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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由CeSsy在 2004/04/23 11:47am 第 2 次编辑](C拿下)控罪没有被确认 Jackson发言人发话A source close to the case told The Associated Press on Thursday that Jackson was indicted, although authorities wouldn't confirm it and the indictment handed up by a Santa Barbara County grand jury was sealed.Jackson's publicist and his legal defense team issued a statement Wednesday that did not confirm an indictment but said: "Mr. Jackson and his attorneys are confident that after a trial on these charges Mr. Jackson will be fully exonerated and that the allegations contained in the indictment will be shown to be patently false."A judge has issued a gag order that prohibits attorneys on both sides from discussing the case with the media.The court could not confirm an indictment or even that an arraignment for Jackson is scheduled for next week, said Darrel Parker, a Santa Barbara County court official in Santa Maria, where legal proceedings in the Jackson case are being held."None of it is public," he said Thursday, citing laws governing the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.Jackson's spokeswoman, Raymone Bain, added in an interview that "nothing has been issued from the court which indicates that there is an indictment." She said she had spoken with Jackson on Wednesday and that "he is out and about.""In the next few days, as the dust settles, things will get clearer," she said Wednesday night.The singer and his attorneys "are confident that after a trial ... Jackson will be fully exonerated," the statement read. "Michael is looking forward to his day in court."YAHOO
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/23 11:17am 第 2 次编辑]有Michael Jackson客串“特工MJ”一角的电影《漂流女孩》(Miss Cast Away)的海报(如上)和预告片已经公布。你可以在《漂流女孩》的官方网站www.misscastawaymovie.com 上看到它们。《漂流女孩》计划于2004年夏季在全世界银幕上亮相。
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/23 10:56am 第 2 次编辑]今天,MJ团队的律师Mark Geragos和歌迷联络部主任Carol Davis共同发来一便笺向歌迷们致意: “Mark Geragos先生和Carol Davis向所有的歌迷致意,感谢每一位朋友的支持!” 来源:MJJForum发布:Keen
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/26 09:17am 第 2 次编辑][B]04/04/23 女歌迷自述感人故事[/B]4月23日,VH1欧洲台播放了关于MJ歌迷俱乐部和一些歌迷的故事。观众们充分感受到了歌迷们对MJ的爱。其中最另人感动的故事是——一个女歌迷自述:“我儿子死的时候,我相信上帝已离我远去。但是成为一个M的歌迷让我重拾对上帝的信仰。“成为一个MJ的歌迷让我走上了一个以前从未接触过的方向。在我52岁的时候我接触了网页和图形设计。让我开始做这事情的是一个关于MJ的网站。我每天至少花6小时在MJ的绘画及网站上。MJ让我开始了一种全新的生活,那是我以前从未有过的。”“我买了一栋更大的房子放MJ的海报。他们太美了,我真想每天都看着,可惜我没有那么多的墙去挂他们。”“我做过的最疯狂的事情是去欧洲看他的演唱会。在那里我发觉MJ的歌迷像是有个大家庭。在我还未成为歌迷前,我从不关心其他人,我不认识他们,他们的对我而言只是陌生人。而现在我能感觉他们的快乐和痛苦。”“我和很多其他歌迷不一样,他们把MJ当做神。但我认为他只是个普通的人。我对他如此虔诚是以为给了我新生。我能感觉到MJ是被送往人间,他的使命就是帮助人类。如果我未曾失去我儿子我永远不会成为MJ的歌迷,如果不是他我将和有些人一样,被生活抛弃,或被送往精神病院。为什么MJ会进入我的生活,是因为他成了我精神的一部分,我很高兴他完全改变了我的生活。”发布:Chris









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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[b]America Is Not Worthy Of Michael Jackson![/b]









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
怕丢了,今天偶翻译的全贴这了[center][I]作者:Roger Friedman[/I][/center]今早,看起来Michael Jackson似乎遭到圣芭芭拉大陪审团的起诉。但是,有两个曾负责看护指控家庭的前雇员将有充分理由解释他们是否应当为此案作证。这两个年轻人便是Frank Tyson和Vincent Amen. 一个熟人告诉我他们的主要秘密武器是一个装满有关此事件笔记的小箱子。其中包括收据,信件,以及成沓可以拼凑出他们同指控家庭的母亲,她的男友以及她孩子一起时经历的证据。我在几个月前看过其中一些证据,我可以告诉你,如果地方检察官Tom Sneddon认为这两人有助于他的案子,那么他无疑是在自取灭亡。 事实上,我听说Tyson和Amen将叙述他们怎样于2003年2月16日将该家庭护送回他们在洛杉矶东部的公寓的:Sneddon的名片已经从他们公寓的门下塞入。 刚因两个儿子在 英国记者Martin Bashir拍摄的“与Michael Jackson同住”的纪录片出现而从随之引起的轩然大波中解脱出来的孩子的母亲拾起名片并给Sneddon打了电话。这可能表明,Sneddon, 在指控浮出水面很长时间之前就期望策划一个案子。Sneddon的办公室昨天拒绝为他带话。他们将所有的问题都推卸给他们的公共关系公司。更荒唐的是有关这两位雇员胁迫Michael指控者的指控。本专栏的读者知道,很久之前,我们就讨论过这两个年轻人。 Frank Cascio,后改名为Frank Tyson, 以及他的朋友, Amen.他们现年都是23岁,并都来自新泽西州。 Tyson自孩提时代就认识了Jackson 。他和他的哥哥以及他们的父母都是Jackson的朋友并将他当做家人看待。 我在2000年11月在Jackson 当时的公关人员 Howard Rubenstein家里 见过Tyson和Jackson。 2002年夏天,我在康涅狄格又撞见他一次。他的威胁力就同我家那只可爱的10岁杂色猫眯差不多。Tyson和我家的猫眯都是养尊处优,聪明伶俐。他们不是暴徒,他们只是谈吐风雅,英俊可人,谦虚有礼的家伙而已。至于他们曾威胁杀死某人并挟持某人……,这简直就是天方夜谭。在Martin Bashir拍摄的纪录片于2003年2月6日在ABC电视台播放时,Tyson同Jackson正在迈阿密。那时他认识了指控家庭。之后他回到了纽约,但Tyson的兄弟姐妹却同Jackson,他的三个孩子,孩子的保姆以及指控家庭一起飞回Neverland 。几天后,Tyson接到Jackson录像制作人Marc Schaffel的电话并飞回Neverland帮助拍摄 Jackson阵营之后出售给FOX电视台的《洗冤录》。Tyson把他的童年伙伴Amen也带来帮助Schaffel.之后传说指控家庭在英国记者Martin Bashir拍摄的“与Michael Jackson同住”的纪录片播出之后就被交给Jackson当时的德国经纪人Deiter Wiesner处理。然而,Wiesner同该家庭矛盾冲突重重,最后。这个娱乐抚慰该家庭的工作就转交给了 Schaffel。但Schaffel 正忙着制作《洗冤录》,所以他便将这差使丢给了Tyson和Amen。但同挟持人质相反的是,这两个年轻人都对孩子的母亲有礼相待。如果Sneddon想控告Tyson和Amen, 那么他将自找麻烦。根据我的消息,Tyson和Amen将他们同指控家庭母亲及她的孩子相处的点点滴滴都保密起来。当这些目击证人谈到遭受质疑的家庭时,他们不仅为自己辩护,同时也是在为Jackson 及Schaffel辩护。 事实上,Tyson和 Amen给出了从去年2月7日到3月中期的详细时间表。这可以帮助他们成为关键辩方证人。而对于Sneddon以及他的检控团队,无疑是一件令人头疼的麻烦事。他们会作证说,孩子的母亲总是提出无穷无尽的要求并满腹牢骚。当Jackson没为她做任何事时,她便怒火朝天。他们还记得这个母亲曾要求Jackson:“让我的孩子成为明星。”他们将把她描绘成一个密谋策划的投机者,一个贪得无厌的吸血鬼。根据我的消息,他们还将叙述这个母亲如何赖在Neverland不走,并让他们俩人帮她从她那个位于东洛杉矶的穷困潦倒的家搬进Neverland。事实上,她很多次告诉他们她认为Jackson应该在靠近Neverland的索尔王镇买个大房子给她。谈话发生在2003年3月11日,那天,Amen开车送该母亲到家庭法院同她前夫打孩子监护权的官司。 Amen告诉朋友当法官当天作出倾向于该母亲的裁决时,他原以为她会开心,但事实上她一点都不开心。 "她说她要获得任何她想要的。她想为MJJ制作公司工作。"我的线人来报 . "她告诉Frank 和Vinnie说她想做Michael的公关人员,因为人们总是对Michael口诛笔伐。她还认为Michael会让她的孩子成为明星。 "根据报道,该母亲告诉圣芭芭拉警方Tyson 和 Amen在她同其男友一起时帮她照看孩子。在家庭法院作出裁决之后,她让Tyson和Amen把孩子送到她在加州 El Monte的娘家。"她打电话过来,装得很可爱,说她父亲病了想见见外孙。”这将是Tyson和Amen最后一次见到孩子,时间大概是在2003年3月15日左右。据报导,如果Tyson和Amen作为Jackson敌方作证Sneddon将授于他们豁免权。但我的线人坚信这两人将拒绝该提议。相信我,他们并不愚蠢。如果他们认为他们的确做错事,他们当然会采纳Sneddon的建议,但他们清楚事实而且他们也觉得自己可以轻而易举证明Jackson的清白。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------最近成功策划NBC电视台真人秀节目“学徒”的地产大亨Donald Trump(唐纳德·特拉普)在接受CNN拉里·金现场采访时再度表示支持老友Michael Jackson。部分采访内容如下:MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN通讯记者:拉里,有一则新闻似乎已经铺天盖地传播开来。CNN已经从两处不同的信息源得到证实说大陪审团在经过13天的听证会后正在考虑起诉 Michael Jackson 。目前还不清楚指控的具体内容。我们希望很快就能得知有关此案的更多详情。当然,这意味着Jackson先生将重回法庭接受提讯。下次提讯的时间很有可能将是4月30号,下个星期五。KING:谢谢,Miguel的这则来自圣芭芭拉的大新闻——Michael Jackson遭起诉.我们还不知道起诉的细节,但CNN现在已经证实消息的可靠性。(广告时间)KING:我知道你认识Michael , Donald.你对此作何感想 ?TRUMP:哦 ,我非常了解他,他曾在我的房产中住过。我不相信指控。我会支持他。因为别人不会支持他,而我才不相信指控那档事。如果你仔细观察指控者的母亲,她有众多诈骗的纪录。我看过她犯事的那些故事。我不相信指控,我知道Michael Jackson的一切。他住在我的房产里,如果有事发生,我的人一定会告诉我。这么多年来,他该死的从没做错一点事。我真的相信那个母亲想通过控告Michael Jackson提高知名度或牟取钱财。KING: 你知道被起诉意味着什么?TRUMP:很艰难. 很难获胜,但我有预感他会赢。 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jackson案几近坍塌 “名人官司”了解到几星期前,Michael Jackson的指控者及其母亲在大陪审团前作证时情绪波动很大,他们甚至都想过就此认输。地方检察官Tom Sneddon在去年12月检举Jackson时口气自信 ,但我们已经获知,Sneddon在接回做过证的指控者及其母亲时并不怎么自信。有消息称将案子救下来的的人是民事律师Larry Feldman,他是这家人早先寻求法律帮助的对象。Feldman拒绝对此作评,但有消息称是他在作证过程中平息指控者及其母亲情绪并劝服他们重回大陪审团前作证的。 Feldman的朋友及同事告诉我们该位民事律师对大陪审团起诉Jackson显现出100%的信心。我们也听说这家人目前"兴高采烈."------------------------------------------------------------------------------控罪没有被确认 Jackson发言人发话虽然当局并没有确认对Jackson的控罪且由圣芭芭拉县大陪审团呈交的控告书被密封,但是熟悉案件的消息人士于星期四告诉美联社Jackson已受到大陪审团的起诉。圣芭芭拉法院官员Darrel Parker说,法院目前未证实Jackson受到大陪审团起诉消息。他们甚至也未证实下星期的传讯。"目前一切都未公布。"他于星期四表示,法律要求大陪审团听证会过程保持机密。Jackson的发言人Raymone Bain,在采访中补充说:"法院还没下发任何文件以显示大陪审团起诉Jackson先生。”她说她在星期三还同Jackson谈过,“Jackson先生仍然经常外出走动 。”"接下来的几天内,当尘埃落定之时,真相便会大白。”Raymone Bain星期三说。Jackson的公关人员以及他的律师团队于星期三发表了声明,他们没有证实Jackson受到大陪审团起诉消息,而是在声明中说:"Jackson先生和他的律师深信,审判结束后,Jackson先生将彻底洗清罪名,此次指控将被证明是子虚乌有的。”
[b]America Is Not Worthy Of Michael Jackson![/b]









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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[b]America Is Not Worthy Of Michael Jackson![/b]








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发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由Chris在 2004/04/23 07:01pm 第 1 次编辑]04/04/23  MJ目前住在佛罗里 达中部某豪宅据说MJ目前住在一个位于佛罗里达州伊斯列沃斯富人区的,价值1000多万的豪宅中,这栋临湖的房产属于被称之为“奥兰多王牌”的David Siegal(美国知名房地产业、赌博业大亨)所有。 David Siega的妻子解释说,MJ和他的随行人员定下了她这栋有12个卧室和19个浴室的房产。“我们接到了一个地产代理商的电话询问我们是否有兴趣将房子借出数星期。我告诉我丈夫,我们为何不就此赚点外快呢?”她没有透露MJ为此支付多少钱。事实上,当她一周半前把房子借出时,她并不知道那个人是MJ。“他们对这个很保密。我自己都是从小道消息那里得知的。”事实上MJ的隐私得到了保护。这栋房子位于它所处的小岛上而且远离其他别的人家尤其是远离好莱钨的那群狗仔队们。[来源:www.wftv.com  发布:Chris]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
下面引用由CeSsy2004/04/23 03:35pm 发表的内容:K,为何我用自己拥护名发的新闻一篇都无法在MJDB上显示?我把文章救到上面,你自己对号入座发到MJDB
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Jackson磗 Lawyers Preparing to Challenge His IndictmentBased on legal and procedural grounds, lawyers for Michael Jackson are preparing to challenge the Grand Jury indictment on child molesting charges.  A Santa Barbara County Grand Jury handed up an indictment Wednesday that superseded the nine-count criminal complaint against Jackson.  An arraignment on the new charges is set for April 30th.  Mr. Jackson has maintained his innocence whole heartedly and denied all the accusations from the very beginning.Forming the initial grounds for challenging the indictment; Lawyers for Mr. Jackson are challenging an order forbidding grand jury witnesses to discuss their testimony.  They will also call into question, the fairness of the proceeding.  Mr. Jackson磗 lawyers have stated that Mr. Sneddon did not present evidence to the Grand Jury that would tend to exonerate Mr. Jackson.Mark Geragos, one of Mr. Jackson磗 lead lawyers, said Thursday that he hoped to receive transcripts of the grand jury interviews with witnesses within 10 days, as California law provides, before deciding how to challenge the new charges.The indictment is under seal at least until the arraignment and the precise nature of the charges could not be learned. Mr. Jackson is free on $3 million bail.The entertainer磗 lawyers issued a statement on Wednesday saying that Mr. Jackson is innocent of any sexual misconduct and that the accusations in the indictment are "patently false."Source: NY Times
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Michael Jackson Asks Media to Leave Him AloneFri Apr 23, 2004 07:00 PM ET By Dan Whitcomb LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Pop STAR Michael Jackson, bristling at photographers "lurking behind bushes" at his rented Florida mansion following his indictment, pleaded with the media on Friday to leave him alone. Jackson, in seclusion at the 12-bedroom central Florida estate of time-share magnate David Siegel while he awaits an arraignment, asked for privacy in a written statement posted on his Web site. "As I release this statement there are helicopters hovering above my residence, reporters staking out and photographers lurking behind bushes, running rampant around my compound," Jackson said. "I am respectfully requesting that media organizations please respect my privacy and that of my children," he said. "I greatly appreciate your cooperation." The 45-year-old entertainer was indicted on Wednesday by a Santa Barbara County grand jury investigating accusations that he molested a young boy. Because Santa Barbara County prosecutors went to great lengths to keep the grand jury secret and the indictment was sealed, little is known about the exact nature of the charges. But the grand jury was known to be probing the same accusations that led to charges against Jackson last December: seven counts of lewd acts on a child under 14 and two counts of plying the boy with alcohol in order to seduce him. Jackson pleaded innocent to those charges, calling them a "big lie," and his lawyers have said he will prove his innocence to the indictment in court. He is expected to enter a "not guilty" plea at a court hearing on April 30. Also on Friday news organizations covering the case, joined by Jackson's lawyers, asked the California Supreme Court to strike down a strict "gag" order imposed on the parties by Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville. "The protective order bars those who are most knowledgeable about a criminal case that has garnered intense public interest from speaking to the public about the case, cutting off the best sources of truthful, timely information," the media attorneys said in a written petition. Reporters have chafed at the extraordinary secrecy employed by Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon in the Jackson case, which has kept almost all of the evidence out of the public eye. The four attorneys representing Jackson in the case sent a letter to the California Supreme Court that they joined in the petition and would file a brief early next week.© Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved. http://www.reuters.com
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/26 09:18am 第 2 次编辑][B]04/04/24  Jackson前顾问称:“Michael的生活越来越糟”[/B]据CNN报道,一位曾是Michael Jackson最亲密的精神顾问之一的传统学者周四告诉CNN,他担心这位流行天王的生活正迅速恶化,甚至可能像猫王或Janis Joplin那样突然终止。加州的大陪审团决定起诉Jackson的第二天,Rabbi Shmuley Boteach在接受CNN 早安美国节目采访时说,“即使没有这次的指控,Michael的生活也是越来越糟。他没有意识到生活会发生巨变。”Boteach说关于去年地方检查官提出的Jackson猥亵儿童的指控,他认为Jackson是清白的。一月份时,这位歌手为自己辩护说他是清白的。Boteach周四时说,“我对Michael的批评是他对自己的名声太在乎了。他需要让自己感觉被人们崇拜。”从2001年起,Boteach就没再与Michael接触了,他的一些公开言论受到了来自Jackson支持者的强烈谴责。Jackson的发言人及家庭成员已经多次批评了那些不再与Michael联系但依然在媒体上讨论他的人。Jackson的家人同时否认了有关Jackson健康状况不佳的传闻,强调说对于一个正承受着巨大压力的人来说,Michael 现在情况很好。Boteach说他与Jackson的关系“相当亲密”,但他不能“袖手旁观,看着一个我关心的人倒下。我的影响被完全否定了……如果他不打算听我的劝,做一些真正的改变,他会使他团队里的每一个人都很丢脸。而我不能让这些事发生。”“我担心的以及我觉得必须要和Michael讨论的是……我担心他活不了多久了。我担心Michael的生命会突然终止,” Boteach说到“当你不再有健康的生活,当你远离了正常的领域,当你是一个超级巨星时,感谢上帝,希望你不要像Janis Joplin像猫王那样……Michael 有这个趋势。”Jackson有相当好的律师,但是他团队中的其他人则给了他“糟糕的”建议,Boteach说,“为什么没有人对他说,‘你在法庭门外都干了些什么?煽动歌迷仿佛你被整个司法体系所羞辱?你在电视上在60分钟新闻节目里都干了些什么?为与孩子同床而辩解?’”“Michael 把那些提出有用建议的人都解雇了,因为他不想受到挑战。他花钱展开自己的公关,自称流行之王,这样他就可以免受批评。但是你知道,如果你想免受批评,你就不能将自己的生活定型。一旦生活开始变糟,你就无法去重塑它了。”发布:Billiehou
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/24 02:15pm 第 1 次编辑]昨天,巨星Prince上了ABC电台“Doug Banks早间秀”节目。他在其中和主持人玩起了“词联想”游戏。当被问到他能从“Michael Jackson”上联想到什么时,他回答说:“天才”。当被问到“Janet”的时候,他回答说他联想到的词是“天才的妹妹”。上世纪八十年代,一直有媒体渲染Prince和Michael不和,两人似乎还为乐坛地位明争暗斗过。
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Santa Maria Is Bracing for JacksonThe singer is scheduled for his second arraignment next week, but his lawyers will challenge the grand jury's indictment.By Steve ChawkinsLA Times Staff WriterApril 23, 2004With the arraignment of Michael Jackson set for April 30, officials in Santa Maria are beefing up security and planning to erect barricades around the courthouse to keep order among anticipated throngs of media and fans.Meanwhile, two of the superstar's former employees were waiting Thursday to hear whether they too were named in the sealed indictment, which was handed down by the Santa Barbara County Grand Jury.The panel returned its indictment Wednesday after 13 days of testimony. Jackson has been accused of molesting a 12-year-old boy at his palatial Neverland Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley, but the details of the indictment will not be released until he is arraigned.Because criminal charges were filed months before county Dist. Atty. Tom Sneddon decided to convene the grand jury, Jackson is in the unusual position of being forced to enter a plea twice in what is essentially the same case. His lawyers have said he will plead not guilty.At his first arraignment Jan. 16, hundreds of Jackson's fans cheered him as he danced on a van's roof with the world's media avidly chronicling every move. His followers had organized rented buses into a "convoy of love" from Los Angeles and, as he danced, crowds surged onto the street.On Thursday, Santa Maria police warned against a repeat performance."When he made the unwise decision of jumping on top of the van, that incited the crowd," said Lt. Chris Vaughn, a department spokesman. "We weren't happy at all about that event and hope Mr. Jackson doesn't try anything like it again."Vaughn said fans will be kept across the street from the courthouse instead of being allowed to mill around on the grounds. Jackson and his attorneys will be urged to arrive with fewer vehicles in their caravan and take what Vaughn described as "a more directed route" into the courthouse. At least 90 Santa Maria police officers and Santa Barbara County sheriff's deputies will be on hand, he said.It was partly to avoid another spectacle that Sneddon opted for the secrecy of a grand jury in an obscure location — a sheriff's training center north of Santa Barbara — over a public preliminary hearing that would have required Jackson's presence, sources have said.On top of that, grand juries, where defense attorneys are barred from appearing, usually do the bidding of prosecutors. A classic 1964 study of Illinois grand juries showed them returning indictments in 90% of their cases, and legal experts said the same was probably true decades later in California."They tend to be rubber stamps for prosecutors," said Mike Vitiello, a professor at Sacramento's McGeorge School of Law, who has studied grand juries exhaustively. "The old cliche is that a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich and that's probably true. But it would have to be a really good ham sandwich."The Jackson grand jury was conducted amid such secrecy that witnesses were sometimes rushed into the hearing room under blankets. On Thursday, an attorney for two Jackson associates who had been accused of threatening the alleged victim's family said even he couldn't find out from Santa Barbara County authorities whether his clients had been indicted."They need to tell me so we can make travel arrangements," said Joseph Tacopina, a New York attorney representing Vincent Amen and Frank Tyson.The men have not been charged in the case, but they were asked to appear before the grand jury because of accusations by the mother of the alleged victim.Prosecutors "are just trying to put pressure on these kids" for incriminating testimony against Jackson, said Tacopina, who added his clients had done nothing wrong.While an indictment means Jackson must plead again at an arraignment, Vitiello and other experts said they saw nothing in the law that would necessarily require him to be arrested again. Jackson's attorneys already have laid the groundwork for a legal challenge of the indictment. In an April 2 hearing, defense attorney Benjamin Brafman contended that prosecutors had failed to adequately present the grand jury with evidence favorable to his client, as the law requires.After the arraignment, Jackson's lawyers could move to have the indictment thrown out for that reason, said Gerald F. Uelmen, a former federal prosecutor who teaches at the Santa Clara University School of Law.Uelmen, one of the attorneys on the O.J. Simpson "dream team," said he had reservations about the Jackson grand jury because of the criminal charges that already had been filed in the case."The prosecution is not supposed to use the grand jury as a discovery tool to prepare a case that already has been charged," he said.On the other hand, he pointed out, Jackson's lawyers could have demanded a public preliminary hearing but didn't want one."They have good tactical reasons to not have their case exposed to the kind of intense publicity it would have gotten," he said. "Having victims come in and testify at a preliminary hearing before they're ready could skew public opinion in a negative way."
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Decision to Indict Jackson Wasn’t Difficult for Grand Jury, ABCNEWS LearnsApril 23 — The grand jury that heard evidence in the child molestation case against Michael Jackson only needed a few hours to decide to indict the "King of Pop," ABCNEWS has learned.Sources told ABCNEWS that there appeared to be little doubt in the minds of grand jurors that Jackson should be indicted. Jackson, 45, is accused of molesting a 12-year-old cancer survivor who spent time at his Neverland ranch and faces seven counts of lewd acts upon a child and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent.The 19-member panel decided to indict the pop legend Wednesday and a source familiar with the grand jury's deliberations told ABCNEWS that a number of members wanted to indict Jackson without meeting for discussion. Ultimately, ABCNEWS learned, grand jurors studied each count and sources described the deliberations as very friendly. Jurors ‘Frightened’ By ProcessA couple of grand jurors were "frightened" by the proceedings in the Jackson case, ABCNEWS' Cynthia McFadden said, because they had heard about reports of death threats in another high-profile story, the Kobe Bryant sexual assault case.Though the grand jurors were cordial with each other at the end of their deliberations, sources described them as exhausted by the 13 days of testimony. After they were dismissed, grand jurors met as a group with Santa Barbara District Attorney Tom Sneddon, who is prosecuting the case against Jackson.Sneddon appeared in high spirits following the grand jury's decision to indict Jackson. The mother of Jackson's alleged victim, who is now 14, was elated by the news and said, "God has a way of making sure that the truth ultimately prevails," ABCNEWS has learnedhttp://www.abcnews.com
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