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发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
如有错误请指正。_________________________________________________________4/27/2004 9:15 PM 顾问说,Jackson的财产依然稳固今日美国,Gary Strauss著据一位关系密切的投资顾问说,这位长期谣言不断声称几近破产的流行巨星Michael Jackson仍然具备偿还能力。"每一件事情都很好,"Jackson信任的知己Charles Koppelman这样说到。他很乐意重新谈论Jackson的债务问题。“就我所知,我没有任何的经济危机。”Jackson不断的谢绝对他的财产作任何评价,还有他的会计和财产支持者。今年的早些时候,他那显眼的贷款已经估计多达2。5亿美元,而且据报道,Jackson还欠下了大约七千万美元的巨额债务。但是Jackson利用了当时下跌的利率,借以巩固欠债状态并减少偿还贷款的数额。"我们基本上完成了需要做的财产重组。那时条底线,"Koppelman说。他谢绝讨论Jackson财产的具体情况。Jackson阔绰的生活方式和支持系统 -- 其中包括他的Neverland庄园和数量超过100的雇员 -- 需要大量的流动资金。 尽管他住的房产仍要付租费,而且他说沾上了儿童性骚扰起诉,将要永远搬出那庄园,光是维持Neverland就要达到一个月两百万美元。除此之外,顾问还力荐Jackson缩短他的"资金烧钱率",就是他用来花大把钱用以满足购物娱乐和旅游的速度。当然,还有一个不断重复说"Jackson骚扰我"的一个14岁小孩,让他在一张一张法律上,公共关系上不断出现的脸上花钱。对于圣巴巴拉郡原告办事处处理的儿童性骚扰,Jackson辩解道自己是无辜的。通过三百万美元获得保释的Jackson,将于星期五被加州法庭传讯。尽管大陪审团提出的起诉尚不知晓,但应该是归为骚扰案。星期一,Jackson从他四人的法律团中解雇了首席律师Mark Geragos和Benjamin Brafman,借以由另外一位高层犯罪辩护律师Thomas Mesereau Jr.所代替。Thomas Mesereau Jr.最近刚为演员Robert Blake的谋杀指控做代表。Geragos和Brafman没做任何回应,Mesereau说在星期五的传讯前,他也不发表任何意见。 法律界专家说这三位首席律师都可能收取数额巨大的聘用定金。"估计是一个人在介于两百万到三百万美元的价格,"一位在加州Sherman Oaks犯罪辩护公司Chase法律组的首席律师Eric Chase这样说到。Jackson的名人状况和财富能让他在法律上面的花销更大,因为他能雇佣著名律师,并供给其开销。一个做好准备的名人法律团要"调查一切可能性,采访一切可能的目击者并在案件背后准备好一切辩论,"洛杉矶首席律师Michael Proctor说。"他还有可能去支付额外的花费。对于一个有很多钱的人来说,在大陪审团处理之前雇一个律师共同出席,这很平常。"Jackson有财产投资和大量的古玩,名车为收藏。但是他的大部分的财富仍然取决于他对Sony/ATV出版发行公司的50%控股,其中包含了250首Beatles歌曲出版权,还有Elvis Presley和其他流行艺术家录制的歌曲。Jackson在1985年以四亿七千五百万美元的价格买下了Beatles的歌曲版权。在1995年他卖出了Sony公司的部分股票,进帐近一亿美元。现在Jackson和Sony对于Sony/ATV控股相同。Sony谢绝发表评论。但是这一系列的版权相信每年会产生达八千万美元的利润,光是现在仍然广为播放的Beatles金曲,每年就能产生三千万到四千五百万美元利润。在Mijac Music,Jackson也零七八碎地拥有些歌曲,同样能为他产生效益。在2001年,Jackson像美国银行借了大约两亿美元,以他在Sony/ATV的股票作担保。工业专家以近年来同行业对手的销量对此估价在六亿至十亿美元。音乐工业经营老手Koppelman说,十亿美元更能反映出Sony/ATV的价值。"如果它被卖出,那么购买者的队伍将踵趾相接,"Koppelman说。"而我将冲在最前面。"由于在电影,广告,游戏,电视节目和其他途径中使用歌曲愈加频繁,歌曲发行权的利润也相当可观。就像热门楼市中的房屋,音乐的主要版权在价值上稳步上升。"发行权在工业中被视为是稳赚不赔的,并且(Sony/ATV)有一些珍贵的东西 -- 就是Beatles的金曲,"Myles Mangram,Tri-M Management的CEO工业顾问这样说到。附录:利用歌曲版权据估计,Michael Jackson手里的版权网价值达三亿五千万美元。绝大部分的财富都来自于他对Sony/ATV音乐出版公司的50%控股。他拥有将近4000首流行歌曲的出版权,每年能为他带来约八千万美元的利润。有如下歌手及公司:The Beatles (Fab Four时期写的每一首歌)Elvis PresleyWillie NelsonDestiny's Child (由Sony将EMI的版权购买后得到)The Pointer SistersStevie NicksSly and the Family StoneConway TwittyPearl JamAcuff-Rose Music Publishing, 一家拥有众多版权的大公司,包括:Roy Acuff, Fred Rose, Hank Williams 和 Roy Orbison所写歌曲。______________________________________________________________第二篇翻译中。。。。  
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2004-4-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Jacko解雇"伊斯兰民族组织"据Foxnews.com消息,Michael Jackson已经结束了他和"伊斯兰民族组织"之间的关系。于周末解雇首席辩护律师的Jackson显然也决定将最近备受争议的“商务经理人”Leonard Muhammad和“伊斯兰民族组织”总理Louis Farrakhan的女婿踢出阵营。 Jackson阵营里近期的人员变动表明,他的弟弟Randy及其私人顾问Brian Oxman阵营里权利地位的上升。Randy和Oxman两人组织了聘请洛杉矶刑事律师Thomas Meserau为新任首席辩护律师的行动。Meserau上任的要求之一就是要求MJ摆脱“伊斯兰民族组织”。但是,摆脱“伊斯兰民族组织”并非易事。根据我的消息,Leonard Muhammad正对Jackson的最新决定作出顽抗。 有消息称,"要他走就得战斗。"实际上,即便很显然他已经被踢出来了,Muhammad昨晚仍然告诉某些人,说他还在与Jackson一起工作。Jackson清理律师和保安的行为不会就此罢休。昨天晚些时候,他还表示正在计划去掉他现任的发言人,Raymone Bain。这还是明智的,因为自从这个女人从Jackson异常钦佩的公关人士Stuart Backerman那里接手一切以来,还尚未给过媒体一个直接答复,或是一句真实情况。都发生了些什么?"Michael想要回到以前那样,"可能是昨晚的内心写照。"他想回家回到Neverland,回到他圣巴巴拉的社区,回到自己正常的生活。"这很和情理,尽管不知道Michael Jackson是否有这种品质。他现在离开了他在Orlando租住的官邸,7月1号他也不得不离开倾下70万美元的Beverly Hills房产。租约将在6月末到期,Jackson能有一阵子相对而言不花钱了。有一个很大的问题那就是:这一切对于星期五在圣。马里亚的传讯有多大影响?我们明天将作更多报道。
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-29 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
THE MICHAEL JACKSON CHRONICLES: Black Community Leaders Mobilize Supporters for Pop Star's April 30 Arraignment by Tanya KerseyMichael Jackson(Apr. 28, 2004) Embattled pop star Michael Jackson still has support in the black community. While the pop star certainly has plenty of black detractors, there is still a strong willingness in the black community to give Jackson the benefit of the doubt and to believe that he is "innocent until proven guilty." The colossal televised raid on his Neverland Ranch, the exorbitant $3 million bail, the echo of brother Jermaine's "modern-day lynching" charge, and the "there before the Grace of God go I" sentiment continues to fuel support for Jackson in the black community. To show their support for the pop star, black community leaders have mobilized "The Caravan for Justice" to transport Los Angeles area fans and supporters by bus to Jackson's April 30th arraignment in Santa Maria, California. The coalition will also launch a courthouse rally in protest of Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon who they claim has ignored the facts that Michael has been investigated and cleared of any criminal misconduct by both the Department of Children and Family Services in Los Angeles and the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department. While Jackson's defense team has not played the race card, many in the black community view the charges against the pop star as a race issue. Author and political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson says, "The polls show that the Jackson case shapes of as Simpson redux. The majority of blacks think he©ˆs innocent, even say that he©ˆs been framed, and the majority of whites say he©ˆs guilty." Hutchinson notes that Jackson stirred the race pot even more when he enlisted Nation of Islam members for his security detail. "Though there's no evidence that they are anything other then one more ornament in Jackson's traveling ménage, they spruce up his credentials with some blacks as a black brother being dumped on by an unjust white legal system," Hutchinson adds. Caravan organizer Najee Ali of Project Islamic HOPE stated, "It's obvious that Michael is being railroaded by the criminal justice system and we're not going to sit back and allow that to happen without a fight." Buses will depart at 4 am from 3742 King Blvd (across from the Crenshaw Mall) in Los Angeles' Crenshaw District. Buses will return around 5 pm. Buses are free. Jackson was indicted by a Santa Barbara grand jury last week on child molestation charges. The indictment against Jackson is under seal until the April 30th arraignment where Jackson will appear with his new attorney, Thomas Meserau. The pop star's previous two lead attorneys, Mark Geragos and Benjamin Brafman, were given the ax just days before Jackson was to be formally charged. Jackson, 45, maintains his innocence and remains free on $3 million bail. Entertainment writer and media commentator Tanya Kersey is the editor-in-chief of Black Talent News, a contributing editor for EUR, Target Market News, Radio Facts, Black Journalist and Raw Story. Email: tanya@tanyakersey.com. http://www.eurweb.com/articles/musicpages/...27604282004.cfm
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-29 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Farrakhan tutors MJ (after a fashion)Michael Jackson may have split with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, but at least they can agree on clothes. Jackson has summoned Farrakhan's personal designer, Willie Scott, to make a custom outfit for every day of his child-molestation trial."Michael always complimented [Farrakhan] on his clothes and [his son] Josh Farrakhan told him to get in touch with me right away," Scott tells us.Scott, whose other clients include Prince, Knicks President Isiah Thomas and Dallas Mavericks' owner Mark Cuban, had just three days to design the outfit Jackson wore at his first court date on Jan. 16.Scott said that, for that occasion, he whipped up "something conservative" but "with some flair."Craving more flair, Jackson accessorized Scott's blazer with a 19th century Serbian war medal and danced on a car roof with an umbrella.Jackson's former spokesman Stuart Backerman thinks that performance proved how badly the pop oddity had been served by lawyer Mark Geragos and Nation of Islam adviser Leonard Muhammad."It was clearly a PR faux pas," Backerman tells us. "The [post-hearing] party at Neverland, his appearance on '60 Minutes' - no one set ground rules."He was told the case was a slam-dunk," Backerman adds. "This indictment was a wake-up call for him."Not only has Jackson fired Geragos and co-counsel Benjamin Brafman, he's sent Muhammad and his NOI crew packing, according to Backerman."The Nation of Islam doesn't do disaster management," says Backerman. "They are the disaster."Backerman hints darkly to "Entertainment Tonight" that the NOI has "staked a lot on this, and they have a reputation for exacting a price ... So this could get - and hopefully not - a little messy."Current Jackson mouthpiece Raymone Bain acknowledges that the singer has known Farrakhan since he was 6. But, she insists, "he has never embraced [Farrakhan's] religion or philosophy. There are no ties to break."Stuart Backerman hasn't talked with Michael Jackson in months. He's looking for his 15 minutes of fame."http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/188017p-162777c.html









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-29 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[b]America Is Not Worthy Of Michael Jackson![/b]
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-29 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[B]Officers prepare for Jackson [/B]By Quintin Cushner/Staff WriterSchool resource officers and detectives are among more than 40 city police personnel who will monitor the area around the Santa Maria Courts Complex during the Friday arraignment of Michael Jackson, according to Chief Danny Macagni. Department officials hope that by diverting police from their usual beats that day, they might be able to avoid exorbitant amounts of overtime, Macagni said. He noted that there will still be enough police officers to monitor other areas of the city. Seth Waite/Staff     Jackson is expected to be arraigned on a grand jury indictment Friday. Though the indictment is currently sealed, the charges are likely to be similar to a complaint prosecutors filed against the singer last year. At Jackson's Jan. 16 arraignment on those charges, the singer pleaded not guilty to engaging in lewd acts with an unnamed boy under the age of 14 on seven occasions between Feb. 7 and March 20, 2003 and two counts of "administering an intoxicating agent" - reportedly wine - to help him with the alleged molestations. On Jan. 16, Macagni said his department used about 100 hours of overtime, at an approximate cost of $6,000. That amount could be equaled on Friday, he said. It's a relative drop in the bucket for a department with an annual operating budget of $15 million, but the costs could add up to a tidy sum during a projected seven-week trial in the case, he said. Also, it would be impossible to divert officers from their usual duties over the duration of a lengthy trial, he said. For that reason, Macagni said he was planning to seek mutual aid from law enforcement agencies in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. Under mutual aid agreements, neighboring departments are responsible for helping one another in the event of unforeseen emergencies. The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department, which monitors the courts complex, will send about 50 deputies to the site Friday, according to sheriff's Cmdr. Bill Byrne. Since Friday is a court-ordered furlough day, many of the deputies are actually bailiffs who would have normally been off that day, Byrne said. The Sheriff's Department may also seek mutual aid if the Jackson case leads to a protracted trial in Santa Maria. At the conclusion of the Jan. 16 hearing, Jackson created a fan frenzy by jumping atop his sport utility vehicle parked along Miller Street. As he sped away, fans of the singer rushed onto Miller Street, and chased after the vehicle. Macagni said that there will be no pedestrian access to Miller Street near the courts complex this time, though the street will remain open to vehicle traffic. Anyone who attempts to cross a police barricade or a fence at the site will be arrested on suspicion of disobeying police officers' orders, he said. On Friday, fan access to Jackson will be restricted by a fence running along Miller Street, according to Byrne. In January more than 1,000 people turned out to see Jackson, and a similar number is expected this time, he said. Jackson, who on Jan. 16 was dropped off along a curb at Miller Street, will instead be deposited inside the court's public parking lot in front of Building G, where the arraignment is scheduled to take place, Byrne said. Jackson will not be accompanied by Nation of Islam security, Macagni said, adding that his department was notified Tuesday that a private security company had taken over guarding the singer. Macagni was cautiously optimistic when asked about the singer's expected behavior on Friday. "We hope he'll arrive and depart in a professional manner," Macagni said, noting that Jackson representatives had assured him that there would be no surprises. "But they might not be able to control the actions of their boss," Macagni said of the representatives. * Staff writer Quintin Cushner can be reached at 739-2217 or by e-mail at qcushner@pulitzer.net. April 28, 2004








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2004-4-29 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-29 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Security tight for Jackson arraignmentFriday's appearance in court promises to draw crowdsThursday, April 29, 2004 Posted: 0237 GMT (1037 HKT) LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- As officials in the town of Santa Maria coordinate security plans for pop star Michael Jackson's court appearance Friday, the singer's legal team decided to revise its security as well by replacing the Nation of Islam with a private firm, a source familiar with the defense said.The organization, which provided security for Jackson's entourage at his arraignment in January, has been replaced by a private security firm that will maintain a "low-key" appearance, the source said.The latest change was made by Jackson's reconfigured legal team, the source said, which is now headed by attorney Thomas Mesereau.Security will be tight at the Santa Barbara County courthouse in Santa Maria when the entertainer arrives early Friday morning to hear the charges a grand jury returned in a sealed indictment against him last Wednesday.The grand jury was investigating nine felony charges brought against Jackson -- seven felony counts of lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 and two counts of giving the child an intoxicating agent. The singer pleaded not guilty to those counts in an initial arraignment in January.Friday's court session -- in effect a second arraignment -- promises to draw crowds much like those that thronged the street outside Santa Barbara County Superior Court in January.A statement on Jackson's Web site promises that free buses will be provided for fans wishing to travel to the courthouse, in what is billed as the "Keep the Faith Caravan."The Santa Maria Police Department, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department and Santa Barbara Superior Court are coordinating security for what is expected to be a massive crowd."We have an enhanced security plan," said Darrel Parker, Santa Barbara County Superior Court assistant executive officer."That will include some passive restraints and visual deterrents: There will be about 900 feet of 6-foot-high fencing and double barricades to create a buffer between the crowds and the defendant."Parker said approximately 40 members of the Santa Maria Police Department and 50 sheriff's deputies will be on hand.Mesereau will accompany Jackson in court Friday, along with attorneys Steve Cochran and Robert Sanger of the original defense team, a source familiar with the case said.
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-29 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Michael Jackson sex case enters second act LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Superstar Michael Jackson (news), with a brand new lawyer at his side, will answer fresh charges of child molestation in a California court Friday, ahead of a trial on which, the singer says, his very life depends. Jackson, 45, will "declare his innocence," publicist Raymone Bain said, during his arraignment on as yet unspecified charges contained in a grand jury indictment handed down last week. "He is concerned of course, but he is in good spirits. He is confident that in the end the jury will exonerate him," Bain told AFP. Friday morning's hearing will take place in the same Santa Maria courtroom, in Santa Barbara county, where Jackson pleaded not guilty in January to seven counts of lewd or lascivious conduct with a minor and two counts of plying a minor with alcohol. On Monday, Santa Maria judge Rodney Melville, who will read out the grand jury indictment in court, approved the changes to Jackson's legal team. The grand jury in Santa Barbara decided last Wednesday that there was sufficient evidence to warrant taking Jackson to trial. The indictment has not been made public ahead of Friday's hearing and it is unclear if and how the charges may differ from those Jackson pleaded innocent to the first time around. Jackson will be supported by the presence of family members inside the courtroom and the same fans outside who turned out in their hundreds in January to protest their idol's innocence. Angel Howansky, 37, president of the Friends of Michael Jackson Committee, said she was hoping as many as 1,500 would again make the trip to Santa Maria. "A lot of European and Asian fans are trying to (come) over," Howansky said. "But right now we don't know how many fans will come from other countries." The Committee has organised five buses to ferry fans and supporters from Los Angeles, leaving at 4:00am (1100 GMT) on Friday so as to arrive before the 8:30am arraignment. Howansky, who will accompany the Jackson family members in court, said most of the famous musical clan would be present, with the exception of Michael's brother Jermaine who was out of the country.








发表于 2004-4-29 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由lenafox在 2004/04/29 05:15pm 第 1 次编辑]Randy vs. Jermaine Jermaine Jackson现在一定觉得自己蠢透了。过去的几个星期里他都在Bahrain参加宗教朝圣活动。与此同时,他的弟弟Randy则抓住这次机会,接近Michael。Randy替换了Michael的律师和咨询团,打发了伊斯兰民族组织,彻底篡夺Jermaine在此案中的影响力。当然,Jermaine之前也做过同样的事,去年12月,利用Dieter Wiesner回德国之际,他大展拳脚,引入伊斯兰民族组织,赶走了Dieter Wiesner,并切断此人和Michael的一切联系。同时,Jermaine把Leonard Muhammad介绍给Michael,而Leonard Muhammad的继父则是在那次著名的Jackson阵营“峰会”上位居首席的Louis Farrakhan。现在Muhamma由于Randy和Brian Oxman的出现,被迫出局。Brian Oxman是一个轻声慢语的加州律师,之前他曾经帮助Randy处理过一些法律问题。Brian Oxman十分清楚Randy 和Jermaine之间的旧账, Jermaine曾经因为Randy妻儿监护权一事,羞辱过弟弟,现在,可以说Randy报了一箭之仇。如今,Jermaine从前和Michael之间的稳固关系,不复存在。如果我是Randy,我就会寸步不离Michael。就像Michael的一位顾问昨天说得那样“你必须24小时都在。我确信Michael没什么记性,刚说的事他都会忘,这很困扰。”曾经是70年代的当红家庭乐队,现在小伙子们都各有一套,为了Michael的钱暗自竞争。Randy的崛起带来如今法律团队的混乱。Oxman的朋友 Thomas Mesereau 替换了 Mark Geragos 和Benjamin Brafman首席律师的位子,Oxman则宣称是Michael的民事律师,虽然早已有一票人自称过这个头衔。Muhammad和伊斯兰民族组织境况又如何呢?Michael要如何摆脱这块烫手山芋呢?我认为是Michael觉察到什么。真实的故事是,Michael对于Geragos花时间在Scott Peterson案件上很是不满。自从伊斯兰组织进入阵营,Geragos就和Leonard走得很近,尽管在初期Geragos对此组织的存在很担心,后来据说,Michael都得通过伊斯兰民族组织才能和Geragos确定行程。根据我的消息,在没有得到补偿之前Muhammad是不会轻易走开的,正当我撰写此文时,他正从芝加哥赶往洛杉矶。但无论怎样,目前的状况就是,伊斯兰民族组织已经从Michael Jackson的世界里消失。来源:FOX411/ Roger Friedman  翻译:LENAFOX
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-29 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
下面引用由billiehou2004/04/29 05:42pm 发表的内容:恩~~~~~~~~ B是我的代号吗?  多难听啊要叫就叫 BH 吧
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-29 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
本楼给有编辑经验的人综合编译Jackson has courtroom flair Scott stresses that though "nothing's written in stone," he expects that the costume collaboration will continue for the duration of Jackson's child-molestation case. "At this point, it's a great relationship," Scott says.For his SUV dance-cum-court date in January, Jackson wore a midnight-blue suit in superfine Italian wool atop a pearl silk vest. "Mike was very pleased," says Scott, 43, whose creations run from $1,500 to $6,000. The custom clothier is coy on what Jackson might don for Friday's scheduled court appearance."He loves the 18th-century look." Tuxedo shirts with bowties, tails. As the court dates continue, "I would think he's going to look more elegant, more businesslike with a little Michael Jackson flair."+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Santa Maria TimesSchools brace for coptersBy Janene Scully/Staff Writer Schools near the Santa Maria Courts Complex are bracing for another noisy armada of helicopters Friday when entertainer Michael Jackson returns to court for arraignment on an expected grand jury indictment.Students trying to learn will have to cope with the disruption of media and law enforcement aircraft, just as they did on Jan. 16 for the pop star's last Santa Maria appearance. Beyond the disruption, the helicopters will operate safely and within the rules, according to aviation and news station officials.Four media helicopters could be positioned above the intersection of Cook and Miller streets Friday, authorities said. Law enforcement agencies also will have at least one chopper in the sky.Supt. Jeff Hearn of the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District called the Santa Maria Public Airport District Office seeking relief from hovering copters. Parents involved in a private school a block from the court site called city officials to see if the helicopters could be grounded.But there's nothing airport authorities can do, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.As people from Southern California know all to well, the helicopters are common at major news events. While they might be a nuisance, they have a right to operate, authorities said."It's OK for them to fly. We really can't restrict that," said Todd Smith, deputy air traffic control manager for the FAA's Central California operations.In the past, media aircraft pilots and the air traffic control tower staff kept in close contact, according to Chick Foley, air traffic manager for Central California. The main requirement is that the aircraft have the ability to auto-rotate to a safe landing, he said.Smith noted that temporary flight restrictions are rarely granted. There was talk of trying to close the airspace above the planned wedding site of singer Jennifer Lopez and actor Ben Affleck last year in Santa Barbara."They're really hard to get," Smith said.Afrikka Madix, operations supervisor for the Santa Maria Public Airport, said that while a temporary flight restriction might be difficult to obtain for a one-day event, it possibly could be obtained for a long-term situation, such as an ongoing trial. In that case, she said, the Santa Maria City Council could petition the FAA to issue airspace restrictions.Typically, pilots of news station helicopters are used to sharing the space because they operate together on a regular basis. Because of that, those pilots adhere to the rules because they don't want to put their own licenses in jeopardy, according to authorities.To someone standing on the ground, it may appear as a free-for-fall in the skies, but the helicopters are under control and at a higher altitude than it appears, news officials said."These helicopters are all talking to each other," said Hans Laetz, news operations manager for Los Angeles-based KABC. "They're all talking to the control tower. They're all in communication ... We're being very, very careful."Foley said that if the noise becomes especially burdensome, people should report it to airport authorities. While airport officials' hands are tied, complaints can be logged, he added."At least then we know they are causing problems," Foley said.St. Mary of the Assumption School is near ground zero for the Jackson's legal proceedings and tried to find relief from the helicopters but found there's no solution."It's really an annoyance and I think it's a safety issue," said Principal Carmen Vadillo. "We're concerned. It's a noise issue, it really is ... We're not looking forward to Friday."She wondered why the media affiliates don't employ just one helicopter and share the photos.Santa Maria High School also experienced helicopter headaches."We had helicopters sitting right over the top of campus or right near," said Hearn. "The sound of those helicopters is very, very loud."Friday brings new worries because Santa Maria High is in the midst of testing, with dates set by the state and conditions mandated to be normal.The multiple portable classrooms on campus don't offer much in the way of sound protection."We're asking to get some relief," Hearn said.* Staff writer Janene Scully can be reached at 739-2214 or by e-mail at janscully@pulitzer.net.April 29, 2004http://www.santamariatimes.com/articles/20...ocal/news02.txt ____________________Santa Maria TimesHearing carries big bill for S.B. County By Quintin Cushner/Staff WriterFriday's Michael Jackson court hearing is expected to cost Santa Barbara County about $150,000, according to Jason Stilwell, projects manager with the county administrator's office. Most of that will be used to pay employees of the county Sheriff's Department and General Services offices to staff the event, Stilwell said. The remainder will be spent on maintenance and the fencing that was set up at the Santa Maria Courts Complex on Wednesday to separate Jackson from his fans. Including the estimated costs for Friday, the county will have spent about $423,000 on the four Jackson hearings in Santa Maria, Stilwell said, adding that he didn't have cost estimates for the investigation and grand jury proceedings against the singer. Media outlets are contributing about $7,500 to the county for expenses on Friday's hearing, he said, but the county is paying the rest. The costs are manageable at the hearing stage of the case, but Stilwell said the county is searching for ways to supplement its budget if there's a trial. Jackson is expected to be arraigned at the courthouse on a grand jury indictment. Though the indictment is currently sealed, the charges are likely to be similar to a complaint prosecutors filed against the singer last year. At Jackson's Jan. 16 arraignment on those charges, the singer pleaded not guilty to engaging in lewd acts with an unnamed boy under the age of 14 on seven occasions between Feb. 7 and March 20, 2003 and two counts of "administering an intoxicating agent" - reportedly wine - to help him with the alleged molestations. Sixty courtroom seats will be open to the public for the 8:30 a.m. arraignment, according to Darrel Parker, assistant executive officer of the Superior Court. The seats likely will be available through a lottery system, and those interested in seeing the proceedings in person should arrive at the courthouse - at Cook and Miller streets - about 6 a.m. on Friday, Parker said. Those who want to attend the hearing should remember not to bring bags, cell phones or cameras, Parker said. About 1,200 people are expected to turn up at the courthouse for Friday's hearing, along with about 150 members of the media, he said. Today, two groups with very different agendas are holding rallies in Santa Barbara County. At the Santa Maria courthouse, Sofia Hollum of Orcutt is hosting a candlelight vigil to call attention to victims of sexual abuse. Hollum, who calls her group Caravan to Justice, said she expects about 10 people at the vigil, which is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. on Miller Street near the courthouse. Supporters of the singer are planning their own candlelight vigil today at 7 p.m. at the front gates of Jackson's Neverland Ranch near Los Olivos, according to information on Jackson Web site, www.supportmichael jackson.net. Also, three "Keep the Faith Caravan" buses are being chartered from Los Angeles on Friday morning to transport Jackson supporters to Santa Maria at the singer's expense, according to his official Web site, www.mjjsource.com. * Staff writer Quintin Cushner can be reached at 739-2217 or by e-mail at qcushner@pulitzer.net. April 29, 2004 http://www.santamariatimes.com/articles/20...raffic/9230.txt____________________Chaos 2004: MJ Archive (Print Media) Posted: Apr 29 2004, 12:17 AM     :Santa Barbara News-PressApril 28, 2004Court Of ConductExpert deliberations advise style makeover and behavior modification for Jackson court appearance By CHARLOTTE BOECHLERNEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITERNow that Michael Jackson has changed lawyers, just days before his return engagement in Santa Maria Superior Court, the question is, will he change his courtroom style? The News-Press polled some experts to find out what advice they would give the singer, whose demeanor and dress got bad reviews last time he appeared in court here. While most said he needed to polish his act, none argued for an extreme makeover, either. Steve Balash, a criminal defense attorney in Santa Barbara, suggested starting at the top. "I don't like his hair," said Mr. Balash. "Mainly because I'm bald."But also, he said, because it would be too distracting to a jury, if the case ever gets that far. He therefore recommends a subtle change."If he came in with a buzz cut, everybody would know he's done something really drastic for the trial," said Mr. Balash. "It would be like he's trying to do whatever he can to make the jury like him."A ponytail, he said, would be most appropriate.Richard Gabriel, a trial consultant at Los Angeles-based Decision Analysis, agreed. Jurors would want to clearly see a defendant's face."They're looking for direct eye contact," said Mr. Gabriel, who was hired by the defense in the O.J. Simpson and Heidi Fleiss cases. "If there isn't direct eye contact, jurors think that either (the defendant's) nervous or trying to cover up something."There are a few things Mr. Jackson might want to keep in mind about his wardrobe."Consistency is the most important trait. If (jurors) see fundamentally different behavior in a celebrity or, quite frankly, any defendant than what they've come to expect and know they can become very suspicious," said Mr. Gabriel. "If Martha Stewart were to come into court dressed in JC Penney clothes and try to dress down to make jurors think she's not a wealthy woman, jurors would see through that."That's why he thinks what Mr. Jackson wore last time around — a navy blue blazer and medallion around his neck — was, as celebrity convict Ms. Stewart might say, a good thing. A respectful ensemble accessorized by just the right amount of eccentricity."One of the worst things Michael Jackson could do," he said, "is show up in court with a Brooks Brothers suit and striped tie."Mr. Balash, however, doesn't necessarily agree."If you're charged with something such as sexual aberration, you certainly don't want to look like you're out of the mainstream," he said. "I'd want my client to look as mainstream as possible so that there's a better chance of the jurors being able to identify with the client."In other words, leave the white glove at home."If Michael Jackson was to have a jury of rock stars, he'd be fine. Everybody could have belly-button rings and it would be great. But there's not going to be rock stars on the jury. In Santa Maria, there might be some retired military, a few farmers, maybe a cowboy or two," said Mr. Balash. "I've sat next to many defendants charged with child molestation. It's tough. There's not too many things you can do right. Why would you want to push the envelope by looking somewhat bizarre?" He recommends Mr. Jackson go on a shopping spree with his Nation of Islam buddies. "They're in tailored coats and ties," explained Mr. Balash. "That's exactly the way I'd dress Michael Jackson."But he wouldn't specify what color to choose."I don't want to get into that — not with his complexion."Which brings up another point: makeup."I would downplay the cosmetics. In fact, I would not have a male client charged with child molestation coming in wearing cosmetics, period," said Mr. Balash. "You got a couple cowboys on his jury, they're not going to be turned on by a guy who comes in there, charged with child molestation, wearing lipstick."Or false eyelashes, for that matter."The problem with somebody who looks like a cross-dresser or whatever is he's trying to convince (the jury) he's a person of normal sexual appetite and not interested in children or boys," he said. "That's pretty difficult."Mr. Gabriel, on the other hand, said any radical changes — such as losing the cosmetics completely — could make the jury wonder what exactly Mr. Jackson is trying to do. If anything, he would suggest toning down the makeup. In other words, stay away from arresting red lips."Basic attractiveness has been shown to be very persuasive in terms of how jurors view the credibility of the parties in the case. So that is important," said Mr. Gabriel. "However, if it looks like there's an attempt to dress up, an attempt to appear attractive, you can have a backlash effect where the jurors actually become suspicious of the defendant, saying, 'They're dolling themselves up in a particular way... to try to seduce me, or try to persuade me, or try to distract me from the allegations here.' ''Next, the experts took up the issue of demeanor, something everyone from the judge to the TV talking heads took issue with last time. Mr. Gabriel, however, thinks the dance moves on the SUV weren't necessarily a bad idea."To behave and cower in a corner could potentially convey the message that 'I have something to worry about,' " he said. "The concern I would have later in the trial is you're conveying the message that 'I don't take this seriously.' "Dennis Merenbach, a defense attorney in Santa Barbara, recommends Mr. Jackson overcome the temptation to break out into "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" outside the courtroom, as actor Robert Blake did earlier in his case.Mr. Jackson's unusual behavior in court has not served him well in the past, Mr. Merenbach noted."He had another trial and he acted this way and the judge allowed a lot of the antics to go on. Well, that only cost him $12 million," said Mr. Merenbach, referring to a previous civil case in Santa Maria. "This is going to cost him life imprisonment. This is a case for which he's going to be dead in 30 days if he ever ends up in the joint. People do not like people like this in the joint."If Mr. Merenbach had his choice, he wouldn't even let the singer sign autographs. Crowds of fans are unpredictable — whether it's chanting that prosecutors are racist and potentially offending the judge and potential jurors or encouraging the entertainer to do something foolish."I would arrange for the Sheriff's Department to bring the limo as close as possible to the courtroom door so that he can get into the courtroom and out of the courtroom without having contact with his fans," said Mr. Merenbach.The added benefit in that, perhaps, is that Mr. Jackson might actually arrive on time."There are no excuses for being late," insisted Mr. Merenbach. "Anytime you're going to give unfavorable conduct in front of a judge, that will always be weighing in his psyche when he has to make a decision relating to the evidence in the case. The worst scenario is, for subjective reasons, the judge will choose to deny any defense motion."So it's probably not a good idea, then, for the singer to make devil horns with his fingers as he did in court in December of 2002 — even if Tom Sneddon, whom he probably considers to be Satan himself, is in the room."A certain amount of reaction is fine. If you're rolling your eyes consistently or gesturing, it looks like, to the jurors, that you are trying to show them how outrageous this is," said Mr. Gabriel."Jurors are very sophisticated. They want to make their own judgments. They don't want to have the attorneys, the defendant, or the parties in the case saying, 'Here is how you should feel about this.' "Which is why the people Mr. Jackson brings for support are important, too.Bringing his family may help jurors rationalize his behavior, Mr. Gabriel said. Perhaps the singer feels comfortable sharing a bedroom — and even bed — with other kids because maybe he grew up in a household where he didn't have separate rooms."The people that you normally want to have come in any criminal trial is your family," added Mr. Merenbach."The implication is that if we thought you were guilty, we would not be sitting in the courtroom supporting you."But, in the end, said Mr. Gabriel, only one thing really matters to jurors in a criminal case.The evidence.http://www.newspress.com/mjacksonupdate/0428conduct.htm
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发表于 2004-4-30 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
[这个贴子最后由mkgenie在 2004/04/30 09:54am 第 1 次编辑]吸血姬美夕接下http://www.accesshollywood.com/news/3251436/detail.htmlMichael Fires Security Team, AgainUPDATED: 1:16 PM PDT April 29, 2004The quaint town of Santa Maria, Calif., will be a city under siege on Friday, as Michael Jackson is due back in court.Last time around, the circus atmosphere created by the King of Pop and his legion of fans embarrassed many city officials.But they don't plan to lose control this time and are perfectly willing to slap the cuffs on anyone who misbehaves. After breaking the news that Jackson had reportedly cut ties with his Nation of Islam security team, Access has learned his new team didn't last very long either."We were notified first thing this morning that Michael Jackson has terminated his contract with his new security company that he just signed on less than a day ago," Santa Maria Police Chief Danny Macagni told us.But whoever is guarding Michael come Friday, they will likely see him wearing Willie Scott's work.Jackson called Scott, a fashion designer behind Prince's current look, to design the suit for his last court appearance."I only had basically 48 hours to get the job done so I flew in and we made it happen," Willie said.For their first meeting, Willie actually wore a version of a suit he thought would "suit" the King of Pop."He said it was the color and the fabric he liked and he just kind of added his own little flair to it and that's how it happened," the designer revealed.Scott has already created many more outfits for the impending trial and he said he's fully prepared to make a new suit for each and every day if Jackson desires."It's a piece of cake to pull that off," he added.Stay tuned to Access Hollywood for the latest developments in the Michael Jackson case.
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