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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
AG continues investigation of Jackson claim By Quintin Cushner -- Staff Writer4/23/04 The California Attorney General's office continues to investigate whether entertainer Michael Jackson was mistreated by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department when he was booked on child-molestation charges last year, according to an agency spokesman.During a December televised interview on the CBS show "60 Minutes," Jackson claimed he suffered a dislocated shoulder from the way he was handcuffed while in custody. He also claimed that he was locked in a filthy restroom for 45 minutes after he asked to use the facilities. The Sheriff's Department has repeatedly denied the allegations, and claimed that Jackson thanked deputies for their treatment of him.A finding by the Attorney General's office is expected "in a couple of weeks," according to spokesman Nathan Barankin, who added that investigators were actively interviewing and talking to people as part of the investigation, though he wouldn't provide names.On Wednesday, a criminal grand jury handed down an indictment against Jackson, a source close to the case confirmed.Indictments are typically sealed for 10 days after the defense in the case is served with the document, so a specific list of new charges was not available Wednesday. However, the new charges will likely be similar to a complaint filed by the Santa Barbara County District Attorney's office Dec. 18, 2003.On that date, the District Attorney's office charged Jackson, 45, with engaging in lewd acts with an unnamed boy under the age of 14 on seven occasions between Feb. 7 and March 20, 2003. He was also charged with two counts of "administering an intoxicating agent" -- reportedly wine -- to help him with the alleged molestations.The defense in the case has maintained that the allegations were brought against Jackson as part of an attempt to extort money from the singer.The singer, who is free on $3 million bail, pleaded not guilty to all charges against him during his original arraignment on Jan. 16. Jackson's attorneys responded to the indictment reports by confirming that the singer would appear in Santa Maria Superior Court on April 30 to plead not guilty to any charges against him.A spokesman for District Attorney Tom Sneddon said there would be no official information released on the grand jury proceeding or on the Jackson case.In a related development, county and court officials are considering renting out a large building at the Santa Maria Courts Complex to media outlets if the Jackson case goes to trial.Half of the 5,500-square-foot building, located behind the complex's jury assembly room, would be an open space available to the media, according to Darrel Parker, assistant trials court executive officer.Staff writer Quintin Cushner can be reached at 739-2217 or by e-mail at qcushner@pulitzer.net. http://www.lompocrecord.com/articles/2004/...news/news16.txt
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Michael Jackson defense: Secretive atmosphere taints case09:08 AM CDT on Friday, April 23, 2004Associated PressLOS ANGELES - The indictment of Michael Jackson is just the beginning of a legal journey into a maze of grand jury regulations, with the defense poised to challenge it as having been compromised by extraordinary secrecy precautions. Attorney Mark Geragos, forbidden from commenting because of a gag order, has indicated his strategy during public hearings. He is expected to argue that the cloak-and-dagger atmosphere created by authorities intimidated witnesses and grand jurors. "It's an interesting argument," said Santa Clara Law School Professor Gerald Uelman, who succeeded in getting a grand jury dismissed in the O.J. Simpson trial. "I think the courts are sensitive now to the criticism of the way grand juries are conducted." Authorities blocked sidewalks, hid witnesses and delivered grand jurors to secret locations in buses with blacked-out windows to keep the proceedings secret. In one case, a photographer outside the building where grand jurors were meeting was ordered to delete photos from his digital camera because they revealed too much of the people entering. On some days, witnesses were required to report to remote locations where they were picked up by authorities and transported to a sheriff's training center for their testimony. Geragos telegraphed his plan for a grand jury challenge during arguments before a Santa Barbara judge last week. "If you believe what is reported, we've got people covered up, wrapped in blankets, put into vans driven around like they're Osama bin Laden's lieutenants and put into a training facility, then admonished in the procedure and then spirited out into the afternoon sun," Geragos told Superior Court Judge Clifford Anderson. Loyola Law School Professor Laurie Levenson called the defense plan "not a standard motion ... And Geragos is going to be pushing the envelope here. But I've never before heard of a hide-and-seek grand jury." An indictment was returned Wednesday, but authorities would not confirm that had happened even after major news organizations reported it. The document remained sealed and its details unknown. Sources told The Associated Press on Thursday that 25 witnesses testified. Jackson spokeswoman Raymone Bain said on NBC's "Today" show Friday that the singer "is concerned about the fact that he nor his attorneys are able to really address a lot of the issues because" because of the gag orders. Bain said Jackson is "looking for his day in court. His legal teams feel that they are going to make sure that he is exonerated of these charges." The indictment was to remain under wraps until next Friday, when Jackson is scheduled to be in court in Santa Maria for a pretrial hearing. He could be arraigned on the indictment. Jackson was staying with his children and entourage in a secluded 12-bedroom mansion in Isleworth, Fla., according to the Orlando Sentinel. Time-share magnate David Siegel told the newspaper he had rented the $7.3 million home to Jackson at least through the end of the week. He declined to say how much he was paid. The defense has said Jackson will plead innocent as he did to previous charges by the district attorney. The defense could then try to quash the indictment. The grand jury proceedings replaced a preliminary hearing, which is public. Both proceedings determine whether there is enough evidence to go to trial. Attorney Theodore Boutrous, who represents media companies in the case, said the extraordinary secrecy during the proceedings infringed on the press' First Amendment rights to report on the case for the public. "It forces reporters into back-alley reporting and that is not good for the public," he said. "It closes a window on the public's ability to serve as a check on the system."LINK:http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw....152c29f09.html
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Jax on indict: We'll beat it By MICHELLE CARUSODAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER The King of Pop kept his cool when he found out a grand jury indicted him on child molestation charges, taking the news "in stride," an insider said yesterday."Michael is prepared to meet the fight. He was calm. This was expected by Michael and his entire defense team," said attorney Joe Tacopina. His client, Frank Tyson, a member of Jackson's inner circle, telephoned the singer Wednesday night when the news broke.The indictment, which is expected to remain sealed until Jackson's arraignment in Santa Maria, Calif., on April 30, reportedly charges the pop **** molested a 14-year-old recovering cancer patient last year.Details of the new charges are unknown, but last December, Jackson, 45, was charged with seven felony counts of committing lewd acts on a child and two counts of giving alcohol to a child - charges that could send him to prison for 21 years.In the most serious allegation to surface so far, the accuser's brother, now 13, told a psychologist he saw an underwear-clad Jackson touch his brother's crotch in Jackson's bed at Neverland Ranch, NBC News reported yesterday.The alleged victim was "passed out" during part of the incident, the report said.Jackson's lawyers say he's innocent and will be exonerated at trial.The new indictment also showcased the lingering bad blood between Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon and the pop singer, a source told the Daily News. Sneddon didn't call Jackson lawyer Mark Geragos until news of the indictment was on television, the source said, and Sneddon refused to disclose the specific charges to Jackson's lawyer.The feud dates back to 1993 when Sneddon tried to nail Jackson for sexually abusing another 13-year-old boy, but that case fell apart when the boy's family accepted a reported $20 million payoff from the pop king and refused to testify against him.









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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[b]America Is Not Worthy Of Michael Jackson![/b]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/28 06:53pm 第 1 次编辑]
下面引用由CeSsy2004/04/24 11:50am 发表的内容:K,把MJDB发新闻的连接发上来,我丢了!
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/26 01:19pm 第 2 次编辑][B]04/04/24 MJ被大陪审团控罪一事会影响其将来事业吗?[/B]上周三,圣芭芭拉一大陪审团决定向Michael Jackson下达控罪。一Jackson前顾问表示,这将增强Jackson继续其作为艺人和商人的事业生涯的困难。在2003年11月被控猥亵男童前,Jackson曾在Neverland签定了几纸商业合约。其中包括今年1月的CBS电视特辑和在索尼音乐公司旗下发行精选辑《Number Ones》。但还有不少“钱途光明”的商业合同却随后蒸发掉了,因为参与的商家们认为在Jackson洗脱罪名前,将暂不运作那些计划。“由于当前的形势,那些合同现在都不能实行,这很自然。”Ronald Konitzer说,他是Jackson经纪人和前商务顾问之一,“有一些工作正在开展中,我认为它们最终会成功的。但我但原能有更多的工作开展起来。”Konitzer曾经帮助Jackson制定了一个十年计划以复兴帝国。其中的举措包括以他的名字作为商标命名一些电子和高科技公司,比如一些手机网络和录影娱乐商务公司;另外,Jackson还计划和一个加拿大投资商建立一个电影制片厂,但这个计划现在取消了。与之类似的是,想和Jackson联手买下索尼音乐公司另一半歌曲版权(现在是Jackson和索尼音乐公司共同拥有,其中包括Beatles作品)的投资商也与其拉开了距离。据前商务顾问Konitzer透露,这些投资商是海外的高级执行官,包括一个来自巴林的集团,以及由一个名叫Don Hannah领导的亚利桑那资金集团。管理Jackson音乐商务的业界大亨Charles Koppelman说,Jackson前段时间依然在洛杉矶录制新歌。“我将预备听到一些新的作品。部分歌曲已经录完。”他说道。Jackson与索尼音乐公司的合约将在明年发行一张套装合辑后结束。Koppelman先生称,现在索尼音乐公司的网站www.sonymusicstore.com上,正热卖着Jackson的《The One》DVD。Jackson将寻求与一家新的唱片公司签约,但一些音乐行业专家认为,这将十分艰难:不仅因为他即将面临的审判给他名誉带来的污点,还因为现在音乐工业不景气的原因。 但Koppelman并不同意,“我认为会有一堆公司排队守侯在门口,”他说道,“当然不会是一条长队,因为现在剩下的唱片公司已经不多了。” 在指控前,Jackson还和许多电视网签定过一系列娱乐特辑合约,其中将包括采访、表演和Jackson随员们录制的影像。2003年播放过两期高收视率Michael Jackson节目的福克斯电视网,已经和Jackson经纪人们合作好了另外一个Jackson特辑,并获得了通过,电视网发言人Scott Grogin说。但福克斯电视网还和Jackson签定过一个系列节目合约,由于指控,所以不能执行。那个合约是由福克斯电视现场节目主任Mike Darnell谈判签定的,但自从去年11月来,他就没有再收到Jackson阵营的电话。“他们没来电话,”Grogin先生说道,“他们也没接到他的电话。”曾经骄傲使用Michael Jackson名字来募捐的慈善机构们也在指控发生后与其保持了距离。一个位于亚利桑那州Scottsdale的拍卖行Barrett-Jackson,原本计划拍卖一辆Jackson宾利轿车作为慈善捐款,但该计划被无限期推迟了。“摆在桌面上的指控与商业风险直接联系,”公司内部一匿名人士透露,“这位客户现在在上法庭。他不再能回到1984年,也不可能再掀狂潮。这就是原因。”发布:Keen









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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由CeSsy在 2004/04/24 02:11pm 第 1 次编辑]上面大部分文章的重要信息都已经综合翻译,请不要再重复翻译目前只有这一篇~~AK拿下AG continues investigation of Jackson claim By Quintin Cushner -- Staff Writer4/23/04 The California Attorney General's office continues to investigate whether entertainer Michael Jackson was mistreated by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department when he was booked on child-molestation charges last year, according to an agency spokesman.During a December televised interview on the CBS show "60 Minutes," Jackson claimed he suffered a dislocated shoulder from the way he was handcuffed while in custody. He also claimed that he was locked in a filthy restroom for 45 minutes after he asked to use the facilities. The Sheriff's Department has repeatedly denied the allegations, and claimed that Jackson thanked deputies for their treatment of him.A finding by the Attorney General's office is expected "in a couple of weeks," according to spokesman Nathan Barankin, who added that investigators were actively interviewing and talking to people as part of the investigation, though he wouldn't provide names.On Wednesday, a criminal grand jury handed down an indictment against Jackson, a source close to the case confirmed.Indictments are typically sealed for 10 days after the defense in the case is served with the document, so a specific list of new charges was not available Wednesday. However, the new charges will likely be similar to a complaint filed by the Santa Barbara County District Attorney's office Dec. 18, 2003.On that date, the District Attorney's office charged Jackson, 45, with engaging in lewd acts with an unnamed boy under the age of 14 on seven occasions between Feb. 7 and March 20, 2003. He was also charged with two counts of "administering an intoxicating agent" -- reportedly wine -- to help him with the alleged molestations.The defense in the case has maintained that the allegations were brought against Jackson as part of an attempt to extort money from the singer.The singer, who is free on $3 million bail, pleaded not guilty to all charges against him during his original arraignment on Jan. 16. Jackson's attorneys responded to the indictment reports by confirming that the singer would appear in Santa Maria Superior Court on April 30 to plead not guilty to any charges against him.A spokesman for District Attorney Tom Sneddon said there would be no official information released on the grand jury proceeding or on the Jackson case.In a related development, county and court officials are considering renting out a large building at the Santa Maria Courts Complex to media outlets if the Jackson case goes to trial.Half of the 5,500-square-foot building, located behind the complex's jury assembly room, would be an open space available to the media, according to Darrel Parker, assistant trials court executive officer.Staff writer Quintin Cushner can be reached at 739-2217 or by e-mail at qcushner@pulitzer.net. http://www.lompocrecord.com/articles/2004/...news/news16.txt  
[b]America Is Not Worthy Of Michael Jackson![/b]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/24 02:20pm 第 1 次编辑]汗我的那两篇没人还没翻译吧?你联系到AK了吗?以上重要信息虽然综合,但还是要分门别类一下1、媒体方/顾问方/法律专家方2、MJ及家庭/歌迷方3、MJ团队









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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
第8页 57-64楼全部有人接手,不要翻了!其中与起诉有关的新闻要点偶都综合编译过了/
[b]America Is Not Worthy Of Michael Jackson![/b]









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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[b]America Is Not Worthy Of Michael Jackson![/b]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Jackson娈童案将移送高等法院审理 时间:2004-4-23 美国加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉县的一个大陪审团21日对流行歌王Michael Jackson提出指控,从而将他涉嫌猥亵男童一案从圣玛丽亚地方法院移送到圣芭芭拉高等法院,这将加速此案的审理。 根据陪审团的决定,Jackson将在4月30日到圣芭芭拉高等法院过堂,届时将确定此案正式开庭的时间。由于案件将移送到高等法院,这将免除在地区法院审理必须举行的缓慢而复杂的审前听证程序,从而加快案件审理过程。自今年一月以来,圣玛丽亚地区法院已就Jackson案举行了三次审前听证会,但迄今仍然没能确定正式开庭审理的时间。 Jackson当天通过律师在自己的网站上发表了一份声明。声明说,Jackson期待此案的开审,以早日证明自己的清白。 来源:新华网发布:支林飞









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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由CeSsy在 2004/04/24 02:52pm 第 1 次编辑]我没看到类似报道。30日仍然是在SANTA MARIA。PS:我要下了,明天有事,估计没什么时间上来看看《南方公园》的THE JEFFERSONS  LMAOhttp://www.michaeljackson.hu/members/video/0424/[22nd%20April,%202004]%20South%20Park%20-%20The%20Jeffersons%20(www.michaeljackson.hu).rm用户名密码是那个GIVEINTOME
[b]America Is Not Worthy Of Michael Jackson![/b]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
换了空间后,现在的问题是由 MJDB.cn 直接进入的页面是http://mjdb.cn/mjdb/news/main/news/index.asp管理页面是http://mjdb.cn/mjdb/news/main/admin.asp而没换空间前,新闻页面是:http://mjdb.cn/news/main/news/index.asp管理页面是http://mjdb.cn/news/main/admin.asp现在这两个页面两个系统都能使用所以CESSY发表文章是在后者 http://mjdb.cn/news/main/news/index.asp 上,但我们现在最直观的是前者 http://mjdb.cn/mjdb/news/main/news/index.asp所以请先以前者管理系统为主http://mjdb.cn/mjdb/news/main/admin.asp究竟是怎么回事得请Candy回来解释````````
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
下面引用由billiehou2004/04/24 03:36pm 发表的内容:Jackson前顾问称:“Michael的生活越来越糟”Rabbi Shmuley Boteach 据CNN报道,一位曾是Michael Jackson最亲密的精神顾问之一的传统学者周四告诉CNN,他担心这位流行天王的生活正迅速恶化,甚至可能像猫王或J ...
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/26 09:42am 第 1 次编辑][B]《女孩梦三十》4月23日全美国放映[/B][I]一部“窃取”了Michael精华的电影[/I]4月23日,美国全国开始放映一部新的浪漫喜剧电影《女孩梦三十 》(13 Going On 30),由Jennifer Ganer(詹妮弗·加纳)主演。这部被称为女性版的《飞越未来》(“Big”---汤姆·汉克斯早期代表作)的电影包含了一段Michael Jackson的片段,好吧,类似于这样的片段。开场有一个场景,时间设在1984年,Garner的角色(由儿童饰演)在看MTV台播放的流行之王的“Thriller”,并极力地去模仿那些复杂的舞蹈动作。30年过后,Garner所饰演的角色对那些在承认晚会上面放的音乐评论一番之后要求DJ放“Thriller”。接下来发生的就是大银幕上从未发生过的最有趣、最欢快的Michael时刻。《娱乐周刊》的Owen Gleiberman在第二次看这个电影的时候,给了它一个A-。还说到Michael的那个场景是电影中最精彩的时刻,他写到:“由于办公室的聚会无聊,Jenna(Garner所饰角色的名字)打算领着他的同事们给Michael Jackson的“Thriller” 配上僵尸,恶魔那部分和声,想以此让夜晚变得疯狂一些。这也让她回想起来她十几岁的时候在卧室里面经常做的:在空中抓来抓去,旋转,拍手还有摇头。起初,每个人都认为她是个疯子,她看上去也的确有点傻:至少,一直等你看到Garner从她眼睛里散发出来的那种渴望愉悦的气息,她的动作,她咧嘴笑的样子,你都会这么想的。她一点也没有带着小心谨慎,枯燥呆板的心态;她带着完全开放的心情去跳舞,那种还没有学会‘酷’的的青少年的心情。这场戏的美之处就在于此。就是由于她的这种深深的不‘酷’而真挚的喜悦,你不会停止看她。大家都到舞池里和她一起跳也就不足为奇了。”发布:toreador
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