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发表于 2009-10-7 08:19:42
Thinking About the Perfect Woman
本帖最后由 lovelymj 于 2009-10-8 08:29 编辑
SB: The same principle of not being overexposed. Would you advise women in relationships to do the same thing? Would you say to people today who get bored of one another, “You know, 50% of marriages end in divorce and so much of it is that husbands and wives just get sick of one another.” They get weary and bored. Would you say that if there was more mystery, if they learned to hold back and leave room to discover one another, then there would be more adventure in their relationship?
MJ: Yeah, yeah. I think going away is good. Like they say, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” I totally believe in it. Going away is really important. I don’t understand how people can be together all day with each other and be totally fine. I think it is sweet and beautiful…
SB: Have you seen marriages like that?
MJ: I have seen couples, yes. I don’t know how they do it. Because creatively they have to do so many things.
SB: So the women you have dated, the ones who were smart enough not to throw themselves at you, were the ones that you were more interested in, the ones who weren't always available and you had to chase them a bit?
MJ: The ones who were classy and quiet and not into all the sex and craziness because I am not into that.
SB: They are the ones you are more interested in?
MJ: Aha. I don't understand a lot of things that go on in relationships and I don't know if I ever will. I think that has hurt me in relationships because I don't understand how people do some of the things they do.
SB: Mean things?
MJ: Mean things and vulgar things with their bodies. I don't understand it and it has hurt my relationships.
SB: So for you love is something very pure?
MJ: Very pure. It shocked me some of the things.
SB: What was it about Diana, that kind of a woman, her dignity, that kind of innocence? Do you see that often in people where they have a regal bearing to them?
MJ: No, we don’t see it and that’s what I love. I think she truly cared about people’s feelings and really tried to make the world a better place. I really believe that her heart was out for other people. You could se it in some of the photos where she is touching those little babies’ faces and they are sitting on her lap and she would be holding them. That is not faked. You could see it. When you see the queen come out and she has got these gloves on and she is waving from a distance, you can see the heart. You can see. You put your money where your mouth is and you go in those huts and go in those ditches and sit with them and sleep there. That’s doing it, that’s what I do. Remember when you said you saw my picture in China in some hut, some lady’s hut. I go in there and I touch the people and I see them.
SB: When you are in a meeting, are you able to see who is the hard-nosed business man, bottom line is everything, he’ll manipulate, lie, whatever it takes, and the ones who are pure, more innocent, who you want to do business with? Can you see immediately? Or, on the contrary, do you see with a child’s eyes and see goodness in everybody, which is why you have sometimes ended up with people who aren’t the nicest people?
MJ: That’s true too. It works both ways, but you can detect it and feel it in another person. There is this man on LA and he works in a vinyl record shop and he has got to be in his fifties and he has the spirit of an 11-year-old boy. I always stare at him and he stares at me and it is like this telepathy going on. He talks like a kid and the way he moves his eyes. I say to myself, “This is so interesting.” I’d like to get to know him better and find out what it is. I mean it. It’s amazing. I feel it. I feel it in children right away, of course. I pick up on it like that and children can tell it in you.
SB: It’s almost like a relief. Here is someone who understands me?
MJ: Yeah, Their eyes light up when you come over and they want to play and they feel it.
SB: Michael, have you never met a woman like that who loves those same things, who’d play hide and seek with you, who’d love the water fights with you?
MJ: Not yet. The ones I have had are jealous of the children. All of them. They get jealous of their own kids and start competing with them. That rubs me in a bad way.
SB: Theoretically, if you were Adam in the Garden of Eden and you found an Eve like that, would that be your ideal woman?
MJ: Absolutely. I haven’t found it…I think guys are more apt to goof off. Even when they are much older, in their thirties, and a woman will come in and say “What are you doing? Don’t do that. Are you crazy?” The guy will go, “What, we are just having fun?”
SB: Women almost feel that it is immature if they behave that way, no?
MJ: Yes but if you look in history you never see real serial killer women.
SB: Yes, but they don’t play the way boys do.
MJ: I know they don’t.
SB: (blah, blah, blah) Have you ever found girls who like the practical jokes that you like? Have you ever found a woman who collects comics?
MJ: It is a rarity. If I find one I will go nuts. Especially, if she has those qualities and is beautiful inside. It would be a home run for me. That’s why guys hand out. Because they can do that.
SB: …Mothers are really good at doing homework with their kids and being more nurturing. But the rough playing is what the fathers do. They get on the floor and get dirty, wrestle, build castles with them in a sandpit. (blah blah)…it is the girls in school that are always ridiculing the boys for being immature. “Look at those boys. Look at the way they are behaving.” Maybe the women need to be taught the art of playfulness as much as the men.
MJ: Do you not think it’s embedded in them biologically? Biologically, as a breed, don’t you think women are just a different species?
SB: (blah blah blah -1/2 page of talking), brings up Bill Clinton as an example of being playful
MJ: Riding his bike at the White House. Did you see it? He was riding his bike at the White House to get him to the next meeting. A great shot of him in Vanity Fair. Can you think of Hillary doing that? Nope, not in a million years. I can think of little girls who would join in with play. Girls who are tomboys.
SB: Okay, when they are tomboys. But when they get older, do they still play to the same extent?
MJ: Do you think it is in their heart that they can just be themselves and be dignified?
SB: What women seem to look forward to more than anything else is falling in love. They don’t look forward to the playfulness in the same way. But once they’re in love a carefree playful side is released.
MJ: I have to play.
SB: Is there a difference in how your male and female fans relate to you?
MJ: Sometimes. But I am finding today, and it is so true, that guys are really changing. Guys scream with the same kind of adulation that girls do in a lot of countries. They are not ashamed. They are shaking, “I love you.” We have guys chasing us around.
SB: But the fanatics are women.
MJ: Yeah, they are loyal, women. They have been loyal. They are activists. They will fight you about me. |