
楼主 |
发表于 2009-10-8 02:34:17
SB: Maybe you go to a different place, to a higher place, and your soul, being suddenly unrestricted, can actually move closer to the people.Think about it. God is there right now, Michael. We both believe that, even though you can't touch him or feel him. Are the souls of our loved ones very different?
MJ:I would love to come back as, as, as a child that never grows old, like Peter Pan. I wish, I wish I could believe that that's true, that I keep coming back. I hope that's true, I would like to believe that, Shmuely.
SB: In reincarnation? You keep on being reincarnated as a baby?
MJ:Yeah, even though our, my religion [the Jehova's Witnesses Chruch], talks against it, that there's no such thing as [reincarnation]....When you die, the soul dies and it's like this couch, the dead, you know? But there's the promise of resurrection and all that.
SB: But for the Hindus, they believe you come back.
MJ:I'd like to believe that, and I like what the Egyptians and the Africans do, how they bury [their dead]....I'd like to see, we would all like to see, what the other side looks like. Don't we?
SB: We wish we knew what lies after life, what heaven is like.
MJ:Yes, because there are so many concepts.
SB: Do you think there are children playing in heaven?
MJ:Oh, God, I pray that that is what it is like.
SB: Are there adults playing there, too?
MJ: I would think so and I would think htat they are very childlike. Like Adam and Eve, it is just a happy garden, a prefect peaceful place. I pray that it is like that.
SB: Are you afraid of death?
SB: We all are.
MJ:I always said I want to be buried right where there are children. I want them next to me. I would feel safer that way. I want them next to me. I need their spirit protecting me. I always see that in my mind and I see myself and I hate to see it. I see myself and I see children lying there to protect me.
( rabi goes on babbling for a page here)
SB: Was there an age at which you realized, "Oh my gosh, I missed my childhood?"
MJ:Yes, I remember distinctly...It's like being on a ride you can't get off and you think, " Oh my God. What did I do?" and you are committed and you can't get off. It hit me before I was a teenager. I wanted so badly to play in the park across the street because the kids were playing baseball and football but I had to record. I could see the park, right across the street. But I had to go in the other building and work until late at night making the albums. I sat there looking at the kids with tears running down my face and I would say, "I am trapped and I have to do this for the rest of my life. I am under a contract." But I wanted to go over there so bad it was killing me, just to make a friend to say "Hi". I used to walk the streets looking for someone to talk to. I told you that.
SB: How old were you?
MJ:It was during the Thriller album.
SB: So you were the biggest star in the whole world and...
MJ:I was looking for people to talk to.I was so lonely I would cry in my room upstairs. I would think, "That's it. I am getting out of here", and I would walk down the street. I remember really saying to people, "Will you be my friend?"
SB: They were probably in shock.
MJ:|They were like, "Michael Jackson!" I would go, "Oh God! Are they going to to be my friend because of Michael Jackson? Or because of me?" I just wanted someone to talk to.
SB: Did you find it?
MJ:Yeah, well, I went to the park and there were kids playing on swings.
SB: So that's when you decided that children were the answer. They are the only ones who treat you as a person?
MJ:Yeah. That's true.
SB- babbling.
MJ:I suffered a lot in that way. I knew that something was wrong with me at that time.But I needed someone....That's probably why I had the mannequins. I would say because I felt I needed people, someone, I didn't have...I was too shy to be around real people. I didn't talk to them. It wasn't like old ladies talking to plants. But I always thought I wanted something to make me feel like I had company. I always thought, "Why do I have these?" They are like real babies, kids, and people, and it makes me feel like I am in a room with people.
(rabi's babbling)
SB: Why were you too shy to talk to real people? Was it because you had only ever learned to perform and you weren't given the opportunity to hang out?
MJ:That's it. There was no hang-out time.
SB: Do you still feel lonely?
MJ:Not nearly the way I used to.No.
SB: Clearly you have your kids, which makes a very big difference. But there is a part of us that isn't only a parent. There's a part of us that needs other forms of interaction.
MJ:What kind of interaction?
SB: Someone you can unburden yourself to emotionally in a way that Prince or Paris couldn't understand.
MJ:Mmmmm. Friends and certain people you can trust. Elizabeth, or whoever....Mac, Shirley Temple, people who have been there.
SB: So it is always people who have been there, all those childhood stars?
MJ:They [people who have not been childhood stars] say, "Yeah,I know what you mean" but they don't know what you mean. They are just trying to agree with you.
SB: Do you discuss with friends who were also child stars individual things that happened to them? Or you don't even need to say it: Do you sort of understand it?
MJ: You know, it's like telepathy. I wish you could have seen Shirley Temple and myself.
SB: Are you still in touch with her?
MJ:I am going to call her. I've gotta call her again. I kept thanking her and she was saying, "Why?" and I said:" Because of all you have ever done for me."
SB: Do you think you will ever dedicate a song to her?
MJ:I would love to.
SB: So Macaulay Culkin doesn't need to say to you, " I was on the set and this happened with my father" You don't even have to have conversations like that?
MJ:Oh yeah. There is is precious sweet little soul who is a baby, Macualay Culkin, who is wondering, " How did I get caught up in all of this? I never asked to be an actor." He always wanted out. You gotta watch that energy when he gets heavy on his father, man, it tears into him and that's what happens, you know. Oh, but I saw myself with him. [Michael screams] "Mac get in here!" the screaming...
( rabbi goes on forever with his question here so I won't type it all)
SBo you think that Mac and and you and others can be healthier because you understand what you are missing and you need to compensate?
MJ:You know, with certain people I understand and with certain ones I don't. With her ( Brooke ) she started out being a model, so it wasn't like being on the set all day, every day. She did modeling. She wasn't a movie star until she did, I think it was Pretty Baby, and she played a female prostitute at age of...I think it started around twelve for her. There was a lot of photography, so it wasn't like all day like what we did, all day, from early to night. I think it affects people differently, but it is all the same. A lot of people think that when someone is beautiful they are like an airhead. She is very smart. |