发表于 2008-6-26 14:55:23
Shout 吼叫
Ignorance of people purchasing diamonds and necklaces, 人类的愚昧促使他们购买了钻石和项链
And barely able to keep the payments up on their lessons, 却很少去换取知识
And enrolled in a class and don't know who the professor is, 同在一个课堂却不知向谁学习
How low people go for the dough and make a mess of things, 只为赚取金钱而把世界弄糟的人是多么低下
Kids are murdering other kids for the fun of it, 孩子们互相残杀只为取乐
Instead of using their mind or their fist, they put a gun in it 竟用枪来代替思考
Wanna be a part of a clique, don't know who's running it, 想加入帮派却不知是在为谁卖命
Tragedy on top of tragedy you know it's killing me. 悲剧一个比一个惨烈,这实在令人扼腕
So many people in agony, this shouldn't have to be, 那么多人深陷极度苦难之中,这本不该发生
Too busy focusing on ourselves and not His Majesty, 人们都只顾忙自己, 无暇管皇家(译注:"皇家"指社会,国家)
There has to be some type of change for this day and age, 在这个时候这个年代,必须做出不同形式的改变
We gotta rearrange and flip the page, 我们得重整社会翻过这一页
Living encaged like animals and cannibals, 闭塞的活着和同类相残的动物没什么两样
Eating each other alive just to survive the nine to five, 互相倾榨,只为苟且偷生
Every single day is trouble while we struggle and strive 每天挣扎斗争都是磨难
Peace of mind's so hard to find. 内心的平静都难寻
I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout 我要吼,振臂而吼
What's this madness all about 一切怎会如此混乱
All this makes me wanna shout 所有这些令我要吼
You know it makes me wanna shout, 令我要吼
Throw my hands up and shout 振臂而吼
What's this madness all about 一切怎会如此混乱
All this makes me wanna shout, c'mon now 所有这些令我要吼,来吧
Verse 2
Problems, complications and accusations 难题、纠纷、控告
Dividing the nations and races of empty faces 本无分别的脸上却非要划分出国家和种族
A war is taking place. 战争即将爆发
No substitution for restitution, 赔偿代替不了什么
the only solution for peace is increasing the height of your spirituality.升华精神是获得安宁的唯一途径
Masses of minds are shrouded, clouded visions 屏蔽思想, 混沌视听
Deceptions and indecision, no faith or religion, how we're living. 欺骗、犹豫、没有宗教信仰,我们怎样生存?
The clock is ticking, the end is coming, there'll be no warning, 钟表滴答旋转,一切即将结束,警报再不会响起
But we live to see the dawn. 我们生为见到曙光
How can we preach, when all we make this world to be 当我们把世界变成如此,我们怎样说教?
Is a living hell torturing our minds. 这人间地狱折磨我们的精神
We all must unite, to turn darkness to light, 我们必须联合起来,变黑暗为光明
And the love in our hearts will shine. 那么我们内心的爱必将闪耀
Verse 3
We're disconnected from love, we're disrespecting each other 心中缺少了爱,人们粗暴对待彼此
Whatever happened to protecting each other 再不会互相保护
Poisoned your body and your soul for a minute of pleasure,饮鸠止渴只为一时之快
But the damage that you've done is gonna last forever. 但你引起的伤害会持久延续
Babies being born in the world already drug addicted and afflicted, 婴儿降生世界就已沉溺毒品,备受折磨
Family values are contradicted. 家庭价值被看得一文不值
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, 从尘土中来, 归尘土中去(译注:葬礼上牧师致辞中的一句,意指人的一生轮回.)
the pressure is building and I've had enough. 压力越积越沉重,我受够了
[ 本帖最后由 Parisongs 于 2008-6-26 15:03 编辑 ] |