cushner/Staff WriterA Santa Maria judge today will consider a request by NBC to unseal court documents from a wrongful-termination civil case filed against Michael Jackson in which a jury found him "not liable" on all claims. In 1994, five former employees of Jackson filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against him and five members of his staff, claiming that they were harassed and eventually fired for cooperating with a 1993 grand jury investigating into child-molestation allegations against the singer. On March, 18, 1997, a jury in Santa Maria found the defendants not liable for wrongful termination, harassment, intentionally inflicting emotional distress, assault, eavesdropping and breach of contract. Two of the plaintiffs - Adrian McManus and Ralph Chacon - were found liable for theft of property from Jackson's Neverland Ranch, and were ordered to pay $35,000 and $25,000 respectively, according to the article. Michael Ring, attorney for the plaintiffs, said on Tuesday that many of the depositions in the case were sealed, though he wouldn't comment on whether any could shed light on Jackson's relationship with children. Jackson, 45, is accused of engaging in lewd acts with an unnamed boy under the age of 14 on seven occasions between Feb. 7 and March 20, 2003. He also is charged with two counts of "administering an intoxicating agent" - reportedly wine - to help him with the alleged molestations. The singer, who is free on $3 million bail, has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him. Santa Maria Superior Court Judge Zel Canter, who presided over the civil case, is expected to hear arguments to unseal from NBC's lawyer Ted Boutrous, and arguments against unsealing from Jackson attorney Bob Sanger. Sanger, who represented Jackson during the civil case and is also part of the singer's criminal defense team, said he has filed an opposition asking that the documents remain sealed, but wouldn't comment further on the case. Boutrous could not be reached for comment Tuesday. Also in Santa Maria, court officials are preparing for an April 30 hearing in the Jackson criminal case as if the singer is going to appear, according to Superior Court Assistant Executive Officer Darrel Parker, though he noted that he has received no official confirmation that Jackson would be present. A grand jury in the case has been convening Santa Barbara, and Jackson would have to be present at a second arraignment if that panel issues an indictment. Jackson's presence at the April 30 hearing had not been confirmed to the Santa Maria Police Department as of Tuesday, according to Lt. Chris Vaughn. * Staff writer Quintin Cushner can be reached at 739-2217 or by e-mail at qcushner@pulitzer.net. April 21, 2004









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发表于 2004-4-21 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/23 09:12am 第 2 次编辑]04/04/21  Jackson的助手可能面临指控[/B][I]据报道有两人试图恐吓原告一家[/I]检察官正在考虑以合谋及妨碍司法的罪名指控MJ的某些雇员,据某个与本案关系密切的消息来源称,他们威胁涉案男童的家庭。圣巴巴拉地方检察官Tom Sneddon星期二没有对此发表评论,他的官方发言人表示那是因为对此案的禁声令。然而,这两个Jackson的前雇员的代表律师声称他的客户拒绝在圣巴巴拉大陪审团开始关注针对自己的指控之前在任何场合出席。“有人邀请过他们,但是被拒绝了。”来自纽约的律师Joseph Tacopina说:“我们稳坐钓鱼台。”Tacopina说“外界有很多的猜测”认为他的客户:Vincent Amen和Frank Tyson或者将被大陪审团指控,或者将被分别控以威胁证人的罪名。但他表示指控都是不实的。Tyson被指控威胁要杀害涉案男童的弟弟,除非他不承认目击了Jackson曾经给过受害人酒精饮料,Tacopina解释道。Amen则被指控在Jackson的Neverland牧场强制软禁了原告一家。Tacopina表示指控来自涉案男童的母亲,而且它是明显不实的。“我知道所谓的证据是什么,也知道谁是原告。”他表示。“如果我被要求做出反击时,我将对她的信誉度问题提出合理的怀疑。”在一桩大案中紧跟第二号人物是检察官的常用策略,前联邦检察官Laurie Levenson如是说。“撒下大网等待边缘人物露出马脚来打击案件的主要当事人并不罕见。”她解释道。在Jackson案件中,对恐吓罪名的指控就可以解释为何去年当事人一家在接受洛杉矶方面调查时均矢口否认曾发生过猥亵事件。“地方检控人律师必须推翻去年原告曾向其它的调查员否认发生过猥亵的事实。”Levenson说道。“只有一个合理的解释:即证人被迫做出之前的证词。”而Tyson和Amen的律师表示,他俩都没有对原告施加任何压力。Tyson曾是Jackson的私人助理,Amen为Jackson的制作公司工作,他们都是二十多岁的小伙子。星期二,Jackson案件的大陪审团在郡治安长官位于圣巴巴拉南部的便屋碰了头,这是它听证程序的第十二天。陪审团成员希望在这周正式展开听证工作。[来源:《洛杉矶时报》    发布:AllenKids]

是不是梦   我不知道

是不是梦   我不想知道
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由CeSsy在 2004/04/23 12:05pm 第 1 次编辑](C拿下)Jackson Case Almost Collapsed celebrityjustice.warnerbr...4/22a.htmlApril 22, 2004 "CJ" has learned that just a few weeks ago, after testifying before the grand jury, Michael Jackson抯 accuser and his mother were so emotionally distraught, that they wanted to throw in the towel. District attorney Tom Sneddon sounded confident back in December when he filed charges against Jackson, but we've learned that Sneddon was not at all convincing when he tried to get Jackson抯 accuser and his mother back on board after testifying. Sources tell us that the man who pulled the case out of the fire is attorney Larry Feldman, who the family went to for legal advice early on. Feldman would not comment, but sources say he was the one who calmed down the mother and son and got them recommitted to the case. Friends and colleagues of Feldman tell us that the attorney feels 100 percent vindicated at the Grand Jury indictment. Feldman is the one who took the lead early on and informed authorities. We're also told the boy and his family are, "Elated."
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由CeSsy在 2004/04/23 12:01pm 第 1 次编辑]C拿下CNN LARRY KING LIVEInterview With Donald Trump, Cast of 'Apprentice'Aired April 21, 2004 - 21:00 ETTHIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's a story that will not seem to go away there, Larry. CNN has confirmed through two different sources that a grand jury that's been meeting for 13 days here in Santa Barbara to hear testimony and consider charges, charges of child molestation against pop star Michael Jackson has in fact indicted Michael Jackson. It's not clear what exactly those charges are at this point. We expect to know more about those charges soon. Certainly, though, this means that Mr. Jackson will be back in court to be re-arraigned. Most likely that date will be next Friday, the 30th, where he will have to be re-arraigned on whatever charges the grand jury handed up today -- Larry. KING: Thank you, Miguel. That big story out of Santa Barbara. Michael Jackson, indicted. We don't have the particulars of the indictment. But CNN now confirms he has been indicted. We'll be back with our remaining moments after this. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)KING: We've just received this release from Michael Jackson's attorneys, Mark Geragos, Benjamin Brafman, Steve Cochran and Robert Sanger, saying if an indictment is returned and Mr. Jackson is required to appear in court on April 30, and that is now a fact, he will appear and enter a plea of not guilty. Mr. Jackson and his attorneys are confident that after a trial on these charges, Mr. Jackson will be fully exonerated, and that the allegations contained in the indictment will be shown to be patently false. Mr. Jackson and his attorneys remind the public that an indictment is merely a formal accusation. We also remind the public that Michael Jackson, like any other person accused of a crime, is presumed to be innocent. In this case, Mr. Jackson is not just presumed to be innocent, but is in fact innocent. Michael is looking forward to his day in court and wishes to thank the millions of fans throughout the world who continue to support him during this difficult period. I know you know him, Donald. Any reaction to this?TRUMP: Well, I know him very well. He's lived in my buildings. He's lived in Trump Tower, and I know him very well. And I don't believe it. I'm going to stick up for him, because nobody else is. But I don't believe it. And if you look at the mother of this young man, she has had plenty of experience at going after people. And she goes after them viciously and violently, and I saw a story and I read another story about some of the things she's done. And I don't believe it. He lived in Trump Tower. I knew what was happening with Michael Jackson. You know what was happening? Absolutely nothing. I had many people that worked for me in the building, and believe me, they would tell me if anything was wrong. And after many years, he didn't do a d#amn thing wrong in the building. So I really believe it's this mother, and I think it's somebody out there that wants to get a lot of publicity for himself by indicting Michael Jackson. KING: You know what it's like when an indictment comes down. TRUMP: It's tough. KING: And its presumption.TRUMP: It's tough. It's tough to win. But I have a feeling he is going to win, Larry. www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0404/21/lkl.00.html
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Legal Thriller Continues as Santa Barbara County Grand Jury Indicts Pop StarBy Tanya KerseyApril 22, 2004The grand jury in the Michael Jackson child molestation case met for 13 days to hear evidence to determine if there is enough evidence to put Jackson on trial.  Yesterday, according to news reports, the grand jury voted to indict the pop star who has been charged with seven counts of committing lewd or lascivious acts upon a child under age 14, and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent to the child.  The precise charges that Jackson has been indicted on are unknown as the indictment has been sealed until after the next court day, April 30.The gag order imposed in this case precludes either side from officially confirming or making an announcement regarding the indictment.  However, according to a statement issued by the Jackson磗 attorneys, "If the grand jury issues an indictment ?Jackson will appear in court in Santa Maria, California on April 30" to be formally arraigned.  "He will enter a plea of NOT guilty to the charges," the statement said.  The statement goes on to say, "Mr. Jackson and his attorneys remind the public that an indictment is merely a formal "accusation"  We also remind the public that Michael Jackson, like any other person accused of a crime, is "presumed to be innocent."  In this case, Mr. Jackson is not just "presumed" to be innocent but is in fact innocent."Within 10 days the defense team is expected to receive a transcript of the entire grand jury proceedings.  At this point they will find out what evidence was presented to the grand jury and what the witnesses said.  This will also be the first opportunity the public and media will know the details of the indictment and what type of case the prosecution has.The defense can challenge the indictment by filing a 995 motion, the means by which a defendant claims prosecutorial misconduct to challenge an indictment.  At the April 7 hearing defense counsel Benjamin Brafman argued that the prosecutor had not presented all the exculpatory evidence to the grand jury, and alluded to the possibility of filing the 995 motion.And, as this legal battle continues, a new one is brewing.In a side show which sounds like its "Straight Outta Compton," the Los Angeles Times reported possible indictments against two men (Vincent Amen and Frank Tyson) described as associates of Jackson.  In a scene reminiscent of "The Godfather," Amen and Tyson have reportedly been accused of conspiring to bully and threaten the accuser磗 family.  The claims include false imprisonment and obstruction of justice.  Joe Tacopina, legal counsel for the two men, says the allegations are "patently false."In related news, Jackson supporters will hold a candlelight vigil on his Hollywood Walk of Fame star.  The vigil will be held on Thursday, April 22 at 7 pm in front of Mann磗 Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Blvd.Jackson, 45, maintains his innocence and remains free on $3 million bail.  The pop star and his attorneys say they are confident that after a trial on these charges, Jackson will be fully exonerated and that the allegations contained in the indictment will be shown to be patently false.The legal thriller continues. Source: Eurweb/TanyaKersey/MJJForum
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
www.cbsnews.com/stories/2...2893.shtmlCrunch Time For Michael JacksonNEW YORK, April 21, 2004After weeks of listening to testimony from at least a dozen people, a California grand jury is expected to announce a new indictment at any time. Among the witnesses was a young boy who accused pop star Michael Jackson of sexual molestation. The secrecy surrounding these hearings has been unprecedented. Jurors have been traveling to and from a secure location in vans with darkened windows. Only 12 of the 19 jurors must agree in order to indict Jackson on any charges. Celebrity attorney and CBS News legal analyst Trent Copeland tells The Early Show co-anchor Rene Syler it is crunch time for Jackson. 揥e really are talking hours or days,?he says. 揑 certainly don抰 think this will stretch longer than the four-week period that it has gone thus far. I expect an indictment to be issued within days. We likely could see that indictment issued today.?Prosecutors charged Jackson in December with seven counts of committing lewd or lascivious acts upon a child under 14, and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent to the child. The district attorney has taken the case to a grand jury to seek an indictment. Jackson denies the charges. Copeland explains what would take place: 揈ssentially, the evidence is presented to the grand jury. The prosecution indicates that they believe a crime has been committed, and they ask the grand jurors whether or not they agree. And if 12 of those 19, in this instance, do concur that a crime was committed, essentially, the foreman will literally take that document with the grand jurors over to a judge. The judge will issue a formal indictment. It will be stamped, it will be filed and the case will move forward to trial. That really is the process. There抯 no jury instructions. There抯 nothing much more formal than that, and it抯 a relatively quick process.?Normally, the grand jury room is off-limits to the defense. But at least in this case, Superior Court Judge Clifford R. Anderson is allowing attorneys to ask witnesses what they know of the case, but there are some restrictions. Copeland notes, 揟hat ruling came after a lot of grumbling by the defense team and Mark Geragos. Essentially, what the court ruled was they would be allowed to talk to the witnesses who have appeared before the grand jury but not ask those witnesses what happened at the grand jury. They will not be allowed to ask those witnesses what questions they were asked. They will not be allowed to ask those grand juror witnesses what they answered. But they can ask them what they know about the case. I think that will be a real challenge to the defense team, to parse through what the grand jurors were able to talk about as opposed to what they can抰 talk about in violation of the court抯 order.?The young alleged victim was, not long ago, in very bad shape, according to a family friend. He only had one kidney and it was failing. Part of his face had swollen up as well. But, recently, there has been a report that he is doing quite well. Asked how his condition may affect the case, Copeland says, 揑 really think that Tom Sneddon knew all along that this alleged victim was doing quite well. I think that Tom Sneddon sort of hedged his bets that he would be available for trial. I think that抯 the reason he proceeded with the grand jury indictment, assuming he received one, because he knew this victim would be available for trial. So a healthy victim means a healthy witness at trial for the prosecution. That bodes well for them.?br> ㎝MIV, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Jackson Case: Grand jury may begin deliberations todayIf he's indicted, pop star would be arraigned April 304/21/04By DAWN HOBBSNEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITERProsecutors in the Michael Jackson molestation case are close to wrapping up their case before the grand jury, the News-Press learned Tuesday from county sources.The panel is expected to begin deliberating today on whether to indict the entertainer on criminal charges, sources said.During 12 days of secret testimony, at least a dozen witnesses were shuttled in under tight security -- including the 14-year-old boy who accused Mr. Jackson of molesting him last spring.It will be up to the grand jurors to determine if the evidence presented warrants filing an indictment against the entertainer. If they issue one, Mr. Jackson would be arraigned on April 30.He already faces seven counts of lewd conduct with a child and two counts of administering alcohol to commit the alleged molestation. The grand jury could issue an indictment on additional charges or indict on the ones already filed. By using the grand jury process, prosecutors avoid a preliminary hearing and the case can go directly to trial.For an indictment to be issued, at least 12 of the 19 grand jurors must agree that there is probable cause to believe that a crime was committed.The witnesses, including the accuser's younger brother and his mother, have been whisked into the secret proceedings since the grand jury convened on March 29. The boy's psychologist, the family's civil attorney and his father have also spoken to grand jurors.Mr. Jackson's defense team contends that the allegations against the entertainer are false and were motivated by the greed of the accuser's family.The grand jury proceeding allows the prosecution to shield witnesses -- particularly the young accuser -- from the public eye and avoid cross-examination by defense attorneys.However, because of intense media interest, the case has resulted in a degree of secrecy atypical even for grand jury proceedings. Witnesses were hidden behind blackened windows and reflector shields. Sheriff's deputies also provided extra security to grand jurors to ensure that no one followed them home.If an indictment is issued, Mr. Jackson's defense team will likely attempt to get it dismissed on grounds that there was insufficient evidence before the grand jury to support the indictment, according to Gerald Uelman, an attorney on the defense team in the O.J. Simpson murder trial."They can challenge the admissibility of evidence presented on the ground that it was unlawfully acquired, which is a suppression motion," said Mr. Uelman, who is also a professor at Santa Clara University School of Law. "There may be a whole panoply of motions they can file challenging the indictment."History shows grand juries almost always grant the prosecution's indictment request."Ordinarily -- as the saying goes -- you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich," said Laurie Levenson, professor at Loyola School of Law. "But obviously, this is not a routine case. It's under a lot of scrutiny. . . . This grand jury knows everything they do will be second-guessed. They may or may not give the prosecution everything they ask for."In Santa Barbara County, grand juries are typically convened about three or fewer times each year, said Court Administrator Gary Blair, and mostly in cases when the prosecution doesn't want to tip off potential suspects that they are the target of an investigation.In 1993, District Attorney Tom Sneddon convened a grand jury in a separate molestation case against Mr. Jackson. That case crumbled, however, when the alleged victim refused to testify after the entertainer offered the family a multi-million-dollar settlement from a simultaneous civil suit.The News-Press recently contacted grand jurors from that case who indicated that even if they had been asked to issue an indictment, they weren't presented with enough evidence to do so.
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
http://celebrityjustice.warnerbros.com/news/0404/21b.htmlWhat's Behind Jackson Accuser's Family’s Reversal of Fortune?.S. Army Major Jay Jackson, no relation to Michael, may be a key player in the case against the superstar accused of molestation. "CJ's" obtained footage of 42-year-old Jay Jackson talking to his girlfriend -- the mother of Michael’s young accuser -- as she sits inside a brand new Volkswagen Jetta. "CJ's" Executive Producer, Harvey Levin, says that the accuser’s mother actually uses Jay Jackson’s car, and the family now reportedly lives at a fashionable Los Angeles condo complex, a far cry from the rundown East LA apartment where they lived before the scandal broke. "We know authorities are concerned about rumblings that either the mother of the accuser or this Major may have made some deal to sell the (family’s) story," Levin reveals. "That would be devastating to the case. There is smoke as far as we know, but there's no fire yet." Levin adds, "We know suddenly this family has gotten a new car. We know that the family has moved into a nice condominium in a nice part of Los Angeles. The question is: how did they get the money to get all this stuff?" "CJ’s" learned that something suspicious recently happened to Jay Jackson's Jetta when parked inside the condo building. "It was scratched by somebody," Levin reveals. "He believes it was one of Jackson’s people. However, there is absolutely no proof to substantiate that." Jay has reportedly taken Jackson’s accuser under his wing, and there are reports that he tried to sell the story but never sealed the deal. Meanwhile, The LA Times reports that the Grand Jury may indict Jackson’s former employee, Frank Tyson. Tyson's lawyer told the Times that his client has been "accused of threatening to kill the (accuser’s) younger brother" if the brother told authorities that Jackson gave the older brother alcohol. But Levin says, "There are other people the Grand Jury are looking at, people who allegedly threatened this family and threatened to put them in harm's way."
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Documents in Jackson civil case remain unsealed for now By Quintin Cushner/Staff WriterA Santa Maria Superior Court judge ruled Wednesday that documents in a civil case against Michael Jackson will remain sealed to the public, at least until June. During Wednesday's hearing on the sealed documents, Superior Court Judge Zel Canter ruled that Jackson attorneys Robert Sanger and Steve Cochran must be given time to file a motion listing the documents that they wish to keep sealed. Attorney William Thomson represented NBC - the media outlet that petitioned for the release of the documents - at the hearing. The documents, which include depositions from witnesses who worked at Jackson's Neverland Ranch, stem from a wrongful-termination civil case filed against Jackson and five members of his staff. On March 18, 1997, a jury in Santa Maria found the defendants - including Jackson - not liable for wrongful termination, harassment, intentionally inflicting emotional distress, assault, eavesdropping and breach of contract. Thomson argued Wednesday that since the documents stem from an old case in which a jury found for the defendant, the defense should have no problem with unsealing the documents. Sanger countered that release of the documents while there is a pending criminal case against Jackson might prevent the singer from receiving a fair trial. He also noted that some of the sealed documents contain statements from plaintiffs in the suit who may also be witnesses in the current grand jury proceedings against the singer. The next hearing in the unsealing matter was set for June 2. Also Wednesday, the Los Angeles Times reported that conspiracy and obstruction-of-justice charges were being considered against several associates of Jackson for allegedly threatening the family of the boy who has accused the entertainer of child molestation. Attorney Joseph Tacopina said there had been speculation that two of his clients, Vincent Amen and Frank Tyson, would either be indicted by the grand jury or charged separately with alleged intimidation of witnesses. He denied the allegations and said the two former Jackson employees would not appear before the grand jury. "They've been invited and we declined," Tacopina said. "We're sitting tight." Tyson, who was Jackson's personal assistant, has been accused of threatening to kill the younger brother of Jackson's alleged victim if he revealed to authorities that Jackson had given the boy alcohol, Tacopina said. Amen, who worked for Jackson's production company, was accused of holding the family at Jackson's Neverland estate against its will, Tacopina said. * The Associated Press contributed to this report. Staff writer Quintin Cushner can be reached at 739-2217 or by e-mail at qcushner@pulitzer.net. April 22, 2004
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
April 22, 2004JACKSON INDICTEDCounty sources say grand jury reached decision on child molestation chargesBy DAWN HOBBS and SCOTT HADLYNEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITERS MIKE ELIASON/NEWS-PRESS PHOTOSPresiding Superior Court Judge Clifford Anderson leaves a meeting with the Michael Jackson grand jury.A grand jury indicted Michael Jackson on charges of child molestation Wednesday, three weeks after the secret proceedings were convened, the News-Press learned from county sources.The exact charges are unknown because the indictment is sealed, sources said. Mr. Jackson is scheduled to be arraigned on the charges on April 30 in Santa Maria. Until then, the indictment will likely remain secret.In January, the entertainer pleaded not guilty to seven felony counts of lewd acts with a child and two felony counts of administering alcohol to commit molestation. It is not clear whether the indictment includes the same charges or additional ones. A gag order prohibits attorneys, witnesses and law enforcement from speaking to the media about the case.But in a prepared statement, defense attorneys Mark Geragos, Robert Sanger, Steve Cochrane and Benjamin Brafman said that if their client is indicted, he will enter a plea of not guilty.They stated they were "confident that after a trial on these charges Mr. Jackson will be fully exonerated and that the allegations contained in the indictment will be shown to be patently false.... In this case, Mr. Jackson is not just 'presumed' to be innocent, but is in fact innocent."For the indictment to be issued, at least 12 of the 19 grand jurors had to decide the prosecution presented enough evidence to try Mr. Jackson for allegedly molesting a boy last spring.The indictment came after 13 days of testimony during which grand jurors heard from at least a dozen witnesses, including the 14-year-old accuser, his mother and younger brother.Mr. Geragos has previously stated that the allegations surfaced after the boy's mother failed to get money from the entertainer following the airing of a documentary that shows the boy and Mr. Jackson holding hands.Defense attorneys will likely attempt to get the indictment dismissed by claiming there is insufficient evidence to support it, that evidence was unlawfully acquired or that prosecutors did not present evidence that could help clear Mr. Jackson, according to Gerald Uelman, an attorney on the defense team in the O.J. Simpson murder trial.Transcripts of the secret grand jury proceeding will be provided to Mr. Jackson's defense team within the next 10 days. Although defense lawyers are barred from grand jury proceedings, they may use the transcript to impeach witnesses during the trial. The transcripts are then made public 10 days later unless Mr. Jackson's defense attorneys can convince a judge that it could prejudice the pool of prospective jurors against their client.Russ Gammell, an audio engineer for CBS News, takes a break outside the sheriff's training facility where the grand jury was meeting.The grand jury began hearing witnesses in the case on March 29, meeting at the sheriff's training facility. The secrecy continued Wednesday when Senior Deputy District Attorneys Ron Zonen, Gordon Auchincloss and Gerald Franklin left the proceedings and declined comment to about 20 journalists kept blocks away.Afterward, grand jurors were whisked away in vans with darkened windows followed by four escorts to the Santa Barbara County Courthouse, where they met with District Attorney Tom Sneddon and presiding Superior Court Judge Clifford Anderson.By convening the secret proceeding, prosecutors were able to shield witnesses, particularly the young accuser, from the scrutiny of the media and cross-examination by Mr. Jackson's defense team. The proceeding is under the control of prosecutors, who call the witnesses and question them outside the presence of defense attorneys. The process also avoids a preliminary hearing before trial. No members of the grand jury may disclose what is said during the proceedings, nor are they at liberty to disclose the breakdown of the votes for indictment. In this case, Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville has repeatedly sealed traditionally public court documents in the interest of either protecting the alleged juvenile victim or preventing prejudicial publicity.The tightly controlled process contrasts with what happened during the grand jury hearing in the 1993 molestation case against Mr. Jackson. During those proceedings, witnesses in Los Angeles and in Santa Barbara were often interviewed by journalists before and after they testified.The 1993 case crumbled when the accuser declined to testify after his family accepted a multimillion-dollar settlement from the entertainer in a simultaneous civil suit.The News-Press recently contacted grand jurors from that hearing who said they were never presented with enough evidence to issue an indictment, had they been asked to do so.http://www.newspress.com/mjacksonupdate/0422indicted.htm
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由CeSsy在 2004/04/23 11:43am 第 1 次编辑]CeSsy拿下Thursday, April 22, 2004By Roger FriedmanMJ Case: Did DA Contact Family Early On?This morning, it seems, Michael Jackson has been indicted by a Santa Barbara grand jury on charges of child abuse. However: The two young men who worked for Jackson and took care of the family now accusing him of child molestation will have a lot to say should they ever testify in the case.The two young men are Frank Tyson and Vincent Amen. A mutual acquaintance tells me that their main fashion accessory is a briefcase full of documents on this subject. It contains receipts, correspondence, and loads of other evidence that piece together their experience with the woman, her boyfriend, and the children.I saw some of this evidence a few months ago, and I can tell you that District Attorney Tom Sneddon is walking into a buzz saw if he thinks this pair can help his case.In fact, I am told, Tyson and Amen will recount how, when they returned the family to their own apartment in East Los Angeles on February 16, 2003, a business card belonging to Sneddon had already been slipped under the door of their apartment.The mother ?fresh from the uproar 10 days earlier of her two sons being featured in the Martin Bashir special "Living with Michael Jackson" ?picked up the card and called Sneddon, they will say. And that could suggest that Sneddon, long before there was any accusation against Jackson of child molestation, was already looking for a case that might develop into something more.Sneddon's office refused to take messages for him yesterday. They referred all questions to their public relations firm.What is patently absurd: charges that the two young men intimidated the family of Michael's young accuser.Readers of this column know that long ago we discussed these two young men: Frank Cascio, who goes by the name Frank Tyson, and his pal, Amen. They are both 23-years-old, and they come from New Jersey. Tyson has known Jackson since he was a child. He and his next oldest sibling, a brother, and Tyson's parents are old friends of Jackson and consider him family. The feeling is mutual.I met Tyson with Jackson in November 2000 at the home of public relations expert Howard Rubenstein. I ran into him again in the summer of 2002 at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. He is as capable of intimidating or threatening someone as my beloved 10-year-old calico cat. Both Tyson and Cascio are well brought up, intelligent young men. They are not thugs. They are well-spoken, handsome, and humble, with excellent manners. It's not even remotely possible that they threatened to kill anyone or hold them against their will.On the day the Martin Bashir special aired on ABC ?February 6, 2003 ?Tyson was in Miami with Jackson. That was when he met the boy who would later accuse Jackson of child molestation, plus the boy's mother and siblings. He returned to New York, but Tyson's brother and sister were among the passengers who flew back to Neverland with Jackson, as well Michael's own children, their nannies, and the accusing family.A few days later, Tyson was called by Jackson's videographer Marc Schaffel to come to Neverland and help work on the rebuttal video that Jackson's group sold to Fox TV. Tyson brought his childhood pal, Amen, with him and they began to help Schaffel.Concurrently, I am told, the family ?which was now happily ensconced at Neverland ?was being "handled" in the aftermath of the Bashir special by Jackson's then manager, Deiter Wiesner. But Wiesner was heavy-handed with them. Finally ?in frustration ?he turned the project of entertaining and mollifying the family over to Schaffel. But Schaffel was busy with putting together the Fox special. He delegated the job to Tyson and Amen. Quite the opposite from holding them hostage, the pair was at the beck and call of the boy's mother.If Sneddon thinks he's going to indict Tyson and Amen, here's a little flash for him: according to my sources, these guys kept the most detailed records of all their dealings with this woman and her children. As eyewitnesses to what went on with the family in question, the pair is ready and able to defend not only themselves but Jackson and Schaffel as well.In fact, Tyson and Amen give an account of a timeline in this case from February 7 to mid-March, 2003, that could make them star defense witnesses ?and a big headache for Sneddon and his prosecutors.They will testify, if it goes that far, to the mother's constant complaints and requests, and to her anger when Jackson did nothing, as they remember her saying it, "to make my kids stars." They will describe her as a conniving opportunist and leech. According to my sources, they will also recount how the mother did not want to leave Neverland once she had allowed the pair to move her in from her impoverished flat in East Los Angeles. In fact, she told them each on numerous occasions that she thought Jackson should buy her a house in Solvang, a stone's throw from Neverland.This conversation took place on March 11, 2003, the day Amen drove the mother to family court so she could fight her ex-husband for more child support. Amen told friends that when the judge ruled in the mother's favor that day he thought she'd be happy. She wasn't."She said she'd been promised all kinds of things. She wanted to work for MJJProductions," my source reports. "She told Frank and Vinnie that she wanted to do Michael's PR because of all the bad things people said about him. She thought Michael was going to make her kids into stars."Rather than hold anyone hostage, as the mother has now reportedly told Santa Barbara police, Tyson and Amen shuttled the mother's children around while she went off with her boyfriend. After the family court ruling, the mother asked Tyson and Amen to bring the children to her parents' home in El Monte, Calif."She called up, acting very sweet, and said her father was sick and wanted to see the kids," a source told me. That would be the last time Tyson and Amen saw the children, around March 15, 2003.Sneddon has reportedly offered Tyson and Amen immunity if they testify against Jackson, but my sources are adamant that the pair has rejected this idea. Believe me, they are not stupid. If they thought they had done something wrong, both Tyson and Amen would have taken the DA's deal. But they know what happened, and they feel, according to my sources, that they can prove it. Easily.www.foxnews.com/story/0,2...46,00.html
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/23 11:11am 第 2 次编辑]Michael Jackson母亲捍卫儿子 时间:2004-4-23 在媒体大肆报道Michael Jackson被大陪审团指控后,Michael Jackson母亲出面为儿子辩护。 “我曾希望这一切不会发生,但现在Michael将必须得走上法庭去向全世界明证他的清白,”Michael Jackson母亲Katherine告诉MSNBC电视台新闻分析员兼Jackson家庭朋友Stacy Brown说,“我认为大多数人都知道Michael不会犯下那样的罪行。有些人看到Michael就想到钱,他们想的全是钱,他们会不择手段地来从他身上弄到钱,哪怕是以可怕的指控毁掉他的事业和生活。” Katherine Jackson还表示她相信传媒对他们家庭有偏见。“看看Janet和她所经历的一切吧,”Katherine Jackson说,“我不喜欢超级碗杯上发生的一切,但如果她不是Jackson的一员的话,美国通讯委员会和其他相关机构就不会对超级杯事件作出那么大的反应。”
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由CeSsy在 2004/04/23 11:52am 第 2 次编辑](CHRIS拿下ISLEWORTH, Fla. -- Eyewitness News has learned, until his court hearing next Friday, Michael Jackson is hiding out in Central Florida, the Isleworth area to be exact.The King of Pop is said to be staying in a $10.5 million mansion located in the exclusive community of Isleworth. The lakefront property is owned by David Siegal, the so-called Donald Trump of Orlando.His wife, Jacqueline, explains how Jackson and his entourage ended up in her new 12-bedroom, 19-bathroom house: "We got a call from a real estate agent and asked if we'd be interested in renting out our house for a couple of weeks. I talked to my husband and, since we hadn't moved, we thought, well, why not? We'll make a little extra money," says Siegal.She didn't say how much money Jackson is paying to stay there. In fact, when she rented it out a week and a half ago, she says she didn't know Jackson was renting it."They were very private about it. I kind of found out about it through the grapevine myself," she says.And privacy is exactly what Jackson is getting. The house sits on its own island, far away from other homes and even further away from the Hollywood paparazzi.Seigal says, Michael Jackson's rental agreement runs through Sunday.http://www.wftv.com/news/3032194/detail.html
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