
楼主 |
发表于 2009-10-7 23:24:09
本帖最后由 lovelymj 于 2009-10-10 03:41 编辑
121# myf
Michael and the Rabbi attended a black-tie gala together.
SB: What did Cindy Crawford want from you last night?
MJ: I have seen Cindy from afar several times, and she was with other guys, and we have met up at other functions…from afar. I think she felt this was her chance to really meet me. She probably admires me. A lot of the people come over. What you saw was nothing.
SB: You have seen celebrities behave like that, like a pack of dogs, chasing after someone who is more famous than them? It was so degrading.
MJ: Yes! It’s worse.
SB: What did she talk to you about?
MJ: [Imitating Crawford] “How are you?” I go, “I’m alright.” “Oh, you sure you okay? Oh, I just love your work, and I love what you do. How long are you in town?” I said, “I am working here. I’m recording.”
SB: Do you think there was a romantic interest?
MJ: Yeaaaaah. I kinda think so.
SB: Was she asking you out?
MJ: Those girls flirt…they flirt. She is pretty.
SB: It was blatant. A banker who was with us at the table said to me, “Cindy Crawford, when she is up close, she is just another gal.” I said, “But what is she doing here?”
MJ: Did you see Donald Trump come over?
SB: Now he is an interesting man.
MJ: A woman I really liked and respected was Princess Diana.
SB: Why?
MJ: Because she was classy and sincerely cared about people and children and the plight of what was going on in the world. She didn’t do it for show. I like the way she made her kids wait in line to get on a ride for something.
SB: Can we say there was an ever so innocent slight romantic attraction? Or do you not want to say that? DO you just want to say that you thought she was a very special woman?
MJ: I thought she was very special.
SB: Was she a feminie kind of woman?
MJ: Very feminine and very classy. She was my type for sure, and I don’t like most girls. There are very few I like who fit the mold. It takes a very special mold to make me happy and she was one of them. For sure.
SB: Because of her love of kids?
MJ: It takes a lot to find a mirror image, a mirror image. People always say that opposites attract and I think that is true, as well. But I want somebody who is a lot like me, who has the same interests and who wants to help and they gotta go to hospitals with me and care about Gavin. That’s why you saw Lisa Marie and me at those kinds of things. She cared about that stuff, too.
SB: Did you ever think about asking Princess Diana out?
MJ: Absolutely.
SB: So why didn’t you have the nerve to ask her out?
MJ: I have never asked a girl out in my life. They have to ask me.
SB: Really?
MJ: I can’t ask a girl out.
SB: If she would have asked you out?
MJ: I would have gone. Brooke Shields asked me out every time you saw us out together. It was her idea to go out and do it every time. I sincerely liked Brooke Shields too. I liked her a lot.
SB: Does she like kids?
MJ: Yes. My first girlfriend, Tatum O’Neal, she’d won the Academy Award for Paper Moon…I was sixteen, she was thirteen. And I was naïve. She wanted to do everything and I didn’t want to have sex at all, because there were a lot of values associated with being a Jehovah’s Witness. I said, “Are you crazy?” One of those was to be kind to everyone. When I held Tatum’s hand it was just magic, better than anything, kissing her, anything. Her, Ryan O’Neal and myself went to this club and were watching a band and underneath the table she was holding my hand and I was melting. It was magical. There were fireworks going on. It was all I needed. But that means nothing to kids today. She grew up too fast. She wasn’t into innocence, and I love that.
Now Brooke Shields, she was one of the loves of my life. We dated a lot. Her pictures were all over my walls and mirrors. I was at the Academy Awards with Diana Ross and she just came up to me and said, “Hi, I’m Brooke Shields. Are you going to the after-party?” I said, “Yeah” and I just melted. I was about 23…during Off the Wall. I thought, “Does she know that her pictures a;; over my room?” So we get to the party and she says, “Would you dance with me?” And we went on the dance floor. And man, we exchanged numbers and I was up all night, spinning in my room, just so happy. She was classy. We had one encounter when she got real intimate and I chickened out. And I shouldn't have.
Lisa…we’re still friendly, but she’s running around. She just changed her number and we don’t have the new one yet.
SB: Can you immediately tell innocence?
MJ: Right away, although I find it harder to tell with women because they’re so smooth. But with men, I can usually tell, because they’re more open and like puppies, while girls are more like cats. You know how if you’ve been on vacation and get home and a puppy is all over you, while with a cat, it’s “Hey, I don’t need you. You walk over to me and pick me up.” They give you attitude. They’ll walk right by you even though they haven’t seen you in three months. Women are very smart. Walt Disney always said they’re smarter than men, and [he] always hired more women. |