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发表于 2004-4-25 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/26 09:45am 第 1 次编辑]
下面引用由Chris2004/04/24 10:05pm 发表的内容:4月23日,VH1欧洲台播放了关于MJ歌迷俱乐部和一些歌迷的故事。观众们充分感受到了歌迷们对MJ的爱。其中最另人感动的故事是——一个女歌迷自述: “我儿子死的时候,我相信上帝已离我远去。但是成为一个M的歌迷让我重拾对上帝的信仰。 “成为一个MJ的歌迷让我走上了一个以前从未接触过的方向。在我52岁的时候我接触了网页和图形设计。让我开始做这事情的是一个关于MJ的网站。我每天至少花6小时在MJ的绘画及网站上。MJ让我开始了一种全新的生活,那是我以前从未有过的。” “我买了一栋更大的房子放MJ的海报。他们太美了,我真想每天都看着,可惜我没有那么多的墙去挂他们。” “我做过的最疯狂的事情是去欧洲看他的演唱会。在那里我发觉MJ的歌迷像是有个大家庭。在我还未成为歌迷前,我从不关心其他人,我不认识他们,他们的对我而言只是陌生人。而现在我能感觉他们的快乐和痛苦。” “我和很多其他歌迷不一样,他们把MJ当做神。但我认为他只是个普通的人。我对他如此虔诚是以为给了我新生。我能感觉到MJ是被送往人间,他的使命就是帮助人类。如果我未曾失去我儿子我永远不会成为MJ的歌迷,如果不是他我将和有些人一样,被生活抛弃,或被送往精神病院。为什么MJ会进入我的生活,是因为他成了我精神的一部分,我很高兴他完全改变了我的生活。”








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2004-4-25 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由toreador在 2004/04/26 01:41pm 第 2 次编辑]有错误的话请指正。________________________________________________________Jackie Collins: 作家, 大女伯爵,女明星洛杉矶消息 - "大多数的男人都像狗,"她嗅叹到。"有些是好狗,有些狗真的是很肮脏。但是你可以选择那些好狗 -- 那些忠诚的,总在你身旁而且待你很好的狗,你待他们也很好 -- 事情就这么简单。"她要知道:她是Jackie Collins,性爱小说女皇,销量最好的作家,可以说在超过在40个国家里卖出了4亿本作品。这位演员Joan Collins的妹妹,今年62岁,是一个有过一次离婚,一次丧夫经历的三个孩子的母亲,凭借着她满意的作品《美国丈夫法国妻》,早在1968年她就登了“最佳销量作家”的宝座。同样由于Collins的美丽基因,这位作家有着一头乌黑浓密的头发,好像化妆过的完美面容,手腕,脖颈,耳朵上戴满饰品,这一切使她看上去十分高贵。她最近在Beverly Hills 大厦为她11月份即将出版的第23部大作《Hollywood Divorces》举行宣传会的时候看上去依然如此。这部作品是关于那些有点儿伪装自己真实生活的好莱坞演员的传说,和通常的最佳销量书一样,是一部塞满了性,权力和光辉的大杂烩。"我的生活很有趣,我也非常非常的享受我的人生,"伦敦出生的Collins在她的图书馆里说到。这个图书馆里都是成打儿的皮革装订手写稿,记载着最近的重大事情 -- 摇滚明星,幸运儿和好莱坞妻子们。她操着一口流利干脆的英国口音补充到:"我写书的时候不在乎那么多,因为一年里也就只有两三个星期。但我喜欢改写。我总是这里改改,那里动动 - 就像织一条毯子。这是只有Collins才能编出来的毯子:好莱坞的终极内幕,作者不光要知道尸体藏在什么地方,她可能甚至要到给尸体涂防腐剂的厕所去。她最新的作品迅速的爬上了最佳销量名单,这作品讲述了三个女主人翁,包括了"辛苦爬上名人榜"的24岁巨星Lola Sanchez。读者们并不介意Sanchez是否有影射年轻时期的珍妮弗。洛佩兹之嫌。事实上,他们很喜欢这作品。Collins解释到:"我喜欢写那些坏女孩,我也真的很想写Lola,现在这里有很多拉丁明星,Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez。但是我在里面不能透露姓名,否则我就毁了。"那并不会冲垮Collins,她的小说每年一部而且都是幸福的结局。"如果我们这一生没有一个好结局,"她指出,"我就在我的书里造一个出来。"Collins并不像某些她疯狂的角色那样疯,也不像她说的她经常看到的姐姐那样神气活现。她说,她不确定,Joan是否现在的丈夫已经排到了第五位还是更多。一个男人足矣她说她更喜欢独身。“我的生活就像一个酷的单身汉。我有一个男人来应付所有的情况。”嗯。对一个女士来说,觉得男人像狗并不坏。说真的,Collins得生活挺好的,他有四辆车,四个烤炉和一个随叫随到的俄国发型师,可她还说她不像个女明星。比如,这个作家坚决不做美容。"我在电视上看见Sharon Osbourne用肉毒杆菌除皱纹。我对此没什么兴趣。而且隆胸只是为了能吸引更多男人。没准儿一个女演员会因为角色需要去整容,但是如果一个女人不用上屏幕,那又为什么把那些有毒的东西方身体上用呢?“就像对我来说,”她补充道,我只做过一次面膜 -- 还是为了研究。我做我自己的事儿,我从来没有做过脸或者推拿。我不喜欢别人碰我,除非那和性有关。”她承认在床上看懒散的趴着看电视,闷头吃甜食。“Dots and Reese的花生黄油杯,”她笑到。“我还是一个绝对的流行文化狂。那就是我的缺点。”Collins也同样关注丑闻,这对于她就像鞋对于伊梅尔达·马科斯一样重要。当谈及到Paris Hilton, Michael Jackson和同性恋婚姻的时候,她并不只是说些好话敷衍了事。"Paris是个好女孩,但是你要是自拍的话,你得把那些拍的东西保存好,"她说。"我知道Michael。在不能证明他有罪之前他是清白的。。。我能相信同性恋婚姻,但是那很复杂。"的确很复杂。Collins的奇幻传说也有相对立的一面。但是,尽管她有辉煌的成就,可她说如果能拿到美国文学杰出贡献奖牌将会是一件很美妙的事儿,就像去年斯蒂芬。金那样。“我怀疑这会不会发生,”她说。美国纽约时报书目回顾投合文学作家。狄更斯不被认为是个文学家,而且对我最大的批评家从未理解过我。” 但是Collins很可能凭借她最后出人意料的文学行动笑到最后。她希望在她的墓志铭上面写着:“她给了许多人许多快乐。” 2004年4月23号星期五,晚上7点35分__________________________________________________________









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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-26 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[b]America Is Not Worthy Of Michael Jackson![/b]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-26 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
If This Is How You Spell Dimond, It´s Probably A Cubic Zirconia By Barbara BergerDiane Dimond has said that "Sometimes she thinks her tombstone will read: SHE COVERED MICHAEL JACKSON." Dimond has come a long way since she arrived at the doorstep of Hard Copy in 1990. For those who don´t remember, Hard Copy was one of the early TV programs that specialized in tabloid news and gossip. She was called an investigative reporter back then and actually still is, although the title remains ambiguous. She has said "I learned what goes into making an investigative report. It was exciting, like being a private detective. It felt exhilarating. It felt important." So how does one go from reporting on Capitol Hill, the White House, the Pentagon and the House of Representatives to reporting in the tabloid arena? These words from 1993, "I was in a unique situation because Hard Copy is the only - I think I´m the only reporter, I think I can safely say that, to have seen the official documents, the official allegations against Michael Jackson. I got lucky; I´ll be honest with you. A source came to me, and said ´I want you to see something.´ I met him at a location and looked at it, and it was a stack that thick of documents about the Michael Jackson case. We ran with it on Tuesday because I had it in front of me."Ten years later Dimond, now working at Court TV, got a call from a source saying, "´we got another kid,´" she recalled. "I asked if this one was going to stick and if they were going to raid Jackson´s Neverland Ranch again. I told them I want to be there when that happens, and I want to be the only reporter standing on the road."Dimond requested resources from Court TV to pursue the story without revealing what the story was about. She said: "I told them, ´I want to go get you a big, juicy story, but I can´t tell you what it is; you just have to trust me. And you have to let me hire the camera crews because I don´t want anyone to know where I´m going.´ "To her surprise, Court TV chairman and CEO Henry Schleiff granted her request. Dimond flew from New York to Santa Barbara on Tuesday, arriving at 2 a.m., enough time to get three hours of sleep and have one of her two camera crews stationed at Neverland when the police arrived at 6 a.m. She was at the local police station with the other crew when the raid commenced just in case Jackson was arrested, but she soon sped back over to Neverland.On Nov. 18, Americans sat riveted before their televisions as Dimond, the lone reporter on the scene, filed a live report for Court TV as a caravan of police vehicles drove onto the sprawling Neverland Ranch to execute a search warrant.In an interview with "This is CNN & Company" with Mary Tillotson, in 1993, Diane said "Well, I believe that you should stick to the facts, too, the absolute facts." Quoted in artcommotion.com, even the great TV journalist Diane Dimond of "Hard Copy" says "Victor Gutierrez is the only journalist that investigated the Jackson case better than our program, and we were number one."If we are going to talk facts using the names of Michael Jackson, Diane Dimond and Victor Gutierrez, we need to travel back in time to 1995 when Michael Jackson filed a $50-million slander and emotional distress suit against "Hard Copy," reporter Diane Dimond and a Los Angeles radio station for alleging that authorities were reopening sexual molestation charges against him. The complaint alleges Dimond was a guest Jan. 9 on KABC´s Minyard and Barkley show, where she said on air there was a renewed "red hot" police probe into new allegations of child molestation against Jackson. She further claimed, according to the suit, that her most reliable source (Victor Gutierrez) had told her there was a 27-minute, black-and-white videotape of Jackson molesting a young boy.In 1998 Dimond´s "most reliable source" was found by Superior Court Judge Reginald Dunn to have reported a story that was false and that Gutierrez knew it was false when he told it to "Hard Copy." Dimond later repeated those comments on Los Angeles TV station KABC-AM. The jury awarded Michael $2.7 million in compensatory and punitive damages after a three-day trial. Unfortunately charges against Paramount, which produced "Hard Copy", along with Diane Dimond and producer Stephen Doren were dismissed. If we are going to report on the facts, we should also mention that Dimond´s "most reliable source" fled to Mexico. In April of 1995 Dimond fled too ... all the way to Canada to follow up on yet another Michael Jackson allegation for "Hard Copy". She might have thought that this was the "big one", but it was no story at all. From the transcript: Diane Dimond: "You planted all this stuff in this kid´s head?Man: "I didn´t plant it in his head. He was asking questions. I answered them the best I can. I told him what I could tell him about the place because I want Michael to face it."Diane Dimond: "So this kid is a A1 number one liar."Man: "Professional."Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "The whole story was a scam. A Toronto street kid meets a man obsessed with the Michael Jackson case, and the result could have been an international scandal. Meanwhile, back at the police station, the boy finally broke down. He admitted that he and Rodney Allen had made up the whole story." Is it such a long stretch to imagine that this could be happening again ... a pattern perhaps? Since most people are not aware of this scam that even fooled the Michael Jackson expert Diane Dimond, one can only imagine that Dimond couldn´t consider another scam. She´s finally going to get the story heard around the world. Dimond moved up in status to Court TV in 2001 as a guest anchor and substitute host for Catherine Crier Live. Because Court TV was once known for its solid analysis and factual reporting on legal issues and cases, one would have to wonder whether the addition of a tabloid reporter has turned this once credible network into a celebrity obsessed entertainment show. After all, Dimond’s role has now expanded into hosting the new celebrity series on the network called Hollywood at Large, as well as guest-hosting the network’s daytime trial coverage. In her own words "I did spend a lot of years underemployed, I guess," said Ms. Dimond, who within hours of breaking the new Jackson story was the hottest property in TV. The next day, she was debriefed on NBC´s "Today" and ABC´s "Good Morning America," "Access Hollywood," "Entertainment Tonight," CNN´s "Larry King Live," ABC´s "Nightline," the BBC, a German TV network and KTVK-TV in Phoenix, which had dispatched Mike Watkiss, a Dimond reporter pal from those tabloid days, to the Jackson scene. "When it all started to break again, something just clicked in my head and I just started taking copious notes. I don´t know that anybody is interested in what Diane Dimond was thinking when all this was happening, but I just started writing everything down. It turned out to be a good move." At the time of the arraignment for Michael Jackson, Dimond said "It´ll be the first time I´ve gotten this close to him.” Of course she was concerned about securing a seat in the small courthouse, so she added "I´ve got my fingers crossed." An out of place comment coming from someone who was first on the scene giving live coverage to the media while Neverland Valley Ranch was being torn to shreds by 70 law enforcement people who hoped to find any "evidence" against Michael Jackson. But the significance of all of this is magnified by the D.A.´s own words "Ask Diane, she knows everything about Michael Jackson." The higher one climbs, the farther the fall. It won´t matter if Dimond writes a book on her Michael Jackson years of obsessive reporting. The die is cast and she is on the losing team. "This is a tough business, but I love it," she said. "Each time I think about leaving or taking a break, it never seems to happen. I get bored easily. I just can´t stop. It´s not in my constitution. I´m like a shark, always moving in the water." And besides, added Dimond, "I don´t know how to do anything else." Michael Jackson is INNOCENT. It might be beneficial for Dimond to learn how to do something else.*Special thanks to Jennifer Fitzgerald for her research








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2004-4-26 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
美国人说话的时候把指头交叉起来,表示说得是谎话,"I´ve got my fingers crossed."应该是这个意思。如果我记得没错的话。。。。。








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发表于 2004-4-26 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由toreador在 2004/04/26 08:33pm 第 1 次编辑]我不怕做重复工,其实我刚好想通过这个来提高一下自己的翻译水平,多看看别人的翻译稿也有助于我的提高,以下是我的译稿,有错误请指正:想来想去还是用"皓石"代替"人造钻石"比较好,人造钻石多难听。。。反正讲的都是一个东西。。。。______________________________________________________如果要形容Dimond,很可能就是"皓石"Diane Dimond说过“有的时候她想让自己的墓碑上面写着:她报道过Michael Jackson”自1990年加入到电视节目Hard Copy以来,Dimond已经走过很长的一段路了。可能有些人不记得了,Hard Copy是一部早期的电视节目,特别关注于那些花边新闻和流言蜚语。她当时被称为调查记者,尽管这称号有点大了,不过现在她现在依然配得上。她说过:“我学会了制作调查报道的的详细方法。那真令人兴奋,就像私家侦探一样。让你觉得高兴,重要。”那么,她是怎么从一个报道国会山, 白宫, 五角大楼,众议院的记者进军小报界的呢?这些是她1993年说的:“我当时处在一个特殊的情形之下,因为Hard Copy只有一个 - 我觉得我是他们唯一的记者,我能很坦然地说这些,我见过那些对Michael Jackson指控的官方文件,正式控告。诚实地说,我挺幸运的。一个消息提供者找到我,说‘我想让你看些东西’。我找了个地方见到了他,看见了一大堆很厚的文件,全是关于Michael Jackson案件的。我们星期二的时候把这些东西全翻了一遍,因为它当时就放在我眼前。”10年之后的Dimond现在正在Court Tv工作,有天,她接到一个消息人的电话,说:“现在又有一个小孩,”她回忆道。“我问他这次的案件是否会没完没了,是否他们会再次搜查Jackson的Neverland庄园。我告诉他们,如果这一切发生,我想亲自到那儿去,并且要做站在大街上的唯一记者。”Dimond向Court Tv申请资源去追踪这个事件,而且没有透露她要去追踪的事件内容。她说:“我告诉他们,我要去给你们找一个大新闻,内容丰富的新闻,但是我不能告诉你们具体内容;你只要尽管相信我就行了。你也得让我雇佣自己的摄影组,因为我不想让任何人知道我要去哪儿。”出乎她意料的是,Court Tv的主席兼CEO,Henry Schleiff同意了她的请求。Dimond星期二从纽约前往圣。芭芭拉,并于早上两点抵达,警察将在早上6点到Neverland,有足够的时间让她睡上三个小时,并派出她两组摄影组中的一组到Neverland去。当Jackson被捕,搜查开始的时候,她还和其他的摄制组在当地警察局,但是很快她就折回Neverland了。11月18号,当大批大批的警车闯进任人宰割的Neverland去执行搜查证的时候,全美国的人都牢牢地坐在电视机前面看着Dimond,这个唯一在Neverland现场的记者,为Court Tv做的详实报道。1993年,在一次和Mary Tillotson的"This is CNN & Company"的采访中,Diane说“好吧,我觉得你应该紧紧地跟着事实,而且,得是绝对的事实。”artcommotion.com引言到:连最好的电视记者,"Hard Copy"的Diane Dimond都说了“Victor Gutierrez是唯一一个在Jackson案件上调查的比我们节目好的记者,我们只是过去的第一了。”如果我们要用Michael Jackson, Diane Dimond and Victor Gutierrez这些名字来告诉大家事实的话,我们还得回到1995年,当时Michael Jackson一纸诉状将"Hard Copy"告上法庭,要求赔偿五千万美元的诽谤罪,和感情损失。因为当时记者Diane Dimond和一家洛杉矶电台断言,高层人士肯定会再以性骚扰为名控告Michael Jacskon一次。Dimond的抱怨般的断言是在1月9号KABC的"Minyard and Barkley秀"节目当中说的,在直播的时候她说整饬一新的"愤怒"警察正在调查一起新的针对Jackson的儿童性骚扰案。她进一步声称,针对这起案件,她最可靠的消息源(Victor Gutierrez)告诉她,有一盘27分钟的黑白录像带可以证明Jackson猥亵男童。在1998年,Dimond的“最可靠的消息”被Judge Reginald Dunn高级法院找了出来,并被证明是个假消息,而且在Gutierrez告诉"Hard Copy"的时候,他也知道这个是假的。Dimond过后再洛杉矶电视台KABC-AM重复了这些话。在三天的庭审后,陪审团判给Michael两千七百万美元用以补偿和惩罚造成的损失。这场针对制作"Hard Copy"节目的派拉蒙公司的不幸指控,使得Diane Dimond和制作人Stephen Doren 双双被解雇。如果我们要把真实情况报到的更详细的话,还得提到,给Dimond提供“最可靠的消息”的人逃到墨西哥去了。在1995年4月份,Dimnod也逃了。。。一路直飞加拿大去为"Hard Copy"跟踪另一起Michael Jackson的指控。她本以为这会是一个"大蛋糕",可是根本就什么都没有。以下是采访原文:Diane Dimond:"你把这些想法都塞进这孩子的脑袋?"某人:"我不是塞进他的脑袋。他问我问题,我就尽我最大可能去回答。关于Michael住的地方,我把能告诉他的都告诉他了,因为我想让Michael去应付这事儿。"Diane Dimond:"也就是说这孩子是个一等一的大骗子。"某人:"专业级的"Diane Dimond [画外音]:"整个事情就是一桩骗局。一个多伦多街上的小孩儿碰上了一个熟悉Michael Jackson案件的人,结果就可能引发一场国际丑闻。与此同时,在警察局里面,那男孩终于败下阵来。他承认他和Rodney Allen一起编造了整个故事。" 是不是足以由此想象得出这种事情还可能再次发生。。。以某种形式?既然大家都对这起连"Michael Jackson专家"Diane Dimond都能愚弄的骗局不感兴趣,就能想象得出Dimond不愿意再去考虑另一起骗局了。她最后决定要让全世界都听到这个故事。Dimond在2001年晋升为Court Tv的节目"Catherine Crier Live"中的常驻嘉宾兼替代主持人。由于Court Tv曾一度以在法律节目,案件上分析确凿,报道真实而为人们所熟知。有人可能就会问,加进来一个小报记者是不是会将这个曾经为人确信的节目变成一个和明星有紧密关系的娱乐秀。毕竟,Dimond的角色正在朝着一档新的明星系列节目扩展,叫做"逍遥好莱坞",同时她还在白天的那些法制节目中当客串主持。 用她自己的话说,"我花在工作上的年头太长了,我觉得是,"Dimond女士说到。她花上几个小时爆出些Jackson的新消息就是电视台里最炙手可热的资产了。第二天,她还要向NBC的"Today",ABC的"Good Morning America","Access Hollywood","Entertainment Tonight",CNN的"Larry King Live",ABC的"Nightline",BBC,一家德国电视台,和凤凰台的KTVK-TV报告情况。她派出了Mike Watkiss,她小报时期的记者朋友去追Jackson的新闻。"当一切都准备就绪,有些东西一下子就触动了我的神经,我就不停的记大量的笔记。我不知道有什么人对Diane Dimond这些时候所想的事儿有什么兴趣,但是我就是不停的写下来所有的东西。结果能证明我是对的。”就在Michael Jackson被传讯的时候,Dimond说:“那还是第一次我能和他有这么近。”当然后来她考虑到了在狭小的法庭上面她还得到了个位子,所以她补充道:“好吧,我刚才说谎了。”这话对于这位第一个公开现场报道70个有法律权利的警察将Neverland破坏得一塌糊涂就是为了去寻找给Michael Jackson定罪的记者来说有些不相称。但是地方检查官的话更加夸大了:“去问问Diane吧,她知道Michael Jackson的一切。”爬得越高,摔得越重。Dimnod是否要写本关于这么多年对于Michael Jackson的调查报告也不那么重要了。一切已成定局,她处于失利位置。“这真的是件苦差事,但是我喜欢。”她说到。“每次我都想离开或者休息一下,但是从未这么做过。我很容易就得无聊。我就是那种停不下来的人。我天生并不是这样的。就像条鲨鱼一样,总要在水里一直游下去。”除此之外,Dimond还说到,“除此之外我不知道该干些别的什么” Michael Jackson是无辜的。对于Dimond而言,学学该怎么做些别的还是有好处的。_____________________________________________________________
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-26 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
哭了你们太好了  billiehou ,toreador 但重复工太浪费了有时间来我或CESSY这报道领任务把你们现在的时间安排给我说一下(每天什么时候上线,可以在网上呆多久,能完成多少任务,以及联系方式,自我介绍),发我油箱里啦 mkgenie@163.com








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发表于 2004-4-26 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
4/27/2004 9:15 PM Jackson's finances are solid, adviser says By Gary Strauss, USA TODAYPop star Michael Jackson — long rumored to have been close to bankruptcy — is financially solvent, a close investment adviser says."Everything's in good shape," says Charles Koppelman, a trusted Jackson confidant who was instrumental in renegotiating Jackson's debts. "He's in no financial straits as far as I'm concerned."Jackson has repeatedly declined to comment on his finances, as have his accountant and bankers. Earlier this year, his outstanding loans were estimated as great as $250 million, and Jackson reportedly owed a balloon payment of as much as $70 million. But Jackson took advantage of then-falling interest rates to consolidate debt and lower his loan payments."We're basically finished with the refinancing that needed to get done. That's the bottom line," says Koppelman, who declined to discuss specifics of Jackson's finances. Jackson's opulent lifestyle and support system — which includes his Neverland ranch and up to 100 employees — requires a huge cash flow.Although he is living in a rental property and says the taint of child molestation charges have permanently driven him from residing at the ranch, maintenance alone is said to run $2 million a month. Moreover, advisers have urged Jackson to curtail his "burn rate," the speed with which he is spending cash on incidentals such as shopping sprees and trips.Still, the faded pop icon faces burgeoning legal and public relations costs stemming from a 14-year-old's complaint that Jackson repeatedly molested him.Jackson has pleaded innocent to child molestation charges filed by the Santa Barbara County prosecutor's office.Jackson, who remains free on $3 million bail, is scheduled to be arraigned Friday in California state court. Although the charges in the grand jury indictment are not known, they are expected to be tied to the molestation case.Jackson fired attorneys Mark Geragos and Benjamin Brafman from his four-man legal team on Monday, replacing them with another high-profile criminal defense attorney, Thomas Mesereau Jr., who recently represented actor Robert Blake on murder charges.Geragos and Brafman did not return calls, and Mesereau says he will not comment until after Friday's arraignment. Legal experts say all three high-profile attorneys probably received large retainers. "They could be in the neighborhood of $2 million to $3 million each," says Eric Chase, lead attorney in Chase Law Group, a criminal defense firm based in Sherman Oaks, Calif.Jackson's celebrity status and wealth could drive his legal bills up because he can hire prominent attorneys and pay their expenses.A well-heeled celebrity's legal team "investigates all possibilities, interviews every potential witness and makes every legal argument behind a case," says Los Angeles attorney Michael Proctor. "It's also possible he's paying additional expenses. It's fairly typical for someone who has a lot of resources to hire counsel for associates appearing before grand jury proceedings." Jackson has investment properties and a huge collection of antique and classic cars. But the bulk of his wealth hinges on his 50% stake in Sony/ATV Music Publishing, a music catalog that includes publishing rights to about 250 Beatles songs, as well as songs recorded by Elvis Presley and other popular artists. Jackson purchased The Beatles' catalog for $47.5 million in 1985. In 1995, he pocketed nearly $100 million by selling a stake to Sony Corp. Jackson and Sony now hold equal stakes in Sony/ATV.Sony declined to comment. But the catalog is believed to generate up to $80 million a year, and The Beatles' hits alone — still in widespread play — generate $30 million to $45 million a year. Jackson's own songs are held separately in Mijac Music, which also generates income for him. Jackson borrowed nearly $200 million from the Bank of America in 2001, using his stake in Sony/ATV as collateral. Industry experts value the catalog at $600 million to $1 billion, based on sales of rival catalogs in recent years. Koppelman, a veteran music industry executive, says $1 billion is more reflective of Sony/ATV's worth. "Buyers would be lining up around the block if it were ever put up for sale," Koppelman says. "And I'd be in the front of the line."Song publishing rights are lucrative because of their increasing use in film, commercials, video games, TV shows and other venues. Like homes in hot markets, music catalogs with prime holdings continue to rise in value."Publishing catalogs are one aspect of the industry that have been seeing steady upturns, and (Sony/ATV) has some gems — you're talking Beatles classics," says Myles Mangram, CEO of industry consultant Tri-M Management. http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2004-0...-finances_x.htmInset: Cashing in on song rights Michael Jackson's net worth is estimated at $350 million. The bulk of his wealth comes from his 50% stake in Sony/ATV Music Publishing, which holds the publishing rights to about 4,000 popular songs and generates an estimated $80 million in annual revenue. Among the catalog's artists:The Beatles (virtually every song written by the Fab Four)Elvis PresleyWillie NelsonDestiny's Child (acquired under Sony's purchase of EMI's catalog)The Pointer SistersStevie NicksSly and the Family StoneConway TwittyPearl JamAcuff-Rose Music Publishing, a big country catalog that includes songs by Roy Acuff, Fred Rose, Hank Williams and Roy Orbison
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
By Roger Friedman Kevin Spacey | MJ Family WarsIt's Randy vs. Jermaine in the MJ Wars Jermaine Jackson must feel pretty stupid right now. For the last couple of weeks he's been in Bahrain on some kind of religious pilgrimage. In that time his younger brother Randy moved in on brother Michael, taking advantage of Jermaine's absence. Randy replaced Michael's lawyers and advisers, dismissed the Nation of Islam, and usurped Jermaine's power in the King of Pop's court. Of course, Jermaine did the same thing back in December, when he took advantage of Dieter Wiesner's trip to Germany. That's when Jermaine brought in the Nation of Islam, tossed out Wiesner and partner Ronald Konitzer, and cut off all access to Jackson. Jermaine introduced Michael to Leonard Muhammad, the son-in-law of Louis Farrakhan, who wound up sitting at the head table at the famous "summit" meeting in late December of all Jackson advisers. Now Muhammad has been forced out by Randy and his own counsel, Brian Oxman, a soft-spoken California lawyer who helped Randy through his own legal troubles once upon a time. Oxman knows the lay of the land between Randy and Jermaine. He was there when Jermaine conducted a hostile takeover of Randy's wife and children, humiliating the younger brother. Now Randy has gotten his revenge, so to speak. And Jermaine, who has had a rocky relationship with Michael in the past, is out. If I were Randy Jackson, I wouldn't leave Michael's side now. As one of Michael's advisers put it yesterday: "You have to be there all the time, 24/7. I'm totally convinced that Michael has no memory of the last thing that was said to him. It's that bad." So much for the happy family of singing, dancing boys who had all those hits in the 1970s. They are now at each other's throats most of the time, vying for access to whatever money Michael has left. The rise of Randy Jackson means yet another change in the current legal mess. Oxman's friend Thomas Mesereau replaces Mark Geragos and Benjamin Brafman as lead attorney in the case. Oxman himself has been heard telling people he's Michael Jackson's "civil attorney," although Michael has a battery of people who already claim that calling. What happened to Muhammad and the Nation of Islam? How did Michael finally rid himself of this insidious problem? I'd like to say there was some moral outrage or big awakening on MJ's part. But the real story is this: Michael was apparently dissatisfied with all the time Geragos was spending on the Scott Peterson case. In the time since the NOI became involved with the Jacksons, Geragos — who was afraid of them initially — had apparently become quite chummy with Leonard. Michael, I am told, had come to identify the NOI with Geragos. When it was time for him to go, Leonard went with him. Now I am told that Muhammad is not leaving without compensation. He is headed from Chicago to Los Angeles even as I write this to try and work out some kind of arrangement whereby he can try and close some of the business deals he was developing concerning Michael. But otherwise, the NOI is gone, for now, from the world of Michael Jackson. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,118360,00.html
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Michael Jackson reportedly plans a return to Neverland4/27/04By DAWN HOBBS NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITERAs new details emerged about the shake-up in the Michael Jackson defense team, the pop star told a confidant he plans to return this week with his children to live at his Neverland Valley Ranch once again.Mr. Jackson said in a statement on Monday that he fired lead lawyer Mark Geragos and co-counsel Benjamin Brafman because they didn't pay enough attention to him -- hinting that Mr. Geragos was perhaps too busy with Scott Peterson, his client in a double-murder trial in San Mateo County.But the lawyers say they stepped down because of brewing problems with members of the entertainer's family and advisers.Sources said there were other tensions on the defense team but wouldn't elaborate.A shift in power seems to have occurred lately in the Jackson camp.While Mr. Jackson's brother Jermaine Jackson -- who got along well with the former lawyers -- was in the Middle East, his brother Randy Jackson rallied to bring on attorney Thomas Mesereau.Randy Jackson had wanted Mr. Mesereau from the beginning because of his ties to the black community, said sources familiar with the defense. Mr. Mesereau -- whose clients have ranged from boxer Mike Tyson to a church choir member accused of murdering her mother -- recently became available after parting ways with actor Robert Blake.Attorneys Steve Cochran of Los Angeles and Robert Sanger of Santa Barbara will remain on the team.Mr. Jackson met with his brother Randy, Mr. Cochran, Mr. Mesereau and Brian Oxman, the Jackson family's civil attorney, over the weekend in Orlando, Fla., to discuss dropping the lead defense lawyers."We met in a little out-of-the way place with no security guards," said Mr. Oxman. "The meeting was very calm, very congenial."The sudden change in lawyers comes on the heels of a sealed grand jury indictment against Mr. Jackson and just days before his Friday arraignment on possible molestation charges. He is expected to enter a not guilty plea to the felony charges that will be revealed in open court that morning in Santa Maria.Mr. Jackson is expected to return to Neverland by midweek, according to Mr. Oxman. After a convoy of law enforcement raided his 2,700-acre estate, the entertainer said he felt violated and would never return. He's been living in a Beverly Hills mansion since and took trips with his children to Colorado and Disney World in Florida.Mr. Oxman said Mr. Jackson was ready to return to the Los Olivos ranch: "He said he wasn't going to be driven away any more. ... His words were, 'This is where my children were born. This is where I want them to be.' He wants to go home."In a statement released Monday, Mr. Jackson explained why he "terminated" his lawyers. "It is imperative that I have the full attention of those who are representing me. My life is at stake. Therefore, I must feel confident that my interests are of the highest priority."I am innocent of these false charges and will aggressively seek to clear my name. I feel very confident that when I am able to defend myself, I will be exonerated by a jury of my peers. I would like to thank Messrs. Geragos and Brafman for the work they have done and I wish them well."Mr. Brafman did not return News-Press phone calls. When reached, Mr. Geragos declined to discuss the matter, saying that his first "duty and loyalty" is still to Mr. Jackson.Mr. Cochran and Mr. Sanger declined comment, citing a gag order in the case and attorney-client privilege.Mr. Mesereau could not be reached, but colleague Dana Cole, also a defense lawyer, confirmed that Randy Jackson and Mr. Oxman brought in the new lead lawyer."Like he says, Michael Jackson is in a fight for his life -- just like Scott Peterson is in a fight for his life," said Mr. Cole. "No matter who you are and how terrific a lawyer you are, you can't handle two high-profile cases simultaneously. Both cases have complicated issues and with Michael Jackson things are going on every single day, unfolding to the nth degree. And both of these clients want to know what the information is from the lead dog, not from an associate lawyer."Jermaine Jackson, who did not learn about Mr. Geragos and Mr. Brafman being replaced until Monday, told MSNBC: "I wish they would stay on. I would do everything in my power to keep them on."Mr. Oxman denied the move to bring on Mr. Mesereau was driven by his ties to the African American community: "It's that he has defended people of all walks of life, but there's been a great deal of emphasis in his not turning away people who didn't have a dime."Each year, Mr. Mesereau defends a death penalty case in the impoverished South at no cost.During the weekend meeting, Mr. Oxman said Mr. Jackson had several questions about the legal process: "I explained the former case is concluding because the district attorney will dismiss those charges. A new file will be opened because of the grand jury indictment. ... He then said if we're starting again, I want the man I originally wanted."Mr. Geragos and Mr. Brafman had planned to carry the case through trial, sources said.The disintegration of the defense team did not surprise Gerald Uelman, who was on the O.J. Simpson murder defense team when attorney Robert Shapiro was ousted."I really couldn't see how Mark was going to be able to handle both cases at the same time," Mr. Uelman said. "You're dealing with very needy clients who want to talk to the lawyer in charge. They don't want to talk to underlings."And on these types of high-profile teams there are going to be very large ego involved. You're talking about lawyers who are used to calling the shots. When you put a lot of them together, there may be some jockeying for position. ... But I don't see any long-term impact on Mark's career. He's still very highly regarded and will be sought after."http://news.newspress.com/topsports/042704jackson.htm
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发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/29 11:16am 第 1 次编辑]B拿下Jackson Says 'Full Attention' of Legal Team Was LackingBy SHARON WAXMANPublished: April 27, 2004OS ANGELES, April 26 — Michael Jackson said Monday that he fired his two lead lawyers over the weekend because he needed "the full attention of those who are representing me."The trigger for dismissal of the lawyers, Mark Geragos and Benjamin Brafman, appeared to be Mr. Jackson's unhappiness over his indictment last week on charges of lewd conduct involving a child, though that indictment had been expected.AdvertisementIn a statement issued Monday, Mr. Jackson made clear his dissatisfaction with his old counsel."This is a decision that I have personally made," the statement said. "It is imperative that I have the full attention of those who are representing me. My life is at stake. Therefore I must feel confident that my interests are of the highest priority."Mr. Geragos is already occupied representing another high-profile defendant, Scott Peterson, who is charged with murdering his pregnant wife. As for Mr. Brafman, who is best known for gaining the acquittal of the hip-hop impresario Sean Combs in a bribery and gun possession trial in 2001, he is based in New York rather than here on the West Coast.The firing, on Sunday, adds to the impression of turmoil in the Jackson defense camp. Arraignment is set for Friday, giving the new chief counsel, Thomas Mesereau Jr., only a few days to prepare. Mr. Mesereau did not return calls seeking comment.Growing differences between the Geragos-Brafman team and Mr. Jackson's closest advisers — members of his family and leaders of the Nation of Islam — had become evident in recent weeks. In an interview Monday, Mr. Brafman said there had been too many conflicting voices advising Mr. Jackson, a circumstance that he said had prevented him from being able to control the legal strategy."It is often difficult and sometimes impossible to carefully consider the opinions and advice of many individuals who may be well intentioned but nevertheless lack experience in managing matters while a criminal case is pending," Mr. Brafman said. "In order to do what I do, and do it well, you have to assert authority and control at all times."[B]People familiar with Mr. Jackson's defense said his advisers had wanted a more vigorous response to tabloid reports about him, despite a judge's order not to discuss the case. The advisers also wanted Mr. Geragos and Mr. Brafman to win the retrieval of the defendant's passport — he had surrendered it after being charged by the authorities in an initial criminal complaint — so that he could travel to Africa, whereas the legal team opposed any travel at so delicate a time, those familiar with the case said. In addition, they said, Mr. Geragos and Mr. Brafman were dismayed to see Mr. Jackson moonwalking atop an S.U.V. to the cheers of his fans after leaving the courthouse the day in January when he was first arraigned, on the initial complaint. Though at the time the lawyers explained the behavior as "Michael being Michael," they are said to have privately expressed consternation at the display of frivolity in the face of serious charges. People familiar with Mr. Jackson's defense said the firing of Mr. Geragos and Mr. Brafman was only the latest instance of his losing patience with advisers who cannot immediately produce desired results, or who have confronted him with unpleasant realities.Mr. Jackson has a long-established pattern of firing advisers, lawyers, business managers, agents and other personnel as they fall out of favor. Sometimes, as in the case of another lawyer, John Branca, they are fired and rehired several times.But some legal experts said the new lawyer, Mr. Mesereau, would have leverage to get Mr. Jackson to take his advice, given the imminent nature of court proceedings. Mr. Mesereau, who is white, has a history of ties to African-Americans. He attends a predominantly black Los Angeles church, First A.M.E., where he provides free legal services. He also does pro bono work defending death-row inmates in the South.Though arraignment is near, the change of lawyers will not be legally devastating to the defense, several experts said."He has plenty of time to prepare," Erwin Chemerinsky, a law professor at the University of Southern California who is a frequent observer of celebrity trials, said of Mr. Mesereau. "It would be different if the trial were next week, but this is still a preliminary phase."
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/29 11:14am 第 1 次编辑](B拿下)Michael Jackson film finds its star on UPNHollywood ReporterFlex Alexander will play Michael Jackson in an upcoming VH1 biopic about the embattled pop star. Alexander, star of the UPN sitcom “One on One,” will be joined by Eugene Clark (“Reversible Errors”), who will play Jackson’s bodyguard and confidant. An accomplished dancer, Alexander’s fleet feet helped land the actor the role. Tentatively titled “Family Values,” the film is expected to trace Jackson’s life from his Motown heyday to his legal woes. In addition to VH1, the film also will air on Canadian channels the Movie Network and Movie Central. ----------------------------http://www.nydailynews.com/news/gossip/sto...6p-162477c.htmlMJ did a little business over the weekend - at the box office.It won't make a dent in his mountain high stack of legal bills, but "Thriller" - Michael Jackson's monumental hit from long ago - was front and center in the hit flick "13 going on 30" and generated some cash for the fallen pop star.Revolution Studios paid Jackson and his record label Sony about $250,000 for the rights to use the recording. Jackson has to bank on royalties from his past recordings and from his ownership of lucrative song catalogues, which include Beatles songs. His songs throw off about $100 million a year in cash, a source said.When asked to comment on Jackson's movie gains, his music adviser Charles Koppelman said, "this is a small indication of the earnings power of Michael Jackson.""His assets are always working and earning for him," Koppelman added.Revolution marketing president Terry Curtain said the filmmakers chose "Thriller" for the flick before the Jackson scandal and didn't get any flak for using it. "Thriller" is a favorite of the movie's heroine, a 13-year-old from the late 1980s who wakes up to find herself 30, without knowing how she got there."It's such a seminal song of the 1980s and such a piece of our pop culture that there's nostalgia and good will associated with it," Curtain said. ----------------------------








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发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
明天学校组织参观,看来是明天一天没有空了,我翻译第一篇:Jackson's finances are solid, adviser says By Gary Strauss, USA TODAY和第二篇: By Roger Friedman Kevin Spacey | MJ Family WarsIt's Randy vs. Jermaine in the MJ Wars 其他的留给各位高人。
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