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发表于 2009-10-7 05:30:46
本帖最后由 lovelymj 于 2009-10-10 07:11 编辑
第12节:Religion and finding God in Rituals 宗教及在仪式中发现神
翻译: gummykitty
SB:I always say that the main purpose of religion is to teach you in your twenties what you only find out in your seventies-skip You know all that at eighty, but you should know it in your teens and twenties, so you don't squander your life.
MJ:Right, I see it, I see it. That's what we're all talking about.
SB: You're one of the few people who seems to be religious without practicing, meaning, you have a very deep-seated sense of spirituality, but you don't undertake many religious rituals. You'll tell me things like, "Although I once believed God is in a Church, I now believe that God is everywhere, he's in my heart...I now find God in those moments I spend with my children, I find God in the innocent."
你属于极少数在世俗生活中也能保持虔诚的人。即便不太参加宗教仪式,你仍然能做很深层的灵修。你跟我说“尽管我一度相信神存在于教会中,现在我相信神无处不在,他就在我心中… 我在和我孩子共同度过的时光中发现神,我在纯真无邪的人身上看到神。”
MJ: Yeah it's true, it's true.
第13节:KARMA AND JUSTICE 因果报应和公正
翻译: gummykitty
SB: I really like the fact that at Neverland the Security are called Safety...it's on their badges, uniforms and hats.
MJ:I don't know.
SB:The fact that it says "Safety" rather than "Security" it's like, "We are not here to keep the world out, but simply to ensure the safety of everyone who is visiting here." It's less intimidating and more humane.
Rabbi talks about the sense of justice in children-skip- On one hand children have this very strong sense of justice, and on the other hand we see how mean people get away with things and no one stops them.
MJ: It happens all the time. I think justice is important because there are many injustices in the world and I hate injustice. "I am tired of injustice" is the opening to one of my songs on my last album, called Scream. That's the first line I say. There's a line where Janet says, "Oh my God I can't believe what I saw on the TV this evening. I was disgusted by all the injustice," because I wanted people to know about that and people get away with it and I don't believe in karma. I think that is bunch of crap, because so many mean-spirited, evil people are on top of the world and doing well and people love them, no matter how evil they are.
SB: I love it when you make strong statements like that.
MJ: Well, I'm sorry, it's crap. Karma is a theory like any other theory that some human made up.
SB:Well, "what goes around comes around" is ok, because there's great truth to that. But karma could actually be evil because karma says that handicapped children did something bad in previous life.
MJ:That's a fine line and I'm sorry for talking like that. But I hate whoever says some thing like that. A child did something in a past life so God is going to handicap them? There were all these orphans in this one country coming to America to be adopted. The plane crashed. Every child on the plane died. Why? If you could save those kids, if you were in Heaven, you would say, "This one is not going down. Maybe another one, but not this one." I know I would.
SB: Did you ever have Eastern spiritual gurus who came to you and said, "Michael children get hit by trucks because they fornicated in a previous life?"
有没有东方的精神导师对你说“Michael, 有的孩子被卡车撞是因为他们上辈子私通”?
MJ:No, and if they did I would be furious and I would give them all the reasons why that is a bunch of crap. That's a doodoo. That's a theory like any other man's theory about the universe. Some people believe in the Big Bang, which I don't, and some people believe in the Creation, that story with Adam and Eve, that this universe isn't an accident. To say this universe was created by a Big Bang or an accident is to say, "Okay, I want you to take a car engine and we are going to take each piece apart and we are going to put it in a bath tub, and I want you to shake it up." You can shake that tub 100 years and it will never become the perfect engine. All the pieces come together and make an engine, that is like saying the Big Bang theory, and there was a big explosion and we got children and trees, and plants, and the air we breath, and oxygen. Somebody had to create this, a designer had to create this. From our lashes to our mouths to our digestive system. Don't you agree?
SB: That's the most important of all religions beliefs, that God is the origin of life.
MJ:When I used to go door to door [Witnessing for the Jehovah's Witnesses Church] and people would say, "We are atheists," [I'd think] what? They don't believe in....I heard it a lot and I had a brother who was an atheist for a while but I think he isn't now. Tito was an atheist even after being raised as a strict Jehovah's Witness. I know some of the famous directors, the guy who directed Singing In The Rain and who won academy awards, Stanley Donen....
过去我挨家挨户做耶和华见证者传道的时候,有人会说他们是无神论者,我就会想不通他们为何没有信仰。。。那话我听得太多了,我哥哥Tito也曾那样,要知道我们可是从小就接受严格耶和华见证者训导的。我知道有些著名导演,比如拍《雨中曲》的Stanley Donen...(没说完,估计说Donen也是无神论者。)
SB: So what arguments did you have for people when you were Pioneering when they told you that they were atheists?
MJ: I tried to bring out the miracles of life, the children, look into their eyes, our bodies, how it all works just right, this can't happen on its own, come on, no way. Then there are the questions I have about why we are here and why we are allowed to destroy each other. Because we are the only species who destroys their own. Every species on this planet...I don't understand how all that injustice takes place. Why didn't something in heaven stop the Holocaust or some of the great genocides that happen in the world, from the lynchings and slavery, to all the great problems, to Stalin, to...? I hate to say this but Napoleon, too. He gets praised for all his genocide [I assume Michael means all the wars he caused], whereas Hitler gets called the Devil, which he was. But they both did the same thing. But one was doing it for his country and the other one was too! But a lot of people died with Napoleon. There are statues of Napoleon.
SB talks about that-no one was ever as evil as Hitler - and then talks about Napoleon.
MJ: But he [Napoleon] died a lonely man on an island all alone.
SB: Do you enjoy reading about history?
MJ: I do enjoy reading about history, but I don't know what to believe and what not to believe. Because I know how much that is written about me is twisted...about me....how much stuff in history is twisted. Because the way this country was taken away from the Indians and the way Australia was taken from the black and apartheid, how they killed so many blacks.
是的,但我对哪些可以相信哪些是谎言感到困惑。因为我知道有多少关于我自己的歪曲报道,那历史书里又有多少是谎言和欺骗呢。要知道美国这个国家是从印第安人手里夺过来的,澳大利亚也是白人从原著民那里抢来的,他们杀了多少黑人呐。 |