发表于 2009-10-9 18:40:17
本帖最后由 nicknicknick 于 2009-10-9 22:30 编辑
終于完成了, 本來想晚上做的,可是想到還有這個多人在等著,自己也不好意思偷懶了....在辦公室做完才下班.
還沒審核滴, 英文和中文打在一起了,有錯誤請大家多多指點噢~~~
31节:孤獨, 期待小孩,與Lisa Marie Presley婚姻的另一個想法(2) Loneliness, Wanting Children, and Lisa Marie Presley's Second Thouhgts(2)
MJ: 是的,是的,這是一個家的樂園,讓家庭成員們呆在一起,用愛和歡樂的靈魂與天性組織人們在一起.這會讓家人之間更親近.夢幻島,它是療養的天堂.Yes, yes. It's just a place to make families, to bring them together, to bring people together through love and playful spirit and nature. It makes families closer, Neverland. It's healing.
SB: 自從你定義了家的概念后,這會很難讓你組織家庭然后不得不離婚嗎?Since you idolize the family was it very hard for you when you had to go through that divorce then?
MJ: 哪一個?Which one?
SB: 跟麗莎的.With Lisa.
MJ: 這對我很難?Was it hard for me?
SB: 你遇到過凶兆嗎?你的不一樣嗎?意思是我的父母在我8歲的時候就離婚了.所以我,真的,真的在美化婚姻. Did you see the writing on the wall? That you were different? Meaning my parents divorced when I was eight. So I really, really romanticized marriage.
MJ: 你真的?Really?
SB: 噢, 顯而易見的, 我所有的書都寫, 婚姻,因為我無法應付...Oh phenomenally. It's what all my books are about, marriage. Because I couldn't deal with...
MJ: 所以你真的相信婚姻之類的東西?你愛結婚? So you really believe in marriage and all that? You love marriage?
SB: 這是我在這世上最相信的東西了. 我相信我的家庭, 我確實是的.It's what I believe most in the world. I believe in family, I really do.
MJ: 我也是的, Shmuely. I do too, Shmuely.
SB- 說一些關于他妻子的故事,然后如何的成千上萬的Fans都不能替代一個真正的Fan,這是千萬個Fans中最重要的一個,你生命中最重要的就是一個真正的Fan, 擁有了這個是多么的重要.tells his story about his wife and how thousands of fans can't replace one true fan- one personal who is the most important fan of all- and that all you need in life is that one real fan and how important it is to have that.
MJ: 正確. That's right.
SB- 再說一下一個忠實的Fan, 一個愛你的人爾不是愛你的成就的Fan. talks again talks about one sincere fan who loves you for who you are not what you do etc;
MJ: 這很美好. Shmuely. 謝謝你. It's beautiful, Shmuely. Thank you.
SB: 我從來不知道,我會再見到你, 但是我一直在說這個. 現在全世界都在說你, 換句話來說, 我全部觀點是, 婚姻是使得人感覺自己象麥克爾杰克迅那樣的超級明星.I never knew I;d meet you back then, but I've been talking about this. Your name has come up in every lecture around the world on the subject. In other words, my whole point was, marriage is where you make one person feel like they're a superstar like Michael Jackson.
MJ: 那很美好. That's beautiful.
SB: 我是婚姻的忠實擁護者. 當你和Lisa的關系開始破裂的時候, 那很難嗎? 你理想中的家庭, 你一直夢想建立一個親密無間的家庭,特別因為你知道...But I am a big believer in marriage. So when your relationship with Lisa started to fall apart was it very hard? Your idealism about the family, everything you believed in building the intimate family you always wanted, especially because you knew...
MJ: 我想要小孩子,但是她不想. I wanted children and she didn't.
SB: 她覺得她已經有自己的小孩子了. She felt she had her kids.
MJ: 是的, 她在結婚前答應過我的, 在結婚后第一件事就是要小孩子. 所以我很傷心,我經常手里抱著小娃娃玩偶到處遊逛, 然后哭泣. 我是多么的想要小孩子. 所以我決定要小孩子. 她的對我的失約使我很傷心, 你知道嗎? 我們離婚后,她經常跟我媽媽在一起,我經常會聽到: "我會給你9個孩子的, 我會做任何你想做的."當然,媒體是不知道這些的, 她這樣堅持了一月復一月, 爾我對此鐵石心腸,我對這些都充耳不聞. Yeah, and she promised me that before we married, that would be the first thing we'd do was to have children. So I was brokenhearted and I walked around all the time holding these little baby dolls and I'd be crying, that;s how badly I wanted them. So I was determined to have children. It disappointed me that she wouldn't keep her promise to me, you know? After we got divorced she would hang out with my mother all the time. I have all these letters saying, "I'll give you nine children. I'll do whatever you want," and of course the press don't know all these stories and she just tried for months and months and I just became too hard-hearted at that point. I closed my mind on the whole situation.
SB: 那她是想你回到她身邊?So she thought maybe you could get back together?
MJ: 嗯. Uh huh.
SB: 但是孩子是一個很重要,很重要的事情? But children were a major, major issue?
MJ: 當然. Of course.
SB: 她有小孩子啊. She had the kids and that was it.
MJ: 她是有的,爾我想要一個大家庭,我要更多的.我只是...我夢想的是9個或者10個小孩子.當時的那個不是我想要的.She had hers and I wanted us to feel like we all were one big family and have more. I just....my dream is to have nine or ten children, that's what I want.
SB: 你還很年輕啊, 你覺得這會發生嗎?You're still very young, do you think it will happen?
MJ: 是的. Yeah.
SB: 那意味著要再次結婚. But it means getting married again.
MJ: 是的. Yeah.
SB: 你很樂意這樣? Are you happy to do that?
MJ: 嗯...或者領養. Uh huh...or adopt.
SB: 那是可以的, 麥克爾, 你是因為你是名流爾吸引一些不合適的女孩子. Is it possible Michael, that you're attracting the wrong kind of girl because of your celebrity?
MJ: 很難, 所以這很難, 對我來說很難, 很難. 名人想結婚不容易. It's hard. That's why it's hard. it's hard for me. It is hard. It's not easy for celebrities to be married.
SB: 你認為你只跟名人結婚,因為他們不那么的依賴你嗎? Do you think that you could only really marry celebrities so that they don't need you as much?
MJ: 那是幫助,我認為. 他們會理解你所經歷的, 因為他們也曾經歷過. That helps, in my opinion. And they understand what you go through. They've been there.
SB: 他們有正當的理由幫助你,然后呢? They help you for the right reasons, then?
MJ: 是的,他們不是跟從, 你要知道, 你制作了 [ the money]或者, 你知道? (唱歌) "那就是你..."(他憑此奪得格來美). Yeah, they're not after, you know? What you've made [ the money] or, you know? [singing] "That's what you are...." [ he won a Grammy for that].
SB: 對,對. Right,right. |